The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, April 26, 1923, Image 2

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Thousands Have Kidney
Trouble and Never
Suspect It
Applicants for Insurance Often
Judging from reports from druggiiti
Who nro constantly in direct touch with
the public, there it one preparation that
has been very successful in overcoming
thcto conditions. The mild nnd healing
infiuenco of Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Hoot it
oon realized. It elands the highest for
its roninrknhlc record of success.
An examining physician for one of the
prominent Life Inurance Companies, in
an interview on the subject, made tho as
tonishing statement that one reason why
o many applicants for insurance are re
jected is because kidney trouble is so
common to the American people, and the
large majority of tliosp whose applications
are declined do not even suspect that they
have the disease. Dr. Kilmer's Swamp
Hoot is on sale at all drug stores in bottles
of two sizes, medium nnd large.
However, if you wish first to test this
great preparation fend ten cents to Dr.
Kilmer & Co., Ulnghamton, N. Y., for
ample bottle. When writing bo sure and
mention this paper. Advertisement.
Wise Ih the clinp who catches on nt
tho proper time unil lets go nt tho
psychological moment.
Instant relief from
without risk
of infection
Stfilyl ou can tnd the pi!n of eorni, la ont
minute. Dr.Scholl'i Zino-pidt Kill do It, (or
lhy remove the MUM-inction-prniure, aotl
heal the Irritation. Thui you avoid Infection
".t? c.u.n four co" ' 'in corroiirs
acidi. Tain; antneptic; waterproof. Sitcifor
corni, callouiei, buniona. Gets boztodartt
jrour drufiiit'a or ahoe dealtr'a.
Mtitin thi Ijloraiorut cf Thi Sthdl
Wt.Co.,mthtti of Dr. Skotri foot
Comfort JppUt mil, Artk Supports, tit.
Put ono on-thepaln is gonot
If you are troubled with pains or
aches; feel tired; have headache,
indigestion, insomnia; painful
passage of urine, you will find
relief by regularly taking
The world's standard remedy for kidnevi
llVCf. Vllflft1... nnA ..! 1 . . "" "
National Remedy of Holland since 169G.
Three sizesall druggists. Guaranteed.
Look for 111 n.m. Gold Medal on erorv
bo and accept no ImllaUloa
Now Is the Time to Get Rid of These
Ugly Spots
There's no longor tho altcliteat need ot
"ling- uJihamed of your freclilra, ai Othlna
-doublo atrength Is uuaranteed to remov
theio homely pot.
Simply get nn aunc of Olhlno from any
drufc-KUt and apply a little ot It night and
momlnc and you should aoon aee that even
the wont frecUIn hao begun to dliappear,
while the lluhter on have vunlshrd en
tirely. It ! seldom that more than an
ounce Is needed to completely clear the
akin and gain a beautiful.'-clear complexion.
Ho aure to njjk for the double-strength
Othlne. iia thla la iiolil under guarantee of
money buck if It falls to remove freckles.
Devious natures In their mlveiitures
are thinking about un ullbl nt tho
same time.
Fresh, sweet, white, dainty clothes
for baby, If you tiso Ited Cross Bull
Blue. Never streaks or Injures them.
All good grocers sell It. Advertise
ment. It's mighty hnrcl to mnkn any hat
look foolish on n pretty girl.
Sure Relief
"' .)
6 Bell-am :
Wz Hot water
dM Sure Relief
Are your horses cough'
Intf or ntrmlntf nt- Vi
nose? If so, give them "SPOHN'S."
A valuable remedy for Coughs,
Colds, Distemper, Influcnia, Pink
Eye and Worms among horses and
mules. An occasional dose "tones"
them up. Sold at all drug stores.
Recent Happenings In Nebraska
Given in Brief Items For
Busy Readers.
Wymote Ih making arrangements for
nn elaborate celebration of July -1.
Theio nie i( 10 mure niitos In Hall
I'oiinly ilian last ,voar. The total reg
istration Is l.'.CO.
Omalia's oldest woman, Mm. William
ItotliM-hlld ccleluated her one-hundred-first
blrthdny last Siinilay.
A Junior Chamber of ('oiiimorcoNiiis
lieen Instituted nl llcatiico with an In
itial membership of llfiy-fie.
Xeligli will celebrate Its fiftieth
iinnlverMtry September 1 1, the last
day of the Antelope county fair.
Brock, a small town In Nemaha
county, has Just organized a volunteer
lire deparliiieni wllb eighteen mem
bers. Fremont's hoiiiecomfcig celebration
In August Is to be rinanced to the ex
tent of $,",000 by Fremont business
Petitions have been circulated at
Kearney 'opposing establishing an nth-
lellc field on the high school grounds
In that place.
It. L. Carrier, while hlusllng in n
ipiarry near I'.rldegpnrt, unearthed the
petrified skull of a man embedded In
the solid rock.
The lower bouse advanced n bill
actepling Victoria Springs, Custer
County, as a girt to the state from the
people of Custer county.
Owen Frank, assistant football
.ouch at the Slate I'nlverslty sustain
ed a crushed cheek hone during spring
practice on the rumpus.
John Hinckley, member of the police
force of Kearney, for the past year,
died or heart failure while sitting in
n chair In his home reading.
Despite much snow and several
heavy rains recently, the .Missouri
river "t Nebraska City Is lower than It
has been In years at this season.
William Kl.sesser dropped dead while
participating In a baseball game with
fellow railway shopmen on the Bur
lington yard field at Wy
mote. Omaha and Kansas City parties
have begun digging a new ol) well
near the location of the obi well at
Bassett on which work was suspended
last winter.
The garage operated by IVter
Houseman at Barneslon was robbed
of tires, tools, and accessories to the
amount of .fiioo. Kntrnnee was gained
by breaking a window.
At the .7. C. Dell & Son sale of
Shorthorn cattle near Bockford, In
(.ago county, a cow and calf brought
Jfl!IO and the average for good cattle
was from $l.-0 to iJUOO per head.
(ieorge .uehlke, farmer residing
near Palmer, was perhaps fatally In
jured as the result or being gored by
a bull, uehlke was assisting with
chores when be was attacked by the
leluus animal.
Boy Scouts are planning on building
a permanent lodge on (ioose Hill near
Nebraska City, in a dump of woods
on a high hill overlooking a beautiful
bend In the Missouri river. Work will
he started yt once.
S. K. Mlchol.son, of (irand Island,
showed rare presence or mind In
swerving his car Just In time to avoid
striking 7 year old Hvnlyn Mnddock,
when she got in front of tho machine
as be turned u corner.
.1. II. Pralher, manager of a de
partment store at Oiuaha, was kid
napped at midnight by a motorist who
offered him a ride, when be was forced
to return to tho store, where the safe
was opened and robbed of about J'-'OO.
Western Nebraska's largest boat,
"King Tut," has ,een launched on
Bronco Lake at Alliance. The boat
was built i Alliance by forniei Sheiifl
Jim Miller, an old. lime hoalmaUer, and
will have a capneity of thirty passmi
wis. Jefferson county coinmlsloneia
nine purchased the five-acre tract!
joining the fair grounds nt Falrhiuy, !
and will const met more buildings for
Us,, at the county fair before the meet
ing which begins this enr on Septeni-1
oer in.
Albert Ballcnger, secretary of the
York county commercial club', has ten
dered his resignation and wilt accept
a similar position at Cherokee la.
Harvey Heath, a former newspaper
man, and well known over Nebraska
Is being mentioned as a possible ap
pointee us custodian of Alitor Lodge,
when It shall pas.s over to the owner,
ship of the slate.
Stnte and county veterinarians are
puzzled over the death of U'tl calves
on the Henry Armbursn ranch in
Sheridan county from a mymeiious
disease. Symptoms of the malady are
evident in other herds.
F. L. Xeely leieutl.x appointed post
master at Wayne, fell dead while
w oi king In Ids garden. Mr. Nccly
had not yet been Imitated inio oft Ice.
Compensation under the Nebraska'
employers' liability law for rs Is
estimated by Labor Commissioner,
Frank Kennedy to bo !fte."i,7fiO.OS, or
an Increase of sl27,So:t over 1022.
The state of Nebraska was the high
est bidder for the .Sl!,71h) worth of
special assessments paving and n
pavlug bonds nnd $10,110 worth of
at the cl.y ,,, Lincoln?"0 0,U,W,,
r-iii-ciiu Jissessincui U0I1I1H for water
Wind Continued for three Days Caus
ing Much Property Loss and
Many Fatalities.
On April l.'I, 1 1 and (", 187.'!, the
famous "Faster storm" swept Ne
braska. The entire western country
was visited by a disturbance which
seemod to have lis path of greatest
Intensity across this state. The wind
blew with terrific force for three days,
causing an immense amount of loss to
live slock and property and the de
struction of a (onsiderablo number of
human lives.
The state was In Its early pioneer
period. Most of the houses were
light, shell like affairs or sod houses,
dugouts or log calilns. The snow was
driven with great force Into these
poorly constructed buildings and
caused more suffering than a similar
storm could at the present time.
The storm extended north Into Da
kota and as far smith us Texas, but
was more seeie In this state than
anywhere else. The wind blew from
00 to 70 miles an hour as closely as
It could be estimated, and many small
structures were destroyed. Nearly all
of the residents of the state bad re
cently uriived, and they sent back
east thrilling accounts of the naturo
and severity of the storm. These
days are therefore the fiftieth anni
versary of the dying down or the fury
of fine of three of the outstanding
meteorological disturbances lu the his
tory of the state. The others were
the blizzard of January I 'J, 1SSS, and
the two days of burning heat on July
2I-U7, IS!) I.
The (Jrand Council of the lna
Arcanum will meet In Oiuaha April ''l
The new Masonic orphanage anil
hospital tit Fremenl will be dedicated
ibis summer.
The new Stadium for the high school
at Lincoln, to cost In the neighborhoo I
of Sl.-.OOO, will probably be completed
early in the rail.
Chester voted four to ono to float
$i!.",000 bonds, with an option of ex
tending the Issue to F.'M.OOO for tho
building of a water system to supply
the town and protect from Hre.
Mrs. Lucreclu T. Crozler. ninety-four
years old, the oldest person lu Webster
county, and a resident of ( Initio Uock
for the past years. Is. dead
at the home of her daughter in that
Faculty members and 120 students
of Donne college, Nebraska Congrega
tional school at Crete pledged $15,000
to the "Oreater 1 inane" campaign for
$500,000 in a rally held in the college
The federal and state aid highway
projects near Pierce are being con
nected with the paved sections of the
town with gravel which Is being done
by co-operatlon between the" county,
commercial club nnd farmers.
Petitions are being circulated and
freely signed by Wymore citizens In
favor of the new high school building.
Opposition Is being encountered In
some quarters but It is considered cer
tain that bonds will be voted and a
new building erected this year.
Joseph Prasek, son of a former
CzechoSlovaklan nobleman, has come
to America to make an intensive study
of agriculture. He will spend a year
on the rami of Senator C. J. Warner
near Waverly anil also study at tho
University of Nebraska agricultural
"Lone Star" Fred Hans, one or the
last or I he Western Indian lighters,
former "two-gun man," and at one
time a Scout for (ieneral Phil Sheri
dan, was killed almost Instantly when
he was caught between two floors In
a passenger elevator in the World
Herald building at Omaha.
Nominating petitions fhed by Boy
M. 1 larrup of Omaha to place tho
name of Henry Ford on the primary
ballot in Nebraska next year as a pro
gressive party candidate for president
of the United States, have been held
lusiilllcleut by Secretary of State
Chillies V. Pool, who found that of
the l.ti'-'l signatures only 7.'IS complied
with the law.
The thirteen Judicial districts of
Nebraska, now comprising McPliersou,
Lincoln. Deuel, Cheyenne, Kimball,
Dawson and Keith counties, will have
two district Judges Instead of one. un
der the prolslons of S. F. No. Sit,
advanced to third reading In the sen
ate. The dlstt let at the .same time
will be enlarged by Arthur ami Banner
from the seventeenth district.
Property that had been In possession
of the same family sixty-seven years,
sold ror the first time last week, When
John Munich bought the Moo residence
and two lots In Fremont from the
Uev. Bex Moe.
With but ery little debate, the sen
ate recommended for passage II. it,
.'IIS which accepts the offer of tho
.Morton heirs to give Aihor I.o.lim. i.
j ealed near Nebraska City and the
home for jears of J. Sterling Morton,
to the state for paik purposes. The
j bill carries a proviso that the amount
j spent for maintenance In no one year
! shall exceed $5,(100.
In the Nebraska spelling test con
ducted by the state unlerslty exten
sion division among '201 high schools,
four colleges and the University of
Nebraska, the highest class average,
HS.Mi per eent, was made by the sen
has in the colleges, and the lowest,
Mi percent, by freshmen In the high
schools. Tho highest general average,
01.7 per cent wns made by the colleges
students of the state university coming
next with an average of Ol.l. inL-ii
"V.WMI 80.27, which
L, S. . ". ' ,w w -
low tho uatlonal average.
(Copy for This Department Supplied by
tho 7 tncrlcnn I.eKlon News Svrvlco.)
Measure Passed at Close of Sixty.
Seventh Congress Benefits Many
Afflicted Soldiers.
The lives of nearly ten thousand
World war veterans will be saved, or
at least prolonged, by the passage of
the Sweet bill Just at the close of the
Sixty-seventh congress, according to
American Legion olllclnls. Tho United
States veterans' bureau has highly
commended the activity of the Ameri
can Legion In bringing this bill to a
vote ut the eleventh hour, though Na
tional Commander Alvln Owsley was
forced to get Into the light himself nnd,
through his organization, Insist on tho
I-assage of the act V
Countless veteniMs afflicted with
eomo form of tuliciculosls have left
(heir homes and nro now wanderers In
Western states In lOpe of seeking out
a cure for the dlseav. Many of these
are destitute and Hie passage ot thu
bill, which permit! u greater leniency
by tho extension C the time In which
disability resulting from service origin
may be termed as entitling tho veteran
to coinpensntloV. one of the benefi
cial results.
Thu provision of the bill, affording
more practical, benellcial protection
for the veterans, are sweeping. Per
haps that feature which struck out of
the former law the word "pulmonary",
po that every veteran may come under
tho extent of the net, Is the most far
reaching. The previous law limited
the veterans' bureau to a consideration
of pulmonary cases alone, and no ex
amination was reipilred, but ofllccrg of
the burenu were permitted to use their
medical knowledge In determining tho
approximate date when the affliction
became active.
In another section of the law tho
time for securing n certificate of disa
bility has been extended to Mnrch 1,
1024. Tho former ruling terminated
Nils period on August 0, 1022. These
trtlllcutes are Incontestable evidence
the service origin of the Injury, ex
cept In cases of fraud, and holders may
receive compensation and hospital
care; or, If the veteran dies, denth
More elastic rulings affecting dis
barred veterans were Included In tho
act. These provide that discharge on
the grounds of "mornl turpitude" nnd
"persistent misconduct" would not tils
bar thQ soldier from receiving compen
sation unless he wns found guilty by
court-martial. A further provision of
this section Is that If an Injury wns In
curred In nn enlistment previous to tho
one during which the veteran was dis
charged, that this would not dlsbnr
him from compensation.
Tho Sweet net also provides that, In
cases where a deceased vetern leaves
lnsullkient funds to pay funeral ex
penses, the government will pay $100,
and an additional $." for tho cost of a
flag with which to drape the casket.
A further provision will keep the bod
ies of many veterans from potters'
fields, for the government will prepare
nnd transport homo or to national
cemeteries the bodies of ex-servleo
men who were receiving government
medical, surgical or hospital treat
ment. The previous method of payment of
Insurance for disability and death only
on death of the veternn 1ms been so
amended that, distend of tho benefi
ciaries being the only ones to receive
tho uehcllts, the veteran will he enti
tled to the payments, on totnl or per
manent disability, If his uncollected
compensation nt the tlmo of the disa
bility was sulllclent to meet past due
Insurance premiums at the time tho
policy elapsed.
ltejectlon Mr reinstatement of In
surance because of a service disability
at the time of application for rein
statement was also so amended as to
permit reconsideration of tho policy.
Eight thousand veterans are believed
to be affected by this provision. Fur
ther protection Is offered those vet
erans who were mentally Incompetent
And whose gunrdlans permitted their
lufiurnnce to lapse whllo the patient
wns rated mentally Incompetent. Poli
cies of this nature are considered un
expired under the new law
Everyday Heroes.
(llelng n few that the War depart
ment missed).
The man who can get Into tho bnth
tub without knocking off tho wire
Tho man who, when tho lower
drawer of the bureau gets stuck, does
not give It a kick.
Tho man who doesn't think thnt he
"stands In" with the garage mechanic
Tho ninn who can sec a frosty pane,
whllo waiting for u train, and not
scratch his Initials on It.
Tho wife who, when there nro fresh
peaches for dinner, does not remind
her husband that peach stains won't
enmo out.
Tho man who does not tell how far
he can hear over his honio-mnde radio
Tho wife who does not remind her
husband how attentive he was before
they were innrrlcd.
The husband who took down the
awnings the first time his wife asked
him to. American Leulon Weekly.
Byracus (N. Y.) Post, Headed by H,
B. Brewster, in Midst of
Strenuous Campaign.
During his World war days, Henry
ft. ItrevvRtcr of Syracuse, N. Y., served
for a time as- member of the penco
commission to asses damages suf
fered by Hunianln from German In
vaders. Ho Is now commander of tho
Syracuse post of the American Legion
and Is leading his comrades In n cam
paign to obtain .'1,000 Lelon members.
Although he was well past the draft
age, Mr. Hrewster began to study
military science one month after war
was declared. lie was commissioned
o captain of eng'neers In July, 1017,
and was sent to Camp Itelvour, Vn
where ho was In charge or a regiment
of engineers engaged in constructing
the camp.
He served overseas with the Sixty
sixth engineers nnd while at St.
' life - ''ft ' I
j Henry B. Brewster. I
Dlzler received an Injury. Later he
served on the peace commission nnd
was attached to the chief engineers
umcu in j ours. Aiujor isrewster re
ceived a citation from General Persh
ing "for 'extraordinary and merlto
rlous service."
Oklahoma Legion Men's Referendum
Results In Large Majority for
Compensation Action.
"They fought not only for the Amer
ican flag and American Institutions
but for every section of land in Okla
homa," Gov. J. C. Walton of Oklaho
ma declared In his Inaugural address,
referring to exvservice men of the
World war.
"There nro sections, of land In Okln
homn that have produced $50,000,000.
I am In favor ot giving these soldiers
the wealth produced by one section of
our land, and I recommend tbnt tho
bonus bill be again submitted to the
people at a special election which It
Is the power of the legislature to do by
Joint resolution."
The state bonus hill advocated by Gov
ernor Walton during the campaign pro
vided $.ri0 a month for ex-service men
for each month of service during the
World war. Although the bill had the
united opposition of all Interests that
would be taxed, nearly 2."),000 more
voted for the measure than against It,
hut It lost by approximately 4,fi00
votes, lacking that number of having
a majority of all votes enst In the
The American Legton of Oklahoma
was neutral, taking no stnnd for or
against the measure. Governor Walton
recommended resubmission of the
Biime bill wiib the elimination of the
tax on oil refineries.
In view of the large favorable vote
cast, the American Legion took n ref
erendum vote of Its membership to see
whether they favored a "reasonable
state adjusted compensation measure."
At a meeting of the department ex
ecutive committee the vote was can
vassed and showed a large majority In
favor of some sort of a state bonus.
Legion Is Co-Operatlng With State In
Planting Memorials to Men
Who Fell In War.
The American Legion Is co-operating
wlUi the stnte of Minnesota in the re
forestation program of the American
Tri'c association to make Minnesota
the "State of Tree-Lined Illghwnys."
More trees than have hitherto ever
been set out by a single state of tho
union were planted In Minnesota dur
ing 1022, hecauso of the work of tho
500 Legion posts In the stnte. In near
ly every Instance the trees were of
black walnut, a species particularly
adapted to southern Minnesota, but
during the present yenr the state for
estry department has made available
other varieties.
Gerald Ilarron, commander of the
American Legion In Minnesota, has Is
sued a bulletin to Legionnaires
throughout the state lu which he asks
continuance of the planting. The
trees nro placed at Intervals of GO feet
on each side of the road, making about
210 to the mile and affording a wel
come relief from glare of the sun nnd
monotony of tho road. No charge la
made for tho trees, and Instructions for
planting have been Issued through the
ofllces of the state forester. Tho days
of planting arc usually made holidays
observed by the Legton posts, the
auxiliary units, boy scout troops, and
chic organizations.
For Infants and Children
In Use For Over 30 Yea ra
Always bears - -
Signature of C&S&7c&C&AC
Girls! Girls!!
Save Your Hair
With Cuticura
Soap 25c, Olnlmtnt 25 and 50e, TaJccm 25c
! Haiir Thin ? SSgSLS
I ialr ItTltallit
the roof, nnd Mops hnlr falling out nil bald
tpoM rililly. Trv III At nil (rood lrupKlta, We,
r direct Irua.UEJJIC-tlXlJ. Ctmitb. H.mUi. Ten.
i A pedestrian Is a chap who tries to
' Interfere with the progress of an auto
Is often caused by an inflamed condition
S.f wU,e njucous Itnlnjr of tho Eustachian
Tubo. When this tube Is Inflamed you
have- a rumbling sound or Imported
ticarlnr. unless tho Inflammation can
toe reduced, your bearing may bo de
etroyed forever.
no what wo claim for It rid your Bystetn
or Catarrh or Deafness caused by
has been successful In the treatment ot
Catarrh for over Forty Tears.
Sold ty alt druggists.
F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, O.
It Is better to have
than a cabbage head.
a turnup noso
J,?Tiore hul
&e$ 7Tlore
Try a pipeful
or two direct
from the factory
Not that it will bo any better than
the Edgoworth you buy in a store, but
we want you to have your first Edge-'
worth smoke at our expense.
You may repay us by finding that
Edgeworth just suits your taate. And
if it doesn't for there are some few
. men to whom Edgeworth is not just
the thing there's no harm done.
Wo are glad enough to send free
Bamples in the same spirit that we'd
hand you our pouch if circumstances
permitted. We wish it were possible
to rave you oven tho little trouble of
writing for Edgeworth.
Edgeworth is a likable smoke. Men
who have tried it and found it to bo
the right tobacco for them never
think of smoking other tobaccos.
They'll tell you there are many good
tobaccos and there are. And when
you offer them your pouch with
"stranger" tobacco in it, they may
use up a pipeful just to be friendly.
But notice how quickly they get
back to their beloved EdgeworthI
Day after day Edgeworth fans write
to us. They tell ua human little
stories, friendly anecdotes centering
around Edgeworth. Often it is tho
number of years they have smoked
Edgeworth that prompted them to
Knowing how hard it is for the aver
age man to write lottery, we consider
these unsolicited
messages the great
est tribute to Edge
worth we could
possibly have
greater eventhan
It gives tho busi
ness of making
tobacco a pleas
ure that runs
through, tho
whole gamut
from factory ex
ecutive to tho
smoker in the backwoods.
If you have never tried Edgeworth,
let us repeat our offer, "Try a pipeful
or two direct from tho factory.". All
you have to do i3 to writo "Let me try
n pipeful or two" on a po3tcard, sign
your name and address and send the
postcard to us. The address is Larua
& Brother Co., 80 South 21st Street,
Richmond, Va. If you want to add
tho name of your tobacco dealer, we'll
make sure that he ha3 Edgeworth in
To Retail Tobacco Merchants : It
your jobber cannot supply you with
Edgeworth, Larus & Brother Com
pany will gladly send you prepaid by
parcel post a one- or two-dozen carton
of any size of Edgeworth Plug Slice or
Ready-Rubbed for the same price you
would pay the jobber.
W. N. U., LINCOLN, NO. 16-1923.