RED CLOUD. NEBRASKA, CHIEF The - CHAPTER XXV Continued. 12 "By nil mentis, Inspector," Bald Ber tram! yawning. "I inn a more nmnteur. All caves look nllku to me.' Mind the briars; tlioy prick most accursedly." Arkwrlght's Inspection of tlio cave was brie "It In cfnpty, hut the place has been used, and recently," ho reported. "StrnnKo they slmutil not luivo chosen It; It l the host hiding plncu In the pit." "Perhaps they only recently (Uncov ered this deslrahlo residence, and were nhout to Hhlft their iUiirters," suggest ed de Jubsiic. "No douht, If a few watchful policemen ambush themselves elllclently during the dark hours, they will catch tho amiable consort of Hint cutthroat yonder. One hopes so. It Is pnlnful to the law-abiding to know that malefactors are at law. Particularly when they are .females." Inspector Arkwrlght looked nt lilm dubiously, and made no reply. Billy, also, when tho two rejoined him, eyed do Jussiic with extreme thoughtful ness, and had some dltlkulty In sup pressing his emotion. Ho was still mounting guard over Jake, who luy upon his Improvised Bfretelmr and gazed up nt the sky with a singularly bent I lie smile. Do Jussnc offered him n cigarette, which he accepted Bllently. "I think," suld Inspector Arkwrlght, "I'll call on you two gentlemen to as Blst me and we'll get lilirt out of this. I want the place cleared." It was not an easy mutter to carry the gate and Its burden out of tho pits. Ily the time they hnd achieved It, the car arrived from Jervniilz and wound Its way over tho flat turf. Jake was lifted Into It. "I must trouble yon to nccompany tue, Mr. Spencer," said Arkwrlght. "Anything to oblige tho police," said llllly, squeezing himself Into tho front of the ear. It was a tight lit. The Journey to Stanhoo was made iilmost In silence. When the car ar rived at the police station Jake was duly disposed of, while Hilly cooled bis heels In a dingy waiting room that hnd been whitewashed some time during the period when Sir Hobert Heel was reorganizing the force. Presently In Bpector Arkwrlght Joined him. The In spector closed the door, and regarded Hilly with a sphinx-like but faintly humorous eye. I "I think, Mr. Spencer," he said quietly, "that you liuvo no very high opinion of my Intelligence?" "Wrong there," Bald Hilly, politely. "I don't know tbnt I'd class tho Stnn hoo staff with tho world's great think ers. Hut I've heard u lot about Scot land Yard, and, If I may say so, you como fully up to sample." "There Is no harm now In my telllug you that I know precisely what your movements have been, .Mr. Spencer. I know that It was you, nnd not tho pris oner, who stayed at Ivy cottage as the tenant of Mrs. Sunning. I know that pour companion, at the same time, Hayed next door. I have also a fairly iiecurute comprehension of the rensons kvhlch led j on to accept temporary cm iiloyment In the Jervaulx abbey houso hold, I did not, till mm, know who you were. Hut the papers you gave me establish your Identity. And that makes all tho difference." Hilly was silent. 'I am, you see, In possession of the Tacts." 'There's one recent fact," thought Hilly, "that you're not wise to." "Your affairs, Mr. Spencer, though pomcwhnt complicated, do not call for the Intervention of the police," said Arkwrlght, with the ghost of a smile, "and no olllclal cognizance will bo taken of that matter; unless something -unforeseen occurs. I urn a thief hunter mid not a castlgator of rash young men. What I know, I shall, doubtless, keep to myself." Hilly felt an enormous senso of re lief, combined with a sharp twinge of conscience. "The Irresponsible coiiplu who en sconced themselves nt Ivy cottage," tnh Arkwrlght, with a dry smile, "made a good denl of trouble for themselves," "Inspector," said Hilly, "did you ever do a fool thing?" Inspector Arkwrlght twinkled. "A good ninny, when I was your age. inn, sometimes, even now. Ilowever. wish you good fortune. I nm not un- jrateful to you for your shuro In the running to earth of Mr. .Tako. It Is the luty of the civilian to nsslst the police. Hie woman will still bo brought to book. And I shnll call on your formi dable employer before I leave. Good-by, Mr. Spencer." Hilly walked out of Stanhoo police Motion and mnde his wny back to the abbey on foot. "Gee I" ho said pensively. "Hut that ast stunt was awful dangerous! Of course, I see well enough whnt hap pened. Hut It wns Just a lucky acci dent neither Almeo nor that blamed nuisance of n woman was seen getting nwny. Tho luckiest sort of accident. Inspector Arkwrlght Isn't tho fool I look him for, by n long wny. I wonder how mv,ch bo knows? nut ho can't know that." He shook his shoulders. "It enmo nenr being n real crash JuBt when everything hnd come right. Jt put the wind up me woreo than any thing yet. Hut thero's nothing to be beared at now." Despite tho excellent turn affairs flaa tnucn, wuys mind was troubling lila. IIo had the air of a Bmall boy whoae raid on the Jam cupboard Is p&out to be discovered. Whoa he ar- Joy of Livin By Sidney Gowing Illustrations by Ellsworth Young Copyright 1923 by rived nt the abbey there- was no sign of hla partner. After lingering for some time near the most likely haunts, Hilly sighed and retreated to the garage. Ilo had not been there long when Almeo's face appeared furtively round the angle of the door. "Hello 1" Bhe said, stepping Inside. She halted, and they looked nt ench other dubiously. Almee was decidedly pale, her eyes pathetic nnd rather frightened. "I couldn't help It, Hilly 1" she Said suddenly. "Couldn't help what?" "You saw us getting nwny, didn't you? And the girl nnd tho Sphinx? Has Monsieur de Jussuc explained to you?" "I haven't Been him," said Billy, quietly, "but I guess It Isn't hard to see how things were. You might us well tell me, though." Almee, very gloomily, dcBcrlbed her encounter with Calamity Kate. "I know," she concluded, shakily, "you're thinking mo nn Idiot. I'd no right to tnko such a risk with the po lice there and everything. I I sup poso she's n thief. Hut she's done such n lot for that man, and she wns so mis erable. He's hrr husband. And I couldn't help thinking ubout you and mo, Hilly, and how I should feel If you you " She broke down and began to cry quietly. "That's how It was. Are you very ungry with me?" ' Hilly gasped nnd, stepping quickly to !.SHT as& Billy Pulled Almec's Hands Away. her, pulled Almee's hands uwny from her face. "Angry with you?" he exclaimed, holding them tight. "I wns ufrald you'd be mad with met You ought to. Why, I did the same thing, and I'd no ex cuse! I ought to hnvo mado sure that woman was run In." "You did the same thing?" said Almee, staring. "Yes! Of course, I never dreamed you were in tho pits, or I wouldn't have done It. That crippled crook in the cae got over me. They've got 1 1 1 tit for the or ten years; nnd he's earned It. Hut be was all broken up about his wife. Neither of them deserve n scrap'! or sympathy. Hut the poor devil wns In such a state, that somehow I fell for It. He never whined on his own ac count; ho was thinking of his wife. It got me on n raw spot. He knew I must hnvo tracked him through her ho begged me to say nothing nhout her. "And I didn't. I gave him that much rope. Never told the police I'd seen her close by. ltunnlng down women Is their Job. If It's got to bo done, let them do It. They haven't any choice but I bad. All the Bnme," said Hilly, "If I'd dreamed for a moment you were In tho pits, I'd hnvo chased fifty femnle thieves sooner thnn you should tnke n chancel I ought to ho horsewhipped for rlskln' It." "I think it was fine of you, Hilly I" cried Almee with sparkling eyes. "No!" he said. "It's you that were fine." "This," said Almee, "Is what conies of growing sentlmentnl. Neither of us would hnvo dreamed of making such such fools of ourselves n week ago. What will becom of her? Will she get away?" "I don't know or enro. If she made the road, there's Juice enough In tho Sphinx to tnke her n hundred miles from here. I only lpo thoy don't find her with tho machine. Hut I'll bet they don't. She'll get clear and cover her tracks she's the sort that docs." "Hut tho Sphinx," snld Almee, with Intenso remorse, "our Sphinx, nillyi I've lost her for you 1" nilly laughed. "Wo'll mighty Boon hnvo another there's two husdred landed nt the docks last week samo model; nnd n factory being equipped to build the now model over hero. Mass production." "What I You never told me It hnd im nrrarMv -- Sidney Cowing got ns far as that I But I wanted the old one, Hilly our Sphinx." "Muybo yoti'll hnvo her yet. Only t'tn not going to let her make trouble for you. We're pretty near dono with trouble." "Hut how" "Never mind. I'll tell you Bome time. Gee I how you'll laugh I Hut I'm giv ing you the cinch It is bo." "Hilly I" Bhe cried, "Isn't that splen did I Though I I" "Well?" "I haven't been worrying bo much nhout It lately," Bald Almeo swiftly. "But it's good to know. And what's going to happen now?" "I know one thing that's going to happen now," suld Hilly, and he kissed her with ns de Jussnc would Bay empressement. "Billy 1" suld Almeo a little breath lessly. "Aunt said wo hnd to bo decorous I" "So we nrc," replied Billy. IIo klBsed her ugaln. Half an hour later Billy, passing the main porch, encountered Ludy Ery then. 'Spencer," she said, "I wns nbout to send for you. Tho person from Scot land Yurd, who hns Just left, Informed me that he had not only cuptured one of the thieves, but that you had ren dered him Invaluable assistance. It really seems n remarkable ending to the affair but It docs not surprise me In tho least 1 I suld from the first that you wero more likely to mnke a suc cess of this problem thnn all tho po lice In the country, If they would only consult you. I was perfectly right my Judgment, In fuct, Is never wrong." "Yes, my lady." "I um quite cupable of reading be tween the lines," said Lady Erythea with suppressed triumph. "It Is my conviction that tho capture of this ubomlnublc thief wns due entirely to you. The pollco are Imbeciles." Billy shook his head. "On tho contrary, Inspector Ark wrlght Is nn uncommonly clever man, my Indy," he said respectfully. "As for me, I had luck. Luck's a queer thing, liven cleverness won't always beat It." Lady Erythca looked a little out of her depth. "In any enso," she continued, "I nm very pleased that tills nbsurd suspicion of the police regarding you Is cleared up', and that you come out of tho affair with such credit. It confirms my opin ion of you." Lady Erythca contemplated Billy's tall figure nnd serenely handsome face with a certain regret. "I inn sorry," she snld, "tbnt you nre leaving Jervnulx." Hilly smiled. "The week I hnvc spent In your lady ship's service," he snld gently, "has been the happiest time of my life." Lady Erythca was not given to ex pressing her emotions. But her ous ters faco positively tinged a fulnt pink color with pleasure. CHAPTER XXVI "Where Is My Daughter?" "Why can't wo stny on for unother week, Hilly?'' Bald Almee, lennlng n llttlo farther out of the study window, duster In hand. "Qo to Aunt the Missus, I inenn nnd nsk her to let you keep the Job. She'll Jump nt It." "Nothing doing!" suld Hilly sternly. Almee sighed. Tho hour wns nearly noon on the day following tho Odyssey of the erng pits. No news hnd been heard of Calamity Kate, who appeared to have drifted out of history on the Sphinx. A brief Interval of pence bud settled .ipon Jervaulx. "There'll be n vacancy for n pnrlor mnld nn chauffeur," announced Billy with decision. IIo wns standing on the gravel just outside tho window. "All tho bother with the pollco Is wiped off the slate. It's only a fool tbnt backs his luck too far. And It's time to quit tho gnme and turn tho lights out." "That means Aunt has got to know who I nm, und who Georglo is; and nnd all the rest of It." "Thero's no wny out of that, I'm ufrald." "I know. But I do rather funk It, Billy. The worst If It Is poor old Georglo Is In n tighter place than I am." "We'll hnvo to see her through It." "Don't you think," snld Almee, dis tinctly worried, "that It would boniest If Georglnn arranged to cut short her visit nnd went home und Amy Snooks gave notice, or Just cleared out. You as well. Then we we could explain It all by letter, or something. I think It would look bettor that way." Billy looked at her a little oddly. I om In n funk, Hilly," said Almeo, trembling slightly. "I don't euro for myself, but It's nwful to think of poor Georglo having the BUirm break on her. She isn't built for it. I believe If tho thing Isn't sprung on us suddenly, nnd we minngo It nt the right time, we wo might get nwny with It." "Itlglu again," suld Billy, "hut I shan't go. I shall stay nnd put It through myself." "No 1" sold Almee quickly. "I won't hear of that." "You Just leave It to me," said Billy, soothingly, "there's another way. I'll I show you " Tho whirr of n motor Interrupted him. A largo automobile was ap proaching up tho park road. Almee looked at It. Such an expression of horror rnmo over her features that Hilly was stnrtlcd. "What's the matter?" "That's nbsilutcly torn It I" snld Almee In strangled tones. "Eh I" "It's Dad I" Almeo dived bnck Into the room like a rabbit retreating Into Its burrow. The automobile swept up to the main entrance; tho Very Reverend Lord Scroope descended. "Is Lady Ery then In?" he snld, al most curtly, to the butler. "Announce mo nt once, please. Lord Scroopo." Mr. Tarbenux showed him Into the empty drawing- room. Lord Scroopo deposited his lint among a cluster of Dresden ornnments. Ills brow, usually white and serene ns alabaster, was clouded. Lady Erythca entered ma jestically. "Anthony I" she snld. Lord Scroopo, omitting any greeting, regarded her fixedly. "I received your letter by last night's post, Erythen, announcing Almee's en gagement to Alexander. I borrowed tho bishop's car, and I have been trav eling from Closomlnster slnco seven this morning." Lady Erythen received the news with a smile of approval. "The Billy child wished me to delay announcing her betrothal. But that, of course, I could not consent to. I wrote to you nt once. Anthony. I commend the energy yot: have shown In hasten ing to congrntulnte them nnd me. One so seldom sees you In n hurry." Lord Scroope deliberately placed a pnlr of gold-rlmmed pince-nez on his nose nnd stnrod nt his sister-in-law. "The news of this engagement," he snld earnestly, "Is uuwelcome to me. Entirely unwelcome." Lady Erythca stiffened In every limb. Her enr-trumpot wns presented In ono hand; with the other she raised her lorgnettes and directed them nt Lord Regarded Each Other Glassily. Scroope. Tho two regarded each other glassily. "I do not understand you," said Lady Erythen with frigidity. "Alexander Is a young man of unexceptionable char acter nnd prospects. Jervaulx will be his. Tho Scroope estate Is entailed, nnd I am sufficiently au fait with your af fairs to know that when your two sons In the Service are provided for there will be no overpowering fortune left for Almee. It appears that If there Is any complaint, it should coino from me." "The flnnnclnl aspect of tho question docs not weigh with me," suld Lord Scroope with urpeiity. "I object to the match itself. If Alexander Is to marry nt nil " "If he Is to mnrry 1" Interrupted Lndy Erythca warmly. "Of course he Is to murry. Though I confess I wns very much afraid ho never would. Permit me to tell you, Anthony, tbnt In hiking up this attitude an to the marrlngo of priests, you stand on n very slinky foundation. You yourself are a Clerk In Orders, and un extreme Ritualist. Shnll I remind you that If you had not mnrrled Dellclu nnd an excellent thing It was for you this situation would never hnvo arisen I" "I am not conscious of hnvlng ex pressed any siieh argument," said Lord Scroope very stiffly, but with n certain plnkness nbout tho ears. "As for Alex ander, he Is In every way nn excellent young mini. But If he Is to marry, the last thing I should hnvo desired Is his nlllanco with my daughter. Their tem peraments are so opposed that I nm convinced nothing but unhnpplness J. could result In fact, your news seemed to me nlmost Incredible. I do not know what to do tho position Is very til Ill cult for me, If the ctUld has really be come attached to him," concluded Lord Scroope, with visible distress. "Good gracious, mnn, what did you expect?" exclaimed his slster-In-law. "It never entered my head," Bald Lord Scroopo, emphatically. "I thought that your Influence, and that of Alex ander, would huvo a steadying effect on Almee, who wns In somo need of It. But tills l" Lndy Erythca allowed Increasing ex nsperutlon. liriiiiiiiiuii in n in in i in "Vou are tulklng rubbish!" she ex f claimed, sharply. "Of all tho girls t known to me, no more Bultnblo mate could bo found for Alexander. Indeed, during her sojourn hero Almee hns en deared herself to me scarcely less than to him. Her piety, her quiet devotion tho complete nbsence In her of nil slnnglness nil these spenk eloquently In her favor." Lord Scroopo gazed nt her In bewil derment. "I really do not follow you, Erythen. And I am greatly disappointed," said Lord Scroopo heavily, "greatly disap pointed. I did not foresee this." "I nm not responsible, my denr Anthony, for your lack of foresight," Bald bis slster-In-law, acidly. A shndow darkened the window, nnd she turned. "But your daughter can answer for her self." Georglna stepped In through the open window, followed by Mr. Lambc. Suddenly observing Lord Scroopo Bhe halted nnd beenmo rigid. Every scrnp of color left her cheeks. Alexander halted nlso, and slowly turned a deep plum color. "Since It Is n fait accompli," snld Lndy Erythca to her brother-ln-lnw, almost with ntouch of pleading, "be nmluble, Anthony, nnd bestow your blessing on the hnppy pair." She raised her ear-trumpet ns though to Bharc In the benediction. Lord Scroope looked nt Georglnn dumbly nnd then stared at Lady Erythca. "What did you sny?" ho asked diz zily. "The happy pair!" snld Lady Ery thca, loudly and Irritably. "Where Is my daughter?" exclaimed Lord Scroopo with consternntlon. "Ery then, where la my dnughter?" Lady Erythca started. She glanced at Georgian's horror-stricken fuce, and then, with deep concern, moved to her brother-ln-lnw's side. "My dear Anthony," she said In n low voice, "como upstnlrs nnd lie down. It will soon pass off. Do not bo alarmed, Almee. Lean on my arm, Anthony." Lord Scroope shook himself free. "Are you In your senses, Erythca? This Is my niece by marriage Geor glnu Berncrs. What Is she doing hero?" "Y-yes," gulped Alexander's llnncee. "I'm Georglnn. I couldn't help It." Sho collapsed Into nn armchair nnd burst Into tears. Alexander stood over her llko a largo and protective dog ; he laid a hand on her shoulder nnd glured ut tho others with defiance. Lady Erythca turned pale. It wns disconcerting to find two members of tho Scroopo fnmlly simultaneously smitten with Insanity. "Where Is Almee?" insisted Lord Scroope, turning upon her. "Where Is my daughter?" "Dad 1" The disheveled pnrlor mnld darted In through the door. Almee's cap was awry, her face was pale, her eyes very bright; tho top of her apron henved tumultously. Sho stopped short, us Lady Erythca glared speechless nt this Irruption. "Don't cry, Georgle," 6ald Almee ; "It wnsn't your fnult." "Hnvo I been transported Into Bed lam?" nsked Lord Scroope, dizzily. "Or nro you rehearsing n charade? What Is she doing In this costume?" Ludy Erythca struggled for breath. "This," sho said grimly, "Is my par lor maid, Snooks, whom I foolishly en gaged on your recommendation. She has engnged herself a;aln, however, Jo my chauffeur." Lord Scroope looked at his slster-In-law with commiseration. ."This," ho said, In the soothing tone, with which one would nddress a de lirious person, "Is my daughter, Almee. I um rather glad to find her In any costume. I began to wonder what you had dono with her." Lady Erythca's frame slowly stiff ened. Her fingers clenched the ear trumpet as though It were tho handle of n club. Her eyes were terrible. He fore the storm could break, Almee in tervened. "It wnsn't Aunt's fault, Dad," she said breathlessly, "nor Georgle's nor Alexander's. It was all mine. And If you nil want to bent somebody, It had better be me! I I'm here to explain!" "Some explanation," said Lord Scroope quietly, "seems to bo culled for." Almee, nvoldlng her aunt's eyes, ad dressed herself to the quivering ear trumpet. "I didn't want to come here. Dad mnde mo. I wns frightened of you. Anyway, I didn't think Jervaulx would suit me, and that you'd hate me. So I skipped the car nt Burn Ash," said Almee, her speech pouring from her like a torrent, "and made the chauffeur bring Georglnn on here. And I went off on my own 1 "Georglnn arrived here, nnd you took her for me. You Insisted sho wns me. And she didn't dnro ecplnln, for feur of getting mo Into n row. That's what Georglo Is! Slus can't lie she enn't even net but she'd let you cut her In pieces before she'd get mo Into trouble! "I got here tho samo night, nnd climbed Into her room. And Georgle begged mo to own up, nnd I wouldn't. And I came the next night; Georgle wiiB ready to glvo It all nwny and then tho burglars got in. I wns nearly caught, all tho household chiiKcd me, tho butler toro n great piece out of my skirt. But I got nwny, nnd nt InMt right down by the crossronda, I ran Into 1111 Mr. Speifcor." Almee paused for breath. "Who," Inquired Lord Scroope, In the hush that followed, "Is Mr. Spencer?" "A motorcyclist, ne hnd come across the thieves getting away, had a fight with them they wero too mnny for blra, but ho got back somo of tho Jow els. I told him tho awful moss I was In. Of course, tho pollco were nfter mc I'd seen their car already. If they got hold of me, they'd know tlm the silly thing I'd done," untd Almeo wlrn a gulp. "It would come out that I was your dnughter It would be all owr the country, and n all tho newspapers 1" Lord Scroope, very pale, drew n deep breath, nnd gave a prolonged shudder. "B Mr. Spencer told mo I'd got to go bnck and make n clean breast of It all. Ho wanted to tell you. But I didn't dnro. I refused to let him sny any thing I made him swenr he wouldn't, It wns my trouble, not his. So ho did whnt I naked; even though It meant the police would suspect him, too. So bo took the Jewels to Aunt Erythen, nnd never said n word nhout me; nmj when she offered him the Job ns clmuft four he took It; bo thnt tho police wouldn't suspect him or mo! He cume hero and drove Aunt's carsl" "And you?" sold her father quietly, "What happened to you?" "I went buck to Scroope next day. J found Amy Snooks wns coming hero tin mnld I mndo her go to Senbrldge, nnd took her place, Dad. Just to bo &nfo from thoso beastly police In the hope they'd catch the thieves, If wo gave them time nnd then they wouldn't catch mo nnd mnko mo explain. And It's Just what happened; Billy Mr, Spencer caught one of them yester day, and the pollco have got him. No body knows anything about me, except you hero I" Almee pnntcd like n deer at bay. "And Billy's npked mo to mnrry hlih, nnd I'm going to t" she said desperate ly. "I love him I There's nobody llk Billy bo's been splendid I He Isn't n chauffeur nt nil till Aunt made him one. And I'd mnrry him, even If ho was I" declared Almee, on tho verge of tenra. There was a stunned silence. For once speech denied Itself even to Lndy Erythen. Georgian wns sobbing gently In the chulr. Alexnnder still stood over her and said nothing. "I seem to find a thread of enlighten ment In this story," suld Lord Scrape, ulowiy. "Yes, I think I know enough of you, Almee, to understand. I have a question to put. You came here on the day following the burglary. Where did you spend the previous night? Whnt wero you doing?" "I was In a cave i" Lord Scroopo passed n long whlto bund ncross his brow. "A envo?" he repeated, blankly. "Ycu have reverted, It seems, to the customs of our Neolithic ancestors " "It wns a ripping cave," snld Almee n little hysterically, "down In tho crag pits. All the little rabbits for company. It wns more peaceful than Jcrvuulx. I know It wouldn't have suited Georgle." "May I ask when this unknown young mnn permitted himself to pro pose to you?" "Yesterday !" "We will not pursue that matter," said Lord Scroope, gloomily; "thta hardly seems the time or place for de tailed explanations. I feel " The door opened nnd Monsieur de Jussnc entered. He gnve a slight start us his eyes traveled rapidly over tho group. "A thousand pnrdonsl A family inntter, I perceive," ho said quickly, "I will withdraw" "Don't go, Vlcomtel" exclaimed Almee. "Anyono who's n friend of mlno Is welcome here. You may ns well be In at the death." "If I can be of any service " said Bortrnnd. IIo bowed courteously to Almeo's fnthei.. "Lord Scroope, I pre sume." "You," said Lady Erythca to Ber tram!, trembling with wrirth, "wero "You Were Also In This Conspiracy." nlso In this conspiracy I You appear to know tho whole story !" "Oh, of course he knows It," said Almee, wildly, "Just as Billy knew It, nnd Georglna, nnd Dlnnn, too. They all did their best for me right from tho beginning. I wnsn't worth Itbut they did." "It seems," snld Lady Erythca, grip ping tho back of a chair, "that every ouo In my household knew nil nbout this except myself nnd my nephew 1 Who, through his position nnd his Inno cence, now finds himself " "I bog your pardon, Aunt," snld Al exander, pnllld but calm, "I, also, knew everything thnt was to bo known from tho moment Almee entered this house. I know thnt Georglna was Georglnn. I nm hb culpable as nny." (TO DH CONTINUED.) Imagination and Memory. Imagination is not, llko memory, held to uctunl experience. It takes the mind beyond Its own experience, be yond the present and apparent. It Idealize,