RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA, CHIEF A ( If m i t M AS TOLD TO US L. B. Thomas of Marion, is visiting Mrs. L. V. Pegg And other relatives. Ebba Gregersen spent the weekend with her parents nt Mindcn. Mrs. J. T. Saladen went to Hast ings Tuesday morning to spend the day. Mis. W. J. Linn was a passenger to Superior Tuesday ntnning on tra'n 16. Mis. Marsh and son Lawrence were up from Guide Rack Wednesday afternoon. Lew Etherton of Republican City spent the weekend here with rela tives and friends. Flay Fearn went to Havelock last ' week where he has taken a position in the -B. & M. machine shops. The Farmers' Union is rearranging their crenm station so as to have more light and room for the tester. Mrs. P. A. Jernberg and daughter, Hiss El.sie, went to Hastings Thurs day nurning to spend the day. L. H. Rc'her went to Kansas City Tuesday morning to spend a few days attending to business matters. Mrs. Minnie Throckmorton went to "Waco, Wednesday morning on train 4 after spending the vast few days bere Mrs. Grace Wolfe went to Hast ings Tuesday morning on train 4 to spend the day visiting with friends. Tbe I. O. 0. F. lodge has sowed the:r lots to blue grass, which will improve the appearance of the lots very much. Mrs. H. It. Childress nnd children and Mrs. Georgia Walker drove to Hastings Wednesday morning to spend the day. John Edwards and Carl McAithur departed Tuesday morning via auto route for Detroit, Michigan, where they will work. Lee MoArthur went to Kansas City Tuesday morning in chaige of the .stock sliipped from here to the Kan sas Citv market. The 1. T. Amack Undertaking Co , received woid Monday thatihe'r new Dodge hears-e was shipped from the factory, April l!3th. Mrs. J. F. Edwards and children departed Sunday morning for Clar ence, Missouri, where they will visit relatives for a short time. S. R. Florence returned home Mon day night from Lewihtown, Idaho and Spokane, Washington, where ho spent n couple of week". Mrs. Alice Tatroe arrived home Monday evening from Lincoln where she has bqen spend'ng the past few weeks visiting with friends. There were three cars of cattle, two cars of hogs and one car of hogs and cattle mixed, shipped from heie to Kansas City Tuesday nioining. The fiic department was called to the Dr. Wilson home Friday after noon to extinguish a blaze caused by an overheated stove in the basement. Mrs. R. M. King returned to her home at Lincoln Thursday morning on train 4 after spending the past few days heie vis'ting-with relatives. The Johnson & Graham Furniture (jo., delivered a truck load of furni ture to Mr. and Mrs. Stanser Amack at Selden, Kansas, the first of the week. Mr. and Mrs. Al fijodwin came down from Grand Islhnd Saturday evening, they being called heie by the nines? of her mother, Mrs. V. H. Walters. Miss Hallio Summers returned home Monday evening on tra'n 11 from Hastings where she has been spending the past few days visiting with friends. Mrs. Eva Ihitler went to Guide Rock Thursday morning on train 10 to spend the day attending to busi ness matters, returning home on No. 17 that evening. E. D. Uailing ai rived hero Tuenday afternoon with his carload of house hold effects from Rapid City, South Dakota," he and his family intending to makhj.future homo in this cit The ro.vl sins were put up the ln-t of tin week by CIihs Ilurrett 1'or Sulv or Itt-ut the Mrs A. A. Pope piopuriy.- ( V. Hutchison Mr- Charles "Ailes w.-.s a pavenge; to Ch'cagj Saturday morning on No. i. N C. H. Darling was a passenger to Canon City, Colorado, Satutduy morn ing on N. 15. Mr. arid Mrs. d'ihllip Quails weie passengers to Omaha Monday morn ing on train 4. County Highway Commissioner Geo H. Ovcring w.cnt to Blue Hill on Xo. 1 Saturday morning. - L. L. Yost went to McGook Sntur day evening on No. 17, returning home on No. 16 Monday. M'ss Ruby of Orleans is here visit ing for a few days at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. S. L. Thomas. FOB SALE Cabbage, Tomato and Onion Plants, r.oo 7fic; or.c: lots 7?io per 1,000 Kinscy Plant Co. Valdosta, Oa. Wc are now preptred to give reason, able terms on both Now and Used Cars payable monthly or in a lump sum. Oglevle Bros E. B. Bennett returned home Sat urday from Chicago where he spent a few davs attending to business mat ters. Trainmaster .1. M. Oldham of Mc Cook spent a few hours in tin's city Monday attending to matters in con nection with his work. Cec'l Barrett went to Superior Sat urday morning on No. 14 to take a position offered him in the offices of the cement plant at that place. v C. M. Funk returned to his home at Superior Monday morning after spending a couple of days here visit ing at the home of Mrs. H. Hummel. Miss Anne Ranney arrived here Saturday evening from Hastings for a couple of days visit with her par ents Judge and Mrs. A. D. Ranney. Mis. Fordice arrived here Monday morning from Republican, where she lias been visiting for the past few days at the James 'Tannunry home. Two hundred and one cai loads of stock from points west of her pass ed through Sunday miming for the Missouri river markets. They were handled in four trains. Omar Wolfe came down on No. 10 Sunday morning fiom McCook, where he is woiking for the Burlington to spend the day with friends, returning to McCook on No. 17 that evening. Mr. and Mis. Chas Sutton and chil dicn left for Nebraska City Wednes day morning where they will make their future home, he huing taken a posit'on in the Builinglon r madhouse there. Mr. and Mrs. Garrett Conantc, nee Luucillc Harwoid, arrived hc:e Thurs day afternoon from their home in Omaha to spend a few days visiting at the home of her grandmother Mis. V. Hnrwood and with friends. Fred Temple went to Uostwick Wed tiesdny morn'ng on train 1C to spend the day attending to business mat ters before returning to his home in Kansas City. He has been spending the past few days here with friends. Mis. Pete Nelson left for Parj-ons, Kansas, Friday morning, after spend ing the past cuiple of weeks here visiting at the homo of hor son, Ray Nelson. She intends, spending a couple of month1! visiting in Parsons with hor son. Mr. anil Mrs. Garrett Conantc auto od to Hastings Tuesday and took ti train from there to Omaha, where thoy live. They have been visiting for the past few days at the liome of her grandmother, Mrs. V. Harwood and with other relatives. The picture "The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse," which wai shown at the Auditorium the first of the week, drcwt large crowds each night and was an exceptionally good picture anil the music by the orchestra was well worth the price of admission., Irwin Cleveland nnd Mrs. South both of ncalrice, weie arrested last Wednc.-day evening by Sheriff Wal ler. The latter was released while the former plead guilty to the charge of adultery before Judge Rlackledgn and was sentenced to serve thirty days in ja'l At, hard labor. -. Mr. and Mrs. ITlias. Hansen and on, Clyde, were pa .spngers to Hast ings Saturday morning on No. -1 they going there t have the boy's injured eye given further medical attention. Mr. and Mrs. Kllcry Hooper nnd baby are he c visiting for a Tew days at the home of Mrs. Cilara Smith. Mr. Hooper hurt his hand while work ing 'n the cement plant at Superior making it necessary that he take a few days off. Don Fulton went ti L'ncoln Satur day morning to resume hi work as mail clerk between there and Billings Montana, after spending the pat two weeks here visiting with his sis tcr, Mrs EaM Hall and with other lelativcs. Chas. Sutt n arrived heie Sntur day from Nebraska City where he has been working as machinist for the Buil'ngton for the past few months. He is packing his household goods to day for shipment to thnt place where they intend mak'ng their future home. A lady Htid her husband was in our Rtnro tliH other day and after picking out tbo tilings thoy wanted to buy we overheard her tell her husband the following: I Dm mm glad we enme here to buy, we. saved money Hnd we got good stun". It made us feel mighty good to, because her neighbor I'nino in and bought a nice bill. Its ensy to do business if you sell for less and carry a good lino. Johnson A- Graham Fur nlturo Co., Red Cloud, Nebr. Baptist Church Bible school at 10 a m. Mornicdng Service at II with sermon by Rev Wilson Mills. D. I), of Kansas City, Missouri. Afternoon, 2:30, W. C. T. U Meeting addresBedf by Mrs. Clara C Clayton of Lincoln. Nebraska, and Miss Georgia Hopley, Wasbiugton, D. ('. Evening 7:30, address by Miss Win ona Jewell, of Denver, Colorado, National 'Field Secietary, Young Peo pies Branch. W. C. T. U. varied pro gram with special music and other exorcises will be given. Every effort will be nmde to futuish seats at all the services On Monday evening Dr. Mills will preach and special services will con tinue for two weeks, exceptSuturday evening of e.tch week. Cordial invitation is islveii to mem bets of the chin ehos and all other .people to attend thenbote services. I W. Ertstin, Pastor. Something to Think About By F. A. WALKER iT3fc WORDS OF CIIHEU TI'' YOU cannot give frequent, l couruglng words of cheer to ; eu your home mates and to those with whom you come la contact during your work ing hours, It would lie better to brldlo your tongue nnd seal your lips. A rough word roughly spoken, pro duces nothing but evil and drives many a sensitive soul to despair. It arouses animosity nnd hate, iptlte tlm opposite of a kindly word which awak ens slumbering emotions and kindles a beneficent Hume of love. It m ly ut times, especially when you are not In a pleasant humor, cost a i great elVort to launch the cheerful word, hut If you will brush aside your own turbulent feelings, nnd send forth the cheer nnd sunshine of which you are capable of doing, you, too, to your Miiiueiuent, will participate in their delicious sweets and enjoy the thrill of an unanticipated pleasure. From the first moment when you begin to piaeth-e thu scattering of :lieerlng words, the whole atmosphere irnund you changes. The world somehow seems drawn sloser to heinen, and everything and everybody about you appears brighter and happier. In reality, there Is no change except In yourself. You have sown happiness and are reaping happiness. You hno Hung broadcast the sanctb fled blessings and they are returning to you from every point of the com pass, filling your soul with a Joy un speukuble. It Is you who are nearer heaven, participating In its delights without knowing It. growing more lovable a4 the years speed by, dim your eye- and whiten your hair. Old friends turn to you in their sorrow for comfort. Tho Ito.vs nnd girls go out of their way to meet and greet you. Kven the deiellcts have In some manner heard your pruNes sung and respect ynu. Their bleary eyes brighten and their tough old hearts soften when your name Is pokcn, In spite of their gen eral belief that they are Invulnerable to the gentle touches of kindness. Tho greatest workers for tho up lifting of humanity are tho little words of cheer, which, when flty spoken, often change beasts to men, spur theii to loftier endeinor and turn their terrible -nlgbt Into a glorious day. B. USD, b JtcClure Newpmer Syndicate ' Report of the Condition -OK Tit K- Webster County Bank RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA, Charier No. I0W, Incorporated In thuHtntool Xi' the vlnte Of ImRlnessMnrcli 29, UH.1. u mo truck: 1. onus mnl lilnrouiitn Ouritrnftfl . IIM.2.17.M) HMO 1.600.00 Kuriiltiiro nntl fixture Current expcuncK, tnxcuanJ Inter tut palit Dm-from untlotinl nnd state M0I..V) banks..... Cliee kNaiulltenimr .... exrhnnge Currency .... (il)ltl coin Sllur. iilekeN ami cent l'ot at 147,(1:18.21 (124 17 a,fn.oo WO.00 l.iiH.'ji ruu i ?;tj.(iH . S '1.000.00 10,000.00 h.'.w.oh MAiKi.iTins: Capital Htiif k pnlii In HuriiliiN (unit UmlltMi-d profit InillMilualilepimlts v miljifl 10 check l4,',D7t) 12 Itrinnml ciTililcaUH ol ilf posit .. 7,442.10 Time cfrtirlcntea of tie poult 48.U8l.fll Notn niiil bill re-discounted-.... IIIIU payable .. IH'piwItort' gunranty fiiml -.201,80168 none nono Total -240.ftl-i.fi8 81'ATKIIK NKItltAHKA, I County of Webster. I, H. It. Ki.okanck. cnnliler of ttio Above uami-il hank, do hereby swear that thcabovc tuteuiint In a correct and true copy of tlio report iniiile to the. State IlanktnR Hoard. H. It. KI.OKANCi:, aiisi: Conhlcr. 8. It. 1'i.oiMNrF, Director. C.t. I'oi'K. Director. auKscrlbcil and orn to before me th's 17th day of April Hlit. (SKAt.l Oeo. W. llutchlaou Notary Public. FOUUS YOUR LIGHTS Theie is nothing more annoying than to linve the lights of an approach ing automolrlc so dazzling that one oanmt sec the road. Many accidents on the toad arc" caused by this daz zling light. Various devices have been brought forward to eliminate this condition ami 4 they have all proven worthless if at the same time they will allow enough Pght to illuminate the road for driving. Some states parsed laws re quiring that the upper part of all lense ntufit be covered. It was then found that on some cars it was necessary to cover the lower part instead of the upper part to keep the rays from re fleeting upward. The reflector in the headlights of automobiles is in the form of a para bola, This reflector has what is called the- focal point. When the Pght bulb is placed in th's focal point, the light ruy.i arc reflected in purullcd lines. If the light bulb is placed behind the focal point, a large, diverging cone of light 's produced. If the light bulb is placed in front of the focal point, the rays of light cross each other a -hort distance in front of the headlight. In the last case, the ravs of light fnm the lower part of the leflcctor ire the dazzling rays and it would he necessary to cover the lower part of the lense. All headlights have a device for the proper adjustment of the light bulb so as to g've the proper light for the driver and at the same time not to interfere with the driver of the ap proaching auto. Unless this adjuust mont is made all headlight lenses or other non-glaring device? arc useless Auto Accident While out ilding, Hatuiday evening, in a Ford coupe just east of the city limits, Mrs. Gillian of Hurdy in com puny with her daughter Mrs. Laird Potter, and daughter .lean wero hit by a cur going oast forcing their car to the banks dHiiuiglng tho Potter Ford considerably Little .Temi was injured about her head causing several stilehrs t) be taken to loke the wounds. BILL BOOSTER SAYS v -TOAOE AVID HOk SEEKERS ARE. AXTACT)E 6US1WESS PUXCES, VlELU-kEPr STREETS, COXS VAOSAEG, UVE LODGES, HOSPITABLE CHURCHES, GOOO SCHOOLS, FRIEUOlSt PEOPLE' VJE U&NE ALL TUEe, BECAUSE VJE'RE ALL OOlUGc OUR BT CHMH Sstyie 'SsC'W'" -" . "U3 Vb J?F? W " m m m m m OUR PRICES MEAN tt Shopping Economies I Buying your Grocery needs here brings more than a momentary saving. It brings a saving in health and strength as well as added values in energy. Purity is the watchword of this store. All the food-stuffs we handle must be measured up to our high standard of quality or they do not reach our shelves. P. A. WULLBRANDT Groceries and Queensware m f 3E SAFETY WL- A WHEN THINKING OF MEN'S BOY'S AND CHILDREN'S SUITS PANTS HATS CAPS SHOES FURNISHING GOODS THING OF THE OLD RELIABLE Cowdcn-Kaley Clo Co Honest Merchandise, Honest Business Methods, Lowest Prices on Dependable Goods Kuppenheimer and Cloth Craft Suits Keith Hats Star Brand Shoes Wilson Bros. Furnishing Goods Good Lines to Tic To. Try Them. The Cowden - Alwev.ys ! 8b an DC 3E DR. PHILLIPS STAMPED GRAPE FRUIT Dr. Phillip's Grape Fruit i o cai . i ree npcneu not buy the best? Dr. Phillip Grape 1 ruit Not Guaranteed THE BROWN FRUIT CO. r.RAiurt isi.Aiun nprracr-a i w-mw Vui-&iv? nuuank&rK. tr&KbBfcr Raise all the Chicks you hatch Raise them ihe Pan-a-ce-a way Start them right keep them crowing without any back set. PAN-A-CE-A gives chicks cood appetite- and good digestion give3 vigor to resist disease. PAN-A-GE-A pre vents food fermentation that'3 whero most of tho bowel troubles start. PAN-A-CE-A prevents and cures gapes, in digestion, diarrhea, leg weakness. PAN-A-CE-A your chicks and then watch them feather. A PAN-A-CE-A chick will out-feather a non-PAN-A-CE-A chick every time Dr. Hcs3 Poultry PAN-A-CE-A makes chicks grow. . '- Chas. L. Cotting, Druggist. Tell ua how much sloeU you TawnMMgMaMMMjMPMiii p AJSSSjiXBOUjXMWSliKXE90K3K TRADE WITH THE RED YOUR DOLLARS m m m W m m m m DC 3111 FIRST Kaley Clo. Co. Reliable 3E DL1lJl 1L is "Always Ripe" and "Fit not aruiicaiiy coioreu. w ny w s cost no more than other. or tree ripened. r fl!ii have. We Ziat'o a , ' ( j CLOUD MERCHANTS' WHRRE GO THE FARTHEREST IT t5BB5ssw ' vJH -siBLr ml . vM V jVMkifly- yg f