The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, April 12, 1923, Image 7

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2, or 3 Cams
of Biaking Powder
Are Not Worth GEae Paace o Owe
If they are the "big can and
cheap" kind because they
may mean baking failures.
The Economy B&lilRitiS POWDER
jSakino poworio'
Don't let a BIG CAN
or a very low price
mislead you.
Experimenting with an
uncertain brand is ex
pensive because it
Wa stes time and
The sales of Calumet
are over 150 greater
than that of any other
dest by test baking powdqr.
Tile-Making In Mexico.
Long ago tin Dominican dithers In
Mexico established colored tlle-nink-Ing
Industry ut I'uoblu, which tins per
sisted through the .veins In bpito of
" irs ut.d revolutions.
No? That?
We want our friends to think tihout
up, hut not t(. reflect on us. Hoston
Ifeast foam
The girl who
knows how to
make good bread
can do most
other cooking well
Send for free booklet jl t' VY-y
"The Art of Bakinz Bread" llW 1 $X
- 40HBlfeJ It
English "Upper Classes" Proved Not
to Have Been Dependent on
Commercial Product.
Hollos of "ye olden days" show that
beer was brewed on their own estates
by the nobility In very ancient days.
On the site at present occupied by
Hay Hill once stood a farmhouse be
longing to the Herkley estate, which
comprised the land upon which Devon
shire house stands. Hecent clearing
away of debris In the fine old gardens
lias brought to light the old vaults be
longing to the original farmhouse,
which dated back from the late Tudor
period. When Herkley .street was cut
through in 1000 the old farmhouse was
pulled down, but only to the street
level, so that the original vaults have
been found preserved below (lie street.
The brewing houe lias been cleared
of debris. ISrlekwork believed to go
Imok beyond NWM) lias been found, and
It Is believed that the two mush tubs
bearing the lettering "D.D.." now on
view in the vaults of Devonshire house,
were brought from the original brew
ery. -London Mall.
Passing Through the Panama Canal.
It takes a ship about ten hours to
make the trip through the Panama
Tr-oos of the most ancient cave
men found In I'urope seem to Identify
" them with the Kikitiiu.
What to Eat
A Natural Supply
Tho word "Vitamin" is new, but
the thing itself i3 as old as the
human race. It is the energizing,
vitalizing, growth - producing ele
A ment in tho right food. Its nb-
nonce ia a serious fault of the
wrong food. When tho food is
right, there is no need to go to the
drug store for Vitamin.
Grape-Nuts, the famous ready-to-cat
cereal, supplies the natural
Vitamin from the wheut, and a fur
ther supply is included in the crcum
or milk with which Grape-Nuts ia
Grape-NutB is delightfully crisp
and appetizing, with u flavor which
happily suggests the wholesome,
health-building goodness which the
food contains. Phosphorus and
iron, 8B well as Vitamin, with &
Ancient Whipping Poot.
Do' i ore's whipping pot dates
hnek to the picturesque old Swedish
fort days of Ui.ll. The original pil
lory Is still btiimllr.K In the court yard
of New Castle county.
When you feel hluo turn to the obltu
ary eolunin and feel clad you're alive.
till take place In his pocket hook.
Northwestern Yeast Co.
1730 N. Ashland Ave, Chicago
SCORE ONE FOR PERFORMER Boy Must Have Retired From
That Particular Encounter in
Some Confusion.
At a point during the course of an
uddresw before members of the Cam
van club the other day, Hepresentutlvo
William D. Upihnw of fleorgla bad
occasion to bo "reminded" of n cer
tain vaudeville performer whose Imi
tation of dogs comprised the chief fea
ture of bis act.
"On his way to the theater In tho
small town where he wns appearing,"
said the congressman, "the actor was
accosted by u jouth who wanted to
know if 'he wasn't the man down to
the I'alr.ce theater who barked like
a dog.'
"'yes.' replied ttw Imitator, rather
complimented on being recognized.
"'tiee,' laughed the boy, 'I got ya
beat when it comes to maklii' nolsea
liko n dog.'
" 'That may lie true.' snapped hack
the performer, 'but, then, you must, re
member I hnd to learn It.' " ICx.
Thought for the Day.
The average son takes th ndvlco
of his father Just like the father took
advice from his father.
At time you get Just what you want,
and at other times a good salesman
waits on you.
and Why
of Vitamin
bran content to stimulate intestinal
nction, are supplied by Grape-Nuts.
Many of our modern, "refined"
foods luck these vitally necessary
Grupo-Nuts digests easily and
is assimilated quickly, and is splen
didly nourishing and energizing.
You'll find better health and fit
ness, in tho natural way, with
Grape-Nuts us u regular part of
your diet.
There's genuine economy in
Grape-Nuts- many sorving3 of this
exceptionally nourishing food to
the package. At your grocer's
ready to serve. Grape-Nuts tho
Body Huilder. "Thero's a Reason.'
Mado by Postum Cereal Co., Inc
Battle Creek, Michigan,
? Lesson T
(By HUV. i. U KlTaWATEll. D. I..
Teacher of Itinllh lllbln In tlio Moody
Hlblo Institute of Chtcmto.)
rvipyrtpjht. 1923. Wentern NiwapftT t'nlen.
i.nsnoN tjjxt- iii in -is 4 r. . 3 -1 n.
(OI.DKN TIJXT- honor thy father
ami thy mother, that il-y days may he
huitf upon tin' laud which the lAird
thy Clnil Klvelh thee Uxndiix ' 12.
ui:i-"i:ui:nct. matkimai. .insima
24.31'i I'siiltn lo:..lf.-i:2; lUlinws II 21-
"i'UI.MAllY TOI'lC Joseph l'urj;lvliK
Jt'NlOlt TOPIC Josiph, the 1'ornlv
liitt Brother.
iNTi:it.n:t)iATi: a.t sr.Niot: top
ic Joseph fiH Hun ntnl Brother.
YOfNU Pi:opl.i: AND AlH'LT TOP
IC The ItiHpirlnK Uxumple of JoHepli.
While the climax of the story Is
reached in Joseph's revelation to his
brethren yet bis life should be brlelly
sketched in order to get the full force
of this climax'.
I. Loved by Hlo Father; Hated by
His Brethren (Genesis 117). Tho be
trayal of the father's partiality In
creased his brothers' hatred for him.
Ills dreams were prophecies of (Sod's
dealing with them.
II. Sold Into Slavery (Genesis JI7).
So Intensely did they bate him Unit
they proposed to kill him. This mur
derous purpose was turned aside by
the proposition to sell hln'i into slav
ery. They ."old tiliu to merchantmen
who were going down Into Egypt and
In turn they sold him as a slave.
III. Cast Into Prison (Genesis .".!)).
While serving as a slave be was false
ly accused and sent to prison. Jo
seph's character had so Impressed
Potlphur that ho doubted his wife's
charges against him. If he had be
lieved her he would have put this
Hebrew slave to death.
IV. Made Prlmo Minister (Genesis
41). Though fulsoly accused and Im
prisoned the hand of the Lord was so
upon him that he was soon exalted to
the throne of I'hntuoh.
V. His Dealing With His Drethren
(Genesis 41-44). lie dealt harshly
with them, desiring to test their char
acters before revealing himself to
VI. Joseph Reveale Himself to His
Brethren (Genesis 4.r:M&).
1. Alone 'With His Brothers (vv.
1-2). When Ills pent-up emotions could
no longer bo restrained he ordered all
the men to withdraw. Here alone
with his brethren he made himself
known to them. There are some emo
tions too sacred to disclose In the
presence of unsympathetic men.
'2. Conscience Smitten Brothers (v.
3). When Joseph disclosed his Iden
tity tiny stood condemned In Ills pres
ence. Tiioy were smitten with a guilty
conscience. A score of years before
they had put him Into it pit to die, but
Inter lifted him out and sold him Into
slavery. Now they are before lilm with
reversed positions. They nre at his
mercy. Some day every man shall
face his sins unless they be canceled
In tho blood of Jesus.
3. Divine Providence Interpreted
(vv. 4-S). (1) Ills gracious Invitation
(v. 4). "Come near, I am your broth
er." How like the Savior. He is say
ing unto sinners who have wronged
him, "Come near, 1 am your brother."
(U) "He not grieved" (v. fi). He sought
by these words to allay tho distress
In which his brothers were. Jesus is
saying the same kind words to repent
ant sinners today. (3) "God sent me
to preserve life" (vv. 5-S). God turned
the wicked thoughts of these brethren
to good. God is todny making tho
wrath of men to praise him. All that
Satan can do hut furthers God's pur
poses. The very wicked thoughts of
these brothers in attempting to de
stroy Joseph were turned to the pres
ervation of their lives.
4. Joseph's Message to His Father
(vv. 0-13). (1) "God hath made me
Lord of Egypt" (v. 0). He made them
hasten to his father with tho assur
ance that God had elevated him to u
.place of lordship In Egypt. ('-') Urgent
Invitation (w. 0-10). Ills father
Is Invited to rome, bringing his
children, grandchildren and flocks.
This must have been a great and Joy
ful surprise to Jacob when famine and
death were facing him. (3) Promise of
nourishment during famine (v. 11).
Jospeli did not allow his prosperity to
innko him selfl&h. Ills character stood
tho test of prosperity. (1) Tell father
of all my glory In Egypt (v. 13). This
was not boasting but nn effort to con
vince his father of his ability to euro
for him.
fj. Josoph's Forgiving Love (vv. 14
lfj). Joseph weeping upon tho neck
of his brethren Is a most touching
scene. There was entire forgiveness;
there was full reconciliation. This
trnnscendant scene causes Joseph's
character to shine forth In Its true
As If It Were Plate.
Gront Is he who enjoys his earthen-
wnro as if It were plate, and not lest
great is the man to whom all his plate
Is no more than earthenware. Seneca
Consider Others,
The excessive pleasuro wo feel In
talking of ourselves, ought to inakH
us apprehensivo that we afford little1
to our hearers. Itochcfoucnld.
The All-Pervading Spirit.
Tho spirit of God Is not Imprisoned
tn tho Ulblo nor limited to it,
Lodge Tales
Ford C. Frick
AT Till; southern end of the Sun
" grce de Crlsto range, not far from
Taos, N. M stands u peculiar peak,
peculiar in that certain stones, found
m its summit, hour the shape of a
cross, some of them so perfect that
one would Imagine they bad been
carved from the living rock by tho
fingers of a skilled sculptor. Hut moro
peculiar still Is the fact that tbesu
stones, no matter bow many times
they ntu.v he broken or crushed, oven
i hough they be broken Into a dozen
fragments, will still retain their shape,
every fragment a perfect cross In It
self. About those stones Is woven a
legend, not of any particular Indian
tribe or family, probr.My started by
the early Indian Christians or pos
sibly by the Spanish who settled tho
country. At any rate It Is a beauti
ful little story, and so characteristic
that it Is worth relating here. Tho
legend In Itself Js well known to tliu
Indian and Mexican settlers of the re
gion, and Is frequently related, whllo
bits of the rock are to be found In
virtually every household. The legend
Is as follows.
Long years ago, when tho country
was new, the land was unknown to
the white man, but Indian tribes found
hero a prosperous, well watered coun
try, where they could live In ease,
without hard work and without great
effort. So the land became popu
lated and each tribe had Its own re
ligion and each Its own gods, which
wore worshiped faithfully.
But when the Spanish settlers came
Into Mexico small parties of them
wee constantly making Journeys
northward, where they expected to
find gold and sliver. In their num
ber were many priests, who wero
strong In their religious conviction
and who hoped to convert the Indian
tribes to their belief. And It so hap
pened that Iwo of these Indian priests
came Into the mountain country,
where dwelt countless tribes.
These two priests were well re
ceived by the tribesmen, who lived
with them for long, and they
made every effort to convert them
to the Catholic faith. Hut tho
tribesmen were stubborn and demand
ec? some sign of the strength of tho
whlto man's god beforo they would
cease the worship of the stone Images
which they had set up.
The priests, seeing this, wero very
sad, and went to the mountain top and
prayed for three days and three nights
that there might ho some sign from
heaven, that the tribesmen would bo
convinced. Finally In answer to their
prayer, tho Christ appeared on the
mountain top and spoke to them and
then pleaded with tlie tribesmen that
they would follow the advice of the
priests and worship the white man's
God. But tho tribesmen wore obdu
rate, and so tlie Christ knelt there
on the mountain top and prayed that
these Indians might be made to seo
the right. And as Ho prayed He wept,
and the tears fell from Ills eyes to tho
ground, and there they wero turned
Into rocks as fast as they fell.
And every rock was In tho shape of
n cross, and there wero thousands of
these rocks on the summit of tho
mountain. Tribesmen who saw them
were amazed, and when they took the
rocks In their hands they marveled.
And some there wero who broke tho
rocks, but no matter how many times
they were broken, each small frag
ment still retained its shape and tho
priests pointed to the rock and said
it was the sign from heaven. And
the tribesmen beard and were con
vinced, and therefore they worshiped
tho white man's God as their own.
Faulty Memory.
Tommy was at the olllco with daddy
for tho first time In several months.
It was always a gala event for Tom
my, for daddy vns the boss nml ho
could do most anything he wanted to.
And then everybody made over him
and brought him tilings, and he had a
general good time.
"Hello", there, Tommy!" one or tho
clerks greeted him. "My, nnt I'm glad
to see you! And how you have grown
since you were here last time!"
"Mnmmn says I'm getting to bo
quite a big boy," Tommy admitted.
"I'll say you nre!" the clerk en
thused. "I wonder how tall you aro
now, anywny."
"Well, mamma measured me tho
other day, but I've forgotten Just what
It was," Tommy Informed him. "I'm
either throe foot seven or seven foot
three I'm nut sure which."
Appreciation of the Birds.
At a conference of bird lovers held
lecently in London It was stated thai
America was leading the world In Uie
protection she gives the bird llfo with
in her borders. It was also stated
that tlie world's eyes are being opened
to the economic and esthetic value of
Ceyloneso Superstition.
The natives of Ce.vlon believe that
the coconut tree will not grow out of
reacli of the sountl if the human
fj"Kade Me Well and
ami find It n .Ti-&t benefit. I tiul ilnt In
my lomch rd bowels, lintliy tlie mo of
l'o-iu-li una Mttwilln, I nn well and
trtmun;ln. I lwnjskerpfctvl)OtUo
iLlbo liuiue." Mnt. OKOiit (iiiat.
11, If DJm. , liozlO,
NlcUoli, low
Mr. Gray's rjtprrlrnro li lint mnro rvldenco thit Po-ii-n
U qultfl m cxxl n runnly (or rnlnrrli t thr stomach, boweta or
otlirr orKniu! nn It h for cmixlii, roldn ntnl nnmvl ctrrli.
Te-ru-na in a wonderfully lino tocUlcino to hay a ia ihe bousa
for ovoryduy tils.
Stfitif to the IHraon Company, Colusubttt, Ohio tor ttit
ttookltt mail nirdlCAl advlcv.
Doctors Plan "Black List."
Doctors In London aro suggesting a
"black list" of patients who go from
)tte medical man to another instead of
;ia.lng their bills
An open mind Is desirable If It can
iccept or reject Intelligently the stuff
It catches.
are like
The appearance of your walls
is the index of the impression,
made upon others by your
home. Walls soiled, dingy,
common-place in appearance or
out of keeping with your fur
nishings present a handicap
which die best of housekeeping
cannot overcome
Stick to plain, simple solid color
treatments or else decorate with
PROCESS, which gives such
wonderful new effects in three
color harmonics. Ask your
dealer or decorator to show you
color samples of
Instead ofKalsomine orWall Paper
Jbr Ecenimlcat
imk I rkil'in W
Express Truck
mmi rarlft B"! if a lJr!3rOBPB5v
Utility Express is the lowest-priced quality truck in
the world capable of fast heavy-duty service. It
hauls your heavy loads quickly and economically.
It is reliable.
Long grades and deep mud are mastered by it
without racing the motor or boiling the water
because the 3-speed transmission provides correct
gear ratios to meet any condition of load or road
You get fast, heavy-duty service at the lowest
operating and maintenance cost with this truck.
It leads in high mileage on gasoline, oil and tires,
living up fully to the Chevrolet reputation for
unequalled economy.
Prices f. o. b. Flint, Michigan
Superior 2 Fm, Roaditer .$510 Superior 5 Pn. Sedan . . $860
Superior 5 Fata. Touring . 525 Superior Light Delivery . . 510
Superior 2 Pan. Utility Coupe 680 8uperior Commercial Chaaila 425
Superior 4 Pan. Sedanette . 850 UUllry Exprcu Truck CbatiU 575
Chevrolet Motor Co., Detroit, Mich.
Division ofGtntral Motors Corporation
Tablets or Liquid
Sold Everywhere
1IOUMKS t()l (llllNd? tlbl.
Spohn's Distemper Compound
tit drunk the cmuli anil gat tlii'in li.irli In condition Thirty
im' urn linn initilc "Hl'OllN'IV IndlnpiMi'ialiln In treiitlliic Cough
ninl fold, lnllucnxa nml l)latflmiir with tlivlr resulting com
idU'itttonn. nrnl nil iIImiic of tlin tlircmt, noun and Iung. Act
marvel. Hmiy n lirrxintlvo; acts equally well iui a cut p. Sold In
two rIzus Ht nil drun store.
Mentioned It to Morphens.
From a Story "To his considernbM
surprise, Shane, on getting Into bed,
fell luunodlately Into a deep but rest-
ful sleep."
Some men think they aro fair-minded
when they aro merely too lazy to form
an opinion.
Chassis Only
8 -J Mich.
Dealers and Service
Stations Everywhere
Illustration at left abowa
Utility Exprcat Truck
with itandarii general
purpoto body
qood, bad or . f
' iniifferenff
Act 7agWl