RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA, OHIEP i i' k '! ; . A-v i $ K AS TOLD TO US 9 George .chanf spent Sunday rt Har vard. I'ur Sale 01 Kent the Mis A A Pope JUipi'lt.- (! U. IllttOlli-OII Coifnic Starke is driving Jlukk Sedan. ;i new SheiifY Waller wis in Down, Kan tas, Thumlay. Q. K. McC'run was down from Ina vale Tuesday morning. Win, Crabill went lo Hastinpr.s Mon day morning to spend the day. Hev. J. M. l'r.tes icturned home from Huntings Ftiday evening on Xo. 11. Mr. and Mr. John Lauber and chil ihen spent Sunday with relatives at Hardy. Chiis. Walter, Ned Sutton and Hnr cy Hartman were in Kearney Wednesday. Don Fulton ariived in the city Fii day to visit his sister, Mrs. Kml Hall and family. Will Frisbic went to Illue Hill Tuesday moniing lo spend a few (lays with hi daughter. Robert Hoxsey spent Sunday heie with his parents, lelurning to Hast ings that afternoon. Mr VYiuriek, the H'ciiilit, will bee putieiits inn) tho-e t eedlng glasses ni Dr. OmtieinlN, Mit,unltt, Apt il 11 Hours '1 to il 1'OU SALK Cabbage, Tmimto anil Onion Plants. :00 7rc; 1,000 'J."ie: :..0U0 lots T.'n! per 1,000 - Klnsey Plant Co., Viildostii, (in. Edgar Harrington went lo Cowles Monday morning on Xo. 1 wheie he spent the th y visiting with his parents and with fi lends. Miss Huth Ovcring went to Cowles Satin day moniing on tram ! to spend the day visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. (ius Fuller. Harry .1. Zurmiller, of Lebanon, Kansas, and Miss Ftancis L. Hat lis, of Guide Rock, weic gi anted ;. mar riagc license Tuesday. Mrs Mom oo Micnte went to llluc Hill Tiicdny moniing to spend the day with l datives, returning home that evening on Xo. 11. Mr. Anderson of the Anderson A: Shroder Camhal Co., of Lebanon, Kansas, was visiting ft Sends in the city the last of the week. Prod Temple of Kansas City arrived in the city this morning to spend few diiys. Hurry (Milium of llolstein Is spend ing the week hero visiting his parents Mr. and Mm. ) S. (illhiini We lit. now prepiuod to give reason able terms on both Now and Used Cms payable monthly or in a lump sum. Ogle vie Bros Lust WcdntSiliiy a den I o nnplet ed whereby Fied Heiideison purchased the inteieitof tils partner, L II. Ehly, in the Palneu Ibthery. Mr P.hly will eoiitiniie to do the baking C C. McConkcy leturned to the old Soldiers' Home at Grand Island Thursday moining after pending the past couple of weeks heie visiting with his daughter, Mrs. Rich Lippin-colt. Mrs. Alice Smith icturned to Hhd City, Kansas, Tuesday morning on Xo. 15 after spending the past couple of weeks here visiting at the home of her sister, Mis. Grant and witli friends. Mrs. Leo Elliott drove over fiom Downs, Kansas, Thursday afternoon to take tiain 17 fiom heie to her home in Toriington, Wyoming. T. C. Swartz has been spending the past few days in Kansas City attend ing to business matters. County Clerk B. F. Peny is driving a new Chevrolet car, which he pur chased of Oglevie Bros. Mr. and Mrs W L. Hayden of Bloom ington were the guests of Mr. and Mrs Lee Walker Sunday. Mrs. John Reingnns went to Blue Hill Tuesday morning to spend the ony visiting with l datives. Cecil Bariett went to Supeiior Weil nesday morning to spend the day at tending to business matters. Mr. and Mis. Stanscr Amack left for Seldcn, Kansas, Wednesday, vii auto, they intending to make their future home near that place. Mrs. Sam Mountford was a passen ger to Hastings Saturday morning wheie she spent the day visiting, le turning home that evening. Mr.s. Flora Ethcrton and childien left for Angiola, California, Tuesday evening on train 17, where she will spend a few weeks with her .son. Rev. S. Haidman returned homo Fri day evening alter spending the past couple of di.ys in Hastings. W. H. Fi her went to Wymore Wed nesday moniing to spend the day at tending to business matters E. It. Wiggins went to Kuns: City Sunday morning to spend a few days attending to businc s matters. Mrs. Bernard McXcny went to Lin coln Wednesd'iv moin'ng to spend a few Javs theie i.-Hing witli l datives Wm. Hart is went to Hastings S:i: juday moniing to .pond the day vis't ing with fiiends, reluming home that evening. , Roadnustcr P Tiaut went to Hast ings Tuesday morning to spend the day, leturniug home on Xo. 11 that cveninn. The load show Mr. and Mrs. Jiggs which was ndvcitised last week to play at the Hesse Auditoiium tonight has been cancelled states Mr. Linn. The first shoot of the Cential Xe biaska Traji Shooters League was held at Kearney Sundav. One bun dled and ninety shotters participated and the Red Cloud Club took fourth places Engineer I lusted arrived here Wed nesday moining from McCook to lake the Hastings passenger, Engineer Pettis, who has been on this run for the past couple of months going to McCook. While going home Friday night Geo. McKinney and Tom Mackcy had an auto accident two miles northwest of this city. The 'ear turned turtle, George had three ribs and Tom received a badly lacciated car. Report of the Condition ok i-1 1 v: Bank of in a vale of inavnlc Charter No. 71)5 In I lie State of nr.nmskn nt the close, or business Wurcli 28, 1923, I'.RSOlMH'kS l.onnn ntul DlnroiititH Ounlr.iltA IIOIIlU, Kl'I'lltltllK.JlUtKllll'lltM, rliiliim etc., lnenullny nil cuvcrnuu'iit boiutii llnnkliiK liouu'. (urnUuro.t ttxturifl Current cxiu'Iiich, Mxch uiul liittretit pilil Due (rniiiiintlonnl nml Ktato 1-anU Vll.VtM.47 IKW.Trtl S6 i.-Kita (Mi97.ini J.511.00 I.D.lO.KI Ctirreitey tlHOO tloltl coin 70.UO nllxtr iilckilnniuU'ciitH 7'ilii i:t.!2r0 72 I "till JIWi.f)70ti7 i.i viiiurin UII'ltillMlH'k nl(llll... t 10,000.00 Surplus (uinl .. . UI.CKXUW riuilMilul prolltH.. . Willi. 1 7 lllllll III tint itcpOKltHNIltlJlCt toihwW .. 78.(10.71 Tliuciirtlllcntesodlopoiilt :m,UU.Cfi UA,.V2.30 HlllHinnlilo ... 17,fi00.00 ni'potitiir'H Kimranty luml . . Total . . I lUi,0T0.7 SI'ATCOI'NKIIUASKA, Up County of Wobntpr f"" l,J. 1!. McCrnry I'nnlitcrorthcntxnonnm ctl lunik, do hereby nwcnr that tho nbovo RtattttU'iit Is a correct nud true copy o( the report tnmte lo tlicHtnte linukliiR Iioaril. CI. It. McCKAUY, Cnnhlcr Attin: C'lutlcH Hunter, Director. A I (red McCnll, Director. .SuliKcrlbed mid sworu to bctoru me thU lOtlidav ol April l!)t. C. M. Sherwood, (s'mli. Notary I'ublti- Pete Arnold icturned home Fiiday evening on Xo. 11 fiom Omaha wheie he has been .spending the past couple of weeks attending to business matters. Theie has been considerable thiev ing committed lately here by small boys and we believe it could be stop ped if the patents would wield trie roil moi e often. Gene Push arrived homo Monday evening on Xo. 11 fiom lloldiege, wheie he has been woiking a-t opera tor lor the lUnlington for tho past couple of weeks. Newton W. Gaines, n Community Welfare Leoturer, will speak nt the home of Mr. end Mrs George Coon next Tuobtlny evening at 8 o'clock. A cafeteria supper will be ocrved The public is uordlully invited. The speak er comes under the auspices of the Red Cloud Community Club. !. It Iihs been suit) that the good roads ami automobiles have hurt small town busiui'hs. It litis helped us People buy in small towns it tboy know 'hey nre btiiiiK for less money. That is why vou Sfe our tiuek lo-uled with furniture, taking it some plnco tunny miles nuny. Johnson &(iinhiim Furni ture Co . Red Cloiitl, Xebr rtfl5 (?) II) (fl (f m d (t fi) ( (t (?) (f (t (0 m d (t ( OUR PRICES MEAN Shopping Economies Buying your Grocery needs here brings more than a momentary saving. It brings a saving in health and strength as well as added values in energy. Purity is the watchword of this store. All the food-stuffs we handle must be measured up to our high standard of quality or they do not reach our shelves. P. A. WULLBRANDT Groceries and Queensware & 3S3S333a33ra:33333 m m (t m Dae Hell letuined home from Fiec i'.oit, Illinois, Friday after .spending the pasfc few days theie visiting with relatives. Mr. and Mis. Hob Walker and daugh ter of Franklin spent Sunday heie with their son :.nd brother, Lee Walk er and wife. Miss Julia Funk loft for Muscatine, Iowa, Monday moining on Xo 1 wheie hlwwill spend a few weeks visiting with i datives. Mr. K. F. Dennett went to Chicago Sunday moining wheie he will spend a few days puichu ing goods for the Vaiiety Stoie and attending to othci business matters. Two bundled and one car of .stock including fie stock loaded heie went thiough Sunday morning to the Mis souri liver inaikeK They weic hand led in thioe tiains. Mrs Mtuk McConkcy icturned home Sunday morning from Kansas City, Missouri, where she was called a couple of weeks ago by the serious illness of her daughter, Miss Myitle, She is now rapidly lccovcilng fiom an operation for appendicitis and her qui"k iccovery i- looked for. Obituary lioietla U. McDanlcl, daughter of Ab and Elizabeth McDauiel, wis bom Deo. 'J'J, 18til at Mt. Pleasant, Stephen son county, Illinois ami passed away March III. 1023 at the homo of her datiRhter, Mrs. Sternum Lawver, Free port, Illinoia. She was aged Gl years, !1 months and 0 days. On January 25, 1883 she was united in marriage to CIihs. C. Crapo and to t'tis union four children were born: Mrs. Stormnn Lawver ot Freeport, 111 , Roy CrHgoand Mrs. Lee Whitehead of Hrovvntown, Wis., and Mrs. Dave Bell of Red Cloud, Nebr. She is also sur vived by two bisters: Mis. James Van Matro of Martiiitovvu, Wis., Mrs. Wm. Lathi ope of hpokaue, Washington, one brother, John MoDauld of Altoonn, Kansas, tlevcti grandchildren, and a host of other relatives and friends. Since the death of Iter husband last November she has iniulu her home with her daughter, Mis. Lawver. She was a member of the Christian oiiurcn, ueitifr oaptitMi when a young girl, mid was a kind ami loving mother and will he giently missed. The body was laid at rest in (Srenn wood cuiiielpiy, Moiiioe, Wisconsin, he side her husband (leoigc Stones, son of Mr. and Mrs Pawl Stones, and Miss Peulah McCait I ncy, daughter of Mr. and Mis. D. J. Moaitney, weic muiricd by Hev. Coiio Satuiday. ! niLiichc McCartney went to Cambridge Wednesday morning on Xo. 15 wheie she will give a lecture on her woik as missionary in India for the past thice cars. Clyde Hasen, the nine year old son of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Hansen, icsid ing .south of Inavale, was very senous ly iniuicd in one eye while playing with some other .'hildien Thuisdav aftoinoon. They weic lluowing duiU, one of the childien accidently hitting Clyde in the eye with one of them. He was hi ought to this city by his paienU und after an cxnmini'Con was made it was decided advisable to take hint to Hastings for tieatment, they going up that evening. Farm Loans I am ready at all Mini's to iiinUe any loan desired at the very lowest tate of interest, best option ami least espouse Xo examiner is stint in to decide whether the loan shall be iiiiulo I de chle that myself and save you that expense. I am sole agent for Trevett, Mattls A linker, a company that has been doing business in the county for 2o youth, and novcr bus withdrawn from business a single day during that time. Xo other company can say as much. Other companies get seal m! and quit business, Xot ho Trevcttt Mattis & linker, Pationl'.o a company that has always hud confidence in Webster county. J. ,11. Ilnllcy, Mis. Klla II. Paikcr lft for her home in Ohotlin, Kansas, Thursday moining n tiain 15 after sjiending the prst month heie vis'ting with her sou, X. 11. Hush and family. .Mis. C W. Malono icturned to her home at Hasting. Mondaj morning cftcr spending the jiast cor.plo of weeks heie visiting with her daughter, Mrs. II. C. Gdlatly and family. Hev. and Mrs. J. Fdwin Juboe of Lincoln ai rived here Saturday ecn- ing for a week's visit at the homo of her parent, Mr. and Mrs. W. II. Thomrs and with other relatives. General Houdmastcr, II. H. Claikc of Lincoln spent a rev Iicuim here al tending to muttciv. in connection with his work with tho Huilington, going to McCook en Xo 17 that evening. Max Marshall ai rived heie Thuts day evening on Xo. 11 fiom Council Hluffs, Iowa, wheie he is working In tl e Postul Dopaitment, for a few days visit at the home of Mr. and Mis. Frank Amack and with his ipaicnts at Hiverton. The following stock was shipped fiom heie Sunday morning, & Ellingor one cut loud of cattle to St. Joe, A. 1. Ciabiil two cars of hog to Kansas City, Dclnncy Pros, on- car of hogs to Kansas City. F, It Wiggins two cars of hogs to Kansas City i.nd J. W. Aubl one car of cat tle to Kansas City. Christian Church Notes -column my vvoiks unto leunviili, And thy purposes shall be established.'' Sunday School It) a m. Moining Woiship 11 n in. Christian Endeavor 7 p.m. Kvening Woiship 8 p in. Piayer meeting Wednesday evening S p. m. Ladies' Aid meets every Thursday afternoon with Mis. C. J. Pope. Sunday moining set vice was well at tended in spite of the Pastor's absence. Tho Historical Study ottbellible pi ov ert a popular subject and one worth nunc study than is usually given it All enjoyed the I'nioii service at tho Ilaptlst Cliuiob in the evening. As should occur eveiy I'liion night the hoiibe was crowded. Hev Xelson will bo home Saturday morning. Let's welcome him with n large eongiogatinii on Sunday morning and evening C. (1 Xelbon, Pastor. Garfield Community Church 10 a. in., Sunday School. Lesson theme, "The Stoiy of Joseph". 11 a. m., Set moil, "The Humanity of the Master" b p. in., Story and Song Service, "Tho Pink Pose" The Choi us will meet Satuiday even ing at the chinch for Una! practicu on 'Tho Pink HohO". The Social commit, tee is planning a pleasant siitpilso for all who come. The oll'eting Sunday evening will bo used to pay for tho music used at that time. The Pink Hose is a story, accompan ied with soveral songs, of tho nxpur. ienens of Mis VllttPmoro In her chilstiHti work in New York City. You will enjoy both the story and thp hours It will be given Sunday evening. Handel Expurgated. The following aucfdoto N given In tho prefutc to a copy of Dr. John Clark's edition of the "Messiah," tho testimonial of which Is signed by Henry It. PMiop. William Parsonw, John Urobilin, anil Mu.lo Clementl. "Helng on a lsll lo n friend In a country place the. Inhabitants of which were more primitive than scientific, Doctor lliish.v, mi his way hi church on a Sunday iimnilng, overtook one of the chorister-, vvllh a bundle of music hooks under bis nnn. 'What have ,vou got there, my mini?' said tho doctor, '.inn of Handel's nuisl nr, that we're goln' to .lug at chinch today,' was tho re Joinder. 'Handel,' said the querist, somewhat ustniished, 'don't you find his itiiisif tlllllciill?' 'Why,' said the ('otiutr.v iiinii. 'we did at fust, zur, but we nlteieil mi a bit, and lie goes very .veil now ' " Clever! A fascinating ('hli.ign widow had her eNhiisli.'iiiil In I'm dinner and he presented her with a check for ali mony title her. She took It, laughingly, saying: "This Is limit inn without rep resen tatloo." BILL BOOSTER SAYS K fVA A fcOOSvRA AVA V FOR BJERS WMG WW S FOR TVt CiOOO OP THE fOWW VW FOR GOOO ROD5,BR(.S Buoa, poauc ubrarve , PAVEO STREEYS, SCHOOLS i cvvixJQ.os, coavaercvm. CLUBS, NEWSPAPERS, tOWW GELEORAXtOWS AVAOSO OW AVA A OOSTR Jm k ra 3C 3FIG 0IJI1EN SPRING HAT WEEK THIS IS THE WEEK TO BUY HATS SEE DISPLAY IN SOUTH WINDOW NEW SHADES NEW BLOCKS $2.50 $3.00 $3.50 $3.75 $4.00 $4.50 $5.00 ALSO SHOWING NEW LINE YOUNG MENS SPORT SUITS FOR SPRING $18.50 TO $37.50 I Mi I .1 The Cowden-Kaley Clo. Co. Always Reliable DC 30 3L J f I Of?- PHILLIPS I ! STAMPED GRAPE FRUIT I j I n- pu.ii:' r..., rr,:f : ALt r.v" ,i c,,f li i Hum; o jiq ;u i iuii la fkiwuya imivl uiiu a it q, ' To Eat". Tree ripened not nrtifically colored. Why y noi ouy tne dcsi.-' ur. rniiiip s cost no more man "mer c. Grape Fruit Not Guaranteed or tree ripened. ;' l THE BROWN FRUIT CO. GRAND ISLAND, NEBRASKA. c: I'! . Pi J T"M Raise all the : 2 i Raice i!:era Hhs Pan-a-ce-a way harL Uicn "ht l:ccp then (jiwvlng v.'ithout any bae- cct. PAN-A-CI'.-A L'ivcs chicks gooa npiietito and yood digestion L.i-.i lj;or to rc."i3t diseas?. PAN-A-CE-A pre vents food fermentation that's v.-ncro most of tl.o bowel troubles biart. PAN-A-CE-A j.ruvents and cures gapec, in- (Ltrestion, diarrhea, h- vcaknez . PAN-A-CE-A your chiclrf and then watch Corn feather. 'A PAN-A-CE-A chick will out-feather a non-PAN-A-CE-A chid: every timo. Dr. Hess Poultry PAN-A-CE-A makc3 chicka grow. Chas. L. Cotling, Druggist. Ttll us iow much ttocU you Uacc. We have a pachaeo to salt WWSMjwWiMiy ..1 B liriW'T.r tBLrMlTMCcJIrWiJl MTVUWMAMLBI 1 c clrCrfiLl 1 1L1 n a 1 m l( a A a uf t. W&jsxESsm wsgra Is IP fill wS TRADE WITH THE RED CLOUD MERCHANTS WHERE YOUR DOLLARS GO THE FARTHEREST