The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, April 12, 1923, Image 2

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Easiest to use
Good for shoes
Not a Laxative
Nujol is a lubricant not a
medicine or laxative - so
cannot gripe.
When you nrc constipated,
not enough of Nature's lu
bricating liquid is produced
in the bowel to keep the food
wnstcBoftnnd moving. Doc
tors prescribe Nujol because
it acts like this nnturul lubri
cant nnd thus secures regular
bowel movements byNnture'B
own method lubrication.
Try it today.
When the body begins to stiffen
and movement becomes painful
it is usually an indication that the
kidneys are out of order. Keep
these organs healthy by taking
The world's standard remedy for kidney;
liver, bladder nnd uric acid troubles.
Famous since 1696. Take regularly and
keep in good health. In three sizes, all
druggists. Guaranteed as represented.
Look for th nam Gold Medal on avary
bo and accept no Imitation
Cuticura Soap
The Safety Razor
Shaving Soap
OiOroraBoap ! without mac. Ef crjrwntn 8.
Oyster 80 Years Old.
An oyster eighty years old litis been
taken from Delaware bay, It Is report
ed. Scientific Investigators ugreo und
assert that the ago of an oyster Is In
dicated by the ridges or wnterllnes on
Its shell, Just as the age of a tree Is
Indicated by the annual rings that
form on Its trunk.
A rhlgc appears on an oyster every
year, according to these savants, up to
tho fortieth year. After that the shell
takes on one only every ten years.
ThlB venerable Delaware oyster had
44 ridges; lienco It was eighty years
You nnturally feci secure when you
know that the medicine you are about to
take is absolutely pure and contains no
harmful or hnbit producing drugs.
Such a medicine is Dr. Kilmer's Swamp
Root, kidney, liver and bladder remedy.
The name standard of purity, strength
and excellence is maintained in every bot
tle of Swamp-Root.
It is scientifically compounded from
vegetable herbs.
It is not a stimulant and it taken in
teaspoonful doses.
It is not recommended for everything.
It it nature's great holper in relieving
and overcoming kidney, liver and bladder
A swom statement of purity is with
every bottle of Dr. Kilmer's Swamp
Root. If you need a medicine, you should
have tho best. On sale at all drug stores
In bottles of two sizes, medium and large.
However, if you wish first to try this
great preparation send ten cents to Dr.
Kilmer & Co., Binglumton, N. Y for a
ample bottle. When writing be" sure
ad mention this paper. Advertisement.
Already tho yellow aconlto lifts a
smiling face to welcome me. . . .
The snowdrop, sweet forerunner of
tho blooms of spring, is even now
abroad announcing Its silent fnlth of
a coming (lowered coiupnny. J. 13.
The war has made tablo linen very
'nluable. Tho use of lied Cross Hall
Jtluo will udd to its wearing qualities.
Uee It and see. All grocers. Adver
tisement. Thero is probably a difference be
tween canceling u debt und never cob
lectlng It.
Marriages nro inndo In heaven, but
most of the preliminaries are arranged
In tho porch swing.
Refreshes VfearyEyes
"When Your Eyes feel Dull
rul Heavy, uie Miirlnt. It In
Makei them Clear, Uililit and
Fpirkllng. llitralcii. Sold and
tUcoDimtndeil by Alt DruigUU.
Recent Happenings in Nebraska
Given in Brief Items For
Busy Readers.
Work nn the paving of !tl blocks
din begun nl Wol Point.
i:cavatlnii bus begun on five new
Inlck stoic .buildings at l-'alrbiiry.
Tlu (Jrntid Coiiimamlcry of Knights
'IVtuphir will convene at otniihu
piil 1'-'.
( 'out ruel has been lei for the erec
tion or a )?.".",(l(M) apartment housu at
Crushed between the side of a barn
and u immure spreader, Walter Iteuil
rcldt, siv year old tilhbon lad, suffer
ed serious Injuries.
The State Coir association will hold
Its ltl:t tournament on the Country
Club course at Omaha .luly I) to 1M.
I'armcrs near arc making a
strong hid lor one or the sugar beet
raclorles to be established in that
section or the state this year.
A. I-'. Stroll, has been appointed by
the coinmKslnners as county Judge or
Lincoln to rill the vacancy caused by
the death or .lodge Woodhurst.
Jews or Omaha hae collected near
ly .fl!00,(HM) In their campaign to raise
$.'100,000 for the erection or a .Jewish
Community Center In that place.
The council at Schuyler has ordered
survo.vs made and grades established
for the streets In anticipation or carry
ing out an extensive program or pav
ing. Covernor Itryan has announced ap
pointment or W. II. Smith or Seward
as tax commissioner to succeed W. II.
Osborne. He won formerly state
Harry I.. Kccfo, of Waithlll, was
elected president or the U. S. tiraln
(rowers association at a meeting of
the board or directors at Chicago,
last week.
Omaha housewives have refused to
buy sugar at its present retail prlve
pf I) 1-12 cents a pound in tho usual
quantities. Sugnr Jumped from 7 1 U
tents in two mouths.
A pair of twins, weighing 17 pounds
were born to Mr. and Mrs. (iarrett
1'aben, or IMckrell. The twins a hoy
jind a girl are lusty Infants and are
ponnal In every respect.
Kred Swanton was electrocuted
while working on a transmission Hue
of the (ias and Klectric Light com
pany at York, lie had only gone to
work a day or two before.
Mrs. l.ena Merles, wife or Thomas
Merles, or Table Hock, was engaged
In trimming rose bushes in the yard.
The ax slipped and cut orr her second
toe and nearly amputated the large
According to Sherirr W. C. Condlt,
prisoners In the Dodge county jail,
which occupies the fiftli floor of tlu'
court house, hae been supplied regu
larly with "dope" from some unknown
I. I"). Boynoii has been appointed
captain and Cuy Hcnulnger lieutenant
of the national guard company mus
tered In at Kearney. The company
will be a unit or the Thirty-fifth
The senate has recommended pas
sage of a house hill appropriating
$."0,000 from the state treasury for
conservation of flsli hy sinking How
ing wells to fill lakes to keep fish
from freezing.
Walton high school, represented by
Oscar Wlsbey, took for the fourth
Kiiecesshe time, the loving cup of
fered to the winner of the annual A.
.1. Sawyer declamatory contest, at the
Temple theatre at Lincoln.
The students and staff of the Vo
cational school at I'.ellevue are send
ing out a creditable looking little
eight page weekly, devoted to the In
terests of the school and the further
ance of the work being done there.
Stockholders or the Gage County
Society of Agriculture and the Queen
Cit Park association, meeting at
I ten trice, oted to merge into one or
ganiatlou to he known us the Cage
County I'alr and Agricultural society
Investigation of the -ST.tMMI printing!
bill which Capitol Architect GoimIIiiic . ,.,. n,mk 1U ,, ,,,,.,, ,lst .lime,
approved for pa.viucnt Is ordered in iwciiuse of the large number of cltl
a resolution by Thatcher In the house U.,ns lkiL, .ir, in ,,. ,.,..,. ., U.11S
of Itepresentatlvcs. The bill covered
the printing of certain specifications
for the new capitol.
Gen. John ,1. Pershing delivered
the dedlcator.v address at the unveil
ing of a bronze tablet and planting
of trees In "Memorial avenue," in
Antelope park at Lincoln, in honor of
the Pit Lancaster comity men and
women who gave their lives In the
world war.
The fact that Ton.v Donaiico, who
crushed the ring finger of his right
hand with a hammer while In the
employ of an Omaha firm, switched
doctors is no bar to compensation un
der the Nebraska employers' liability
law, State Labor Commissioner I'tniik
Kennedy held in a rei eat case.
ltev. M. T. Hell, pastor or the Pres
byterian church at Hliie Springs, for
the past five .vears, suffered a stroke
of paralysis, while asleep In his bed,
Hiid has since been unable to rise.
The four year-old (laughter of Gtis
Myer. a Si. Kdwanl lanner, suffered
the loss of an when she fell
against the lorner of a bedstead
while pln.vlng with miiiki companions.
A Duroc Jersey sow at the stock
farm of W. M. Putnam & Sons, near
Tonimsch, recently gave hlrtli to
lweiit.v-oin full.v developed pigs. This
is tno record i arrow In that section
ol' ilie suite.
The Stale Federation of "Woman's
clubs, second district will meet In
Omaha, April lit and II.
Itased on the census enumerations
or IDKI and Wi!0, Omaha will have i.
population or !!(;'. U on .Inly 1,,
orriclnls of the census Iniicau oMlmate
The Iliukcn II. w city council has
accepted a deed from a citizens' com
mittee for u tourist park and play
ground bought by the Public Service
Mr". W. .1. Carrls or Pcatrlce lips
been taken to a local hospital suffer
Ing with sleeping sickness. This Is
the second case or the kind in
I teat rice.
Mr. ami Mrs. J. . Imnlap or Sur
prise celebrated their golden wedding
at their home In that place, March 'J7,
In the presence oT lnrt.v -eight or their
relatives ami ft lend.
.loo SkolII or Comtock put an oli
stove Into his hog house to keep It
win in, The stove exploded during the
night und burned the house along with
"(I good brood sows,
Receipts of the state rish and game
division from licenses und permits,
for the twehe months ending April 1,
totalled Sl"il,MK7N, acionllng to State
Accountant C A. Summers.
A radio station powerrul enough to
send messages to Km ope or to recclc
from thcie has hceii opened on the
nineteenth floor of the Woodmen or
the World building at Omaha.
Jefferson count women's chilis will
start a week's drive April 10 to raise
$000 as the county's ipiota in the Ne
braska Children's Home society cam
paign for new ipiarters In Omaha.
Checks totaling W.t,."(K). stolen by
Omaha pickpockets from William i
Cray ami Joseph Adolphus or Lincoln,
were returned to them In a plain en
elopc addressed to nn Omaha news
paper. The Stelnineyer h.vdin-oloctric plant
at Holmesvllle has been purchased !i
the Xehraskn (las A. Klectrie Co. Tin'
Holmesvllle plant was one or the fint
to be built In the :tate, helm: con
structed in 11)10.
The Lincoln State bunk, with a cap
ital or $100,000 and deposits of
$'.!,."00,00() has announced its national
ization under the federal hanking act,
to be known as The Lincoln State Nn.
tioual bank. Its capital Is Increase 1
to 'JOO.OOO.
The Nebraska Society for the Dev
elopment of Musical Talent lias been
organized in Omaha. Many prominent
business and professional men and wo
men and musicians have Joined. The
society will establish a Hind to help
worthy pupils.
Kstabllshlng or rive ro.ul patrols in
Ruflnlo county is expected to do much
toward bringing about a better condi
tion or road upkeep. The road patrol
men are to be used on federal and
state aid projects and they will keep
an accurate record of their activities.
Contests to pick the "best" high
school pupils, in the state are to be in
augurated this eur and planned to he
an annual affair, a committee of high
school pilucipuls and school superin
tendents decided at a meeting in Lin
coln. The lirst contests are to be held
in Lincoln, May 11 ami 11'.
Major l C. Zehrung received pref
erence over two other candidates for
that office in last week's pilmarles
at Lincoln. He polled -MO.'t votes
and was closely rollowed l, Charles
A. Lord, who came through with 1',01'J.
George D.i.Uon was high man and
William Schroeder was second high In
the race tor city commlssToner.
March hog receipts at the South
Omaha arils, totaling ll'.l.ssi head,
breaks all previous monthly recon's,
according to figures kept at the Live
Stock exchange. The previous high
record was set In March l'.ilii, with
receipts of :i0!l,7ll head. Last week's
hog receipts, IIU.OOO. bests all weekly
records for four cars. '
liny Miller, ISuiiington brakeman,
saved the life or I 'ail, !, son or Mr.
ami Mrs. Clonics Uelueeke of Grand
Island, by grabbing him from In front
of a locomotive with hut two feet to
spate, carried the little one to the
front yard of Its home, and resumed
his duties with the crew of JiLs freight
train Just as If nothing unusual hit 1
The Decatur chamber or commerce
has receive,! the $1,000 reward offered
by the .Nebraska 1 tankers' association
for the couture ,.f the men ulm i-.,i.i.,..i
agreed by the community to turn tlu
fund over to the chamber to be used
ror civic purposes
Partners In Sheridan county are
making a heavy delivery of potatoes.
The roads are In good condition for
hauling and farmers are taking ad
vantage of then), though the price for
potatoes is but little better than last
Apples, peach ami pear orchards or
Otoe county are practically tree from
danger by rrost for this season, ac
cording to the opinion of a prominent
orchardlst who has made an exami
nation of several orchards In the
vicinity and declares that none of the
fruit buds were Injured during the
(ireat preparations are being made
for the annual county track and Held
meet which Is to be held In Hrokep
How, May L
Governor Hryan has nflixed his sig.
nature to a bill authorizing the use of
SI 00,000 from the state aid bridge
fund for aiding in constructing a
bridge over the Missouri liver at
Yankton, S. I.
Nebraska's oldest student, .Mrs. It.
G. McCiitcheon, of Merrick county,
who celebrated her sixty-ninth birth
lay I'diruary (i, attends classes at
. the I'nlvorslty dally, walking
Ullles to and from school.
(Col v fdi in Di imniiiuiii t.-ipilloit by
Hi" AnitTknii l.cciiiii N'cvvs iVrvlio )
American Legion Plans for Endow.
ment Fund to Annually Provido
Proper Attention.
,l.t... . i .... r.. ..
j ne graves 01 ;r, urn American i
World war heroes on foreign noil will
never be for.rotten on Memorial day
hy the American Legion, under the
plans for un endowment fund to be
established by the national organiza
tion. Tills fund will be or sulllclent
amount to ammally provido for the
permanent decoration of the graves of
the dead of the Wnild war. as long as
tho Legion Itself shall exist.
Shortly utter the eloo or the war,
collection or u million francs, approx
imately .fUO.OOO, was made by tho Paris
post of the American Legion, hut the
Income from this amount has not been
found sulllclent to do the necessary
work annually, so that the endowment
plan has been taken up by the national
organization and the goal set nt S100,
000. As a result of the operation of this
fund, American Legion representatives
will visit the graves of the dead In six
different countries ' on Memorial day
nnd see to it that the grave of every
soldier, sailor or marine Is fittingly re
membered. The government Is main
taining these graves In a proper man
ner, taking excellent care of the ceme
teries and plots, but the Legion con
siders thnt Its duty Is to pay direct
personal tribute to those who gave
their lives to their country. According
to Information given to the Legion,
there are HI ,400 graves In France and
llelglum; 4SS In Kngland; 1-10 In Soot
land; -10 in Irelnnd. One American
sailor Is burled in Spain.
The fund will be raised from direct
contributions from Legion posts and
members throughout the country. The
nntlonal treasurer of the American Le
gion Is authorized to receive either
contributions of posts or private dona
Lieut. Col. William P. Screwc, Chair
man of Military Affaire Committee,
to Direct Work.
Lieut. Col. William P. Screws, of
Montgomery, Ala., has been appointed
chairman of the
military affairs
committee of the
American Legion,
one of the most
Important of the
committees which
servo tin. vf.t.
' daflK erans' organisa
tion. Colonel
Sere w s i s I n
structed by the
tinttnnnl nvni.iitli-n
iyUlijli committee of the
, ,. 0 , Legion that his
Lieut. Col. Screws ,0I11I1,,4!l. , ex.
peeled to study the military needs of
the nation with a view to recommend
ing to the annual convention of the
Legion neccssnry changes in existing
legislation or new legislation on sub
jects which have not been covered by
reports of previous committees on
these affuirs.
The military affairs committee of
the IogIon wns Instrumental In frnm
Ing the national defense act, which
has become a law, and is considered
one of the most important pieces of
work accomplished townrd Increasing
tho efficiency of the nation.
At present Colonel Screws Is senior
Instructor of the Alabama National
Fred Arnold Beer, Buffalo Overseas
Veteran, Disappeared Two and
Half Years Ago.
Relatives of Fred Arnold Ilcer of
Huffalo, N. Y have asked the Ameri
can Legion to help
them locate hliu.
Beer has been
missing from the
Utlca State hos
pital for two nnd
a half yours. He
saw service with
the Three Hun
dred and Forty
eighth ambulnuce
company, and
after his return
was placed In the
hospital as one of
tho mental pa
Fred A. Beer.
His mother, who Is a widow, is us
ing every possible resource to locate
her lost son, who is an only cnlhl.
Beer is thirty-four years old, a letter
from his cousin who is aiding the
scureli for the missing man states,
weighs about 130 pounds and Is Ave
feet nine and one-half indies tall. He
has light-brown hair nnd eyes, and
occasionally goes under the Impres
sion that his name Is Kelly or Squires.
Anyone who can give any informa
tion eouccrnlng'tliis missing veteran Is
asked to conununlcato with his cousin,
Theodore 11. Becker, Jr., G-M KUleott
SQuare, Buffalo, N. Y.
r 'Hi
- . XB
Ls ' jHL v-J
Alfred H. Holt, Wisconsin Boy, Was
First Commander of American
Organization in China,
Alfred II. Holt, formerly of Oconto,
Wis., was the first commander of the
Canton (Clilnn)
American Legion
post, one of the
recently organized
branches of the
soldiers' organ'za
tlon In foreign
climes. Had It not
been for the Le
gion man China
tnihij would be
lacking a good
"republican" or
two, for It was
his home that
sheltered the may-
or of Canton, son of Poet or Sun Ynt
Sen, during the lighting for the posses
sion of the city in lt)'J'J.
Holt Is an instructor at the Canton
Christian college, where he teaches
French and Kngllsh to the Chinese
students. He Is also instructor of mili
tary tactics to the cadet corps, and Is
active In boy scout work of the school.
While the lighting was In progress
last June, the gunboats of Doctor Sun
Yat Sen were shelling the city ami
were answered by the forts of the town.
The lire grew so Intense that Doctor
Sun's wife, ids son, then the mayor of
the city, bis wife, lied to the college
grounds Tor surety. One shell, fortti
nately u "dud," lit squarely on top of
u college dormitory, but did no harm.
Since Doctor Holt's election as com
mander of this faraway post, he lias
taken an active part in its work. Ho
organized an American Legion baseball
team, of which he himself is a member,
as well as of the college baseball team,
which met the University of California
on the recent trip that team made to
the Orient. It is said that when these
two teams met, the armies of the re
publicans and Irregulars suspended
lighting long enough to watch the base
ball game.
A student nt Williams collego In
1017, Holt became a member of the
lirst training camp at Iiattsburg In
101S, and at the close of this camp was
ordered to Camp Lee, Va. for further
training. He was commissioned as
second Heiitenunt of Infantry early In
November, 191S, but failed to get over
seas. After his release from service
hu returned to college, finished his
course, and soon afterward accepted
the post of Instructor in China. He
beads a small but extremely enthusias
tic bunch of Legionnaires In Canton.
National President of Legion Auxil
iary Announceo Organization Mem
bers Will Serve as Big Slster6.
Members of the American Legion
Auxiliary will act as big sisters to
G r m a n war -...
brides and their ."j?.jfe . .V
babies. Dr. Kate ?A;-AfS5 wow -N
Wall e r Barrett
nntlonal president
of that orguulza
tlon, lias an
nounced. Dr. Barrett
went to Savannah
to welcome the
Herman women, "
M - .-V ' '
in the name
the Auxiliary am
ml, ggSaJ
'.wXfcii S .
while there iiimli.
nrrangenients to Dr Kate Di,r'-e
obtain information In regard to the
final destination of the llhlne women.
Auxiliary units in those communities
will assist the brides In acclimating
themselves to a new country. Dr.
Barrett believes that many of the un
pleasant experiences which naturally
fall to the lot of aliens can be elimi
nated by the kindly help of Auxiliary
The war brides measure up well
with any other group of women, Dr.
Barrett stated. They are young,
healthy women, none of thern of tliu
"dapper" type. Most of them spoke
Kngllsh, since their husbands, they
said, would not learn to speak tier,
Dr. Barrett vvus Intere.sted In tho
attitude of the men toward returning
to America. "All that I spoko to,"
she said, "were happy to get back
home. There was a great deal of mer
riment In regard to the difference
between the tlnauelal standing of the
soldier at home and In Germany. At
the present value of the mark, the
soldiers were "millionaires." As many
expressed themselves, "We all feel
like millionaires who have suddenly
lost our fortunes." The only ones who
spoke of returning to Germany were
those who left their wives and chil
dren behind and expected to return
for them, she said.
Living It Over.
A western veteran was relating his
war experience in un American Legion
tost to a friend when a third man drew
ids chair up Just in time to hear tho
lirst say:
" and they were falling all around
us. Thick? Oh, boy!"
"Living It over, oh?" Interrupted the
newcomer. "How big were they?"
"Some of 'em elht or ten feet in di
ameter." "Hold on there, they don't come that
big. What war worn you In? You
iiiustu been shell shocked."
"Shell shock me eye. I guess I vvus
there and 1 saw them. And some nt
them over two hundred feet high."
"Say, what th what are jou talk
ing about?" t
"Why, the treaa wo cut out In Ore
gon In the Spruco Division." Ameri
can Legion Weekly,
H. Kolt..
W .P.nw.A " .A
F' 5ksS"bv
- H
Tht Grtil A.mtrican Gictitmeat
provides plcnsnnt action
lor your teeth, also
penctratlnn the crevices
Hiid cleansing them.
Then, too. It nltJa
Use VYIUGLEY'S niter
every meal see how
much better you will
To know
how good a cigarette
rcaily can be madi
yoti must try a-
Baby Carriages & Furniture
Ask Your Local Dealer
for 32-Page
trated Booklet
The Llcvd Manulacturing Company
Htywood-nk'fi'ld Co.)
Menominee, NJichlctn (16)
liuby ChltliH of All llrrrilH It inlh'llt bs
wle to nUviTtlM- un uiiuomninn In-red Ilka
Bllvi'r I.altK Wyiitiilolli'o l'rlrpo rlKht; best
qualities. Write Clilcken Utile lUtcherles,
I.lnmln Ni'b
Bird Well Named.
We are told that IMlny named the
ptarmigan Lagnpus owing, It Is
thought, to the close resemblance of
tho bird's feat to the reel of tho hnro;
he legs being thickly covered with
iliort featherH right to the very claws.
ThiH thick, warm clothing of the legs,
Increased In winter, Is in direct adap
tation to the need or a bird, most of
whose lire Is spent on nioiintuln snow
field or cold plains.
An Important Point.
Judge -'The dollars or ton days
In Jail." l'tisoner "What kind of n
Jail have you got?"
Sure Relief
6 Bell-ans
Hot water
Sure Relief
mm oureKenei
Stearns' Electric Paste
Is wcofrnlznd a tho ntiuiintml
HxtTinlimtnr tor llatn. Mice, AntA,
UockToaclieDuim wiuTl)tig.
Ilnn't wFttImo trylnu to kill Uicw prfU
with ixiwders, liquids or nny expurimoutal
Roady for Uso-DutterthnnTrapa
aoz. box, 35o JS-oz. box, 01.M
lVWI IflaUa boltle of Q-Dho Hair
Color Ileatorer will bring bacl original color
quickly lopH dandruff. At all (uod draffgUU,
1c, or direct from HtulfU'. Ctaabu, HmHK Taw.
5tThe Flavor bstsyhu
ajjaag-.i imuI