The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, April 05, 1923, Image 8

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ft LOOM, looks!
i cot one Poor
Itl Rit WirfflBIt MO
.one w Tae 5frn6.
Not What We Do
How Well
T IKK Isn't nil In hie amounts,
-L Or greatness In ii title:
It Isn't what we do tlmt counts
How well wo ti Is ltnl.
The little tiiNl;s mill little things
"Arc wlmt In time will toll;
Nut what wo do tho glory brings,
Itut If wo lo It well.
The humble task of hunihlo litinda
Has Jiint as much of bounty,
As much olllcloncy ilcinuntls,
As any other duty.
Tlic folloxv In the shallow trench
Must have a solillor heart;
ThO follow standing lit tho bench
Must ilo his honest part.
The lowest brick In any wall
Is still the brlek that niaile It;
The eillilce will stand or fall
How well or poor we laid It.
nd till. the dignity divine
Of all wo are or do;
"Your work requires the best of mtne,
Mine needs the best of you.
No wink together, you with me,
buie'er we build or fashion;
r pride should lie niir honesty,
At quality our passion,
lue I t'le tasks and little things
t- vhiit in time will toll
N i wbai welo the glory brings,
Hisi if .ww do Ir well.
1) III- xx In
). t .svn.lkute, Inc.)
las Anyone Laughed
At You
Because .-
ntirGL it.
You Are a Poor Speller? Of
tiiui ii i- "I'oiiinie it rant" ami
i M xenlont and ri.:hr to spell eor
rcitlj In .xour uatlxe tongue.
.A't t lexx do. It -corns to bo a
chronic disease. Spelling', how
per, Isn't ccrj thing ideas are
more: 1,1st to a line tale; A
sudcnl In a (ullege Kngllsh
class aUeil I lie irof. wh.x she
ilMn't get A'-. . "I alxvays
answer all the questions that no
mil- else can, ,ou always appeal
! me on oxer.x iiitt 'nil and yet
xoii u've mi (' anil aloiially
T' Vxh I- HV" He replied "Don't
"J i - U" 'A' Miulonts will
i . i of hero without ihe smell
f n. e on their uiirnients joii
xx. il '.t out and be someboily.
t ,n r ulxo m pei feet marks he
rni""o joii spell too badly and
w.' h.ixo to inn u considering all
these uleehanl' i' things."
Your oet-away here in:
You have Ideas maybe even
though you've no spelling.
i l.i . in,. . s !,.. i -iullciltc.)
New York city has ruin, on the aver
ge, every three days, wltha n'oriuul'
kniiuul full of -H.oa Inches,
r -renss. a. I
? tx J3WBffi ?U I
-I i T&Jms J
CiRl- jm&tw K7 L
" j f ri iWSJE
fconT SUP
Lmo oh we
1 1 J XTS
urAim voru sri:KCii
TWTiCN aie Juilgcd by tlmlr talk. They
liuxe no other nieeiis of Impress
iiu tho-e with whom I hoy come Into
Iliishiess men and prospccllvo em
plo.xcrs uie not mind readers. They
form their ouJnion of ou by the wordi
that oomo out of jour mouth.
If you talk well and Intelligently
your ohnneo of sm'iess is excellent.
If your speech Is blovonly, ungram
matlcal, and above all profane, you will
promptly be .set down as a mucker.
And nobody wants to transncl business
wllh mucker, or to hire muckers to
transact business for them.
Piofunity Instantly slumps thoso
who use it as or Inferior Intelligence.
More than that, It makes the cultiva
tion of correct speech impossible.
Nobody will take the trouble to
think of Ihe right word to use If ho has
tho habit of Inserting an expletive
whenever he Is at a loss for the right
And only by .enrolling for the right
xvords in iim' can coneci speech be
Vou do not swear In the presence of
ladles. Tnlcss ,oti nro utterly Ill-man-iierod
you do tut swear in lite presence
of stranger.
it U easy, therefore, to keep frofnn
!.v out of your speech. .
Important men, It Is true, nro some
lines addicted to profanity. Hut they
are not Important because of their pro
l':inlly, but in mite of it.
And more and more, intellltrent men
aie abandoning the habit. Lincoln
n ntiaccil to cot nloifg without it. So did
Washington, although both of them
x ere siiMoetod to vexations such as I
are utterl.x unknown to you.
Keep j our speech clean and straight'
forward. He xlgorous, but don't be
prol'auo. I'llit hard against the habit
If you have It nlrendj. If joii haven't
contracted it. don't. You don't want
to be knoxvii as a mucker, ami you are
i'1-rtalii to lie. If on substitute oaths
and epletles for Intelligent Kngllsh.
as y .luto) itijifi'.
.f .. 1'
HasT Man Lil.o Thlo Proposed
to You?
Symptoms: II i an uiisalls
lied, htinxry looV. 'lollies a Ut
ile hhlny at the ol.e. He Is
Irritable, nerxou, i-roui ev, n,.
is Mho typical artist without
IuiMiUmh and self selllnj ulilllty.
Known he'll be suuexuful If ,ou
pool your inieie-;s with his.
Never thinks of jour work
only of hU. II is missed some
thing ul) his lite I ause be
hasn't met ou before yui, his
Mini unite!
You will be his sole mate us
be is itlwajs "ai'ioiig the miss,
if" of the g tod Ibl.ii's of lite.
Prescription far Gride to Dei
y I. -.ul Id. n : ad leed him by
' h.ind. !cr .o:mi "xilck hi
' x litis and stick him with It
:n mid lute.
Absorb This:
; Jk) M.i'lUl .m )' I SjliaiCHtC )
.' - - II --
?1'ss I'l-tlntiv.'s-1 despise these men
who originate xxoiuim' -.ylcs.
Mrs. )oSxolle xVhy, please?
Miss lMiilniogv They're such a d
signing set. '
Hi. ,. - ' :l
m "rrrr7 i
Reptile's Appearance In Seminole In. Sleepy Old Gentleman Admitted Fel
dlan Council Induced Tribe to I low Tenant and Did Not Know
Accept Government's Offer. ' It Until Next Day.
Old Indians relate that In Hie de
liberations which led to the emigra
tion from the I'lorlda lands to their
home In the West, the Seminole chief
tains were still stubborn and rebelli
ous), and the sentiment was eiitiiely
against accepting the proposition o(
tlio government At this time a largo
snake entered Into the council grounds
mid slowly colled himself and looked
around upon tho gathered tribesmen,
as though hc-cci lilug llicin to take
council of his inoxciiionK Tor u slant
time ho Mnjcil, ami then slowly iu
colled himself and lel-urelj took him
self to the westward.
This xas taken as an omen by the
chiefs anil Ihe medicine men, and upon
ii vole being taken II was imanlmous
ly voted lo nccept the terms of the
government ami go westward as re
quired. Thus many lives ami much
expense were saved.
Another curious legend aiuniig the
very old men Is that Ihe "Mlngelesse."
the redcoats, will some time come and
help the Seminole to regain Ills lost
lauds. This came about probably mi
nccoimt of some old promise made by
the Ilrltlsh during the lighting dnya
of the Revolution or the War of 181i.
And even as bile a the (Jreen Peach
war. In the early Ms. Ihe old Seinlnolei
proclaimed Hint the Oreat xvur hud
con ml that II Mnigolesse" were
coming wlib gren guns to aid the
Soiulnoles fu xbl'.-ing the while man
mid rcL'aliiliig il i ir Ii t lands.
Oca-Constrictor T. lies Place of House
Cat In Gome M renn Households,
and Djss Well.
In Slnnloti. on i' west const of Mex
ico. N the obi town of Mn.athin. which,
because of i, pos'ijon as a porl of en
try, Ins an Inter r;im history of varl
ins iml urmei'otis l.ombaidments which
took place durln-,' the iiexer-emllng rev.
olutions In .Mexico.
"Mnzatliin." n-in-laied, means the
"place of the deer." It could well bo
called "the place of the parrot." Kor
these beautiful IdnN are sold along
the sidewalk by peddlers. On the
swlmrlntr doors ..f the hotel if one
can dlgnlfj the I.mIcIiil' house xxith
such a name Is Inxnr'ahly seen a
grave parrot, shtln- like a magistrate,
and p'lsshigjudcim -it on thepas-ers-bj'.
I'm this i.s not the only rcprcscutu
tixe of the animal klicdom In the hos
tony. For it boa .is of a Hi-foi.) boa
constrictor, which hangs lazily from
Ihe celling or Is curled up in a corner.
Here iliohoa constrictor is the luoii.or.
The .Mexicans use It with grout success
in the place of the ordinary house cat.
And It Is mi more dangerous than
pusv herself. Tb snakes are faithful
In their work ami take the entire re
sponsibility ibei.i eixis of killing on
ratx. For If a cat i f.-uinl in their ter
lit or j thej take I'm preen in ion ! n.
tuoxliiK anj iImiIs in their art by first
entile' 'be
rv., ;..o :: , ,-,i oaby.
1 !' ' ii ihe modern
blib.x ,. , . . n x c.i..- does for
hllu l' .i ' ,' io be it bnby.
'"-' '" s , e:,ui.' his lltriu
li"k io . i , .ii.ii. ,,i ttort to count
the l':i . . i ..on o-i bis new xvhlto
ciilTqiili, .ie io .iimes along and
siijs: "It- I .- to take the bab.x lo
thediHior. oi -i is time for his weigh
ing ami mi'iis. ," or "it's time to
take hi'. o''i;o.i n." or "It's time to
trj inn . n.w , ,'t,"' and Just when
he's getiin.; re.nlj n close Ills eyes for
a nice hmK nap oi.i one comes along
and sajs: "HV u(..e to he the baby
his toma'.o t;ce," and what baby In
the nrlil ixer likes the tunic of toma
toes V
Tl vvk-' a million ihlu.s science puts
oxer on tb babj loi.iy when baby f.s
absolutil.x !nile,s 'i, pre ent the ex
periment. He mux holler bis little
lungs out,- but It doesn't do a bit of
good, ie crjlng can .-s mech less -.
cent lliilli It Used to for the baby
tiice dajs needs t-.i'rc.'.e for Ills lungs
ami I invils much more discipline
than he used to. That's what seleneo
thinks. -.Minneapolis News.
Too Gocd to Lose.
The Mory Is told mie of the UN
iimliieib lu a cortaiii school was ue
costeil liy ihe albletle couch.
"If Joti please, sir.' he hejnn, "tliem
are two splendid fellows on the foot,
bnll ieiiin "
"Now slop," mild the professor, ue
erelj. "If you want lu iil me to
pass tiicNe boys., who have dunked ihel?
examinations, Jum U-i misi lltoy ura
good aiblctes, 1 tefusu iihsoluiely,
I'tierc's been-"
' "No sir; tin, sir," hurriedly Inter
rupted the petitioner, 'it' Just t!.j
other wny. Tliej'ra audi biilllutit stu
dents i hat 1 wanieil io beg ou to make
them think, so Hat we toubl keep
them fur another ,x ;ur." L'olumbiii (S.
l) tit u If.
Later, He Hnw Better.
Loren n-tio . nd Kniuimd llxe.
Ojie evening iimilee put uiem lo lied
lather eaiij. Abo a mne uYIutk who
lie.i.d a ', am. ue v that one of
ibelil b.lii t illei) i iai of hoi. .' ,- .
run upstaliH she d 'nltd It uu proli.
ably the x.aiugei. luu up n eqieriug
Ida loom she found lilm sleeping Koiind.
Ij-. . When .she reueUed Lorun's room,
lio xvas just climbing over the edge of
Uie l.i'M.
"Why, l-iueur she fscliilinwl, "1
though It was Kdm-ivl '," '
A. slecp.x xoice ii.ii.x. ored her, "Ho'd
I, ut HMt!"
Not everj householder wotihr be ns
foitunale as xxas .Jones In making n
mistake ami not su.Teiing for It, re
marks n Nexv York Sun writer. The
man he let into his apartment two
nights ago may have looked like hl.s
son to him In his sleepy stnte, and he
may luive been s,o nVopy or .some other
way himself that ho didn't know the
lint, but In any event they both were
mistaken. And jet nothing came of
When Jones. Jr.. called his father
on the plum at Hie hitler's oillce the
folloxxing conxcrsiitioti ensued:
Junior Were yon worried when 1
didn't get In last nlghl".' I couldn't
phone you that I was staying with Hill
for the night.
Jones Do you mean lo say you
didn't come home last nlghl V
Junior Why. no. You ought to
know that yourself. You were going
to let me in.
Jones I did lei you In. What nro
you talking about'.' You got me out
of bed at l in ihe morning.
Junior I did nothing or the kind.
I never enme In till this morning nt
10. You must be seeing things.
When Jones got to the haunted
apartment he found u note from the
tenant nbove. It read: "Hear Jones;
Sorry 1 troubled you last night. I didn't
know till you stumbled buck to your
room that I had Hie wrong Moor. I
sneaked out without noise vo as not
to trouble joii further. Hope you
didn't think 1 w.v -i htitiar when you
woke up. Youis. I'.rinxn."
No Tramiii'j So Cotplctc or Thorough
Will Suffice Vithout It, According
to Master.
W! . i j;ixe-i life to a or'. what
makes it true, xvi.l nexer be Its char
acteristles, polyti ji d or atonal, but,
nither. Us essential melody, i'lienco
springs Its real power, because It
conies straight from the heart of tho
musician. There Is no training so com
plete or so thorough that It can suf
llce without that melodic source, Dnrl
us Mlllumd writes in the North Anier
li.ui ,IS"xiexx. H Is the primary ele
ment. Hie ii'Mln'iiile organic one. that
comes from the pure 'cntlment Itself
und that Is coutlucixc to rhythmical
and harmonic de-dun. Without melody
all xxlll full or end in vain
rhetoric, quite conxentlonal and empty.
It Is the entire secret of music,
which 1 found out one day when I
was studying at the conservatoire with
my master. Andre Cedalge. I was
showing hlin some vast symphonic
pi-ill or other and be aid to uie:
"Just write for me eight measures
lint can be plajed without any no-
Melodj Is oui
Os( iitabit'ov.
It lllol!.- - Ml liti.HV
our lie '-Ju Mb ' d
nlm and great-
us to work- by
jet keep close
to the ir.i"'
xx e feel to lie
'Trc.-.-i- j : !'. 'en Secrete."
Ah' i l'.. -isiii-j of Hid-
Wi 'e . - . mi ami printed
'by .la! - . i 1 ! a in l.iVI. The
'tUle p.o. e '. ;l ' "1. is that It Is
"The 'IV . ilidden .sVcreis,
(imiiuon'.x cil'.il li.e Uoiil nusxxiv.s'
Closet ,' I'mm . :;i ,'..r the Health of
her )o -s -ii. fd, giitio ted mil of sundry
oxpcilui , s lately p 'a. -t -oil bj men of
greai kuo.lo'l an: t..w newly on
Inrged x .'i illxeis po,xsi,-; helps, and
knowledge of ihe nanus and dispo
sition of (INeuscs that most coui'nionly
happen to men and xxemeti.
"Not I'liporiliK'tU for every good
htiswlie in use lu iter house, amongst
her own Kan ill. "
.Mis- dedicates her book "to all
women that luxe and profess the prac
tice of good huswlfery, as well us wives
lis liiir Ii s."
After ti'inliig the pages of the book
mid oecij hciing Ihe old Kngllsh print
ing, one '' rather In doubt whether It
Is u cook book fiit' huiuiins. it reads
more like the recipe might be Tor the
Lono-Time Tenant Rewarded.
Nt nib's eNiolllng the virtues of ;i
Kind. onl ere heard .so seldom that they
bear repealing. This one comes from
I'nt'in :
An ceil xvomaii In u tenement In
the 1iiin iiiarter not only is no longer
compelled to pay rout but l supported
liy ib-natlons from' the landlord und
tcmiit.s of ibi building. Tb.o unusual
Uenerosjtj is duo to the fact that the
woman It. is llxeil lu tin- .imc apart
uiiuit for 7" years. NeLlibors ailed
the landlord's attention to ihe worn
all's plight. A search of tins rec.Vds
shuxved that not ti mingle iiuariciij rent
Installment hud been missed during the
lust 7 je.irs.
Old "TieUt-of.l.cavc" System.
Tin ' i"' ket-of-l.O'ixe" xwi- a xxritten
i;wi!l J'st granhd by the Iln J', .u
guvc ii. I In 1."W, xxln ii'.x a i
yuti '! -'s v..xen It's U'l.'i-t.x I . m
jj,si,riri(ili.i of his term, a -tj rti m
good conduct while In prison, lie was
ehlhed. however, to report to the po-
! ' ' ''i ' ' ! ' I nle'iee
e iiil If a irc-h .-dim ,.,iu
nilttiil bx him dining th.n p.-ebvl, hit.
tlcUct-oMcaxe was liiiuu di.itelj ie
called. In iM'.t-iSCh'l, tho bystem proved to
be n failure, owing to the many crimes
fonnniltcd by the prisoners thus set nt
liberty, und the practice was xlrtually
abolished by the penul servitude net
of I Mil.
2 Doors South of the Farmor Union Store, where I am Uottor Prepared
than ever to Servo You. Coll and see me as I can Snvo You
Money on Harness or Anything In My Lino.
Harness mid Saddlery
Alfalfa Will Help the Wheat
' ilislililing the Southwest s a
xv ole tlore Is no crop that can Ie
conibiDirl xvlili xxheitt io better ad
viintagH than allnlf.i In the llrsf
pi iee, ulfulfii Is "i prolltabb' cash ciop
lu the iiiens xxhero It is best adapted.
Once islubllshcil ii cm be produced
Willi little expense and practically no
risk Hut its im cutest value to the
farmer who has been glowing xxheut
alone Is the fact that it xvl.l aid materi
ally in reducing the loss of soil fertll.
Ity that is taking place at an utmost
alarming rute.
To just degtee ulfulfiv will
arrest soil deplof'-on or restore a run.
doxvn farm i.s an open question AH
titfn like other legumes has the poxver
of removing free nitrngreii from tho nit
and storing It in the soil, and xvhm it
is ploxxud up leaves the soil richer
than xvl en it xvns sinn, A good supply
ol nitrogen is not m ly lo-eessmy to
t'i production of huge wneiit eups
lint recent liix-fsti.tions show Unit
the annum! ,.t nvni able ni logren in
Ho' "oli bus uiMCh to do Wl'M ,, (l,,.
t"-ln eo'itent ii' the xx loat.
I nli.' tiinateiv. alfiilfu is not s,n..
I'i'S-i ill ciop llilOllghout lilt ill M.e
tx neat hell of Mle Sioiitiixv-i-oi. Jt !. ,h
lint lii-t-n geiiei liix p'olilnb e on i!ie
d J o hiiu's ul the West. It does i .1
glow well mi immI soils. x - ear. fl
stinlj-of -ml nod emu'-, .'omliii'is
tiViple.illy shot,- til.. I alt.ui.t I .ill lie
giuxvii hi m.iiiy plwi-is where it is now,
thought uuiidapted Foi tiinntelj tlo-ie'
are other b-gn ,.,-s such ;,- sxvxer elo. ,, I
and soy beims which in son." w-t- may .
besabsiltuieil for alfalfa where r.
latli-r is not a successful eroo I'Iih
sioi.ii.,,-... .. .. ci ... i... .
ftouilixxistein wheal Imp oxvuiont
... , ., ., .. .. . .
Ass"cltioo. II M. lbiincr. Uirecior
Reptiles Found in Trinidad Secrete a
Poison Which Enables Them to
Paralyse Their Prey.
Trinidad centipedes huxe been pre-
MMited Id the London zoo, an exchange
sajs. They are more than n foot long,
and at the broade-t part nearly half
nn inch across. 'H.ex- are dark broxvn.
with rings on the Ion feelers and on
theleg.s, a pair of whl. h ,roects from
each tk.ttened segn.-nt of ilie bodj.
These tropical ceiitip, lies lixe in shady
plmes, hidden under bark, stones or
dead leaves, moxing cl.lelly ut iiiglil.
fii... ...... n..t,.i i ... .i .
j "-. i no !jiiii-ii, nun run inmo vein-
Ul Milfili-e If tbe-e K l.nj footbobl
for their claws, ihey aie entirely
eurnixo.uus. llvin.' nn'lni-cctn, grubs,
small birds or iiuur.ial, which they
kill with their enom.
It has been shown that tho whole of
the bod of these i entipedes secretes
fl l.!!. a 11, 1...... .... tl. il .if.., ll.i
wounds made by "the slurp claws are ?r t lolt -t KrWuy imcompanie J
estiemelj palntuL 'Ihe under surfuce ' h M'bs Melba Lejidubraud for Smith
of the h. ad carries a formidable pair Center, llnth uilHi.l to spend Buster
of poison fang.s, the of which I with Mis. Uoiiinible. and Inmily.
escapes by n pore in the claw, being I Ih-unie Moliler and lMgar Loatla
foruie.l bj large glands at the base of jln.,lll(1.,,l0U, , Ku(l Com, hl;.
the daws The xen,,,,, Is an arid . satiinlav to llnMi their Raster shop
llll'lllkvl'illlf Willi , o)ii i ii.L'i.IIiL. fltl. 1
.-it.k"v ii ii i it itiiinii inn' niir iitii
water. When ted Juto the veins
of tabblls It jiroibiee. Instantaneous '
paralysis, xxith i naguhiilon ol' the
blood; when Injected under the skin '
enormous abscess. .s are rapidly
lormeii. i in- ic. 's erj pnliuiil to
human beings, inn Ins not been known
III 111" t'tlt.ll .lllll..,. 1, O .lilMC.J I...
stimuli., local sweil n and occasion-
ally ubers.
Yes, Garber's
Is The PlaceS
To Buy Wall Paper. Paints,
And Electrical Supplies.
The best place for Picture
Pram inc.
The Margin o? Safety
Is i ..presented i.v the amount of
iiistiiaiice yon cm iy
Don't lull yourself into n fancieil
Uecotisp fire bus never touched you
u duMi't folloxv that xou'reiinmuno
i'onifiiroxv - no loduy, Ii you luive
tluio-nnd joii better llnd tinio
n. me to tb olll " nil I 'v.'l' v 'e
a poliev on joir li.nisii, fiiiiituie,
-tore oi niereliiiiellsi' M Y lit: lO() I. a I h-
FLeliacble Insursxrvce
State Line
Will Uinf bus ii nexv r'ml
.It's- Iting xvns in lteil Ohm. I. Satur
day I-'isnk HlP went to Inavale last
There was a I'm mms Union meeting
uf Womcr l-'riilay evening
Mr. and .Mis. Hert Perry and family
spent Sundiiy at Out Prills.
Fred llroxvn went to Smith Center to
attend court and look after other
Lewis Paget and family spent Sun
day nt Charlie Pagets near Smith
Thi.isil.iy xvus the last dav of school
at the Johnson school house. Cecil
McCartney xvns teacher.
Kansas Pickups
Mr. Otis Prit'H snent Sundiiv Kt
IJImer J-piiirieis
Mis. Hlmer Spin iicr siLnt Tuesday
at .Smith Center
Don'f Sin-get Sundiiy school at liiab
Miiole. every "sunday.
Mrs .loiin Hanson spent .Monday
with Mis. Win. Hooper.
Mih I'.arl Aol" ot -spent Tncs,iiy
with 1 er mini, Mis l,-i ,. i
Mh- Lois Liiiiuigaii spent, ixxo das
with friends in Smith Center last
,,m, ,,, H,, wf,. f v.mith
Center visited bis mother Hob Lan-
niL.,,. , 11(.S(illv
,, . . , ..... , ,, .
"ob LtitinliMii and. Innnly mid Karl
, i., ,., , ., .. ,
Abbott and xvite snent Siindav ar the
I) ex I'.i'lilMii home.
Northeast Pawnee
'"" '".iday (though a cold daj , :i
'Wat '"""' 'ti here planted s o
pot.itoe., nil believing it a lucky di y
lor potato planting. Thy aim to
plant the balance xvhen weather iiinl
soil gets wanner.
, T,. f(irm,.t.s j,, K(llll.r, ,iri. t,kMll.t.1,
' :.. ,i:,v . . i- i r . i ..
" ' "l,,i;l,t '"",,s f "" , '"'
,M1 wU' M1u,h " foi,c,l,-'' 1,l,uli"-'
':"'"'1'- "lining and plowing for oil's
' l K-ti'len p.ttehes
Some women iollci smrtu.l their in.
uibatoislu full sxving while othes
lteve the old xv-tv is tWlMti
I luyil Mono who met xvith a kciioi s
, (u'l""?"t x' -'" '"If ' HJ? "n.l'y
I broken, eaiiset by it team of mult-s
i r.iiminn c II' x bile going to lied (,'hu.d
a mut to .luya ago is much improve''.
Ilarij iJouiidbl"y who wus visltli g
with the Leadabrand family for a day
'' .' Hyan who UiiMieil up his
u'-sessing pretty early (several days
agi) is noxv speniiuig his vacation at
plowing, cm No time lost xvith Frank-
llaixe lilnir llnished up plowing over
.'!,'i acres ot altalfa ground lust xxwk
Me and his team as well knew tliy
weto doing souiethlog. lie aims to put
it into corn as he likes to folloxv u
I rotation of crops.
Mr. ami Mrs. tins King woio in Smith
Center last Saturday finishing up their
ll.tstor tradition.
Hoy -Myers who lluishetl up hlsxveck
ly hay hauling to Ilelairu and Inax-ale
i last .Saturday, will now lest his team
, lu that line until fall or winter next.
Herb llui her ami family xve,rp in
Kcd Cloud last Saturdnj-.
Mr. and Mrs .Iim Collins (the newly
mat ried couple) spent a mpbt enjoyable
caster at the hitters folks Ip Logan
I Klnter Mnliue has piled up nil Im
mense amount of titcl on the Prank
tS.ibeit crock on shares. Kliuer alwajs
aims to keep Ids wife and ohlltiron
whi in and .'omfortiible.
liveii"tt Myers hauled tinnii, lumber
1 and ccim nt and Is alining to build a
substantial mill; liouso at once.
' 'n.i'Hi : to go in nnd
i v in brothers, Afti"
im a moment he I.
,!.i ...led one, mo,, V.llise
' ..,.!." Umton
." ' t
: at
r. e
.ut Only One lo Happy,
The llnriisburg Patriot 'seems to
doubt Uie iruth of a certain old sy
jing. It reiiiurks: "The ouly two who
can live together n.s cheaply n. 0un
urn n lien nnd a dog."nuston Transcript.
) 'I