RED CLOUD. NEBRASKA, CHIEF r 0 & Your Skin is So Fragrant and Smooth Each cake of Cashmere Bouquet Soap holds the perfume of a thousand fra grant petals. For three ij-ncrations, lovely women have enjoyed its purity. A sensible recipe or lovely complexions is rain water and this pure soap. COLGATE'S Cashmere Bouquet Soap Large size . Medium size, Luxurious Letting Refined J i . Personal Eulogy. KrKs Does Stiickup believe In 11 supremo being? Kress You would think ho If you lien nl lil 111 sitijrlii Ins own prnKc. New York Sun. SHE DYED A SWEATER, SKIRT AND CHILD'S COAT WITH "DIAMOND DYES" Each package of "Dinmond Dyes" con tains directions m pimple nny woinanNcan dye or tint her worn, chubby dresses. fekirtH, waists, outs, stockings, sweater, covering, dmperiw, hangings, everything, even if she has never dyed before. Huv "Diamond Dyes" no other kind theii pcrfert home dyeing ia mre because Dia riond Dyes arc guaranteed not to spot, fide, trek, or run. Tell your druggist whether the material you wish to dye in wool or silk, or whether it is linen, cotton It mixed goods. AdvcrtiHemcut. hard Work. "Wlin t do you find your most dlfll mlt literary tusk?" "Gutting up bright layings of children." Buy Alabastine from your local dealer, white and a variety of ready to mix with cold water and apply with a suitable brush. Each package has the cross and circle printed in red. By inter mixing Alabastine tints you can accurately rugs and obtain individual treatment of each 1647 CruJiiU Smoko Bombs as Signals. Long Heucb, California, life savers send up a smoke bomb when about to make a rescue, and need assistance. It has been proved that a boat can approach a bather In distress moro safely and rupldly from the seaside than If It were to start from shore through the breakers. The smoko bomb Is the signal for the boat to leave Immediately for the scene. Ambiguous. "Sir, I am a woman of my word." "Yes. but which one?" Boston Eve ning Transcript. N A man's good opinion of himself Is the real thing. I MIX in ONI I" THE ONLY TOOL ast Foam Every ten-year-old girl should learn how to make good bread. It should be the starting point in her home cookery training. Send for free booklet "The Art 0 Baking Dread" BtC' t '!5v 25c ice te pshmereS n m & Gouqi wtf ToA Sts CqCa 3y 7 'o Si SS 3: j, m 2SS The Popular Pharaoh. "Since tho Tutankhamen nffalr," said tin nltcndnnt at tho Detroit In stitute of Arls, "there has been a pos ll've rush for Kgyptlnn relics. Scarce ly 11 person comes In hero who does not make Inquiries, and wi.nt to sco what we have, and to express regret that we haven't more. I firmly be lieve that more people hnvo assidu ously read honks and articles dealing with ancient Kgypt since this l.uxor affair than ever before." Ited Cross Hall Blue Is the finest product of Its kind In tho world. Ev ery woman who has used It knows this .statement to be true. Advertise inent. Old Job stood the gaff, of course, but he never bail a blowout a inllo from 11 shade tree. Possession of a deep bass voice la almost sure to prevent 11 man from speaking frivolously. ekHI A SK your local dealer to rec- ommend a practical dec orator. If you are unable to secure one you can do the work yourself, tinting and stenciling your walls to give beautiful results. Instead of Kalsomine or Wall Paper tints. match draperies and room. Write for special suggestions and latest color combinations ALABASTINE COMPANY Are. Crua Rtpidi, Mick. Straight Silica Glass. A deposit of silica mineral of vol canic origin has been found In Czecho hlovakla, which can be used directly In the manufacture of glass without the need of adding any of the other common Ingredients used In making up the glass batch. This silica mineral la said to resemble lava and It Is under stood that the deposits are very lnrgo Too Low for Her. He "What do you say to a tramp In the park?" Sin; "I never speak to them." Carnegie Puppet. Wise s the man who buys a return ticket when he wanders from his own II reside. Good brcadmakcrs everywhere prefer it Northwestern Yeast Co, 1730 N.Ashland Ave, Chicago jiniiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiim Indian Lodge Tales 1 By Ford C. Frick nimimimmiiiiiiiiimmiiiiimiiimiimr 1 1UA J ATOLL A II (Spnnish Peaks) TN TIIK dim and distant ages lavage - tribes from the norlblaiid came out of u thundering cloud and drove away the people who Mved In the unlet, peaceful valley at the foot of the Twin Peaks. Hut the Haiti Cods, who dwelt on the peaks withheld the rain and the Invaders were forced to lice, for the land became a ureal and wa terless desert. Hut the Invaders, who had con quered the country, and then aban doned it when the gales of rain were closed, had meanwhile established a mighty empire In the south, extend lug from ocean to ocean and far Into the north. They had numerous slone gods which they worshiped, and images of these gods they placed over all the land. It was their custom that these stone gods should be decked with gold and silver which they took from the rocks In their own country. Hut when the gold and silver be came scarce they Journeyed north ward once more and made their way even to llua.latolla, Hreasts of tho World, where the clouds are born that make the summer rains. And here they found much gold, fairest and brightest of all they had found. And the gold they found in untold quantities, and expeditions were made year after year. Despite all t..ey took the gold became no less, but "those above," who rule the world at last In tervened for they became fearful of the power of the stone gods. They placed evil spirits on .ilount lluuja tolla, driving away the treasure seek ers forever. Wrathful at all mankind the Ilaln Cods became, and they tilled all the valleys with rock and earth; lire de mons they brought, and although they are Invisible they manifest their tower In many ways, giving word of their presence thiough grent rumblings In the bosom of the mountains and by vapors and smokes and tires, which poured from the summit of the peaks and made the laud a desert and a wilderness where no man might live. So were the treasure seekers driven away, and the Kaln Cods ruled that no man should again find the treas ure, which was theirs, and the In vaders were again forced Into the southland, where they had built their great empire; and there they could worship their stone gods as they pleased, but no more could they take of the gold that belonged to the Ualn Gods, who dwelt on the summit of Iluajatolla. From that time the Valley of the Hlslng Sun, which was a region fairer tbnn any, became a place of gloom and henceforth It was called the "Val ley of the Kvll Spirits," as It Is called to this day. Note The above legend Is beyond question of Aztec origin probably em bellished and Increased by the north ern tribes who repeat It. It Rhows traces of Hopl alteration, but certainly comes of that great Shohonl family of which the IIopl and Aztecs are both descendants. Furniture Styli Origin. Tho story of modern furniture right ly begins with the crumbling of the Middle ages. Tho baronial ball stage, with Its religious formality, combined with Its rugged simplicity, was being followed by a more withdrawn, domes tic and luxurious life. As always, this was reflected In tho furniture. Tho strong and simple high nnd narrow Gothic style, with Its characteristic pointed arch, began to bo debased. Franco Is said to bo the first coun try to be influenced by the Itnllan Re naissance, but there the Gothic and the classic clashed. The process of grafting the Italian style on the Gothic hardly began In Kngland until lf.r0, when It was nearly completed Ih France. By the end of Elizabeth's reign, 100,1, there was a semblance of unity, and the Jacobean period cre ated Itself. Going to "Complet." In 1'arls, when a street car Is full, the driver hangs out u sign saying Complet, and the car does not stop for pas'seugers. A time-honored Joke on tho green tourist Is to tell him of the wonders of Complet and direct him where he can get u car for tho place. Of course tho tourist waits an exas perating time for a Complet mr to take hlui aboard. Then doubtless 1m sees the Joke, and would like to lli.d tho Joker. Youth's Coiiipniilrin. Wanted Attention Divided. ISIincr, who Is tl'.o ..nly bo in a fam ily of four Motors, often geth disgusted with the way they bab. him. Ono day when he had evidently reached the limit of hi" eiidnruueo he expressed ids feelings by saying: "I wouldn't mind the four of you If there was Jusr another ono like inc." Weight of Human Heart. An ordinary human heart weighs nine und one-third ounces, yet Its power is sulllclent to raise Its weight 20,'JSO feet In un hour. SAVED LIFE SAYS MRS. WAGENAAR , Portland Lady Fell Off 40 Pounds, but Declares Tanlac Restored Her Fully. "For nine years," declared Mrs. Kiln ft'ngenanr, L'OS Crahnin St., Portland, Ore., reiently, "I was almost a nervous wreck and never knew what It was to feel well. "I was suffering from n general breakdown and, oh, It's Just Impossible to describe tho pain mid misery I en dured. My stomach was so disordered I could scarcely retain a morsel of Bolld food. I lost forty pounds and was so weak I tottered like an Infant when I walked. Many nights I never slept a wink, and I bad weak spells, when I fainted dead away. "After spending over a thousand dollars trying to get well, my husband finally persuaded me to take the Tanlac treatment. Well, that was the turning point, for all my troubles are gone now, I have almost regained my lost weight, and I've never enjoyed finer health. I will always believe Tanlac saved my life, and I'm so happy and grateful that I Just can't help praising It." Tnnlne Is for sale by nil good drug gists. Over ,15 million bottles sold. Advertisement. Farm Problems. i There nre MO different farming problems now being studied co-operatively by the United Slates Depart- l ment of Agriculture and the state tig- l rlcultural experiment stations. These studies deal with soil, crop, animal disease,' farm management, pests and other common problems. , Every department of housekeeping needs Hed Cross Hall Hlue. Equally good for kitchen towels, table linen, sheets and pillowcases, etc. Adver tisement. 1 Apparently, the restaurant world Isn't thoroughly organized for vege tarians. 10 Cents MIXUP THAT WAS AMUSING Humorous Nova Scotlan Unintention ally Very Gravely Misled Serious Minded Glasgow Newspaper. It. M. MncGrcgor told the following tory at a luncheon of the Scottish curlers In New Glnsgow: A New Glnsgow shipping firm was hnvlng built n steamship on the Clyde nnd pnvo It the name of Mleiiinc. The odd ity of the inline aroused considerable curiosity. Tho Nova Scotlan captain was nslcetl the derivation of the name. i Good-naturedly the captain replied that "MIc" was for the Irish ant' ! "Mac" for the Scottish. Next day the , captain was astonished to llml this ' explanation of the name featured In ! tho Herald. He sent for the reporter nnd explained that "Mlemac" was the I name of a tribe of Indians In Nova Scotia. To bis further astonishment the following day the Herald carried u correction, reading as follows: "We were slightly Incorrect In giv ing the derivation of the name 'Mle mac' In yesterday's Issue. We now learn Hint the ship Is .jailed Midline nfter u tribe of wild Indians In Nova L'cotln, who nre half Irish and half Scotch." ind thnt steps nre being taken to uti lize them commercially. Chemical Trade Journal. Forceful men who cannot linve their tvoy go some other way. 0k l ft & .SESSSSj f P05TUH iTTSS. li-..- J55 mill Um,,!-, I L I i c te, P'MwCwiiiSi.,-, .0 kii.Uk.I!i . I It .'B.raa.'wjgii . , . .. . . hMaMtMfMMpaBHBlW MinaW3m g lg VtfT SWAMP-ROOT FOR I KIDNEY AILMENTS There in only one medicine that really ntandft out pie-eminent as a medicine for curable ailments of the kidticyp, liver and bladder Dr. Kilmer's Swamp Hoot hImkU the highest for tho rcarn that it hai proven to bo jiift the remedy needed in thousands upon thousand of distressing eases, huauip Hoot makea friend quickly be c.iue it mild and c effect is won rtili?ed in mint ciset. It is a gen tle, healing vegetable compound. Start treatment at oner. Sold at all drug Mores in bottles of two si?cs, medium mid large. However, if you wish first to test this preat preparation send ten cent to Dr. Kilmer & Co., Itinplmmtmi, N. Y., for a cample bottle. When witting be sure und mention this paper. Advertisement. Safety Flr6t. "Your constituents say you are do ing nothing." "Well," replied Senator Sorghum, "at this particular Juncture In affairs It's safer to be criticized for bailing on the Job tlinti to risk making mis takes." Watch Cutlcura Improve Your Skin. On rising and retiring gently smear the face with Cutlcura Ointment. Wash oft' Ointment In live minutes with Cutlcura Soap and hot water. It Is wonderful what Cutlcura will do for poor complexions, dandruff, Itching und red, rough hands. Advertisement. A mail Isn't necessarily because he has failed. a failure IMiaWlDOll CONSTIPATION Take a good dose I CARTERS IITTLE IVER PILLS Gray Hair laoutot faahlon; In unnfcf-narj far you can Imve abundant lialr ahade bj infng- Qllan Hair Color Itmtorrr.-H.ifA a wntr try It. At all roo1 (lmKKlnU.75 crnu, or direct from IIESSIG-UUS. Citato. MaU, Ttaa. Gives Charming New Shade to Old Lingerie PUTNAM FADELESS DYES dyes or tints as you wish Almost a Monopoly. "In the United States." remarked tho man who can remember figures, "there aro 11!,:t."7,(KM) motorcars, ac cording to the automotive division of the federal Department of Commerce. Do you realize what that means? I've dono a little figuring and I ascertained that It means that out of every six motorcars operated In the world five of them are to be found within "the United States of America. The world'a motorcars total l.J.O'J'J.OOO. About l-'.OOO.OOO of this number are trucks. In Hurope, according to the same au thority, motorcycles, without side ears, are taking tho place of the low-priced car. Over there are more than (5S0,(MK) motorcycles, about three times as many as are registered in this country. Psychology. Hubert Is only eight years old but he has some Ideas of his own nnd bo dislikes compliments about his flaxen hair. At school be overheard some of the teachers say that anything could he accomplished with a knowledgo of "self-nppllnd psychology." On return ing home he said: "Mainina, whore can I get a book that tells about self applied sl-sl-knlygee?" "Why, Hoberf, what do you wish to do?" she asked. "I want to see If It will turn my hair blucl;," was the answer. Tho older n woman grows the fewer adjectives she uses. ust think what you've been missing MANY people deny themselves the comfort of a hot drink with meals, because they find coffee and tea detrimental to health. For many, the drug element in coffee and tea irritates the nerves, retards digestion and often prevents natural, restful sleep. If this fits your case, try Postum. This pure cereal beverage supplies all the pleasure and satisfaction that a hot mealtime drink can give invigorating warmth, fine aroma and delicious flavor. And you can enjoy it in the full assurance that it cannot harm health. PoStUm FOR HEALTH it There's a Your grocer sells Postum In twoforms: Instant Postum (in tins) prepared Instantly In the cup by the addition of boiling water. Postum Cereal (In packages) for those who prcfor to make tho drink while the meal Is being pre pared; made by boiling fully 20 minutes. Made by Postum Coreul Co., Inc., Battlo Creek, Mich. p.'MniKirynm.Ttnf rr. 7.' 'riCTvr Aspirin Say "Bayer" and Insistl Unless you see the name "liny or" or package or on tablets you ore not get ting the genuine Hayer product pre scribed by physicians over twenty-two years and proved safe by millions for Colds Heailarhe Toothache Lumbago Knrache Hheiimatlstn Neuralgia Pain, Pain Accept "Hayer Tablets of Aspirin only. Kneh unbroken package eontnlna proper directions. Handy boxes of twelve tablets cost few cents. Drug gists also sell bottles of 121 nnd 100. Aspirin Is the trade mark of Hayer Manufacture of Monoacetlcacldester of Sallcyllcaeld. Advertisement. Wlso men settle their quarrels beforo they are begun. of Carter's Little liver Pills fcPg) then take 2 or 3 for a few nights at ter.l hey cleanse your system of all waste matter and Regulate Your Bowels. Mild as easy to take as SUgar. Genune Gear j(ffnaure s6ta?&C Small Pill. Small Dose. Small Price. W,NTr,l MAN WITH AUTO In anil KiiBiuntcnl TlltHS uml TllUKS. Will nrranite sulnry anil cxnfnnr with right man. Amnion I'roilurta Co., Ilrpt. A, Cleveland, O. W. N. U., LINCOLN, NO. 13-1923. NAME TOO MUCH FOR THEM Hawaiian Natives Found It Practical ly Impossible to Translate "Roobo- velt" Into Their Language. The village of Hoosovelt has changed Its name back to I'ukoo. Not ninny persons, probably, know whero this village is. " It Is situated in nn obscure corner of one of the Hawaiian Islands, und some years ago It had as one of Its residents n Dr. 13. S. Goodhue, who was anxious that tho inline of the famous president should never die out of this section of Ameri can territory. So be got up a petition to tho postmaster general at Wash ington, asking that the original namo of the village should be altered, ns far as the mall was concerned, to Hoosovelt. Tho ii'ipiest was granted, but tho new name bothered the natives tor rlhly. They have no "r" or ",s" or "t" In their alphabet, and the nearest Hawaiian equivalent to Roosevelt turns out to be l.uklwekl. So they bent a second petition. In which they stated that they wero deceived Into signing the first, and asked that tho native name of the village be restored. The petition has been granted. People who weigh their words see don! speak lightly. Keep In tho fashion and your photo graph will look funny 20 yenrs later. Reason" -i 6