The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, April 05, 1923, Image 2

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Property Destroyed by Elements
Given in Brief Items For
Busy Readers.
Kln at .McKeos Rocks, Pit.. destroyed a big manufacturing plant, n business Mock iinil u score of homes, cuus
i,:,. i,;,u of MOO 000. Tlic Inset shows the destruction caused by n tcrrlllc .storm which swept the Mississippi val-
lev ntntes iumI some of the southern states.
A freight train was overturned at I'Iiihoii. Tcnn.
Attends Church in Florida
Cornhuskers to Compete In
Western A. A. U. Meet
at Omaha.
The second annual senior mid-
Recent Happenings in Nebraska ; astern ;;nti a. a. r. out.ioo.
. 11 t track iitul field championship will be
held under the auspices of the Omaha
Athletic dub at Ak-Sur-ltcn field Sat
urday afternoon, June ilO.
The meet Is open to all registered
The State Music Tent hers iis-VtHin-, iiuiuleurs residing in Nebnt'ku, lw;
thin will meet at Omaha, Apill 12 to 4.1 North Dakota and South Dakota. An
l'eru has ulroatl.v begun piepnra-' eceptlonall. largo entry list Is e
tlons for Its Chautauqua ro be held peeled as teams will be entered from
this summer. "" 'I'' loading schools, elubs, colleges
The State Sunday school nsHoela-' unlversliles, Y. M. ('. A's, American
tion will hold Its sessions at Kearney, . Legion posts, urin.v, navy, etc, uecord
.Inn,. il, i: mii m. Ing to Athletic Dhector Wenilell of
One hundred and sixty-four enndl- tin- Omaha Athletic club. Word has
dales were Initialed Into tli. Klks already been lecelved from Coach
lodge at Norfolk last week. 1 Rrcsiuthan or the t'nlvorslt.v of Iowa
.Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Ilolte of Nollgh and Coach Schultz of the Cnlerlty
celebrated the fifty-ninth anniversary of Nebraska, that they will enter their
of their married life last week. j '"H' truck team In the meet. Penny
Klght northeastern Nebraska schools ' Ryan will have a strong team rcpro
aro entered In the sectional deelnmu- M-ntlng the Omaha Athletic club,
tory contest to be held at Xollgh. I "'I''"' meet "HI without doubt be
The Antelone Trail, running from tone of the largest athletic eeuts of
I'lalnvlew thiough I'.runswitk to Or
"Hair Groom" Keeps Hair
Combed Well-Groomed.
mm 'i
i - mx?:7mmMm&ij24m9m m i
chatd, will be surfaced this spring.
Oil promoters have 10,000 acres un
der lease In the nelghboihood of
Nollgh, and plan to start drilling soon.
A special election has been called i
to vote on a bond Issue for the erec
tion of 11 mimy power plant at
Superior. ,
A girls' sewing club of sixteen I
members has been organized at Tecum
seh. .Miss i:ditli Place assisting the'
girls in the work.
Cambridge has been selected as the
place where snutb-we-tern Nebraska
Camp Fire girls will hold their an
nual summer camp.
The faculty of the tiantly grade
school, which was burned to the
ground with a loss of $112,000 had the
nrlotis departments in regular work
ing order in less than a week.
Chester M. Smith, for more than
.10 j ears it resilient of Cage county,
Is dead at his home near Beatrice,
where lie home-leaded, and upon
which ho resided until ids death.
Rn.vmond Tomes, 11.
school hoy, is In a serious condition
at a Lincoln hospital as a result of
the year and many iccorus which
woie established at the first annual
meet held In September hist year, an
sure to fall," Mr. Wendell said.
Kails City folks will vote on ap.
pronl or disapproval of the Suntluj
movie question at the polls April il.
The thirty-third annual meeting of
the Nebraska academy of science will
lie held at the I'nlvorslty of Nebraska
April 112-11.
John It. Kapler, of Omaha, war
elected president of the Nebraska
Travelers' Protective association at it
recent annual meeting.
Andrew F. Slhert, a resident ol
Waterloo for Til years, died last week
at his home tlieie. Mr. Slhert was a
retired farmer and -Orund Army man.
A lone bandit held up three employ
ees and one passenger In the Hurling
Ion depot at Yoik and escaped with
Sti'.i.") In cash taken lisim the sllvei
T. J. Doylo, attorney, and a lending
tlgure In politics of the state, Is dead at
Valparaiso ( his home in Lincoln from the effects of
u strode 01 paralysis suiieren a coupie
weeks ago.
Keeps Hair
Maharaja Kewal .Munslngh of Jaipur,
India. Just thirteen years (I months old,
was the leader of the great Sun Ootl
procession In India, which was wit
nessed by many American tourists.
The youngster rode on a black horse
with silver trappings In the procession
In Delphi, India. When the American
ladles waved to l.lm, be bowed very
t-olemuly to them.
Piesldent Harding leaving the church In which lie attended divine worship
In I-'lorldn, Sunday. The President Joined heartily in singing tha hymns.
Born the Same Day
If , Y ' f
V '' HSj
y y 5X4?? y.T-frryyT jfsy
Miss lleler. ltoud, photographed in
the Jail 't Toms ltier, N. .1., where
she is awaiting ti tut on the charge of
having hit .lohii Ulchardsou with a
hatchet. Miss Hum! declares the man
was forcing Ids attentions on a four-teen-.v
ear-old girl whom she sought to
protect. Ulchardsou Is In a terious
being struck on the head by a 112-poimd !
shot hurled b.v a high school athlete. '
During lirjl! Omaha produced,
tn.OOO.OOO pounds of butter and this !
year probably will reach .-.0,000.000 ,
pounds. This places Omaha In first
position as a butter producing center. (
At the meeting of the State Sboit-.
horn P.reeders association at (ruiul '
Island. Congrossiuan A. 0. Shallen
herger of Alma was re-elected presld-.
ent. and he will also act as sales mana
ger. !
Receipts of cattle at the Omaha
yards Tuesday of last week totalled
(5,:t00 head. This was nearly 12,000 hea I
more than commission merchant had
expected in view of the after effects of
the storm.
About "." relatives and friends of
Mr. and Mrs. .1. M
an all-day reception iclebratlng their
.Vith wedding anniversary at P.roken
ltovv. This couple has lived In Olster
coiint since 1,'!.
Laud owners nn the south side of the
Platte river In Seottsbluff county aro
rejoicing over Indications that the long
lelajed tiering and Kort Laramie
irrigation unit is to be speeded up and
rushed to completion.
Clergymen will ride free In Ne
br.ika If a bill which had gone
tluouuh the senate and was advanced
to third reading In the bouse passes.
The bursting of an automobile tire,
which lie had inflated to 100 pounds
pressure, caused serious Injuries to
Louis Schumann, employed at a
llloomfileil gnrage.
Hundreds of fish are being pulled
out of the lakes around P.assctt.
Many pickrell weigh 4 pounds.
Plans for summer homes around the
lakes are being made by many.
The eighth annual renewal of the
Nebraska State Howling tournament,
which will be held In Lincoln April 7
II, Is expected to attract an entry of
7." tennis, according to those in charge.
Plans for the I'nlversity of Ne
braska memorial stadium at Lincoln,
have been approved by the hoard of
regents and vvoik will begin It Is an
nounied, as soon as bids on the work
Kodge attended ' can hv obtained.
Mrs. Phil Davis leaped through the
window of the projection booth of
the Hex Theatre at Franklin, when a
film look lire and cccped In jury,
but the blaze spread over the theatre,
causing severe damage.
The state board of educational lauds
and funds has voted to lnve: ap
proximately S100.000 of the N12.KK).000
Aiuerclan Legion relief fund In pav
ing and school bonds ol Wa.vne, Ita
vciiua and other communities.
Over a thousand Kiemoit, school
children enjo.ved a half holiday as a ie.
Millions Use It Flno for Hair! Not
Sticky, Greasy or Smelly.
A few cents buys u jnr of "Hnlr
Oroom ' at any drup store. Kven stub
born, unruly or shnmpooed hair stays
combed all day in any stylo you like.
"Ilalr-Oroom" is a dignified combing
cream which gives that natural gloss
and well-groomed effect to your hair
that final touch, to good dross both In
business and on social occasions.
Cireaseier.s, stainless "Hair-Groom"
does not show on the hnlr because it
Is absorbed by the scalp, thereforo
jour hair remains so soft and pllablo
and so natural thnt no one can pos
fclbly tell you used it.
It Needs Turpentine.
Sometimes shoe polish becomes bard
In the box and not tit to use. You can
soften It and make it as good as ever
if you add a little turpentine and let
It stand for a short time.
Important to Mothors
Examine carefully every bottle ol
CASTORIA, that famous old remedy
for infants and children, and see that It
T) nnun 1 1 n
UL'UIO lill yV JtTTsi . sr
Signature of (affi&M.
In Use for Over 110 Years.
Children Cry for Fletcher's Ca6toria
The Cold Truth.
There's nothing so pathetic about Ja
cob working 14 years for his wife.
Mnny men put In a lifetime at it. Exchange.
Mrs. Eliza Teeter
The bill calls for free Intrastate ildes .salt of a prank pla.ved b.v an unldentl
The nine months' old bab.v, Harney Zimmerman, son of Dr. and Mrs. Harry
Zimmerman of St. Paul, Minn., and the boy's Inseparable companion, a St.
Reriiard puppy, bom the same day us Harney. Thu baby needs no nurse maid
to watt It It while outdoois for no one has a chance of getting closer to Rarney
than ten feet.
Sealing Tut-Ankh-Amen's Tomb
3 1 kS'r mW- m&m II
Mrs. lltta Chappclle, sentenced to
12.ri0 days in the county Jail at San
l'rancisco for driving an automobile
whllu Intoxicated, Is the llrst woman
In California to be convicted of wl
a charge. Mrs. Chappello maintains
that she Is an automobile mechanic
tar better .sLllW Unin many male me-chunk's.
Small boys carrying loads of dirt and gravel upon their heads to dump Into
the entrnnco to King Tut-Aukh-Amen's tomb at Luxor, to seal up the remain
ing treasures until fall when work will he started again. It Is estlmuted that
1,700 tons of mnterlal will be used In sealing the tomb.
for ministers and fulltlme charitable
workers Intrastate.
An annual saving of thousands of
dollars to potato growers will lesiilt
from a Joint through rate on seed po
tatoes which bus been secured by
agreement with the Iturlington, North
western and Piilon Pacific, the rall
wm.v commission announces.
The upper branch of the legislature
has passed the tlneshermens lien Mil.
a measure which gives owners and
operators of threshing machines or
shelleis a lien on grain threshed or '
shelled, as a chattel mortgage, and j
must lie Instituted within .'10 da.vs.
A bill to provide material for a new
cellliouse at the Nebraska penitentiary
b.v requiring all stone, brick ami other
material from the old capltol to he '
delivered by the slate capltol coin
uissoii to tin1 prison ground when
the capltol is raxed has been advanced
to third leading In the bouse.
A picric add blasting demonstra
tion thnt drew funnels from all parts
of Richardson county, culminated in
a Iniged.v when .loans Helm, tarmer
living south of D.iwson was Instantly,
kilhd when struck In the back of the1
head b.v a fl.vlng stump weighing
JttO pounds.
The great (light of wild ducks and
geese has been halted by the iccent
storms Cor miles In the uolghboihood
of M'idlsoii the Holds are llterall.v
lilad; wllli mallards, blue hills, pin
tad dmks and Canadian geese. Never
sliu. the ila.vs have farmers seen
i-o man.v lulgiatory birds In their Ileitis.
1 R Wooililng. acting chlel of the
-late I. mean ol animal Industry, has
ict ilvcd an official warning I rem the
lederal bureau that an epidemic of
foot and mouth disease among live-
stink Is again threatening.
Alphn Camilla Rho, ugiUulltiiul fin
tornlt.v, will holt! Its national conven
tion lit Lincoln April 120 to 12s. ami the
meeting Is expected to bring about
.200 men. llaeh of the nineteen chap
ters Is entitled to three delegates, ami
there will also ho eight nitlonal olll
cers hi attendance, besides depart
ment heaths from the agricultural i allege.
lied youth, when n hiysteiions phone
call at the city plant ordered the school
whistle sounded, calling off school.
Dairying will become the principal
industry in the Nortli Platte valle.v In
the opinion of II. K. Probst, export ol
the slate experiment faun. The climate,
sweet tipver pasturage, high alfalfa
production and silage of beet tops ami
pulp aie factors. .
Kasparek & Itaant, feeders from
the Steele City community topped the
Kansas City market last week with
nine tars of cattle ami two of hogs.
The Cattle weighed an -average of
toiirteen hundred pounds anil brought
sOJo. The hogs brought SS.JI.'i.
It Is rumored at Kearne.v that tho
Sinclair Oil company has decided to
locate Its state headquarters in that
city. Options are said to have been
obtained on a site suitable for creeling
an otllce building, to house between
thirty and forty employes
The Rev. Anton M. , l.umlei n, of
Newman drove, Nebraska uiNsiomiiy
captured by Chinese brigands last u tu
ber ami released after diplomatic pin
, lesis by his own ami four other govt in
' tuents, has leturnetl to Aiiieiitn.
Last Kiidny, March l:i. was ihn
tenth anniversary of the big I'aster
Sunday Slorm at Omaha, In w hit h
over a 1 mulled people o- Midi lives,
many hundreds were Inlmed, ami the
propei ty loss exceeded S.'.OOO.OCO 'iii(
records of tho storm in Neluaska ami
Iowa as the result of the siortu num
bered 171 dead, (Kit) Injured and s-ii.m ,,
'J.'fl In propel l.v loss.
A laitliful dog which canie at ids
tall piobahly saved the life f W.
Harrington near Ravenna, whin he
was attacked b a large hog. ;
Three hundred and fifl.v lainier-,
members of the Co-opeiallve licet
(Jrowers association, voted hi s nRs.
bluff county, by a small pliir.illiv. to
sustain the hoard of dlrceiois ot ilie
association in Its demand-; upon the
(ireal Western Sugar tompanv i n- a
1012:', contract guaranteeing mi a ton
niliiuium and providing for a sliding
scale division of the pintlts that
would pay the farmer IS pei i cut of
the sugar obtained
What Thiv, Woman Says is of Vitrf
Interest to You
Goihwi, Intl "I had coughed niftht
and duv for a whole year and had lost bo
mur.h flesh I began to look like a walking
skeleton. Two of my sisters had died
from tuberculosis and I felt certain that
My timo had come. Vinally, a friend re
commended Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical
Discovery to my husband, and it mado
mo fed new strength and vitality right
from the start and in a year's timo I was
just as btrong and hardy as ever. I
have never buffered with a deep, hack
ing cough since (that was about 20 years
ago) and have always fat very grateful
to Dr. Pierce "Mrs. Eliza Teeter, 413
Middlebury St.
Whenever you feci the need of good
confidential medical advice, address Dr.
Pierce, president Invalids' Hotel, Uuffalo
N. Y., and answer will be returned with
out charge of any kind.
1123 O Street c Lincoln, Neb
acinoTfsllnmiruff MnpillalrPaUIsc
Reittirei Color and
Beauty to Cray mid Faded Hall
Kiw. anil Hi ihimi iiriitP'-ihiL
itniwni rhim'WKii I'atf liia-ni.. N.Y
HIMDERCORMS ltcmcr, tVm.. cal.
loiian. tie., (toiia ail pain, innui.i r.nntott to (lis
reft, isikkr vraiKipc rar
c rrv in, i v mail nr at L'ruo
lllacox CUcmlral VVorLi, I'htoliuk-uu, N. Y
Japan's Boy Prince a Poet.
In ilapiiii poets ait- lionmcd ahovn
iawmakeis. and for tint reason the
whole hind is ii lighted because tho
youngest son of the emperor, seven-year-old
Prince Siimi. composes poetry
with less dllhciilty than the oitliuary
Kehnolbo.v coiistVitcts prose sentences.
Ami the softer
It Is to travel
the mini the harder
Nliilt ond Morntni.
Have Strong. Healthy
Eyc. If they Tire, Itch,
Smart or Iiurn, if Sore,
Irritated, Inflamed or
G ranulated, use Murine
Often. Soothes, Refreshes, bate tor
Infant or Adult. AtullDrwjKists. Write for
Free Eye Book. Muxlu Ejt Ktmtdy Co., OMt
&ur EVS