The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, March 29, 1923, Image 6

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By Sidney Gowing
SVNOl'.SlS.-lJlahkhig tho pros
pect Of ft IllUlltll'U VlHlt tO llOr UU8-
luiu uunl, 1-uJy Krytluu Ijimlx;,
al Jcrvuulx ubhoy, ami tier cousin,
Aluxutidor l.ambe, Almee, vIviicIoun
iluUKUtur of tlm Very Kovoiuntl
Viscount Hcroopo, iniota a young
man who luuKtiltiKly Introduces
himself uh Ulliy," American. Tho
two rlilu on hi motorcycle, tho
"Flying Hpliinx," unit purl. Willi
(luorglua Hcriicrs, her coubIii, Almeo
Botfl out for Jcrvuulx. alio forcc.4
Uuorglnu to Impersonate hur lit
Jorvaulx, mill she goes on u holi
day. Almco uguin meets Hilly. Uo
tellH hur his tiuuio Is Spencer, unil
she gives hers us Amy Snookcs, at
present "out of u Job." Hilly offers
to take her Into partnership In sell
ing tho Sphinx. In u Hplrlt of mud
cap adventure, shu uccepts. Tho
two proceed to tho town of Btun
hoe, taking sopunito lodgings In
Ivy cottugu. While Altitun In b
cretly visiting Ueorglna ut Jor-
vulilx, the pluco Ih burglarized, nnd
tho famous l.amlio emeralds nre
stolen, Almca escapes, l'ollco do
cldo tho thieves uro "Jack the
Climber" nnd "Calamity Kate,"
who travel on a motorcycle. Hilly,
who has Hhudowcd Almco to Jor
vaulx, follows tho thieves. Ho la
knocked out, but emerges from tho
light with tho I-umbo emeralds.
Ho moots Almee, with tho pollco
lit pursuit. In u sccuro hiding place,
a cava mining tho ciug pits, Almeo
tolls him thu wholo story. Ho urges
her that nhu miiko a frank confes
sion to her fattier, but on reflec
tion both rculUo Almco'H good
name Iiuh hern compromised, As
suring Almco ho has a plan to oavo
her. Hilly leaves her In tho cava
and, proceeding to Jcrvuulx, ro
toros tho emeralds to tho astound
ed 3-uly Hrythca. Hilly tolls a
.Unry that satisfies tho police, re
uses a reward and accepts a
chauffeur's Job from Indy Erylhcu.
Almeo gets thu place of pnrlor
maid at Jcrvuulx. Alexander thinks
ho recognises Almco ns "Calamity
Kate." Oeorglna divulges Atmeo'a
Identity. Hearing her story, Alox
undor conronts to keop tho Hecrot.
Aloxandor llndit himself very much
In lovi) with Ueorglna, Alexander's
sister, 1-ady Diana, arrives. An
other visitor Is tho Vlcomto do
Jussac, her sutlr. Plana recog
nizes Almco and threatens to de
nounce, her. Ally to conlldes In Do
CHAPTER XIX Continued.
"What docs this mean?" he said
"Dhum's found mo out, and she's
going to tell Aunt, tlrst thing In the
morning," said Almee, with the calm
of despair. "And I've told Monsieur
do Jussuc. I simply had to tell some
body. And everybody will know to
morrow." "Itatlier n delicate position, Mon
sieur lo Cure h?" said Bertram!
dryly, and not without satlslactlon.
Alexander Hushed to the ears and
hung his head. Ho looked so ashamed
and wretched that Almeo felt n pang
of remorse.
"For myself," he said unsteadily,
T will face tho exposure and the pen
altyfor I have deserved It. It Is
you, Almee, that I should have wished
to save. I would sacrifice myself to
dovlt now, If thero were any way, but
I see none. You and (ieorglna. That
Is all that matters."
"Tlons! The true ring!" cried do
Jussnc enthusiastically. He seized Al
exander's hand and shook It with
heartfelt warmth. "Never reproach
yourself, mon ami. From llrst to last,
you have acted en galant homnie!"
"You've been a brick, Alexander.
And you'd hotter go, nnd not hour any
more I'll keep you out of it If I can,"
said Almeo quickly.
Alexander looked at his cousin.
"I will go, then," he said, "on con
dition that you return to your room
Immediately, Almee."
"All right. I will."
"Assuredly she shall go at once!
Till the morning then, Monsieur 1'
Abbe, and have no fear. The danger
shall dissipate itself," said Hertrand,
and almost forcibly he shepherded the
bewildered Alexander out of the room.
Bertrand darted hack, and caught
Almee by tho hands.
"He Is bon enfant, the pnrsonl" he
cried, "nil shall yet bo well. Hut It
b Impossible to require deceit from
him. , I-ouve that to mo! Mndomol
Bolle, I am a magnificent liar!"
smote himself proudly on the breast.
"You .shall see how my talent "
"Not a word ! I shall consider It
an honor a privilege. It Is the one
situation In which prevarication be
comes a virtue! Itetlre, then, made
moiselle, and sleep soundly. A way
shall lie. found out of this Impasse,
I pledge myself to It fol do chevalier!
The morning shall bring, not disaster,
but happiness!"
Almee was whirled out of the room,
hardly less .bewildered than Alexander.
When sho hnd gone upstairs, Monsieur
Do J tissue returned to tho dining room,
Ho paced tho room with long strides,
fcovoloplng u series of plans that
flashed through his brain. Some
caused him to lnugh aloud, others
evoked a sigh.
"In this country of Puritans,
Bchcmes that elsewhere would glow
llko a golden mist, become Impos
sible!" ho mused regretfully.
Since the coldness of Lady Dluna
6ns the main dlfllculty, Hertrand's
ought concentrated auturally upon
Copyright 1923 by Sidney Cowloi
Iii'i nnd It Ik to lie feared tlmt AIiiico'h
predicament fiuh'il Into a secondary
pluco. Allowances must be made for
I host; swnjed Ity tin' grand passion.
Suddenly do .Tussac liultod among the
stilt s of mull.
"Tlons! tho nrmor," he snld, bright
ening, "tlio mime of which Dlunii
should hnve told tim tlio history, but
declined. She blmll cottto to It yotl
She approves armor sho adores tho
days of clilvnlry lout; doitd.
"Lived wo In those days," criod
Bertrand with rising fervor, "I would
hack my way to her favor though n
hundred spears burred tho path." He
struck tho nearest breastplate with
Ids (1st. "You Sir Knight! If you
This Mean?"
did not pay swift homage to my lady,"
said Hertrand, grinding his teeth, "my
lance should crash into your mhlrlftl
SerngnotHion-non-non-non !"
Ho turned to Inspect the pectoral
of another suit, beautifully engraved
and chased with gold.
"Of French workmanship, surely
never of this country. The Kngllsh
tire a groat nation, but severe
severe." IIo passed his hands over
the breastplate. It detached quite
easily from the stand. With a sud
den Impulse Hertrand fitted It to his
broail chest, passing his arm through
the thongs that had bold It to the
stand. He laughed as he caught sight
of his reflection In a mirror.
"It becomes me n morvollle! Nnme
of a name! Let me envisage myself
the conqueror of my Diana !"
He strapped on the greaves and
culssos over his dross trousers, donned
the gorget and, lifting down the big
helmor, placed It over his head, abrad
ing his nose In the process. The suit
It wis the same which had fallen
during the night of the burglary
had certainly been made for it knight
of great stature It lit ted do Jussnc
very well.
"Magnlllquo!" said Hertrand. "And,
who knows It may bo the very suit
of my ancestor! The "
He turned slowly, aware of someone
approaching. A tall, spectral figure,
white and ethereal, stood In the door
way. It was Lady Diana, In a long girdled
wrap trimmed with white fur. In her
hand was a rolled up paper that might
havo been a piece of music; it trem
bled visibly. Her face, as she gazed
at the armored figure, was as white us
her garments.
Sho controlled her nerves with a
mighty effort. If It was a spirit, It
was Indeed a splendid one. To her,
of all people, this manifestation of the
Intlnlto was vouchsafed.
For some moments she gazed, In n
thrilled silence. Then she actually
advanced a few steps, faltering.
"Speak !" she said, In a voice that
quavered slightly. "Are you ho?
Speak to mo. I am of tho elect. I am
u-n-n-uot afraid."
Do.JuK.sac grasped the situation. Ho
searched his mind swlfty for the mot
Juste the speech of the Fourteenth
"Moult pulssante dame" ho began,
dropping reverently on one knee.
Diana, the moment tho unmlstak
iihlo voice smote upon her ear, gave
a piercing shriek, nnd clasped her
hands to her head. She swayed as
If about to fall.
Hertrand rushed forward, and
caught her Just In time.
"H-B-B-Bertrnnd !" she gasped faint
he name, wrung from her by stress,
was such music In tho Vlcointo's enrs
that ho tore off his helmet and kissed
her rapturously.
"Angell" ho cried. "Adored DIunnI
Say It again 1" Ho made It somewhat
dltllcult for her to say anything. "Say
It whisper It 'Hertrand !' Ah, hap
piest of men!"
Diana struggled,
"How dure you!" sho said wildly.
"How daro you pretend to be a
1 ghost 1"
JyIX nI iVR 'm
t91WB BHJflBlsfx MBBr
He Said
"Hut I did not! I thought you were
protending to bo one I Lot mo boar tho
blaiao. I love you I was in despair
and put on this mall that for one mo
ment I might rmiigluu myself ap
proved. Dear lady of Homahce, I urn
no ghost I own It!"
He. proved It with u kiss tlmt was
by no moans ghostly.
"Oh 1" said Diana faintly.
The mailed arms encircled her
"Sweetest of nil earth's treasures!"
exclaimed Bertram!. "You love me?
You tremble your heart beats. Say
It! You lovo me!"
Suddenly she hid her fuce against
his breastplate.
"I-M-I do," she whispered, hardly
undlble, "and I should never have
dared to let you tell me so."
"Thrice blessed accident! To my tin
happy ancestor I owe my happiness!
Ah, day of days! Diana, you will
marry me, beloved?"
"I suppose so. I can't help It, now.
Oh Hertrand 1"
"I said that armor was of no avail.
Hut It has conquered!"
She glanced up nt him shyly.
"I shall wear It for evermore!" said
Do .Tussac rapturously. "It slinll never
he doffed, save at your orders. Diana
"But my mint!" exclnlmed DInna
suddenly, her blushes changing to pal
lor. "If"
"Sho will give us her blessing. In
tho morning "
'Hut If she found out how It hap
pened 1" said Diana In n panic. "And
the time you. do not know how terri
ble Aunt can bt "
"She will not know! I will put my
self In order I will propose to you
again In the morning. We will an
nounce It with all formalities." Her
trand was alarmed to And her nlmnst
collapsing; ho led her to tho table and
raised n goblet to her lips. "A little
wine, my nngel! It will revive you!"
"No. no!"
"Hut yes! You are ngltnted. Just
ono sip!"
It was Impossible to deny nnythlng
to the conquering Hertrand. Lady, Di
ana permitted herself to Imbibe a
little of the wine; It restored the color
to her cheeks.
"And now," said the Vlcomto ten
derly, "light of my soul "
A piercing shriek from Diana Jnrred
painfully on his nerves. Hertrand
started and spun around.
In the doorway stood the unsponk
able parlor maid, capless, her bronzo
hair flowing over her shoulders. Wick
ed laughter convulsed her, her eyes
shone with triumph.
"Hless you, my children!" said
Almeo. "You've made enough row
about it !"
Do .Tussac started hnstlly towards
her. Almee sprnng back and closed
the door In his face; the key turned
with a click.
Lady Diana had sunk inert Into n
"Stop her niuke her be quiet!"
panted Diana trembling. "Hertrand
If my aunt "
"Open!" hissed Hertrand, rattling
tho handle.
"Leave the door alone!" snld Almeo's
voice, muffled through the panel. "You
can't got out either of you. Can you
hear me?"
"Yes, yes! Mademoiselle "
"Listen! Within three feet of me Is
n burglar alarm," said tho voice, dia
bolically. "I'm going to start It. He
fore you can turn yourselves round, the
whole household will be down on you
from Aunt Erythea to tlio pageboy.
Especially Aunt. I'm going to count
three. When "
"Mlserlcorde!" gasped Hertrand.
"Mademoiselle, I Implore you! This
Is to return evil for good How have
we deserved "
"I have no quarrel with you, Vl
comto. You're all right. Rut I've got
you both. You'll accept my terms "
"Anything!" panted Bertrand dis
tractedly. "Anything"
"Stand away from the door, then.
Get right back."
"Yes, yes!"
Almee applied her eye to the key
hole to Insure that her orders wero
obeyed. She opened the door cau
tiously, and regarded tlio distressed
pair with Intense satisfaction.
"Lot me be the llrst to congratulate
youl" she said. "Vlcomto, I don't
grudge my cousin to you. You nre
welcome. DP." continued Almee, fixing
Diana with a glittering eye, "I don't
want your explanation you can ex
plain the masquerade to Aunt. Hut I
shall hold r.iy tongue about you and
you'll hold yours about me! I require
your word of honor. For you daren't
break It !"
"Yes!" gasped Diana feebly. "Don't
don't speak so loud, Almeo "
Almee looked at her, and exploded
with laughter.
"Kvery hnpplnoss, deur people 1" sho
said, and vanished.
"Hertrand 1" panted Diana, rising
unsteadily. "Did you know nnythlng
of this? Do you understand? Sho
Is not the parlor maid sho Is my
cousin. I cunnot explain; you must
say nothing about It. Neither will sho 1
Oh let me go 1"
He caught her In his arms before sho
could escape.
"My angel ! In the morning, our lovo
scene all over again. I have your
promise I"
"Yes!" she said, wildly. "Oh, let mo
Lady Diana fled from the room nnd
scuttled upstairs like an agitated rab
bit. The Vlcomto, following, blow her
an Impassioned kiss as she passed out
of sight. Iteturnlng to the hall, he
tore off his armor In a delirium of Joy,
and replaced it on the stand.
Two Pair.
Lndy Krythou beamed. It seems an
Impossible term to apply to that uus
toro countenance. Hut It was so.
When Georglna entered tho drawing
room nt noon after nenrly twenty
four hours exile In her bedroom she
found her alleged mint as near to
beaming as her features permitted.
"I run r'tid you have recovered from
your tempo ry Indisposition, my dear
Almeo," she said amiably. "During.
your absence rn event has occurred,
both romantic end desirable. How sel
dom the two tilings go together 1"
"Indeed! VV nt is It?"
"Your cousin Dlunn and Monsieur do
Jussnc are ahoi.t to contract an alli
ance. They bccni..e engnged this morn
ing." "How porfe My delightful!" breathed
Gcorglnn, after a pause of dramntlc as
tonishment. "I am sure you are
pleased Aunt?"
"Indeed I am. I have not concealed
from you my desire tlint this very
thing should come about. It Is the
more satisfactory, because only last
night I quite despaired of It, and enmc
to regard It as hopeless. Hut Monsieur
do Jussnc's suit has prosiiered amaz
ingly; It appeurs that Diana, as I sus
pected, has for some time since been
far from Indifferent to him. I nm de
lighted that I gave them the oppor
tunity. Only two hours after break
fast the Vlcomto, with his customary
Impctuousness, brought Dlnna to mo
nnd bogged for my consent. I need
not sny that I gave it gladly."
Georglna escaped Into the garden.
It Is possible that Almeo was right
when sho said that all women nre
natural actresses In tlmo of need.
Gcorglna's assumption of astonishment
nt hearing Lady Krythca's news was
wholly assumed, and not assumed
badly. The announcement was, In fact,
no news at nil to her.
Having nn excellent sense of direc
tion, Gcorglnn soon discovered Mr. Al
exander Lambe walking on the shel
tered paths of the old yew garden be
yond tho chnpel-at-easo. He looked
qulto ns relieved us Georglnn. And his
eyes lit up wonderfully when ho saw
her. He hurried forward to meet her.
"Mr. Lambe !" exclaimed Georglna.
Mr. Lambe halted, and looked deeply
"Hnve I offended you?" he snld ol
most wistfully. "I thought you gave
mo permission "
"Alexander," murmured Georglna,
flushing very attractively.
"That Is better," said Mr. Lambe.
regarding her with grateful eyes.
"Have you seen your cousin?"
"Yes," snld Georglna pathetically.
"Almeo came Into my room very early
Wicked Laughter Convulsed Her.
this morning ; she told mo tlio drendf til
thing that had happened that your
sister had discovered her and was
going to tell Lady Krytheu and then,
when I was nearly frantic with terror,
Almeo explained that It was all right,
and Lady Dluna wouldn't say u word
about It. Oh, what a relief It was!"
"She told you that!" cried Alexan
der, amnzed. "How could sho havo
known? It was not till nn hour or two
ngo Dluna Informed mo tlmt Do Jussnc
had Just proposed to her, nnd sho was
so happy sho felt sho could not get
Almee Into trouble!"
Georglna stammered In confusion.
Sho had nearly mcl a serious blun
der Almee had told no one but her
self about tho encounter with the
"Sho must have felt confldent, I sup
pose, of Diana's g-g-goodness of
heart I" faltered Georglna. "Are you
pleased about the engagement? I do
hope you nre. I was afraid"
Alexander pnusod.
"I urn not displeased," he said. "Do
Jussnc Is n good fellow. I did not al
ways think so. Hut I have come to
sco that ho Is a very good fellow In
deed. The love of a good woman Is
Just what lie needs."
"I hope they will bo very happy,"
said (ieorglna softly.
Alexander was looking nt her with
an expression that mado her heart
"Isn't It splendid," sho said quickly,
"that Almeo won't be suddenly be
trayed 1 She'll have u chance now.
"Almee 1" Mr. Lambe, nlmnst explod
ed. "It Is nothing but Almeo I It Is
you I inn concerned about, Georglna
not Almco I It wrings my heart, the
position you are placed ln--lhrough no
fault whatever of your own. It cannot
go on it Is bound to bo known very
soon now. And when that happens-"
"Yes," said Georglna, forlornly. "It
will bo dreadful. 1 shall have to face
It. They won't defend me."
Alexander took her hands quickly In
"Give mo the right!" he snld.
Georglnn caught her breath. She
looked up nt him. There was a won
derful tenderness In his eyes; his face
was the face of u man Inspired.
"Georglnn, you have known me only
a little while. But I lovo you. You me
the only woman In the world for mo.
I love you ! Do you think you could
enro for mo Just u little?"
Georglna tried to free herself. "It
la Impossible!" she said, turning her
fnco away.
"Why? Do you not care for mo?''
"OhIt Is cruel!" gasped Georglna,
brokenly. "I am not Almee. I nm here
under false premises. How can you?
I urn"
"You nre the woninn I lovol"
"Oh, let me go!" she said wildly.
"You nre not yourself you have no
right to say this to mo," sobbed Geor
glnn, "you believe that n priest In or
ders may not marry l"
"I never held any such belief! Of
my order, there nre some who hold the
view. I nm not with them. I am celi
bate, only becnuse I have never loved
till now. Look nt me, Georglnn!" lie
said nlmost sternly. "Do you believe
tlmt any human passion would cause
me to do what was against my faith?"
Georglna looked ut him through her
"No," she whispered, "I know that
you would not."
"Come to me, then, Georglna," ho
said, gently. "What good there is for
us to do In tho world, let us do It hand
In hnnd. I will make tho years won
derful for you. Just tell mo that you
lie took her masterfully In his arms.
"I do love youl" sobbed Georglna.
"I love you."
Alexander raised her , face and
kissed her. t
"I never hoped to 'hear you say It,"
he said. She felt his heart beutlng
strongly. "ou lovo me!"
"I have loved you." said Georglnn,
her voice stifled In his coat, "from tho
llrst duy I saw you."
There was n long pause.
"It Is greater happiness than I
dreamed of," said Alexander, humbly.
"I have not deserved It."
Suddenly ho released her and held
her nt arm's length.
"One thing neither of us shall en
dure. No subterfuge no secrecy nbout
this. It Is too sacred. We shall make
It known at once. It Is you I nm think
ing of. Our betrothal must be an
nounced," said Alexander decisively,
"and then"
Before thero was any tlmo for re
flection, Fato was upon hint In the
shape of Lady Krythea, walking ma
jestically along the pnth with her lit
tle Highland terrier ut her heels. Al
oxandor halted.
"Aunt!" ho exclaimed. "Georglna
I wo "
Ho stopped short.
"What on earth Is the matter with
you?" snld Lady Krytheu, raising her
For once Alexander was at a loss.
He had turned very pale. Georglna
came nobly to his rescue.
"Alexander," she said faintly, yet
articulately, "has asked mo to be his
wife." And, with desperate confusion,
she added "muy I?"
The ear-trumpet clattered on the
gravel. Lady Krythea gathered Geor
glna Into a triumphant embrace.
"My dear child," she exclaimed,
kissing Georglna warmly on both
cheeks, "I nm delighted!" Lndy Kry
thea released her and kissed Alexan
der. "You havo made mo very, very
happy. The match Is In every way
ideal. Aloxandor, you will have Just
such a wife as I should havo chosen
for you and I never thought you
would hnve the sense to choose one at
all. My dear Almee, your excellent
father, I am sure, will bo as pleased
about this as I am."
Georglna felt her knees giving way.
Sho stooped und recovered tho ear
trumpet. "W-would you mind not telling nny
body for Just a day or two?" she said
desperately. "Wo have told you, but
we I feel "
Lady Krytlica smiled.
'Foolish, romantic child!" she snld,
patting Gcorglna's cheek. "Well, well
wo shall euo."
She turned nnd disappeared towards
the house. The betrothed couplo looked
at each other. Alexander squared his
big shoulders.
"What on enrth will happen now? "
snld Georglnn faintly.
Alexander's reply was practical. Ho
lifted her suddenly off her feet and
kissed her.
"I don't care what happens I" an
nounced Alexander. And he kissed her
A New Partnership.
"It rains nil the timufln this coun
try," said Billy, discontentedly, "except
when you waul It to."
Ho addressed the remark to the dry
nnd unresponsive soil. Billy's attitude
at the moment was unusual. lie was
close to the footpath along which ho
hud wheeled the Sphinx, after the en
counter with the motorcycle thieves on
the ntyht of the burglary.
Thn event wan now many days old,
yet no rain had fallen In the meiintlmo
nnd hero nnd there the track of thu
Sphinx's tires was faintly visible in
tho df led mud to anyone who had un
usually good eyes.
"If they've got n Scotland Yard
sharp down here now," reflected Billy,
"and he goes over the ground, It's Just
possible ho might sec what that fool
Inspector at Stanhoe never tumbled to.
That there were two motorcycles, nnd
not one, at the place wlmro Jack tho
Climber got ditched. If they wore to
track up the Sphinx now It would bo
mighty awkward. They'd soon con
nect her with Almeo and me. But I
guess It's an outside chance."
The slight Impression of a tire mark,
a little to the right of the path, caught
his eye. It had passed over a Boft
mole hill, and wns e'early defined.
Billy paused, und Inspected It with a
new Interest. The fashion of his
countenance chnnged ; ho went down
on hands nnd knees, and looked very
closely Indeed. J
"Snakes!" exclaimed Billy. Ho rose,
and quartered the ground carefully for
a considerable distance In either di
rection. The ground wus too hard to
'show any continuous track. But molo
hills wero plentiful, nnd some way far
ther on ho found another one, also
showing tho print of a tire.
"It's the same. And not the Sphinx's
tire, by n mile!" said Billy, knitting his
brow. "This one was steel-studded."
With growing perplexity he made r.
close exanilnntlon of the soil, and pres
He Kissed Her Again.
ently discovered other traces. There
wero a few footprints nnd, faint though
they were, they bore some very marked
Billy stood up straight and gave a
liquid whistle. Tho furrows in htf
brow deepened. He carried his Inves
tigations still farther nlleld, but to
ward the healthy common tlio soil was
light, wind-blown sand that shifted
with every fresh breeze. Thero woro
no tracks left. The seeker was at a
Billy stopped and reflected rapidly.
"It came this way, whatever It was,"
ho said. "But why on earth did It.''
and how? Let's start from the begin,
He sti'ick ucross country nnd, break
ing through u hedge, came out Into the
blind lane where Jack tho Climber's
machine hud crashed on the fateful
night; tho spot where ho hnd recov
ered the emeralds, and made acquaint
mice with Calamity Kate's resource
fulness. Tho muddy lane still showed slight
traces, very much mixed up nnd tram
pled, of the place where the thieves'
machine had fallen ; the ruts were now
dried nnd hard. Billy also recognized
what wero evidently the hoof marks of
the Stanhoe police.
"A herd of steers wouldn't linvo
mnde moro mess," snld Billy. "And
I'atiko found nothing after all, or he'd
have Well, I can't blow much, cither.
I've been bore twice since, but never
got wise to rt till now."
IIo turned back down the lnne to
ward tho highway, his eyes noting tho
smallest details of tho ground.
"Hero's my trnck; pretty nenr
washed out. And here's the other's.
That cycle was a big Indian, by whnt
little I saw of It. And likely It wns
half crippled when It got uway. And
hero It got on the high road, and head
ed straight on past Jorvaulx again.
That's nflghty queer. I always reck
oned they'd havo gone tho other wny.
Something must have turned them."
"I can't let you rjol" cald
Dllly, wildly. "You're the dar
ling of the world!"
Obedience Is the price of imlrltiuu
PlLi .NT.a. "y
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