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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (March 29, 1923)
RED ,CLOUD. NEBRASKA. CHIEF THE RED CLOUD CHIEF I pr?2e.0.0k 1 122, to boyH and mh Red Cloud, Nobrnske. PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY Entered In the I'ontofllco nt Htd I loud. Nob at Hocond Clan Matter A. B. McARTHUll, Editor and Owner Advertsing Rates Forelfln, per column inch I5 Local. 12J.Vr 15 FARM BUREAU NOTES (Ty County Extension Agent H. R. Enusch) CLOTHING" OEUJSS ORGANIZED Two Girls' Sewing Clubs orj;ankMl nt Red Cloud. The Red Cloud Girt',' Sewing Club organized for second year won: with eight members. Mrs. W. II. Thomas, local leader; Altec "Whllakcr, president; Rachel Wccsne.", vice- picsident; Eliz.-fjcth Mizcr, mjcc t'-iry: Helen Schultz, treasurer. The Red Cloud Stitch Harvester otgurnzcri for first year clothing work with fifteen members. Mrs. Max Mirer, local leader; Lucille Funk, president; Dcwdrop Check, vice presi dent; Vera Smith, secretary; Irene Mays, treasurer. LIVE STOCK CLUBS Meetings for organizing Livestock Clubs as follows: Friday night at 8 p. m., March 30th at Ecklcv School, Saturday afternoon nt 2 p. iii., March .'list, Court House at Red Cloud, Sat urday night at 8 p. in.. March tflst, nt Signal Office, Guide Rock. All boys or girls who want to join n livestock club with a pig, calf sheep, wow and litter or ton litter should at tend one of these meetings. Fathers are invited to attend. JOIN A CLUB THIS YEAR What is club -work? How does it benefit boys and girls on the" farm' and in rural towns? "Club work as conducted by the county and .state, extension agencies, organizes boys and girls into groups to train them in community organiza tions and rural leadership; to teach them approved farm and home prac tices and how to demonstrate these from 10 vcars of ubc at the time of enrollment to 18 years. Each club should consist of nt least five mem bers on such as pig, com, calf, sheep, canning, sewing etc. THE ADVANTAGE OF CLUH . WORK TO HOYS AND GIRLS jl. Club work is a means of ac quiring more education. 2. Club work is a means of earn ing dollars and cent.'. .'!. Club work increases one's in dependence by increasing one's wealth 1. Club work Ibrcaks down lonc and isolation by providing forms of organized associations. f. Club work provides an avenue for the development of leadership. 0. Club work stimulates pride in the local community and make bet tcr communities. 7. Club work piovides fon play and recreation; isolated or individual play is not natural. '8. Club work opens up .visions of other things, other places, other in stitutions, other people. 0. Club woik develops the agri cultural and livestock assets of the community. 10. Club work is loing its part right now in providing food and feed. Club work embraces the activities of boys and girls living on farms and in rural towns and brings them together in organized work and play. It is tne only organization for boys and girls living on farms and in rural towns, and every boy and girl should cnjrfy its advantage. Sale-ARMY SHOES-Sale We iiave just bought a tremendous stock of Army Munson last shoes to be sold to the public direct. Price 2.75 These shoes arc 100 puy cent solid leather with heavy double? soles sewed and nailed. The uppers ire of heavy tan chrome leather with bellows touguc, thereby making them waterproof. These shoes are selling very fast and we ad vise you to order at once to insure your order being filled. The sizes are 6 to 11 all widths; Pay Postman on receipt of goods or send money order. Money refuuded if shoes are not satisfactory. THE U..S. STORES CO. 1441 Broadway, New York City LOCAL ITEMS OF THIRTY YEARS AGO 10 YEARS A(K) The EHBter storm was possessed of (rood BluvlhK ((Utilities. The sidewalk question ugt tutus tbo minds of Red Cloud property owners. The rook for the foundation of the now bunk building Is being dclivorod oit'tlie wound Mr Ilorkley was accidentally thrown from a wagon Inst Tuesday night, bruising his arm and shoulder pretty badly x Married: Williams Noble At the residence of the bride's parents, on Thursday, March 22nd 1883, by Rev. (( Hiitntrel, Mr. John L Williams, of Kansas, to Miss Olive Noble, of Webster county Nebraska. Business College at Your Home 10 YKAItS AGO in Butler spent Monday are spending I i When Your PLUMBING OR WIRING Goes Wrong - phone us Wc make a specialty of quick- Repair work, keeping always ready the materials for immediate service. Or if you have new work that you wish us to figure on wc will be very glad to submit prices. Our work is guaranteed to give you satisfaction, and if you are not pleased in every way we will spare neither time nor cost to make it right. Art Nelson AtTrinc's Hardware 4fe I Mrs. .1.0 Hastings. .1. 11. Dalley and wifo tho week in Omaha. Mrs. C. 1) Whitaker enlortaitU'd the Chistmas Cluti yesterday. Mrs McKltn ney and children were vibiliug in Hustings the last of the week. Mr. and Mrs. Tony Clark left this morning for Pacific const points on an extended visit. E. II. Newhouse, Jeweler and opto. metilst, left for Kansas City, Sunday, to attend to some business matters. Guy .ieglcr, superintendent of the electric plant, returned Monday even lug from a short business trip to Omiilm Cecil Esblg who is attending the State Agricultural College at Lincoln returned to his duties on Monday after a short vacation. Christian Church Notes The Department ot Coiumeice and Finance of Des Moines University will conduct a eluss in Red Cloud; giving instruction in all commercial subjects. The class will meet evenings and be in charge of competent instructors from the University. To get. the class started a few free suholaiahlps will be given by which the first to enroll will receive their course at the actual cost of the books, material and Instruction. Typewriters will be furniilied bv the school. I'pon completion of the courses, students are guaranteed portions and satisfaction or cost Is refunded by the school, hence a trial will cost you nothing. About llfty-llvu classes have already been organized in Nebraska and the work is proving eminently satisfactory. Individual Instruction is stressed and the student Is thereby assured of rapid progress. Many complete thW com be in about one. half the umiiiI time. E. N IJuUer, assistant Registrar, will be in Red Cloud next week to explain the details of the plan of work to nny who are interested, and to mako reg istration. Those interested may leave their names at the ofllco of this paper or write the above named school at Des Moines, Iowa. j ji v l 1 1 i i I Chicken Pie Supper Tho llusiness Woman's Club give a Chicken Pie Supper, April in the Peterson building. The ceods to be used for Hie improvement of tbo City Park. A comiuittco of the Woman's Club will solicit the town and surrounding territory. Everybody pleace be home. will 1th, pro ARE YOU SATISFIED WITH YOUR RANGE? Sometimes people put up with incon veniences and get along with a range. that is not entirely satisfactory because)they have become used to it. We would suggest that you come and see the one we have selected for our customers. GEORGE W. TRINE vuwuvv Place Your Coal i Orders Now The Mallone-Gelatly (Jo. "II is not here, but is risen " "I go to prepare a place for you." "And I, if I be lifted up from earth, will draw all men unto myself." Sunday School 10 a in. Morning Worship II a. ui. Christian, Endeavor 7:00 p. m Evening Worship 8:00. Wednesday evening Prayer meeting at 8:00 followed by Church business tneptini:. Please note the. change of timo of e eniug services. The Easter service will be ''The Feast of Lights" both - instructive and inspirational. At the morning wo will have recept ion of members and the. Communion services. Sunday was a good day all thru; only wo miss many of the country people who couldn't get in over tho roads. Tho Instrumental music, by the Mioses Corner was much appreciated Sunday evening. The Social Ciicle with the Ladies' Aid as special guests met at the Par sonage on Friday afternoon. Those sorting weie Mrs Frank Smith, Mrs. C .!. Pope, Mr-.. Clyde Smith, and Mrs. C. (J Nelson. O (J. Nelson, Pastor. Legal Notice. In llic District Court of Webster County, Nebraska Cora F.. HeaueliHinp, .John F. Fox, and Martha M. Fox. PlaiulitV'h vs Tinders Lumber Company, Catherine liilbeit, The I'nWiiown Heirs and As signees and l)evise?s of Catherine c II bert, Lots Thirteen (Kli and Fourteen Ijl) in llloek Five (.1) Smith ,v Mooro's Addition to Ited Cloud, U'elistcr Coun ty, Nebraska. And .Ml IVisons having or Claiming any luteteht in s'tnl Lots, Marvin Marsh and Marvin S. Marsh, Defendants The above named defend tuts are hereby notified thut the plaintiff's on the 21th day of March W2I, Hied their petition in the District Court of Webs tor County. Nebraska, against said de fendaiits, the object and piayer of which is to quiet and establish the title of pluimill's in and to Lots Tllr. t'.'en (111) and Fourteen (l) m llloek Five (.)) Smith. X- Moore'.s Addition to lied Cloud, Webster County, Nebraska and exclude the defendants from any inteie-d theiein and to secure an ordot canceling the mechanics lion of the Traders Lumber Company against said real estate The defendants ate letjuired to answer said petition on or befote the 7th day of May HU'l. Coi a F. lleniichninp. John H Fox, and Martha M Fox, Plalntllf's, Hy Fied Maurer, Their Attorney. For Sale or Hent'the Mrs A. A. Pope property.- 11 W-. IlutoliUon (b Job Printing Remember that this office is fully equipped to do every kind of job-printing from the hand bill to to the dainty calling card -and do it neatly, promptly, efficiently and well. Our prices are as moderate as the quality of our work is high. The Red flood Chief m Dr.W.H.Mc Bride Summons by Publication . The defendants, to-wit: Mason Oregg.'Cliarles 13. Kysor, all persons having or claiming any interest in Lots Four (4) and Five (5), in It lock Thirteen, (111) or the Village of Cuidc Hock, Webster County, Nebraska, real names unknown, will take notice that or the 'JCth day of February, 192.1, that Ralph W McCallum and Jessie Me.Cul Itim filed their petition of the District Court of Webster County, Nebraska, the object and prajer of whiuh is that their titlft in and to Lots Four (1) nnd Five (")) in Block Thirteen (13) in the Village of Guide Hock, Webster Conn ty, Nebraska, be quieted and confirm, ed iu lliein, and that a certain deed re corded lit Book K at pages o 12 a nil ."lit of the County Clerk's records of Web ster County, Nebraska, be cancelled mid that the cloud on plaintiffs' title by reason of said deed be removed, and that tho defendants and each of them, to-wit: Masoi, Urcug, Charles It. Kyser, all persons having or elaiin'ng any interest in Lots Four (I) and Fite (0), in Block Thii teen (13) of the Vill age of tiindo Hock, Webster Coiiuij, Nebraska, be re-trained and enjoined from in any manlier interfering with encumbering, conveying or clouding the plaintiffs' title or in any manner intni-ferinc with the iiossesslnn t litre. of. ami ttiat said defendants tunned' and desigtiiittd herein be excluded j from having or claiming' any right, i title or interest in said real e-tate and I for an order authorizing seivieo liy I publication on suld defendants, and for' such other and lurthur lelief as maj j be just and equitable. I Vou ato required to answer Mild pelt- lion on or before Monday the It! day of ' April, liti'l, or judgment will be enter-i etl accordingly. Mated February 1!7. lll'2:l. ( Ralph W McCallum, Jessie McCallum. t lly F. .1. Miiuday, Their Attorney. DENTIST OVER STATE BANK Dr.R. V. Nicholson DENTIST Red Claud Nebraska Red Cloud, Steward's Shorthorn Dispersion Sale WED., APRIL 4, 1923 BESSE AUDITORIUM RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA This is an estate closing out sale of the Wood burn Farm Shorthorns, one of the old established herds of Nebraska. 7 Scotch Bulls, 40 Females of best Scotch breeding. Cows with calves at foot and bred to Imported Latton Lad, Proud Clarion by Dale Clarion and Latton Sultan by Latton Lad, a choice lot of open heifers by Latton Lad and Proud Clarion. Harry R. Fausch consigns 2 Bulls and 4 Heifers of Scotch breeding sired by Linwood Avon, a State Fair and Denver prize winner. Herds Federally Tested and Krtrst Guaranteed, tntnloucs Ready. A. W. Thompson and J. II. Ellinger. Auctioneers. J. M. STEWARD & SON RED, CLOUD, NEBR. - n VWWVtfWWftMftftViWUVVVVWVWVJVSr, Wanted; Clean cut youtic; man to uo nto motion picture business iu Webstur Couhty. No experience ru quired. Investment of $700 00 ncccss. art- -For particulars write L. White', GOf) North lGtli St., Omaha. JL i "HE Sarcophagus, or stone coffin, has been used by the more civilized peoples since the days of the early Egyptians. Its successor today is the Norwalk Vault. Luxuriantly carved and painted were the sarcophagi of the Greeks and Romans, but the Norwalk Vault of moulded granite combines quiet dignity with its rugged strength. Sealed by hand, within the grave it becomes one solid piece of eternally protecting masonry. For every funeral: THE NORWALK VAULT All Good Undertaken Recommend the Norwalk the Best INSIST upon it' METCALF & BR IN KM AN Local Manufactuicrs Office at Bailey's Tie Barn .1 " ) Nebraslc f r-i e I