I A (' i 'XM. Vim t lliswuiml aoi-ltiy l.tuoolu . ,i J .--T,.'!?-.'.r-. r.' .' ."J - .. 'H--.. -'gasw-' " ftt;.. : -. .jjlt JMjiis.-! A Newspaper That Glres The News Fifty-two Weeks Each Year Far Sf.50 VOLUME 51 RED CLOUD. NEBRASKA. MARCH 29. 1923 NUMBER 13. -JS jLjt WE ARE SHOWING NEW SPRING SUITS FOR YOUNG MEN in all the NEW MODELS IN LATEST MATERIALS PRICES FROM $25.00 to $35.00 New Oil Co. Organized Two TicketsNorainated 1 i"' NEW SPRING CAPS 91.SO to $3.00 evelal of our local, eltizons who li i vc in fiit faith in (litTrt b- u oil in ' thf tmritory sniii..tiding his city hasv organized llu' NVbruWi-Kntisas Oil a il lisii D.'vcmii ih.miI in They. Sill! IHI.V III till' tl-(l iM'tlll.! I. USfS Mllll twill mil ui into llu- i,iriU)i north of ' town. Tneie will t Mi sloi'i; sold hut thf iainiiMs who Uuixf th"ir farms will be given sIihich In the oniiiiiiiy for 1 their li'.'M As soon n-. the necessary amount !' acreage is secured it well will he ilrilk'M Hero's Imping they put down a producer. Undertaking Parlor Changes Hands NEW OXFORDS IN BLACK AND BROWN JUST RECEIVED NEW SHIPMENT NECKWARE NEW SHAPES 50c to $1-25 WE ASK YOU TO COME AND LET US SHOW YOU THESE GOODS WHETHER YOU ARE READY TO BUY OR NOT W. G. Hamilton Clo. Co. luCTjoErarjiMB i ANNOUNCEMENT Webster County Bank WE WISH to announce that vc have opened up a sav ings department in our bank for the use of the child ren, adults and every one. Thrift and saving is something that has been neglected. We kindly invite vou to take advantage of this sav ings idea and make this your banking home with your savings no matter how small, you are alwas welcome. A saver is a hustler and we are for both. Bank with us and you can bank on us. We welcome every child in the community to become a customer of this new department. THE WEBSTER COUNTY BANK ataiiiaiiiiiM Momluy u ileal was complete! where by Mrs. Mlhlieil Amuck Mild the Amuck Undertaking Parlors to hor brother-in-law, I. T AniBck And Erie fateiner. The new ilrm will be known as the I T. Amuck Undertaking Com pany and they are now ready to render courteous and c indent service to all culls. Mr. Ainack is a licensed timbitlmer and Funeral Director, hav ing had considerable experience in hia chosen profession and needs no intro duction to the people of this commun ity. Mr. Stoluer will take it course in Embalming under the tutorship of his partner and he will operate the new hearse which the firm also takes over. MrH. Ainack has made no plans for the future hut Tier large circle of i friends hope she will continue to ie side here. IRed Cloud Booster Club Organized Friday evening the voters of the Citizens ticket met at the court house pursuant to a call Issued by Chairman A. 0 Uanney who was le-oleetcd us Chairman and A. B MeArUiur, Secre tary. There were not many voteis present and the following ticket was nominate). Members of School Board It. P. Weesncrund Audi Urahlll. Councilman First Ward Henrietta , Hummel. I Councilman Second Ward Bert, thicker. 1 W. Cowdeu and .1 C Mitchell were, appointed it committee to till vacancies. Hert Docker declined the nomination of Councilman and these gentlemen were unable to find a man to run against Graut Christy. Saturday afternoon another caucus wua called and convened at the Hoyal Hotel sample rooms at which meeting Roy Oatmiin presided and W. H.Smith whs Secretary They launched an. other party called thol'eoples ticket and placed in nomination the follow ing: Councilman First Ward George Harris. Councilman Second Ward Grant Christy. Members of School Board K. J. Ovcrlng and Bert Morhart, Watch Jewlery and Clock Let Us Make That Old Piece of Jewelry Into An UP-TO-DATE RING, PIN OR BROOCH KODAK DEALER ii E. H. Newhouse RED CLOUD NEUR. FIRE MARSHAL COMMENTS ON OUU EQUIPMENT The following letter is self cxplana toryi.Mid further than to add that if the proposed bond issue carries, ac cording to locr.1 Fire Clr'ef .1. O But ler, a request will he made to the Council to include the maintenance of the live truck and equipment in the marshal's duties, we give the same nuilicitv in older that it may a. sist A good rcprmentuthiti of the busi-1 " in arr.ving at a jut dec'sion: nesi men and women of this city met j Lincoln, Nebraska, .-it. llu. H.sk tiiiilttnriiim. Mondavi . . . . . March 27, !.)'-. evening tor the purpose of organizing '' "J '- 0H X ' I a club in keeping with their neeifs and .lowls f , SS3SiS33SIC3ig i"" !. -i, J V service v Vi. .iV iiv-.wl!r -:esz SCHAAF & TURNER FUNERAL HONE w assir z2law New arrivals of rnii COAT S Poiret twill, camel's hair effects, plaid coatings, Bolivia and Velours, in beautiful spring coats. $8.50 to $55.00 These come in dressy styles including blouscd, wrap, straight coats andjstnatt capes, as well as sports styles. I I! Vn A In Mir W I uul in i y , i n 1L4JJ ; 77 i: a A W 1 'sa i i. "i mil' ''it ?s !! ! VI that of the commuuli v l Tho meeting was called to order by I F. W. Cowden who was elected temptiv arv cliairman and later President ot the permanent organization. Floyd Turnure was likewise elected Secre tury mid Treasurer of the permanent organization and C. .L Piatt Vice L'resl dent. Messrs W. A. Sherwood, W. D. Ed. sou and Dert Morhart were appointed a committee to draft the constitution and by-laws. The ofileers were appointed n com mittee to arrange for placing the signs on the roads running into this city and each merchant to furnish one man to assist in putting up the signs. The organization is to be known as Licensed Embalmer Bell 80. Funeral Directors Bnd. 12 Ox ! i n ii i iini in ! "" ' """"' NWAW.Vi mr rules irom the in- vision of Fire Prevention in the inter est of cooneration and efficiency in equipment and would suggest that, after talking with my Deputy, Mr. Ituteher. who has iuat returned from tlie investigation of the school house fire in your city, that we recommend further equ pmsnt in your city. Such as the purchase of a truck together with a pump combination and body sufficient to carry one thousand feet of hose, also two forty gallon chemical tanks with forty gallon capacity cacti, and two hundred feet of chemi.l host. Would nlfo call your attention to the fact tliat our records show that at least seventy-five per cent of' the fires over the state are extinquished by the use of chemicals and that the salvaire is much greater than where water has been used. With this kind UNDERTAKING The I. T. Amack Undertaking Co. Licensed Embalmer BOTH PHONES RED CLOUD, NEB wwjwwwwvww's tho Red Cloud booster Club. They 'r nnnlnmonf it will render vour de will not have any club rooms as this partment capable of taking care of organization is to boost for more busl-' fires that might occur in the remote nessand objeets that will help the Parts of your city and even outside community. Everyone there was the water district. And off times t . . . has been the means of saving large Heartily in ntvor or giving u car away, fnrm prop01.tje8 )V responding to the shiiih method that was used In 1910. country .calls two 'end three and as Messrs. Liun, Weesncr and Clellatly high as ten miles distance in the coun wore appolnteda committee on adver try. Using and they to prepare some elfect-! In my opinion, no money is more live plans for the consideration of the ""TVr.iX Club which will meet again Friday mQni forhwho llo wc call in the time evening at the Auditorium. of fire? This is always a call of This organization is starting out on necessity. So let us endeavor to equip the right track and no doubt will prove our hoys, who are volunteering their in time to be just what is needed fur services in our he-half, with equip- thD .is,.f..liioss of thU ..nmmnnUv. '"t sufficient to cope with any fire which might occur in our miiisi. , . . Trusting tliat this may call to the To The Patrons of Route 4 nttenUon of each citizen the .necessity for the saving ol lives and the prcser ii,- .r , i.i y-ition of property and that vye may , ,w..B u.. w..n.w..v.. .. n Jiave tie;r C00peiat,on m giving une rouio to rouioa una win unto cnurge fjlt; i)t)yS the necessary eqMipnient of the same Monday, April 2nd, I take with which to ciavv on their noble Hcspectfully submitted, 0. K. HAUTFOUD State l-'ivc Marshal EASTER SPECIALS tf TISSUE GINGHAMS IN PRETTY ONE ASSOItTMENT ABOUT 25 PATTERNS PIECES THE this method of thanking all the pat- work. rons for tho favors they have tendered ' me In the past. Hoping that you will BARBARA PHARES 7-J3S!TZTBmiBl-JBS2X jjifciifa-gsfc. i ii hub m m give the new carrier, Kltou Pope, tho same courtesy you have shown me. Poller llule. - - - J. W. Auld, Isadore Johnson ami Karl Hall autocil to Hastings Monday afternoon and visited with D. C. Hon- derson. who recently ' underwent an j j , . - - -- - operation nt Gliicago, and is visit'ng Attend JChicken Pie Sapper, April 4th, in Peterson Bldg. ins sister at Hastings. mL- Floyd Stone Hurt in Runaway Klnyd Stone, tesidiiig near .the Mt. Hope chuieh, had a runaway Saturday noon at which tlmo tho buggy was turned over and hl right limb was broken He was brought to Dr Mar tin's oflloo where tho injured limb was set and be is getting along nicely. REGULAR PRICE 50c TO 75c PER YARD An Easter Special 39c Per Yd. "WEARWELIV 9-1 SHEETING THE VERY FIN EST QUALITY SHEETING A QAUL1TY THAT SHOULD NOW SELL AT ABOUT 85c PER YARD. A Special Price at 65c Per Yd. "DAISY" RRAND BLEACHED MUSLIN HO INCH' A QAUL1TY SIMILAR BUT SOFTER THAN HOPE THE VALUE ON THE PRESENT MARKET IS ABOUT 2Cc PER YARD An Easter Special at 1 9c Per Yd. The R. P. Weesner Co. i mN AV A