The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, March 22, 1923, Image 6

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SYN'OraiS.-DlHllUInt; tho pros
pect of a month's vlwlt to her hum
tcro mini. Lady Krythea Irfimbu,
nt Jcrniilx iiblM-y, nnd her cousin,
Alexander l.nmbo, Almee, vivacious
dutiKhter of tho Very ltevorond
Viscount .Scroope, meets ti yoiitiK
iiiiui who IntiKhitiKly Introduces
himself nH "Ullly," American. Tho
two rhlc on IiIh motorcycle, tho
"Flying Hphlnx," and part. Willi
(Jcm-gina Herners, her cousin, Almeo
M'ln out for Jcrvaulx. Hho forces
OcorKlua to Impersonate her jit
.lorvuulx, nnil iihu goes on u hull
iluy. Almeo (iKiiln meets Hilly. Ho
tolls Iiit his iinmc Is (Spencer, mid
slm Blvts hers iiB Amy Hnookes, at
present "out of n Job." Hilly offers
to tike her Into partnership In sell
ing tho Sphinx. In u spirit of mail
cap adventure, alio ncccpts, Tho
two proceed to thn town of Stan
hoc, tnkliiK separato lodgings In
Ivy cottage. Whllo Almco Is se
cretly visiting Oorglna at Jer
vaulx, the place Is burglarized, nml
tho fmnotiH Iainbo ciueraUlH aro
stolen. Almco escapes, 1'ollce de
cldo tho UiIovch uro "Jink tho
Climber" and "Calamity Kate."
who travel on a motorcycle. Hilly,
who has shadowed Almee to Jor
atllx, follows the thieves. He Is
knocked out, but emerges from tho
light with tho I .a in bo emeralds.
Ho meets Almee, with the pollco
In pursuit In a securo hiding plaw,
a cavo mnoni; tho eras pits, Almee
telhi him tho wholo story. Ho urges
her that who make a frank confes
sion to her father, but on reflec
tion both realize Almeu's good
name has been compromised. As
suring Almee ho has a plan to save
her, Hilly leaves her In tho cavo
and, proceeding to Jcrvaulx, re
stores tho emeralds to the astound
ed Uny Krytlua. Ullly tells a
story that satlslles tho pollco, xe
roses a reward and accepts (i
chauffeur's Job from Lady Hrythca.
Almee gets the place of parlor
maid at jcrvaulx. Alexander thinks
ho roroRtilzos Almee as "Calamity
Kato," Grorglna divulges Almeo's
Identity. Hearing her story, Alex
ander consents to keep tho secret
Alexander finds himself very much
In lovo with Georglnn.
CHAPTER XVI Continued.
"Wlint wns tlintV A dog?" he s:ild
Georgian, pink to the ears, hail risen
to her feet; her eyes shone somewhat
"It soumleil to me more like n ent 1"
she said In nclil tones, and walked
uwuy down the imth.
Mr. Lumlic followed her.
When they were out of sight, the
pnrlor maid emerged from the little
urhor, her face crimson, her shoulders
shaking, a handkerchief pressed to
lier stramlng eyes.
r stnfa
"Poilr i
old Georgle!" she gasped. "I
couldn't help It. I should have burst
Jn another minute."
Slip squeezed the handkerchief und
controlled her emotion.
"They'll have a Jolly old tangle to
unpick, too, when Aunt knows!" slit
Mild thoughtfully.
"No use Mopping here. I suppose
I'd better finish my dusting."
Almee made a circuitous Journey to
the deserted drawing room, and dusted
with the energy of a high-power ma
chine. Tho room was not much the
better for It. She was only Just In
time, for the housekeeper appeared,
und after some sour comments, stood
by her while she did a good deal of
tho work over again. Then Almee was
marshaled Into the library, to dust
The library overlooked the path
leading' to the garage. It was liome
forty minutes later that Almee caught
sight of the chauffeur approaching.
Mie iiiing down her duster and ran
to the window, giving a cautious
whistle, as a poacher who calls his
Ullly made sure that the coast wns
clear, and came to her window. He
looked at her and laughed Joyously.
"The clouds have rolled by, part
ner!" he said.
"What has happened? Have you
seen Alexander?"
"Sure. Just had u pow-wow with
lilm In the garage."
"What did, he say to you?" asked
Almee quickly.
Hilly eyed her thoughtfully.
"Never you mind. The game's
iquuro. The padre's ill! wool and n
yard wide. You're all right now.
"Hut the police! Suppose they trace
us and come back here?"
"They may not. I b'llevo I bee a
way through It. And I've all the time
utr, this evening. You sit tight."
"I tut if they come here!"
"Then they'll get me," said Hilly,
"but they won't get you; you're safe
from the cops, anyhow. I promise you
Almee leaned out of the window,
wlih flushed cheeks, and caught his
bands in hers.
"Billy," she said breathlessly, "how
good you've been to me. How good
you've been! I want "
"I'd be flayed alive for you!" said
Ullly suddenly. "There Isn't anything
I wouldn't do and I've done nothing,
yet. You've got the grit of twenty."
He held her hands tight In bis.
t'Ohl Look out!" exclulmed Almee,
darting bnck. There was a heavy step
on the gravel and Mr. Tarbeaux came
round the corner. Hilly walked briskly
Mr. Tarhcaux bent n suspicious und
t routing eyo upon him.
Joy of Living
"Either you are working too hard,
Alexander." said Lndj Krythen, In
specting her nephew through her
lorgnette, as they rose from the
luncheon table, "or the burglary has
been n greater shock to your nerves
than I should have suspected. I do
not like to tee you wearing Unit pal
lid and constrained expression. Your
sister will be quite concerned about
j oil. She arrives, you remember, by
the evening train."
"Diana!" said Mr. Lninbe. "I had
quite forgotten that she was due here."
(ioorglnu started slightly, und looked
"She is coming," said Lady Krythen,
"to Investigate tho Jcrvaulx ghost.
Certainly, she might have done It be
fore. Hut I believe she hns only re
cently become n member of the Psy
chical Itosoareh society. She Is quite
enthusiastic about It so far as Diana
can be enthusiastic about anything.
Indeed, her letter Is so technical as to
lie unintelligible to me."
"I did not know there wns n ghost
here," said Georglnn, wide-eyed.
"I should not like to say Hint there
is. Hut It Is n tradition In the family,
nnd has been well vouched for. I
have never seen It. Diana seems to
Imply," added Lady Krythen a little
acidly, "that only those who are fid
vanced, and In tune with the infinite,
see such things. If she thinks she Is
more spiritual tlinn I. she Is welcome
to try. She will discover nothing
wlintever." Lady Krythea turned to
her nephew. "Hertrand de Jussac Is
coming also."
"De Jussac?" cried Alexander, star
ing at her.
"Yes. You know him, I think."
"I have met him, of course," said
Mr. Lamho jlryly. "I should have
thought this was the last bouse tlmt
so frivolous a person would wish to
visit. Why Is he coming? Surely he
Is not Interested In tho ghost?"
"In the ghost no," said Lady Kry
thca, with a faint yet serene smile,
"but possibly his Interest may arise.
I approve him. A young man of excel
lent Mantling and Irreproachable de
scent." "Descent Is the word," snld Mr.
I.ambe rather curtly, and left tho
"How long Is Diana going to stay
here?" Georglnn nsked anxiously.
"Two days but It Is possible she
may be pt-rsuadod to prolong her
visit," said her ladyship placidly.
"What Is the VIcointo de Jussnc
"D'Artngnan In the flesh. With a
touch, perhaps, of I'orthos. The typo
which It Is a good woman's mission to
reform. Hut this is outside your prov
ince, Almee," she said abruptly, and
laid a hand on the girl's shoulder.
"Go, my dear child, and get your
cousin away from his books. Take
him for a drive and some fresh air."
Georglnn left the room obediently.
Hut Instead of seeking Alexander, she
hunted, with an agitated face, for
"Hullo! What's tho trouble now?"
exclaimed Almee. "I say, Georgle,
dear, I'm beastly sorry about being
in the arbor. I couldn't help "
"Oh, never mind that now!" broke
In Georgian distractedly. "A much
worse thing's happened. I knew how
it would be. Lady Diana Lamho is
coming; she'll be here In an hour or
Kapldly she repented tho news con
cerning the two expected guests.
Almee received it with consternation.
"Cold I.ambe!" she exclaimed.
"Coming here? As If I hadn't enough
to bear without that! It's the worst
news yet."
"Wh-whnt did you call her?"
"It's what everybody calls her In
London Cold Laiiibe. It Ills her like
a glove. A beautiful, frigid beast!"
"Almee! She knows you, doesn't
"Of course. She lives in town.
She's the only one of the Lambes I do
know. And Diana bates me, and
well, I've never pretended to like her,
either. She's perfectly pitiless; she'll
give me away like a shot, ami flatten
me out. She'll be all over It!"
"Let us hope," said Georglnn breath
lessly, "that Monsieur tie Jussac will
or distract her attention; keep her
occupied. Lady Krythen says "
Almee sat on the bed and exploded
with laughter.
"That aunt of mine is Incorrigible!"
she gasped. "1 tell you it's perfect
rot. You might as well try to melt
tin Iceberg fresh from the Pole. '1 bis
French vlcomte won't stand the slight
est chance."
"Do you know him, too?"
"I've heard of him. They say he's
rather a a rip. I expect that means
lie's a good sort. Hut Diana heaven
preserve us! Well, she probably
won't know me In this rig, but fahe'll
know you're the wrong horse. And
then boom! up we all go In the
air! You and Hilly, and iiil and
Georglnn sat down and pressed her
hand to her forehead,
"Almee," she said faintly, "tho bur
glary, and all the rest of It, has upset
me. I don't feci well. I I have bend
ache, and I can't come down to dinner.
I shall go to bed."
"What a trump you nre!" snld Al
mee, kissing her with Intense affec
tion. "It's the very thing. I'm so
Sidney Gowing
Illustrations by
Ellsworth Yountf
Copyright 1023 by Sidney Oowlnf
sorry, Georgle. It'll be beastly dull
for you In bed, dear."
"I shall like n little dullness," said
Georglnn pathetically, as she left the
room, "It will be restful. Goodhy.
dear. You will have to keep out of
Diana's way as best you can."'
"I'll take Jolly good care I do," mur
mured Almee fervently, as sho put her
cap straight. "Even Hilly can't help
this time I"
"Cold Lambel"
Lady Diana might have been the
original of that tedious young woman
who was described by tho poet ns
"divinely tall and most divinely fair."
She was without doubt strikingly
beautiful, a type of the large and very
pale blonde. Hut an atmosphere of
frigidity surrounded her, which many
people found repellent.
"My denr mint," she said calmly,
entering the drawing room nnd kiss
ing Lady Krythen, "so good of you
to have me for this flying visit. Alex
ander, how aro you?" She touched
her brother's cheek with her lips.
"You will have n clear Held for your
Investigations, my dear," snld Lady
Krythea, "and I hope the advances
you have made In psychic science
will ah bring you to terms with the
ghost. Kut I doubt It. Hy the way,
your cousin Almee Is here, ns I told
you. Kut she Is unwell mid Is keep
ing her room. I am rather anxious
about her. Incidentally, we shall have
another guest; I expect Monsieur de
Jussac today."
Alexander left the room.
"Monsieur de Jussac!" exclaimed
Diana. She pnused. Lady Krythea
watched her somewhat keenly. "What
brings him here?" said DInnn.
"He Is very anxious," said Lady Kry
thea glibly, "to examine the Lnmbc
collection of armor. We have n suit
of mull which Is believed to have been
cnplurcd :ii Crecy; there Is a tradition
that It belonged to one of the Do Jus
sac family."
Lady DInnn looked Incredulous.
"And I understand he Is Interested
In psychic mutters, and anxious to im
prove his knowledge."
"That Is something In his favor,"
said Diana with suspicion.
"I expect that Is his car," Bald Lady
A rakish automobile of seml-rnclng
type wns observed sweeping along the
park drive. The Vlcomte de Jussnc
bad motored direct from town.
A minute later he presented himself.
Hertrnud de Jussac was tall, and for
his nge, rather full-bodied. Ills com
plexion was healthily ruddy, he hud a
little black mustache and n Jolly, rov
ing dark eye. In spltft of his very
material appearance, he hud undoubt
edly the bel air. He rnlsed Lady Kry
thea's skinny Angers to his lips.
"Knchnnted, dear lady, to pay hom
age to you sur vos terros. How very
amiable of you to Invite me!"
Lady Krythea bestowed on him the
smile she reserved for elder sons.
"Charmed to have you. You know my
niece, surely?''
Hertrand's little start of surprise
was admirably done, lie bent low
over Diana's hnnd, but refrained from
kissing It. t
"Hut this Is' delightful!" exclaimed
Hertrand. "You told me In town, Lady
Exploded With Laughter,
Diana, thnt you were Interested in the
ghost. Happy ghost! I, too, am de
veloping rapidly an Interest In the
psychic. 1 hope "
"I thought it was armor that at
tracted you here," said Diana frig
idly. "Ilelns, nindemolsclle," said Her
trnud, allowing his dark eyes to meet
her pule blue ones, "thero are weap
ons against which armor Is of no
"With your bent for nnclent his
tory, DInnn," Interrupted her aunt,
"you should know more of the Lumbe
armor than I do. Why not show It
to Monsieur do Jussac, so that he may
commence his studies. You will llnd
most of it in the hall."
"I think Monsieur de Jussac had
better pursue his own Investigations,
for I shall be fully occupied with
mine," said Diana, "and for the pres
ent I will retire to my room, if you
will excuse me, Aunt."
She gilded majestically through the
The Vlconite'n eyes followed Dia
na's departure.
"Adorable blonde I" ho mused. "The
Invincible phlegme brlttnnlque. Hut
It Is the Icy, Inaccessible peak that
spurs the 'courage of tho mountain
eer!" lie snt down and made himself par
ticularly pleasant to Lady Krythen.
When the pnrty of four assembled
for dinner, Lady Krythea was amlnble
and resplendent in purple, Diana
frigid and ethereal In pale yellow,
while Alexander nt llrst wore the nlr
of the Jackdaw of Hhelms molting
under the nbbot's curse. Hut Her
trand de Jussac, looking like a re
vived D'Artngnan In evening dress,
contrived to chase heaviness awny.
Ills merry, Infectious laugh nnd
quick sallies rpllfted the spirits of
the others. I'e made n deeper im
pression than ever on Diana Lninbe,
and with the usual perversity that
seized her wlu :i In mixed company,
she felt it due to herself to become
the more openly hostile.
"I do not understand how you can
defend the sprit of the nge," she said
coldly, In answer to a sally that made
even Alexnndor smile. "The dnys of
chivalry are dead. What romance can
one attach to the modern young man?
Hut In the dnys of hernldry, when
men were splendid in helm nnd gor
get nnd cnmnll ah, then," sho ex
claimed, with n rnre touch of enthu
siasm, "romance flourished Indeed "
"Talking of mail," said Lady Ery
then blandly, "the ghost nlways ap
pears In a complete suit of It, though
his coming Is noiseless as a breath of
mist. I regret to tell you, Vlcomte,
thnt ho enmo to n bad end through a
romnntlc passion."
"Why regret?" protested Hertrand.
"I will wnger 'twas worth it."
"Hecnuse he was reputed or dlsre
puted to bo nn ancestor of yours; n
Do Jussnc tnken ns hostnge by Sir
Piers Lninbe nfter n most gnllant re
sistance," said Lady Krythea smiling.
"While hero he engnged the affections
of a daughter of the house, and being
discovered, wns permitted to don his
nrmor nnd debnte tho matter with
Sir Piers. Ills end was tragic."
"No end can be wholly tragic, If
reached by the path of n great pns
slon. To every rose Its thorn. I ap
plaud him!" Hertrand rnlsed his
glass. "To you, nameless ancestor!"
He replaced the glass appreciatively,
aril Mr. Tarbeaux refilled It. "Touch
ing this ancestor, Lady Diana "
Hut his hostess hnd given the slg
nnl, the ladles rose, nnd the two men
were left nlont a custom that still
lingered at .Tervaulx. De Jussac did
not find Mr. Lamho n very exhila
rating companion, but Alexander,
though drinking only water, kept him
at the table an unconscionable time.
When eventually they reached tho
drawing room Alexander departed nt
once to his library, and Hertrand
found that Diana hnd retired.
"I must apologize for my niece, Vl
comte, but she has gone to her room ;
to achieve the proper psychic attitude,
or whatever she calls It, for her In
quiries as to this absurd ghost," said
Lady Krythea. "She can, of course,
do nothing tonight. And as It Is late,
and you will not wish to sit up talk
ing to nn old woman "
"Most spirltuelle of hostesses," pro
tested the Vlcomte, "I should like to
sit and talk to you all night, If you
will allow me "
Diana put her head Inside the door.
"I told you, Aunt," she said, "Unit
my stupid maid lost herself at the
terminus, and I cannot retire unat
tended. Mny I have yours?"
"My own Incumbrance lias been
away for two days," said her mint,
"hut we have n parlor maid who really
attends to one's hair very soothingly;
she did mine last night." Lady Kry
thea pressed the bell.
The butler appeared. "Tarbeaux,
you will tell Snooks to nttend Lady
Diana In her room."
"Very good, m' lady."
Mr. Tarbeaux found Almee on her
wn upstairs to bed, and gave her
the order. Almee was astonished,
and secretly panic-stricken.
"This has absolutely finished It!"
she reflected. "I might as well bolt
at once." Suddenly she came to a
resolution. "Hut I'd better go. I
shall run against her sooner or later.
And anyhow she'll be alone. Dl's
such a fool hhu may not know me."
Almeo reached the bedchamber,
where Lady Diana had Just arrived.
She scarcely glanced nt tho parlor
maid, and donning a light wrap, seat
ed herself before the mirror.
"Take down my hair," she said
curtly, "and If your lingers are cold,
warm them llrst at Afce tire. I abhor
being touched by conl lingers,"
Almee's fingers Itched to wnrm
themselves by a totally different
method. Hut she held them to the
tire, and then set about her task. She
bad hardly commenced when Diana's
1 pale blue eyes, catching sight of her
in tho mirror, opened In a stare of
"Who did they say you were?"
she said in a grating voice.
"S-Snooks, in' lady," said Almee,
dropping a curtsey.
"Snooks! You are Almee Scroope!
Don't deny It!" said Diana fiercely.
"Don't attempt to deceive me. I
should know you In u thousand. What
Is tho meaning of this masquerade?"
Almee surrendered.
"Yes, Dl It's me I For goodness'
snke don't shout." For once Almee
lost her head. "Aunt doesn't know
I'm here, you see. Don't glvo me
away. I'll try and explain "
"I don't want your explanation. You
will explain to Auntl" rasped Diann.
"I enn see by your manner there Is
something more in this than mere
folly I I've hnd my suspicions, from
what Aunt has said "
"Dl," exclaimed Almee Imploringly,
"there's no use trying to hide It now
"Who Did They Say You Were?"
I'm in trouble real trouble. If you
give mo away now you'll get me Into
a fearful row with Dad. You don't
wnnt to do that, do you? It It will
simply finish him!"
"Very likely! It Is high time he
knew the truth nbout you. I know
a little more of your character than
he does, Almee. His absurd leniency
to you up till now "
Sho moved swiftly between Almee
und the door, and pressed the bell.
"Let me outl" said Almee, rather
white and her eyes glenmlng. "(Set
away from thnt door!" She strode
toward Diana.
"I shall not!"
There was n knock nt the door.
Diana opened It, und tho housekeeper
"Was that your ladyship's bell?"
"Yes!" said Diana. "Ask Lady Kry
then to come here Immediately. Do
you hear? Immediately!"
Arms nnd the Man.
The housekeeper looked bewildered.
Diana's wrath agitated her. Almee
wns standing quietly in the middle of
the room, her hands behind her.
"I dnre not disturb her ladyship
now that she has retired for tho night
and her room Is locked," said the
housekeeper; "my orders nre strict.
May I suggest that you see her your
self, my lady? If there is anything
else I can do " V
Diana paused, and appeared to re
"No," she said curtly. . "You enn
go." When the housekeeper bad left
tho room, Diana turned to Almee.
"You will come with me now to
Aunt !"
"I'll do nothing of the sort," retorted
Almee defiantly. "Go and speak to
her yourself, If you want to. House
her out of bed now, and tell her all
you know. 1 shall get It hot; I'm usell
to that but there's one consolation,
she'll Jolly well flatten you out, too!"
Again Diana hesltate'd. Sho saw
herself roaring accusations Into the
ear-trumpet of an Infuriated aunt
newly aroused from .slumber.
"I nm tired, and I do not wish for
a scene at this time of night," sho
said, fixing Almee with u malignant
eye. "On consideration, I shall leave
this affair till the morning. And now
you may go."
She Mood awny from tho door.
"Won't j on be decent about it, Dl?"
said Almee Imploringly. "1 don't care
for myself, but It's going to be awful
for Dad. I 1 If you'd only let me
tell you"
"I havo no desire to listen to a dis
creditable story, at which, no doubt,
1 could glvo a Tory good guess. As
for your father, ho must fiu'c tho con
sequences of having allowed you to
behave as you do. I have no iiwre
to say," replied Diana with cold dis
dain. Almee's eyes blazed nt her.
"You utter beast, Dl!" she said,
and flung out of the room.
For half an hour Almee mused upon
the situation, and mentally pro
nounced It hopeless. The dreary bod
room became Impossible to her. She
opened the door; the house wns In
1 durkuebs ; everyone, apparently, had
retired. Almee tnnde her wr.7 to
Georglnn's bedroom door, nnd rapiwd
stealthily for some time, for the door
was locked. It seemed Impossible to
arouse Georglnn, nnd nfter a lengthy
effort Almee desisted. Lady Krythea'a
room wns next door, nnd even the deaf
hear when they are not wanted to.
Finally, Almco ciept down Into the
hall, where the suits of armor loomed
grlmlyv in the half-light, a silent,
threatening host. It wns impossible
to get out of tho house. All conceiv
able outlets were secured, since thn
burglary. Almee passed through the
paneled dining hall. The darkness
got on her nerves. She switched on
11 single electric light, nnd looked
round her hopelessly.
"Two or three moro dnys, nnd I
believe Hilly would hnvo pulled mo
through," she said dully. "I know ho
would. Now, It's all up. I'm done.
And I can't get to Hilly."
Almee dropped Into nn armchair,
burled her face In her hands, and be
gan to cry. She cried like u child that
has hurt Itself.
A large figure stole Into the room
with n remarkably noiseless step. II
was tho Vlcomte do Jussac. He start
ed ns he caught sight of tho forlorn
figure In the chnlr, and stared In sur
prise. The spectacle ot 11 damsel In
distress nt once roused generous sen
timents In the beau subrcur.
He crossed the room and seated
himself on the arm of the cl.alr.
"Awny, dull care," murmured Her
trand. "Such eyes as those I cannot
see them hut I am sure inoy are
adorable were never made for wcciw
Ing. Tell me your sorrow, ma pe
tite," ho snld gently; "it shall be
swept awny I"
"I'm In awful trouble!" sobbed
Almee. "Alas! Kut let rue help you. Hero
am I, a big, gross fellow, but verj
capable, sent by the gods to aid you.
It Is what I am for!" '
Almee dropped her hands nnd
stared at him, startled.
"Are you Monsieur de Jussac?" sha
"Infinitely at your service, ma
demoiselle." Almee's eyes searched his face. It
wns rather closer to hers than ap
peared necessary, but It wns undoubt
edly sympathetic.
"Tell mo!" he murmured.
Almee hesitated.
"Well, I will tell you. I've got M
tell somebody, or I shall go mad !"
said Almee with a rush. "Anyway
they'll know It tomorrow.. I'm not tha
pnrlor maid.' I'm Almeo Scroope
Lady Krythea's niece."
"Hein!" exclaimed the Vlcomte. Ho
rose to his feet, staring at her, and
twisted bis mustache a habit In mo
ments of bewilderment.
Almeo plunged Into her talc breath
lessly. She made It .brief; It was als'i
very jumbled. Kut the thread man
aged to unravel Itself. Kefore sho
finished, Hertrand turned away. IIli
shoulders quivered and shook, tho
back of his neck wns crimson.
"You're laughing!" cried Almee ac
"Hut no!" gasped tho Vlcomte,
choking. "It Is grief. Grief nnd sym
patliy for you mademoiselle."
"You nre laughing!" said Almeo
stepping In front of him. "Go on
then laugh! If you can laugh nt
that, you're you're all right! Hilly
says' She checked herself, and
suddenly began to laugh, too; u very
rainbow of laughter nnd tears. "Hut
what's to be done? It's the finish!"
Hertrand turned nnd caught her bj
the hands.
"Wo shall find n way!" bo cried,
"Courage! Hah! but that Is an Im
becile remark. If you had not cour
ngo you woilbl not bo here. Who
.should betray you?"
"Diana." Almee told him of the en
counter In the bedroom.
"It cannot be! She has n heart.
Under that Icily exquisite exterior,
a warm heart beats. It must bo
"A heart? Dl? She's a" Almeo
stopped Just in time. " "I'm nfrald it's
quite hopeless. I only told you be
cause I was In despair."
"A Do Jussac never despairs! E
peclully when there Is u charming
little lady to he rescued from tho
Philistines. The difficulty must bo
overcome nt any cost. Ah 1" he ex
claimed, coming near to her. "I be
lieve I have It! Listen"
"Oh !" said Almee with n gasp. Sho
had become conscious that they were,
not alone.
Alexander stood hcfnro them, In n
niaci; dressing gown, 11 canuie in ins
hand. He only needea bell nnd book
to be the very Imago of an abbot In
the act of pronouncing excommunica
tion. De Jussac started violently, nnd
frowned. Alexander took no notice of
him; his eyes wore fixed on Almeo.
"Yes," gasped Diana. Don't
speak so loud, Aime "
(to hi; continued.)
An Ideal Revenge.
It was the morning alter the heavy
snow, and he drove Into a downtown
garage to havo chains put on the rear
wheels of his car. A negro was doing
tho work. A companion stepped up
to him und told about being stuck in
tho snow, and asking a passing truck
driver for help, and of being told by
the driver to "dig his way out." "Dig
yo' way out! Hot boy! Dat's good.
Gee, man, bow I'd aspire to meet dnt
fellow on n desert and ho wid his
tongue out paiitln' fer a drop of gas
oline. Dig yo' way out !" Detroit
You seldom find tho fault-finder
serving on any of tho committee
whlvli are doing the work.