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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (March 22, 1923)
RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA, CHIEF b kC I 1 id i 'm. 1 III" ' I- ' J 1 KKW!tfXtKWKi8!fiKK r AS TOLD TO US w rVHKBBHH8RaHRH 15. K. Mizc- wont to Hastings Mon day morning on No. 4. Put .Sale or Uenthe Mrs A A Pope property.-t! VV. llutchlsoii, Fred Gund wes u pussengcr to Ufuc Hill Saturday morning on No. 1. .J. b. Uetz went to Cowles on No. I Tuesday iinming to spend the da. Ralph Ncwhouse was a passenger to Hlue Hill Saturday morning on N. 1- Mm. J. T. Saladcn wen; to Hast ings Saturday morning to spend the day. Attorney II. S. Dungan of Hat-tings v;as in the city Tuesday attending tourt. Lee Walker sold two facts of harness to the iMcCook kc Plant the last of the week. Clarence Johnston went to Hast ings Tuesday morning on train 4 to spend the day. V. A. Saundeis was a passenger to Itoulder, Colorado, Saturday morning on train No. 15. .Mr. K. M. Card went to Lincoln Friday morning for u couple oi weeks visit there with her dnugiiter and fain Mis. J. 11. Kellogg wont to Albion Friday morning on train :, sue he ng called there by the death oi a le'.a-tive. While .scuffling at the school grounds Cl'fford Siebeits had the mis fortune to fall and bieak his collar bane. M'ss Myrtle Gel wick went to Hast ings Sa4.urda moining to spend the day returning home that evening on No. 11. 1'. M Whitehead went to Hastings Kihlay morning after a couple of das spent here attending to business matters. S. L. Parker went to Ccntiul City Thursday morning on No. 4 for a few days visit with his daughter and with friends. W. L. Wecsncr icturned home Tues day morning from California, where he spent the past tlncc months with i datives. County Agent Heniy R. Fausch went to Hastings Tuesday morning to spend the day. Wm. McBride went to Hastings Sat in day morning to spend the day visit ing with friends. Mrs. Fied Walker went to Blue Hill Friday morning to spend the day vis iting with friends. Attorney A. M. Walters of llluc Hill was attending district court here the first of the week. A. A. Rorcn went to Kansas City Tuesday morning in charge of the ttock shipped from hcie. One carload of hogs to Kansas City and two cat loads of cattle to St. Joe were shipjied from here Sunday morn'ng. An epitaph To Squire Scott. The highway ttirned- llls cm did not. Mr. and Mrs. Norton Stcwaid wcie pissengcrs to Cowles Saturday morn ing wheic the spent a few hours visiting with friends, icturnlng'home on the freight in thcaftcinoon. Dan McAlpine, fi eight inspector lor the Burlington iiom Denver, spent Thursday hcie attending to matters in connection with his woik, going to Rnpuhlican Friday m truing on No. 15. Wanted : Clean cut young man to go into motion piettne business in Webster County. No eNpeiienoo re quited. Investment of $700 (X) necess ary For particulars write I. Whlje, f0P Notth Kith St., Omaha. Mrs. A. S. Harris and Miss Blanche McCartney, who wcie called to Man zanola, Colorado, it few days ago by the sudden death of their little niece, Mntgmcl McGaitncy, returned home on No. 1G Friday morning. Mrs. Fied Gund returned to her home in Lincoln Monday morning after spending the past couple of days heie u'siting with her sisters, Mrs. K. A. Creighton and Mis W. A.. Sher wood and with other relatives. Mr.s. L. II. Schultz icturned to Mc Gook Friday evening on train 17 alter spending the past few days heie visit ing with relatives. One cuiload of hog.s, one of cattle to Kansas City and two carloads of cattle to St. Joe weic shipped from here Tuesday morning. Dr.' It. V. Nicholson hns purchased the E. W. Stevens residence in the Second Ward, Mr. Stevens moved to Hastings the first of the week. Mr. and Mrs. Ohas. Wolfe icturn ed t'o their home at Wheeler, Kansas, Wednesday morning on tiain lfi after spending the past few days hcie visit ing with liei father, Mr. John Wilson, and with other relatives and friends A shipment of ten cars of trout from the hatchery at Bcnkclman ar rived here on No. 16 Monday morning Floyd Turnure and Lcc Johnson took them to a point about three miles nortjh of Lester where they were put, in Elm Creek. , . James Peterson went to Guide Rock Monday morn'ng to spend the day at tending to business matters. Robert Giles and Miss Audiy Kamm, both of Superior, we.e mai ried by Judge Itanney Monday. C. A. Rasser and John Rasser went to St. Joe Sunday morning in charge of the stock shipped from heie. County Highway Commissioner Geo. H. Overing went to Hastings Satin -day' morning to spend th; day. Mrs. A. Kline and baby arrived here fmm McCook Saturday morning for a couple of days visit with her husband, who as wot king as boiler maker in the Burlington roundhouse at this point. The Business Woman's Club will give a chicken pie simper, Anril 1th, in the Peterson bu'hling. The pro ceeds will be used l'oi the impioxr menl of the city paik. A committee from the club will solicit the city. Miss Ruby Koon, of the Johnson & Giahani Furnituic Co., is in Omaha this week attending a school of in struction, being given by the Victor Plnnogiaph Co. Miss Koon will le luiii with much new knowledge con cerning this line of phonographs and w'U be glad to answer any questions concerning this machine. Mrs. Cynthia Moleivwent to Hast ings Wednesday morning wheic she will spend few days visiting with her daughter, Miss Martha Moler. ,AVrn. Cnibill returned home Friday evening from Omaha where he lias been for the past couple of weeks hav ing his eyes treated bv a specialist. Alf Saladcn and A. H. Carpenter returned home Sunday morning aftci spending the past few days in Selden, Kansas, attend'ng to business matter.s 0. W. Boston of Republican, who has been hcie for a couple of days attending to business matteis went to Superior Friday morning on No. 10 Attorney Walters icturned to his Lime at Blue Hill Wednesday moin ing after spending a couple of days here attending to legal business mat ters. Mrs. W. H. Thomas was called to Lincoln Monday in lining by the sud den death of the little eight ear old daughtei of Mr. and Mis. J. Kdwin Jnrboe. Manager Linn of the Auditorium has postponed the showing of "The Four Hoisciucn of the Apocalypse" unfl April 15-10-17 owing to the un settled weather cd Home lucsiiay nioiuing s.i C tty wheic thov went Sunday morning in chaige of the stork ship lied from hcie. .Did Some Good An Ad Club is to be organized by the meichants of this city. Already twenty of them have signified their willingness to join and as soon as all have been solicited a meeting will lie held foi the mirpo-e of making it a permanent club. This club can do a groat deal in creating a better spirit among the meichants and also by con secrated adei Using get more people to come here to tiade. Let all the merchants get together and m-ko this club one that will put Red Cloud on the right track again. We aie for it, aie you? Farm Loans I am lesnly at all times to iiiiilte liny loan dpsired at the very lowest rato of inteicst, hest option and least espouse No examiner is sent in to decide whether the. Iniin shall he miulo I de cide thai myself and save yon that espouse. I am sole agent for Tiwelt, MnttistV BiiUer, a company that has been doing business in the county fm 1!." yearn, and never has withdrawn rom business h single day during that time. No other company oatt sny us much. Other companies gel su.u.'d and quit business. Not so Trevctt, Mattis A. linker. Pntroiiiu it company tliHt has always hdcoiifiileuco, In Webster eonnty. J. II. Bailey. Lust night n meeting was held at the Commercial Club rooms to discuss the subject of securing better fire equipment for this city. Several mcrJt cliHiits and eitkiens were present and there should have been more In at tend unes to express their views. The meeting was called to order by Judge Itanney after which n secretary was eleated. J. () Butler, Chief off the Fire De partment, was called upon and he stated that if the city had proper equipment that tho school building would not have been destroyed, and among other things he said that h huge amount of the apparatus had been secured by giving dHiiees etc. in the past He also said that the depiu t menl would strike Miiv 1st if some, thing wasn't done. Mi. Butcher, of the State File Mar- sluill's olllce, then took the lloor stai lug that his duty was to help tonus and cities in the matter of tire protec tion. He stated that the' equipment time was iuadtquatu for the use ol lighting Hies, and advised that a good truck with pumper and chemical tanks weie needed, as that eighty per cent of the Hies in cities weio put out by chemicals also that a puirrp would fm tiish moie piessnre and less watei used. B. W. Stewart then took the lloor and stated that the lite insurance rates in this state were made by the Fire Inspectors Bui eau who based the rates in the towns according to the equipment each town hud and that i t,ii .:, .. .. ... ..i.. . . .i i ii.. ....... G A. Rasser and John RasSor return ,. ,,,.... , . ., . , . . r tout with bettei equipment tho uites home luesday moining from Kan- I .,. . . , ., . iiuin uc uuiismilm uuiu lower. W. ti Win run who was a member of the Dcpaitmeut seveial ycHrs ago stmed that the piesent equipment was pin chased in the early days by. giving entertainments etc. and that it had not been improved any and the men still hurt to contend with it. F. 13. Main er was cHlled upon and made it good talk on the cooperation of the department mid oitiens with the Council in seeming elllclont equip ment. Council lloirniiui said the Council was called tightwads by those who wanted a tourist's camp ground and those wanting funds for tho band and also that the people never oxpicssid fieir viewb to them as to whether they wanted these things or not lie said that he was willing to work for what the people wanted us he could taml it if they could. McHsnis 1'latt, Kaloy, (hitman, Cot ting, Hamilton, Mitchell, Johnson, Ddismi, (itimes and (irice, expressed thoir views in regard to thv needs ol belter equipment. V. 15. Man i or made the following motion which carried. That the Coun cil put two propositions on the ballot hi nun uui iiiu seiiiimeiu oi me peo ple; whether they wanted the council to purchase a truck to cost not mote than $11000, and whether they wanted one paid Hi email on duty at all times. Mcssir. Hamilton, Main er and Butlui were appointed a oommitte. to submit the lesolution to iiiu Council for the consideration of the voters. i'lio meeting thon adjourned with everyone feeling that nuine good had beeu accomplished. FARM lll'RKAl' NU'l'tiS (By County Extension Agent, II, It. Fausch) FRUIT AND VHGHTABLK BUDGET Foods add Nutrition Specialist, Floinnce Atwood meets with Women's Cluh!. On Tuesday Miss Atwoed met with the Red Cloud Community Club, at the home of Mrs. D. H. Kalcy. Twenty members of the club were present and five visitors from the Woman's Club north of Red Cloud. Mrs. Laitd Potter was selected project leader. On Wednesday Miss Atwood nipt with the Cloverlcaf Community Club at the homo of Mrs. Fred Taylor and Mis. J. T. McMahon was selected pro ject leader. On account of the storm the meet ings with the Woman's Rotary Cluu at the home of Mrs. C. W. Johnston and the Helpful Community Club at the home of Mrs. John Zimmerman was postponed. WORLD'S RECORD BUTTERFAT Shorthorn Cow holds World's record ovor all breeds. Mclba 15th of Dar liolara a Shorthorn Cow has given in 3flfi days on official test 120,423 pounds of milk and 1,1116 pounds of buttcr fat. Holstcin Cows ran 2nd, 3rd and 4th, Guernsey Cow fith and Jersey Cow Gth. BEEF, .MILK OR BOTH? Hundicds of farmers find them selves at a ioint at which tluce roads begin and stretch out before them. The middle one is labeled "to beef and milk," the left "to dairying" and the light "to beef." Many a farmer is asking himself, "which one shall I take?" Those who arc qualified to travel, and possess the necessary equipment will get somewhere, and find the jour ney profitable if they take any one of the three, maintain a conservative speed a'nd study the experience which forerunners have written upon signs ttlong the way. If while trying to answer his own question, a farmer is assuicd by vol unteer advisors, who buttonhole him while he is looking at the roads, that the middle way "leads nowhere," and that he should turn to the right or to the left if he desires to get anywhere, let him listen respectfully but make his own decision, based on all the dis interested information and advice which he can obtain. Take one of the roads and take it seriously. a'aasssarsaa-aasaa. Wisc ft) (!) m m 9 m Me -sa aft W OUR PRICES MEAN Shopping Economies Buying your Grocery needs here brings more than a momentary saving. It brings a saving in health and strength as well as added values in energy. Purity is the watchword of this store. All the food-stuffs we handle must be measured up to our high standard of quality or they do not reach our shelves. i i PrA. WULLBRANDT Groceries and Queensware i aWfcU & -Sft 3fc fc .?fc j fc .fc ? t ? fc fc fc a Jfc fr Jfc rm 0 0 0& ? P 9 f p 9 B P P 9 t9 m i9 i& S9 T9 " Christian Church Notes A paitition wall is being built in the Ncwhousc & Phares building oc cupied by the Variety store and Lee Walker will move his harness shop in tho south loom. W. A. Romjuc icturned home Tues day morning on train 1(5 from Dcti- cr, Colorado, wliete lie lias been spending the past week attending to business matters Mosdames E. A. Cieiglit.n and W. A. Sherwood went to Omaha Monda. morning to enjoy a musical put on fiy tho noted pianist Padciwr-ski one evening this week. Mrs. Ella It. Parker went to Hast ings Satin day moining where she spent a couple of days visiting with her grand -on, Lynn Bush, who is at tending Hastings College. Baptist Church Sunday sjlioul at P a. in Moining .service II a. in. Subject: "Waiting at the Church " Evening service at THO Subject: 'The Prophetic Uevelation of God." Regular Monthly Covenant meeting on Wodnesdav overling at. 7:!W. A cordial invitation is extemlod to one and a).'. , fc t """ I W. KrUon, Pastor. "If ye abide in my word, then, are ye true my disciples; and ye shull know the truth, and the. ttuth shall make you fiee." Sunday School in a m Morning Worship II a in. Christian Endeavor '!:,!() p. in Evening Woislilp 7:30. Wednesday evening Piayer meeting at 7:3(1. The slot id lust week iuterlered with plans lor the evening service so the Odd Fellows plan to attend next Sun day evening Rev. Leuvett of the Society for the Friendless gave a very iiituu-sting ad diess al a hastily ainuiKi'd union m-i. vice at the Christian chuicii Sunday evening The lieatuieiil of our prison ers is a subject ill which everjone is vitally iiiteiesti-d. The la.Npayei es. peelally should I eally study the sub. ject to see It theie isn't some wav to make the prisoner py his ounand his fiituily'n way at the SHtne tune be train ing for a useful life when hN prison term expiies Our piesent sjsteiu of idleness for body add mind is wasteful of lite and money. The Winners, The Pushers, and the O. T. B'nuih leqiii'Stcd to bo at the church to practice at 3 o'clock S.itur day atteinnon. C (J. Nelson, P.isioi. BILL BOOSTER SAYS OUK VVOG "VHE UTTUe FOLWbVJE SEE GOIUQtO SCHOOL VJ1LU SE ttUUmutt OVJR 'X'OVJW 1W FDM MEMsS. OOR 6CHO01-S AUO 'XACrttW UAME AVI EMORVAOUS ESPOH SIBWXM AUO Via 3HOVJLO orOW AVI mtERESr VitVl ViORV AMD GlVJE -mEIA OOft. SUPPORT MES.SW. tf" 3E 3I1C Drir i'C ID SPRING HAT WEEK THIS IS THE WEEK TO BUY HATS SEE DISPLAY IN SOUTH WINDOW NEW SHADES NEW BLOCKS $2.50 $3.00 $3.50 $3.75 $4.00 $4.50 $5.00 ALSO SHOWING NEW LINE YOUNG MENS SPORT SUITS FOR SPRING $10.50 TO $37.50 The Cowden-Kaley Clo. Co. Alw&vs Relia.blc I vsnrii iiii iin,rirg Sp ring isiiere Pigs, calves, colts, lambs coming along. Maku tho most of them. Keep them healthy, their stomachs full. Dr. Hess Stock Tonic will cKi! tlxm i:)1 aiiiL'tilP4 miJ uuwl ilik'tMtlun, keci the worms uwny mid uuaril tlu-m ncuiuit illai'asc. It's a uroul BiirliiL'-tlmc tunic for mnthort, tuo. Coua ticcil It fur its system tonlnir. buwvl tlcumlnkr, uppctitlni: cITecU. Ilroud Xow aro if IIovcJ of constipation and conilltloni'tl fur farruwlnc. Excellent for Aarc in foal unJ at latublni; time. CHAS. L. COTTING, The Druggist Tell us how much slock you have. Wt have a patUaea to tuit. ii OH D I PHONE YOUR COAL ORDER TO ' . ?' FARMERS' ELEVATOR!?: e Bell Phone 29 -:- Ind. Phone 12 I'd 31 m m m m m ft