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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (March 22, 1923)
RED CLOUD. NEBRASKA. CHIEF w ii'mhjim nwmwwiww THE RED CLOUD CHIEF Red Cloud, Nebraska PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY State Line Kntercd In the I'oitoffirc nt IUd riotid.Kob ai Hocond Clu Matter A. B. MoARTHUR, Editor ami Owner Advertsing Rates Foreign, per column Inch 15c Local. ' " " 12.t 15 Stiffer Examinatins for Tax Auditors Washington, D. C , March l!, 1023. Uncle Sam Is raising still hiKhcr his requirements for internal revenue ae ountants. Announcement just Isbiied by the Civil Service Commission of an examination throughout the country on April 7 for auditor, Income Tax Unit, which includes both auditors in Washington and agents in the field fiorvlec, calls for four yearn' com mere ial accounting e.xperiouco ub u urere quioite to entrance to the written ex. amiuutlon, which double;, the foruier experience requirement. Those who qualify in the examination are given additional training at Government ex pense, and u preliminary work petiod under the supervision of experienced auditors. The Government is thus making a determined effort to have tax returns examiued and taxes assess ed by a body of thoroughly competent accountants in order that tlio returns nay be audited with speed and aocuacy. Full information regarding the ex. amination, and application blank!", nay be obtained from the United States Civil Service Commission, Washington, D.' C or the secretary of the board of U. S civil. nervier ex aminers at the post ofllce. or custom house in any city. A bad snow storm viilted this pur; of the country Inst week. Ora Prill and Bert (lass were in Womer Monday. I'rod Brown went to Suiilh Center Monday. Mrs. Molar is on. the sick list Dr. Morrison hhi culled to Eartile Brown's Monday. Mrs. I'aul Carper spent Wednesday in the Pawnee neighborhood. Frank Brown w. nt to Womer Satur dny. Ko'-s Brooks who has icslded most of Ins lifetime west of Bladen, h:is been appointed Postmaster at Camp bell and moved to that place dining the. past week. The Campbell Citizen says' Boss Brooks and family moved into town March 1st, taking up quar ters in the place vacated by I.eudorc Brouillette. Mr. Brooks has received his commission, and arranged all the preliminaries to take over -the post oflice At. tho close of the present week. An Inspector has been hero checking up the retiring postmaster, and (in Btruuting the new one. It is under, stood that Miss Hazel Fulton Mill be assistant tinder the incoming adminis tration. Hluden Enterprise. LOCAL ITEMS OF THIRTY YEARS AGO 10 YEARS AOO last The river bridge was completed Saturday. Case t McNeny have moved their olllce over Spokeslleld's store. Miner Bros, shipped the stone for the foundation of their brick building from Gage county. Several frame buildings are on tlio move to mnke room for the new brick blocks that are going up this spring. Last Monday there were two frame buildings on the street at the same time, moving in the banie direction, We notice quite a bit of lumber go. ing to the country this spriug, which shows that the farmers arc building some. 10 YEARS AGO of Sa!e-ARMY SHOES-Sale Wc have just bought a tremendous stock of Army Munson last shoes to be sold to the public direct. Price 92.7 S These shoes are 100 per cent solid leather with heavy double soles sewed and nailed. The uppers are of heavy tan chrome leather with bellows tougue, thereby making them waterproof. These shoes are selling very fast and we ad vise you to order at once to insure your order being filled. The sizes arc 6 to 11 all widths; Pay Postman on receipt of goods or send money order. Money refuuded if shoes are not satisfactory. THE U. S. STORES CO. 1441 Broadway, New York City When Your PLUMBING OR WIRING Goes Wrong phone us We make a specialty of quick Repair work, keeping always ready the materials for immediate service. Or if you have new work that you wish us to figure on wc will he very glad to submit prices. Our work is guaranteed to give you satisfaction, and if you arc not pleased in every way wc will spare neither time nor cost to make it right. Art Nelson AlTrinC's Hardware 4fc v ARE YOU SATISFIED WITH YOUR RANGE? Sometimes people put up with incon veniences and get along with a range that is not entirely satisfactory because they have become used to it. We would suggest that you come and see the one we have selected, for our customers. GEORGE W. TRINE lien McFitrland returned the first the week from Omaha. Sam Heaton, Jr., of Louisana is visit, ing frieuds and relatives in. the city this week. Ed. Garber speut Tuesday Jin Guide Rook on business. Miner Sherwood is home from Lin coln this week visiting his parents. John (t. Potter and wife returned Sunday from Oklahoma points where they had been for some time past visit ing with rolatives. Howard Fop, Phil Sherwood and Jack Cather who are attending the state university at Lincoln, are spend ing a short vacation with the home folks. Mrs M. J. Beauchamp aged 72 years, who up until two years ago, had re sided with her husband iu this county since 1872, died at Superior lust Wed nesday. Russell Jones, who was injured some time ago by the accidental discharge of a shot gun, while out hunting with some young companions, has so far re covered as to be nblc to leave Sunday for Stella. Nebr., where be will visit relatives for some time. , ' .., ' Co. Superintendent's Notes Eighth Urade Examination April D-( and May 3-1. Will be held in all High Schools in the county and iu the Court House in Red Cloud Program forThuisday Forenoon Reading, Spelling. 'Writ ing. Afternoon History, Hug. Comp., Physiol., Urawitig '-L Piogram for Friday. r Forenoon Aiith., Mcnt'. Arith.j B. K. Afternoon Civics, Grammer. Geog , Agrl. Parents who wish tiausfers foi school privileges should be thinking of them now. They are generally sent iu so late that it Is just possible to get them in. They are due any time now before June 11. The .State Fair list of premiums is being sent to the teachers this week. It is the last year's list but the Fair people tell me that the list will not bu 'changed except pel haps in the niim hern. The same premiums will he of. feivd for the same in tides. The Xehrabka.Suhoul Supply House advertise some very nice mounting board at ten cents u sheet when bo't in 1(10 sheet lots. It is a nice grayish greuu. 1 will try to supply the country schools unless they require too much The laiger schools should get HKJ sheets and keep what they do not need on hand Since the State Fair pays the largest premiums I would follow it and I will have the other lists copied after it where I can so that il will pay the schools in money for their efforts, list year one or two schools made a very nice thing of the lair anil gained s lino valuable experience as well Red Cloud bo't a ntimher ot new pictures with their premium money. s. Docker, Co Supt: Why Not Be a Rus sian Princess? ti's quite the vogue and just as easy as to transform yourself into a flaming i Spanish gvpsy. That's ono oft the most delightful aspects of the present widespread re vival of home dress making. Do you realize that if you make them yourself, you can have a marvelous collection of charming gowns that would mount up to a fairly staggering total if jou bought them ready to step into at an exclusive shop? Without doubt one of the greatest blessings that remain to us out of the Great War i the pleasuie women everywhere take in working with their hands. Instead of hiding it from her friends many a social leader lakes genuine pride In exhibiting tlio results of her own handiwoik In a tasty after noon dres or un evening gown, ap parently a sample of the "very latest tiling on Fifth Avenue." As a matter of fact, the simple, sup pie lines required by the really smart garment today are very easily attained by any woman who is handy with her needle. All a clever American, girl needs to outshine the smartest of Rus sian princesses even in her palmiest days, is a piece of cloth, a bit of fur, a pair of scissors, and one of the wonder fully detailed and definite patterns put out by any of tho great fashion designers. Chicken Pie Supper The Business Woman's Club will give a Chicken Pie Supper, April 4th, iu the Peteison building. The pro ceeds to be used for the improvement of tho City Park. A commltteo of the Woman's Club will solicit thu town and surrounding territory. Everybody pleate be borne. m (P Job Printing Remember that this office is fully equipped to do every kind of job-printing from the hand bill to to the dainty calling card -and do it neatly, promptly, efficiently and well. Our prices are as moderate as the quality of our work is high. The Red Gloud Ghief m Dr.W.ti.Mc Bride Summons by Publication The defendants, to-wit: Mason Gregg, Charles B, Kyser, all persons having or claiming any interest in Lots Four (4) and Five (5), in Block Thirteen, (lUfof the Village of Guide Rock, Webster County, Nebraska, real names unknown, will lake notice that or the '.'Gth day of February, 11)23, that Ralph W. McCallum and Jessie MoCal lum filed their petition of tli District Court of Webster Couutv, Nebraska, the object und prayer of which is that j their tltln in anrl to Lots Four (4) and Five (5) in Block Thirteen (13) in the Village of Guide Rock, Webster Conn-1 ty, Nebraska, be (piloted and confirm-! ed iu them, and thai a certain deed re I corded in Book K at pages bTJ and fit! of the County Clerk's records of Web-1 ster County, Nebraska, bo cancelled , and that the cloud on plaintiffs' title , by reason of suld deed be lemoved, and that the defendants mid each of tlitin, 'o-wit: Mason (iiegg, Charles 11. , Ky-er, ii','. persons having or cl.tlming any interest iu hots Four (I) and Five .'. in L'.i.ick Tliiiteen (13) of the Vill age of iJuido Rock, Webster Nobciska. lie restrained anil from in any manner iuterfei ing with encumbering, conveying or clouding, the plaintiffs' title or in any manner interfering with the pnsscsiou t litre of, and ilia t said ucfciidantH named and designated herein be e.M'luded f i mil having or claiming any light, title or interest iu said real estate ami for an order authoiiiug seiviee by publication on said defendants, and for such other and lurther lellet as may be just and equitable I Von are required to answer aid peti tion on or before Monday the 11! day of April. IH-3, or judgment will tie enter ed accordingly. , Dated February 27. III'.!:). Ralph W. McCallum, Jessie McCallum. Bv F. . Muiidny, Their Attorney. OCNTIBT OVER STATE BANK Dr.R. V. Nicholson Red Cloud Nebraska DENTIST Red Cloud, D m u c POSTPONED Duroc Hog Sale County, enjoined Garfield Community Church Subject: We will sell on our farm 4 Miles Southwest Center. 5 Miles North of Fairfield. Clay SAT., MARCH 24 50 HEAD BRED GILTS & YEARLINGS There will also be a few with Litter at Side The offering is bred to SENSATION GIANT and FASHION LEADER. There will also be a few sows bred to ORION TOP COL. A few out standing fall boars will be included in the offering. This will be your opportunity to secure breed ing stock at reasonable prices. LUNCH AT NOON GEO BRIGGS & SON Wag- vww.v, I Place Your Coal Orders Now The Mallone-Gelatly Co. I JWVWWWWWWWVWUW Id a in , Sunday .School. Survey of Luke's Gospel". 11 u. m., Sermon by Rev. I. It oner. "r.'.W p. m. I'logruui by Juniors "The Mays anil Girls of tho Bible". s p. in , Seiinon: "The Meaning of Calvary". The Chorus will incut on Saturday evening in the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Shlpiniiu for practice on Easter music, livery one lie sure to come. Note that Rev. I. B. Wagoner will preach Sunday morning. Also that the Sunday School lesson will close the quarters study of Lulte'n go.spel. We urge all the children and young folks who have Master parts to com. mil same to memory for practice which will be ariauged for on Sunday morn ing. Tho bad weather of the past week has iuteifercd somewhat witli thu practice as planned. For Sale: Registered Hampshire Brood Hows and Gilts, at reasonable prices 7n head to pick from. y, mile, cast of Cowles cemetery. Waller Bra's, Cowles. THE; Sarcophagus, or stone'eoffm, has been used by the more civilized peoples since the days of the early Egyptians. Its successor today is the Norwalk Vault. Luxuriantly carved and painted were the sarcophagi of the Greeks and Romans, but the Norwalk Vault of moulded granite combines quiet dignity with its rugged strength. Scaled by hand, within the grave, it becomes one solid piece of eternally protecting masonry. For every funeral: THE NORWALK VAULT All Good Undertakers Recommend the Norwalk the Best INSIST upon it' MET CALF & BR! N KM AN Local Manufactui ers Office at Bailey9 s Tie Barn it t Vi' 4 Nebrasle J nn H