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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (March 22, 1923)
V f-z .la i r f (14 fSfet.!.- X A Newsimper That elves The News Flrty-tw Weeks Each Year Ft r Sf.5 VOLUME 51 RED CLOUD. NEBRASKA. MARCH 22. 1923 NUMBER 12. - w. isr" cs r?. WE ARE SHOWING NEW SPRING SUITS FOR YOUNG MEN in all the NEW MODELS IN LATEST MATERIALS PRICES FROM $25.00 to $35.00 NEW SPRING CARS $1.50 to S3.00 NEW OXFORDS IN BLACK AND BROWN JUST RECEIVED NEW SHIPMENT NECKWARE NEW SHAPES 50c to $1.25 WE ASK YOU TO COME AND LET US SHOW YOU THESE GOODS WHETHER YOU ARE READY TO BUY O? NOT W. G. Hamilton Clo. Co. WJ Citizens Caucus The oteis of Hie Ciilclis ticket of t'il- city hiv heteby uutlllcd tha,t there Ulli fl CtlUlMI' rt lhi t'ultit HoilM', I'riitiiy evening. M (it 'i'liil. nt 7: !.". tut tlit porpoM- nf i in-ill j in nomiu iitl( candidate rm i liii following city (illicit in Iih Vntcil ii i ut u,i annual elect Inn mi A pill llnl One I oiiiicllmaii foi tlif lt ward. One ( iiiineiliiiiiii tnr the 'Jml ward. Twii nii-iiibfis (if the SeliiMil Bomd fur itie Melidiil Dlstiiet of Kcil Cloud Clt A. I. Kunney, Chairman. I Washington School Build . - ing Destroyed by Fire F w ATEIt PKoi'osrnox IS LAID OVEK FOB A TIME " IZZ "V. lTO'nlW,ili)l!l1.lTnJirilffliMWfflB.MwaWB!!Wllll'llil ANNOUNCEMENT Webster County Bank WE WISH to announce that we have opened up a sav ings department in our bank for the use of the child ren, adults and every one. Thrift and saving is something that has been neglected. We kindly invite you to take advantage of this sav ings idea and make this your banking home with your savings no matter how small, you are alwas welcome. A saver is a hustler and wo arc for both. Bank with us and you can bank on us. We welcome every child in the community to become a customer of this new department. THE WEBSTER COUNTY BANK The City Council met in regular adjourned session, on Monday morn ing, with all members present, at wh'ch time after the financial report for February of City Treasmer S. II. Florance was received and placed on file, the following clerks and judges of election were named: FIRST WARD Clerics Henry Newhouse and Kos coe Weesncr. Judges Clark Steven?, Geo. Trine and Mel Sherman. SECOND WAHD Clerks Darrcl Burden and Jucob Petersen. Judges John Griffith, P. A. Wull ,'irandt and Mike Finkcnbimler. After due consideration and a re port of some length submitted by Superintendent Beard, the Council unanimously voted to lay over the wijtor resolutions pending further de- velonmhntr Boforo adjournment Council instruct' cd City Clerk as regards the enforce inent of Ordinance No. 10, pertaining ,to dog tax. Siii)(lu evening about 9 o'clock u lire broke tint in the south v i i m (if the Washington school htiildiiih', the same being caused by defective wiring it is tnought by many as there hud lieen no! heat in the plum since Friday The iireiuen responded quickly hut oivtng to low water pressure Had in adequate lire equipment their work proved to be of no avail as the lire spieud rapidly and soon gutted the en tire building The building was erected in 1882, and while It. 1). Mont. whs superin tendent mi addition was added and coutddei able altering was done. The p-ist fow yeHt-s it. has been used by the Junior High School department ami also the Domestic, Science class. A large number of the citizens of this community attended school in this building receiving their high school education, and the familiar ring flJk the old bell will be missed by many asl ; Well as the students. It is stated tho building had been condemned sovernl years hko and no insuratico was carried on it or the contents, thus there whs a cjnblderable loss to the district. Tho walls were razed to the ground Mon day. , After considerable arrangement being made Monday the students were all placed in the Senior High School Htid'hiliool work is going on as usual under the efficient work of Sup'.. (Jel. wielc and bjs corps of teachers. Watch Jewlery and Clock Lift ( i i-- i.f !'-. iMWJgJiWJl Let Us Make That Old Piece of Jewelry Into An UP-TO-DATE RING, PIN OR BROOCH KODAK DEALER E. H. Newhouse RED CLOUD NEDR. IF "III llTlllllllMTnfflWIWTIIlFlM s: r: New arrivals ol 'TFffl .,-jfci COATS Poirct twill, camel's hair effects, plaid coatings, Bolivia Id and Velours, in beautnui M snrinc coats. $8.50 to $55.00 These come in dressy iM elirlnc inlllrlinrr Klnlicorl lUfnn rj. Oljfll-J lllblUUIllj uiuuu, ""1' y straight coals and smart capes, 0 as well as sports styles. . BARBARA PHARES TrZ TSSSMBSKS :Vhj&;:l,uJJ&kJ:A: -H-. I- - - :r - . ; k.. .;h i S vfuTl J, f 1 iMli 1 w ffih I I 1 1 4 J-r-LJJ rM COUNTY COMMISIONKUS HELD SHOUT SESSION ON YESTERDAY Red Cloud, Nebraska March 21, 19211. The Webster County Board of Com- nu.-sioner.s met at J o ciock y. m. as Ier adjournment of February Cth. All members pressnt. The prinicpal object of this meeting was to consider bids for Bridges for Webster county for the year 19211. At 2 o'clock the time set for open ing said bids, it found the following firms bidding: Elkhart Bridge & Iron Co.; Western Bridge & Construc tion Co. and Allied Contractors Inc. After all bids were read and tabu lated it was! found that the Allied Contractors Inc. were the lowest hol ders. A motion was made by Waldo and seconded by CVowell that the contract for all bridges required by Webster county for the year 1921J be awarded to the Allied Contractors Inc. of Om aha, Nebraska. Motion carried. On account of the present condi tion of county funds no claims were allowed at this meeting. No further business appearing the Board adjourned at 1 o'clock p. m. to meet April 10. 192:5. II. F. PERRY, Oounty Clerk. - r Bula Mae Jarboe Dies From Burns District Court in Session Thu 'March term of District court with Judge UlacUledgo presiding con vened Monday. Tho jury was to Iiho bid) called Tuesday but owing to the bud roado and not enough cases they were dismissed Several motions wcie heard and confirmation of sales ordor ed. Fred Kehn plead guilty to the charge of illegally manufacturing hooe and was ae-itenced to pay a line of $.ViO and serve thirty days in jail at bald labor. The divorce case of Carrie- V. Harvey vs Noiili E. Harvey Is set frr trial Friday service y Ml. X !. .1 4 2k' SCHAAF & TURNER FUNERAL HONE Licensed Embalmer Bell 80. Funeral Directors Ind. 12 Ox Ray Herherger Fail bury Sunday was a passenger to morning on No. 10. How A6out Harness! 1 will meet any catalogue price on anything in the huines!' )h;e Don't let someone tell yon that yon can save money by sending awuy come in and look my stock over. 1 can save you tome money. Bring in your old ones and get them fixed up and oiled before Spring LEE R. WALKER Harness and Saddlery Bula Mao Jarboe, eight-year-old daughter uf Rev. and Mrs. J. Edwin Jarboe, 2411 Lynn street, is dead from j burns roceived at her homo Sunday morning. Her gown caught fire from i' an olccttlc boater and before her mother got to her bho was a mass jf flames. SIid was badly burned ftom , head to foot and died during the after noon at a hospital, after suffering in tensly from her injuries. J Tho father was out of the city and the mother had gone down to the base ment to fix the turuace. While she was gone the ltttlo girl was standing by an electric heater. Her gown cauk'lit from tho resistance coll and in a second her whole body was a mass of burns from bead to lent and little hopes of having her wore held from the first. --Mondays Lincoln Stato lournal. Itcd ay, and iiiut-rul scr I jsB PROCTER & GAMBLE HOUSE CLEANING SPECIAL MARCH 23 and 24 8 BARS P. & G. WHITE NAPTHA SOAP 5 BARS LUNA WHITE LAUNDY 2 PACKAGES STAR NAPTHA POWDER 1 SEALTITE BUCKET 99c II G The remains .was brought to Cloud, Wednesday, and funeral ices were held at the Brethren chinch after which intcimcnt tho city cemi tery. was made in The above assortment will not overload you on Soap being a well balanced assortment for every day use. Come in and get yours early as the supply is limited. THE R. P. WEESNER CO. MRS. J. A. BURDEN Drive caitfullv! You may have the rights at cross streets but Better Beautiful Patterns, low prices, for Wall Paper at Cotting's "top than come together. a-mm in I mm9 I