TtED CLOUD, NEBRASKA, CHIEF I A- 4 '4, :i t i . ! 1 I I I Matrimonial Adventures Peachblow A Marital Extravaganza BY Rupert Hughes Anllinr of "Souts for Sale," "llciuity." "Tho .(lift Wife." ".Ml. 318," "Tfir Amlalilo Crime of IHcU Memllng," "Tim Olil Net," "tVhnt Will riilf Kuy?", "Empty fork et." "Tcpm of tit Htorm Country," etc. Cipyrlftht by United Tcftture Syndicate t ... .. ..... .. .............. . . RUPERT HUGHES I first met lluprt Hughes hov oral years iiko. I But next to him at dinner. Mr.JluitlieH w.ib then, im now. very much In tho lime light. Hut Mr. Hughes rill! not talk nt all about hla own work. Ho nskrii tile ubout mini-, nnd told of how, once, when lie was an editor, lie had cut nn tiutlior'H story In a moment of sirens to till an exact In space, and how that author had minded. Ills fcelliiK still. though this had happened years before, was one of real regret for that uuthor's chagrin. It Is that uuallty of understand Ins the other fcllow'H feelings that gtwi htm surh a large hold on the American public. I asked him la-it winter when ho first began to write, nnd he Bald nt tho ago of suven and that ho had been at It over since. A short lime after ho left Valo ho had six inonths' experience on a newspa per. After that he had been an editor on various magazines until a little more than ten joars ago, but that dining ihoao editorial jears he had done a groat amount of writing at night. Ills output hai been enormous. It Is Impossible to chronicle all of his surcesscs In short stories, nov els, plays and moving pictures. He Is tib,o tho author of a musical encyclopedia. It seems Incicdlblo that ono man could do so much! And yet ho wap Intensely Interested In the lde.1 of thu Star Author Se ries of Matrimonial Adventures and at once agreed to write tho story that follows. "I'eachblow" Is an extravaganza on nun rlage. It has, none the less, an underlying suggestion for both husbands nnd wives. MAUV STEWART CUTTING, JU. i 1 4 t - - 1 Kvcn If Jt liail not lieon set down In Holy Writ for it fact, there would ho no osenpInK the truth of: "To him Unit lintli, It shrill he Klven." In our dictionary "him" of course, Includes "her." Which In more than he Is nhlc to do outside the dictionary. This Is a hit of a story of a her that had and therefore not. The Lord himself, they say, was stir lirl.sed when he saw her. Her earthly father was so stunned with iirlde that lie called her "Peachblow." And with Kootl reason. She was horn just about tho time when the Peachblow vase was uN-cIUnK the world. The unknown genius who was (ho author of that masterpiece never dreamed when he put It In the tire that It would come out so wonderful. And so the mysterious Potter who places sotiW In the furnace of human bodies was enchanted and amazed by thu 'curious, unforeseen, unintended beauty of this j;lil when she was born. They bad selecte.d the name of KHen .Anno (Ireen for her before they saw her, hut afterward they called her Peachblow. Such a peculiar luster she had, with the glow of 11 glaze, yet the aura of a mist, that the Potter lontfcd to show her how be loved her by endowing her with some intentional gift sur passim; even the fortuitous charm she 'brought with her out of the l;llu of mystery. So He ave her n power lie had never even granted Himself that of annulling what bad been and malting it as If it had been. He authorized her and empowered her to change her mind and try again from the start! She could rub out the past and do It over again ! She learned of her awful power only by accident and not until she had passed through the animal whims of childhood, and the parent-obeying, teacher-obeying custom-obeying years. Then she found herself In the world x of grown-up women. They were think ing of matrimony. Somo were not married anil wanted to be, but dreaded It and could not llnd n satisfactory mate. Mates were admirable, adorable or advisable, but rarely all three at once. The women who were married seemed to be for ever pointing out what martyrs they were and how well they stood It; or else were longing to try a new form of mnrtyrdiim with somebody else. Peachblow longed for the Joys, the sorrows, the burdens of home. SI10 wanted to do her share In the world; to multlpb, and all that sort of thing. "Love Is so glorious a thing that I think I'd like to bo loved by the lov Ingest lover In all the world." She cast about for the person most worthy of that distinction. The man who seemed to be the lead ing lover In respect to quantity and quality was known to all tho world as Claude Wlnvor. So she said: "I think I'll marry Claude Wlnsor." Her father nnd mother exclaimed nloud : "Hut he's n movlo actor and he's married." "Tho ilrst argues skill," she mused j "hut tho second Is nn ohutaclo. I do iwlsli ho had never been married." There was nn audlblo click and buzz, a peculiar Jolt In tho universe, 1 dizzy fooling s tf Bomctrtie had thrown the world Into the revcrso genr, then set It back In high. Tbo fatally said: "That's funny 1 Did you notice any thing?" Then they forgot It and returned to tho popular sport of denouncing tho motion picture people and crediting them with Inventing more novel sins than situation1. Peachblow was blue for several Jays, nnd then sho chanced to read, in the newspapers, this: "Mr. and Mrs. Claude Wlnsor an nounce that a curious error lias been made In the public attitude to ward their relationship. "They have never been man led; never have lived together, never have been nn thing but friends, which they still are, and might not be If they had been married. "Tho children that used to play In front of their bungnlow are the chil dren of a neighbor." "Aba!" quoth Peachblow. "J will marry this bachelor." And Immediate ly began to pack her trunks. She told her father to get her a stateroom to Lot Angeles and her mother to come along. Her parents Indulged In mentnl pin wheels when they heard her decision. Hut nothing could vbange Peach blow's mind. She went out to Los Angeles, and sent one of her photo graphs to Mr. Wlnsor with a request for an Interview. That photograph was letter of Introduction enough, and she was Invited to call at the great man's studio. When she stood before his eyes, ho said : "Do you want to go Into tho movies?" "Well," ihe said, "I'm going to mar ry Into them." "Indeed? And wiio la the lucky man?" "You." "Keally!" "Uh-biih." Pelng used to the silent drama nnd hating superfluous titles, bo said noth ing, hut took her by nn elbow, her mother by an elbow, hurried them out to his car, rin them to the nearest pai'Min and said "Shoot!" Tor a time the marriage was happy and she revelled In the luxury of being loved by an expert. I Jut then he went back to his profession, nnd mor tification set In. Peachblow found herself the chat tel of a husband who left her nnni early In the morning nnd hastened to the arms of other women; who fought for them, pursued them, risked his life to save their lives, gazed Into their eyes with an ardor thnt trans tlxed all beholders; who faded out of every picture with a dying duck look of undying affection for some highly artlllclal beauty and then enmo home nt night worn out with love nnd want ed to go to tho American Legion prize tight. After n few inonths Peachblow sent for her mother and father and lis tened to their "I told you so's" with great patience. They agreed with her that life with such a husband was Impossible nnd engaged the best divorce lawyer In Los. Angeles. While they were bewail ing the Inevitable newspaper horror, the headlines, and all the hideous de tails of divorce. Peachblow felt a re newal of her occult power. "Divorce nothing!" she said; "I'll Just forget him. I'll Just unmarry myself quietly, and erase my memory from his mind." She said tills in the very presenco of Mr. Wlnsor who had called with his lawyer to confer with Peachblow, her parents and their lawyer, John Klphlnstone. As soon as Peachblow spoke, n curi ous look came over Claude Wlnsor's face. Again the earth Jolted and spun backward, then raced forwnrd once more. "It's nothing," said Mr. Klphln Btone, "hut one of our little California earthquakes. Quite nothing nt all." Ho slipped his arm about Peach blow to sustain her, and found the at titude singularly comfortable. Togeth er they watched Claude Wlnsor star ing nt them with a look of bewilder ment. Then ho bowed nnd said: "Pardon me, I entered the wrong sot house, by mistake," llo staggered out and the next thing ho knew be was sitting on his porch dandling his baby before his original wife while the publicity innn took snapshots for tho magazines. Mr. I'lplilnstono clung to Peachblow until 1' r father Intervened and said : "What right have you to stnnd there embracing my daughter as If yotluvoro announcing your engagement to her?" "And why not?" said Klphlnstone. "I see no objection," murmured Peachblow who felt a sudden empti ness In her life. "After all, who could make a better husband than a lawyer?" And so In a short time expensively engraved cards conveyed tho Infor mation that Mr. and Mrs. Greene an nounced the marriage of their daugh ter Kllen Anne fo John Klphlnstone, L'squlrc. II Those who have experienced it, say that thero Is nothing like being tbo wife of a lawyer. For a time Peach blow agreed with this In Its simplest Implication; then she amended It to: "There's nothing like It because nothing else could ho so bad." Sho had n husband who tore himself from her society of mornings and went forth to do battle for women clients over whoso wrecked lives he waxed so eloquent that his tears were rivalled by tboso of tho Jury and strong judges bent their heads nnd wept secrotly on tho papers vvhoro Judges make Idle marks to pass nwuy the time. Klphlnstone not only spent hours upon hours In his otllce with cxqulslto clients whoso hands he patted, nnd whose charms he expatiated on before the courts, but he came homo and told his wlfo about it. lie wrote briefs as Impassioned nnd as full of Imagination as any sce nario mid then acted his own conti nuities with llery enthusiasm, Ills cases often took hlin to distant cities nnd It was not always convenient for Peaeiiblow to go with him. There was such a strain upon her natural Jealousy that she had to con sult a ph.vslclan, JJr. S. Q. Lupins, who hail a charming bedside manner nnd soot lied her by suggestion rather than by knife or nostrum. After one notorious lawsuit In which Klphlnstone wore himself nt most to a wreck by his defense of n wayward lady who had bankrupted her husband and then sued him for alienation of her affections, Klphln stone came home fo llnd his mother nnd fatlier-lu-law and the physician trying to restrain Peachblow's hys terics. When Klphlnstone approached her solicitously sho cowered Into the bosom of the doctor nnd screamed: "Go uway; you are no longer n lilts baud of mine; In fact, you never were." Klphlnstone was seized as by Invis ible bauds and hnled backward to his own olllce where he awoke with n splitting headache and a strange gap In bis memory. Peachblow, once more miraculously restored to maidenhood, said: "After all. 11 doctor is the world's most useful citizen. I believe I should enjoy being a wife to one." '"Parkls Is wlllln'." said the physi cian, who was unusually well read for a doctor. He persuaded nnother physi cian to take care of his patients and went away on a bridal tour of all Imaginable bliss. Ill When ho came back Doctor Laplns found thnt hH overworked substitute had let his patients get well, and ho had to buckle idovvn to the task of restoring them to a state of protltablo disorder. He had bis ofllce In the parlor of the home and this made It necessary for Mrs. Peachblbw Lupins to enter tain her friends in the upstairs living room. 'Hie acoustics were such that she could hear what went on In tho rtlllce. The halest and heartiest women constantly entered tho parlor in a state of acute distress and after long murmurous consultations ,wpnt away so much better thnt Peaeiiblow grew frantic with suspicion. Sho re membered all too vividly bow gentlo and soothing her husband had been with her when she was another man's wife. And she wondered, till her won derment grew to he a bitter convic tion. Worse yet, he was the slave of tho telephone. At no hour of the day or night was bo safe from the hateful summons to hurry to the rescue of some distressful patient. In nine eas! out of ten It was a woman, and in no cases out of ten was Peachblow evrr urged to come along. She so lost her taste for material medicaments that she longed for spir itual help, nnd went to her rector, dear Dr. Clarence Yost, to confessier misery. She was set upon a divorce, hut ho was horrified at the thought. "Now an annulment would not be bo bad," lie urged. "All right, It's annulled," said Peachblow grimly. And Doctor Lupins found himself back In bachelorhood. Hut Peachblow bad come to depend upon Doctor Yost. He lived In such an exalted sphere and such a comfortable parsonage that she decided to share both with him. IV To her Intense confusion Peach blow discovered that the feminine por tion of the congregation took her mar riage to their dear rector as a per sonal Invasion of their rights. For 11 time tho attendance 'fell off noticeably. Hut gradually the lonely women returned to their pews. Next they resumed their habits of bringing their woes to their spiritual ndvlser. These were genuine woes beyond the reach of scalpel or tonic, hut Peachblow could not regard them as anything hut a hypocritical excuse for weeping on her husband's shoulder and clinging to his rescuing hands. Whether or not she did the women n cruel injustice, the effect on her nerves wns manifest. At last In a crisis of unhapplness, she stormed : "I'm sick of all the professions. I'm going Into trade." She unwished herself from Doctor Yost and he once more assumed all the charms of an unwedded clergy man, eligible and available. V A merchant was Peachblow's next first husband; handsome Junior mem ber of the firm of Wnnn field & Son, at whose great department storo shu had long run up bills for her father to protest agalnt and pay. Hut when she called at his ofllce she found him ho surrounded with stenographers, buyers, mnnnlklns, clonk models, designers nnd other women customers and aides that sho could hardly get to him. His heart was given to providing ns many women ns possible with beauti ful garments and embellishments of every Intlmnto sort, with perfume nnd ribbons and lipsticks and what not. Ho thought about fashions nnd bo wns so weary of femlnino charms and their enchantment thnt when ho camo homo to his Penchblow ho left at onco for one of his exclusively initio clubs In order to keep his snnltgr. A small shoe shop man wns Peach blow's next experiment. Hut when sho went by his storo nnd peeked In at the window, she always found hltn kneeling before some woman, or try ing to crush n N'o. 0-15 foot Into a No, 4-A shoe; nnd Bho simply could not endure It. VI ' A plumber she mnrrled was forever puttering about other people's homos In the most personal crannies; and 1 she gave him up. An Iceman followed him through ' her muclitrodden heart, but he, too, had his kitchen doors to vMt. Discouraged by her Inability to find n husband In town who did not have to spend a large part of his time and attention upon other women, Peach- ' blow resoled to marry some homely old fanner who lived In 11 solitude. ! Kzra Hopple was the happy man ( for a time. And he was so content with Peachblow's society that ho would not even ko,p a hired girl to cook for the hired men. He rose lit ! a. in. nnd bragged nbout It. He woke her up to brag about It. The fact that he had gone to sleep at dusk did not abate his pride The only poetry he knew was something ending with "healthy, wealthy and" She knew he was neither wealthy nor wise, but she was afraid he was healthy. Her jealous little sonl had Its wish nt last. Hut a wish ceases to be a wish as soon as It Is achieved. Like the candy In the bonbon dish It Is apt not only to turn sour but to wreck tbo appetite as well. Peachblow's latest Installment In her serial husband never cast an In terested eye on any other woman. Hut this curiously made bis Interest In her unimportant ; robbed him of suspense nnd her of the drama of anxiety. He was unskillful, uncouth, Illiterate In femininity. No other woman cast an eye In his direction. Hut that was because he hnd nothing attractive nbout him. And the man who Is unable to Interest any other woninn Is unable to Interest his . wife. I Poor Peachblow, having no rivals to fear and having a husband who madn no perilous comparisons, began to neg lect herself. Her brauty wilted from 1 lack of attention. Her Incomparahlo complexion Iwgnn to yield to farm food nnd farm labor In farm weather. She sighed: "It doesn't seem to make much difference whnt man n womnn marries; every one of tho brutes has his own specialty In being Impossible." Hy this time Peachblow bad so dis organized the machinery of tho uni verse, thnt the world was In the garage half the time; and all the nngels exhausted. It Is not such nn ensy nmtter for even the nngels to keep everything go- I Ing, especially when it goes backward frequently. There was talk of n strike In heaven and celestial society was profoundly disturbed. The oldest angels were forever talking of the last big revolution when Lucifer and his whole party were thrown over- j board. Hut bow wns the dreadful situation to be changed? The Lord did not want to cancel one of bis own gen erous gifts to (mh of bis most beauti ful creatures. Hut heaven was ceas ing to be heaven for all Its deserving tenants. At tile height of this dreadful cos mic crisis Peachblow In a frenzy state of despondency, while slaving In her kitchen, chanced to catch a glimpse of herself in tho casual mirror In the round bottom of a big dlshpan. She had long ceased to consult her own looking-glass. The vision that stared at her from that tiny surface shocked her Into n sorrow too deep for hysterics. She meditated on her own Image: "Kvory husband Is worse than every other husband. A womnn might ns well stick to the llrst wretch she imp- pens to marry. 1 was luckiest when j I had the most lovable of men, and I wish I had him back again, movie actor though he be. I "This fateful power, of mine has I been my ruin. It's best to let nature take her course. The one thing I i most wish had never been Is my 1 ability to make things as If they never hadfbeen." j As she exhaled this last sigh, a dis tinct earthquake was registered on 1 every seismograph In the world. The ' heavens shook, at llrst with surprise, then with delight. I Peachblow herself was shaken. Sho I found herself staring at a dlshpan us I If under a hypnotic spell. Slie heard I her husband's voice from the dining room door. It was tho voice of Claude Wlnsor. the star surprise of the cine j matle tlrinanient. Tho world might share his silent beauty with her, but I his voice belonged to her: "What on earth are you doing In the ' kitchen, my darling? It's no place for such exquisite grace. And besides I ( see that there's a ton of fan-mall thnt 1 you haven't answered. You haven't I autographed any of my photographs for me In ever so long. We've got to get busy or we'll lose our llttlo pub He." I With n cry of rapture she flung her , arms about his universally admired I neck and rejoiced in the fact that nt I least n hundred million women of nil nges nnd rncos about tho globe would have been glad to pilson her for her envlablo privilege. Tho moral, If any, has to do with ' leaping out of tho frying pan Info the I tire, Tho moral Is ancient; the fire Is the same old Inextlngiilslmblo blaze of discontent. Hut tho frying pan Is forever new. Kach one of us ftirnlbhes hla or her own frying pun. Selau 1 Your New litii si JL JL UVVlsO " should be made artistic, sanitary and livable. These walls should be Alabastined in the latest, up-to-the-minute nature color tints. Each room should reflect your own individuality and the, treatment throughout be a complete perfect harmony in colors. The walls of the old home, whether mansion or cottage, can bo made just as attractive, just as sanitary, through the intelligent use of wnfa Instead of kalsomine or wallpaper It is absolutely necessary if you expect Alabastine results that you ask for and secure Alabaitint. Avoid kalsomines under various names and insist on the package with the cross and circle printed in red. That is the only way to be sure you arc getting the genuine Alabastine. Atabastine is easy to mix and apply, lasting in its results, and absolutely sanitary. Alabastine is a dry powder, put up in five-pound paclsar;e, white and beau tiful tints, ready to mix and use by the addition of cold water, and with full direc- tiom on each package. Ewryfiartaxtcfgtnuint Alabaitint tut cross and circle printed in red. Better write us for hand-made color de sifjni and special su?(;estions. Give us your decor ative problems and let us help you work them out. Alabastine Company 1035 Crandvllle Ave. Croud Rapids. Mich I MIX IN ONE I I MINUTE WITH I I co ip wAicri j Plant Growth and Sunlight. Hecent experiments show that tho Amount of light that a plant has af fects Its growth fully as much as climate. The Iris, for example, which ordinarily blooms In May or .lime, would not bloom under hothouse con ditions In winter until Its period of dally light was artlllclally lengthened by six hours The October chryanthe mum wns made to bloom In midsum mer by shortening the dally light period; lettuce by the same means was held In tbo rosette stage for .1 long time; and the radish, with only seven hours of daylight, grew for more than a year before It Dually shot up Its (lower stem and died. Youth's Companion. A man never appreciates good luck so much ns when be Is having a run of bad. M w has If your drcamof land, if your present there is a new deal for W&- farm3 of Western Canada, where wheat produces 20 to 40 bushels to the acre, where where oats, bailey and hay dairy industry, and a man's Low Priced Land In Western Canada you still can oer acre, on long terms if desired, a hn9 for manv yeari nroduceil the world's alfalfa. Canada lind no "war time" in on the ground floor. Taxes Favor the Farmer a3 Values Increase The tax Inws of Western Canada encourage the producing farmer. The tax on land is reduced when it is brought under cultiva tion while on your buildings, machinery, improvements, personal property, automo bile, thereis no tax at nil. A einwle crop is often worth mote, acre for sere, than the cost of the land. Buy on Exceptional Terms 32 Years to Pay For the benefit of ihosc wishing to buy land a national non-profit sharing organization the Canada Colonization Association has been established with head ollfccnt Winnipeg, nnd United States ollice at St. Paul. This Association offers selected land convenient to railways-much of it at $15 to S20 per acre on very small cash payment; no further piymrnt until limn year, uaunce rxtCMieu over tuinjnycars, but purchaser may pay up and obtain t it lo nt any time if de sired. Interest six percent per annum on deferred payments. We Help Find Your Opportunity The Canadian Government maintains information bu. reins In leading American centers, where you can get full information, without cost, about nil parts of Canada. The men In charge nro Government olhcials, in terested only in trie tcrvice 01 me prospective settler. Gel Lhe Facts-No Cost, MAIL TIIK COUPON. Let us Know, something o( yutir position, anil ( receive free book with maps, nnd iteo service ot tuo uanaaian tiov nrnment Agent in your territory: also Information how special rail. way rates can be nrransed for a trip of inspection. Mail Coupon to Nearest Agent : W. V. BENNETT Dk W, 300 Peter' Truit Dldt. tXnkha, Neb. I-flf-rp Tm.rT-CTT? a va ... ..Ml -..II.Lt- - ..... .... .0.. ., ..,-. Hi u .mi nvaji.u 10 inoumoiorftmltfV. I Iirmilll VfIOlll)ei inuritin roiiin 111111 vuutir ixiuuirr ior jroorM'ii, No ports Ittxjulrcu. U V. 0. Changes LasS Year's Frosb fa Irtew Putnam Fadeless Dyes dyes or tints as you wish '' t-ssaN-t ,J ns u is lemaftBt -: iLtiUil7.Nl THE ONLY TOOL NtlDEO TO APPLY Wireless Supervision. A bill has been Inttodiiecd In Wash ington which provides thnt the De partment of Commerce shall have su pervision uv'er all radio communica tion, assigning wave lengths, approv ing apparatus, licensing operators and otherwise supervising wireless com muuiciitlou to bring order out of tbo present chaos of Jazz bands, sermons, crop reports, sporting w-'rvlces, con certs and what-not running slmultaii cously on the same wave lengths. No ugly, grimy streaks on tho clothes when Ited Cross Hull Hluo Is used. Good bluing gets good results. All grocers carry It. Advertisement. .He's Air Right! Slit Do you prefer blondes or bru nettes? He Ves. dear! Life. Find What ANABA to of er YOU! success seems like a honeless ambition. 'SSPrvT 'I if you arc discouraned trying to get ahead on high priced location fails to give you onnortunity. you. a new chance in the fertile, virgin the 1D22 crop was biggest in history. and fodder cron3 are the basi3of a great work brings him success and prosperity. the Last Great West buy virgin prairie land at $15 to $20 near to town, railroads, etc. land such nrlze wlnnlnn wheat, oats, barlcv. flax. rye. land boom: orices arc not inflated vou cet Rent Now Buy Later Pay Out of Profits Canada welcomes the Industrious settler. What you have now isn't so important. If lour capital is small, or you cannot sell your present holdings to advantage, rent a fertile Canadian farm and "trv It out" for n season or two. Make a good living, increase your capital, and buy later. Farms may be rented from successful settlers on easy terms; in some cases with option of purchase. GAHAMj ?r fptfl AtMrt Net rut Arret lHflclt?,k W. V. DENNETT W,300rlcr'.Tru.ll)IJf. Omtbi, Nb. tt AcM. f.prtm.nt of lfnnilr.tlon-nt .nd m. frt g frbok 011 Uaidi I u pullculirly lntr.ta In tr u tt tt 1 La.urn cn4. ( I ) Lir.r.ifl.artfuli)4 li.iHIfif l.rowlo luflnr tutu 11 H Nune. U U u , -...a. f. n. No ... or Street Addrn. MWMIIMIIHIHMII wttttf.t ln. U