The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, March 08, 1923, Image 6

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Smyrna Gives
This photograph depicts tliu Joyous reception tendered to Mustnphu Kemal
Smyrna who greeted tlie president of tliu grand national assembly of Turkey uti
'.Ion wuh followed by IiIh marriage to n weultliy and proinliient young woniiin.
France's Navy Helping in Occupied Region
This Is tlie tlrst photograph to reach hero showing the French naval fnicos
occupied area of Germany. Some, of the 1'rench naval men are shown arriving
putclied ut various points along the Hhlne to safeguard France's interests.
Ambassador Warren Comes Home
1 56;S5S5m2S3misKS&
Charles H. Warren, the retiring American ambassador to Japan, anil his
family photographed on their arrival in San Francisco from Tokyo.
Destroyed by tHe Irish Rebels
Iiavl.ig turned from nssii.-MnuUon to ar.x it the lil-h lepublleau hae de
stroyed many tine buildings. Mere are the ruins of l'liliiierston, the residence
of Lord .Mayo, near Nans, County Klldare.
An Intensely white enauiel, resist
int to acids to a degree hitherto tin
known, lias been developed to protect
surfaces subjected to gua or mines,
kucIi as are found In hospitals and
chemical laboratories.
Tho American library in l'arls,
founded by the American Library asso
ciation after tho World war, with
books supplied to the American army,
now has more thnn 20,000 standard
Kemal Pasha a Joyous Welcome
I L.
A South American Indian tribe Is
ruled by a woman whose every ut
terance is a word of law,
Kousselot, French Catholic priest, In
cntcd numerous devices for tlie re
cording of sound.
The Itrltlsh army Is now engaged
In a movement against (lies. Cook
houses and other artltlclally-warmed
places where lltes are likely to go Into
winter quarters are being sealed and
sulphur dioxide Is pumped Into tlie
interior. Tlie Hies cannot escape or
Pasha ly tin Turkish residents ol
Ills return to tluit city. Tlie reeep
WmMBWftBEflgy y
en - opcratlng with the military In thu
at Dusseldorf where they were dls
W rtVWvvvi
New photograph Just received from
Ktigland of Lady Klisaboth Angela
Marguerite Ilowos-Lyon, whose mar
riage to the duke of York, second son
of the king and queen, will take place.
In Westminster Abbey. April 2(1. It
shows what the F.ngllsh girls call tin:
I.ady KllNibcth fringe, really the old
time "bang," which has set a new
st.vle In coiffures.
Mrs. A. J. Ileymanii of New Yor'u
introduced something when she started
smoking ti pipe while taking a rest in
tier bench at Palm lleach. Her
preferences are shared by other win
ter resort ers and all sorts and shapes
of "glliiimles" are being shown by
those loving a long healthy pull at
the pipe. Pipes at the beach are only
smoked when one is in her bathing
Accent Happenings in Nebraska
Given in Brief Items For
Busy Readers.
The lioti-e has gone on record as being
iihMilutel. opposed to the use ciflliCn
State owned automobiles for ".lorld-.
i ng."
Sherman Spears of Stratton was shot
Iiroiigh the cheek lt a -hotgun load -pile village of Waco is installing a
during a roundup In Hitchcock ' water works yst which Is expected
county. to be ready for umj about .May 1.1.
A course In bible study has been In- a checker loiirnanient held at Chap
stalled in the Pawnee City schools and ,, ,,.!,,,,) nigsprlng winning 17
Is proving popular. Local pastors are p,iiM.Sl Clmppell :(.' and 'S. draw games,
teacliliig. ' For the fifth consecutive time IN-
A heailiiuarlers troop of Hoy Scouts ( ,),,. stock Kroger bus been elected
has been formed at Fremont with secrelar.x of the Kearney Chamber ol
Ilinry Seheiv as scoutmaster and , Comment'.
Harry elib as cominauder. I
of Lincoln, Chief Justice Nebraska
Supreme Court.
.Mr. and .Mrs. John Ilardeuhrook
i'iiiiii'!!iiii iiioii- artintii u'i'iidltH' iinoi-
vei-Mir.v at their home in Fremont last 'Hi"r buildings were ai tire at one time,
week. ' 'armors are permitted to register
P.eatrice will entertain several slate ""'lr farms and their farm name with
conventions this spring, and Is making the secretary of state and to have an
arrangements to caie for them in royal exclusive right to the name by a bill
j-tjle. passed by tlie house.
Nearly l.'.OOO interested spectators Seven hundred members attended
were in'jittendanco tlie opening day of, "ll fifteenth anniversary of the dedica
innaba's big Auto show ut the audl-jt'"" of tlie .Masonic temple at North
torluni. Platte. It was the largest gathering In
Tlie large community ball, known
lis Wildcat ball, located 12 miles north
east of Conistock, was destroyed by
lire of unknown origin.
Tlie 1!)2,' state high school basket-1
hull tournament will lie held In Omaha1
elarch 8. it and 10, and from indlca
lions it will be a hotly contested series.
.Mistaking a can of gasoline for
water resulted in tlie serious burning
of .Mrs. Van Conet and tlie complete
destruction of tlie Conet home at New
Mrs. Sarah Jane Steplianson, 101,
died at the home of her son, Kdwln ..
(ilass, in College View. Mrs. Stephnn
son came to Nebraska from Michigan
38 years ago.
itcnenl of the rule nrohildtiiiir sinok-
lug and chewing on the grounds of the I- of Hood tially. and Is said to be
Fnivorsltv of Nebraska Is asked in a better than that being shipped in. The
petition 'being circulated by persons 'ln Is about a foot thick, hut the
said to represent the student body. miners believe tlint as they woik fur-
According to information received " 11"1''1, '"' "-:irly hill the vein will
from Washington, Postmaster (leneral become thicker.
Hubert Work has nominated l-'red-' "Shut-'lns" at the Nebraska penllen
crick Nielsen, a voting man of hexing-' t K"vo a show In the prison cliapel
ton, for appointn'ient as postmaster. i for the benefit of the i'niveivaty of No
Harlev Fischer, son of Mr. and Mrs. ,lraska stadium fund. Five hundred
P. Fischer was severelv Inlured when persons Including many legislators,
he fell from a slide 'on the school attended. The show, consisting of
grounds at Clav Center. limit legs were ' -ongs, choruses, skits, and play lets, was
broken and many oilier Injuries re- produced entirely by ".shut-in" talent.
,(1N(M1, who coached themselves, did their own
Work lias been started on tlie or-, casting, selected their music and even
ganli:ation of various livestock clubs printed their own programs,
among the boys and glil of Custer Tlie mummy o" a nobleman, who may
comity. The adopted slogan, "Sargent, have been iiltnchedi to the family of
the I lean of the Livestock Country," Pharaoh, and which was brought to
will sunn ho tho watchword of every Nebraska at a cost f .s.ijhmi by Itev. II.
younj, loci. man In tlie vicinity. ( V. Itonihigcr, formerly of Crawford.
A retold bnaklug egg reporled by a Neb., lies in a sarcophagus in tlie Slate
Platisinoiilli iprmer. Tlie egg was ( i'nlv erslty museum. The historical
seven and a half laches around ami data relative to the tind shows that the
eight and a half inches long. It was mummy v as found in the royal burial
opened and another egg complete with .round of Thebes In upper Kgypt in
a shell was disclosed on the inside. Janinirv, ISS.", and that it probably
lloth eggs weie perfect in formation belonged to the IStli or Ibth dynasty,
with Hie shells and yolks. about the time of Uameses II.
At a meetliu of the tiranil Island
school hoard It was decided to build a
bailor high school building on the
south side.
Twelve bundled men shot five wolves
n a big hunt which covered more Ulan
eleven square miles of territory near
Norfolk. Twelve wolves got away.
The receipts of the hunt were voted to
the Salvation Army.
(leurgo Ablon, who has been sought
by his brother. Abe Ablon, since ids nor ltryan was the principal speaker,
disappearaiue from Omaha sis weeks ltepie.-entatlve W. II. O'tSnra of haurel,
ago, was located at tho state hospital Senators Hastings of (irant and Willso
for the Insane at Lincoln where lie was ,,f Itlcbardsoii, and Speaker Mathers of
committed three weeks ago. the House gave t.boit addresses.
Anna Svoboda, young daughter of Mr. Ur. Morris Neilsen, lllnlr was elected
and Mrs. Vaclav Svoboda, living near president of tlie F.lkhorn Valley Medl
Sihuyler, was seriously Injured ami en I association at the annual meeting
bruised, when attacked by a craed cow, held in Fremont. Tlie new president
that Mrs. Svoboda was trying to herd succeeds Dr. Da vies of Fremont. About
back into the farmyard after it had !(() physicians were in attendance at tlie
escaped from its pasturo. j convention.
"The new Nebraska capital Is unique ! Farmers of Douglas county are or
al world architecture and probably will
found a new style of building design
which will he known as Nebraska style
mill upon which Nebraska public build
ings In the future mny ho modelled,"
declares Dr. H. B. Alexander, professor
of philosophy at the University of Ne-braska.
Falls City Is elmilntlng petitions for
referendum on Sunday .Movies.
Nebraska growers have marketed
75 per cent of their surplus potato
Saunder county lia decided to
place L'SO miles of highway undei (he
patrol system.
The village of Adams has voted $1S,
(MM) bonds for the erection of a com
munity andltorlum.
ltiiinl mall carriers of Ited Willow
nml llltilico.i; cnmniiw imi nri'iml'mi
(trti't iissticliithMi.
Falls City will imo more than thirl
blocks the coining ,ilng, and iuor
districts aie being created.
.mi.,. than :tr..iiii ei-nu u-...-.. i.-ni,,rt
during a month's competitive cam
paign between Antelope ami .Madison
count.v hunters.
F.lnier Knot Is dead at his home near
llolmesvllle, after a deep slumber of a
week, doctors assigning sleeping sick
Hess as the cause.
Kvpcnilltures on buildings l(f more
than ,"si!.-,ii.(MM) will be made in Colum
bus this summer, according to permits
asked of the city council.
County Agent H. S. Scott of Sidney
has resigned to accept employment
with the extension department of the
state college of agriculture.
Citizens of Fontaiielle are now en
Jo.ving the benefit if a twenty-four
hour a day electric service from the
municipal plant at Fremont.
Increase In cattle receipts at the
Omaha Fnion stockyards for January,
WSA, wan .lo.SKis', according to a bulletin
of the Slock.vauls National bank.
CltlJ'ens of (liblion vicinity Imve pe
titioned tlie county board of supervisor-
to build a state aid bridge across
the Pintle river, south of Cibbon.
Arthur Suiciding, 0 years old, war,
fatally Injuied near Seward, when,
while .repairing the belt In a tractor
Ids arm was caught and torn off.
Stanton was threatened with destruc
tion when I lie First .Methodist church
building was destroyed bv tire. Five
local .Masonic historv
As lied Willow county's contribution
to tlie near east relief, a thousand
bushels of wheat wore shipped to()mr
ha. Tlie carload was brought in from
all parts of the county.
Lewis James I.oder, who came to
Nebraska In a covered wagon In is."
K dead at his home in Waverly. He
moved to that vicinity a jear later
and hud lived there ever since.
Kverett T. Winter for four vears
i county agent in Huilcr county, lias re
l signed and lias leased a large ranch in
Holt county where he will move as
i soon as his successor is named.
A coal vein has been opened u. on
!' Isby farm near Auburn. The coal
The liev. John V. Handy of
boldt has been culled to assist in Un
church college endowment at Pittsburg
Pa., and the Itev. Mr. Chadvvick of
University Place Is substituting at tlie
Methodist church In Ills absence.
Tlie tlftleth meeting of the Nebraska
Press Association was laid in Lincoln
February 22-21. 1!12 visitors attended a
banquet at the Chamber of Comnieice
on Thursday evening, at which Cover
ganl.lng and taking steps to protect
themselves against thieving and are
determined to get tlie night prowler
who rolls their lien coops, steals their
harness, carts off their butchered hogs
hung up to cool, or makes away with
live bogs when they are ready for
? Lesson f
Dy riEV. P. D. OTTZWATEIl, D. V.t
Tcnclior of English lilblo in tlio Moody
Illbie Institute of ChlcnKo.)
CopyrlKht, 1022. WoMern Newnpsper tlnlon.
l.P.HSON TF.XT-hUl.e 22 M-4S, M.
(JOLUEK Tr.XT-ClirlBt also imtb-oaca
BiiiToml for oar sins, tlie Just for tlio un
just, that lie might bring u to CJoil.
1 Pi-tt-r 3 IS.
iti;ri:iu:Nci: M.vri:uiAL-Mntt 4:i-n;
2C:W-I0; I Cor. 10 13. llcb. :15, 1C.
PIltMAHV TOPIC An AtiStl Hol)0
JUNIOlt TOIMC-Jcsus Prays for
How to Stand thn llrrdost T st.
Yot'Na im:c)Pli: and adult topic
-Siibnilbulun to tlio Futliui's Will.
1. Jesus at the Mount of Olives
(v. ii!. He went from the upper
room under cover of night to the gur
den or Cethseniiine. Cethseinnno
means oil press, it is a place where
the oil was crushed out of the olives.
There Is a striking slgnlllcnnco In
Jesus' coming to tills place, olive oil
was precious, being used both for food
and lighting. The bruising and crush
ing of Christ in this garden has yield
ed the largest blessings in the world.
It has provided food for men's souls
and light for tiiolr lives.
II. Hio Companions (vv. IV.), -10).
Peter, James and John, who had been
with Him on tlie Mount of Transfig
uration, were permitted to go with
Mini into tlie deep shadows of the
garden. He took Mawo who were best
able to apprehend tlie meaning of tho
tragic hour to lie His sympathizing
companions. This was needed to pre
pare them as LI Is witnesses. Then,
too, as a human being lie craved sym
pathy. Jesus Praying (vv. 41-4-1).
3. Ho Withdrew From trie Dis
ciples (v. 41). Kven those disciples
of tlie "Inner circle" could not go with
liliu. He tore himself away from them
for lie must he alone In this darkest
hour. He kneeled down and prayed.
2. What Ho Said (vv. 42-41). "IC
thou be willing remove tills cup from
me." The cup did not mean the phys
ical sufferings of the cross, though
they were very great. Ho did not
now desire to escape from tlio cross
and thus stop short of Ills rcdoini
tlve work, for tills was tlie supremo
purpose of His coming Into the world
(Hub. 2:14). It was rather the revela
tion to Him by tlie cross which
loomed before Him, of ills identifica
tion with sin In becoming the world's
Redeemer, lly virtue of the holiness
and perfection of His nature, Ho
could do nothtu,; else than shrink
from it. He saw In this bearing of
tho sins of the world the turning
away of Ills Father's face. Knowing
what was before Illm, lie came to
(icthsomnne for this hour, and In It
He consciously brought his human
will Into accord with the divine will.
Though the cup was bitter he bowed
in submission 'o the Father's will.
So great was this agony that His
sweat was as 1 were great drops of
blood falling down to the ground. In
this crucial Inur an angel from
heaven strengthened him.
IV. The Disciples Sleeping (vv. 45,
40). They hail hoaxed of their fidel
ity, but could not watch with Illm for
an hour. He had Issued a word of
winning to tlieiii, but they were so
benumbed with sorrow that they
failed. He Vntly rebuked them,
and commanded that they rise and
pray lest they outer Into temptation.
V. Jesus Betrayed (w. 47, 48).
1. The Hernial (v. 47). This was
done by Judas, one of tlie twelve, lie
had enjoyed the most iutlmato rela
tions with the Lord, eating with Illm,
listening to II teaching, witnessing
His marvelous miracles and enjoying
Ills conlidenco
2. Tlie Sign of Hetrayal (v. 47). It
was the kiss, ijnj token of the most
tender affect len and friendship. He
now degrades H by making it the
token of disloyalty and treason.
Jesus' words to this Infamous dis
ciple shows tlio Inlinite tenderness of
Ills heart If Judas had been at nil
human tills pathetic appeal would
have smitten hbu to 'lie very heart.
How many professing disciples have
proven their disloyalty to the Master
and even betrayed Him. All who hear
tlie name, Chrl-tlan, and especially
ministers and tiachers who deny the
virgin birth, Oelty and vicarious
atonement of Christ lire following In
the footsteps of Judas. May each onu
Inquire, "Lord, la It I?"
VI. Jesus AiTested (v. f4).
Tlie multitude around with swords
and clubs led by Judas invaded tlio
sacred prodnctK of the garden and
arrested Jesus and brought Him he
fore tlie high priest.
Our Blessings.
It Is good for us to think that no
grace or blessing Is Iruly ours till we
are awnre that tiod lias blessed soino
one also with it through us. Phillips
Our God.
God sleeps In the stone, dreams In
tlio animal, wakes In the nmn.
Careful Reading.
A page digested Is better thau a volC
uuie hurriedly reud. Mucuulog,