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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (March 8, 1923)
! &&L) OLUUD, iNiiUUASKA, CHIEF Mtm -rinwym'UM miwwwi v HKEKSXKXK K W K M " AS TOLD TO US Ice Crow was lUwn from Bcpubli lan City the hist, of the week. Win. McBiide went to Superior Thursday morning on train 10. llcv. J. M. Bates wa a passenger to Lincoln Wednesday morning. .1. K. Uurrcss was a (iitide Hock Wednesday passenger to morning. Mrs. Lester Yost went to Hastings Tuesday morning to spend the day. Kditor W. 15. Smith of the Com nioreial Advertiser is on the sick list this week. Mr-.. Tweedy has been confined to her hom,o. with the flu for the past lew days., .Miss Blanche Barker went to Guide Bock Wednesday morning on, train 10 to spend the day. Joe Ellison has purchased the Fugle building which is occupied by T. H. Walker's harness shop. Representative Ur.n Garbor return ed to Uncoln Sunday morning after spending a few days here. Virgil Huff was called to Ncin-.iska City the first of the week on account of the illness of his brother. (Jia.s. Steward went to Lincoln Wed Jie.-day morning to spenil a few days attending to business matters. The ladies of the Congregational church will hold a market at Wce.v ner's store Saturday, March 10th. The first moisture to do any good fell Saturday. , Observer ud low states that'.52 of en Inch moisture fell. Mr. mid Mrs.' Fred Kuehn of Lin coln spent the last of the week here with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Anderson. Roy Hussinger returned home Mon day evening on train 11 from Hast- Sngs after making a short visit at the home of his sister. ' Mrs. Ray Sutton and children went to Omaha Tuesday morning where they will spend n few davs visiting with relatives. A. J?. Crabill returned home Tues day morning sifter spending a couple of days in St. Joe and Kansas City attending to business matters. 11. E. Hirsch, the nrm in charge of the work tit the oil well, went to Hast ings We.lno.sday morning to spend the diy attending to bus'ness maters. J. E. Yost and ,1. II. Elliugcr return oil home Tuesday morning on train 13 from Kan-:s Citv where they went Sunday in charge of a shipment of Mock. Mr. and Mr-;. Win. Strong and chil dioti were pcssonger.s to (urnoll, Wis cons'n, Tuesday morning thoy intend ing to make their future home near that place. State F;re Inspector An:erxon wus in tho city thi. week and inspecttyl the busiiiss houses. Ho .sU tos thai the nllo,s in this di.strict .hould "no cleaned up. I. 1). Richardson went to San Fran cisco, California, Tuesday evening on train 17 to spend a couple of weeks visiting with his brother and attend ing to omc business matteis. The Fire Department met Tuesday evening and re-elected the picsent of ficers for tho ensuing year. B. W. Anderson, State Fire Inspector, wi.s present an.! made a talk on fire haz ards aftei which an oyster supper was served. A. Kiein of McCook went to work the first of the week in the round at this point a.s hnilermakor. Mr. Klein intends moving his family here from McCook within the- next week or two. Owing to the bad roads tlie musical comedy "Atta Girl" was not played to a very large crowd. who were present enjoyed it. They car ried a large amount of scenery and continues and the music by the or chestra was good. The Burlington stnrted a large gang of men to work Friday morning fill ing their ico house at this point Tlie ice is being shipped from Banchcster, yoming, this year a total of twenty five to thirty carloads. being required to yun through. Buy Your PIANO a Safe Way Ut ill M t 'II llmi u nut lr imi'iIIh lrl n t.Ci.ti ulurh ntu'Ji.nti nlllf.(ot!.n. I if.ihl Mriaiil iviiiik tup iinnmMirr. Write fir iMtatcf mil iliUlts of I'Uii. Frm iii ihih t. A. iiosrc CO., t S1 1 Doul;l Strut Omihi, NtbfMka Mr."?. James Burden wont to Giuc 1! -ok Tuesday morning on train 10. Mrs. Kd (Jarber was a passenger to Guide Bock Friday morning on train Hi. Mis W. J. Linn went to Hastings Monday morning on train No. 1 to spend the day. J. W. Auld wen to Franklin Tues day morning to spend the day attend ing to 'business matters. Giis Fuller, of Cowlcs, and Miss Violet Dicdrich of this city were grant cd a marriage license Wednesday. W. A. Romjuc went to Alma Tues day morning on train 15 to spend the day attending to businci-s matter.-. J. E. Yo.-t and A. B. Crabill went to Kansas City Sunday morning in chs.rgc of the stock loaded from here. Mrs. Clara Smith went to Superior Saturday morning to spend the 'day visiting at the home of Ellcry Hooper F. A. Hildebrandt went i) Kearney Monday morning on train 1 to spend a few days attending to business mat ters. Roy Hassinger went to Hastings Monday morning on train 1 to spend a couple of days visiting with rela tives. Ferd Walker came in Sunday mom ing from McCook to' spend the day visiting with his mother, Mrs. Georgia Walker. Miss Christine- Caldwell went to Kearney Thursday where she will at tend the Stae Normal for the balance of the school year. Mr. and Mrs. Hcrt Kalcy and son, Howard, went to Omaha Monday morn ing on train ! to spend a row days visiting with friends. District Judge h. H. Blackledge went to Holdrcgc Monday moining after spending the pasrfew days here visiting" with relatives. ,.-.. f : Court'Reporter Lee Johnson went to Holdrege Monday morning on train J after spending the weekend here visiting with h!s family. Fred Guild of Lincoln spent Satur day J-.tul Sunday here visiting at the home of Dr. and Mr. E. A. Cre'ghton and with oilier relatives. Mr. Chris Zeis and daughter, M'ss lv'ith, went t Friend Monday morn ing to attend the lunoral of a rela t've held tliero that afternoon. Switchm: n H. V, Huff returned to McCook Thurs.'.i'.; ni' ruing after work tag in tho lo"d ains in place of lv! Svlton for the t,a.r fow days. Y'rs. John Arno'l and baby went t . Omulm Thursday evening on train 1" she will spend i c up!e of vcr-ks visR'ng with her parents. Mr. J. B. 'McGiew of Esbon, Kan sas, drove over he'e Thursdav aftei noon to take Burlington train N . 17 to Grovcr, Colorado, that evening. W. A. Myers, representative of tlie Kansas City Stock Yards Co , of Kan sas City, Missouri, .spent Monday in tliis city attending to business mat tors. Mr. and Mrs. Lew Evans were passengers to- Hastings Thurs day niorn'ng on train I nftcr spend ing the past few days licic with relative-:. . Orville Oampbell returned home 'liniisday morning on No. in from City where he has, be'nii for,, the past fow day nt tending to bu ness matters. M. A. Albright returned home Fri day evening from Lincoln after spend inn the past couple of days with his daughter, M'ss Helen, who is attend ing the University thoie. Miss Christine and Josephine Dai.s went ti Superior Saturday morning to spend n couple of davs visiting with their parent. They leturncd to Red Cloud Sunday evening on No. 17. Mr. and Mrs. ym. Wnsle'r return ed to their liome at Reynold Thuis-day-morniug-on train 1(1 after, being celled hero- by the death of" their daughter, Mrs. F. Finchcr. i: .-. Mhi iii i tins ill 'I II I' ll. ml- It. Hill Mr. ii tin '.h- i' i i il iiilfis.m, in i iv oil in tbU cit. tlii- iti.irnlnu, after spending I tii-if Ii.iiii'N inn ii at dllV relit points In 1'im?.iis For Sitlt-: Ki'gisieioit Hiiiuiislilie ltrooil Sous iirl (Jilts, at rr-as.onuti'e pi let'. T.'i Ill-nil to pica liotn. ?$ mile I'lisl of (!olos ceineiorj Waller Bro'?. Cowle. The t i vll Sctvicc ( ounnishlnn bus ordered the llniiil Cnnlcr Hxiiuitiiullnii at the Bod Cloud. NeLr . Post Olllcc to be cancelled This cMiiiiiiiHtlon u to Iiuvk been given March ll'lli. H. R. Ch.rk, General Roadf. reman for the Burlington line west, spent several hours here Thursday nt'end ing to matteis in connection with his work going to Lincoln Friday morn ing on No. 1C. Mrs. Bernard Burden returned to her home a. Wilcox Monday afternoon on the freight after spending the pass couple of days here visiting with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Sutton and at. the home of Mrs. James Burden. Mr. and Mrs. Juck Finchcr arrived here Saturday evening on train 17, from Okldioma. where he has been working in the oil fields for the past couple of months. They were called here by the death of Mrs. P. Finchcr. Marjorie Lee Bloom . Who bus been very 111 at a hospital in Lincoln for the past heron vccl(s, passed away last Friday. Her little body was shipped bac to Red Clouil, and funeral services were conducted from the home, llev. Cope oflloiatinir, and Intermeot whs- innde in the eiy cemetery last Monday afternoon. She wns the i.wo year old daughter of Mr and Mrs, Marion Bloom of this city., 1 1 i CONDOR GIANT AMONG BIRDS California Sptcles lleved to Haw Excuded In Slse Its Couiln of South Amtrlca. Naturalists have determined that the California condor exceeds In nlste its cousin, the condor of the Andes of South America, and U larger than the giant or wandering albatross: wblch travels the ocean lanes of tlie Pacific, south of the equator. The extreme wing expanse of tlie California condor is close to twelve feet. Through care ful measurements, the naturalist learned that tho 'ondor of the aouth ern countries Is smaller In all respects. One of these largest birds that fly Is on exhibition In the Natural His tory museum at San Diego, Oil. Be side tie condor, the turkey buzzard, a smaller relative, appears to be a dwarf. Bntli birds are carrion enters, a fact which has contributed substan tially, to the near extinction of the condor. NuluralNts of earlier years record that tin condor was once fairly common In California. Ranchers mid settlers- lnivc been In directly res.otislic fur Hie killing of ninny condors tlironch tln placing of poisoned uii'iit Intended for consump tion by corotcs, bobcats and panther: Large numbers !uio iiIho been wan tonly killed through the iiidlscrlmlnntfl UFu of firearms. THERE'S DIVORCE She: I don't lr ow whether I could be happy with you for the rest of my life. He: I didn't mention any definite time In proposing to you. .". ?. I0MM -O- Novelty Required. "I undeislaiid nu are In favor of some new form of taxation."' "Yes," replied Senator Sorghum. "Thinking up new forms of taxation Is one of a statesman's ilrst duties. The public gets tired of any tax after they get fairly well acquainted with It." l)r is t. 0NIE 8$ tHQUm COMEBACK-KCRfi) UH0 FNlSHTHrJ is Y . '' t- i urn i Farmers Attention The citmrtorlj convention of the! WViisU'i- County Funnels Union will bo belli in (nuvnle, Tuesday, Mnioh ill This Is mi open meeting to nil funnel, i belt- wives and futullicH Important, discussion will lake place at thin meet mi: pertaining to the iiKrloultuial wol. fare of this county. Rev. David Simp son of Alberta, Canada will deliver mi ndiliess on the problems of the pt event lay fitniier. Don t forgot the $5 prize iiioucy for the local that tins the most i'ly iiii'inbi'is out to this mooting also $" frtr the local that has tho most men. Meeting coinmeiicea at 10 o'clock sharp. A. I. Stouer, President. A L. Grossman, Secretary Matrimonial Adventures The editor has been very fortunate in scouring u vnlunblc collection of stories by twctitythreo of America's best known and best loved, living auth ors. When folks like Booth TarldiiK- ton and Rupert Hughes express their vl(ss on any subject the world sits up nrnl listens. Tweutythree of them have written short stories on "Matri mouial Adventures" and they tire rich, ovnry one of them. On another page ot this issue livin S. Cobb tells us in his matohlpss stvlo of the "Second Coming of Mrs. Bailie's First Husband". Tho famous humor ist's wits are at Work all through the story, and you can almost hear him chuckle to himself as he writes. The highest priced magazines in America can't give you any thing better than this series of stories because there isn't anything better. CITY COUNCIL MET IN REGULAR SESSION LAST NIGHT Mayor etcrion culled City .Council together in regular session. Members present Amack, Hummel and Hoff- fmftn. Crabill absent. Minutes of meeting of February Gth read and ap proved. City Attorney Gilliam was present and made a few remarks in regard to the opening of nlley in Block 2, R&d cliff'.s Addition after which Council man Hummel made a motion, second ed by Councilman Amack that the mat ter of opening said alley be postponed indefinitely. ' A petition signed by severr.l tax payers of tho business section of the .city of Red Cloud was presented re questing the City Council to submit lo the voters at the coming spring elcption a proposition to issue bonds, in sufficient amount to provide lor conducting an adequate supply of water from the springs north of the c'ty to the city wells. The Council decided to lay the matter over for about two weeks comideration, during which time further investigation would be made. Motion made by Hoffman and sec onded by Amack to instinct the city treasurer to file the financial report for month of Fcbruray with city clerk as soon as. possible. The following claims wcie allowod: Ci'y Employees ...120.00 Mabel Albright .'10.00 L. Dovle -. .. -. 00.00 C R. Lewis So.tlO M'-.bol Albright - i..".0 Chas Sutto.i . . 22,.r)0 G. W. Trine u.lo The MrGraw C . r... . .10.10 Fairbanks M r o Co. ..m,... 11.S5 Knterprisn Elec. Co . 11.5IR "nine cf Co. ,.MT,,....... O7..r0 Mid vest. Eloctrie Co. ....' 1 08.71 B. F. l'rry . . .. J. SO Coinmerci.'l Advertiser -....... 14 f!5 John Haves ....... . 21.30 Geo. Miksch 0G0 S-ni Moi'titfoul ... I'J.ilO Cluin Whitnker . 57.00 liert Ferry 5.J0 II. s'ings Emiitv H7H0 M tion made to adlourn until ' o'clock a. in. Mord-i' , March JO. 102:'., when the net it 'on for pulling tho wat er question on ballot will be consh'or cd. CLARISSA M. MAYNARD City Clerk BILL BOOSTER SAYS OVJDV, POUS tAY MWE BL- BOOSTER AMD I'VE COME HERE TO LWE BECAUSE LIKE THE LOOKS OF TWE TOWN AMD TWE PEOPLE SEE OH THE STREETS! VIA FOR TV-US TOVJU STRONG AMD VIA fcOOSTlUG T WEAMN KAANCE CAV4 OO SOME GOOD NOUR EOVfOP. SANS, "GO TO VT, .U" rSM?' tto(tfsci'vai'aj;'.'Ja'.S''S5''.a.a.'.'A'SA.Ai.v w 'tt OUR PRICES MEAN Shopping m m m m Buying your Grocery needs here brings more than a momentary saving. It brings a saving in health and strength as well as added values in energy. Purity is the watchword of this store. All the food-stuffs we handle must be measured up to our high standard of quality or they do not reach our shelves. P. A. WULLBRANDT Groceries and Queensware m ih. iii"-me fcA?fc fc fc'Bt B fcfc it ! k jfc fc fc fc mL How About Harness! 1 mill meet any catalogue price on anything in the harness linu Don't let boiuoouo toll you that you can save money by sending away come in and look my stock over. I can save you some mouoy. Bring in. your old ones and' got them fixed tip and oiled before Spring LEER. WALKER HarneBS and Maddltry , v Hi PHONE YOUR CO A L ORDER TO FARMERS' Bell Phone 29 DH rpmiMimimiimifflniiiiiMriB ANNOUNCEMENT Webster "YK WISH to announce that we have opened up a say- W iiiLfs department in our bank for the use of the ehild- ren. adults and every one. Thrift and saviimis i .something that has been neglected. i. .1 We kindly invite you to take advantage of this sav- !ings idea and make this your banking home with your savings no matter how small, you are alwas welcome. A saver is a hustler and we are for both. Bank with us and you can bank on us. 1 We welcome every child in the community to become a customer of this new department. 1 THE WEBSTER COUNTY BANK fif 3E WE ARE SHOWING NEW SPRING HATS & CAPS THIS WEEK . See our Display in our South Window. New Stetson Blocks in the New Spring Shades. WE HAVE ALSO SPRING SUITS FOR MEN AND SEE The Cowderi AJi E HE DE m m m m m id ELEVATOR Ind. Phone 12 -!- u c County Bank ..' HE 3E) RECEIVED MANY NEW , S YOUNG MEN- -: THE NEW SPORTS L - Kley Clo. Cold Economies - ... vvatys Relia.bl6' ." ViVVvV 1EI I I i" M i