The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, March 08, 1923, Image 4

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Rod Cloud, Nebraska.
Entorcd In tho I'tmtnnu-c nt Hid (loud. Nub
k iu becond Claim Mutter
A. B. McAHTHUK, Kdltnr ami Owner
Advertsing Rates
Foreign, per column Inch 15c i
Local. I2if &I5
Congregational Church Notes
Sunday School 10 u. in.
Morning service 11 a. in.
Regular services every tlrst and third
Monday in the month In tho Adven 1st
church Ht 11 . m.
O. R. Hfinil. Pastor.
English Lutheran Church
Regular services every flrstuud third
Hunday la the month iu the Advent ht
church at 1 1 a. in.
O. R. Hoinltz, Pastor
Edict litued by Roman Prattor 2,290
Yars Ago Held to Be Enforce
able in Scotland.
A- Unman praetor's ctllct of 2,200
years ago Mill affects Innkeepers and
ostlers In Scot Intnl. A Iiriilnlc fanner
-Ijiilljloil IiIm horse to tin ostler Iodic
Hliiti'li-d. and the oller placed It Into a
double stable, where, shortly after, n
Heqpjid horse was plnccil. These two
horses hud previously shared u stall
mfd wire known to he quiet und not
quart cNoiuc. The runner's horse was
ound when It was put Into the xtuhle,
hut when lie returned for It, It was
found to he Inme on the oil' fore leg,
and two ila.vrt later, on the advice of a
veterinary surgeon, was destroyed.
The runner sued the oMIcr and the
Judge dlmuksed Hie case, which was
appia'cd. The appeal Judge held that
In law the Praetorian edict of .'Iu7 II.
(I. upplied and Unit the Injury was
not due to "the act of tied." Tho
lord Justice-clerk said the case rained
questions of Importance and dlltlciilty.
The Mrsl question they hud to decide
wiiKwliclhcr a stabler fell within thK
prnrtor's edict. After carefully con
nldorlng the arguments adduced and
surveying the authorities cited, he wni
tillable to And In modern law uny war
rant for the suggested discrimination.
He was of the opinion that nt aiders,
ns uell us Inkeepers, according to the
law of Scotland, fell wllhlii the edict.
TAP1 '!" BJT"""
---i at..
has a sad yet important function to perform
in every man's life a duty hard to ren-i
der, yet absolutely necessary.
He must be kind and considerate system
atic and thorough quiet and quick a fin
ished manager.
We hope it will be ages before you need
such service but when you do we will be.
, glad to render you the best that the most
complete equipment and talent will furnish.
Bell MO
- Ind.120x
Easter Sunday comes on April 2nd.
A. D. Htttiney or Blue Hill, was in
the city Tuesday on business.
Tho Webster county teachers' In
stitute commence next Monday.
W. II. Ludlow has built a new house
near the site ot the old one, just north
of the city.
Mr .John Dlckersoti is now on tho
rond for M. W. Dickuisuu & Co., the
firm is receiving l'lom fi() to (!0 cases of
oggs overy day.
Hi G Richmond son of S N Rich
mond, at one lime u resident of Red
Cloud, but now of (Jreenville, X. II. is
In the city, wlicto ho expects to reside
in the future.
Dr. llcclc and family have moved to
Red Cloud from Jollet, Illinois. Their
fitturo home will be here. The doctor
has formed n purtneiship with Dr.
Denny and hence forth both gentle
men will practice medicine under the
tirtn tiHtne of llcclc & Denny.
Au immense prairie fire occurcd a
cross the river on Monday, nod was
quite wide iu its destruction. It start
ed near uncle Tommy Lee's in Line
township and ending up in Kansas,
somewhere. A large number . of hay
stacks were burned, The wind was
blowing a gale nt tho time and it is, a
wonder .that It did not do more des
truction than it did.
Ilui McUride of Cowles was in town
Russell A mack spent a few days
seeing tho sights around Lincoln the
first of the week.
John Rose of Blue Hill was in town
Rev. Cole omSunday united in mar
riage Geo. Sheldon and Miss Bertha
HeaucliHilp. '
E. W. Anderson, who recently pur
chased the J K. Cliauey residence pro-'
rcrty in this city, has moved his 'fati
ily here froin'tho farm soutbwesic if
I ,".'R
When Your
jGoes Wrong
phone us
We make a specialty of quick Repair work, keeping always
ready the materials for immediate service.
Or if you have new work that you wish us to figure on we
will be very glad to submit prices.
Our work is guaranteed to give you satisfaction, atid if you
arc not pleased in every way we will spare neither time nor
cost to make it right.
Art Nelson
At Trine' s Hardware
Christian Church Notes
"There Is no easy way to a gf"at end."
Sunday School U) a. m
Morning Wnishlp II n. in.
Christian Endeavor 0:30 p. in
Evening Woiship 7:.'10.
Wednesday eventtig Prayer meeting
nt 7::$0.
The .Missionary Society held a very
enjoyable meeting ai tho Parsonage on
Filday afternoon DovoHonuls were
conducted by Mrs. C. .1 Pope Mis.
Frank Smith vety ably discussed Wo
men under Non-Christian Religious;
Mis. K D. MeCuiie told of the many
duties of uu India Pastor's wife; Mrs
Uenige Pope told of .some of our own
mis-ionoiy doings Htid Mis. Ilurwood
real ot an American-- woman's expert,
ence in Russia during the war. The
following olllceis were elected: Presi
dent Emeritus, Mis. S. Dicltson; prcsl
dent, Mrs. (!. IS Nelson; esidetit
Mrs. Frank Smith: Sec Mrs. Alice
Tuties; Treas. Mrs Mark MuCotikey.
Wednesday afternoon of last week,
the mistress of the parsonage ios ery
pleasantly surprised when the Ladies
Aid came in to spend the afternoon.
The second surprise came, when the
president, Mrs. Win. I'Jngles, unrolled
u bulky package disclosing two rugs
and announced that eacii lady had
sewed a hall This will long be u re
minder of a very happy afternoon
The afternoon closed with u delicious
lunch of sandwiches, cake and coilee.
C. O. Nelson, Paslor.
Why Keep Advertising?
rTaiTTirwrTfniifvioTffTmT ti
jt ill " TJLI
Sometimes people put up with incon
veniences and get along with a range that is
not entirely satisfactory because they have
become used to it. We would suggest that
you come and see the one we have selected
for our customers.
Mrs. Frank El dredge and children
of LaSalle, Colo., arc In the city tills
week visiting her mother, MrjJ LA,
Tulloys, and brother, Allen Til 11 ay b
anrl wife. I
Will "P." C. Crleder, who for t)fo
past three years has conducted an ijrj
to. (lute, tailoring establishment iu this
city, tlis week sold out to R. G. liufs
iuger, of Hastings, who comes rectfni.
mended as an A No 1. workman'iH'Hvs
chosen line,- , ' i
Curl Itudd tills week went buck 'to
the simple life, moving out to lib furni
south of Iuuvulo.
Jim Peterson and son Frank have
returned from Omuliu, where they at
tended the automobile show.
.lohn Yost, whose name has ever
been linked with link sausuge and
tender ineut, is this week fixing to in
stall a new lee chest, now counters
ami a new reudeiiug tank, .lohn ruus
u Hi st. class market ami this new
equipment, will greatly add to the
convenience of both proprietor and
pali oiiH.
Aicli Itasser and Miss l.uev IWktr
went to Hastings lust Thursday and
wet c married They left on Saturday
' fur (iUbthimi. wldeh place they
nuke tlieir future home. The I'hii f
i 'ins itlih their many frleudi in ex
I tHiuliug c ugrat illations
I 1M Walters and .Miss (iiuco liin.sel
' Mere utiiifd in marriago at thn homo
I of the brido't parents, mi Sunday
I afternoon, llev. I. W. Edsoii perform.
! iiitf the ceremony, which mh v. itus
' ed l, a few friends of tho families.
After the cei oniony n biy wending
diiitiur was served, tho deuoiulious
b-ing pink,, red mid white.
10 YEARS .AtiO
Player Piaiw at a Bargain! -We
have a player piuno in good condition
that one of our customers was unable
to finish paying for, that we will place
free of charge in the honieof any satis
factory customer iu the vicinity of Red
Cloud who will pay the balance in cash
or easy payments. Write. GASTON
MUSIC &. FURNITURECO'., llnstings,
' Summons by Publication
The defendants, to-iylt;' Mason
Gregg, Charles B. Kysor, all persons
having or claiming any interest In
Lots Four (4) and Five (fl), in Block
Thirteen, (ill) of the Village of Guide
Rock, Webster' County, Nebiaskn, real
names unknown, will take notice that
or the .'6th day'of- February, 10'J.3, that
Rainh W. McCallum and Jessie McCal-
lum Hied tl'ieirpetit'lon of the District
Court of Webster Couuty, Nebraska,
the object and prayer of whluh is that
their title in and to Lots Four (1) and
Five (o) in Block Thirteen (13) iu the
Village of Guide Rock, Wobstcr Coun
ty, Nebraska, be quieted and confirm,
ed iu them, and that a certain deed re
corded in Book K. at pages 542 nud M3
of the Couuty Clerk's records of Web
ster Couuty, Nebraska, be cancelled
and that the cloud on pi aim ill's' title
by reason of said deed be removed,
and that the defendants und each of
them, to-wit: Mason Grcyg, Charles It.
Kyser, all persons having or claiming
any interest iu Lots Four (I) and Five
(5), iu Block Thiitucu (13) of the Vill-
uge of Guide Rock, Wobster County,
Nebraska, lie restrained and enjoined
trom ill any manner intert'eilm, with
encumbering, com eying or ulnuditig
the phiiutitlV title or iu any manner
iiitt-i feriuj; ni'h the possession thtie.
of, and thai said defendants named
and designated herein be excluded
from liaving m claiming any ii(.rh'.
title or interest in said tvnl estate ami
for an order uiithori.iiig seivicu ti.i
publication mi said defendants, tin. I for
such other ami foi'ilier leliet' us ma
be juat and equitable
'u aie reipiired to answer mid petl
tiou on or before Monday 'lie Pi dv nt
Apl'li. I'.'i'i, or judgment will lie entm
ed accordingly.
Dated February '7 li2.J.
Ralph W MeCaliuui,
.lessit- MeVallum.
Ilv F. .1. Muudav. Tlie.r Attorney,
When business is slack why Advertise?
Did you ever notice that it takes time and
persistence to accomplish anything worth
while? You can't advertise today and
expect to find your store crowded tomor
row, unless you have through constant
advertising educated the public to read
your ads.
The majority of people, are slow to act.
You have to tell them (he same thing over
and over again before they will heed your
Advertise now for the business you hope
to do next month-it is the cumulative
effect that brings results.
The Red Cloud Chief
Red Cloud Nebraska
Dr.R. V. Nicholson
Red Cloud,
( & j school PAqs I )
lift IBj at?
M -' -i CwJ Wow To hAKe
Place Your Coal
The legislature adJMiii oed last Mon
day at 12 o'clock.
Rasser Bros have shipped in from
Wisconsin a cur load of horses They
nie tine ones
The river bridge at this place will
ho rcatly for crossing sometime nest
Mr. A. S Marsh has leased the Boys
Home hotel for a year, and installed
Mr. 1. G. Gardner as manager,
Meyers it Garber have shipped, since
last November, one hundred car loads
of hogs and two cars of cattle. They
ship to Kansas City and Denver.
Kaley .V Letson have concluded to
vacate the old stone stuio on the cor.
nor, and the State Bank Co., will re
move it and eiect their full si.e brick
building tills spring, instead of only
half of it as pieviously contemplated,
Orders Now
The Malone-Gellatly Co. 1
Grace Church Notes
Friday, March Oth. at IMS p. in. Lit.
any and Address.
Fourth Sunday In Lent
Sunday School at10 a. iu.
Holy Cotnmuuloii'at 11 a. in,
Vesper Sorvico at 4:30."
Wednesday, March 11th. at 8 p. in,
L'tany and Address.
We again invito you to attend such
services as may not interfere with your
own church Our Friday afternoon
services' wlll'help you. Come oneo you
THE Sarcophagus, or stone coffin, has been used by the
more civilized peoples since the clays of the early
Egyptians. Its successor today is tlic Norwalk Vault.
Luxuriantly carved and painted were the sarcophagi of the
Greeks and Romans, but the Norwalk Vault of moulded
granite combines quiet dignity with its rugged strength.
Sealed by hand, within the grave, it becomes one solid
piece of eternally protecting masonry. For every funeral:
All Good Undertakers Recommend the Norfolk
the Best INSIST upon it'
Local Manufactui ers
Office at Bailey's Tie Barn
I will come again.