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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (March 8, 1923)
c V , tJUluiktil HoiU'ljr 4 Newspaper That Gives The New Fifty-two Weeks Each Year For 11,50 VOLUME 51 RED CLOUD. NEBRASKA, MARCH 8. 1923 NUMBER 10. IVE" li? SHOWING NEW SPRING SUITS FOR YOUNG MEN in all the NEW MODELS IN LATEST MATERIALS PRICES FROM $25.00 to $35.00 NEW SPRING CAPS $1.50 to 93.00 NEW OXFORDS IN BLACK AND BROWN JUST RECEIVED NEW SHIPMENT NECKWARE NEW SHAPES 50c to $1.25 f ' i iitii r,; i ruiii a ii Fwl1 wj n WE ASK YOU TO COME AND LET4US SHOW YOU THESE GOODS WHETHER YOU ARE READY TO BUY OR NOT W. m a ?"ST " v ill Go. Co. iw A VuV.WAV.V.V.VAV.V.V.V.V Phone Inc.). 3 on 90. Bel. 1 7 A. M Ed A Residence, Bell 241 mac! I UNDERTAKING BOTH PHONES RED CLOUD, NEB I. T. AMACK-PHONE IND. 32M vw.n.vvvuvwvvwAruv iS&??a:- "w S&..i.V5SJrB'22?-vi New arrivals oE COATS Poiret twill, camel's hair effects, plaid coatings, Bolivia and Velours, in beautiful spring coats. $8.50 to $55.00 These come in dressy styles including bloused, wrap, straight coats and smart capes, as well as sports styles. BARBARA PHARES m w St x I vfTTnK IP I ill U ' Vf Iff - ! K I j,' 1 "'A J J Pi1 1 , A I ',: ' iaA Howard Ailos returned to his home in Denver, Colorado, Wednesday morn ingr on train 15 after spondinf? a couple of, days visiting at the home of Frank Ailes and with other -"relatives. Mrs. Barbara Pharos went to Om aha Wednesday morning to spend n few days nttonding to business mat ters! and buying goods for the sum mer trade. SCHOOL HOARD MAKES NEW SALARY SCHEDULE lied Cloud, Ncbr. .March 5, 1923. Tnc Board of Education met in rog u'i. . .session at the t omine cial Club lMo.ii . at 8 o'clock p 1.1. Tin f jlloniug b 11.- were .'.I wed and io. 1 1 ...ry instr. cteil .. tii.i. warrants lor . Commercial A''u r'. . ... 13.00 All 1 u A.iuon . 10 00 Geo j go 'trine ... 51.25 Joh:i.-on & Graham . .. . 2.80 C. 11. vonydjii .. . . 17.01 OmJia Sciioji Sup. Co. 14.28 'i lie 1 ext matter taken up by Hoard wjii. 1..0 election of Super ntendent of school . On motion by Grimes, seconded by Perry, A. D. Gelwick was un. mm usly re-elected tor one year at a salary 01 $2000.00. Tnc committee appointed at last meet ng to prepare :i Tcchcrs salary schedule for the cousidcrutiou of the board, presented said schedule and after considerable discussion of same, a motion way made by Ovcring mid seconded by Grimes th..t the schedule as follows be adopted. Motion curried. GRADE SCHOOL Kindergarten 1st ear ?110 00, 2nd ,ear SI 15.00, ilrd year 120.00, 4th year if 125.00 per month. 1st grade 1st vcar 1)2 50, 2nd year 05.00, 3rd year 1)7.50, 4th year S100.00 nor month. 2nd guide 1st year 02.50, 2nd year 1)5.00, tird year 97.50, 4th year 100.00 per month. 3rd grade 1st year 92.50, 2nd ycai 95.00, 3rd year 97.50, 4th year 100.00 per month. 4th grade 1st year 92.50, 2nd yev.r S95.00, 3rd year 97 50, 4th year 100 per month. 5th grade 1st year 92.50, 2nd year 95.00, 3rd year 97.50, 4th year i'tOO.OJ -er month. 1 ' ' (th grade lot year 92.50, 2nd year SH5 00, 3rd year 97.50, 1th. ,ear si 00.00 per month. JUNlOl; HIGH Geo. and lust. 1st ye.-r U)o0.0U, 2ihI eui 1100.01), ;)ul car 115t'.U", itti j ear 1200.00 per year.'. lsc car .50.00, 2nd e-r SI 000 00, 3ni ycv.r 1050.00, 4ih eur liUOOO per year. ilu ic 1st eai 'JU0.00, 2.1U yor.r 950.00, 3rd year 1000.00, 4lh car S1O50 00 per ve. r. l'1'.ncip..i 1 t your 1100 00, 2nd year "150 00, 3id year 1200.00, 4th year 1250 00 per vcar. HIGH SCHOOL Rlith 1st year 1200.00, 2nd yea" 1250.00, 3rd vear 1300.00, 4th jear 1350.00 per year. English 1st year 1200.00, 2nd year 1250.00, 3id year 1300.00, 4th year 1350.00 per year. ' History 1st year 1150.00, 2nd year 1200.00, 3rd year 1250.00, 4th year 1300.00 per year. Commercial 1st vear 1200.00, 2nd year 1250.00, 3rd year 1300.00, 4th year 1350.00 per year. Language 1st year 1200.00, 2nd year 1250.00, .'Jul year 1300.00, 4th 1350.00 ner year. Nor. Tr 1st year 1200.00, 2nd year 1250.00, 3rd year 1300.00, 4th year 1350.00 per year. Man. Tr. 1st vcar 1250.00, 2nd year 1300.00, 3rd year 1350.00, 4th year 1400 00 per vear. Principal 1st year 1450.00, 2nd year 1500.00, 3rd year 1550.00, 4th year 1600.00 per year. The qualifications of all tenchers in the Red Cloud schools must meet the lequiremcnts as adopted by the Board, a copy of same being on file with the Secretary of the Board. The teachers committee recommended the election of the following teachers lit salaries in accordance with the schedule above: Mrs. Phil Sherwood, Kindergarten, Vema Hutchins, 1st grade, Mildred Borcn, 2nd grade, Knthcrine Traut 3rd guide, Mrs. B. W. Stpwait, 4th grade, Irma Oatmr.n, 5th grade, Josephine Davis, Cth grade and Principal. JUNIOR HIGH CJuistlnc Davis, Geography and History, Bern'co Iiutchi on, English. Nina Simons, Mils c, Tannic Hutchins, P1incip.1l. HIGH SCHOOL I'Lrenco Peter.-, Engl'sh, Jessie Kollcpg, History, Fbrewe Moniigon, C mmerehl Ann.i Snkrvt, Normal Training Myitis Gelwick, Principal. Motion mrule and canied that the rccoiiMipnd t:tn of the teachers com uiiti e be .c copied and ubjve teachers re elee'ed, also that the teachers com mittee be authorized to fill all vacan cies in the teaching staff for the com ing school year at s-alaries per new schedule. No fuither business appearing the Bonrd adjourned to meet April 2nd, 1923. B. F. FERRY, Secretory Gun Club Elects Officers The Red Cloud Gnu Club hold 11 mei'tilit,' lust night mid elected the foL lowing (iillticrs. Karl Hull, l'residfiit. .1. P Cluck, Secretary. (J. V Diimon, Cor. Hintary. FniiiU Peterson, Tieasurer. Ccoiire Kmluy, Fluid Ciiptain. (t Diederich-Fuller A ipilet wed di up took pince at the home of Mr. Hint .Mis. Ilenij Diederieli, when their diuightur Violet was timriied to Guy A Fuller of Cowles, Neliraskii. 'I'lie luitrrUKf service was read by Uev C. 11. Nelson, pastor of the Oli'iisiliin Clmreli. The voting people Iihvo hoth xrown up 111 this county. Mrs Kuller Is n I Kuuluitteol the lieil Lloud lilpli school In the class of VXi'i, since which litnu she litis been sissiMitig her nuither In the home, I litis preparing for hursluiro in the iihw partiuisliii Air Fuller whi formerly 11 fanner, bin of lulu has been working ' the aiitotuotiilo tepair business They will make their home iu Ited Cloud. Watch Jewlery and Clock Let Us Make That Old Piece of Jewelry Into An UP-TO-DATE RING, PIN OR BROOCH KODAK DEALER E. H. Newhouse RED CLOUD NEUR. DEC L AM ATO R V CONTEST p ON FRIDAY, MARCH 9 The following is the program oC the declamatory contest, which will be given in the Red Cloud High School Auditorium, on Friday evening, March 9th, beginning at 7:30 o'clock. An adnrssion of 15 and 25 cents "ill be charged for the .-nine: HUMOROUS Virginia Auld ....Higher Culture in D'xie Happy Hadcll .When Ignorance is Si ... Bliss " McBride The American . . ization of Audre Francois Milthed Rife Trouble With M. rtha DRAMATIC Amelia Ste.sard The Little Rebel irma Sahidoi .... When The Fleet Goes By Nellie 7. ngorrlla ORATOUICAL GuiImhI Baker 'the Supcmaii tG:.l; e Ilenfro Prmcc of Pe. ce EXTEMPORANEOUS li.-.rold Pope, T m Mason Ta-.ation The winner of e.ich cl.'.So w'll rep resent the Red Cloud High School at the District Contest, March 30th, at Kearney. The contosUnts . ic .11 "Reader.? of Ability," and the contest A-ill bo enj -yahle and entertaining. Music by Red Cloud High Sihool Orchestra. LI BRA ICY REPORT Fifth annual report of the librarian of the Auld Public Library for the year ending February 28, 1923. Circulation of b-"oks: 2191 '2106 Total 2313 1842 1G01 13G0 1215 1259 1133 1389 1575 1750 January 595 1599 February 735 1371 Juvcnilu Adult Maicli GC1 1G82 April 421 1321 May 413 11G1 June 426 931 July 2G3 952 August 2G1 978 September 256 877 October 311 1018 November 471 1101 December , 451 1299 Total cir. 5421 14326 New readers added during year Readers now enrolled Ncfr books added during year Books now accessioned Cash on hand March 1, 1922 Pigs, calves, colts, lambs coming along. Muku tho most f. Tvjip th,cjnJipaltUy. their stomachs full. Dr. Hess Stock Tome ' .'J "vt tlicm i'hwI MJi''turi ami kwmI illtfc-. . , J.ecti Hi voran 1 avray . : 1 Kuitnl ll.i'ni naliml Ui i'U, "I'll a ir-i it t 1 Ini'-tlmc tui Ir for mnMu'r , tni n .1 Hit 1 tt fur i' im t"niri. 1 iwi 1 ill at -our, n'l 'ijiuf t ,Tecl, llroud . ntcn jui Ii cj of itmtlp" Urn tir .1 (i.-iili' 1 fr i ru m. Lxti-IIcnt for Afc.rni In fail nnJ J.'uti ;it l.tmLii.c tun . CHAS. L. C0TTING, The Druggist ii !i Tell iit lioto much stock you have We liavt a pndiaee to suit. mmuwmmmwfmWmm WJ eJ I'i V 1N. KflS "J i JCi B H I a J J Kl Q I IIH H So Kv$3ftri&!cj r TUZfjif4!! -TJf1wTMlf'pr?r; HMTnBW (W&trTMiPWciii CiVta' 55jwO Mr4 to ti4 CfcBi fowl o fTTTfl wifTttHTri'TSls' r3r p I p. H.D A ft il I frKiSV-j MW i$m99&mj. , KViwfSiiV ??n!7tvvy?5vrjiw? tjLiiyitli'.'-f-trhsLisisiSLiS SUNSHINE KRISPY CRACKERS t1 SPECIAL OFFER 66c A CADDY SPECIAL PRICE Expended for library 170 56 iiipplic-i S1.01 Csh on hand March 1, 1923 92 52 il71l volumes of fiction 1131 vol ume? of non-fiction md 1151 mag.i I'lnos were drawn from the Ibi.uv dining the year. Tho increii'-c in circulation oer the prol -n year has been 1292 volumes. The following is the circulation of bocks for tho fivo yo. v. s... - tl c opening of the library, March 11, 1918: Beautiful Picture Free While Thoy Last A Beautiful Picture all taken from Oil Paintings, Free with Every Caddy of Krispy Crackers. WtfMlt IMIf WMimW WHlWIil i -if-IHM.-,r7frrrltT.T1 . , i j, y f WITTH ! i The 11 ' P. Wmmi Co. rj m R " jT " " I' I" ill iiwiiiiiw imiiim imB I March 1 1919 Maich 1, 1920 March 1, 1921 March 1, 1922 March 1, 1923 15178 Volumes 10371 Volumes 1G293 Volumes 18158 Volumes 19750 Volumes Yola Swartx, Librarian. A total of 321 cars of stock passed through hero Sunday morning enroute to the Kansas City and St. Joo mar kets. They wore handled In six trains from here, loaded here. This included five care Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Bishop return ed to their homo at Fnirbury Tues day morning on No. 16 after spend ing the past few days here at the home of their daughter. Jtrs, Marion irtoom. ' t A$