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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (March 1, 1923)
f R RED OLOUD, NEBRASKA. CHIEF r, ' ? . id fl $ P x fiS TOLD TO US Hon Copby wont to Omaha Wedncs day. OJias. KJpy u driv'iiK t. new Studc bukci coupe, i , . A. K. Kllison was n passenger (tiuSic Hock Wednesday morning. to Kdgnr Cowden was u passenger to Omaha Tuesday morning on train !. Mrs. Knuik Hughes aivl mh, Alio, were- jKihsengcis to Superior Kiiday morning. V. 1). Edson attended the Masonic school of instruction held at Minden Tuesday. Fred Temple of Kans&s City was in the city the last of the week visit ing friend;. Hd Garber and Lee McArthur were in Guido Rock Wednesday doing some electrical work Several of tho local Masons attend ed tho Masonic lodge at Hastings last Thursday evening. Mrs. Omer Carter was a passenger to G'.llettc, Wyoming, Wednesday morning on train 4. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. moved into the Ryan North Webster .street. Kent have residence on J. W. Cochran went to Kan.-as City Sunday morning in charge of the stock shipped from here. Buy Your PIANO a Safe Way I ' i.i . II ft lUtin II I'Hf !V Mil.l'n I iliji In 11 tl p ".il t HI fv'ldl ' f lit iiri'Mt 1,iiimii nii imiiMjr NM t.-r ntai i mil ilctftil of 1'irn Fftf Ul lHlll A. H05PE CO., CI1 Foiitl.-i Mitel Omaha, NttratVa licrnard McNcny went to Kansas City Thuisdny morning on train 10 to snend a couple of days attending to legal bus'nes matters. Today is the first of Match and the i enters have commenced to move a'so several families in this city have m vod to different residences l)i. Kobeit Damercll went to Den . r Tuesday evening on tiain 17 to sjioiiil a few days visiting with friends and attending to business matters. Mr. ami Mrs. Roy Stevens of Hast ing.H sjient Sunday here visiting with 'nis parents' nnd at the home of his brother, E. W. Stevens and family. Mrs. Mary Reynolds arrived here Sunday evening on train 17 from Dcx etcr, Kansas, she being called by the death of her father, Mr. McCornvck. Ray Mountford returned home Tues day afternoon from Lincoln where he went Monday morning to spend a shirt time attending to business matters. lien Copley iin-' Mr. it ti tl Mr Ohi-t HoIiitIh miiIihmI to DfsliliT TiiOMlny niul ihovo liHck two new Vwu (molts Mr. llur'.tM. of the Ainerhwii-Iiii li unco Kliu Tituok Co . topMtlicr with tin-onulnoiT iHtsed Mini here WtilncH dy with a Uho Fire Truck, which they ri dKllvHiitig to Alma, Kh.s A Jargp number of our citizen kuvu it the once over Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Tumurc re turned hime Thursday evening from Oinrha where they liuvr- been Hpcnu iug the past few days with friends iiiid attending the Annual Convention of the Federation of Nebraska Retail Mir. Alison White and babv re turned t the'r home in Oak Park, Illinois, Thursday morning i.fter spend iiif the past few weeks visiting at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Cowden and with other relatives. Andrew J. MoOormlck. nged about &" years, passed awn' at Ills home near North Hrant'h, KHtisna, Friday night. Ho had been in poor health for n-voral month), Four -otis and a rhnifjhror nro left to mourn his death. The fun eral services wcif held at the Hitrhlntid church Monday afternoon and Intftr ment was made in the Highland urine tery. c Ed Piatt went to Omaha Tuesday morning to spend a couple of days at tending to business matters. F. W. Cowden went to Hastings Thursday morning to spend the day attending to business matters. Four carloads of hogs weic shipped to Kansas City Sunday morning and one carload of hogs to St. Joe. Lawrence Walters of Guide Rock spent Sunday here with his grand parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Walters. Miss Minn'c Cliristi&n letmned to Superior; Sumlay moming after a couple of days visit here with her mother. " W. G. Hamilton has installed a new cash register in his .store and this machine docs most everything but write the customer's name on accounts paid. County Agent H. R. Fausch went to Holdrege Sunday evening on train 17 to spend a couplo of days attend ing to matters in connection with Ws work. Conductor G. L. Ellis on the Hast ings passenger is laying off for a few days. During his absence Conductor C. 0. Wood of Oxford is taking his place. For Selo: Registered Hampshire llrood Sows ard flilts, at reasonable priceh 75 head to'ploU" from. mile cast of Cowles cemetery Waller Bro's. Cowles. W. A. Kent left for St. Francis, Kansas, Wednesday morning where he will work in the future, he having accepted a position with the Farmers' Union at that place. Mrs. W. H. French leturnod home Tuesday morning on train 16 after spending the past couple of weeks in Franklin. Miss li'bba Gregerscn went to .uin-dc-n Friday evening on tra'n 17 to spend a couple of days visiting with her patents. R. P. Wcesner leturued home Thur.-. day evening after spending the past few day-, in Ontilia intending t" busi ness matters. Mra. Mary Sutton went to Orleans Fr'day evening where she will .spend a fow days visiting with her daughter, Mrs. J o 1'Oiry. Mis. Elis&roth Eldrito went to Blue Hill Thursday morning on train '1 for a few days vUit there with rel atives and friend. State Tieasuter C, D. Robin ion and wife and (laughters spent the last of the week here with their daiif-Mer, Mrs. Oliver Powell. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Kralick arrived here 'Friday evening irorr Omaha to spend a few days visiting with his parents, Mr. and Mrs, Tom Kralick and with other lclntivcs Mr. and Mrs. Staucer Amuck re turned home Wednesday fiom Selden, Kansas, where they have been spend ing tho p-st few weeks visiting with is brother, Lester Amack. went to Eckley, Colo evening whcio he will Gene Rush rado, Frid iv work for a few days as telegraph operator ho taking the place of one of tho regular men who is nick. Mrs. George Osborne returned to her home at Cowles S. tunliy morn ing after spending a couple of days here vis'ting with her ister, Mrs Paul McDowell Mid family. Geotgo Topham arrived here ftont Laramie, Wyoming, Saturday he be ing called by the sudden death of his father Joseph Topham. C. IJ. Stcwaid arrived home Sunday morning on train 10 for n few days visit with his family and to attend to some h'tsincss matters, Sale-ARMY SHOES-Sale Wc have just boujjht a tremendous slock of Army Munson last shoes to be sold to the public direct. Price $2.75 These shoes arc 100 per cent solid leather with heavy double soles sewed and nailed, The uppcis are of heavy tan chrome leather with bellows tongue, thereby making them waterproof. These shoes aie selling very fast and we ad A'lse you to order at once to insure your order being filled, The sucs"are 6 to 11 all widths; Pay Postman on receipt of goods or send money order. Money refunded if shoes arc not satisfactory.. 144! Broadway,New York City M. A. Albright went to Lutein Wed ucsday morning to spend a few days attending to business matters and to visit with his daughter, Miss Helen, who s attending the Universitv. Miss Josephine Davis went to Su perior Saturday morning on train 1(5 to spend a couple of days visiting with her parents, returning to her school work here Sunday evening. Two carloads of hogs to Kansas City one carload of cattle to Kansas City, one car of lngs and one car of cattle to St. Joe comprised the stock shipments from heie Tuesday morning. Ror.diuu.stcr Phillip Traut returned heme Tuesday morning on train 11 from Loveland, Colorado, whore ho has been visiting at tho home of his btother and with relatives in Chey enne, Wyoming. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Dorr of Ulcdon left for Gentry, Arkansas, Sunday morning on train 1 1. They intend spending the winter there with her parets, Mr. and Jin, Walter .Cox Svho live near that cit Mrs Norr's went to Omaha Friday morning on train ! after i-ovcral weeks visit herrt vitlfher daughter, f T . . 1 i i -wm THP II C CTADCC tn '".? ivereu uoon. Mrs. t;oon ac- AVd j -Ar v?v 7, r,paaW to oAa,m for a few Eleanor Boardman o STRETCH OUT YOUR HAND By DOUGLAS MALLOCH think we think q - "Vj7? 5.wrsrsr.2:r?5r3'fc."Br!fi'3l.',56r!5t'.riV o too T SOMP.TIMKS A much That men are evil, women wrong, The rich dishonest riches clutch And have no love of smile or solid For I have found that all aloiiK The way of life the roses bloom, 'Hint men are kind and women koixI And there Is much of brotherhood To riiM the load and light the gloom. Mow hai'il the hill, how dark the night, However toll my limbs would tire, I nlwuys found a caudle llgnt That led me to a waiting tire However great their own desire, Men liml the heart to think of mine, S'oiue word of brotherhood to Bay To keep lay feet upon tho way, To set beside the rond a sign. Bellcu' that men nro good, believe That women nil arc sweet and fair, The world will comfort when you grlove And when you sorrow It will care. That there Is kindness everywhere; But, brotherhood fo understand. To find new courage when you fear, The aong to lift, the smile to chcor, Yon tinipt at least stretch out your llHtlll. (It by McClut Newtptptr 8yndlC4t.) O Mx-.IMH ,-ffTi H' i .1 ! I .. -mS&Z&SS Something to Think About By F. A. WALKER DO NOT LOSE HOPE FREQUENTLY, seem darkest when the days and troubles roll In upon you like the storming waves of the sea, trying their best to over whelm you, Hiinny-fuced Hope is hover ing near reudy to rescue ou at your bidding. Thousands of weary souls on the threshold of discouragement, about to yield to the crushing weight of their burdens, have at the last moment res lolutcly resolved to Mnnd up nnd mako a new light. This i isolation is perhaps the most trying hour of their lives, marking the turning point In their careers. They found a new courage which 'carried them on and on, carrying them safely through tholr hardest battles, 'where they fought Inch by Inch until the shout of victory stirred their heurts, warmed their blood and cleared '""From doubting The development of Eleanor Board man as a "movie" etar has attracted much attention. From about 2,000 girls she was chosen a very short time ago by a leading producer who wai seeking material for film work. Do. Ing her first small part to the satisfac tion of the producer she was rapidly given more important parts until she r:v ha reached stardom HEARTILY ENDORSED. Omaha. Juvenile Judge W. Q. Sears, congressman-elect, Homer StuntK, Methodist bishop, nnil Ernest Vincent Shnyler, KpNi-opal bMtop of ebrasl,a, yesterday endorsed thu work of the Nebraska Children's so. clety and the campaign of the society for $10,000 with which to erect a new receiving home. Following itie the endorsements: "I have been nriiualnieil with thu work of tho Children's Home society In this state and of the supervising work therein of Rev. It. B. Rails, Its superintendent. Thl orgiiui.utloii is doing an etens(. thai-Ruble work that rcii'lies out In lis aethlth'S nnd fills a much neitlcd Held of anivliy; it belli- children and families and henellts both. I commend the society and Um workings and Its superintend ent to the people of Omaha and this state. It Is an orgiiulutlou well worthy of support of our people. "Very tespect fully, '.luveiille Division, 'V. (S. Sears." Thomases Pauls, tilled they with lie-the Visions and dreamed "nearly commendations of the work of the . Nebraska Children's Home society : ' "Death, divorce and other forces work against tons of thousands of helpless children. Homeless and friendless, they heioine liabilities in the social total when Coil intended each of them to be an Invaluable asel. Your woik helps keep the ashcis where Cod and humanity need them. Count on me for nn.v aid I can render to the underprivileged child nnd IIiiim. who are setting Ids feet in a right road. "Yours lor futuie citizenship, 'Homer C. Sliintz." came sanguine spirit of faith. They saw new mew dreams. They had .strength of their own In stead of that burrowed from others, which through adversity they soon learned how to use to advantage. Such are the men and women who today are making a belter world for all mankind. There Is nothing too big for them to undertake, no load too heavy for them to curry, no troublesome hills over which the.v cannot blaze an easy path for the less conlhlent to follow. Leaders In their choi-n fields of labor, llie.v lake part In the boldest ami noblest adventures, never growing weary of well-doing, never faltering by the wi,vlde, never declining to lend a helping hand to the earnest, struggling in their llrst efioit. They think, plan, organize, achieve and create, while (hose without hope, hesllale. draw back, afi.ibl to stop up In the clearer. Invigorating air and wage ihe bniile with alert brains, hard, slnewv nrnis. nnd hearts unafraid. The.v turn stubborn dllhVultios Into willing sen ,'iils, surmount Impending obstacles write their names on the eternal skies, and call liMil.v to the. new generallviis to gird their armor, accept Hope as iholr captain until the end of their ila.vs CO, 192J. li) Mi Clure Nfnla r Symtitat ) Has Anyone Laughed At You Because "It Is lnipoMhlo to overesiimai the value of our society. Today homes are shattered- marriages dis solveddeaths make de-ohue, and the children suffer, and parentlcss, home less, loveless, their pitiable plight challenges e.very nieiclful person. Then witli help comes restoration home and lovo and life. .M.t.v you find many fellow workers to bring about these desired results. "Ernest Vincent Sluijler." days visit with friends. "The icspoiiM n to dflle has been wonderful," said .lodge Charles (loss, picsldcnt-of the society. The (inupalgn in t It Is. cuuuly will be launched Murcli IS. ehbl r. PIIYSBK BECAUSE: You get to your Job early and stay late? Haven't Jon often given theso laughers the eeuse that you "(jet ill euily, aiijhow," that "you like to gel down before Ihe crowds," "that ou like the olllce when It's ipilelV" Haven't llie.v said that .vou "wanted to be teacher's pet," that .vou were in, lug to gel "In strong V" Haven't yon hated their taunts? Suppose all Ihese things that you tell them are true, why not tell them the rest? No one ever amounted to a row of beans t liar doesn't like his Job well enough to eomo early and stay late. The time dock never .vet ticked oil" a suc cessful man or woman. Work ing on lick often Interrupts a timeless lilt of work. Let them laugh; It Is a Jxlly accompanl- IIKllt to JOIir successful flight I SO Your get-away here Is: Fall and the World neglects you; Succeed, and you never lack for comnanvl . 0 ty MfcPliirr ni3iit sjmllctttfO i m OUR PRICES MEAN Shoeing Economies Buying your Grocery needs here brings more than a momentary saving. It brings a saving in health and strength as well as added values in energy. Purity is the watchword of this store. All the food-stuffs we handle must be measured up to our high standard of quality or they do not reach our shelves. P. A. WULLBRANDT Groceries and Queensware to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to aU.. otto. HOI'm: a: ."K" . TOJj? t t t f t t t t t t t t t t t I t t I t t t t t t I t t t f t t t t t w t t t t J immm$i&m2Bssg3S3 Duroc Hog Sale WE WILL, SBL.L. ON OUR FARM 4MILESS.W. CLAY CENTER, 5 MILES NORTH, FAIRFILX) MONDAY, MARCH 12 a3E2 i S v 50 HEAD BREDIG1LTS & YEARLINGS There will also be a few with litter at side The offering is bred to SENSATION GIANT and FASHION LEADER. There will also be a few sows bred to ORION TOP COL. A few out standing fall boara will be included . in the offering. This will be your opportunity to secure breed ing stock at reasonable prices. LUNCH AT TVOCXN & SON fc rwvi.Tflbnft H GEO. KMk:r,StrJ ??p;mrni 'n'.i.ini- t ..' " .v riBfc -? T.t-pj-ifc.. .v-v,,. ,-ii i gjg, B"pnj Mmrig-gija l'Hy 'aji'M'" i", 'y'ilp 3 - it- 'it fc.d ANNOUNCEMENT Webster County Bank WE WISH to announce that we have opened up a sav ings department in our bank for the use of the child ren, adults and every one. Thrift and saving is something that has been neglected. We kindly invite you to take advantage of this sav ings idea and make this your banking home with your savingsno matter how small, you are alwas welcome. A saver is a hustler and we are for both. Bank ,vith us and you can bank on us. We welcome every child in the community to beepmc a customer cf this new department. THE WEBSTER COUNTY BANK wmjiwrnm iMmwroiiwm mm mmMmsz, imrmmimwmammmmwmmm pc (P3IH E3E rrIPq :i WE ARE SHOWING NEW SPRING HATS & CAPS THIS WEEK See our Display in our South Window. New Stetson Blocks in the New Spring Shades. WE HAVE ALSO RECEIVED MANY NEWi SPRING ii SUITS FOR MEN AND YOUNG MEN SEE THE NEW SPOR The Cowden-Kaley Clo. Cqj. Always R.elievble fc iii IE1EH2! 3E -r -1 "sr iH See the Basket Ball Game Tomorrow Nighi and Help the Team Pay Their Way to Lincoln