BED CLOUD. NEBRASKA, OfHEF -tt I i ; 4 i i sassssmss s: t;V-t rt,-i.-c"ni..!.i-n.i, ,im!. uonmnia to fium jnmn.i Cir:':L"--tf- rjl- AW) im -fcl-MTi ill! SxMd&i KH1 friTr i 'V ' 7 h ALCOUOL-aruwwtr.;. t ASc!ab!crfCiwraticniBfAS-j !!ii!iMinrnn(l hvlfcl5ula I1 T . LJ $i llllu t- ". ' - ;. PjSl 5s Bears the m..K;Sln6IlilcjUon SiS5R neither Opwm, motp"" ,"' Mineral. Nottjahuu" BtctotfimcSiWUwB Smut jbtltlhSM Qtnfftd$&r m )lUrjnnhnf i.f.tinpmc(lvlbr 'pA",iM' TrS OF SLEEP FacSlniMcSijnaWl01 HEW "YQEli Exact Copy of Wrapper. SICK HEADACHE Take a good dose .CARTER'S IITTiUE IVER PILLS Business. "Hos," said the Editor's secretary, "here's a loiter from n fellow who ays you are a hog-eared, wall-eyed, pig-jawed, hatchet-faced hone thief. What'll I answer him? "U'hy-or," said the Editor, languid ly, "did he Inclose a stamp for reply?" Itlclimond Tlmes-DIs-patch. Cotton spinning was established In Japan In 1R0U A liadly told story Is n poor relation. : ss-aSrr-7re-r'--- KaHlaBak -Vt-kL---" : - -THj yh'Mr- v? HKvCTK5ra9iH2t4KHHR6ijB4' jbTj j5&flaa9nvfMja Jjaad miHmSAuHHHHujH afftt! jsHHK3MpaH&aHaBHaH IF your hard work and investments are not giving you the return they should if highland prices and high rentals are blocking your road toSuccess if you are beginning to see how hard it is to compete with low-priced lands that are equally fertile, you owe it to yourself and your family to get the facts about farm oooortunitles in Canada. Lower-nriced land lower overhead lower taxes and operating costs may be the solution of your problem. Low-Priced Land-the Seeret Virgin prairie land at $15 to $30 an acre, with Ions termn, if you want them, close to rail, wnysand market towns, schools, churches, telephones, highways these vast virgin prairies offer you the last great farm opportunity. The fortunes of the United States were built on low-priced land. Those Iand3 ere now dear perhaps beyond your reach but Canada's lands are still low-priced. You may have missed the first chance don't miss the last. Your Own Farm Prosperity, Ilnppliiesa The opportunity that fits your particular financial aiidfamllyneedaawnitsyouinCan nda, nnd the Canadian Government Agent will help you find it. Land of Rrcat and con tinuous fertility, (Western Canada's wheat crop in 1923 was the bitrnest in history), land suitable for stock-raising, dairying, mixed farming, fodder crops, market gardening, to suit your experience and your pocketbook. Land that v.'ill pay for itself in a few years crops: hundreds of Canadian farms have produced ciupa in one year worth more than the price of the land. Rent If You Prefer Pay Out of Profits The Canadian Government has devired a means by which youcan"tryout"afarmfor d year or two before investing, and at the same time increase yonr capital for the day when you arc ready to buy a faim of your own. Many Canadian land owneis arc will ing to rent a portion of their holdings; others Get the Facts Costs tea to rou. without cny chino. tatuiknun orocthitiftof tr noaluon. and rnnlva f re book with mini, anri your i Ihi Wa aa aavwIaa a thk fAPiarlUn ?MVMvnr4 An Agtnt in yoor irruor , uu inrorma- iion duw .urciu (iii,ri.isarui bctmngad fotf trip of Inspection. Hall coupon to ceirert Acont W. V. BENNETT DeikW 300 Peter's Trait DMg. Omaha, Neb. rnrn noMESTCAnftart tfil Tai)bla In coma localitlca.V cnnnnnweirouirs inuriara -conio anil aw our country for rouraelf Pio l'oaapcrta lUMluireu. 10c Gives New lire to Old Stockings Putnam Fadeless Dyes-dyes or tints as you wish For Infants and Children. Mothers Know That Genuine Castoria Always Signature of In Use For Over Thirty Years CASTORIA THt CCNTAUIt COMPANY, Nf W YORK CITY. of Carter's Uttle Liver Pills t iv As then take 2 or 3 lor a few nights after. They restore the organs to their proper functions and Headache and the causes of it pass away. THEY REGULATE THE BOWELS and PREVENT CONSTIPATION tSaturc-" ytjBri?cZC Sma'- Pill ; Saiall Doie; Small Price Was Not That Serious. Elinor got a new tricycle and the next morning she announced that she was too HI to go to kindergarten. Mother had her suspicious, which later were continued when, after an hour or so lying in hed, Elinor ob served, "I don't think I'm sick enough to hurt that tricycle any." A Sentimental Show. "This Is hilled u a love story and comes up to ':s hilling." "Also Its cooing." ere already retiring and will rent on easy terms. in some cases giving an option of pur chase. If you have a farm outfit, or the meansof buying it, even if your other capi tal is small, this is yourchance to try out the country for yourself. Seeing is believing. Sec for yourself. A year or two on a rented farm may be the road to success. If you have present holdings which you cannot sell to advantage, hold them another year or two, conditions may improve, but start in Con adn nt once. Lands are being taken up; nothing Is gained by delay. Taxes Favor the Producing Farmer Western Canada's tax system encourages farm production and the improvement of firoperty. Taxes on an improved farm are ess than on an unimproved one, and there ate no taxes at all on the farmer's buildings, machinery, livestock, automobile, crops, or personal effects. Tax laws are designed to old the fanner In build ing up a nome ot tils ov.-n. You Nothing hMM raaos whare you can eet m"imr- fTmUNIm teoat. Vhaoffidaiiar I 5ftXi ti liW'Mf M ijr are aalar- I K'lMSKlffShl Hll I tlmMXU&BB RS$$S$1 f RHiSP junnrisi iraasfast miLLX&fY4L'Si- wtr W m u m m M&ZjgSjKffl? W. V. BENNETT WrM Phi mmW7 tDm' W, 300 Peter's Trust BIdg. fh!mKHmfllfD 1? .r Omaha, Neb. U"" JVAv .f7aMir73" nuuivii nr; fi(( v.HejejBjjajBBr' t'jwy.r n.i ana ratyoa? rrMiiuttiura od waoaoa, PVt ssls cfCv ra parUeoluIr lotaiMUd In Vr&rji JflOm 'ijCB I I PUIC;, ( 1 liT,!ial'im!ii SulfllfiJJfjr Name , (TfajrflJsr at(aeeeaetaeaiatiaaaiiaeMaaiaetMietaaataaMtaaaaM MflfiiF n P Ti Wn ait fit AiMratoa lifrLW l"i'l vb was mmi rm attees )hh HiHHHHHHHHa) Mr rost omca ............-..... juu......... . . IIIIIIIIII.IIIIIIIIIIHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIlKfllllU Lodge Tales By Ford C. Fridc E i nillllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllilllllllllll; THE LEGEND OF FRAY JUAN DE LA CRUZ NOW It so happened that yearn ago. before any of us were born, and when our fathers' fathers' fathers were only 1io.h, there enute out of the Southland many white men, and nil the white men were In search of the sparkling gold which lay In the moun tains where it was hid from all eyes And these white men were cruel to the tribesmen and murdered them and made them slaves, and the tribe was greatly frightened. I'.ut one day there came another white man and bis name was .limn De La Crux, and he called hlmsell "Padre." and he was a great medicine man, who worshiped strange gods and who taught many of the tribesmen to worship Ids gods also. lie lived with I lie tribe many moons and went atuoiiR them in his strange garments and talked to them and taught them many thing. lo continued to move norihward out of the desert lands until ho came to the Orcat White mountains, where dwelt the gods of rain. Then Ida Indian friends told him not to go fur ther, for the mountains were idled with great spirits, who weie angry with the Kedinen and who would not permit them to come within their lands. Hut he only laughed at thelt fears and told them bis god was the m cutest god of all. and the Indians believed him, for be was a great medicine man and Ids medicine was Mrong. .So be came to the (treat White mountain and entered Into the cunons, where the spirits dwelt anil the In Hans miw him walk unharmed. And so they followed him and the whole party entered the canyon and spent many days. One day Juan He La Cruz found there nuH-h gold and he was very glad. And the Indians told him It was the gold of the gods and warned him not to touch It, but he laughed ami said It was "The Lost Mines," and with their help he collected great hags of the gold, which he loaded on his bur ros to take with him. That night there was u great feast and Juan Do La Cruz was very happy, and at the spot of the mine ho erected two Inrge sticks in the form of u cross, and before them he brewed great met! Iclne. In the morning, before the journey was begun, he went to the top of the great bill and walked in tlio sun light and sahl strange words to his gods. Hut as he was walking this Indians saw him stumble and fall and he plunged down the mountain' side out of sight. And when they readied him be was dead and his body was broken and bruised. And the people were very much afraid. Then the chiefs held council nnd when they were through they called on (he medicine men of the tribe and the medicine men" told them It was bad. They said the gods of the Oreat White mountain were stronger than the white man's god, nnd had caused him to lie hurled over the cliff because he touched their gold. They urged the people to return whence they came and so they went back to their homelands. Hut the1 left behind them all the gold which the padre bad collected, and they would not touch it, for It belonged to the rain gods, who dwolt on the Great White mountain, and If they touched It thoy would die. When they returned to their home they told oilier white men of the strange gods which dwelt in the moun tain, but the white men only laughed, antl many there were who went forth to senrcli for the gold, but there were none who found It, and there It Is to this day, hidden In the canyon In tb shadow of the Great White mountain Whales Not Disappearing. Can the whales multiply with sulli clout rapidity to pre'vent their exter mination by man? The whalemen themselves arc convinced that they can. Thoy estimate that there are lens of thousands of whales In the sens, nnd at present the various whal ing stations have been able to catch all the whales they need without going more than two hundred miles up nnd down the const and out to sea. Rncli station has undoubtedly already taken moro whales than would be nnturnl residents of the waters In which they operate, hence the losses In that nreii can only be made up by other whales swimming In from other parts of the sen. What Is Good Lens? A 'good" lens, !r. the photogrnphlc sense, is one which will give u per fectly clear distinct Image, without distort Ion, nnd without "false linages," when It Is used with a largo stop, and over it wide angle. Hefore, therefore, we are In a position to say whether a lens Is "good" or not, wo must know at what aperture It will work, and what angle It Includes. It is evident, therefore, that something more than n mere cnpaclty to give uhnrp plcturei Is necessary. omnn'a Hcartlesaness. "I hear tell that llabe Ouwkey Is fig gerlng on getting u divorce from his wife," said a neighbor. "What's tho matter with her, anyway?" "She's plumb heartless!" replied Gnp Johnson of Humpus ltltlgo, Ark. "He talked about some spring medicine ami she up and told htm that the best kind to suit his case was a bucksaw and an ax. That there Infernal lady hain't got no moro feelings than a snapping tur tle!" Kansas City Star. Usually. Angela A clock Is different from n man. Andrew What do you in" t Angela Well, when It strikes It keeps on working. Roe to It that the best company of rill Is your own. oAt the Omaha Automobile CADILLAC will be one of the great attractions. The cut-open chassis will show you the refinements of its wonderful mechanism, the reason why it is conceded to be The Standard ofi the World AND at the Cadillac Building, 26th and Farnam Streets, sec the special made-to-ordcr Sedan, mounted on a Cadillac Chassis, listing at $7,275, Omaha. Spec ifications by Mr, Hansen. Novel light New Sco the latest development in the art of body building, resplendent In coloring and finish n beautiful ttlbuto to tho craftsmanship that has outdo CADILLAC pre-cmlnont. J. H. Hansen Catilfllac Co. Farnam Street at 26th, Omaha i COMPLIMENT THAT RANG TRUE Little Indianapolis Newsboy Proved He Had His Sharo of the Wit of His Race. She is one of Indianapolis' most ngrecublo and attractive young busi ness women, who has fallen Into tho habit of bringing all sorts of pres ents to n little Irish newsboy who sells papers not far from the News olllce. Tho other evening she brought him a pair of warm gloves, and he racked his little Irish brain for suitable thanks for her. And finally they came with a true Irish compliment. "Lady," ho wild, "I'm glad the likes of you Is an old maid. If you were married and your boys sold newspapers on this street, and bcln' anything like yourself, tho rest of us kids would have to go out of business." The business woman says that was tho best compliment she ever re ceived. Indianapolis News. Great Invention. Demonstrator Tills machlno will do tho work of ten men. Lnzy Husband My wife should have married It, If that's tho case. Tho man wtio Ulrts with troublo In apt to get It where Uncle Bill got tho carbuncle. Has your mealtime 'Pay AOOOD many people have had that message from coffee or tea after the drug, caffeine, has had its effect upon nerves or di gestion. Frequently the message cornea at night, when nerves won't quiet down and sleep won't come, after the dinner cup of coffee. There's no unfriendly after notice from that good cereal bev erage, Postum. Postum delights the taste, gives comfort and satisfaction, and is IRODUcrsM Mad by Buy It Either Way PE-RU-EMA For Coughs, Colds and Catarrh Mr. ft. W. Marshall. Ilinmpton. Michigan, autfcrlnsr from Silrmlc Cntarth Invohlnfl llcuil. Note, Throat and Stomach, claims n complete cure. His teller Is convlnclnc "for the past two year I tiaro lieen troubled re-rn-na lauieti ami mry iisto auccicu a compicto iur an caiarrnai coduimoqs, Mr. Marshall is liKlonrofrntinyllioinnndiwlioIiive lucn lienrlitetl by 1 Jr. llarluun slatnuus medicine In the past fifty yrnrs. It lsbyHlmiil.illiiclIiellceill(in,enrlchlnellipblno(l nnd tonlnc up ihe nrrvrt thai IV t u mi It able lo exert such a soollilnc. Iirallnc inllurncc upon the mucniii membranes vthlcli line die body, Ills a wonderfully effective remedy to restore strength uftcr a protracted sickness, the crip or Spanish lullucnni. Kitp In tha Houtt Sold Evorywhtra Kducatlon Is a chest of tools. Mor hort Kaufman. : "BACK TO PnOSPEMTY" Automobile Show Omaha i February at) March S ing, inlaid wood, divided rear seat, low, racy construction. Do not miss it. ALSO at the Cadillac Building, a full display of all the new standard models at the Low Price of $2,885 Factory (Touring Car) Add War Tax Tho Cadillac Building invites you; mnke It your headquarter!); a stenographer and tolcphono nt your command; inuko its parlor your mooting place, wo expect you. Good Dealers in Principal Cities Musical "Typewriter." Jdtlslc may be easily transput ted from ono key to another, and nlso transcribed onto paper by means of n new device that Is In the nature of a musical typewriter. The transpos ing apparatus consists of a portable keyboard that Is superimposed upon the piano keyboard, along which It can lie moved for a range of two oc taves. Underneath each of the super Imposed keys Is n bent lever that transmits the Impact of the linger to the corresponding piano key. There fore, by shifting the superimposed keyboard, It Is possible to change the key of any' musical composition In any way desired. In cot.nt.ctIon with the transposing device Is ar. attachment, which serves either as a score writer or to niakn n perforated record for player pianos. Popular Mechanics Magazine. Old Paintings Bring High Prices. Fifteen paintings bj early Italian masters, which belonged to the late William Solomon, weri sold In New York u few days ago to one of the foremost art dealers In the country for more than a million dollars. Tho average cost to the nev owners of the entire lot of pictures wns about $70, 000 apiece. Life Is short, nnd yet some people waste It In longing. drink said upf If S v X free from any possibility of harm to health. Try Postum with your meals for a few days and let the whole family, the children included, share in its appetizing, invigorat ing goodness. It will bring better nights and bHghter mornings. Your grocer sella Postum In two forms: Instant Postum (in tins) pre pared Instantly in the cup by the addi tion of boiling water. Postum Cereal (in packages) for those who prefer to make the drink vvhlU the meal Is being prepared; made by boiling fully twenty minutes. Postum FOJl HEALTH "There's a Reason" Postum Cereal Co., Inc., Haitle Creek, Mich. Tablots or Liquid with aritrmlc catarrh I nr 0 nrrcral boxes of cure, i no uoi uciiuie 10 recommcatl l'oruna tef&n&l rc UO t5jCl(i,icr..M.i uoiAiriw.niNnttfutcuicmiia kv to:"'S't'Jnr-iT(,nt.i yt I'rictaociy nw.wN.iuo ' ihi u..r i Any one can live on love alone- for a few minutes. Show the MERELY USED AS A PARABLE Individual Cited as Example of Care lessness Existed Only in the Imagination. of Minister. At the little church the minister, n colored man, announced that ho re gretted to state that a certain brother had retired to rest the night beforu wlthout locking the door of his fowl house, and on rising In the morning had found that all his chickens had disappeared. "I don't want to bo personal," ho added, "hut I hub my suspicions us to who stole dem chickens. 1 shall bo glad If the man who took dem will not put any money In the box when It Is passed round, and then 1 shall know If dose suspicions are right or not." ICvery one present contributed. "Now, breddern," announced the minister. "I don't want your dinners bpollt by wonderln' where dat bind der lives who don't lock his chlckuns up at night. Dat brutlder don't exist, mah friends; he was a parable for tint purpose of finance." Very seldom tloes n man pose as a, vonllrmed bachelor until after somv woman has confirmed him. Consistency Is n Jewel thnt Is diffi cult to counterfeit. 6W 1 "a!saSaWiaSaaata? " aW SflBnSaalalaV'i'-tf'' wy