n i i V H vnt ttmti'tli'Ri nutlntf L , ,. j ' , jL .AfiMtJafUASHLfC Lm r-mf f L1jF,:'tlr' jBt?-" - JLf kif S W F- !t JffMfc V iVtff . II J TMl TlJ't-'''JiB!'r3BSWWM'ft l!S jfUfrB ifcfl?BBCBWflryigtJli,gy5"'ti,BB JSS ff-l "".'1 !" jy J 'J'rf-vP VOLUME 01 A Nawtpaiwr That aires The News Nfty-tM Weeks Each Year Fr f 1,50 RED CLOUD. NEBRASKA, MARCH 1. IU23 NUMBER 9. We still continue to give EXCELLENT BARGAINS virjfiraUkKi a in WINTER GOODS -i HEAVY UNDERWEAR DUCK COATS OSHOES WOOL SHIRTS SWFATERS For the balance of this month we are giving l f r .r ;. '. r "" """ -"v"" iubs mum ui'Hi com. $3.50 TO $10.00 Bieber-Henderson AtlllOllllCelllUUlh lHW UCt'll lYCoU'Cll l f- ends in this iMit i.f tin init rrine nl Mis licit IJii'lu-i. iiKliif of Mr. mil Mr-. C. li lii.-'.Mr. i.i TopeUa, j Kan is. to Mr I'm. I :.-iiiii- u of tins I'ltj. I'he wi'.iri.x.r , ,.,.111-t.l i-i Topclia, Moii.l.ii . Mini i In 3 .MiUcui home III tlii .'Mi nt tn Miiri'li '.'u h. I in. Chief aim ' u.tii I'V. iU mi in v fniM.ils wish hlni in .' Ins u iff it h.i py .w. I. led life. Riverton Mill Burns It will Pay You to Look Us Up Before Buying Elsewhere W. G. Hamilton Go. Co, JViWWiPAV.,.W.V.VV.V Phone Ind. 3 on 90, Bch 1 74. ..v.v.w.v.v.www i Residence, Bell 241 f Mrs. Ed Amack UNDERTAKING BOTH PHONES RED CLOUD, NEB I. T. AMACK-PHONE IND. 32M VVWVWJWSMAVWWWVVWWA SUNSHINE KRISPY CRACKERS SPECIAL OFFER 66c A CADDY SPECIAL PRICE Beautiful Picture Free Whllo They Last A Beautiful Picture all taken from Oil Paintings, Free with Every Caddy ol Krispy Crackers. The R. P. Weesner Co. Tln Uivi'itou Mill, whifh uus erect eil in the iiii'iy iln)s i f the K. -publican vil ty mill wsi'i owned for in. my years by . he Kheplicnlsun boy.-, Im.-t!i"l down Tuesday nuciti. Smith-on Urn.s who piiiehascd tlio mill it lew years ajro ure the present owners, ami we iinderhtiinil tliev carried SSUUU iii-uiitiic on tlio building and machinery which would not cover their loss. February Weather Report Tempera! in e: Mertii 2(5 dcg.. tnaxi iiiutii r.!' ili !.: on 21 and 2.1th, minimum II below zeio on :iul and llth Total precipitation 0.17 Inches. Total snowfall l.f inches. Number of dtiys clcar 13, paitly cloudy 3, cloudy 7. IVevalltng wind N ' days I'recl pitation since .Ian. 1,0.18 Inch. Chas. S. Ludlow, Observer. FARM UUKKAU NOTES tfJ a. 4. c. C-unt"Esten.sIn Agent HenFj" It. Fausch) DKESS CONSTRUCTION SCHOOL Delegates from eleven Women's clubs attended the Dress Construction School as follows: Mrs. Anna Kudrna- Bladen Wo men's Club, Miss Ida. Muhieisen Cloverlead Community Club, I5lue Hill Mr. Krnest Yung J. C. Uti'j Guide lt.-ck, Mrs. Eddie Ohmstede Rotary Club, Uuide Rock, M.ss Hlunche Hailoy Willing Community Club, Guide Hock, Mrs. Cln.s. Arnold Nortli Ucd Cloud Women s Club, Mrs. Dave bell lied Cloud Community Club, Mrs. Chester Drake Garfield Willing Workers, Miss lues Strickland lnu vale Culture Club, Mrs. Hannah Jor gensjn Pleasant Prairie, Inavale, Mrs. Carrie Cochmac Get-To-Gr.ther Club, Inavale. The Dress Construction School was a four day school with Miss Gladys Letrtr. Clothintr Snecialist from Lin. cjln in charge. Course of study was & follows: Tuesday, first day. 1. Study of styles Taking of measurements Changing commercial patterns Making a foundation pattern Possible variations of founda tion patterns Wednesday, second day 1. Cuttintr and startinor n hnnsA dress. 2. Making collar patterns 3. Possible finishes 4. Mak'ner illustrative ni&tmvul iTir follow-up work. 'Ihursday, third day 1. Bungalow pattern 2. Possible variations 3. Making of illustrative material for follow-up work. 4. Finishing house dress Friday, fourth day 1. Combinations of fnnmlnHnn ...,,1 bungalow pattctns 2. Decorative stitcher 3. At 2 P. M. open house and ex hibit of drosses made. Lecture Dressing stout and slender women. Each delegate will return to their various clubs and teach five other women who have completed dress forms and fewing machine attach ments. The five women trained by the delegates with somo assistance from the delegates will tra'n other women. When ten women of a Club have re ported dross construction, this club will bo eligible for tho next coui.se Home Millinery. i The affair was a succofs all avniiul, iut with all tho talent, the interest ,and Hie cnthusvsm, one fact stands foremost wero it not for the gener io.-ity and accomodation of Turnuro & Son it could not havj been such a suc cess. The thanks of tho ladies is i tendered them most earnestly. Joseph Topham Joseph Topham wus born n, Duloe, Hodfordshlre, Kiighind, on the .'lOth day of April, A I). 1H18 At the ago of 22 years he was united in inairiage with Lizzie Kmery and thereafter for the space of ton yeais tlio hone was niHiiitiiiiieil in the country of his birth. In ISSOthe family, by that time H'lit in iiiimlii'i, eaniu to tho I'nitel State.", the destination being Citiide Kock In the State of Nebraska, tho jouiney tie. inn mnde via lMaltsinoulh, Hustings and Hoil (loud, where a delay siilllcient for the repair o' a liome was made, and tliu fiddly finally made the jouiney overland tothoii'dehtination, the valley division of Him railway not yet being in use. In U-e vicinity of (itiidu Keck the home ii'iuained for about eighteen years and was then transferred lo the vicinity of lied Cloud where it has sincH remained. Nine, chlldien were burn, six in Nnglanil and three in Ne braska The names and residence of the children are: Harry V.. Tnpliaiu, It.'d Cloud, Mr-. Nellie Crow, Kepub liuiin City: Mrs Annie lluHhee, deceas ed in 18D7; (Jcorge l. Topham. I.tira mle, Wyoming; Mrs ltose McCull, de ceased in l!)18; Thomas K Topham, re siding in California; Mrs. iMinly Mc Call and Willie.m Topham, Inavale and Albert .Joseph Topham of Ucd Cloud. All but Thomas wero present at tho service and in addition to these Mis. Julia Kllcr daughter of Annie liushcc. Twenty-eight grand chlldien and nine greut grand children uro also left to mourn itnd roveio the meniory of their departed grandfather. For more than twenty-llvf years Mr. TnpliHtii has been closely nlliliated with the Iiaptist church of Ked rioud. Though not included in the member ship, yi-t in all the history or the church there have been but two men ill Us membership who eipialli'd the interest ho manifested, and gave to its service tlio hours ho chooilully em- ! ployed. Ho was for most of the years 'itniiLlnnt It. .i I . n.wlti ...... ... l... lit.... wfi.ohui. b in iiL.uuuiiuur .... ....J 1)1. IIU Fcliool, having hi- place in a rl.i-s mil following with deep Interest tho study of the Word that was made. His home has over been open to the ministry with a degiee of hospitality so tin questionable us to malio It a raritable haven or rest to tho wayfaring man of God, and from many a place where these have gone there will bu awaken d memories of days that are past bv those who have shared his hospitality. He, with his wife were permitted to visit the land or his birth in 1!0C, re. turning home after some months with a renewed spirit or loyalty to his a dopted country, which he faithfully maintained It whs a notablo thing of bis long life, that he was leumtkably loyaly to those whose special friend ship ho claimed Never moved by the public or private, crltinlstn or those he loved, ho maintained close friendly re lations with them, and tor this he will be romembcred whllo memory lasts. He has finished his earthly course without fcur, and has been able, even in the tragic moments cf a painful de cease, to "wrap the drapery of his couch about him and 'laid down to pleasant dreams," from which nwaken lug, he will meet aud greet his own. His death occurcd on Friday, Febru ary 2.'l, 1923, and the ruueral was at the llaplist church on Monday after noon rollowiug, the service conducted by his pastor, Ilev. 1 W. Bdson. Ap. proprlate music was furnished by C. L. Cotting, Miss Ruby Koon, Mrs. Mild red Hall and Mr.C. A. Herrlck, with Miss Inez Hotter at the piano. Inter, mont whs In tho Hod Cloud cemetery. i The Fire Department- will meet next Tuesday evening for the purpoFc of electing officers. All the members should be there. Mrs. Anne Ibdie Finchor, aged 21 ye.us and 2.'f days, wife of Fount, Fin chor, passed away at their homo Tues day evening aftor an illness of n few days, Tho funeral services will be hold at the MethodUt church Sunday after noon at 2 o'clock and interment will be mado In the city cemetery. Watch Jewelry and Clock pain Let Us Make That Old Piece of Jewelry Into An UP-TO-DATE RING, PIN OR BROOCH KODAK DEALER E. H. Newhouse RED CLOUD NEUR. J p: fe.'.irihL Fi 7. ot. ; r r-1 W 5 1! .',! u , ,-t T-r-tnr -wr-? -'-r s-sww T?" , r "t" -' 1 vt?" f- - u-Jti i-'t:...::.'-. :t-.. . v- .; A FUNERAL DIRECTOR has a sad yet important function to perform in every man's life a duty hard to ren der, yet absolutely necessary. He must be kind and considerate system atic and thorough quiet and quick a fin ished manager. We hope it will be ages before you need such service but when you do we will be glad to render you the best that the most complete equipment and talent will furnish. SCHAAF& TURNER, Funeral Home Bell SO - Ind. 120x l33fcS..kSy.few; ?hf7 - ""lr ifc&. i fej;i ri Kami 4 0i . a r m , j BESSE AUDITORIUM, Red Cloud, Neb. SUNDAY, MAROII lth 8:15 P. M. 1'IUCIOS ?1 00-? LOO TAX INCLUDED 1H3SEUVE YOU it SKATS NOW. (ilurk Stevens returned home Txies.- Mrs. Dickson, who has been making day evening on train 11 from Hust- her home herewith her daughter, ings wlicre he and Mrs. Stevens have Mrs. K, V. Nicholson, left for Los been vis'ting at the home of his son, Angeles, California, Saturday morn Roy, Mrs. Stevens will spend a few ing on train 15 whero she will mako days there before returning home. her home in.tho future with her Bon. f j, Al vS ' i.'r '4'