RED OLOUD, NEBRASKA, CHIEF ,V 4 1 n WOMAN SO ILL COULD NOT STAND Says Lydia E.Pinkhara' Veg etable Compound Mado Her Well and Strong Glona Falls, N. Y.-For over two months I was go eiclc I wna not nblo to stand on my feet, uuu uiy iiuauana aia my housework. Tho doctor said nn onnr- atlon might bo nec- esaary. l road testi monial letters about Lydia E. Pinkham'a Vogotablo Com pound and began to tako it. Boforo I had finished taking tho first bottle I eaw wlinfr. rruvl If tvna ? ng me. . I am now well and strong, do- iiK uit my uitt. ioru xamny 01 lour, all mjrwashinjrand my sewing, which I """ a isiumnauii;, ua i naa not aarca ' , runmy sewing machino, but hnd dono all my sewing by hand. I truly f col that were it not for your medicino I would not bo hero today as my caso Bcemed very serious. "-Mrs. George W. BuncjtELL, Glens Falls. N. Y. I Free upon Request Lydia E. Pinkham'a Private Text Book upon "Ailments Peculiar to Wo men" will bo sent you free, upon re quest. Write to the Lydia E. Pinkham Medicine Co., Lynn, Massachusetts. Thisbook contains valuable information that every woman should have. lllllllllllllllllll I HP 1 1 1 l 1 tlr- in - 1 1 1 1 1 1 II III ywfer"" llllll Refuse to Sell to French and Belgians somSn rzs.i mm Tin1 photograph shows n sign In n Merlin shop which, truiiHliiii'ri, roads: "No goods will ho sold to French or Hcl glans because of the Ruhr occupation," Many such signs appeared In German 'shop windows after tho French anil llclglan troops inarched liAo the Huhr. Is Indispensable in all e ma rf I le n rri n a Influcma, Coughs, Colds, Heaves ana Worms among horses and mules. Used and endorsed by leading stock farms, breeders and drivers of United Statc3 and Canada for thirty years. Sold in two sizes at all drug stores. is?iii?i riff &3flj s?ifla'13 imRnfwrlTM A Fellow SuHerer. Hlnks You (inil Smith seem to bo great friends. You must have a great deal to talk about. Jinx Yes, we have a lot In common. Kinks Oh, I forgot; you belong to tho same club. Jinx No, that Isn't It. Both of us married u widow. DYED HER BABY'S COAT, A SKIRT AND CURTAINS WITH "DIAMOND DYES" Each packago of "Diamond Dyes" con tains directions so simple any woman can dyo or tint her old, worn, faded things con. Even if sho has never dyed before, tho can nut a new, rich color into shabby skirts, dresses, waist, coats, stockings, rweatcra, coverings, draperies, hangings, everything, lluv Diamond Dyes no other kind then perfect homo dyeing Is guar anteed. Juat tell your druggist whether tho material you wieh to dye is wool or silk, or whether it fa linen, cotton, or mixed gnodH. Diamond Dyes never streak, pot, fade or run. Advertisement. And Peto Failed. "You say Stage Coach Fete tried suicide by putting the muzzle of a double-bnrrel shotgun In his mouth an' pullln both triggers? Looks like thct would liev fixed him." "Yeah, but only one u the dad blamed barrels went off." New York Sun. CATARRH Catarrh Is a Local dlscaso great!? In fluenced by Constitutional conditions, HAt,Y7B CATARRH MEDICINE con sists of an Ointment which glvos Quick Relief by local application, and tho Internal Medicine, a Tonic, which acts through the Blood on the Mucous Sur faces and assists In ridding your System of Catarrh. Sold by druggists for over 40 Years. F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, O. Handy Implement. "Why is this teaspoon hanging near tho furnace?" "I suppose the Janitor uses It to put conl on with." Smiles cost less than electric lights and tlicy mak. the home brighter. Sure Relief FOR INDIGESTION oMI'IPq 6 U-dSffl' sr C-gs Bell-ans Hot water Sure Relief BELL-ANS 25 AND 75 PACKAGES EVERYWHERE Cuticura Soap The Velvet Touch For the Skin Soip 25e, Ointment 25 and 50c, Talcum 25c. r PISO'S Q2jj22J2SQE22 COUGH? TrrPWi ton. itmnsly aulck re- Ilef.Atyrupunlike II ouitri plea ant doe not up et itomach no opiate. 35a and 60o everywhere. New Hair Tonic Don't t in.13. ei Q-Bati today Iia much more plcant. At nil aooa aniggww. wo, vtilrtet from rfilSICUll. CW. K.U. Ta. to replace old, lioulil be grotr liiyall the lime. II Will II TOU ute Q-Bau Ilalr Scene of Auto Disaster in Ohio All that remained of n touring piuly which started out from Columbus, O., for Florida. They reached (Jlendule, O., 120 miles from Columbus, when they attempted to cross n double rullroud track. They stopped for n freight tiuln to pii'is and failed to notice an express coming on tho other truck. All llvo were killed. Tutankhamen Had Embalmed Beef Natives are shown hero eairjlng embalmed beef, or what Is generally known In military circles us "Canned Willie," from the tomb of tho ancient King Tutnnkhnmen )f Egypt. Forty packages similar to those shown In tho photograph were taken from the king's tomb. The beef was packed In little wooden boxes which were painted white. IN HIGH SCHOOL AT EIGHT HERE IS "MISS CANADA" sssrsjsapav Arthur (iottesiniin of Atlanta, Oa has just entered high school at the ago of eight. At tho age of blx ho en tered tho third grammar school grade; took n half year In the third grade j' whole year In tho fourth ; skipped through tho 11 ft It grade In less than two weeks. Spent a year In the sixth grade and passed up tho seventh grotto work In half a year. Ills average marks were "A" during his grammar school career. Tho youngster plans to enter Harvard when twelve years old. injiai fir -- yB. s Y 'Mil: BURLEY TOBACCO" HEAD CALL HIM IMPOSTOR eaasaassEHKEa J. C. Ktone, president of tho Hurley Tobacco Growers' Co-operative associ ation, Is the actual head of an organ ization of more than 78,000 farmers In tho states of Kentucky, Indiana, Ohio, West Virginia, Tennessee and Missouri. Under his direction grow ers sold during the past year 120, 000,000 pounds of tobacco. Mr. Stono was born at Richmond, Ky In 1878, was educated at Central university, and entered the tobacco business In 1897. X "V If ForRealEconomy in the Kitchen Use CALUMET The Economy BAKING POWDER A Big Time and Money Saver When you bake with Calumet vou know, there will be no loss or failures. That's why it is far less expensive than some other brands selling for less. The sale of Calumet is over 150 greater than that of any other brand. Don't be led Into taking Quantity for Quality Calumet has proven to be best by test in millions of homes every bake-day. Largest selling brand in the world. Contains only such ingredients as have been officially approved by U. S. Pure Food Authorities. THE WORLD'S GREATEST BAKING POWDER I , Moi VA W (ALUM! EST BY TEST -"T,i'Vk I v f T Why Farmers are Turning to SSSiMSBSI uSESSJ for Economical Trantportolion ' In 1922 Chevrolet jumped from seventh to second place in sales of all cars, and to first place in sales of fully equipped modern cars. Purchases by farmers were the chief factor in this remarkable development. Farmers want automobiles not only of low first price, but also of low later cost for operation and maintenance. They want room, comfort, and the ability to stand up under hard conditions. They find that Chevrolet, fully equipped as sold, is the best value per dollar in the lo w-prlted field, and neighbors tell them it costs less per mile to operate Prices F. O. D. Flint, Michigan SUPEniOnTwoPienter Roadttcr $SIO bUlTJUOIl live 1'ancngcr Touring - - 52$ SUPERIOR Two Pancnucr Utility Coupe 680 SUPERIOR Tour Paitcngcr Stdanctte - 8S0 SUPbRIOR Five Paucniier Sedan . 860 SUPERIOR Light Delivery 510 Chevrolet Motor Company Division of General Motors Corporation Detroit, Michigan Business Man's Lunch. "Will you lunch with me?" "Tlinnk you." "What shnll wo have today? vltamlnes or caloiios?" Qualified to Enter. "When nro you Kolnp; to let mo kli you? "Come around on Friday. Thut'a amateur night." Denounced as an Impostor by tho Spanish embassy In Washington, Don Alplionso Louis Jerome du Bourbon, who claims to bo the eldest son of Al pbonso XII, late hint; of Spain, said the embassy could not disprove bis claims, which are to bo tiled out In a I few weelcs before the Sacred colleo In Home. Tho embassy sent word to j the State depaitment that Don Louis Is not n half-brother of tho present Itlnx of Spain. The denunciation fot J lowed Don Louis' appearance before , committee on Agriculture In Washington. Winifred C. Illaln, nineteen years old, of St, John, X, II., chosen In Mon treal as "Miss Canada," from a group of nine girls from the leading cities of tlio Dominion. Personality was ono of tho fentuies considered by the Judges In tho contest to discover a true type of Canadian girl with an aptitude for Canadian winter sports. In prlwito life she Is a customs brok er's stenographer earning ?1C a week. How tho Fires Start. In the forests of tho ltockles the evergreens stand somo distance apart I bn that Their tops do not touch, says tho "School Hook of Forestry" of the Ameilcnn Tiee nssoclntloii. As n result-, these western forcuts do not shade tho ground as well as those In tho Kasl. This causes the soils of tbeso forests to be much drier, amJ aUo Increases tho danger from tire. f LJxn BaT agK "" "I ataV '0liumL SPI RI N SAY "BAYER" when you buy. Insist! ' Unless you see the "Bayer Cross" on tablets, you are not getting the genuine Bayer product prescribed by physicians over 23 years and proved safe by millions for Hard to Determine Turtle's A(je. The burenu of llshorles says there Is no suro way In which to determlno tho age of a liardHhell turtle. In most Instances tho plates are examined closely with a microscope, and on these, plates thcro can bo noticed scale ex pansion. This scale expands as tho turtle grows, leaving a ring of growth. These rings are counted tho same as lluye of a tree. 7 Colds Toothache Neuritis Neuralgia Headache Rheumatism Lumbago Pain, Pain Accept only "Bayer" package which contains proper directions. Handy "Uaycr" boxes of 12 tablets Also bottles of 24 and 100 Druggists. Aflplrln Is tbo trade uurk of Uaycr Manufacture uf MonoacotlcicldeiUr of BaUorUcacla