RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA. CHIEF i 4- I After Every Meal WRIGLEYS Chew .your food well, then use WRIGLEY'S to aid digestion. It-also keeps the teeth clean, breath sweet, appetite keen. The Great American Sweetmeat lilTfifflrilfl iSSfclWf.rW ' m --- Loans on Neb. and Iowa FARMS 40 years' tlmo, no commission. Write for namo nearest agent. Lincoln Joint Stock Land BanU Lincoln, Neb. BEST BABY CHICKS 7c UP Write for particulars, CUIl'KKK 1.ITTL.K IIATCllKttY. LINCOLN, N1SUHA3KA. HANDY JACK. ONK MAN CIIANCI'.S lirhMfHt rack, Linen, etc., from ground onto wniton nnl ofT. V t.ovtirlnir, Fremont. Neb Using the Talker. "lie tells everything he knows." "I know, but lit conies In handy sometimes. I often niuku food use of lihu myself." "Vou do? How?" "Whenever I wnnt to get n rumor .started I always go mid tell It to him in strictest contldeuce. Then all I have to do is to sit hack and watch things develop." HOW'S THIS? HALL'S CATARRH MEDICINI5 will do what wo claim for It rid your system of Catarrh or Deafness caused by Catarrh. HALL'S CATARRH MEDICINE con sists of an Ointment which Quickly Relieves the catarrhal Inflammation, and tho Internal Medicine, a Tonic, which acts through tho Mood on tho Mucous Surfaces, thus assisting to restore nor mnl conditions. Sold bv druggists for over 40 Years. b J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, O. Famous Pool Dries Up. The romantic, and mysterious "si lent pool" nt Alhury, Surrey, England, whose creeping legends, Including death pilots, go buck to King John's day, lias lrled up and disappeared. The drought of 1021 is blamed for the exhaustion of the springs which foil the pool. Cuticura for Sore rmds. Soak bands on retiring in the hot suds of Cuticura Soap, dry und rub in Cu ticura Ointment. Remove surplus Ointment with tissue paper. This is only one of the tilings Cuticura will do if Soap, Ointment and Talcum ure used lor all toilet purposes. Advertisement. A thing of beauty may remain n Joy forever, if you let the other fellow marry her. For true blue, use Red Cross Ball nine. Snowy-white clothes will be .sure to result. Try it und you will al ways use it. All good grocers huvo It. Advertisement. Experience may he n great teacher, but a man's experience with u woman doesn't tench him sense. Cut your coat according to your clnlb. HAIR STAYS 'COMBED, GLOSSY "Hair Groom" Keeps Hair Combed Well-Groomed. GROOM luuwou Keeps Hair ombea Millions Use It Fine for Hair! Not Sticky, Greasy or Smelly. A few cents buys n jar of "ITnlr ' Groom" nt any drug store. Even stub bprn, unruly or shampooed hair stays combed all day la any stylo you like. "Hulr-firoom" is n dlgnlllcd combing cream which gives that natural gloss, mnl well-groomed effect to your hair that final touch to good dress both in business and on social occasions, Grenseless, stainless "Hair-Groom" does not show on tho hair because It Is absorbed by the scnlp, tberoforo your hair remains so soft and pllnbla und o natural that no ono cau pos sibly toll you used it. 'Ch. I iCopv for Tliln Department Supplied h , tli American Lemon New Srrvlcfl.) TO ORGANIZE ALL CHAPLAINS Father O'Connor of Cincinnati As sumes Task to Increase Member ship of the American Legion. Father William l O'Connor of Cin clnrfatl, national chaplain of the Amer ican Legion, re fuses to admit that the duties of his ofllce are con fined to the de livering of an In- iW vocation at the t . J, Legion natlo n a I w, .' convention. Inac- lty&toZ$d. cordance with this 4fml mt ,)('llpf' F a l llu r SBBLbKBbWi O'Connor as- USHBi organizing all war Father O'Connjor. chuplalns in nn effort to gain new members for the Legion. William P. O'Connor is a fighting type, and his thirty-three years are full of Interesting experience. Porn In Dayton, O., he attended tho public and parochial schools and .was gradu ated from St. Mary's college, now the University of nuton, In 10S. Ho was graduated from St. Mary's sem inary and ordained In 101H, when lie accepted an appointment us pastor of a church In Urhana, O. Ho was serving there in July. 1017, when he became chaplain of an Ohio National Guard organization which later became the One Hundred and Thirty-sixth Field artillery of the Thirty-seventh division. He sailed with this organization for France in Tunc, P.HS. The ship, before complct .ng the voyage, rammed a German submarine which Inter was sunk by destroyers. Father O'Connor served with his or ganization In the Baccarat sector and later at St. Mlhlel, the Meuse-Argonne and In Belgium. After the armistice he proved his versatility by arranging for the production of "The Passing Show of the A. E. F.." one of the best soldier shows presented overseas. The national chaplain obtained first hand Information in regard to the feelings of newly discharged veterans when he served for a time with na tional headquarters of the American Red Cross. Later he became pastor of a church nt Jamestown, 0 and subsequently was transferred to his present charge, tho church of St. Vin cent do Paul In Cincinnati. lie served as a member of the Le gion's nntlonal ceremonlnls committee in 1021, which drew up the ceremo nials which have been used by nil Legion posts. In all clashes of relig ious creeds and dogmas, Father O'Con nor has been noted for his marked liberality and toleration. ROUNDS UP LEGION MEMBERS W. A. Stevens, Commander of Des Moines (la.) Post, Promises to Have Largest Organization. Any man who can go out nnd get 201) members to anything, even the American Legion, Is worthy of at tention. W. A. Stevens, newly elected comman der of the Legion post of D o s Melnos, la., has tho credit for get ting one-tenth of the 2,000 members of his organiza tion, the second largest post in the country. During the wnr A. Stevens. Stevens was a sergeant In the One Hundred nnd Ninth Ammunition train of .the Thirty-fourth division. Uo spent 11 months nt Camp Cody, N. M nnd later went overseas. lie has pledged himself to mnko hlc post the largest In tho country and to lend It In par ticipation In civic affairs. Praises tho Legion. Phil D. Swing, a member of the houso of representatives from California, has issued a statement praising the Amer ican Legion for its work In conducting American Education week. "As water will rise no higher than Its source, so our republic will prove no wiser than tho electorato from which It draws Its authority and Inspiration," Congress man Swing stated. "Hence, the nil im portance of seeing that every person admitted to participation in our govern ment rocoles tho necessary education to be able to understand the problems which confront our nation and to con tribute ills bit toward their Intelligent solution. This applies with equal forco to the native-born ns well as to tho naturalized citizen. The American Le gion Is doing a splendid peace-tlmo bervlco by-"boosting American Educa tion week." The Social Climber. Old King Coal was a merry old soul, A merry old uuul was he, Bald ho: "Since I'm worth 'steen dollars a ton, I'm tho pride of Socleteo." American Legion Weekly, m $$ -' JfHJK W. AH SING CHING WINS FIRST) Hoy of Hawaii Takes Prize In Legion's National Lssay Contest, Ah Sing Chlng, of Ewa Oabu. Hawaii, a fourteen-year-old boy of Chinese extrac tion, won first place In the Amer ican Legion's nn llotial tsay con test on the sub ject, "How Can the American Le gion He-it Servo th Nat ion V" Con tent results were s&r 1 announced recent ly by Garland W. Powell, who Is the director of the Legion's na Alt Sing Ching. tional Americanism commission. Second prize In the contest, which was open to all school children be tween the ages of twelve ami eighteen, was awarded to Miss Pauline Virginia Chastaiu of Indianapolis. Joseph Gian donnto of Bridgeport, Conn., won, third prize. Honorable mention wus made of the s.says of Phillip E. Mosely of Wosttlclti, Mass., ana Ralph R. Sulli van of Twin Harbors, Minn. The hoard of Judges of the Legion contest was composed oC John .1. Tl gert, United States commissioner of education ; Chancellor E. E. Brown of New York City university, and S. S. McCIure, the publisher. National prizes are first, $750 ; second, ?r00, and the third, $2.'0, the money to be used as scholarships in any university or college. They were awarded by Han ford MacNlder, of Mason City, lit., who was national commander of the Legion last year. "The lact that u hoy of Chinese de scent In Hawaii won the essay contest testifies to the splendid work of Amer icanism which Legion posts in Hawaii are emphasizing," Mr. Powell stated. "Tho Hawaii department Is to be con gratulated on tho development of a national winner in a contest In which more than 00,000 s'iiool children par ticipated." The text of Ah Sing Chine's winning essay follows. "The American Legion, which Is composed of men and women who en Gene Haver, VIcksburg (Miss.) Young during the war stands for unity, de mocracy, peace and service to God nnd our country. "The slogan of our country Is, 'In union there is strength,' nnd It is be cause of this unity, our country Is so strong, but during the World war, we found that we had Internal as well as external enemies. Bolshevism, communism and anarchy are as real enemies as any we had to fight over seas, and tniich harder to conquer. "The American Legion can do a wonderful service to the country by encouraging a spirit of unity and co operation, and by teaching foreigners who come Into tho United States how to live under a republican form of government, and by helping them to understand that ours Is a government of tho people, by the people, for the people and It shall not perish from the earth. Many foreigners come from countries where they have been op pressed and they do not understand the word liberty, but think it Is license to commit crimes. These people must be taught and the American Legion can aid In doing this. "Wo lenrned at the beginning of tiie World wttr that many of our own citi zens were uneducated, and that not nearly enough money wan being spent for schools. Here Is a great twork for the American Legion, to see that every child In the United States has a chance to be educated. What wo want In our nation wo must put In our schools, so the need for schools and well-trained teachers is very great. Night schools for the training of men and women who work during the day help to edu cate our citizens atid those who wish to haeonie citizens. The American Le gion Is on the side of education, and we believe will make every effort to see that the schools of the United States rank first In the world and that every citizen has the opportunity for learning. "During the World war many of our soldiers wero wounded and re turned home, suffering from shell shock, sick and unable to care for themselves. They fought in a great cause and deserve well of their coun try nnd their comrades. Tho Legion can give these returned veterans aid and comfort, und after they have sullitiently recovered help, them to be come self-supporting. Many of them will be unablo to follow tho same oc cupation that they did before tho war, but some kind of work can bo found for them to do. Tho Legion should wo that their comrades are ulways cared for. "The United States is not a military nation anil believes in wur for tlefense and not for conquest. At the close of tho war, uir country asked for no land and no Indemnity. Not many months ago President Harding called a con ference of the nations to discuss u re duction of armies und armuinent. Tho American Legion can nld by fostering and encouraging peace and good will among nations and by standing for u fair deal large and small na tions, allowing tho small nations to de cide for themselves how they shall bo governed." Disabled Man Gets Memoera. Although ho is u disabled man tak ing treatment ut n.St. Paul hospital, Huns Hundorf has signed up 07 now members for St, Paul Post No. 8 of the American Legion. Tho post now has 400 members. IMPROVED UNIFORM INTERNATIONAL SmdaySchool 1 Lesson T Hy Ri:v. l. U. F1TZWATKR. 1). D., 'Teacher of Kntilnh Itlbln In tho Moody. Ululn Institute of Chlc.iKo Cop) right. t!2. Wcntrrn Nrwapnprr ttnlon. LESSON FOR FEBRUARY 25 THE PARABLE OF THE POUNDS LKSSON THXT-Lllkc 1'J ll-W. UOI.DKX TKXT-llo that In fnlthful In that which Ih 1 ast. la faithful also In mucli.i.tiko lfi:li'. ni:n:ui:Noi: MATicniAi.r-.Muit. &.u- a. 1 Tim. 1.13-15. PRIMARY TOPIC-WorkhiK for Jcsuh. JUNIOR TOl'IC-Piiltliful und Unfaith ful Workers. LNTnitMliuiATTJ AND SICNIOR TOPIC The Fidelity That Jusmi i:ncl.i. - YOL'NO PKOl'Li; AND AUU1.T TOPIC What Returns Does Christ Ruijulro of Us? The purpose of tills parable was to correct the misapprehension of the disciples as to the Inline Hate establish ment of the kingdom. They were tin the way to Jerusalem atid they thought that immediately upon their arrival there Jesus would bcgti the exercise of Ills kingdom rule. It Is to ho noted that Jesus did not correct them for believing In the reallly of the king dom, but for believing that it would Immediately appear. I. The Absent Lord (v. 12). He pictures His going hack to God as a nobleman going to teeelvo a king dom, This was a comniiin occurrence among them. They knew how some of the Herodlan family had thus done gone to Rome and secured their ap pointment to rule over Palestine. Jesus ascended on high to receive front God, the Father, a kingdom. Let no ono mistake the certainty cf His return, though the time bo unknown, and tho event delayed. II. The Distribution of the Pounds (v. 12). These pounds represent Christ's gifts to Ills servants. When Chrlwt ascended He gave gifts to men (Epb. 4:7, 8, 11, 12). To each servant was given the same amount, showing tlict to all a certain gift lus been given and therefore ull will bo held responsl ble for Its use. The distribution was made by the sovereign. It was also a purposeful distribution. They were to put their gifts to use during His ab sence. What the nobleman demanded was faithfulness. The pounds were to be used for the Master, not for tho selfish enjoyment of the servant. III. The Rebellious Citizens (v. 11). They hated Him nnd sent messen gers after Him, notifying Him of their refusal to be subject to Him. This pic tures the unbelief of the Jews after Christ's nscennlon and their repudia tion of His rule. It ulHqjiIeturcs tho unbelieving world In Itn hatred and re jection of Christ. IV. The Accounting (vv. lfi-27). 1. Its Certainty. Christ will surely bring everyone to account for the use made of His gifts. He has appointed a day in which He Khali Judge tho world (Acts 17:.'U). 2. Time Of (v. Ifi). It will tako place when Jesus coined back to earth. At that time U will summon Ills servants and reckon with them. This will take place when He lias received Ills kingdom. He wljl receive Ills kingdom when he asks the Father (Ps. 2:8).- 3. Rewards Given fcr Faithfulness (vv. 30-19). (I) The first report (vv. 30, 37). The pound lijtd gained ten pounds. He did not nay, "I have mailo ten pounds," but "Thy pound liath gained ten pounds." Ih-recognized tho Lord's ownership. To this the Lord replied by commendation. He praised him und promoted him He was mailo ruler over ten cities. (2) The second report (v. 18). In this case the pound had gained five pnunl-. He did not get the Lord's commendation for he hud not done so well, but be was ap pointed to a place jf rulershlp over five titles. The reword In each caso was proportioned to lalthfulness dur ing the Lord's absence. The prlnclplo of reward was shown to be that faith fulness In very miiiiP things prepares for larger responsibilities, 1. Judgment Upo-i the Unfaithful (vv. 20-27). (1) Ills report (vv. 20,21). This report was entirely bud. He had not put the pound U use, but laid it away, throwing tho blame upon the Lord. lie asserted that the character of the Lord was such as to produce fear. Men ure fulling today In their service because they have wrong con ceptions of Christ. Vi) Comniendatldn (vv. 22, 2IJ). The w.cked servant Is Judged out of his own ;iouth. Ills ex ctiso Increased Ids guilt He is called wicked. (!1) Strlppec. of the pound (vv. 21-20). To fall to use one's gifts mentis to lose thorn. 0:ie of the losses of tho next world will l.e the depriva tion o( what we have now. (I) Warn ing (v. 27). Those who reject Christ, refusing to submit to ills authority, shall share the same deprivation as those who are unfaithful In His serv ice. Hypocrisy. Hypocrisy, of course, delights In tho most mibljme speculations; for never Intending 'to go beyond upoeulatlon, it costs nothing to have It magnificent. Burke. ThoTears of Children. Ob, banish the tears of children I Continual rains upon the blossoms arc hurtful. RIchter. The Lash In the DarK. Many a lash In the dark, doth con science give the wicked. Bostou. Aspirin Say "Bayer" and Insist! fcvy Unless you see the name "Bnyer" on package or on tablets you are not get ting the genuine Bayer product pre Kcrlbed by physicians over twenty-two years and proved enfo byMmllllons for Colds Headache Toothache Lumbago Earache Rheumatism Neuralgia Pain, Pain Accept "Bnyer Tablets of Aspirin" only. Each unbroken package contains proper directions. Handy boxes of twelve tablets cost few cents. Drug gists also sell bottles of 21 and 100. Aspirin Is the trade mark of Bayer Manufacture of Mononcctlcacidcstcr of Sallcyllcucld. Advertisement. The health of the people Is a na tional resource. No man is wise or safe but that he Is honest. MANY WOMEN AVOID OPERATIONS Through the Use of Lydia E-Pinkham's Vegetable Compound Two Interesting Cases Bomo fcmnlo troubles may through neglect roach a I'tago when an oper ation is necessary. But most of tho common ailments are not the surgical ones; Uioy are not caused by Bcrious displacements, tumors or growths, al though tho symptoms may appear tho samo. When disturbing ailments first appear, tako Lydia E. Pink ham's Vegetable Compound to re liove tho present distress and pre vent more serious troubles. Many letters have beon recoived from wo men whohavobeen restored to health by Lydia E. Finkham's Vegetable Compound after operations have been advised by attending physicians. Mr s.Ed wards Avoids Operation Wilson, N. C. " For nbout a year I was not ablo to do anything, not even my housowork, because of tho pains in my sides and tho bearing down pains. I could only lie around tho houso. Tho doctor said nothing but an operation would help me, but I tried different medicines which did Ivdla B. PhiKlmm's Private Toxt-Bonlc upon " Ailments Peculiar to Women " will be sent you frco upon request. Writo to tho Lydia K. PlnUIiain Medicine Co., Lyuu, MasaacUubctUja This book contain valuable Information CONSTIPATION Take a good dose BARTERS IITTLE IVER PILLS At the Seaside. Little Letty was asking tiuestlons of the old boatman on the beach. "What ure those ships?'' she asked. "Oh, they're men-o'-wnr, missy," nn Mvorod the old salt. "Woally! And what are those teeny weeny ones In front, please?" "They're tugs," wiim the answer. "Of course!" exclaimed Letty, look ing very wise; "tugs-of-wttrl I've heard of them before 1" London Mir ror. Transmission. Sue "Ho actually blushed after ho had kissed me." Lou "My denr, you shouldn't apply your rouge so thickly." Judge. Fortune smiles on some, but they're not so lucky If the smile broadens Into a laugh. You can stop a stream by damming II, but you can't Mop an automobile that way. One may drcsy as If he were younger, perhaps, but better make the limit ten yea I'M. Pity the ninn whirls unable to distin guish between his friends and his ene mies. Confldenco Is the companion of suc cess. imm r Nidht ." Morning m eeoYbur EVes Cloon -Cloor " Hoalthy Writ for ! It' Car UooM nunna to.uncogo.ui UfVl H 3 Cough Following "FLU" Check it Today! WITH FOLEY'S EttablUhtd UTS WATCH THE BIG 4 Storaach-Kidneyi-Heart-Liver Keep the vital organs healthy by regularly taking the world's atandardremedy for kidney, liver, bladder and uric acid troubles LATHROP'S &f nil I k mi. HAARLEM OIL ISEEITT1 The Notional Remedy of Holland for centuries. At all druggists in three sizes. Guaranteed as represented. Look for tit nam Gold Mod! on mtrj box and accept no imitation no good, until my sister Insisted on my trying Lydia E.I'lnkhnm's Vegetable Compound. She said thero was nothing liko it I know that alio was right, for I began to improve with tho first bottlo and it has dono mo more good than anything clso. I am ablo now to do anything on tho farm or in my home and I recommend it to my fricnds."--LiLLiu Edwards, R.F.D. 3, Box 44, Wilson, N. C. Another Operation Avoided Akron,Ohio. " I can nover praise Lydia E. Pinkham'o Vegetable Com pound too highly for what it has dono lor mo. I had sucli pains and weak ness that tho doctor told mo nothing but nn operation would help mc, But my mother had taken tho Vegctablo Compound and sho told mc what it had done for her. and so I took it and I am glad to tell every ono that it made mo a strong woman, nnd I havo had two children sinco then." Mrs. R. G. Westoveb, 325 Grunt Street, Akron, Ohio. of Carter's Little Liver Pills dORVN ED;4r then take 2 or 3 for a few nights af ter.They cleanse your system of all waste matter and Regulate Your Bowels. Mild as easy to take as SUgar. Genuine bear tlenatute yaJ&ZZG Small Pill. Small Dose. Small Price. On the Avenue. First Mule Stroller "These twins have fine figures." Second Mnlo Stroller "Yes, tibout n million each." Life. True. "Is tho Sahara desert good for any thing?" "Well, you can write novels about It." (I Cuticura Talcum is Fragrant and Very Healthful Soap 25c, Ointment 25 end 50c, Talcum 25c. PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM tterooTMPmaruB-KtopiIlilrFiUUnH RftAlorei Color and I Beauty to Cray anil Faded Habl fK.anqviui'ruirEiu. ntaftix Chrpj. Wfca. l'atf lioiif,ri.T-; HINDERCORNS Remon Con. Cat. Iouot. eie., nop all Ftla. rmurei comfort to the frit, inaktt wnlklnr .. Ito. by mall or at Drue Clita IIIkox L'btmlcal Work raUtupia. M. X, W. N. T, LINCOLN, NO. 71923L kWllV