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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 22, 1923)
RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA, CHIEF imamrwuuuimiijinmj i muintimwno. it i t- U i; J '? J Yi A & St. A Hi X '. . n r If. HP G TOLD , K3KKKKXltKJSKKX3 1 (Iiivjiik: liii'.L'.'iwiiUi .-i4-i.mir3Ejcj'Muxmjc?nrwap d rv y 11 MViJ 10 to GO1 Discount l8iuloic .,' mtusoti t'ortl Cmpe. C.n.a. Fierrlck Is driving Chevrolet Coupe. it IV a ne.v 'ilai ' i' 1f f.niini1 r- i in r t. l.iii t .ii,. ,. n ,!, ,,! ,, in hi' pi. ,1 ItiUrrtiiMiitrrt Tn.V in o..i "Jiljili. I .j i, 111. on bl Miff ,i I, t I., , !I .i 1 I ilMetlmmM A. IIOSPB CO.. Oniah.t, Nclir. Vox n Ytar, N'ctirankiN Munle Center wsnntccRnn tamnua ! vd ivn -. l' SJtton teturii t to ihcir home in t.otiione Saliir- y 'no "mg on tn n ! sifter aeml ,u no in... . il . licit1 r.y iih tK r puvnt and with friends. County Attorney TI. S. Uloumington Tul iv. iu was in Roy Hetbcrgor f Kenesaw Sunday liere with Lift parents. spent Wm Ihrtin went to IT-u tiuir- Si urdnv m rnintr to rerd the du An oil meeting will bo held tonight til the Commercial Club rnms. C. K. Atkinson was a passenger to .Jllue Hill Tuesday morning on train i. C. 1!. Lincoln Steward was a passenger to Monday morning on train 1. A baby girl arrived at the home of Mr. and Mrs. II. Yost Thursday mom ing. Jack Masters of Holdrege spent Sunday here with Jay and Buster Kd-dy. Miss l'eart Pope whs a passenger to Cincinnati, Ohio, Friday morning on No. 1G. A baby boy arrived at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Clair Wolfe Thursday evening. Ca Ii Scriuier ..inl h .-..-tor, Mis. M i.., attended th" fi nor.. I of a reta in e at Lebanon, Kansas, Motidaj afternoon. Ed Aubushon 1 .'(tiled his hou-cholu r:-o-!H out Tuewhy for Stnplelott near h'ch place h !nlondi in iltittg hi fu ture home. Oiiwr .Wolfe arrived heio from Me C'ok Sunday morning to spend the day. Ho icturned to McCTook on No. 1" that evening. Mr. Clias. Ilrubaker leit for I'hoo nix, Arizona, Thursday moining on train 15 where she intends making her future home. T. C. Swartz returned home Tues day morning on No. 15 from St. Joe where he went Sunday morning iu charge of a shipment of stock. Mr. and .Mr.v !'. A Turnuro went to Oni.'ha Monday morning wheie they will spend u few days attending tho meeting of. the 1 'coloration of Nebras ka Retailors being held there this week W. G. Hamilton tclurned home l-'ii-day afternoon friisi Omaha whcie ho has been for the pant few d.iy.s at" tending a meeting of the Nebraska Uotoilers Asportation li"M there lnfll wee':. Mrs. (.'litis. Strong l etui nod to ho homo at I'ulhertson Thursday morn ing after spending a couple of days hero visiting i 1 the home of Dr. and Mrs. K. A. Cieiglitui and with other fr'ends. Mrs Hoy Stevens icturned to her home at Hastings Thursday morning on train t after spending a couple of days here visiting with relatives. Clyde Frazier is able to be at his school duties again after an illness of two weeks. Mrs. Dick Lewis went to Guide Rock Saturday morning to spend the day with friends. The Red Cloud High School basket ball team will .play the Eckley team here Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Ivor Murrell of Fair bury spent Sunday here with Mr. and Mrs. L. V. Watkins Mrs. Andicw Saladcn arrived hero Sunday morning on train 1G to spend the day visiting with i fiends, return ing to her home in Alma tht't evening. Phil Trnul left for Iceland, Colo rado, Thursday evening where he wiil spend a couple of weeks at the home of a brother of his living in that city. Miss Ann Kanney anived here Fri day evening from Hnsfngs for a short visit with her patents, Mr and Mrs. A. 1). Kanney She teturncd to her sclnol work in Hastings Sfturday evening. KAUMIJItS' I MON LOCAL Li ii IM'KKHslJ'M, PUOCPAM 3-3-?.-3a.33iafTl.-5i-$-3i m Recitation Recitation Recitation Recitation Song Address Mr. and Mrs. Paul Coulson tiuloed down from McCiok Sunday morning to spend the day bete visiting at the homo of her giandparent, Mr. and Mrs. A. Clfik Thcv returned home that evening. Mrs. John Topham leturned home Sunday morning from Wray, Colo rado, where she has been spending the past few dr.ys visiting with relatives. J. C. Crawford, fuel inspector for the Burlington from Chicago, has been here for the past couple of days at tending to mutters in connection with his work. Mrs. Mose Carmoncy of McCook is here visit'ng for a few days with her mother, Mrs. A. Cox. One cnrload of cattle were shipped from her" Tuesday morning to the 'Kansas' City market. Mrs. Walter Warren and daughter, -Mis? .LiPa, went to Hastings Wednes day mailing on train 1. Mr. and Mrs. Dan Brosimts wc-ic passengers to Si rTTgeton, Wyoming, Monday morning on train 1. Frank Kllinger went to Kansas City Tuesday morning to spend a few days attending to business mijtters. Mrs. Frank Amack left for Council Bluffs, Iowa, Friday nurning on train 4 where she will spend a few days vis iting with her daughter, Mr. Max Marshall. Gene Bush went to McConk Tuesday morning on train 15 to take the tele graph operators examination wh'ch ho pas-cd succc.-sfully. He will snend a few tlavs at home before going to work as telegrapher. Mr. and Mrs. K. A. Mitchell return ed to their home in Akton, Colorado, Friday evening after spending the past few days here visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Hauck and with other friends. Mr. and Mrs. 1l. C. GcllaCly return ed home Monday evening from Omaha where they have been spending the past few days attending a meeting held there by Nebraska Lumber Deal ers and visiting with friends. Leslie Elmoic returned' to St. Louts Monday morning on train 14 after s ending the past several weeks here visiting with his parents, Mr. and Mif. Henry Elmore. C. B. C.'slor, route agent lor the American Railway Express from Ha.-t ings, spent a few hours in this city Friday attending to matters in connec tion with his work. Has Anyone Laughed At You Because F. A. Grasbosch ami Margaret Dav is, both of licbanon, Kansas were married by Judge Ranney ITowhy. Mr. and Mr.;. J. W. Hauck and Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Mitchell went to Hast ings Friday moining on No. I to .spend the day. Five carloads of hogs and two car of cattle to K-insas City and two cars of hogs to St. Joe comprised the stock shipments from bore Sunday morning for tho M'ssouri river markets. Thom as SwartH, 11. S. Roundtree and A. J. Whetsonc went to Kan-as City Sun day morning in charge of the stock shipped from here. At a meeting of the Rcbckuh logde last Thursday evon'ng five new mem bers were initiated after which tho membor.-i had an enjoyable time and a lunch was served. Mrs. C. 15. Crone returned to Hast ings Wcdne.idav moining on train 4 after spending the past few days hoic vidting rt the home of her daughter, Mrs. Frank Peterson. PUYSER You are dissatlsficd7 "Noth ing suits you'' 1ms been llred n't you. "Will you ever lie content?" lias been burled at you, hasn't It? At any rati1 you tiro not one to .stick In a rut. You are oust ing ubiiiit fur tin1 future, .u want something better. These laughers will bo right though, unless your dlfsajlsfactioii takes Its hupe In intloii rather than In growliiiKx. SO Your Get-away Here Is: To believe that actions speak louder than (jrouchlng and get up and move heaven and earth to alter what you hate to endure. (,y h 1 'Iuih Ni n), i in r Hjmllrate ) Sale ARMY SHOES-Salc Playr.r Piano at a Bargain: -v hiivea plwyer plnno in good condition that ono of our customers was unable to finibh paying for, that we will plnce free of chnrge In tho home!of any satis factory customer In tho vicinity of Red Cloud who will pay the halmice In wish or easy payments. Write (J ASTON MUSIC . FlIUNlTI'ltECO , Hustings, Nebraska. Farm Loans. Read This. I am iu the farm loan business and inn tanking (pilto a success of it for vurioiiB reasons. I have the very low est rate of Interest going and by all odds the best option oll'ered. There is no delay in closing a loan, us it is practically dosed tho moment the application is made. I liavo curtain advuntHKOs tlmt enables me to save iiniiiy of you I nun $'20 to $:i0 in negntl. iiting the loan You gut the entire faeo of the loan, as no portion of it is Held out in advance. .1. II. BAILIE. Elmer Mitchell arrived here Thurs day morning on No. 1 1 from Akr 'i, Colorado, fvr a counlo of days visit at tho home of Mr. and Mr.-. J. W. Hauck and with other friends. FARM FOR S. LI'" :-Tho Soul Invest Quarter of Section 17, Township '.', North of Range ., West of the nth Principal Meridian in Webster county, Nebrnska Land is funned by ,1. M. Ilwlings--For fiulher piutiuulars tid dress Liet. 0. E. CnimritiP, McCook Field, Dayton, Ohio We have just boujjbt a trcinciulous stock Df Army Mniison last sbocs to be soli! to the public direct. Price $2.7& Tlicc sbocs vre .100 per cent solid i j leather wjtb heavy double soles sewed I and nailed. The Uppers are of heavy j tan chrome leather with bellows touj'uc, thereby making theni waterproof. These ' shoes arc selling very fast and wc ad- j vise you to order at once to insure your order bcinjj filled. The sizes arc'fi to 11 all widths; Pay Postman on icceipf of floods or .send money order. Money refunded if shoes arc not satisfactory. THE U. S. STORES CO. 1441 Broadway, New York City Kerltatioti GoitiMle The Making of Friends - . . Loy..l Cramer A llroad View .. . . Matgarcl lloom Compensation Opal Cramer Selected Hazel Mitchell The Difference Quartet Fishing -.. .. Mr. Stout r 'Ho Fa.mor and Hi Taxation Problem Song .... .. . Quartet Selected Ilcpoit of Legislative Committee Iteport of Delegate Cowley, to Omaha l invention. This program was given by tho Highland Farmers' Union Local last Friday night, the 2Gth. The writer of this article was one of the visitors and to say that we were entertained, i no name for it, we were enraptured and enthralled by the snontaneous cleverness of every one present to make one feel at home. The applause they gave the different numbers on the program was enough to make one think that it was indeed a grand suc cess. The recitations were of the highest order ami were well delivered and the song, "Fishing," oh, boy! that male quartet lias a future. Facing the facts, that our local un ion programs have been fewer in num ber and less interest shown, it was t real ttcat to meet with a real live local once more, ami from the interest shown by the young people of the community, they need have no fear of the social life of tho Farmers Union in that vicinity. In the tux problem taken up that evening, let me quote Representative Henry F. Kaincy of Illinois, who in an addtcss to the farmers said that the Federal Taxes fiave increased from forty-six cent per capita to $30.00 in the last sixty-five years. En'. 'mating that the National Budget will continue at approximately $3,000,000,000 (and indications arc that this amount of Federal Taxation will increase rather than dccicase.) Snace' forbids that wc take more of our editor's type, but let it bo said that all the bright lights di not shino in Washington, D. C that Nebraska has its share right here at home and Webster county is doing her lint to the world brighter and we be live with "Ciuie" that "day by day" n every way, the world is growing better and bettor. A giod report of the State Convcn ticn was given by Charles Cowely, a delegate to the State Convention and his opinion is that our .late convcn ti ins are growing, belter and better, in fact, ths convention was called "The bet ever" convention. You will have noticed that I have used the word "convention" six tines in the lust few sentences. This is t remind other delegates that wc would like to hear from them. Gne u.s your views and opinions of how we osn better cur convent on both state and county and the officers of these organizations will do all tiiey can t make th's "the farmers' jubilee ear" of 1!)23. A. Ij. STONEll, County Pre.A . . y,f - - j " &&-'-fr;-v - s s -ss-j.vx WwL- aWfeW -"Mk1-' ' (f W (?) 'ft 9) 9) m ftf-nx1 OUR PRICES MEAN mm wmwmw s Buying your Grocery needs here brings more than a momenlnry saving. It bringn n saving in health and strength as well as addrd values in energy. Purity is the watchword of this store. All the food-stuffs wc handle must be measured up to our high standard of quality or they do not reach our shelves. P. A. WULLBRANDT Groceries and Queensware id m in m m au 4W mc-vj aS3S3333333333333& SECOND ANNUAL SPRING SALE, FEB. 27-28, 1923. TWO DAYS, ONE CATTLE ONE HOGS To be held at the Fair Grounds at Nelson. Rain or shine on above dates. Wc arc pleased to present this offering to the buyers at our Sec ond Annual Spring Sale as it is otic that will be a credit to the As sociation. The consignors are all reliable men and guarantee the buyers a square deal, and furthermore there will be no by-bidding; everything listed is to sell. Sale wU1 be held in comfortable quarters and lunch will be provided at noon each day, so come early and spend the day and be sure to bring the boy along. 1 The cattle, which will be sold the first day, consist of the most popular blood lines; are growthy, not pampered and will do the buyer lot of good. All are tuberculin tested and sold subject to a 60-day rctest under conditions stated in the contract. A select offering of sows and gilts and a few boars make up the offering for the second day. They arc bred right; arc a real bunch of producers and arc of the big stretchy type which produce big litters and arc market toppers. All arc cholera immuncd. THIRTY FIVE HEAD OF CATTLE Dulls Females 16 Shorthorn 10 Shorthorn Cows and Heifers 4 Polled Sborthorn 2 Polled Shorthorn Cows 2 Red Polled 1 Red Polled Cow Several of the cows have calves by. side and all females will prove a good buy for the boy or for the old man cither. Wc know that the bulls will please anil they will make good to the buyer. SECOND DAY OF SALE, ABOUT 10 HEAD OF HOGS Twenty head of Poland China hogs and .1 similiar number of Duroc Jersey; three Chester Whites and three head of Hampshire make up the offering for the second ilays sale. Thcte arc a few boars consigned -one Duroc Jersey, three Polands and three Jlamp shires. These hogs have been selected f i om the best herds of the country and are o. k. in every respect. 1$ Write Lawrence Smith at Superior for Catalogue. Col. J. C. Price will conduct the auction and he will bcassistcd by Cols. Henderson, C. M. Livingston and John Waldrou. . 6., fcw. reMiaTi'.MmM!iii'omniiim ItlJltAL CAUKIEU EXAMINATION Dr.W.H.McBride DENTIST OVBU STATE HANK ci? n Red Cloud y Nebraska MOTHER LOVE TRIUMPHS OVER RECKLESS MODERN YOUTH IN SILVER WINGS THE GREATEST MOTHER LOVE PICTURE EVER SCREENED. MARY CARR, WHO PLAYED MOTHER PART IN "OVER THE HILL" REPEATS HER TRIUMPH IN "SILVER WINGS," WHICH IS RATED IJV CRITICS AS BEING f)0';', BETTER THAN "OVER THE HILL." AT THE- BESSE AUDITORIUM RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY FEBRUARY 28 and MARCH 1 10c 20c Tax Includod KIUST SHOW BEGINS 7:!10. GET IN EARLY. Tho United Staio.s Civil Service Comini nun ha announced an cxumln lion to be held at Red Cloud, Np briwka, on March 10, 1023, to fill the potion of rural carrier at Red C.'loui. i.nd vacancies that may occur on rural loutcs from that post office. The silary of a inral carrier on a standard daily wagon route of 21 miles is $1,800 per annum, with an additional ?J0 per mile per annum for each mile or major fraction thereof in excess of 21 miles. The salary on motor loutes ranges from $2,-t.r)0 to $2,G00 per an num, according to length. Separate examinations for motor routes and wagon routes arc no longer held. Ap pointments to both positions will be made from the same register. The examination will be open only to citizens who arc actually domiciled in the territory of tin; p)st office where the vacancy exists antl who meet the other requirements set forth in Form 1977. Both men and women, if quali fied, may enter this examination, but appointing officers have the lognl right to specify the .-ex desired in re questing certification of eligibles. ' Women will not bo considered lor , rural carrier, appointment unless they arc the widows of U. S. soldiers, sail ors, or murines, or the wives of U. S. soldiers sailors, or marines who nrc ( physically disqualified for examina-1 tion by reason of injuries icccivcd in the line of military duty. Form 1077 and application blanks may ho ob tained from the offices mentioned above of from the United States Civil ' Service Commission at Washington, D. C. Applications should ho for warded to the Commission at Wash ington, D. C, at the earliest practic able date. ANNOUNCEMENT Webster County Bank WE WISH to announce thai wo have opened up a sav ings department in our bank Tor the use of the child ren, adults and every one. Thrift and saving' is something that lias been neglected. We kindly invite' you to take advantage of this sav ings idea and make tins your- banking home with your . savingsno matter how small, you are alwas welcome. A saver is a hustler and we are for both. Bank with u.s and you can bank on us. ; We welcome every child in the community to become j a customer i,f this new department. . I THE WEBSTER COUNTY BANK j ramMinmimTiiimniiM (f IE DG 3E DC 35SE WE ARE SHOWING NEW SPRING HATS & CAPS THIS WEEK See our Display in our South Window. New Stetson Blocks in the New Spring Shades. WE HAVE ALSO RECEIVED MANY NEW & FOR MEM AMD YOUNG MEN SEE THE MEW SPORTS The Cowden-Kaley Go. Co., i u AhveL-ys Reliable II DtSlI ljll k