The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, February 22, 1923, Image 10
.rU , RED CLOUD. NEBRASKA. CHIEF M H M I THE RED CLOUD CHIEF Red Cloud, Nebraska PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY Entered In the I'ostorllco nt Hod Cloud, Neb i Second ui&M Matter A. D.'McARTHUR-; Editor urn! Owner Garfield Community Church School. Subject: Ills Opponents.'1 10 n. in., Sunday "Jesus Answering Ln. 'JOilO-'JO, 31:1-4. 11 n. in., Sermon: "The Inllueucc of J ho Itiblu on Civilization." 7:30 n. m. Young Pooplcs Program iind Public Discussion oti "How SIihII Our Community Spend $2.',0(X)'.'" 'k'lfi p. m., Suitnou: -"Tito Commun ity Movement nud tin; Community Church in America." The Chorus meets Saturday evening In the homo of Mr. and Mm. Utorge Drake for work on the Muster An thorns. A full attendance of the uhtiruh Is deslioil. Special services Iihvc been prepared for both morning and evening of Easier Dtiy l'lun your Etistor In atl vatico so its to be present ut both ser- Congregational Church Notes j.J; publu (Uhciu(jlmi topUl fnr Sllll. riav cvenlnir will be of no little inlcr- Advertsing Races Forolrtn. per column Inch 15c i LocaI. I2H&I5 Sunday School 10 a. in. Morning service 11 a. in. Evening service 7:30 p. in Everyone welcomo to thoscurvieai Enrlish Lutheran Church Regular services every first and third Sunday in the month in the Adven'ist church at 11 n. m. 0. R. lleinitz, Pastor! est. A study of the conditions unti -needs of our Community will be made so as to more Intclllffetitly work for advancement along nil lines. The evening Sermon will be a brief history of the Community movement and will answer the question, "What is a Community ChurohV" Orvilic 0:mpbeU Harold Doyle and Bdgur Mclntvh went to Kansas City Jfrujsday. morning in charge of the stock shipped from here. 7 -LI NEW GOODS WE HAVE RECEIVED A BEAUTIFUL LINE OF Dennison's Wax Outfits lor Correspondence Beads Jewelry Decorations Dennison's Crepe Paper, Plain and Decorated Folds Doll Outfits Place Cards And Many Other Dainty Novelties CHAS. L. COTTING, ?? LOCAL ITEMS OF THIRTY YEARS AGO Hurry Ileal made a shoit stop in the city this week. Mr. Rutledge has bought the John, son properly. Wm. Crabtll came home from West Virginia this week. The meadow larks and robbtns ure here, and 60 is spring we bopo. Harry (table and Charley Rnnney went west Tuesday night in search of wealth Mrs. A. C. Hostner entertained a few friends on Thursday evening in honor of Miss Anna Randall. I.) wight .Tones is going to movo to Guide Rock where he expects to en gage in the hardware business. One hundred emigrant cats, loaded with all classes of onlgrant goods, huvo passed westward in tho last ten days, Between eight and ten have un loaded in Red Cloud, and we believe with the proper "get up" of our real estate agents, many more oould be In duced to stop here. Our real estate men ought to be embued with a spirit of advertising their goddrf far and wide, that those who desire to,- come west might know that Webster is the best county in the state, Christian Church Notes 10 YKARS AOO days Nel-legal "JJi1 kindly iilfectlonod one to an other with brotherly low; In honor prefcrriru! ouo another; not slothful in business; fevorcnt In spirit; serving thoLoid." Sunday School 10 a ut. Morning Worship II n. in. Christian Endeavor 0130 p. m At 7:30 wo will unite witli the other churches of the town In worship at the Brethren Church, Let's all support this splendid movem nt. Christian Endeavor is gi owing. All young people not attending services elsewlieie ate cordially invited here In order to be foursquaie men and women you need this spiiitunl training Hiong with your secular oducatiou. The Missionary Society will meet with Mrs. Oitude Nelson 741 Cedtr St., Friday afternoon at. n .00. C. O. Nelson, Pastor. Allen lllackleige is visiting his sister in Illinois. (it-orge Trine is spending a few in 10 n, Kansas. Attorney J. S. llilham went to sou, Tuesday, to attend to some business Mr.. Rufus MikBch, after spending some time in Holdrege, visiting, has returned home. Miss Allison Cowden spent Saturday' in Superior visiting at the home, of Postmaster St inc. ' Mi a. John Weesticr and baby are pending the week in Superior at the' home of her pareuts. JJruce Deckwilh was called home from Tlilln, Ohio, by the death of his father, Solomon Heck with Miss Belle Spauoglu returned' home Saturday from Denver whore she1 'had Baptist Church Sunday school at 10 a, m. Morning Service II a. m. Subject: "The Value of Persounf Service," The Lord's Supper will be observed at the morning service. No evening service, hh we join the Churches in Union Service at the Brethren church. Sermon by Rev. Nelson. Union Prayer Meeting of the chur ches at the Brethren oh'ufch on Wed nesday eveniug at 7:Uo. Above plan of Union Services was adopted at the pastors meeting and will continue indefinitely. Cordial invitation to nil. I W. Edson, Pastor. r "H Why Keep Advertising? Whin Your PLUMBING OR WIRING Goes Wrong phone us We make a specialty of quick Repair work, keeping always ready the materials for immediate service. Or if you have new work that you wisli us to figure on wc will be very glad to submit prices. ,... Our work is guaranteed to give you satisfaction, and if you are not pleased in every way wc will spare neither time nor cost to make it right. Lrt Nelson AtTrine's Hardware been to attend brother-in-law. the fuucral of her ARE WITH YOU SATISFIED YOUR RANGE? Sometimes people put up with incon veniences and get along with a range that is not entirely satisfactory because they have become used to it. We would suggest that you come and see the one we have selected for our customers. GEORGE W. TRINE F. G. Turuure, who last woek pur chased his brother's interest in; the 11 rm of Turuure Bros., has taken Ids son, Floyd, into partneiship with him aud the new iirm is now to bo known as FVG. TurnuTc & Sou. i , .. . ! I County School Notes i , B,y County Superintendent. Dr. Dillon of the State Board of Health is calling for such reports as reunited by law to bo s'.uiin the tlrst mouth of tchoo. The law requires some provision be made for examining tho physical condition of tho child ren. This is Mippo.sed to be made by teacher unless tiie community desires something better and is willing to pay for It. The teachei, even if inexperi enced (mu locate any trouble that is very liml and t lie doctor does the ad vising when tho trouble is found. .Mrs. Emily lloruberger of the Mur om of Child Weliiuc sent out two sheets lor gathering data for the state from the teachers. Up to date only the following have been loud enough to bothet about it: K-3 (l-.S-il it) 1,' 10-1S '1-2 '2.1 'Jii :i:M.,i.i7.iit.ri.ri,.'..,"i-(n.7r.77. Of couif-o tin' teachers are overdone with it-polls but nil of thctn seem necessary and after all they do not lake uch un excessive amount of time I am xeuilliig to -Mrs. Hornberger for more reports so that any who havuIo-t or misplaced thelis can get olhcis. , S, Docker. Dan (larbcr arrived home from Liu coin this morning to spend a few days looking after his farm. Summons by Publication defendants, to.wlt: - The Gregg. Charles B. Kysor', all When business is slack why Advertise? Did you ever notice that it take s time and persistence to accomplish anything worth while? You can't advertise today and expect lo find your store crowded tomor row, unless you have through constant advertising educated the public to read your ads. .. The rjiajprity of people are slow to act. You have to tell them the same thing over and over again before they will heed your message. Advertise now for the business to do next month-it is the effect that brings results. you hope cumulative The Red Cloud Chief 11, lem, to-wtt: Mason uregg, uuaries 11. f yser, all persons having or claiming KVl ly interest in Lots Four (il and Five f ), in Block Thiitecn (ID) nf tho Vill- fj Mason persons having or claiming. any interest in Lots' Pour (4) and Five (5), ii Block thirteen, (III) of the Village of, Guide Rock, Webster County, Nebraska, real names unknown, will take notice that or. the 20ih day of February, 1923, that Ralph W. McCallum aud JcsaieMcCal- lutu tiled their petition of the, .District. I Court of Webster Couuty, Nebraska, the object and prayer of whioh is that i their title in and to Lots' Four (4) and Five (5) in Block Thirteen (l3)in the Village of Guide Rock, Webster Couu- tyrNcbrasku, be quieted aud coiiiit til ed iu them, and that u ccitain deed re corded in Book K at pages 512 nod 04.3 roAhe.County Clerli'd recordsof Web ster County, Nebraska, be cancelled and that the cloud on1 plaintiuV title by reason of said deed be removed, aud that the defeudauts"nnd each of them, to-wit: Mason (Sregg, Charles It Ky any (5). age of tluide Rock, Webster County, Nebraska, be restrained and enjoined from in any manner interfering with encumbering, oonwying or clouding the plaiutillV title or in any manner interfering with the possesion thtro. of, and that said defendants mined LjH and designated herein lie excluded ,!, J fioui having or claiming any ilgh', 'W title or interest in suid real et'itc ami !jj for an order iiiiUiuiUing seivlcu by 'X publication on sml defendants, and for jr.M siK-h other and turther telicl' as may '; lie just and equitable W Von aio required to answer tnld poll 'jM lion on or before Motility the 1(1 day ( f -J April. I'.'i'l. or judgment will he enter- f e 1 accordingly. , ' Dated l'ebniary 27. 1 1)2.1. Ralph W MeCiiUum, J Jessie McCallum. Ity F, .1. Muudiiy, Their Attorney Dr. W.H.Mc Bride ocNTimr OVER, STATE BANK Red Cloud Nebraska Dr.R. Y. Nicholson DENTIST Red Cloud, Soat'Ss&rSlH'! m,mmj& i'!l ?Ll8pg3gSl35?l Taffeta Silk Dresses Grace Church Notes Friday, Miircli 2nd Evening Pray er aud Address at 1:15 p. in, Tli id Sunday in Lent Sunday School at 10 a. m. Holy Communion at II a. in. Vesper Service at l::iu. Wednesday, Mai eh 7 th. Evoning Prayer and Address at b p. in. Union Evoning Service "at Brethren church at 7:30 p m. Sunday VWWWAV, '" Place Your Coal Orders Now Player Piano at a Bargain: -Wo i have a player piano iu good condition thlil one ot our customers was unable to iinisli paying for, that wo will place free of charge in the hotnejof any satis factory customer iu the vicinity of Red Cloud who will pay the balance in cash or easy payments Write 0 ASTON MUSIC .t Fl'HNITUUECO., Hustings, Nebrnslia. Don't Fill It. A liot-water buttle should never be reull.v llllcd. 'If It Is to be put In a bed to wnrm It have It only about thre-tiwrter i:ll. By a fortunate purchase got a small lot of the Newest Silk Dresses at a discount by taking the lot. So am passing this on to my customers. Prices start at S9.7S up to $15 in the Taffetas. This' will be the Leading Silk for Girls for Spring Wear. .BARBARA PHARES 1L fctc-rt" ST - " Jl The Malone-Gellatly Co. WWVAftViVVVVVVW.V.rU Ices the Child. A little girl who had recovered rrom the whooping cough rcinurked thut she was glad she didn't die of it, because "God would not like little coughing aligns." Boston TmiiscripL THE Sarcophagus or stone coffin, has been used by the more civilized peoples since the days of the early Egyptians. Its successor today is the NorwalU Vault. Luxuriantly carved and painted were the sarcophagi of the Greeks and Romans, but the Norwulk Vault of moulded granite combines quiet dignity with its rugged strength. Scaled by hand, within the grave, it becomes one solid piece of eternally protecting masonry. For every funeral: THE NORWALK VAULT All Good Undertakers Recommend the Noncalk the Best INSIST upon it' MET CALF & BRINKMAN Local Msnufsctuiers Office at Bailey's Tie Barn JH- -is -' Ncbrask i i ...ji i i