11ED CLOUD, NEBRASKA OX1UM n ,' STIl UNCLE DUD SHOOT "Red Cloud wins over Colorado $pings, 238 to 227. Wc hojic to rnvo ;t'd)iy. attendance of shooters, Kcb.u itj 18th, as wo w 11 shoot ngairst f)(RiYer, f'olorado, and thoy have clg. t Ijnq i a meny shooter to pick tt o 5 Jijtli'est scores i'rom, come your elf add briiif? a Bhootcr with you i s wo sjtfit pull Denver out of 1st place Denver (Colo) Time", Mouthy Feb ruary, 12, 1923) Standing of Clubs , K LUJJH-- Poaver . ... Pooblo .. J.2 . Vrt C 111ns No: th lialte LU SVil.O . .. Trin'.dftil .. RI Cloud . . Wen Lo.t Pot ..4 1 .ttOO ..A 1 .809 .. 3 2 .(i'JO .. ,'i 2 .r;oo 2 .GCO ?. a .coo ...2 K '100 . .3 4 ..T.'3 . 0 0 00 i Calm do Springs . -.3 WrarMt . .-. tr.tz hicblo yo tordny knocked Fort C 1 tftn ut .of U e tic for lead in the third nhnua.1 Uncle Did telegraph trophy tra.sho t seric- now proceed ing itmbr tVe fl'roction cf the Den ver Times and The Rocky Mountain News. Denver defc ted Trinidad and thereby rcmi'ncd tied for the lead "otli Pueblo. csi.ciday' r.c -ea were: Pueblo 210, Fort Coll ns 2'19. Rod Cloud 23S, Colorado Spr.jig. 217. "' Denver 231. Trinidad 223 Louiivillo 22l) Win.- 17-5. Vol Ih Pintle hud an opon date. It wan a bitter defeat for the C 1-I'fi.-Jto-, reigning rh. mp'on of the several -aU.Us, to have engaged in the contest over the three seasons it has been conducted. 0'ie Perfect Score. PUEBLO AtacOaffrce Holmes . . tw?e .. Sthnntcl . . i toniK . .. 50 1'J . .18 .. -17 ... 40 210 Totals , HED CLOUD Chek famon Kuiloy . ......... .Pitcr&ou . " "V&U DENVER 14. L. Smith Derby ... Townscml . .. 40 48 48 47 j 4( i 238 40 47 , 4 - 4B , - 44 231 j Lnff cbeth - TolalH -.. LOUISVILLE tohne 40 La Sallo Lowry . 4(1 44 42 42 furini -. lor7.eJli '.u.. TotalH ..520 MICKIE SAYS lit' ! tU' D tHKT GtTS tW eiFP AHWViHwrwoj' sajjxuoeus tvuo Bvrsow A UU fiXM TVreU.VAOU.CR I esebx VT OOVW WOOA OP Wike A. Five oou-KR owe . I) fleMeveAvm, wore unokk ,r, V0E UOOWV. ftiTwess veit$m AOVClllSt tTfW. Yes, Garber's Is The Place! To Buy Wall Paper, Paints. And Electrical Supplies. The best place for Picture Framing. The Margin of Safety Is upret-ented by the amount of Insurance you curry Drtn'tlull yours !f into u fiincied teurlly o Recuisn fire has uover toiicheil you I ItdiV'sn'l folloH' tb .1 jnu'reu'iiiiiiine Toinor.n - no today, If you Imve Hiie and you better llnd time .critic ti the oftW hiji we'll wilt it'psiilcy ii i your liouso. fnri.,turo, slbji'o o- me clisiidiHO J-LAI'KR MY HIS TOp J.AI'L- C. TEEL 'Pv.eU.L?e lnsxirokico On Tuuiiday, Mutcn (ith, feuiiih I'.ion, .Superior will hold another bale of Poland China It rod sowb. Watch Ibis jopcr' for tul r. 1 f SI m swrtBUb v"j f' WWStfAQ V X , r0 C?yjJ " if mflSr " li!LJJ2 McC.affreo, for the PuebloaiiH, marked up a perfect scuc of fifty, the only one registered by any mem ( cr of nry club yesterday. The jingle bird .'(Hnntai'O over Schwn&s, h'gh jr. n for Fort C-llins, was Miffioicnt to turn to ti t 'ti favjr of the south en shooters Dcir.f.i sh it ig mucli below ex pected itandnrd'., but still a fraction higc" linn t ; average compiled b; foro Sti'day la , wm able to defc.it Trinidud, whKi team was held be low its goncnl average bv a high w nd that did ts best t bother the r.'ioolen. Hill IJ'.wnr n ' ml George Hurt, Den vcr professlrn I.i, wcie present to po form with L'e Fin and Feather flub rcitjirchent lives of Trinidad and the sm'ling Hi v man clipped off fifty stt night clay no , Hurt falling out short with a scorn of forty-niilc. Hod Cloud had a fine div of it, 1) nirlnjr off a 2)8 total wh'lo the op- ' t) itcnts for the day, 0 hado S ir ntr-, lird to bo atisficd with 227 and a do feat. Louisville, with 220 found it enough to win over Wray, b'ciusc the sm 11 club membersh'p of (he latter shout -ors leaves them r bout one man dm. t of proficiency to erect a totnl of usual size. Yostnrday's shooting generally war brlow Ih it "of n 'Cir ago, when Den ver kn eked off 217 on of 2B0. On the nrcas'on of the hUi slmot f Hie 1922 sc-'cs thtco perfect ycorer were mirkod up. Dcry rnd Thomi's of the Denver aggrctration wore iv spcii iblc f r two of them and Holircr of Colorado Springs rlso lUTietl'tei' himself with that figure. The s:ores: FOHT COLLINS SchwasH 40 48 .. . 48 .... . J7 . ... 47 239 48 .. 48 44 ri, . 14 .- 43 Sarcando.' Naylor ... Nunn .... . Chandler . Totals - COLO. SPRINGS Hilton Rohrer Mclntyre .... .........-. . Mark-heffel Robbins Totals . .. ...'227 4G . 46 40 44 .. .. 43 ,.. '.. 225 , 43 40 40 38 12 17? TRINIDAD Kcndrickr. M. Stant n F. SUnton Miller Gooden . Totals l WRAY Love .-.-. - K'mber .-. Drummond Buckcley Hawks Totals. .... Inavale Gives Essay Prizes r' ?"' . . Inavnle Local No. 202, will pffer1(B prlzn of II 00, 75o hiiiI B0 for tln;. three beit reports of the debute that it to be held Ht the FHroiejrs Uulon hull oa the nlglit of' Febrau'ry '22,' Washington's birthday. Yoir will notice the question for deftntu in another column. The contest Is open to nil high school stiidouls in the county, also the grHihss , If two or more students wish to join forci'H. compare noles and rnnkn a re port it will be accepted. Spelling, punoluiition hiuI h newsy article will be some of the factors in duo ding the reports. One of the ministers of Inn. vale nnd two of the IiIkI) suhool touch ers will grndo the pnpurs. Coplc should be in the hands of Ho v. David Simpson by blx o'clock Tuesday even iug tho 27. Don't be bashful just uoiii" to the dubato nnd bring your pud itml pencil and repoi t the eveniugs enter t'llnumnt just ns you sec it. While the pri.e money i-u't much the cxpciU unee you will Kiiiu will moro than puy you for your trouble. Let'n go with Coue and day by day in every way we will timke tln world tuiuhler und btiubtur. The program will Include a full line of inslnimenul music, recitations, and h short talk on social welfare Tho subject for debate "Resolved that the Vatious Farmers Orgaula- III. uis of Nebraslui Should I'nlto for Direct Political Aotlon." P. S. KssayB should be wiilteti on ouc siae of tho paper only. A L. Stoner, Pres. Altar Guild Play a Success 'The Trials of a Hostess," a three uct corned v nresouted at the Auditori um last Thursday evening, by the Altar Guild of Grace Kplscopal church, was well rendered and much appreci ated by the audience. Tliu cast of character! beiu lla.el l'owoll, the excited bosless; Virginia Auld. n. real society ladv: Helen Me.- I Neny, mi anient sfifrragotte; Miiirollit ! ".toclcman, a taotlexs uhntler liu., , Contrl.V ''lorance, a cytilcl and ilolclul 'old maid; Iiy May Ilardiiisn, tlie j htiinld Irili niaiil; Kitheiiuu Norn-, . seuri'liirj-iu'iifcurcr of ibo club; Irma Kuluden, the great warbler, ami I.r,;iu ! IJriJcy'.' a giet pianist j Uev S Uar tmTin'8peclttl ioiiitiitii. nnd tbtt Hed Cloud Ladieb Hand ubiuli Aero pgci.'lue- b-tw. on nuts wur i u. en red sevtiiNii tiitus ttiul always ret urii oa witli feoiiiutlilmi new. Fur X,1e: ReglMercil nampMio liiuud ijuws atul (llitk, at reasonable piiccs 75 head to plcU.fiom. yt mile east of Cowlos cemetery, Waller Dro's. Cowlea. '"i:T' ..... -.- . tf Her Mother's Daughter 4 Dy MYRA CURTIS LANE ,....... ... .... ...... .... ... ... , (. 1923. Wcitorn NtMipuprr Union.) "The girl means 'no harm, Donald, .She's joimg mid It's a lonely life here for her." Donald looked nt the priest with blazing ejes. "I brought her here to be away from the temptations o' the cities," he suld, "and I'll have her stay In the boose when I'm awa' at the farm work, and no be running round with village boys." Kather O'Sulllvan sighed. He knew Donald's history and what was tit the bottom of It nlL And there was no liiirm in Dorocn. A girl of twenty, with al a glrlVi longing for life, cooped up Inii nnull eountry village miles from anywhere! lust then Diueen was confronting Donald. Itvas the Hist time words of anger had ever passed between thein, though Donald had always been harsh and stern with her. "I'll no hae ye leave the house when I'm awa'." "Then I shall leave you. You have no right to treat me so." "Ye ken nothing of life. Th for your own good, Doreen. Ye dlniiu'ken what the world Is." "I won't be treated like a child for ever," said Doreen. Shis only knew that Donald bad been a harsh guardian to her since the death of that mother whom she could not remember. Itut Father O'StilllMin knew Donald' history. lie hud been engaged to Molra .Slump when, a jnung Highlander, he left to make bis fortune In America. After three years he hud sent Molrn the passage money. He mls'ied her nt the pier, but she came to his room that night nnd sobbed out her story of betrayal, beg ging his forgiveness upon her knees. In his fury Donald drove her forth. He forgot that they had pledged them selves to stand by each other through whatever evil might befall either of them. Once again Molrn caiiie to Donald's room, but that was two years later, when Donald had become a recluse. Molra was dying. She curried the lit tle girl In her arms and set her down on Donald's bed. "She hits no father nnd soon she'll have no mother," she snld. "I leqve her In your cure, Dnnnltl. It's the last thing I shnll ever ask of you." Donald always remembered the snow on Molru's' shawl. When he re covered from his surprise he would have called her back, but Molrn wan gone forever. A month Inter Dpunld learned. of her death. . iiJIe.broughtuprthe child InrUpnely prt.!.t. the (.country vwhere he 4hnd bought (Hriunll 'fVruv, vfacVt Waxc; polled tiiututbo nioter'nte.fhould never dtp the cid)i;jC Audday'W day, ns.he.-jHOWi.Molra'a, beauty "ileyelpplng tm Doreen, the. tug nt his heart' grew greater and he liwaino mqre jmrsb with her. ,t , He vns still a;.ouiigIsli inim forty two, but lilt luilr was graying! He had long since ruj himself off from life.. In her nnhappluess Doreen had begun to seel, the company of the village! boys. 1'iither O'Sullivun went to Donald. "You owi; her a bigger duty, Donald," lip said. "It's your task to tit her for the w orhli nn to hide her from the world." "If I hide her from the wot Id, 'tis heeaiiM' the world's evil," said Donald. Father O'SuIIImmi sighed and went, away. A week biter Doreen cunie to Donald. "I'm going awa.s," she said. "I'm go Ing to I hi town to earn my living." "What can ye do':" "Cook ami sliise," she retorted. "Ye'll never enuie bulk." "I don't want to eoiue luiek." She put on her hut and he watched her in silence. It was the old tragedy returning Into his life. Huw like her mother she was: She hulled at the door. She was crying. "I've never had an.v one but you." xhi' said, "and now jou're turn ing me nwnv. If jou cared for my iiinUier .vim wittihl be kinder to me." Dunuld stared at her. It might have been Molrn speaking. He stepped to ward her, his resolve melted. ( "Doreen, I I loved your mother. It's because you're mi like her that I I " He tool; her hands In his. "Doreen, I'll sell the farm and take you to the town If you'll marry me." She looked at him doubt fully. She knew so little of love. Hut Into Don aid's heart a tenderness Mowed that seemed as It were Molra' spirit re flected In hhn, softening hliu, "Doreen. I'll be gooft to .von." "Oh, Donald. I'm sure I'll nhvit.vs love j mi best." Donald was very glad. '1 lie problem of his life seemed Middenlj to have been solved. And this was Molra. this was the ftillllltuent of his love for her. London Society Eotaljllshes Precedent. The Worshipful I'ouipau.v of Ship wrights one of tho old cltj guilds or Lundou, bus broken all tii.ditluiis by milking seven women "tivuneV' of the' society. They are the wive of men distinguished In the shipping world, ami the honor U nccoided In rocng. allien of tuelr mn li,b,irf i ' i:.. !f of shlppll.tf IlHi i cot. CircumtUntlal Evidence. Jinx Did you hear thoo Smith scrapping again last night i Sitch.tcff r'.Me sciTCM'htv: 1 1' iimut have been heating her this Hum. Lynx Why, the. Smiths were out; that .was the fVd fueling wlthtithe radio. , " ""-"-- "-..........A That Was the j I Last Straw i .r I Dy MORRIS SCHULTZ (, 123, Wcxtrrn N'ewiiper Union.) Lucius Iliiggs walked heavily out o the directors' meeting. Ills look was complacent enough, his step was firm. his farewell suave, hut he knew Hint In an hour the story or his ousting from the company would he all over the Street. It meant final defeat. Ills enemies hud downed him and swept away tho elaborate but always tottering lliiunclal structure that he had retired, lie had Mtll all the money he reijtilnd. but the dream of wealth and fame had been shiitteied at his age. slxt.v, probably forever. He was relleetlng us he went back to bis olllee that they could live very nicely on twelve thousand u your. He thought of retiring. Only tlie love of the uimie still possessed htm. lie loved his olllce nnd the force he h.ul bullf up. They had nil been so loyul. lie was thinking of this ns he touched his hell for Ids stenographer. Miss Wilson .came In. She had been with htm live years, and he paid her sKi.v dollars a week. The was Indis pensable. "Well. Mary, they beat me." he said. Miss Wilson sluiilled her feet nerv ously. "Oh. Mr. llrlggt, I shall he leaving you the end of the month," she said. He looked at her In surprise, "net ting inurrled''" ".Vo." vhe blurted out. "I'm going to work for Adams fc Co." A silence followed. Then. "You sold me om?" he asked coldly. She did not answer. "All right Miss Wilson. Ask the e.ishter for three months' bonus. You needn't show up again. No no thanks or eTphiiialinns, please." When she had gone he reflected that bigger men hud. gone down to defeat from trusting In a woman. He shrugged his shoulders. "Well, boy, It's all In the day's work," he said. lie went out of the olllce. On the way he met Tllton. his cashier. "Well, they got us, Tllton," he said. Tllton cleared Ida throat. "Mr. Drlggs. I I want to say I've had an offer from " "Oh. go ahead, go ahead, Tilton. Take It." said Drlggs. "I'll see you ,get three months' salary." He walked out of tho office whis tling. At precisely thnt hour his ehntifreur met him every day to drive him out to his country home. Today the chauffeur was there without the car. f'Mr. Ilrlggs, the car accident hopelessly wrecked" , ,. . , f."Oh. that's all right., wnilnms,'",, said Mr.,BrlgK. JAccIdettR will happen.' HI flndJthetroUey a clmfige-V,.,, s', M On the long rldo out he, was reflect Ing yinjthe Knod;dlnner;jthatrKliznbeth Kould have wltln..for bJjp'.i-i,AJl.er the day's; work a dinner jitfiiltliiiii Ce like .n king. Ho was. sin hbsorbed In theRtt reflections thnt he reached home Ullnost before be knew It. 'As 'ho was about to get out of the trolley It started suddenly, precipitat ing him fuce downward in the mud. I i-The car stopped, the conductor nnd motorman ran to pick him up. His face was bruised, his arm wrenched, his suit completely crusted with mud. They were profuse and humble. "Oh. that's all right." said Iliiggs cheerfully. "I guess you fellows will ttiko more care next time. No. I'm not going to complain to the com pany.'.' He walked up the hill. To his sur prise It was his wife who opened the tloor. She looked pale and agitated; she did not seem to notice his appear ance. "Lucius-, something dreadful's ,n. pencil. Dolly's eloped with tho Eng lish foot mini. She's left u note. They're on their way to llermiida for a honey moon. 1 tried to get you on the tele phone. Oh. It's so dreadful." "Well, now. 1 don't know as to that," Lucius answered, "He s"oincd an edu cated young fellow, and If they were In love with each other " "Lucius, how can you stand there nnd say that? It's the most awful thing's ever happened." "Well, It's happened now," an swered Liiclii-. "Dinner ready, my love?" "Dinner? How can you think of dinner? Cook's In hsterles, because ho was engaged to her, and" "What, no dinner?" shouted Lucius. "I haven't thought of It. Lucius, why are you looking nt me like that?" Ho nindo no answer, but dashed like a mnduian Into the house. The door of his study bunged behind him, Five minutes Inter, after repented tappings, his wile opened It. Lucius Ilrlggs lay face downward Iti n pool of hlond, his hnnd still clutch ing the bundle of lit automatic. Tracking a Dollar Bill. In oilier lo truce the adventured of a dollm bill. In the course of a two v.eelx' ircul.itloii, tho Chicago cham ber o; ciuimerce recent l.v put Into cir culation a new bill, with ,i clictilar jitt. iclied. ' .i kin1,' ever.v pursou Into whose hand it came Jo make it note of tho we he had nuilo of It. Ily the end of tho fortnight It had been spent "1 ' i . ' I . ... . i-kJ .-or,,, n JHlMnelil of ,-jlstru.. ol wa-'i", five tlrto'o for tniuiifii, the times for elipi rettcs. ihriHi time fur meal", thiee times for candy, tvvlcu for shaves. twice for "eion's furnUhlngfi," and onco for collar hutlonn, automobile . cnssoiieti, bacon, washing powder, gar ters, nud tooth' injfctu respectively. It hud never found Its way Into a church olliuiluii ur ti theater I FACTS AND FIGURES PERTAINING TO OUR SCHOOLS Our acho ! . have the fullest confidence in the Average American Votct, hen ho i Lilly ind rightly informed, to give adequate finnnciul support to : e pub ic schoo.3. If per chance there is an opportunity for greater divi- lends, ut less ccst the American bjy end girl and the tax payer should have '. om. In the general ng.tat'on for t. x reductions many have failed to d'icrlmiii , ate between systems in which there is a great amount of overhead and those , a which it has .eon eliminated. Tho Red Cloud City Scho Is have been recently inspected by Mr. Voss, State High t.chool Inspect r, t.r.d by Mr. Burnhiim, Normal Training Inspcc- i r. Mr, Voss stated that the work being done by the Rod Cloud i.eh -ols was of tho highe t standard, and ho rated it amon.T the best in the state Air. Burn am t-talcd that the Practice Training School, in operation in the Retl Cloud siomif.l Training Department, was the only one in the state where Normal Tr. liters taught under conditions similar t those found in . rur 1 school. He linked tho Red (.loud Normnl Training Department among the best in the I'ato. The Red CI ud schools arc being conducted in an efficient nn 1 business like i.i nner at a minimum cxpnn c. The foil w'ng is a complete list of thcClns-s A b -bonis in Nebraska that arc rc-ognived by tie North Ccntial Association f College uti'1 Socordiry S ho Is. Compare the silar'cs ami eort of the Red Clovd School " stent w'th tK't of other towns of equal rani: and al"C. f'l'ii-B A Sell ola, :ccognis:ed by tha Noith Central A aociation of Colleges, c'.e. Average Salary Town Stipt. R lr.ry 2"0() yooo 1000 2'00 ' ::ooo " aooo ysoo Prin. Stilurv Adams Allv n Alliance sMnnd Auburn Auror". oat rice I'.ir.ir 'Moomfield Br.dgcpoit rolea iJcw ' mbridge Central City hadion lundr s ."rnvvford 'rott- Daviil C'ty LN etcr Fa 't any IC00 1800 ::ooo ino 1750 i7nr. auoo 2300 15)00 lfiOO 2'iOO 1700 moo inoo 2100 2G00 1700 1800 moii 2G00 1900 2500 2800 1800 1700. 1900 1950 1800 3200 1800 3500 2100 1700 2000 1700 2600 1800 2400 1800 1700 2000 1800 1600 2500 1600 2500 1GZP :jgoo il.'IKD ' 1J850 2580 2350 2S00 yooo ;i20ti 2r.oo 2500 2500 2500 nooo 2.350 3G00 1000 2558 2350 2800 2550 2500 l'' rmont '.'alls City rromont I''r end Fullnrt n Geneva r:ering f'ct'ipjiburi:, G-ard Iiland 4000 rvard 2500 -iro' 2700 2500 3800 2G0O 3500 3000 stJtvs Haveiock Hebron Holdrcge Humboldt IConmpy Lexington L'ncoln McCook 4000 2600 2500 3000 2500 2200 3550 2400 Madison Mim'-cn Ncbr. City Neligh Ncl'ii n Norfolk North Bend North Platte 3600 Oakland 2400 Omaha v .' Ord' Osceola 2500 2000 2600 1600 2500 1800 8600 2200 2800 1700 3000 2100 2B00 1600 2800 2100 3500 2200 2350 1800 2500 220.0 2500 1900 3000 2200 3200 2200 3000 2000 3000 2250 2500 1800 2700 2000 2400 1800 3500 2400 Pawnwi.Citv 2500 Plattsmouth Uajuiolph uayenna Ret; Cloud Schuyler ISSSr SidneV , Stromsntirg Supe'rior Tecumsrli Tekaroah Uni. Place Wah.56 Wayne West Point York Schools in the near vicinity of Red Guide Rock Inay.ilc 1500 1665 2750 1600 Frapklin Patrons Dav at the Red Cloud class work will be conducted as per schedule. Every iparcnt is invited to visit the schools on that day and inspect the work of the'r children and compare it with the work of others. Large Per Cent of Traf fic Over State System One. of the conditions upon which the stnte uccepih federal sld for toads is that, the iohiK thus constructed shnll onnstitue n connected system. An analysis of the situation Is In. Loreitlng and revealing. A study of any county which hns statu road3 com. pluted, one running north and south and one running -ast nnd west, will show thaionc.liHlf of the farmer traffic is over state rnnds. More thnn 75 per cent of all the trnf fie of tho state, Including the counties where the atuto system Ib not com plete, Is borno by state roads. About 30 per cent of tho total road funds of the state and ccuntteB are used on theso roads that serve three fourths of tho population of the tralllc must be constructed more subslanti ally and maintained m re cfflolently than tho roads that feed into these nnd bear a small pait of tho traffic. Ilofore the feeder roads are built, the inulii at lories should be construct. il. Tho plan of road building In the piist Iiiih been disconnected. A piece of road was built in one commission oiV itistrict to accommodate u few fiirmi'is nnd iinothui piece In ai.otbor dls'rlc.t, bus with no thought of u cgn neetud HvstouH Undi'i the federal aid plan, I'm latk syhlciu mils', be ommeotod This plan loo, p.iven an Inceiillvu to county liimi.U to lny out ooutily systams lead l"K into the htttdiyfttcin. thus mnU'nir n uoiiipluie sikteni ! ktnlo mil luinili.i i oads. l!v iihing ft-ilaral and ntuto furoU to construct th ni'iln nittitui's, tho eitin. ty funds raised by county lvius nro rclcaiscd lo build the county s.jhtiin, Wait forSpoh'u's DurooSalo, Keb.'JG, at the furm mile from Superior. Pop. 571 197S 4591 1725 28J:J ..29S2, 9GGI ,2702 , '431- "- ivir : 25C0 .1042. 2100. 4112 5410 1G00 ' 2445 214o 910 5454 785" 49.''0 OfiOo 12(53 1595 17G8 2508 175-1 lOGO 991 It GOO 3602 lfil.'l T.108 1277 7702 2327 -1303 1735 1527 fi279 1721 955 8634 1078 10766 1324 2U3 1209 1505 4190 U37 1703 1950 '2C23 2326 130!) 1392 1518 1502 U10 1420 1748 1550 1520 1313 1375 MOO M71 12G0 1580. 1395 is:;.-) 131M 14 GO 1G13 1112 1395 lfifO 1400 1300 1300 1580 148-r 1G00 1350 1G0S 1600 noo 1500 1402 1493 1320 1600 1370 1402 1380 1340 1325 1605 1-H2 1606 1251 1480 1288' 1990 14& 1600 1400 1250 1301 1600 "1380 100 m& 1600 1483 1400 1D86 1300 154G woo HI! 11. 18. 15.1 11. 1.4. 13. i' 12. .13'. 'IS 13.1 14, 1G. , U.7 12. n. ' 9.5 . 8. 1(1. f. y. l.'i a 9.5 15.3 ., 9. 13.4 9.5 13 7 K. It 15 'J 12. 12 9 12. 13.1 io r 12.2 19. 9. 10.5 12. 13 3 17.5 15.2 10. 18.5 8 12. 17. 3.7 12. 20. 13-3 3 n. 10. 19.3 1$5 :9. J4. 11. IP.' 20. 124 1RO 10. Clodd not included in the above clnss. 1360 11- - 10 1425' 12.G Schools Friday, February 23. Regular Wheat Must be Combined With Rotation and Livestock Experimental data show that the farmer who raises pretty much one crop like corn or wheat and sells the crop is unconsciously selling a little of his farm fertility each year. Farms bundled in this way become poorer ami poorer each year. Kvery bushel of wheat ami every ton of straw, or any other grain or forage crop, re moved from ttiu land without any pro vision for returning the fertility re. presented means just thnt much lo. to the soil. Analysis ot virgin and cultivated soils in Nebraska shows that the or ganio nnd nitrogen content tins do creased about ono per eent each year, nnd the land that bus been under cul tivation mainly to grain crops for 30 years has lost 30 per cent of Its ordi nal supply of organic matter and nitro gen. In Knnbiis nnd Oklahoma similar atialysis shows that from one-fifth to two-fifths o' the nitrogen and Borne, times as much as one half of the orM. rial niKiiiilu matter have already oocti lot This enormous loss in soil foitillly imibt be checktd if good yields unit nt.i-nnnblo profits are to bo expected. Tho whole Hutithnc-t is practicing too much of tho "one eiop" .system of Uniting. ThoiihBttdit of iueucdsfnl fdimetb ate solving this , problem through dlveit-ltbd farming,, solution of etM, f prnwlng !M"UtUi' nnd Imndl. Iiigmoio Hvs.sU). u 'i'n.viitayiiiiBRu it blight, rcdifntioit in thu Hcrcnge ir wheat, but a law less "aotss handled, propiirly wi'l produce more bushtdfi of" highor quality, and tlie jnoflu p.articrij will be iikiio Tho Soutliwcbtein Wheat Im- . .provement Aemocintlon. ' 1'ii : H. M.UaSuer, Director. H. S. Teachers General Levy '' i i 5f r.ra m 4 m ' ii "$ (1 i i ... fr )i