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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 15, 1923)
RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA, CHIEF "FLU" Prevent the "FLU' and GRIPPE by stopping Coughs and Colds Famous Castle May Be Scene of Royal Wedding ft OSaijJBBBBW. tt 9T?trialSaBa WITH ! FOLEY'S ITTAH CiTabtiihed 18TS Largest selling cough medicine in the World I Cuticura Soap AND OINTMENT Clear the Skin Soap 25c, Ointment 25 and 50c, Talcuaa 25c IF YOUR VETERINARIAN The Cutter Laboratory "Thi Ltttf Urjthtt Kmwllltw" DerkeUy (U.S. lucerne) California Uses -Cutter's" Serum and Varc lneahr U dang hit but to coomtvc your conctntiition on one line count for something. Gray Hair bade by utfnir Q-Ban Hair Colo laontof f atb loot Is unnecettar; for you can hnra Abundant hair of the orlcrtnaf afaade by utfng Q-Ban Hatr Color ntorr. Safe nn water try It. At all rcxkI drn?glrti,7S cent, or direct from IU2S1G.ELUS. Cbtalrtt. Movtu. Ttaa. In an Interview today, Mr. Warren Wright, President of the Cnluiuct Buking Powder Company, strongly ad vocated tlio use of newspaper adver tising, and points to Cnlumot's suc cess as proof of his statement. "Calumet sales aro 'lh times as much as any other brand," stated Mr. Wright, "and we nttrlbuto this to our lavish use of newspaper space. We bellevo that the newspaper Is tho most direct medium wo can use In getting our message across to the housewife, and wo know from our experience cov ering thirty years that the housewifo will respond to newspaper advertis ing quicker than she will to any other form of advertising. "The housewives have confidence In newspaper advertisements because they know that the newspapers set up high standards for their advertisers. It is for that reason that tho house wife looks to the newspaper for In formation on products In which she la Interested." The Creative Impulse. Mrs. Bins "Horrors! That Isn't the way to make coffee." New Cook (heavily) "What Is It tho way to make?" Life. Fresh, sweet, white, dainty clothes for baby, if you use Red Cross I Jail Blue. Never streaks or injures them. Il good grocers tscll It Advertise ment. With some folks It til'c-3 longer to get to doing a job than It takes to do tho Job Itself. Mrs. S. W. Knott - ! Slight Probability. Fair Dog-Owner (anxiously) I am of raid poor Floss Is going to have rabies, Mr. Vet. Mr. Vet 1 don't see any signs i : It. "But his poor little tongue Is al ways hanging out of lfls mouth." "That Is In accordance with a merci ful dispensation of Providence. You nee, If it hung out of his car he might experience some dlfllculty In drinking." Attribute Their Success to I Newspaper Advertising Health Brings Beauty All Women Can Look Well if In Health. Champaign, 111. "Evor slnco I de veloped into womanhood I havo boon -troubled with functional distur bances and fainting spollB. I was under ft physician's caro, but no tncdlclno I took soomed to do mo any good. A frlcrid, Vho had gono through tho eaino experience ns my Bolf and had found such holp by taking Dr. Plorco'a Favorjto Prescrip tion, urged mo to try it I tried it and to my groat delight tho Pro scription brought about a wonderful change, every organ functionating correctly. I can apeak In tho high est praiso of Dr. Plorco'a Favorito Prescription." Mrs. S. W. Knott; 1212 N. Market St. All druggists. Tablets or liquid. Write- Dr. Plerco, Pras. Invalids Hotel, in Buffalo, N. Y., for frco medical uilvlco, or eend 10c for trial plsg. tablets. ALJfODAYiiPDNTOEIJVY CUreo CbZasittZffotarsl JLcturtppc tn vmai w.M.MU.tco.,oeTnorr. ,,.,J W. N. U., LINCOLN, NO. 0-1923. E?MaBsfti:egr g?f?flSKH This Is (Slamls castle, Forfarshire, Scotland, in which may lake plum tho wedding of tlu duke of Ymk, second (.on of King George, and Lady Kllznbotli Angela Bowes-Lyon,. outmost daughter of the cnil of Ktrathinoro and Klnghorue, owner of the ancient pile. Clauds castle, Incidentally. Is the scene of tho 'murder of Duncan In ".Macbeth." Scene of Fatal Race Riot in Indiana Town 3' jasmsmsBrnxBOsaKmEBsx m ra View of Main street, Blaiiford, Ind., a .small mining town In Vermilion county, which was the scene of an outbreak between negroes and whites, during which two men were killed and a third man and Sheriff Harry Newlln wero wounded. The outbreak came about through an attack upon a while girl by a negro rum runner. Why Bake At Home when you can buy bread like it, ready baked? MISS ALASKA IN SOUTH I m I Gives Prisoners Books and Music I COUNT the raisins at least eight big, plump, tender fruit-meats to the slice. Taste it see how the rai sin flavor permeates the bread. No need to bake at home when we've arranged with bakers in almost every town and city to bake this full fruited raisin bread. t Just 'phone and they'll de liver it all ready to sur prise the family tonight. It comes from master bak ers' modern ovens in youf city. And it's made with Sun-Maid Raisins. That's another reason for its nuperiority. A rare combination of nutritious cereal and fruit tinth good and good for you, o you should serve it at least twico a week. Use Sun-Maid Raisins also in puddings, cake and cookies. You may be offered other brands that you know less well than Sun Mnids, but the kind you want is the kind you know is good. In sist, therefore, on Sun-MaiA brand. They cost no more than ordinary raisins. Mail coupon for free book of tested Sun-Maid recipes. SUN-MAID RAISINS The Supreme Bread Raisin Your retailer should sell you Sun-Maid Raisins for not more tlian the following prices i Seeded lin lSot.lluatttni.yStln Seedleu (in 15 or. red pAy.j Klo Seeded or Seedleu ( II oz. lfia Seeded, in tint Of or.) 20a Scoded, in tint (So. I5o CUT THIS OUT AND SEND IT Sun-Maid Raisin Growers, J Dept. N-553-12, Fresno. California I Please send me copy of your free book, "Recipes with Raisins." Name Blue Package STREET- I I Crrv -State. szj Delivered' the Message. Mistress (to servant) Tell the gen tleman to have a sent In the drawing room, that I inn negligee at present and that I will be down In n few min utes. Servant (to caller) The mlssim says to have it seat, and she will be down In a few minutes, flat she's ns naked us a Jay right now. Atlanta Constitution. Mrs. Wesley Westbrook, wife of the warden of the Cook County Jail In Chi cago, believes that good books and good music tend to Improve prisoners, mid by her own personal efforts has established a library and secured phonographs und records from her friends for the boy prisoners In the county Jnll. They all know her as their friend, and many, after their discharge from prison, seek her aid and advice. Salvation Army Leaves for Home "O Happy Day" sang the laundress as she hung the snowy wash on tho JIne. It was n "huppy day" becnuso 'jhe used Red Cross Ball Blue. Adver tisement "Agriculture Is the venerable moth ?r of all the arts." Kmorson. Optimism takes a day oft when n man bus the toothache. Unkind. "Yes, I certainly had some exciting times In Mexico," said lie. "Many n time I but Just escaped with my life." "How unfortunate," she replied, slightly bored. "Yes, It was. Once I was taken rot a guerrilla and was thrown Into pris on." "A natural mistake," she respond, ed. "What kind of a gorilla did they think you were?" Hookworm Almost Universal. It Is estimated that (100,000,001) peo ple live In countries where hookworm Infection Is a bcrluiis menace to health and working elllclency. There's tho Rub. I.ote-inuklng may be an art, but In that ciim It Is likely to drift Into artfulness. ' jtV VV jv A.-v-.. ....'" V tmZxr&Si& i Miss Helmm Llodennnnn, who ns "Miss Alaska" won a prize at the na tional beauty contest In Atlantic City last summer, photographed at Palm Beach. Fin. I . . - MACKAY FLYING TROPHY sfi ill ' VJMstM tn 1-sHi ,5tafssiaWTJsM-S'Er- :Wi, ' 'flrwirvi .u-Tiei-airBBBBBWT "aanBaKMuyaaH-- e-MLa rmmi AmmMmzzssz&mmMnimttms hk.-szlm'LQMmBs t ""V-..: iiKS &WnMISst!inlJKSaSLBaBnl mr Sumaaaaaaaai iHv hft wi " t-zii i m raocw 'XCTii Wky Farmers are Turning to l" , -iiJhj The niuch'Coeted Mackny army trophy, awarded iinniially to tho ofll rers milking the most meritorious Might during the year, hns been pre sented to Lleuts. John A, McReudy and Oakley G. Kelly for 19i!L these two llyers smashing all endurance records by stnylng In the air 35 hours and IS minutes. Stevenson's Warning. A day or two after his death this writing was found on the desk of Robert Louis Stovcnson: "Now do tuke warning by me. I am set up by it beneficent Providenco at the corner of the road, to warn you to fleo from tho hobotudo that Is to follow. So re member to keep well; and remember rather anything thnn not to keep well; and again I say rather anything than not to keep well." After the years of service with the American forces In Europe the .Salva tion Army has left for home. The Illustration shows MuJ. Charles Van I.eusen and his family, of the last detachment, departing from Coblenz. TAKEN FROM EXCHANGES The output of magnesia for metal' lurglc Industries Is declining. Trotzky, tho bolshevlst leader, Is the son of u Jewish chemist, his real name being I.elba Bronsteiu. The commonest of nil place-names In Hngland Is Newton which occurs no fewer than 72 times In different parts of the country. Tho government census taken Jan uary 1, 1020, showed that tho horso family has achieved a comeback, for It disclosed that there wero L',0S3,80l horses and mules at work In the cities, towns and villages of the country. Home of the earliest of tho fresh vegetables thnt reach snow-bound American mnrkets come from tho Isle of Pines, which was onco notorious as a rendezvous fbr Caribbean pirates. The value of the bean crop In tint United States Is about $100,000,000. The Egyptians sometimes used stones .'10 feet In length In their masonry. Klght popes have been named Ur ban, tho flrst of them holding that position from 22'J to 2.'10. The longest wave measured by olll cers of the United Stales hydrographlc service was half a mile, and It did not spend Itbclf for twenty-thiee seconds. Tho colleges of this country havo expended on each 'engineering gradu ate from $S00 to $2,000 above all fees received. Prlvuto Raymond O. Coulter, aged twenty-two, of Mount Sterling, m member of the United States Mn-lno corps, Is known as tho wonder shot of the world. Coulter holds a rifle record of 2U0 out of 1100. far Economical Trantportatien In 1922 Chevrolet jumped from seventh to second place in sales of all cars, and to first place in sales of fully equipped modern cars. Purchases by farmers were the chief factor in this remarkable development. Farmers want automobiles not only of low first price, but also of low later cost for operation and maintenance. They want room, comfort, and the ability to stand up under hard conditions. ' " They find that Chevrolet, fully equipped as sold, is the best value per dollar in the low-priced field, and neighbors tell them it costs less per mile to operate. Prices F. O. D. Flint, Michigan SUPCntORTworawenger Ttoadittr - $510 bUt'l'IUOR live I'auenger Touring ... 525 b'UPfcltlOHTwo Panenger Utility Coupo 6HO SUI'I.HIOR lour TaiitngerSVilanctto . . 850 SUI'EIUOIUlvePaiienger Sedan ... 860 bUI'LlUOU Light Delivery 310 . Chevrolet Motor Company Division of General Motor Corporation Detroit, Michigan' Saves Need Buying a New Skirt Putnam Fadeless Dyes -dyes or tints as you wish ilk