The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, February 15, 1923, Image 6

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Mrs. Jennings Says Tanlac Re
stored Strength After "Flu"
Attack and Ended
Stomach Trouble. ,
"I wns ulniost an Invalid mill Tan
lac built me up to uHtrong, well worn
iin. 1 consider It my best friend," la
the grnteful nnd chnrnctcrlstlc state
nient of MrB. Kininii Jennings, resid
ing at Olenrwater, Cnl.
"An nttack of the grippe loft me
completely broken down. My stomach
felt sick, my legs and arms so tired
and weak I could hardly use them, and
I scarcely had energy and strength to
dress myself. I Just kept getting
vonker In spite of all I could do and, as
T am seventy-one, I had begun to think
my age was against me ever getting
"Almost from the day I began Inking
Tanlae I commenced to feel stronger.
Ko I kept picking up with every bottle
until now I can easily do all my house
work, for I am feeling line. I wouldn't
be without Tanlac In the house. It Ib
Just grnnd."
Tanlnc Is for sulo by till good drug
gists. Over :5 million bottles sold.
Rapid "Skinning Machine."
High sliced In skinning animals In
attained by n Frenchman's Invention
of a tool In which three knives tire ro
tated by an electric motor at a speed
of '..',800 revolutions a minute.
There in only one medicine that really
stiinda out pre-eminent nn a medicine for
curnhlc ailments of the kidneys, liver and
Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root ntnndH the
highest for the reaNon it lma proven
to be just the remedy needed in thousands
upon thousands nf distressing cahCH.
Swamp-Hoot makes friends quickly be
cause its mild nnd immediate cfTcct is
fooii realized in most cases. It ifl a gen
tle, healing vegetable compound.
Stnrt treatment at once. Sold at all '
drug ftlnrca in bottles of two Hizes, medium
and large. j
However, if you wish first to test this
Brett preparation pond ten cents to Dr.
Kilmer & Co., Hingliamton, N. Y., for a
naniplc bottle. When writing be sure and
mention this paper. Advertisement. I
Criticize m. tnrnd unless be asks
for It and then ilcn't. t
lydia E.Pinknam's Vegetable Com .
pound Made Her Eat, Sleep
and Feel Better Every Way
Chicago, HL "I was woak and ran
Anvan nnri in mich a norvoun condition
that l couia nardiy
do my worK. i was
tired all tho time,
and dizzy, and could
not Bleep and had no
appetite. I tried dif
ferent medicines lor
years, but they did
not help mo. Then
l read in tno papers
nhnnt Lvdla E.Fink-
ham'a Vogotable
uompouna ana wnat
it hnddnno for other
women and gavo it a trial.I began to eat
better and could sloop, and consider it a
wonderful medicine. I recommend It to
my friends andwillnovcr bo without it."
-Mrs. M. Ohlen, SG-it) S. Marahfield
Ave., Chicago, Illinois.
It is such letters as these that testify
to tho valuo of Lydia E. PinkhanVa
Vegetable Compound. This woman
epeaka from tho fullness of her heart.
She describes as correctly as Bho can
her condition, first tho symptoms that
bothered her the most, and later tho
disappearance of those symptoms. It
is a sincere expression of gratitude.
For nearly fifty years Lydia E. Pink
ham's Vegetable Compound boa been
bo praised Dy women.
Skin Eruptions
Arc usually Due to
When you trc constipated,
not enough of Nature's
lubricating liquid Ih pro
ducel in the bowel to keep
the food waste soft nnd
moving. Doctors prescribe
Nujol because it acts like
this natural lubricant and
thus replaces it.
isujoi is a
lubricant not
a medicine or
laxative bo
cannot gripe.
Try it today.
Try Pio'--ton-lihtagljr
quick re
II othar pleat
ant doe not up
set lomcl no
opUtei. 35e and
COc oTorywbero.
si iaP ya
1 1 1'yJMsBMgWfnl
Rccont Happenings in Nebraska
Given in Briof Items For
Busy Readers.
Adams county will open the No
.hriiHka fair season August II.
Seven wolves were killed In a recent
round-up by hunters near llolsleln.
The Stale ami the Farmers, State
banks at Winston have been con
solidated, The serving of hot lunches for
Mudonts Is in use In oer 100 schools
In Nebraska.
Itace Walker, 70, an Inmate of the
Fillmore county poor farm, was gored
and trampled to death by a bull.
The National Livestock association
at Its recent session at l.os Angeles,
selected Oiiiiiliu for its 1021 meeting.
The Mid-West Concrete Products
association will hold Its sessions and
displays In the auditorium at Oninhii
February? to 10.
A resolution providing for an In
vestigation of Omaha and Lincoln
eonl dealers was passed by the house
by a vote of (51 to lit.
of Central City, State Railway Com
missioner. Paul Chandler of Hastings mid
Maine C,. Anderson of Dannebrng luivo
won seliohirshlps nt Harvard universi
ty. Cholera has Skilled nenr.y all of
Fred Hollman's0(i full pigs and a
number of hogs on his farm near
Fnougb bog cholera serum to inocu
late -100,000 swine has been distributed
by the College of Agriculture In the
past two years.
The Falrbury High school safe was
forced open and !?(') taken. The
thieves gained entrance by breaking
the front door.
The State Press ns.-oelatlon. which
was organized In LS.V.i, will bold its
llftieth annual convention nt Lincoln
February 'J.', l!'t and lit.
Nellgb will celebrate Its llftieth an
niversary this mouth. I). V. Coo. who
built nnd opened the lirM hotel In the
place, Is still a resident.
A class in nursing with an enroll
ment of twenty has been organized
by the oblowa auxiliary of the Fill
more county chapter of the American
Red Cross-.
A movement has been launched for
the sale of I'J.OOO worth of stock for
a Central City Canning factory. The
site has been donated. The factory
would cover a ground -pace of .TiMJS
During the twelve months ending
November .'10, Wxl'l, the extension
workers of the State Agricultural col
lege gave lectures and demonstrations
at a total of PT'ttJ meetings, at which
mo aggregate uucuiiancc was ;-Jt,J.i
The number of spring farrowed
pigs produced In the stale tliN year
will be 18.U per cent greater than a
year ago If farmers carry out ex
pressed Intentions In the December
pig survey, madu by the division of
crop and live stock estimate.
With one exception, the month of
January Just past was Hie warmest
Nebraska weather on record, the mean
temperature for the mouth being,
or 10.1 above normal, and exceeded
only In the jear of ISM) when the
.lanuary mean temperature was fll.ti.
One hundred and slxty-nluo con
versions were secured during Janu
ary revivals at the First MelbodNt
church tit Tecuniseh.
Nearlj U00 social norkers of Ne
braska are to meet In ouiaha In the
twenty-third annual session nf the
Nebraska conference of social work
ers lo be held February 11, 1J and l!l.
1U. Rev. Charles J. O'Reilly, 01,
bishop of the Roman Catholic diocese
of Lincoln, diet) at St. Kll.ibeth hospl-
tnl Sunday. The Immediate cause of
death was said by physicians to be
arteriosclerosis, from which he had
been a sulTerer for several years.
The barberry survey and eradication
work has been finished In sixty-live
counties over the state.
Fremont's chamber of commerce Is
giving serious consideration to u pro
posal to make the big full festival this
fiir a home coming. A mooting of
fraternal nnd civic societies Is to he
called In u few days to outline plans.
Cage county holds third place In
Nebraska In the number of auto
licenses Issued. In 1S)J2 there were
.'111 licenses Issued for aulos, 100 for
rucks, Ml motorcycles and !) for
dealers. The total amount of license
money for the year was $00,110.85.
jtZ- H'av
State Retail Clothiers will Have Many
Special Events nt Omaha
February 13 to 15.
Many special events have been plan
ned for entertainment of the Nebras
ka Uetall Clothiers when tljyy meet in
Omaha for their annual convention,
February l.Ll.".
The first day of the convention a big
style show of outer woolen wear and
bathing suits will be displayed. Living
models will be used.
Wednesday evening at the llurgoss.
Nash tea rooms, the vlsitli'tf clothiers
will be enlertalned nt a cattish dinner by
the Omaha Wholesale Prygnods man
ufacturers and Jobbers. Hoy Hyrue,
will be the chairman. Aside from the
"eats" special stunts have been ar
ranged. Monday night there will he a special
film at the ball room of the Fontonello
showing the convention of the National
Retail Clothiers Association and the
style show that was held at Hint time,
at Madison Square (iurdeu.
Thursday night the members of the
f...i.. I ......,.! ..1..I. ,. V.. I ..I... ...Ml
llll'll.- ,lHliri Vlilll "M.dHllHI.IIUl lll
entertain the clothiers at tin uiinual
bniuiuel. Secretary 11. A. l'Arcy and
Chairman Dan Sonneland have or
ranged a splendid feast, eight acts of
vaudeville and a "surprise" entertain
ment. President Fred Volland. of Top-'ka,
ICnii., will be one of the principal
speakers. On the reception ciuunllloe
are, J. 11. l'.everldgo; (iould Diet.; and
Knv T. P.yrne.
Among other prominent spe-tken to
appear on the program are: Percy
Cogswell, Alliance, president of tho
stntev organization : Mayor .lames II.
Dnhlmiin, Oinnlui ami various retail
clothiers of Nebraska.
The state checker tournnnient will
be singed at Fairmont, beginning
February 10.
The SSfi.OOO bond Nsue for a new
school carried in mi election held nt
Valley by a majority of It! votes.
('race K. (inidzclouskl has been up
polnted postmistress at Keola, Holt
county, succeeding Kvorott Lee, re
signed. The Stnte bank of Ulead was rob
bed of SUM) In cash and about $10,010
In Liberty bonds-. The loss Is fully
covered by Insurance.
Over 100 cattlemen from over the
state will attend the meeting of the
Panhandle Live Stock association nt
Amarlllo, Texas, February 27 and 18.
Foster. W. Fields, son of Mr. and
.Mrs. It. F. Fields, Fremont, dleil nt
a Fremont hospital of tetanus, result
lug from on accident while husking
After having carried mall at Fre
mont since is.. Frank llulliliigton
has been sent a letter of appreciation
for his work by Postmaster (Jeneral
The grafting by physicians of eight
Inches of leg bone Into the spine of
Albert Skoog of Fremont has enabled
him to recover the use of his lower
Rev. R. M. Itoiiek, for many years
a resident of ('reonwood, In Cass
county, died recently at Pasadena,
California, after an Illness of several
Seven hundred delegates are ex
pected lo attend ihe .seventeenth an
nual convention of the Federation of
Nebraska Retailers which meets In
Omaha. February lO-'Jl.
The District meellug of the Knights
of Pythias will be held at Hastings
In May. The dramatic order of the
Knights of Khorassaii are already lay
ing plans fm an elaborate ceremonial
In connection with the convention.
The IIuIiIipII Poultry club, under
the leadership if .Mrs. (Jeorge Curtis,
has been awarded the slate champion
ship trophy for poultry clubs offered
by M. C. Peters Mill Co. of I ilia.
Prisoners In Lancaster county J-.ill
were discovered making their own
"hootch" In a makeshift still, consist
ing of two ipiarl Jars of ir.ash hidden
under beds during the dayand set on
the radiators at night to ferment.
Weather forecasts of the I'nltcd
Slates weather bureau are ai-curate
S.'i per cent of the time, according to
Prof. !. A. Loveland, nVcctor of the
I'lilveislty of .Nebraska Culled States
weather bureau since v.), and pro
fessor of mctcorolog..
Fdwln C. Cook, 0J, for J7 years an
Instructor al the state school for the
blind at Nebraska City, died last week
at a Lincoln hospital. Although him
self blind for more than Iti ,ears, he
was regarded as u man of unusual
ability as an lu-lrudor.
The Fremont police department Ih
making It imcoiuforlable for a number
of auto drivers who haw not yet
taken Ihe formality of complying with
the law regarding pa.Miient of license
Mrs. C. i:. Lliidstrom of
made a big win with her
Rose Comb Rhode Island
UedV nt
j Dcmer wheie the national meellug of
' Rhode Island Red Club of America
was held. I lor winnings were a $."0
silver eup offered 'by the club for the
best diplu,. Rest, two young pens.
First, pullet and best two pullets.
Third, cock, cockerel and old pen.
Nell Cliatterdon of Lincoln has linen
elected niatheinntles and science teach
er In the hluh school at Table Rock.
The College of Agriculture at Lin
coln is the oid institution of its kind
in the Culled states thai furnished a
cow producing more than 1,000 pounds
of buttcrfat In a year.
The Lincoln Humane socle, has
offered a rewind of $100 for Informa
tion leading to Ihe discovery of the
poisoner of "Shuck," a faithful Colllo
dog belonging to Came Win den
(Jeorge Koster, which died on tho
statehouse steps a few days ago from
the effects of poison.
(Copy (or Thin Departl-irni Supplied
thft American LckIod Nw Service.)
Wisconsin Members Plan Lively Pro-
Oram of Sports for ths Remain-
der of the Winter.
Wisconsin American Legionnaires ex
pect to expand their i..iletle program
. . this year to in-
phase of i
snort. Plans have
been started to
wurd a varied pro
gram that will
keep the various
stale posts ac
tively engaged
until early July.
(J u estlonnalrcs
have been sub
mitted relative to
what branch of
Charlea Byrnes. S)01.t .,., ,M)St H
most actively Interested in. These
answers are dally pouring In.
Wisconsin will endeavor to stage
not only post programs but will con
duct state contests open to all posts.
State contests In basketball and track
are already being planned. The lias
ketbull tournament will no doubt be
held In March In a city yet to be se
lected. Trophies have been selected
for the basketball tournament.
If plans go through as outlined
posts will engage In bowling contests
with the results telegraphed to the
other contesting team. ,If Interest in
this event runs high enough the state
will attempt to conduct a state tour
nament In the spring. At present the
posts In Milwaukee have started a
six team league.
If sectional tournaments tiro held
in any sport the posts of that particu
lar section will back the movement.
However, all state tournaments will
be staged and authorized by the state
Wisconsin Is the home of skiing.
Several large Jumps are to be found
In Chippewa Falls and Iolu. While
It Is not thought nt this time that
state tourneys will be held In this
sport yet sectional champs may he
held by the posts In the sections near
the Jumps.
Charles Ilyrnos Is the Wisconsin
state athletic olllcer for the Legion.
La Socicte Des 40 Hommes Et 8 Che
veaux to Inject Spirit of Comrade
ship in Great Organization.
Kstabllshmentof a spirit of comrade
ship and fellowship in tho American
Legion Is the ob
ject of Lu Soclete
des -10 Homines et
8 C'heveaux, ac
cording to Kdvvnrd
.1. Elvers of Port
land. Ore., chef
de cheniln do fer
(pres I den t) of
that organization,
which Is the play
ground society of
the Legion. Klv
ers Is perhaps the
one person most
responsible for
the society's growth.
Horn In Portland, Klvers atrended
the Christian Hrothors' college, where
he was graduated In 1!H)8. He entered
the wholesale business world as a
salesman. When the trouble on the
Mexican border took place Klvers. who
was a prlvnW' in Company II, Third
Oregon Infantry, went with his organi
zation to Texas.
He entered Ihe World war with the
same regiment as captain of the ma
chine gun company. 1 '.Ivors arrived ln
Krance In December, 1!)17, nnd served
wilh the Forty-first division until be
"returned to America In Kebrunry,
The lirst temporary chairman of the
Oregon department of the Legion, Klv
ers was made department adjutant by
the llrst convention In 11)10, nnd served
until .luiiuary 1, V.l'J'J.
lie was elected chef de cheuiln de
fer at the Kansas City convention of
the -10 nnd 8 society, and was re-elected
al the recent New Orleans conven
tion. Under Klvers' leadership, the or
ganization, which wns In existence be
fore It was recognized by the Legion,
showed a gain from a detlclt to n protlt
of $10,(XX) one year after he took
charge. In appreciation of his efforts
the New Orleans convention re-elected
Klvers unanimously.
Sleep at night Annies.
A winged ant or a moth will tnko
hold of a stalk of grass or weed with
Its mnndlhles And while banging on
at right angles take a nap.
Wind may blow, tho t;niss may
wave and toss like u ship In a storm,
but the napper goes on napping.
It Is as If a man clumped his teeth
to a rope nnd then went to sleep,
high In the nil. Only the Insect's
Jaws stay set while It sleeps much tho
same way as tho foot of a chicken
clamps Itself on a roost at nl;ht, nnd
does not open again till morning.
Pearson's Weekly.
Edward J.
Conversational Sketch Is Used to In
duce Auxiliary Members to Keep
Their Credit Clear.
Tho Kansas department of the Amer
ican Legion Auxiliary has issued a bul
letin to each unit In the statu contain
ng a clever little conversational sketch,
Illustrating the Importance of keeping
one's credit clear with the auxiliary.
The heroine of the sketch Is Mrs. "lma
Member," who in conversation with her
friend, Mrs. "Do Liiio,ue:it," endeavors
to bring home the advisability of pay
ing dues In the auxiliary for V.)l''l.
"Mrs. 'linn Member': I'm so proud
of my new auxiliary membership card;
you will notice that It bears the date,
WYl'A. I always pay my dues a little In
advance of the new year, In order to
keep up with the times. This little
card means much to me. It commem
orates the gallant service of four mil
lions of valiant young Amerlcuns In
w Bmit wur. jt breathes tliu snliit of
true democracy; It slinks to me of
service for those who jeopardized their
lives, that I might remain at home In
peace and safety. In short, I believe
In the doctrine of lcglonlsni."
"Mrs. 'De Llmitient': You are quite
rfght. I am beginning to see, In a new
light, the great opportunities for serv
ice thnt are open to me through my
membership In the American Legion
Auxiliary. Instead of paying up my
membership fees promptly at the be
ginning of this yenr, I waited until the
middle of the summer. Hut this shall
not happen again. How can I get a
membership card for 10'ja, right away?"
"Mrs. 'lma Member': (Consult Miss
'Do It,' the unit secretary, immediate
ly; you will be asked to pay 75 cents
vu-nu umciu uiiu national lines, puis i
the amount of local dues determined
by the unit. Upon receipt of dues nt
tho department olllce In Topeka, you
will be Issued a lOU'l card. And do
you know, they say that two Legion
posts In the state have already remit
ted to the Topeka ofllce for their entire
membership. So you see, if we are go
ing to 'keep step' with the boys, we
must get busy."
"Mrs. 'De Llmpienf : How very sim
ple. You know I have a family of
seven sisters and they are nil In ar
rears with their dues. I shall use my
influence to the utmost to see that we
are graduated from the 'delinquent
class before the next auxiliary meet-
wonatruction boon to ue Started on
Splendid Memorial in City Parle
at Pocatello, Idaho.
Work Is progressing rapidly nnd ,
construction will be started In early
spring on n me
morial in Pocatel
lo, Idaho, for all
soldiers and sail
ors of all wars, nc
cording to Ivnn
fSasser, command
er of Pocntello
Post No. -1 of the
American Legion,
which has charge
of the project
Gasser recently
presided n t a
meeting which se
lected ao citizens
lvah Gasser.
from different organizations to assist
the Legion In drawing the plans nnd '
financing the building, which will cost
In the neighborhood of Sao.OOO.
The memorial to be erected In Poca- j
tello will be In keeping with the great- '
ncss of the contributions of the city
nnd itannock county In the World wnr. '
The site has been donated by the city 1
In '.he pnrk, overlooking the Portnouf i
"No nation Is greater than Its memo- i
rles," wns the keynote of a stirring ad
dress delivered at the recent meeting ,
by the post chaplain, Itev. Harry S.
S. G. Irwin, Legion Man, Former Army ,
riyer, Is an Expert In Aerial
The thrills of war-time aviation
were not enough for S. 0. Iqwln, for- ,
mcr worm war
flyer and member
of the American
With the return
to peace, Irwin
stayed In the Hy
ing game and be
came a specialist
in stunt tlylng and
in aerial acrobat
ics. One of Ids
favorite antics is
when he "stalls"
o r "pancakes"
his macblno over
S. G, Irwin.
the business districts of lurgu cities.
An extreme nicety cf touch Is
required In this operation since the
motor Is cut off and the piano Is wl '
lowed to settle slowly toward the
earth. The slightest error In Judgment
usually results lu a crash. In tlylng
speed means safety.
Irwin thrilled his former comrades1
ut tho American Legion national con
vention In New Orleans with b aerial
feats over tho downtown district.
Missed It.
"A Wells county mini had n wireless
telephone outtlt," said an Indianapolis
newspaper limn the other day, "and
was listening to u program of music.
Then came announcement that the noxt .
selection would be "1'hreo o'clock In
tho Morning.' Tho man closed the ma
chine, hot his alarm clock for !1 u. ni,
and retired."
( s
and give your
stomach a lift.
Provides "the btt ol
sweet" In beneficial
Dclps to cleanse
the teeth and keep
, them healthy.
Write for 32
Page Booklet,
" nA'j.u x
iviuiiiera ui
the World"
I Pat. Process
Loom Products
lUUiy tamayes CFutnitutv.
Use This Coupon
The Lloyd Mfg.
A'td (' I
Ilishop Leonard of San Francisco
was condemning cant.
"Cant Is u curse," he said. "1'et
we are all canters more or less. ;
"'It says here,' said a housewife,
looking up from her evening puper
'thnt .Tames Adderly Anderson de
clared last night In an address that
poverty Is a blessing, the poor are to
oe envied, and wealth Is accursed.'
" 'Gee,' said her husband, rather
enviously, 'I didn't know old Ander
son was as rich as that.' "
Sure Relief
6 Bell-ans
Hot water
fc dureKeuei
If you are troubled with pains or
aches; feel tired; have headaches
indigestion, insomnia; painful
passage of urine, you will find
relief by regularly taking
The world's standard remedy for kit! ney,
liver, bladder and uric acid trouble!, end
National Remedy of Holland since- 1696.
Three sizes, all druggists. Guaranteed.
Lbok for thn namn Cold Moi!t on mitrt
bos and accept no imitation
French City'3 Good Work.
The city of Calais, France, hns
started a municipal dairy and dairy
farm, the milk from which U to bo
tested b.v health nlUeors nnd the covva
foil sclentlllcally to keep tho quality
up to that prescribed for young babies.
Some people waste a lot of energy
climbing mountains before they get to
Refreshes Weary Eyes
When Your Eyes feel Dull
rid Heavy, uie Murine. It In.
Mtkci them Clear, Uilidit an J
Sparkling. Ilirmleit. Sold and
Recommended br All Druggliti,
r r
JV-- f
I t &.
m a
i tftip
I x
I V h H i7l
F Lloyd
Jf Mfg. Co.
Mr M,orml.,. Mkb.
.K I'ltu. nrrxl rue roari
T lKmklet."Uatbcraf U
JT Wurld."
& Cltr...., BUU.. i,,,,w
Sywlr !S
I t