The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, February 15, 1923, Image 3
RED CLOUD. NEBRASKA, CHIEF 4M & j i If U Don't Be Fooled Low Price and High Quality Don't Go Together, Stick to CALUMET the Economy BAKING POWDER Never accept "Just as Good" Brands; it will only mean disappointments and fail ures on bake-day, which are expensive. Calumet is a High Grade Baking Powder, Moderate in Price When you use it you never spoil any of the expensive in gredients used such as flour, sugar, eggs and milk. The sale of Calumet is 2A times as much as that of any other brand. I MAOf BYA TOO wmsm V eotrriNTtiifc J HS BEST BY TEST i if THE WORLD'S GREATEST BAKING POWDER REMEMBERED HIS DEAD PET Boy Who Kept Green the Memory of His Favorite Deserved to Havo Christmas Tree. After ho lincl spent ninny minutes looking over the Chrlstinns tree dis play of a Kings IllKlnvny (Urooklyn) tore, u smiill hoy approached the deal er and timidly asked how much the cheapest tree hi the stock would cost, Buys the Now York Sun. "Fifty cents." replied the dealer, and then noting the look of disappointment Mi the hoy's face, asked htm If that las too much. "Yes, sir," responded the youth. "I'm nfrald It Is. I've got c,nly 'St cents, which I saved In my bank. You Bee, It's for my ting, lie died three years ago and every Christmas I have et n tree on his grave In the back yard." "Well, here's ono you can have for 25 cents," said the dealer. Tho boy, with a light of gratitude spreading over his countennnce, stnrted uway eu a iui), shouting back that he was going home to get his savings. "Hey!" yelled tho dealer. "Come back and get the tree. You needn't mind, about your pennies." Hanatf Tied. The Woman heard a long, an end lessly long sermon In a small country town where she was visiting upon a recent Sunday. When It seemed as though the minis ter were about to stop he would beam upon tho congregation, baying: "Now you will forgive mo If I say a few words about this." And io It went on and on, while frem time to time he nssumed that he would be forgiven for his long and (In his own opinion) enlightening talk. Hut what could anyone do? Just sit Ft 111 and let the minister believe tlint his assumption v was correct I New York Sun. It Is not always tho head of tho family that foots thn bills. Some men seem to bo happy only when -they linvo a grlovnnco. Work ill done must be twice done. A caretul skipper never has much trouble on the sea of matrimony. Voluble. .Towel A 10-page letter from Dick? What on earth does ho say? Mabel He suys he loves me. Talkative. "Your friend seems quite talkative." "Yes. There's mahy a dull minute when bo's about." VARIETY in foods is essential, of course, but in providing variety do not overlook the importance of nourishment. Crisp,dcIiciousGrapc-Nuts is a highly nourish ing cereal food irt 'jnusually compact form. It supplies the rich nutrition of wheat and malted barley, including the mineral elements of these splendid grains,withoutwhichhealthandstrength cannot be maintained. Grapc-Nuts,with good milk, is a complete food. Economical, too, because a moderate amount provides unusual nourishment. Sold by Grocers Everywhere! GrapeNuts THE BODY BUILDER "There's a Reason39 Made by Pottum Cereal Company, Ino. Usttlo Creak, Michigan ffHEAOTra IbROOUCTsB I .V.V.V.V.VV.V.VVV.'.V.V.VV.VAVArA"WV.'A"-V-V.V.VNV.VV : Hats for Between-Seasons; g Matched Sets in Lingerie iViW.'.V.V.V.W.WiVAViV.1 WIIKN It comes to their millinery, women will always turn their backs on winter, long before It has bid them good-by, and herald the spring lieforo it begins to peep over the hori zon. Just now they are buying be-twecn-sensnns hats that have a more or les decided llavor of Hiring. Per haps the showing of spring millinery, for southern tourists, In the shopi, turns their thoughts and hearts spring ward, or economy suggests that u hat r.v.v.v.v.vAw.v.v.w.w and prices as low, or lower, thnn they are likely to be at other seasons. The displays of lingerie feature silks In garments that are a little showier than those made of fine cottons hut' not superior to them In any way. Thti same styles appear In both silk and cotton materials, and colors aru dupli cated In them. Silk liau encroached upon cotton In popularity until It Is a clove ilval, and will hold Its own, If manufacturers do not mictIIIco quality DYED HER DRAPERIES, SKIRT AND A SWEATER WITH "DIAMOND DYES" Each pnekage of "Diamond Dyes' con tains directions to eimplc that nny woman can dye or tint faded, shabby skirts, dresses, waists, coatc swentern, stook hiKS, hangings, draperies, everything like new. Huy "Diamond Dyes no other kind then perfect home dyeing is piiarnn teed, even if yon Iinvc never iijed beforo. Tell your druggist whether the material I you wih to dye i wool or ill, or whether j it is linen, cotton, or mixed goods. Dia- niond Dyes never streak, spot, fade, or i run. So easy to use. Advertisement. ' Spanish Wedding Custom. ' Each man present at a Spanish wed ding party Is entitled to dance with the bride, but he must pny for this privilege literally. On a table in the center of the room Is n pie and after each dance the bride's partner Is expected to cut away n piece of tlm crust and drop a coin Inside. ' The brldo usually wears n black silk gown nnd n lace mantilla white only If her family Is titled or very rich. The Baron's Spirit. Samuel Gompcrs said at Atlantic City: "Coal Is too dear. There Is no doubt nbout It. The coal barons have no mercy on us. "I heard the other day about an Inventor who went to a coal bnron nnd said: " 'I have struck a marvelous Inven tion, sir an Imitation coal that can bo sold at half price.' "'Hoshl' sneered the coal baron, 'Haven't we got one already that wo sell at full price?' " a1 v '-'s!?LiWji . fisrsssTr WggSak-A fttJiaMllywtir "ram,!. p Group of Lovely Hats. Which can be worn In tho future Is a good Investment. Here Is a group of four alluring hats made for present wear. It happens thnt they are all fabric hats that Is, shapes covered with a fabric of some kind. Tho lovely model at the top Is of black satin with a facing or green satin and It is trimmed with grapes In Bovcrnl colors. Grapes, by the way, are In great favor smull ones In their nat ural colors. A wlde-brlmmed hat at the left, lias a crown In four sections and an odd drape of printed silk across (M to price at tho expense of Its wenring utilities. The envelope chemise remalnB tho most Important article In underthlngs, for, whatever other garments nro worn, this one Is never omitted. It la shown In both tho trimmed nnd tai lored styles and often with pants to, match, as pictured here. This set la; made of crepo do chine nnd has a trimming of nnrrow vtu laco Inser tion placed In parallel oirved lines or arcs a "rainbow" design. Llttlo rib bon (lowers are nlnnud, with tiny 4 v tt'l ( V h " s ' A - - -..., J w "1 ' 1 l &J t. 1 , J. 4 . front. It features the t,hm-t ostrldi plume curling over the right ear, spon sored by Paris. A pretty hat of taffeta silk ut tho right with narrow collar of tho silk fastened with a little buckle at tho front, makes a line background for a lovely cluster of grapes In many hues. A gay dance hat of gold cloth completes tho group. Figures cut from silk, In nigh colors, are applied to It and chenille carries out tho effect of a rich embroidery. Uy this time women hnve about completed tho yearly replenishing of their lingerie and tho equipment of their household with needed linens,. MerchnntB make Intensive prepara tions for their annual snles of under gnrments, nnd tho material for mak ing them, promoting this kind nf mer chandise In the yearly "whlto goods sales," that aro staged Just after tho holidays. It Is n good time to buy, whll o stocks ure full und complete Envelope Chemise With Pants to Match. snfety pins, at the center of ench nro, Shoulder straps nro of sntln-fnced grosgrnln ribbon. ! 'THEY SAID I 000SS5OO30OSOC0OO3O0OOOSCOCO0OCO0O HAD T. D. AND WOULD NOT LIVE THREE MONTHS" Mr. Ilftrold "W. Bchmidt, Ilox 08, Ilrcoso, Clinton Co., 111., believe ho has reason to prnlso I)r. Ilart tnnn's Komcdy for Catarrhal con ditions. "I nfd r-rn-n etahl tnonlh for f hronlo nronrtiUl Cnttrh. 1 iio not cottlrnl, feci ilka Klant, m iiz pound orr nuimtl vrlKlit 1 1V to work 0Tf7 ilny. In Mtrcb, twls. I run trctpltPTcreeulillthpltuut( ku1 took to ur IkvI. tnd vrniiM not ltTfi ttiriA tnnnUit. After ttklnff ft rnunlrt IpoU tlei nf l'o-ru-nt nd Imii cf Mun lla TtblrM, coahl irtlk rrmnil nrt In nrrcn monthi wrnt bark to work. My tmublswuclnotoCbronloCaMrThof the noo (nil lhrit, wblca 1 hn ton Tran, itnrlloif (town Into Uio bruucblal tuba, -i'eta tik mi my Ufa MTcr," A HALF CENTURY IN USE TABLETS OR LIQUID SOLD F.VEItYWHCRC ;S0SO0Q0C90QS0e0QSCe00SQQ0CeCCSS3SC3QO2SQC: "FEEL LIKE A GIANT SIHCE USIG PE-RU-HV 1(0)1 SPOHN'S DISTEMPER COMPOUND Is Imlliprmnblp In trrntlnic Influenza, Distemper, Coughs and Colds no prevalent ninnriK tiornm nnil mntea st tills sonfon of Hie yvur Tor iirnrly thirty yrurs "SroilN'S" linn been Riven to prevent these (Um linen. n well no to relievo nnil euro theni. An occn nluiin.1 dose "rondltlunn" your horpe nnd Ueepn Ueneo uwny An a. remedy for cnncii nctunlly nurferltm-, "M'tlllN's" Is QUleU nnd certnln Hold In two mIich at till druu ntoree Nl'OlIN MKDICAI. rOMI'ANV I(1HIIV'..V, INDIANA Disordered Stomach Takca Rood dose of Carter's Liltle Liver Pills then take 2 or 3 for a few nights after. m CARTERS IITTLE IVER PILLS You will relish your meals without fear of trouble to follow. Millions of nil ages take them for Biliousness, Dizzlness.Sick Headache, Upset Stomach nnd forSallow, Pimply, Blotchy Skin. They end the mhery of Constipation. :? S$o.x7&ZcL Sm.H Pil!;SBaU Doie;Sm.ll Price Hi 1 1 113 a4liiiiilkHHiiIkE3wi4 At the International Live Stock Sliow at Chicano. December. 1922, exhibits from CANADA were awarded the following prizes: Grand Championship nnd First Prize for Hard Red Spring Wheat In this class Canadian exhibits won 19 prizes out of a total of 25 awarded. Grand Championship and First prize for Oats, winning 24 out of 35 prizes awarded. First, 2nd, 3rd nnd 4th prizes for Pear, winning 4 out of 5 prizes awarded. Grand Championship and First Prize for Rye; first prize for two-rowed Barley. Grand Championship nnd Sweepstakes for Clydesdale Senior Stallion; 1st prize for Clydesdale 4 nnd 6 horse teams; 1st prize for Clydesdale Mares 3 years and under. Championship for Galloway Steers; twelve 1st and 2nd prizes for Sheep. Many other prizes for Grains, Fod dcrs and Live-stock. Cheap Land in Canada Which produces bttttr nralns, fodders nnd IIvr stock than lilnh priced ianu eiscwncre, anaproaucts mem more avunaaniiy, may do ino solution of your (ami problem. Get the (acts, with Irrc books, maps, etc., and sn order for reduced railway rates, direct from tha Canadian Government by writinc W.V. Bennett, Desk W, 300 Peter's Trust Bldg.,0maha,Neb. Canadian Government Acent Failed When Real Test Came. "What kind of a man Is In. Rood, bad, or Indifferent?" "Well, thnt depends a j;ood deal on who Is on the other end of the plunk with him." "What do you mean?" "Well, If you size him up with Ju das iHCiirlot he looms up mlddltn' fair; but when you come to set him down between such fellows as you an' me, he does dwindle terribly Hurprlsln' ho doe, for a fact." Hall's Catarrh Medicine Those who nre In a "run down" condi tion will notice that Catarrh bothers them much more thnn when they aro In good health. This (net proves that whllo Catarrh Is a local dlseuse, It Is Krcatly Influenced by constitutional conditions. HAL.UH CATARKH MEDICINE con sists of an Ointment which Quickly Relieves by local application, and tho Intornal Medicine, a Tonic, which assists tn Improving tho General Health. Sold by druggists (or over 40 Years. F. J, Cheney & Co., Toledo, Ohio. Cautioned by a Tramp. Woman Now, If you don't leave nt once I'll call my husband, and he uned to play football at Harvard. Tramp Lady, If yoti'N' love yer hus band don't ; ber.iuse I used to play wld Yule. Colorado Dodo. Shave With Cutlcura Soap And double your razor elllclency nn well as promote skin purity, skin com fort and skin health. No mug, no slimy soap, no germs, no waste, no Irri tation even when shaved twice dally. One soup for all uses shaving, bath ing nnd shampooing. Advertisement. The Magazine Man. "Why don't you read your own miic azlne?" "I know there's nothing In it I care to see." Drama. "I nm undone," walled the heroine. "Pull yourself together," cautioned the hero. Louisville Courier-Journal. It Is a subdued Joy to unvu up for a whole year and then Invest the money Instend of spending It. Important to Mothers Examine carefully every bottlo ot CASTORIA, that famous old remedy for Infants nnd children, and sec that It Tlnnre (lin Signature of uL&&fflZ&5z In Use for Over !i0 Years. Children Cry for Fletcher's Castorta A conservative is one who would rather be safe than right. ft SPIR SAY "BAYER" when you, buy. Insist! Unless you see the "Bayer Cross" on tablets, you are not getting the genuine Bayer product prescribed by physicians over 23 years and proved safe by millions for JJit JDtfflrTi Colds Toothache Neuritis Headache Rheumatism Lumbago Neuralgia Pain, Pain. ccrruoHt it vmuii utwwu iMtat Accept only "Bayer" package which contains proper directions. Handy "Bayer" boxes of 12 tablets Also bottles of 21 nnd 100 Druggists. Aspirin Ii tlie trad cf U&jer Maootactnra of Mocoacetlcacldekter of Soucyltvada If , V.