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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 8, 1923)
MBtaWT' --.' "f.vaNfMrfl'HWr'' rwTi- KJSD OLOUD. NEBRASKA OHl MICKIE SAYS HHM, 0.WS,USSEV ItNv OUT TOAM LOOWVtf FER WOtlEH, SO IF VAaaE AJTY fc&JONGlVtf tO OS,PlNiE ROW VOY4 VIE DOWY KEER. f ER MtW OERU STUFF BUT VWE GOT t vnje vr t keep wis COMltf T&NM AM' PLEASE MEWTUOM W MMAE d3Ua JOMit.6 The Farmer's Prayer il'lie fol'owlng Iruo iiT. ' l'lio 1'jirin r Pray r" nil over the mlddfc wc-i rlpintitfd in rSnriluii. f-ouiity. N'eliriislui -ind tliv Sr Louis Toil Uispatc'i is c1i)ct edited with tin- Hist publico- HflD ; Ioid, I niu only 11 iHiirur Tliii.i illOVVlSt vUltJM W'llKftt WHS $.!, )! tinsi'cl ami I liiwt'llotir and sugat I Hie h.nisv Mini oiifci' mid ptc ovcry im 1 Wiuil.fl it. I utis not iUIIii air lOtwl lllr oll!lllg!. TIumi limie-t thai I wore ri llanln . Mie till w.n fnlthfiil in ,; thlmi t ! i: O P. iC.cli Ml Tlimi IrlKflVL'' Hull I i. lifted iti th" ! wvii of tlu iii-w iiiy -n Ihn' I would ((! U- wheat -tc for niv rl(. L ifil, two years haw gone liy Ini'i r tit rt'l urn mill 1 mi ioi) p mi- to V i1H m-eosm' Itookcl'idlei to- mi II. iim: mill I won a Harding budgo li'it ii s I'll Hi" Hl!lll Of III) IIV'I'lllllS, t Lonl, 1 niu lli;iul(f(il formic Lhuiv. Hint Minding lots htii'ii able to in.tli. I'taliiuhi'lth tiio imo I in siiiiuiri.tiiL. 1 pray Uioe ilia Tiiou will la-op them iti unshed so I hut I shall not want 1 mil yluil, 0 Lord, (hut Tlimi h.isi rumpeied the railroads and that they ;rtc Ijfon able to keep up their frt-itftu rfites when my cm ii would not pay the pxpen-ii of gnihoiiiig, ami I pruy Thoc ihnt Thou will continue, lo uolloci four yesrs Intel est.s on the fiinlM of his own btalt nccontit. for it is a righteous llfU(St, Teiuib, mtt'ln pray: Our Father who nre in Washington, llnidiug hi- hm name; liri kingdom co uc, his will t, done even lo beullng the soldiers out of a Uonus (Jiv us eaoh day our daily oorn HrM, Unit Wilson l.i led to unite ns cuttir two yoart, and Harding had liH OHlloi,' in throe inunlh.t, and loud us not in ?'inptatton to vote tor , ilouio rntlupiOHltU'!i, for IlnritltiK ut ill the pojstir and .Mo'.lon all the imiiify KocUMIor all tho oil mid nio tho patoli"d,t-tiusoi"Vnrt vtr itml uvur A int'ti. Clcaninrj Hint. . When jou'iv ili'imluj: Iiuum' pilultlr ,ie clothos I'lnsulti with ti little wi'ti'i In whlcli tobacco lius lucu Mut'iiod utiil trnn sptlultlo with u littlo spirits of iottiiillu)i', Tlit hitler di'stroys the odor of the former ml tiiKctlii'r tho.x vIJI iireiTiit uniinyiuico liy mollis. Dr.W.H.McBride DENTIST OVKK STATK HANK Ved Cloud Kcbrnsku Yes, Garber's Is The Place! To Buy Wall Paper. Painty, And Electrical Supplies. f Tluv best place for Picturo ' Vraminjj, The Margin r Safety i i- i( -pi.'M-ii'"i ti," tin- muo.iint .f ,r -"WW W MNFrAr. . He AWfP iiii 'ns. nVn tnmhrJ on 1 " dt'-n't fuHiiw lir-i t jiMiYcJwiruiiie X'iiii!jji.w -yio loiliiy,' If j on hnvo tine rtiifl yriu tner 11 nd tini--r onu-to the uitl hh 1 we'll wrtto n p )ljcy ni4ivi i Xbt furnlturo. sWAiji iif?htili't1. -LATKR MaVuETOO LATE- lo. C. TEEL R.eilQcble Insura.r"ce i '( ffs fsrvi (JMCVKH MUS. FOX lVA"!:. TOX (ts trupiHMl, If not " nuiKlit, In knew It, mid ho did .Mr. Fox, who hud liccii following tier hiifdmnd iim In whs cliiim'd hy Mr. Pug through tho Ileitis and down the mud to tho woods. Not lluit Mr. I'ox e.viKH'ted her Fitis luiiid to need her help, hut one could ,never lie certain and by keeplnjj be hind Mr. )ox at a dlNtnnee ."lie wu.t 'protty miro to be Hafe. Jtut hcie they were In the woods n ud Mr. Fox Inn) run over .some rocks Just to kIvc Mr. Ij a hard chase, mill licfmo lie kimw It down lie went be tween the rocks, and while he wiik lint n lilt hurt, there was only one way to (M out, and Mr. Dtu was .standing rlht at that very place barking tH to r.illt Ids throat. Mr. Kox hivaii to think of lionie and Mrs. Fox. lie did not Jtnow she bad linen trailing the run he and Mr. Dofj ti..:v.N. f.trfl..Fqx Attracted Do'o Attention. were IuivIi.k; he was lliiiikiuu thai he would nei"T .see her okiiIii. l;or iik I lold you Mr. l'o km"..- that he was 'nipped, and tluft at a.iv moment Mr. Man inii.1". hear llu barking of Mr. I'o' and be there with a K'im. Mr. Don's hail: said as plainly as words', "II. re is a fox, here Is a fox, muster; cone with jmir gun," and ocry lime Mi'. l'o heart! It be l renibled--though with Mr. Fox wh'le theie Is life there is ulways hope and Mr. Fox vus hoping, but every time Mr. Dug barked that hope dropped to the tlpH of his toes. Mrs. Fox knew what hud happened. She knew Just what Mr. Dog was Miy- t t t t t I t t t i i t t t i A LINE 0' CHEER By John Kendrlck Bangs. THE PORTS ETERNAL JUST as when noun' ureal alill) with Hiilln spren.l free FadcH o'or tin.' dlatiuit IlmltH of the boa I know that from my nlnht hIio'n but gone on To harbors waltliiK with laru glftH IIIUIIl, Ko ilu I It now In hours din It with Krlcf. Tor some Kono frleml wboco loss finds mant relief, That soiiicwltero out licyoml nre portH where wo Oncu more nhall meet who travel on the Mea. liD liy Mcl'lure N'vpiiir Hynilleatr.) V mmmmmmm -O- THE RIGHT THING at the RIGHT TIME By MARY MARSHALL DUFFEE K.UOKIXU Obrcrvr alivas tlmt evcrytlihiK l th" ii'MUlt of a elmiiKo. Mareim Aiiicllus. npliK tpiehlloii of Miioklng among women N cue I'hut shows (Just how some eU"toius that nre nbsolulely tuhoo Ip one gein-r.itiou gain social recognition ami uniiiro a mlc of milliners in the ue.t. In our grandmother's day smoking iinuuig women wan unlit-unl of ex ivptlug for the occasional old crone who iiifled away at her pipe. Today many women smoke. Man well-bred women Miioko. And so there has grown up a code of rules aboul smok ing for women. In some of the big city hotels wom en are allowed lo Miiolto la the dining rooin. In (-Mine of the tea room?, too, they nre. In some, certain parts of the riMtuuriiiitt w tea" rooms, like the - "ii parlor or the palm riwimn, are set umiIu foi diner whu wlh to suuke, both nnn and women. Jmiijre to mn, nt fm nt lit K.vt"t Newt'-york r-tunJ tints Women urti eV.'ikinttw f'vHtiesteU not to mwi. U i wJHWu'l)'MX':i 'Hulking. U.e wattw 'rlnrf' Htllt i "' 1" l"'i' In' !(. writ r ir.MfWf.ini df II. (bill bbi'i'.s tjo-f ''rhltW it'th' d'Vo IK'M I' J ei e . i tlk"i.H r on ' ; the ut.jttun lint '' ??rWllV'' ''"' "' ' 'f t," l'"U.v fs j.guinielt. Ilei :.t.- P"''l. of iors4 jls uu 'it'ull.s l ' i-4 iifftilFH luii elfiir "ticK. ... . - . HLUliI i. i,Hid t!i-,n h trouble WUk ni6wPi l;.- .land brcuuM' certain ho-it-Mfcir KirN iiltiiwed" MiioHUmset i.iW it' "-liuikv rix'itj . liMlcfctt il.-i declsli'ii ("iir-oii n M'tit in le or ,. '.ligation, It Is i.vld. And In this jountry nuieh Jni5i?riuni protest has bpoiV hoard becunm at a curtain woin it's c.'U i tdi'i.irrts l"ire hpeii p l.'d .ihlilng thit.glil.'i nut to.j.iuuko In t)io lonnltorlcs although they' nre'atftllb' rty to do so elsewlicre. Now, by generul recognlilou, Hinok- (( nig as well as her husband, and she was thinking very hard and fast, and ti9 bIui lay under the hushes looking to ward tho place where., her husband, was trapped her bright Ts saw a tree which had fallen right across the river, I which was deep anil full of rocks, that ' ran through the woods. Mrs, Fox's thoughts began to come fust, tihe Jumped up and niu out from, her hiding place strabiit to the tiee and ran along it making a sound that attracted Mr. Dog's attention. He stopped harKlii' for there on the fallen Ins' he saw, us he thought, Mr. Fox, though he had been sure u sec ond before he had seen the tip of Mr. Fox's nose mining the leaves between the rocks. Mr. Dog left the place he was guard Inguinl went toward the end of the tree wjilch was on his side of the river. Then he stepped hue:, and looked be tween the rocks. He didn't see a thing of Mr. Fox, for at the moment he Htopiieil barking Mr. Fox, thinking Mf. Man was In sight with the gun, had crouched deeper under the leaves. Mr. Dog was frantic; he thought he had lost Mr. Fox al'.ler all his burk ing to .Mr. Man. mid If Mr. Man had heard him. ami after running all tho way from the farm found there was tin fox, he would be pi tty an ;ry. Mr. Di .: veil tin- 1 o? the fall en tree and ;vi long It. wlrlo' Mrs. I'ox Mood u 1IMI wo.- from (be end on that :M" of the iier tonkin- tight ar h.'m but when ! re; bed If." mid dle of tb. t ee ''o'g.iv a leup Into tie uir and down -he ei'i'o on' tt.f.trce, Ml Kb rave It u si .ike, ni.d off t.nnblud Mr. Dog imo th water tunons the slippery rn--i, M's. i hound: I to !'ie side of the riwr while her :.. 'cul was .. pris oner and (iil'ed I bint t'tat (lie count was and o;t c.i m Mr. Kux In the twinkling of n , tyc e.ud ) tie?; ran for home, wl'de ..'r. Do., scrum bleil for ii footing auto'cr the slippery rocks In the rlvt r. W'biMi be at last got In the bank l.e d! nol lot1,: for Mr. Fix. fur one foot had been hurt when he fell, uiul us ho limped tow'urd bis homo Mr. and Mr". Fox w. re safe In .their home laughing nt the way they bail airniu foub'd their e..emy. l, ll'M. liy Mr'!un ?." nnp.'r S'ynttlPfite.) lug amcug womcii bus hci n taken out of the realm of manners. It Is nut Ill-bred tor women to si;,oke. It Is a mat tor of personal ta.ste. You may object to smoking, just us you may ob ject to any other form of amusement. The mother who does not wish her daughters (o Miuoke should tulk to them about ll. Site can hardly, In these dajs, take uli'ensi; If somebody asks them to .smoke. However, the real ly thoughtful woman, the woman more thoughtful jJ others, would never suggest -that a young girl smoke un less she knew that the girl eiMom arlly did mi. (5). lSUS, liy Itcliilrii Ni'Wiinii'r Symllcttf.) O Odd Experience. A few weeks ago, I went to pass the night with a fiie-ul. I rellrod, but could not slicp. and Just us the clock struck two a gh itly child llgure glided into tlii' iti'.u. I was n'lilly shaken ami .iskcd "What do, you want?" "Nothing," :. He faint answer, as the appal'lllt'ii .tided imo the clothes cln.n'l. I watt ! I .mil waited In cold horror mil i I ihiwu came. Then, gath ering the flireds i ,' ii.j courage, 1 In vestigated and f" the little daugh ter of Hie bou-e n'ii'i among the hat boxes. Chicago .lout i. d. COME IN MD HINE IT CHARGED QAtf FOOLED HER "Come In and have It charged" the sign Gave Mr6. Shopps great glee. Alaal she found they only charged One's storage hnMery. T t t i t t i t t t t t I r t t, $ ! J t f t MEN YOU MAY MARRY By E. R. PEYSER Has a man like this proposed to ycu? Symptome: Is puM middle age, iuitl., a halfwiijr OreiMir a Main here and .there "ii hN Iupil, puts lily 'Reft f.ttn forward fojr comptmy. Ki'vci Igi m.n.. il fc ofrtivOxnr 'njt stlwivs lui tiue t-chemt ! set the oceno Jl vendors.! "'I I'ij tiebpMic Cui pi,.lTt!'n" t!doT pint- out, be !u-e lb i pi'c-'.leflt -'pfill'd the. IM'flltf' the ', .k pei'.i'.iny abjri ci,'t,p. e-is the' Trufcl' ti iir'oi MtWff. "J'.ut list i,u wult,"'obl. gill-" . . . IN FACT W'ektra; I- Ii"- i.i'ofe- Ion. Prewription for tbtrlile'tfl"!: Tt J'.uloMce, j i'ii' of ha . tiitir, gvoNrtsitxhm'Se semjc, love, uust uudtivo of eh,iiElr(t; foiiune In vast supply, you mtlfr get. for peaso. 'j t&i-.Hs t'lt: WAIT AND THE. WORLD slips nv YOU. ( by Mts'i.ira N.v-in.. r Symtlnaln.) t t t t t i t t t t t t t i t ' i t :fK i l f t t f I t t t t 0 t t I t J' t t i I t t t i t t t A mmv m 4i i i t-f-t-"-..x-' ---. His Way of Carrying On By MORRIS SCHULTZ (, 1933, Wvatcrn Ncwupappr Union.) I Craven, the newspaper man, had the (Jhetto (piarter to cover, among others at least, being assigned to the police station there, he made It his business to get acipialuted with the Inhabitants ol the district. Very friendly they proved to be, for Craven was a popular young fellow. He had his likes and dislike. One of his friends was Wasserburg, who kept the fruit shop. One of hla dislikes was old Isaac, who pushed his cart along the road opposite Wasserburg's precisely at ten o'clock every morn' lag, shouting "Ole Clo'." tlraveii hud never spoken to old Isaac. lie wus a' dirty old man with a straggling gray beard and oarlocks. Craven principally disliked him be cause lie. passed Wasserburg's at ten o'clock, and It Is annoying to lme the niiiiu tiling happen to you every morning at exactly the same hour. "Old IsuneV Sure I know him," said Wasserburg. "Six, seven, nine year bo's been on this Job. lie must have made u pile of money. Ills wife und girl lleboeen they're coining over from Russia next moot'. Sure, nine year bo haven't seen them, lie's ul ways talking about tlmt llecky of Ids, what a big girl she's grown. I gnos maybe be won't be pleased lo see them iii.aln." The push-ruii man went on. ''Olo L'lo'l" came hniic', raucous voice. "If he's made iin.ney why doe-n't he ui Mint pus'i-cart ami take a ' ' op?" a:-ot Cravt n. "Why. I loll you," said Was.-erburg. "It's hir.nai untitle. He's pushed that o'tl curt so long he wouldn't be happy wlthoot It. It's bis why "f carrying ..... It's 'hS life ftl wa, Just as I utiiiitlit lie itfii.'. unvevei' much niMiy 1 had. wit ul niv sboji "(He elo'l" came the peddler mine fafntl.v down the street. beie." 's cry "Well. I hojio his wife und daughter wnn'i be shocked by bis appearance," .i!d ('raven. "Oli, I atiesjTnot," responded Was s. rhurir. "Ami for why should they leV Tlmt's his wo.itlug clothes. 'You mi iit in mo Isaac on Saturday my, you woi'ldii'l ;ni . him In his sill: I nt and--" "Silk but?" queried cnien lucred iioiisy. , ".Sure, mid Prince Albert. And clean I F.ory Frliluy night he takes hl.s bulb as regular as clock work I And a line tlat he's getting for them I" Craven laughed and forgot old Isaac. He was shifted to the shipping the next week, and never expected to see theiobl fellow iiiraln. However, six Weeks Mater lie was seat buck to the police station. The person he saw whom he knew was old Isaac, pushing bis cart, dirty and discreditable-looking as ever. "Ole Clo'l Ole Clo'!" It was utmost more than Craven could stand. Tho sight of the old man awoke some elemental feeling of revulsion In him. Why couldn't the old man keep clean on all the days of tht! week Instead of only washing up on Friday night? Why couldn't be tnke some of the fairly decent clothes from Ids push wagon and attire liluiself In them, In stead of going about looking like a scarecrow? Anil why did he call his trade In that monotonous, raucous voice? Why couldn't hojlnw a little life Into It? Ami he glared after old Isaac as he went down the street, rellectlng that every morning nt ton o'clock the same apparition woabl pass him. Ho found bis friend Wasserburg. "lley. you buck, Mr. Craven?" Wus soi burg asked. "Where you been keeping yourself all this time?" "Oh, I've been doing the shipping." said Craven. "Say. I Just saw old Isaac pushing his cart as usual. He doesn't seem to change." "No, I guess not. poor feller," said WiiksciIiiii'i:. "Poor? I thought you said he was nihht well fixed." "Ob. I guess you nhi't heard It, Mr. ('raven. You wouldn't, of course. You remember um telling you about bis wife und Unit girl of his, I'.ecky, he was always blowing aboul?" "Yes?" "They tiled, both of 'em. P.urned to death, last night (Friday night), Just two days after they came here." "My Mod!" iihl I'raicn. shocked deeply. "Hut the old man's still push lug iiN curl." "Ob, I guess he'll tin that as long as hi' lives." answered Wasserburg. "Thai's his life, you see. lie's Jim! eniT,lni' on." Cultivation, Tho gWta-rM'i'tfbtt live l iuw" cullU vKteil la etiKtofji" UiiUvhi In the Isrt'l Hiry of nie'enltihrwf of the iiofthwe!, tind It is hopwlt' w'iH tnl;eiho p)iuii j yrtiie r'tjiur treu a pwHitine'ji nrin , f'f'Mi' i pivuuwr, qx riiwui'i nan i fc.' j :0tfO iuii iwtg -flieejiuy PKtmct, d .'-..t.e auttJi-in.r. Uf ,( tl'u. It h iit-ti'M ' at lw ysi f iLe- linportnm pulpier prtililiii-ii in $tli!ir tilt depui'l. 'munt f Kl Ul or o the ttlliry v Mhe cobnk. of tl:o iwirthwAit (Cob)' nUti del NniKiwdi) smpendud oper- .!' ''., ' ' 'e:; .-f lht yar. Eiy to Win Applause, "it Is enity enough for an orutor to got thunderous tipplausw at tin) very beglimhu of hUt ndilrewi" "Uo?" "All he bus" to do is to nay, 'My friends w ate it great teople,' ami then pause dramatically for- the cheers." TRINIDAD WINS MATCH FROM NORTH PLATTE lOenvcr (Colo) Times. Feb. fj. 11)23) Standing of Clul.s CLUY.S I'd t Collins Won Lost Pet. SI 1 .751) .11 I .7.-.0 ...:! 1 .750 a 2 MO Si 2 .GOO 2 2 .COO ings . 2 !l .-100 ....... 1 2 AMI ...0 ft .000 & )'nvcr . .. . leC lo : firth 1'lattc T'inidad, .... Ii u sviilc . "lor. do Springs i'.d Cloud Vray With two perfect score made by d Stanton rnd Hendricks, the Inn- Mad Gun club erected a grand total J niv. r .'... t. !nf(.-.!in.' Mnvth PinHo. wlHi n d d of 231, and pulPng the Ncb.':.s- TRINDAI) K fl. Stnnton -. - He.'nlr'ckn . ... . .-...-. . !'. St-Jiton ....... ... Uussell . -. . Miller ....... Total (IOLORADO SPRINGS Patterson .. Tiger Mclntyre .. . . ililtcn . Marshoffcl - .213 .. -18 . 48 .. '18 .. 48 .. 4(5 Total .230 DKNVKR Tewnaend H. Smith . .. Keil Floyd Le.i'pla . .. Total T,co ...- ........ Holmes McCoffrec . ... .. . 44 44 42 41 40 I'll . 4R JR .. 47 't PUE17LO Fits'H'mmins T. .Total ' $"- - TL A -, j i i The Asylum Concert T By CLARA DELAt'lF.LD l By CLARA DELAt'lF.LD li 132 . Moalvrii Nvniii,i r fill in ) The annual concert nt the state asy lum hnd been a gteit .success. Score of saile guests had inlli'iied lib jbc inmates and listened in the perform ance. Nothing untoward hai) happened, and if Hie second lolin had been Jum a liille errnllc nobody could reasonably take f.ccption to that. After the national anthem had been played, and It bad grown dark, two men found themselves In a friendly conversation on the lawn. "I believe I have the pleasure of hav ing made your acquaintance at some time," said one of them. "1 am Gov ernor Jenkins." "Delighted to have, met you, gov ernor," responded the other cordially. "I am District Attorney Smith." "Very pleased, I'm sure," said the man. They shook bands. 'Well, governor, what do you think of the proceedings?" asked the dls: trlct attorney. "Very line, very line," answered the governor. "There's no scandal In this Institution, anyone can see that, though I haven't had lime to gii nil through the buildings yet. Would you care to accompany me on my tour?" "No, no," answered the other hastily. "Do ,ou know I think It would upset me lo see the scenes and sights of the padded moms." "Why, my dear fellow, you're -cloitn out of date. They don't have padded rooms nowndays." replied Governor Jenkins "We rely cntliely on moral suasion and a little crotou oil upon oc casions. Why, hasn't It occurred to you what a simple matter It would be for any determined lunatic to get pes session of some visitor's card of ad mission und calmly walk out with the crowd?" i "Yes, yes," replied Hie other. "It's a tribute o your iiHtltutlou, governor, ,.,,, ,,r,,,K0 ,. roaittnB Uo pnpew that nothing or the soil occurs." jas ,,w ,.,,,,., ,,I!U ,. ,ms .PI1 "Oh, dear me. no," answered the , ,,, , , mZ'il;,,, '"in, '"'"' ""'. "I buy ,, .on.hl.y ticket, which en Hello, Hurry I Allow me to present lo ,,., , , ,, , ... u... you my Smith." friend, District Attorney "Pleased to meet you, I'm sure," said the superintendent, extending u hand to the other, who look It a UfJI gingerly. "Well, I'll have to be going," spbl the district attorney, with rather forced Jocoseness. "An Important appoint- inent about that Fbli'ldittt case. You i ifolnir niv wav. eoveinorV" 1 "Well, as far as the gate, anvhow," answered Governor Jenkins. "We were nnvhiL' a tribute to vour Insiltiiii.iii ,-.- ,-, . t... ,.,,., Mr. b'upcrlntentlent, IJverythlng was a huge success tonight." "I'm sure I'm very grateful to you," replied the superintendent, "Hut, yoi know, it mnkcft ono feel creepy, being la a place like this," srild the district nUovm-j. "lon'l youkntw tlmt ,'iU ftM'lIng that one muy pos sibly aetmillv io nn lnsnn patient nnil not know U?" II.UfIIll TII'I'IH-IJ ill IIIIT VIUU Uilll fM jul.fetui "tVi U-novv Hntt fM.- he aii-'J ... v i-,'C.i i hmvohsij, . " mm Htt'iipetl nulctly ,furwnril. - 1 "Well, hoys, been ewjoylu j,onrlvB7'',f no iidkcu. y iijsiiig i una in nve minuirx. oil'd ltPttt' get b'KU in voiir ruO'i; sliHfp, ur tiivi'o'll bu-imtii hmciit tomor i ovv." ' The district attorney glanced at tho ivvu others In Sudden alarm. Ho bad siis-pected tho governor, but he hud never dioamed that tho supcrln- tendciit. ... .' ' ( "Why, I-7P1H Governor Jenkins I" ex-"' claimed his companion. The nevycorjior suilled. "Why, of MJUIU1UU.U1 knns from tho place in the lend thev formerly had occupied. The results were: Trinidad 213, North Platte 231. Colorudo Springs 230, Wray 182. Denver 211, 107. Pueblo 2.'M, Red Cloud 230. Foi. Collins had in pen date. Pueblo was high sco o ler.m "n tl'.e fifth contest of the 1922 series, reach ing u total of 212. John then blazed away nt n perfect fi ty mid. his to un instcs f llowed his clo cly. North Plnttc wrs clce up with 210 on that date and Shcr dan, W.o., chipped in w th 237. All of the oth- ., cr wr. )ro.y t0 w.1,u,fi a"H ""? !IW' co.ireriiiig circiimnnnccfl tint lnier- fc eel with their totala. NORTH PLATTE HO Nevlle CO Hosier . 10 Kyne . . ... 18 MrCiuclcvn .. .. 5 0 Fi nk 47 :..... 4i .... 45 .. 45 ....231 ...... 41 ..... 38 ..... 34 Total ... Drummond Ayers Ktmber . Huttquist Love WRAY 31 182 ........... . Total .ta...M- LOULSVILLl'I La ulle Zavini .. . K re ell L'lcv GlorVelli 45 44 37 3(5 35 .'.107 .............. 'i i 4(5 4 1! ....... 4C ..... 45 . ..... 230 Tntrl Cheek .... Damon .. Pete.s a Hall IlKD CLOUD Knlay . Total uii'se, my dear goTornor," he an swered, laying n hand fr.iiein.ill', upon Ids shoulder. "Hut the executive i, illu sion has been cleaned und swept, ami we are awaiting .voiir let urn." The district attorney stepped for ward ami confronted him. "See here, ,voit know I'm a visitor." he said. "I'm Dl-liict Attorney-Smith. 11" "Why. bless my, my obi friend Mr. Smith!" evcln'iueil the other, wringing his hand. "We were Just looking for you. Mr. Smith. There's no case comes up most Im portant. You Just come bu'. with the governor ami our friei'd lute, ami I'll act yon the papers. . . ." "That'll Hurry! Don't ho late for roll call." said the itipeiintende'it. The newcomer, with n strange, apolo getic murmur, suddenly disappeared. Smith and Jenkins' 'stared at each 'titer. "Aren't you aren't you ?" "Insane? No. Aren't you?" "Gond find." burst out the district attorney, "all this soil of thing makes oife doubt bis own rationality." "Yes." snhl the superintendent, "we Had our guards are apt lo go'tfs mad as our patients. Good-night, gentle men." Doora of New Design. One of the oldest forms of human inveiiiioiis s the door swinging on hinges ut one side. Mihiiu weaving in jects, such as trap-door spiders, ein ' plo.v u slmllaV device. Hut nothing Is too old or too good to escape the ef I forts at linprovein.-'iii. A Ilelglan, Jo ' seph Henri Dlerh l ented a door ! of a new type, ec i of two tri angular parts whici . together on a dlagouul Hue riii'i.lnu' from one low er cornei of Hie door opening to the opposite upper corner. The two parts., or leaves, are pivoted in such u man ner Him when opened they swing Into , wiiillinus In the celling, leaving an .-,tl rely iiiioIikiji ",vri tmss'ife. I Problem In Psychology. A commuter who spends most of his time on the train thinking instend of titles me to two rides each day, Sun days Included," he says. "I nover come, to iown on Sunday ami so I have four or Ilvo round-trip tickets lefl over ut I be end of the month. When a holiday coves: along I have another one. Occasionally tho con ductor falls to punch my ticket and I cait'l help having a feeling of ex ultation, a sort of Idea that I am ahead of the game In some way. Of ' 'omw ,,U! ,'s"'" rWe H Ml"l,l-V '"",' '" n"' "!iinhcd rides on tho ticket " ih" f"d of the month and Is no real gain. "Now, why should 1 be pleased at gaining somcihing of absolutely no value to mo? Perhaps FJastelii could answer. I uinT?' Chicago Journal. Wild 'Boars (Kcoine Plague. , l'Vom the" few swlno Hint wore Rt ' loose (rrljtf island uX Snnta Cni". in ITtJT IfcllVft lllllWt 41 lit it. r( -TiiKrw.!.-.. !...'..,. ,. ii' ' 1 ' m . ' ... ' 1 !.,. u ,.. H' . - nt ! ... .... '" .... . T ,'"pr'" uv i- "i ivi un utn;r, i iic "' ty ltlH l ,1I 1 Uiul ILuJ4m( iIIjiiI r. K- llkjn wlli ,,,i ii ; " . "r ' ' l t. wtsm.-u" '" t 1IVU II klV IUO;lin ..AF tA .MMl.a H....H..1 mo ttio' (hp irwih (Vs-pi who JmvV aqmsiit U) rtwelup tM id ir : for rtiwrp. imJ-eitttle rnUIug. , . Tie Sofliwr. tii 'down -fenyt Luti Ha. yn. .iuuj.i-iu fati -t.idlj th ,. (liey root up garden stuff u booh as I: , J'iS the grnund,'NUiil not p, ( l'lllV,ly.Jlt1' Im' Iwign ktujwn to ' i"Mi' le'Wf. W"' !l-l TlUo. Young '-ISruliMMii' ni of their fuvorjto food - NnUlimAilcllUiiflPiiil eating, of tbuni n''.v-elfoh-:hHI fiiinaintmiii and cnnilvorous traltxrconipiirnhlo to tho luetics of moIvc&i r r