D CLOUD, MJEBfcAIKA, CHIEF j n rc . J h THE RED CLOtift CHIEF ' ' Xt Cloud. NatirrtkV PUBLISHED BVEKY THURSDAY ntered In tho roitofljce At Hod Cloud. Neb i BOcond Cjam Mutter",' f" 7 D. McArtTBUI K'Htor and Owner I TT , ' A J ' A. ' " .. tuvurusing Kates ForclJn, per column JncK 15c Locn.1. I2H&I5 OUIl LKGISLATIJKK The present legislature litis before it four bills to put a crimp in the motion picture business, the fifth largest industry in America. edi torship bill, that will not remove the causes for criticism against the more glaring faults of the pictures or the business. It will, however, acid to the stale pay roll and tax budget. Another makes it imperative for the showman to run two shows, one for juveniles, and one for adults. A very sensible idea to prevent a moth- -cr attending picture shows with her slruclurc 0f oui. form of government, umuicii uiiuuj- jo, ur cnwiiren uiuiur- . , ,. ,,, ,,, ,.,. Vivtiilnir I UlU Vllllltll, niv HV...1. . t to the heart of every right think greatly to the mo'rattfy of' communi ties, besides taking u. little, joy out of Another Mil is prc?cnUvl to add a" 5 state tax on the gr6jSK,,ripv'chuc of each theatre. As the industry is al ready taxed to death by federal ttexos It putty it up to the showman to quit business or pass the tax on to, hie natrons directly or to add it indirectly' by. increasing the price of his shows.. 'wniincr are wc icihuuk " v"jc-h. islativo hulls? Are wc going to con t'nuc increasing taxation and rcsmc livo iMeasurcs, until jieoplc rcvolttanu Rwing"tho pendulum as far to Vice and excefs, as certain elements nro. now tfiylng to swing it in the other direction? Too much taxation mid tvraiiical law, made Russia icd and Dolshevlk. Is it going to continue in this coun try until the snecious arguments of the 'udicals will sound like common sense to the average American man? All these bills arc vicious and un American In their intent, and should be defeated for the best interests of state and nat'on. Every sane thinking citizen should work for the defeat of these bills, as they arc unfair and un-American. Thoy contribute nothing to the wel fare of the state or community, and they do furnish hooks upon which the radical element of the nation base ilmir ni-frumonts to tenr down the J 8 attending shows with a mother. Another is aimed at Sunday pic lure shows", which of course tdds deal ing Amcr'can citizen. Standard Protexoi Are your Hogs or Other Animals Troubled with LICE? IF SO USE PROTEXOL THE DRY DIP Inexpensive and easy to Apply Sprinkle freely in the sleeping quarters and directly on the animals. , oHOIjD llY CHAS. L. COTTING, t... ., a4 tt 9t 4 kaMjB Plumbing, Service When you have trouble of any kind with your Plumbing send us a hurry-up call and we will respond "at once." We realize the importance of giving quick service at such times and we hold ourselves ready to do so. And if you have any Plumbing Supplies to buy be sure to get our prices. We believe they will save you money. Art Nelson At Trine Hardware 1 PERFECT BAKING With a Small Amount of Fuel ,j r Is the Most Essential Requisite of a Range The South Bend Malleable Range fills the bill in every respect, and more. It is the finest looking range built, and is madeof the best materials. We would be glad of an opportunity to convince you that what we say is true. ( We have received notice from the wholesale housevoian increase in prices of ranges effective Janu ary 1 st, but we will continue to sell what few ranges we have at the same old price. GEORGE W. TRINE 5a itfWUVWWWVW, i. I Place Your Coal i 5 A kr J raers iww IT 1 nhhi tvtfWa nc HIItiiYVEA)f AGO , ,A Elmer ftimoca bus become UlfA iw teredtcd in chicken tilling? jtfik'l on i'xpert in, that line. )y, t", xjrp. ' StHMsMorbaritasU 'M.,the.icT; the oilier uiljutlil'lnrt hiaJilp so badly that hclvas unbblo to b(Tout. Mrs. Aaron. Coliover in home from her visit In Illinois. S. II. Vlcrs and brother were up from Guide Rock ,l tending Odil Fellows lodge Monday night. Hugh Miner is Iioiiih from Hot Springs this ui'olt. Mrs lidwii gave it tea in honor of Mrh. Wallace on Tlnir.sduv evening J. 11. Wisvcaivur Imn moved to Utlo, wliere he will live In the fntuio on bis f.irm. The lim tit the mill Is Mulshed. It sliuuld bo a miHtcr of congratulation that Ktnl Oloud has now a far stronger aud much more available water pow er tbrtii Keainey or any other city in lliobtato. Hod Cloud oiiK-'t to and docs feel jubilant over the result. Allic Albright has bib tips and (Iowih, but his downs seem to be rath, er frequent judging by the way be mu down upoti tho street crossing the other morning. Ho picked himself up looked around to simi if anyone was looking and then took to his heels at n lively rale. 10 YKAltS AUO Wo understand that Henry Cook has established a branch store at Cora, Kansas. His Majesty, the ground hog. failed to see his filiation last Friday, Febru. ry Uutl, and according to tradition spring weather will soon be hero. Itc.l Cloud, the rfioux chief, whs the guest of Professor Marsh, of Yale Col. leje. It Is related In a New Haveu paper that when a citizen there held out a box of cigars, saying, "take one," Red Cloud iunocently helped himself to a bunch. Will you have one?'' continued the entertainer, addressing the Chief's companion, and the other Indian slipped the other bunch ftom the box Into his ulster pocket. "' . i. Baptist CtuiiiJh J) j. ) . : n- h ' Suntmy ssbool at 10 a. ra. Morning Service 11 n, m. Subject: EvenlnguUiesatj! I'he Clmrob an4f , .kIW. IJdson, Pastor. - it, 7 English Lutheran Church ' lU-'gular services every first and third Sunday In the mouth In the Adventist ehuich at II a. in O. It. Ilelnitz, Pastor. Congregational Church Notes .Sunday School 10 a, in. Morning service 11 a. m livening service 7:!K) p. in. hveryone welcome to these strvices 10 YEARS AUO . Kd. Piatt was a passenger to ()inha Monday. ' " Will Robertson was iu St. Joe and Lincoln this week - t Floyd Turnure is home from Lincoln this week visiting his parents'. ( I) E. Saunders Is in Omaha this week taking iu the Cement Show ' ' Mr, Rineholtof St. 'Francis, Kansas, was Iu town Monday visiting friendsi Kennelli Wllliuuis of Geneva ivan-jn tho city the first of the week vUitlng his mother. W, II Tiber came in from Slienan do ill, l.nvn, Saturday wheic he has been laid up with a broken ankle. Mr. F. W. L'owden will make Ids semi-annual visit to the great clothing markets located in Chicago next Sun. day r. Dan Garber of Riverton was on our streets this week. The "Com King'' shelled his corn last week and now his trials aud tribulations aie over until Rpring.work begins on the farm. The Chamber of Commerce was for mally opened Monday night. There was a large attendaucc of the initial meeting and the organization promises' to be a success right from the start. The Bel, orchestra furnished delight ful music for the occasion which was greatly appreciated. The Ladles' Cl'o Club entertained about thirty guests including the school teachers at an open meeting hold last Saturday afternoon at the home of Mrs F. V. Covvden. A p. he'-Malone-GeUatly C vwuwwvvwv ,wvwwv Garfield Community Church Sunday Services us follows: 10 a. m., Sunday School. Subject "The Spirit of Prayer "' U a. m., Sermon: ''Ueal and parent Values." 7:15 p. m. Sorvlee of Song and Story entitled, "The Pu.k Rose." The Olioius will meet Sattnday evening for the final rohearsel or "The Pink Rose" to be given Sunday even, lug. Wo wjll meet, t the home of "7. and Mis. ha Wagoner, at 7:iW. The Pink Rose sorvlco Is a story of Mis p. M Whittemoio written by heisoll' of her wmk in New York City ami how thru the ylft of a pink ruse the life of a young ladv wns trans. formed leading lo iho saving of bund' reds ot others. The story is interspers ed with eleven scngs arranged by I. 11. Meredith. The entire service Is most Impressive and inspiring If j on havo anything to sell or want to buy anything that you think your nelghbur might have, say so on the Ilullotln lloaul ninth of the Cltnroh Dr.RB Y, HkMm DENTIST Red Cloud, Nebrusk ...' i. ,-.,'. Ky-: w- ' r .., "-.: 3. VS. IL 7 in 'ft '.(tilf - ; Jf. 'it tit . "f J"'?' iTotfigMPook It mo live In a house t' the vlilo of the roatl, ' Wlivro the laue of inon mo by. They nre kimI, Ihey are b.ul, they are weak, they are strong, Wise, foolish; no am I. T1im why HliotiM 1 wit lit the scorncr's scat Or huil u enlc's ban? Let uic live la u Iiouhc by the side of the road And be a filcinl to man, Foss. SIMPLE GOOD THINGS TD KFOISK thf chestnuts tire nil gone preiiare a few delicious dishes using a l'ew cooked chestnuts. ' Chestnut, Raisin and Apple Salad. Takf one cupful of seeded raisins two ciipfuls of boiled che.-luuts, two ctipfuN of tipple, (ini'-half cupful of large grapes n ml one-half cupful of French dressing, ('over tho raisins with half of the tlresslug-and let stand an hour. MK the chestnuts (peeled of their brown &khis) anil dlcetl npplo with the rc.-t of the dressing. Cut the grapes In half, remove the seeds and add to the other Ingredients. Servo on shredded lettuce leaves, Data and Coconut Sweeti. , Take two ciipfuls of dates, after stoning, one cupful of grated coconut, one-lialf teaspoonful of salt, one table-, spoonful of lemon Juice and four tablespoonfuls of sugar. Put (he dates through a meat chopper, add the salt aud three-quarters of a cupful of, the coconut, and the lemon Juice. Mix the Ingredients well; then form Into round balls and roll In the remainder of the coconut and the sugar. Fruit Sweets. ' j Take one cupful each of figs, seed' ed raisins and dates, ptti through a ' meat chopper, add one tablespoonful o lemon juice 'and two of" orange Juice, with u -pinch of suit. Mix well, take a small portion and form Into a small oblong, roll In sugar aud prss half a walnut In the top; place In a dish dusted with sugar. Whipped Cream Cake. A simple, easy cake ro make nnd serve, ami one which tlicwhole family will enjoy Is this: Prepare a plain layer cake batter and buke In two tins. Whip a cupful of heavy cream until stirr, niM threo tithlfspnnnfiils of powdered sugar and a teaspoonful of vanilla. Spr-eml over a layer and put on the second. Cover the top with the oremu mid garnNli with can died cherries ((P, 1921, Wetrn Nwnimier Union ) Golfer Cannot Overawing. A leather device, lo hold the arm In exactly the proper position while swinging, Is now avallalile for the aid of golfers anxiotH to improve their game. The device, described and Il lustrated Iu Popular Mechanics! Maga zine, Is strapped to the left arm, and allows the arm to be bent backward Ihe necessary distance, but prevents tm much bending. - JJ . "'. ' WS : . ,' ...nt, Lri fF. Ml .CU i t1 IIB That's what you get when wc do your work. There is no "ifs," "ands" or "buts" about it. The paper stock is right, ihe work is right and the price is right. Wc print most anything and keep our promises on deliveries. When you give us an order you need not worry about it until it is time for you to have the finish ed job on hand. And then it will be there even before you can remind us of the de livery promise. livery promise. - i lllllfl A SCHOOL DAUS A ) w?Msmr roMst.oowr tr? jk. v SL. Wmf fieScmSSkWSBSm lj)wWie.wt VW ' j -Llj V E f ,ir : THE Sarcophagus, or stone coffin, has been used by the more civilized peoples since the days of the early Egyptians. Jts successor today is the Norwalk Vault. Luxuriantly carved and painted were the sarcophagi of the Greeks and Romans, but the Norwalk Vault of moulded granite combines quiet dignity with its rugged strength. Scaled by hand, within the grave it becomes one solid piece of eternally protecting masonry. For every funeral: THE NORWALK VAULT All Good Under lakers Recommend the Norwall: the Best INSIST upon iff WmilWWWMW BMWWH I'l 'I'l WW! imimMArm aw wtmwii rrmrjmtim lIETCALF & BRSMKmMM Local WiastufaGtut'ers iff ice at Bailey9 s Tie Barn - 1 .5 A "v ! 7 h m b i . te $ '? 1 i -if.