The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, February 08, 1923, Image 3
11ED OLOUD, NEBRASKA. CHIEF ; , f, 1 f I. Luscious Made With Raisins and already baked for you SAVE the trouble and the time of baking pics at home, yet give your men folks pies that arc exactly to their taste. Master bakers and neigh borhood bake shops in your city arc making luscious raisin pic fresh every day. Your grocer or these bake shops can supply them. Taste them and you'll know why there's no longer need to bake at home. Crust that's light and flaky tender, thin-skinned, juicy fruit, the juice forming SUN-MAID RAISINS The Supreme Pie Raisin Your retslier should sell you Sun -Maid Raisins for not more than the following prices i Seeded (in ISoz. Hue pica- 20e CUT Dcpt. Please (17fiiinii I 1 Name- Street- Blue Package Qm GOOD CIGARETTES GENUINE "BULL" DURHAM TOBACCO Too Much. .Tims Well, wlint did .you get for Christmas? Jiimes (sorrowfully) Indigestion. A Lady of Distinction In recognized by the delicate, fascinat ing lnfluenco of the perfume she uses. A bath with Ctitlcuru Soap and hot water to thoroughly cleanse the pores followed by n dusting with- Cutlcurn Talcum powder usually means n clear, sweet, healthy skin. Advertisement. Elusive. "Hlches have wings," remarked Hark Ippnnk. "Yep," opined Herb llltirb, "they're hard to ketch." , , , , . , ( For your daughter's sake, use Red Cross Hall Illue In the laundry. She, ivlll then have that dainty, well-groomed appearance- that girls admire. Ad vertisement. lie laughs at errors typographical who never read a proof. It Is a won drous gift. We've tried it. Sure Relief FOR INDIGESTION o, y tBtU:N INDIGESTION! 6 Bell-ans iS) I I4V llrk Sure Relief Bell-ans 25 AND 75 PACKAGES EVERYWHERE PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM IUmoTrI)marua-fitoIUlrKlllDt Restore Color and I Beauty to Cray and Faded Halt egc. ana i uuni irro;r?mi. Hiwii C'hrm. Win. I'atr liopiif . W. Y.I HINDERCORNQ nrmom Own CM loiurt. etc., itnp alt puln, niurt comfort K tbi fwt, inakr walklntr Iu;. IS.-, bj mall or at Dru? Cttta, illtcox Chemical Works, fatctiuirso.N. Y, NO DYE To rtor irrny or fadl balr to orig inal color, don't ur n dyeIO Uanuer oua Oei a bottle of QDao Car Color neatorer Safe aa water anpij it ana watcu result. ,Al an trow uruKKiaia, Tic, or Ctrtct from IIEUIG-E1LU, CautliU, MUj, Tta. W. N. U., LINCOLN, NO. 5-1923. SO fiSL Ella a delicious sauce I There's nothing left to be desired in a pic. Made with finest seeded Sun Maid Kaisins. 15C0 calories of energizing nu triment per pound in practically preriigestcd form. Kich in food iron, also good food for the blood. Make cakes, puddings and other good foods with them. You may be offered other bra ml 3 that you know less well than Sun-Maids, but the kind you want is the kind you know is good. Insist, therefore, on Sun-Maul brand. They cost no more than ordinary raisins. Mail coupon now for free hook of tested Sun-Maid recipes. secdleu (in IS or. rca jp.( 18c Seeded or Seediest (11 ox.) 15c Seeded, in tins (lSoz.t20o Soodedi in Una (!)-lEo THIS OUT AND SEND IT Sun-Maid Rniiin Growers, N-553-13,-Fresno, California. send me copy of your free book, Willi ' SrAJt A fat purse is a good thing to leun on. "COLD IN THE HEAD" In nn acute attack of Nasal Catarrh. ThoEo nubject to frequent "colds" are generally In a "run down" condition. HALTVS CATARRH MEDICINE Is a Treatment consisting of an Ointment, to be used locally, and a Tonic, which acts Quickly through tho Blood on the Mu cous Surfaces, building up tho System, and making you less llnblo to "colds." Sold by druggists for over 40 Years. F. J. Chonoy A Co., Toledo, O. Bonehead! Hubby did not like the nppearance of the cook a friend had scut them, so taking his wife aside he said, "Don't hire her." "Hut," remonstrated his better half, "Just think of the reputation for cooking she bears." "Never mind about her nblllty to cook she bears," said he. "We don't entem, nnyway." Uoston Transcript. SHE DYED A SWEATER, SKIRT AND CHILD'S COAT WITH "DIAMOND DYES" Each package of "Diamond Dyes" con tains directions so simple any woman can dye or tint her worn, shabby dresses, skirts, waists, coats, stockings, sweaters, coverings, draperies, hangings, everything, even if she lias never dycu before. Buy "Diamond Dyes" no other kind then perfect home dyeing is sure because Dia mond Dyes are guaranteed not to spot, fade, streak, or run. Tell your druggist whether the material you wish to dye is wool or silk, or whether it is linen, cotton or mixed goods. Advertisement. i nu muiim iu rami nuiu, t. ,,,,,- .. ,. fll Illllnr nn nilrfu TiL. HAmhI. a A..4 lnol,i, Whllo ,,oInc iir0llBh ,o nnlnr shops It receives 24 distinct operations, one upon another. Tho bodies are dried after each coat. WHY DRUGGISTS RECOMMEND SWAMP-ROOT For many years druggists have watched with much interest tho remarkable record maintained by Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, the great kidney, liver and bladder medi cine. It is a physician's prescription. Swamp-Root is a strengthening medi cine. It helps tho kidneys, liver and blad der do tho work na'turc intended they should do. Swamp-Root has stood the test of years. It is sold by all druggists on its merit and it should help you. No other kidney medi cine has so many friends. Re sure to get Swamp-Root and .start treatment at once. However, if you wish first to test this (" it preparation wnd ten cents to Dr. I', or & Co., Uinghamton, N. Y for a Minnie bottle. When writinjr. be sure and mention this paper. Advertisement. Ho also serves who only stays In Jul I and waits. ' iUJZZL "au Strong. lUalthy 'yCTSis they Tire, Itch, Ton Gafj Smart or Burn ,f S01" VniTcicC Irritated, Inflamed or TUUR LYtO Granulated, use Murine Often. Soothes, Refreshes. Safe for Infnnf tr Artlllf Af nil nntrrrrlcfa XVt-lfAfnw Free Eye Book. MirtaiEjRwt:rCo.,CUcn jiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiim Indian Lodge Tales f I Dy FordC. Frick niiiimiiiimiiiiiiimimiiiiiiiiimiiimiii THE LEGEND OF CAMERON'S CONE L1KU foil those of its tf llttlu faith who lowed through the years, the Chosen Race was brave when smiled the Miinllou, and laughed and played with happy hearts. Hut when he hid his face among the mists and sent no word unto his people, they waxed afraid nor dared to chase tho doer nor plant the maize until tho-Houds were parted and his face smiled forth again. I'or they were small of faith and knew not how to do their work unless they could see before them on the l'eak the face of Manltou. So they srnt nn embassy unto him to pray that ever they might have his face In view, unhid by mists or clouds by day resplendent In the golden light of the creative sun, at night bathed In the radiance of the Hllvery moon. Four ancient chieftains, bold of heart and purltled by fuMs and holy rites, they chose to take the message up the mount that rose to heaven's gale. Rut Munltnu was wroth when ho beheld this ancient four who dared to tread upon the image of his face. And anger seized him when he saw how small the faith they held In his good works; and In his heart a mighty auger rose, and clouds turned black, and storms came down the l'eak( and In his anger he seized upon the thun derbolts and hurled them toward the earth. Iu deepest darkness all the land was wrapped save where the flumes ran down the mountainside. Terrllle winds were Ioos?d to do their harm, and scourged the trembling plains , with blinding dusts. The rain fell through the- darkness and a grievous I hail fell on man and beast. And with gigantic sounds the hills were rent In I twain, while the Chosen l'eople hid themselves in the valleys and llus canyons to escape the rage of Maultou For four days the mount was hid from human eyes. At last the storm was spent. The Manltou seized and bound the winds, and all the thunder bolts were laid away, the sun came out once more and through the clouds the distant summit of the sacred mountain was bathed In light and sun shine once again. Rut those who looked were stricken dumb with fear. The summit of the mighty peak was gone I The Manltou, so thc.fathers say, had in his wrath snatched up the mighty peak, and breaking off its summit, cast It down the slope upon the heads of tho ancient chieftains there, bury ing them In rock and earth where they stood, half way 'twlxt summit nnd the plains below. And as It fell it formed another mountain not nearly eo high as the sacred mount, 1)ut black wltle lire and rain. Twisted and torn It lay there where It fell, hurled from the hand of Manltou himself as pun ishment to those of little faith who sought to climb from earth to heaven that they might mnkc their wishes known to him who wns their father. As for the peak which once had led to heaven no longer tall and stately did It show, but torn and twisted, blackened by fire. Its rugged sides Im possible to climb. No longer could the Chosen People look up nnd see the face of Manltou, but only u moun tain, vast In Its grentness, stretching Its head to heaven, but falling short of that great goal. And slnco that time the Manltou, still in the heavens, sees no more of earthly things. No longer can his people, In their faith, climb the peak to talk with him, but each must wait his turn to pass be yond the plains Into the happy hunt ing ground above. The peak is there, pointing tho wny to heaven, but shutting off nil. hope of climbing to the hunting ground above. Mahogany Leads Among Woods. Among cabinetmakers and users of furniture, mahogany Is ensily tho most favored wood. It has beauty of Bur face, It Is easily carved and it Is not subject to changes in fashion. Also It Is adaptablo to any urtlclo of furnl; ture. Tradition has It that mahogany's dis covery was quite accidental. A car penter in Sir Walter Raleigh's shop In 1505 saw some of the wood, experi mented with It, and convinced of Its value, made use of It. Mahogany Is found extensively In Africa, but the greater quantity used In the United States comes from Cuba, Mexico und Central Airtri'V. , -go Not a Matter of Years. I Ago cr.unt for mneh loss tucm It did a generation ago. People do not sub mit so readily to tho growing-old proc- ) ess. They nro realizing moro and more that youth Is not a physical af fair at all. The pew psychology, which Is quietly, but deeply, affecting lllft.llin 1irltf1lt 111 tY1n.1t. lllnA.iMnttn lit t i.uiiiuti iituuijiiii ! i'iiiiij nil i-i;iiifijn, in teacuiug man mat neaitny labor, cheerful thinking, und useful interests In life go n long way towards preserv ing fitness and freshness of body and mind. TEACHER PAYS IT GLOWING TRIBUTE Declares Tanlac Ended Indiges tion, Chest Pains and Palpi tationLost Strength Restored. "Tanlnc litis Improved my general condition ten times more than I antici pated," recently stated Herbert A. Gup tlll, n well-known school teacher of Kezar Falls, Maine. "My trouble began will) a sudden loss of strength. Almost everything I I nto disagreed with me and caused a i sickening sensation that remained with I mo for hours. For months I found breathing dillleult on account of in digestion, nnd had such chest pains nnd palpitation I thought my heart was affected. I also suffered greatly from headaches and nervousness, seldom slept well, and felt tired and worn out all the tlmo. "Since taking Tanlac no kind of food hurts mo nnd I havo n wonderful ap petite. I havo gained ten pounds, breathe freely, sleep perfectly, and feel as strong nnd well as over In my life. Tanlac Is certainly n superior medi cine." N Tanlac 19 for sale by nil good drug gists. Over .15 million bottles sold. Advertisement. Where? "Mamma, what makes the street car go?" loudly piped small .loan, much to the amusement of the pas sengers on the street car, Her mother quietly replied that the electricity made the street car go. While Joan twisted about In her seat, turning this unenllghtcnlng answer over In her mind, the car came (o a stop. "Rut, mammal" she said, still puzzled, "where does the electricity go when the street car stops?" A Motor Mind. Marion, age three, was playing with n kitten, for the first time. The kit ten began to purr. He put the kitten down and running lo his mother ex claimed: "Oh, mamma, the kitten has his engine running." lie not hasty to outbid another. 10 Cents BUT IT WASN'T JUST RIGHT Lighting Expert, It Might Be Thought, Had Gone Just a Little Bit Too Far. Yeats does not seem to have cap tured tho enthusiasm of St. John I'3rr vine, who writes In a recent book i about professional people : 1 "Ho would spend hours over thc lighting of a scene . . . This Mlmo' wns too strong mid that Mlmo' was too weak, or there was too much color or there was not enough, or tho min gling of thc colors was not sufficiently , delicate. ! "One day, when he had worn out tho patlenco of eevry one In the thenter with his fussing over the light ing, ho suddenly called nut to the stago manager, 'That's tit! You've got It Just right now !' I '"Ah, sure, the d d thing's on fire,' tho stnge manager answered." Los Angeles Times. Getting Personal. He "They say there's no fool like an old fool." She "Yes; I suppose It worries you to ho getting old." Many a homely woman lias posed as a beauty specialist. Query "Is n good reputation better than nono at nil?" HelpYnirselfto Health and Comfort THOUSANDS of people do not stop to think of the harm which may result from drinking coffee and tea. If you have frequent headaches -if you are nervous and irritable) if you cannot sleep at night it is time to find out the causo and help yourself to health and comfort You alone can do it. Postum makes it easy. Just stop coffee and tea for a while and drink delicious Postum Instead. You will find it whole some and delightful, with a delicate fragrance and a fine, full bodied flavor. Postum it Made by products! i&L. WCOLa-Mil itinntontfljISriuiflDr hi'! H m I 7$ mm m iib'ib Stf t:i'v 1 :?.- tt.ij' M& "V. iinT.-'n utm GKNT. 1 i'.t AVcic1nScpaT YV tlnftUcStomactenndjI oi iSSotiniDK Chccrfulncssarui s- II'IUIU uiriu.i-i- - fi Iincm!.NoTAuuy" &lpZoidDcSMWWt AhclufulRcmcdyfcr , ConstlpalioRandUiJ RcSiailcSMnaWL WZ3XU pil ill ssrJ CAST0RIA Exact Copy of Wrapper. thc cr NTun comcany, mw york city. SICK HEADACHE Take a good dose ICARTERS JniTTLE rlllVER A HPILLS Gives Cheerful New Color PUTNAM FADELESS DYES Funny If He Couldn't. A baud that had attained some repu tation In Its locality accepted an en gagement that Involved a train trip. Following the concert certain nieine hers of the orguuixntloh gained ac cess to a Jug that had a kick In Its conleuts. The drummer was one of the members. When, on tho return by train, the conductor was collecting tickets, the drummer could not Hurt his ticket. He ransacked every part of his uniform, without results. Wishing to bo sympathetic, tho con ductor said: "Hut, my friend, surely you could not have lost your ticket." "Huh," came the reply, "funny If I louldn't. 1 lost my big bass drum." Kxchungc. Wllhelmlna a Native Queen. Queen Wllhelmlna of the Nether lands, who will celebrate her Juhlleo on the throne next August, Is the only woman In the world who Is a reigning sovereign In her own right, n position she has held slnco 1S0S, when sho ranched her majority and was formally crowned. It's difficult for a doctor to- euro a diseased imagination. Tho average girl would rather be In love than happy. Made from wheat, roasted just like coffee, Postum contains no caffeine, nor any other harmful ingredient. Your 'grocer sells Postum In two forms: Instant Postum (in tins) pr-par-ed instantly in the cup by tho addition of boiling water. Postum Cereal (in packages) for thoso who prefer to make the drink whllo thu meal is being prepar ed; made by boiling fully 20 minutes. FOR HEALTH There's a Reason 99 Postum Cereal Company, Incorporated Cattlo Creek, Michigan CASTQRIA For Infants nnd Children. Mothers Know That Genuine Castoria Always f . Bears signature In Use Over Thirty Years of Carter's Little Liver Pills the vf JW m BtV of V.W W For then take 2 or 3 lor a lew nignta ntter. i ncy restore the organs to their proper functions and Headache and the causes of it pass away. THEY REGULATE THE BOWELS and PREVENT CONSTIPATION "aer" y&t&ZrC Sm.llPill;SnHDoie;SmallPric. Tone to Old Curtains dyes or tints as you wish WOMAN'S "TALK TANK" SMALL Explanation Offered as to Why the Gentler Sex Is Acknowledged the More Voluble, , Why do women talk more than men7 Dr. A. A. Ilrlll, professor of psy chology at New York university and well known psychoanalyst, told tho National Association of Teachers of Speech why, at their convention at the university. "There Is no question that women nro more voluble than men," said Doctor Ilrlll, and, strange to say, nono of tho women delegates rose to argue with him. "Many discussions and ex planations have been offered." Doctor Ilrlll offered one by Doctor .Tesperson, the eminent philologist. It was couched very sclentlllcally, but (lie meat of It Is that woman's vocab ulary Is smaller and more centralized than man's, hut always on tap. She can get tit It very quickly, and does so frequently. Now. man's lingual nbllltles are scattered, lie cannot always get at It in time to have n comeback ready for the wife. It takes a long time to forget a commendatory word, bill longer to forget a fault-finding one. The rault is to cleave to a fault. Confucius. "wffl Ii1 'r)I tier fesTMl GEHPfll J VSW9 ft r n :&S!tt!L.