The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, February 01, 1923, Image 7

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Gained Strength, Weight and Now
Doing Own Work, by Taking Lydia
E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound
Legion Members Help Out Disabled Veteran
"i,i W r tm1 Sf m a "L i i BBaaT"'HB.
Marion, Ind. "I was all run-down,
Ti fiorvouaandbent over. I could hardly
U I I Ui UUIlUf lUb
mono ao my worK.
I read somo letters
in tho papers telling
what Lydia E. I'ink
ham'a Vegotablo
Compound had dono
for others and I
thought I would try
it. Then a man told
my husband about
his wifo and what
good it had dono her
and wanted htm in
bavo mo try it. I took ono bottlo and
could eeo what it did for mo in a week's
time, and when I had taken three bottles
I had gained both in strength and weight
nnd was doing my own work. I took it
boforo my last baby was born and it
helped mo so much. I suro am glad to
recommend tho Vegetable Compound to
any woman who miners from femalo ail
ments, for I know by experience what
it can do. I htrvo used Lydia E. Pink
ham's Sanative Wash, also tho Liver
Pills, too, and think them fine." Mrs.
Wm. Eldkidge, C20 E. Grant Street,
Marion, Indiana.
A record of nearly fifty years acrvico
Bhould convince you or tho merit of
Lydia E. Pinkham's Compound.
There are scores
of reasons why
"Vasollno" Petroleum Jelly should be
accounted a household mainstay. A
few of them aro burn", sores, blisters,
cuts. It cornea in bottles-at nil drug
gists and general stores.
8ltle Strut New Yotk
Reg US Pat Off
Bvtrj"l'au!lnt" PnJuttlirtammfiJsJMTtwhtrt
intuit If 111 tinluti rurttj nd ifKttvmm
Are your horses cough
inn or runnlne at the
nose? If so. give them "SPOHN'S."
A valuable remedy for Coughs,
Colds, Distemper, Influenza, Pink
Eye and Worms among horses and
mules. An occasional dose "tones"
them up. Sold at all drug stores.
TryPWa atton
Uhlngljr quick ro
Uef.Aajrrupunlika all othara nliu-
ant doaa not up
tat stomach -no
ooiatea. 35c and
60c everywhere.
Your Hair
need nbt be thlft
or streaked with
nnlelilv rarlre It and brlnr bacV ali III orldoal
color and loiurUnce. AtalTrooddrumrUU,7&:,or
direct from HUSJC-tUU, Caambta. MUMUS,. TIHK.
Keep Off the Grassl
The little boy was fond of nursery
rhymes and fairy tales, and was al
ways nbklng questions about them.
Ono day lie asked his mother:
"Why didn't the man In tho nursery
rhymo put up n notice to 'keep off the
grass'? Then ho wouldn't have been
cruel to the maiden."
'Which man, dear?" said his moth
er; "and to whom was ho cruel?"
"Well," said tho Mttlo chap, "nurso
r'ten tells me about tho man all tat
tered and torn who kicked the maiden
off the lawn!"
EnormoU8 Cost of tho World War.
Au estimate made in behalf of tho
Carneglo Endowment for International
Peace shows that the cost of the
World war exceeded $333,000,000,000.
This amount Is equal to the combined
wealth of tho United States, France
and Great Ilrltaln when the war began.
If you use lied Cross Ball Dluo In
your Inundry, you will not bo troubled
by those tiny rust spots, often caused
by Inferior bluing. Try It nnd see.
Had Nothing but Money.
Ho (Indignantly) "You married mo
for my money I" Sho (weetly) "Well,
dear, what else had you?"
After one has readied his goal and
doesn't like It, It Is too late to start for
King Oeorgo's crown weighs 39
I look to Your Eyes
Beautiful Eyes, like fine
Teeth. te the terult of Cprittint
Cate. The dally ue of MuriiM
miles En Clear and UidUnt,
Eflloviblc. Harmless. Sold and
Recommended by All Dtuul't.
It. A White, ii disabled veteran, started u home for Ills family In l.os Angeles, hut his health failed lilm and ho
j ivns unable to finish It. The members
teered to help mm. lho result was a
Ciorm.nnj's iclcliswehr or national police Is a large and completely armed body of trained sold,lers nnd there havo
been reports thnl It was being mobilized to .resist forcibly the occupation ot German territory by the French. The Il
lustration shows a recent reichswehr demonstration In Iterlln which Von Illndenburg reviewed.
Pueblos Oppose
fJR itoB'AaaaS3r?''&iTTyAUaHlT T.aaaaaaaaaaaaft'rgaataaatf5aaaaaaaaafrt.aP fa
wSawmr ioKBKm
A picturesque delegation of I'ucblo Indians arrived In Washington from
Xew Mexico to plead with congress against tho destruction, as they allege, of
the very Uvea of their people through enforced starvation nnd disease. It Is
the first delegation of Its kind to appear In tho capital slncc-thc days of Abra
ham Lincoln, who presented each of them at that tlmo with n cane as a token
of his promise, they declare, of the permanent retention of their lnnds. Tho
Uursuni hill, which they are fighting, would deprive them of their fast dwindling
lauds. Tho Indians nre shown carrying the Lincoln canes.
Austria Decorates Judge Payne
ffi .' aBSBSBV. .'. ' IV. vX
If $ $ X
i fat7).! i.i.'-tviLTte j
.ludge .loliu Ilnrtnn I'ajne, chairman of the American Ited Cross, being
dpcorntod with the Grand Star of the'Order of Merit, tho highest honor given
by the Austrian government, by Kdgnr L. O. Prochnlk, charge d'affaires of
the Austrian embassy In the Ited Cross headquarters In Washington. This
Is tho first decoration conferred upon an American by nny of tho lato enemy
nations since the armistice. Left to right: Judgo Pajne, Edgar I'rochnlk
tad Colonel Illcknell.
Mt. Krtmnl, In Alaska, Is tho largest
active, volcano In tho world.
Japanese In tho. United States now
outnumber tho Chinese nearly two to
Tho city of Danzig has added plants
to make benzol nnd fuel briquets from
coke nnd tar to its municipal gas
works o utlllzo by-products,
of American Legion Post No. 8 heard of
completed bungalow In two days.
May Oppose the French Invaders
the Bursum Bill
Country butchers and farmers now
supply about 30 per cent of the hides
and skins used In this country.
Tho clothing woiker Is Idle- 31 per
cent of tho year, tliu shoemaker 35
per cent, and tho building trades
worker 37 per cent.
Three 'j.OOO-mllo radius radio stn
tlons will bo erected In Central Amer
ica, at tho capitals of Honduras nnd
NJrarat'ua and In n rnnama city,
White's plight and CO of thutu volun
Miss Charlotte Klllott of St. l'aul,
Minn,, has sued tho owner of n largo
apartment building for ?2ri,000 dam
ages, charging that her personality has
been chnnged ns the result of Injuries
suffered when an automatic elevator In
which sho was riding crashed two
floors to tho basement. Miss Klllott,
hi her complaint, alleges that her for
mer sunny disposition Is now marred
by fits of melancholln, that she is lr
rltablo and not easy to get along with
nnd no longer cares for social affairs;
and worst of nil, her new personality
has brought about a quarrel with her
fiance that has ended In a permanent
Muriel D, Spring, who has been
dancing for four months In Paris,
carries a heavy Insurance policy on
her nether extremities. Tho other
dny sho arrived In New York and tho
photographer caught this plcturo of
her and what her friends call hor
"million dollar legs."
JDnrfmBaplC'--lT irrTrrrmtirmriak-
fiSjil '.SSB'tok
1 , "- mm
BBaaBKt TMmWv wt
WmWm'3St$, W'$L .,
wZEzNzmimmw $
I MmmlmWHK
IT r8M T
To Fruit Cake
Now you can buy a fruit
cake of the kind that you
would make at home and
save home baking.
a rich, fruity, luscious cake
that doesn't crumble and dry
a tender, almost juicy cake
with that rare flavor of the
raisins and the spice that
makes you like fruit cake.
a cake that you'll be glad
to serve to friends
? a prize fruit cake, in fact
Sun-Maid Raisins
Sun-Maid Raiain Growers
4C-ttrtliit Orcdittitlio Cot-friiint 14,000 Gtotetr Rtimttti
Dcpt. N-553-30, Fresno, California
Bltu Pttlttt
Scotsman Not Likely to Expend a
"Bawbee" When He Could Walk
to His Hotel.
A young Scotsman, shortly after hit
graduation from the University of
Kdlnhurgh, came to this country to
teach. Thirty years later he revisited
the country of his birth. On his re
turn to his teaching post ho was re
galing some of his confreres with an
account of his trip.
"One morning," related the profes
sor, "as I was strolling nlong a street
In Edinburgh, I stopped at a tobacco?
nlst's and bought somo cigars. Finding
myself out of matches I asked the
clerk for some.
"'Ha'pence a box,' said he.
"'What! Why, In America when
a man buys a cigar he Is given a small
package of matches.'
"Tm sorry, sir, but they're hn'penny
a box here.'
"And do j on know," added tho pro
fessor, "I had to walk back eight
blocks to my hotel to get some
matches." Judge.
Cause and Effect.
The teacher was angry when
Thomas appeared ten minutes lato for
pchnol one morning.
"Why are jou late, Tommy?" he said
"Iiease, sir," replied tho sinner, "It
was lato when I started from home."
"Then why didn't you sturt from
homo earlier?"
"Please sir, It was too late to start
To Have a Clear, Sweet Skin
Touch pimples, redness, roughness
or Itching, If any, with Cutlcura Oint
ment, then bnthe with Cutlcura Soap
and hot water. Rinse, dry gently and
dust on n llttlo Cutlcura Talcum to
leave a fascinating fragrance on skin.
Uverywhero 25c ench. Advertisement.
He Lost His Cap.
A six-year-old, who had Just started
lo school, was running frantically
through the hall.
"What's tho matter, sonny?" asked
the teacher.
IIo said: "I can't find my cap."
"Where did you lenvo It?"
"Oh, In one of these hero pnntrles."
The war has made table linen very
valuable. Tho use of Ited Cross Hall
Who will add to Its wearing qualities.
Use It and see. All grocers. Adver
Not So Very Liquid.
Henderson "Your wife has such a
soft liquid voice." Henpeck "Yes;
but It's hard to stop the flow."
Write W. V. Dennett, Desk W, flOO
I'eter's Trust Wdg., Omaha, Neb., for
full particulars about cheap lands and
great opportunities In Western Cannila.
Somo things that happen aro more
hcarablo than the worry that pre
ceded thein,
What aro years fr, If not to gain
the most delicious you Have
ever known.
These plump, tender, juicy,
thin-skinned raisin are ideal
for cake. Taste the cake you
get and see. '
You'll enjoy fruit cake more
often when you can secure such
good cake reaJy'tnaJe.
Mail coupon for free book of
tested recipes suggesting scores
of other luscious raisin foods.
Just ask your hake shop or
confectioner for it the cake
that's made with
a Sun-Maid Raisin Growers,
I Dtpt. N-553-30, Fresno, California.
I Please send me copy of your free book,
I "Recipes with Raisins."
- ....
Be Glad for the Fields.
I'u thankful "to the fields, though
summer's sweets lie dead. It was
their tloeco that clothed you; their
green blades brought you biead.
Frank L. Stanton.
Advice for the Middle-Aged.
Advice to men past fifty: Live a
If you expected to he on earth for
thirty years and, with all your plans,
ho prepared to go tomorrow.
W Pat. Process '
Baby Carriages &Fumituro
Ask Your Local Dealer
Write Now for 32-Page
fsSsr Illustrated Booklet
The Lloyd Manufacturing Company
(Htuwood-WaM.U Co.)
Dtpt. B
Menominee, Michigan (19)
1123 O Street u Lincoln, reb
- J
Wabash Pad
Curo Collar Sore while you
worK mo horse, ask your
dealer, or send us $t S3
lor sample, postpaid
Mlrs., Lincoln, Nsbr.
Creamery and Cream
Station Supplies
Milk Bottles and balry Supplies; Bra
Cases and Chicken Coops; BOILERS
1309 Jones St. 11 W. Third St.
W. N. U., LINCOLN, NO. 4-1923.