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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 1, 1923)
C a rr , If k? . s , ftS TOLD TO US Walt rir SpolinV DuiiKiSnlo, Keh.SU, at the farm J tube tinm Superior. .) ha I'!dw urds was in Itivcrlon Monday afternoon. TliuriN. y the drillers commenced drilling for oil at Hiltlictli. See thu "Tiiais of a Hostess " Audi, torium. lVbruury 8th jsoh lid Several dl imi 1MII7011H am taking in the wolf limit at Holsieln today. W. 1). Kdson spent Tuesday in Hast ings attending to busine.s mutter. Frank Tcnnant un-ived here Thu is , day morning on train 14 from Trenton Mrs. A. J. Tophum went to Hust ings Saturday mornjng to spend the ('!'". Mrs. John Schncll went to Cowlcs Fridny miming on train 4 to spend the day. . .James Tanquary of Republican City spent Saturday here vis'ting with lcl atives and friends. Mis.8 Virginia Avid retu-ncd h'me Sunday morning after a couple of d: ys spent in Denver. Mrs. Kordice went to Guide Hock Saturday morning to spend the day visiting with friends. Wm. Harris went to Hastings Tues day mornng to spend the day attend ing to business matters. Theodore Manlcy resumed his work at the depot Wednesday after being off for several days sick. Miss Wrcthu. Smith went to Guide Rock Sunday morning. to spend the day visiting with friends. Rev. S. Hordman went to Superior Thursday morning to spend the day attend'ng to business matters. Mrs. N. Ii. Rush returned home Thursday morning irom Oxford after a short visit there with relatives. Omer Crowe'l r.nd Una B. WoocJ ward, both oftiuUle Rod: were grant ed a marriage license Saturday. Fred Copley went to Kanst-s City Sunday morning to spend a couple of days attending to business matters. Engineer Russell c.urv; in on No. 14 Monday morning to take Nos 4 and 11. Eng'nccr Pettis, who has been ,on this run for the past few weeks went to McCook. Player Piano nt a Sarfcitn:-Vo hnve a player plnnn in good condition that one of our customers was unable .to finish paying for, that wo will place "free of charge in tlio home of any satis factory eustomi-r In lb" udiiity of Red Cloud who will p.ij the hahuicoln cash or easy pajuu'iils Wiite GASTON MUSIC l-TRNl n'RECO , Hustings, Nebraska. rfsii2Nr .I&J6SBB DYED AND REMODELED The Hughes Way Cleaners ,- Dyers - Tailors (Wc Clean Hats) I'honcis-reU 83; Iud. 193M. Red Cloun-Neb h nlw l ki ' tffli l U)iJWimuuaniiii PI A N OS ,(H ,0 m t,iscounl iiu .-ft nHlpn t, v fin. . iiVi n Imi". ii .nn i mmi mouni lff r1 n.lj run. tuutwn.1. 1 r.,lr In ) our ?I ""-- " """' """"'. t tr lof Itri- ho nil ilracrlnllon A. HOSPE CO., Omaha, Ncbr. For YrNtrk'i Mimic Center 'I i in i ml linn, i n ii , iu i b .som it Ai i' i w. I i n hi ii t- id iiori ti ni In t . . i (i'li-. ivi i killed Hon ,iil II,- ,, . til t lint Ot s (inn ltl W l' fill I I i i.. llu lMtlllh ! lU'il Clou . ii Ii km It. i'l( Jas. Mcintosh returned home Sun- d: y morning from Kxcclisior Springs, Missouri, who c he spent a couple of weeks. Mrs. II. R. Children.? and children went to Hastings Saturday morninjr for a couple of days visit there with friends. Mr. and Mrs. G. F. Doering spent Monday here attending to bus'ness matters, returning to Esbon late that evening. Mrs. Hc.-nn'.d McN'eny and daugh ter, Mips Helen, returned home Sun day morning : ftcr n couple of days spent in Denver. Attorney rml Mrs. J. Q. Saycr oi Hill City, Kansas we c the guests of John Foster und daughter, Mis.i Kva, the first of the week. Mrs. Shercr and daughter, Mrs. Wallace Saladcn and baby went to Cowlcs Friday morning to spend the day visiting with friends Operator R. E. Gocklcy arrived here from Edison Friday morning on train 14 to work third trick in -place of Ed gar Harrington who, is sick. 3 Mr. and Mrs. I, Traut went to Cul bertson 'Saturday -evening on train 17 to upend Sunday visiting with rela tives, returning home Monday. Smith Center, Kansas, held a .spe cial .election Tuesday for the purpose of voting bonds for $200,000 to se cure water 'from the Solomon river. . Mr. and Mrs. John Sells and two children went to Burwell Tuesday mornhig they being celled there by the serious illness of a niece of theirs. George It, Boomer returned to IiIf home at Lincoln Saturday morning on train 4 after spending a couplle of days here attending ti business mat ters. Mrs. Howard E. Que ring, nee Miss Charlotte Buerstetta is heie visiting for a few days at the home of her sN ter, Mrs, E. L. Morliait and with friends. Miss Gold'e McConkey came in on No. 16 Sunday morning from River ton to spend the day visiting with her parent", Mr. and Mrs. Mark Mc Conkey. P. H. Boner returned home Friday evening from Lincoln where he has been for the past few days visiting with his son and daughter, who arc attending school there. Thorvul Jensen icturncd to' Red Cloud Monday morning on train 10 from Akiou, Colorado, where he wont Sftturduy cven'ng on tiain L7 fir n short visit with fr'.cnds. Supt. W. F. Giles of the Wymore Dhis'on spent several hours in this city Friday making nn inspection of the Builington propeity ut this poirJ going t) Wymore on No. 10. Mis Edith Zoi-s arrived here Sat uiday m'rn'ng from Inr.valo where 'le is teaching school for a couple of days ldt w'th her parents, Mr., and Mis. C. Zeiss and with friends. Earl IlfGfddiH, a member of the Omaha World Herald editorial staff, passed awiy at a liujiital in Omuha Sunday after a shoit illness. Ho was well known by several in this city. For an evening of fun and onjoy inent attend the Auditorium nnFcbiu- fury 8th. Sue ad Farm Loans. Read This. I am In the farm loan business and am making quite a miccosij of it for various reasons. I have the very low. est rate of liueiust going and by all odds the best option ollered. There Is no dolav in ulosing u loan, as It Is prnctlcally closed the moment the applloatlon is made. I liavo certain advantages that enables me to ave many of jou from $20 to $'10 in ncgot). nitnir Llm loun- You . cot tlio entire fuce of the loan, as no portion of it lb ucld 6n t u advance, V ""'J.H.'BAILBY. IMD OLUUD. NI511KA8KA CH1JL ur "u&vnrraii Irs. J. ik 3 l'...i . r j md chile ri1) r ied Ime ir. u ll.e'r home nt Ho 'tblic n Fnlav mnni'ti" n trfdn It' tiUid .i ivM '. uT d ., 'isi.ii-A " c Herb Ltidl w home nud with r.ends. Operate.' G. R. Hockley went on r in ir li Republican Sunday morn ng, wl-.eie he w'll work for u few toys, after relieving Mr. Harrington on th'rd trick at the depot fo a couple i nights. 11. A. Rocrig, Rurington Cluitii Agent fiom Denver, spent several ours in this city Thursday attending t matters in conncct'on with his work going to Oxfoul that, evcnlnj, on t a'ti 17. Fred Jc nberg, water service foto man f r the Rutlington fiom McCook, arrived in the city Friday morning on train 10 to spend the day attending to business matters in connection with h's work. David Rritton, it former resident ot this city but now living at North lnttc, spent a few hours in this city Satuiday renewing old acquaintances He is visit'ng f r a few days in Smith Center with l datives. Miv. J. A. I'urden and son, Dane!, went to Kansas City, Sunday morn ing to jdn his wif? and purchar.c goods for tlcir millinery store. M A. Albright is in clu rgc of the -.tot-wlvlc they arc away. V .1 Vance was down fioin Inavale Wednubduy und while Iuto made this olllco a visit Mr. Vance Is the only old settler of Inavale who'.is lu-sldn g op his homestead today, tie Jiavn g settled on bis laud In 1870. Marion Bloom returned home Mon day evening qn train 17 from Lin coln. He reports his baby considerably better, Mrs. Bloom remained in Liri coin where she will say until the. baby can be brought home. , - Five carloads' of hogs to- Kansas Clity, four of cattle to Kansas City and one of cattle to St. Joe comprised the stock shipments from here Sun r.r. day morning. J. C. Burgess went in. charge of the stock shipped fiom here Claie and Olrude Starr arrived here Friday morning from their home at Brush, Colorado, they being called by the death of their grandfather, Jonu Cmi ett. Their parents Mr. and Mrs Gias Starr Imve been here for tlio past week. Mis. Gertrude L. Coon icturncd home Thursday evening on train 11 from Omaha where she has .been spend ing the past week attending the . n nual meeting of the State Teachers' Association which has been going on in that city for the past week. While walking tip the track near the depot at Inuvale early Sunday morning. with the intentions of going east on a stock train. II. II. Fetty stepped off a culbert and wus bruised up considerable. He was going to get on the caboose and owing to the dark ness did not see the culbert. Messrs Brooks and Farley, two of Itivcrton's aged citizens, met on the street of that village Saturday noon and 'decided to .settle their grievances by the Qucensboi'ry rules. As Mr. Farley attempted to pass by, Mr. thooks the latter stabbed him in the back, the knife pcnetrnt'ng to his lungs and then be.t in Uroolis with hii fists. It wes thought at fir t that Mr. Failey w uld no live but he is im;iioing at Hist report1. AUDITORIUM The nifcYtr-to-br.-forftJllf.H COMEDY IN THIfEE ACTS of Hostess GIVEN BY The Altar Guild of Grace Episcopal Church Pirst Appearance of the Red Cloud Ladies Band PRICES 30c & 10c 'TheTrials (il'N CLUB NOTli.l iio Frank Puiuition ..nil Co yu.u- s ni m; to i(;im Ji'im i .. ' eic.i sua lung 41) out of fiU b kIs, kl lowed bj tw 40 and a 45 in kes Rod Jloud a wiiinc. ovo." Wr. y, Coloriu'o, in thu third Uncle Dud trophy shoot, says So rct..ry Grant Diumn. colo- rad Spring will be our ne:;t victims, Fehruarv 4 ill and wo bono to have a large gathering of shootc.s. Red .voud will have to stop some to win ove.- the Coloivd) club w'tli U huge metnbeisiiii). Shoot sturts promptly at ll o'clock. SAMPLE OF CHINESE 'JUSTICE' Poaslbly a Little of Thin Might Wako Up Somo Town Authorities In America. It appears that when one has lived In China for some (line mid studied Its Institutions the one thought that strikes hliu Is the fooling of responsi bility that ier ados oery phase of Chinese life. This- sense of responsi bility makes useless the ordinary ex cuses that weigh with American or European. Two men wore gambling In an ob scure part of one town, In a room hid den iiway from observation. A dis pute atiiso over the game; It ended In u flplil, und one of tlii'in got a fatal stub. It was 1! o'clock In the morning iwen the Incident took place. The elo city was nsloop, nud the tlpao, tlicYJcinlmun of the ward, and his flrjuh wore In bod, so that he was en ttl'o) unaware of what was going on. lls protestations wore ieceled with a yieVr and with the reinaik, "Well, you -Rl?t to have known." ''Bui how could IV" ho nskod. "fVur mind, now," was the olllclal Vfisw-or. "that Is jour business. TI1L (?J Is In your i-haige and you are the 'let-ponMblo person to look after Wttli that he was thrown upon his fhcuiuid a couple of sturdy llctors, M had been looking at mm wltli lYfery and expectant eyes, proceeded administer with their bamboos a ossein In the art of ruling a ward that oiild keep him In n recumbent posi tion for at least a week to come. Ex change. DANCE IS PART OF CEREMONY flOfWfllan Wedding Would Not Be pArhplete Without the Merriment (7. -That Cuitom Hat Prescribed. There Is nothing Norwegluns love as (hey love dancing. At a wedding cele bration three generations often dance together, and the bridegroom dauces with each of bis bachelor friends, ji'hen he Is lifted high upon their boulders, and they run and Jump with hint, over chairs anil stools, upon .jabk'H and 'cheats, out of windows, through doors. After thorn run nil the ilitirrlod men present, except the two" newly made fatliors-lmluw. 'I lien tomes a mini but gnod-iiaturod scram ble, ttnoli side married against un married Siuht In M'vuro the bride groom, tin- Benedicts, of course, al ways winning In the end. When this Is all oor, the bride lirooih Mnmlri quietly among the mar ried men, while the bride "dances oft her crown." She Is blindfolded, and iftnr n .llmtv HflM tlio crown from her 'head und places it upon the head of any maiden she can contrive to reach and securely crown. The Klrl thus so lectcd steps Into the center of a ring formed by the oelobrators. who sing: "She will be married next ; ho will be married next." Detroit News. Fish "Uses Fins as Feet. A walking IHi Inhabits some of the small streams or St. Thomas Is land. The head Is somewhat like that of the ordinary freshwater sucker, with a round, full-lipped mouth and no it eel h. buck of the bend, on either side, Is a lu'ge, well-develo, ed llu, arniod wlb a strong bony spike. The IMi use the - tins to crawl or "elbow" their way out of the water and to cling to Iiuli'-siiluncrgcd lo'js and rtlumpM. 'I he name "wuP lit; llsh" is derived from Ibis faculty of aotiiully walking or ollmblng out of the filler. I'erhaiis the stmugcst feature of all Is (he tail, which ! s,ofl and bono. los, mid comianed almost enlIn-!. o" u tuoHt ililleato m-toili'l network, toV It is through the t.ll tlmt this IM, sooiiioh Its neccs. . r,v Mipplj of oxy gon while out of the rater, Wbllo 'n the wad i rosplrolkm takes jit through the IIIs, as with other 1's'i. A loirr us the Wh nxrla!ei It' tall In tl.e water or In oonlnet wiili -;'i Miml ii. mud It cull rcr.i.ilu out of the wiitor Iiu'- tlnltel.v. That Tlrst Impression. Mrs. Itiirtmi vns pnlng u soc'.il aftctuoon call on .Mrs, Tuinpleton. "And what do you think of jour new neluhlioi-h?" Mrs. IJiiilon hIcimI. "Well, you know, I huwn'l called on llieni yet, but, from 'hnl I've ecn of them, 1 can't nj that r think very much, Mrs. Toinpleton replied. " you shouldn't I'onn tin opin ion so tionn," Mrs 1'iirtou enlured. "Oh, yen, I'm perfectly ufo In tlinl," Mrs, Toinpleton as aired her. "The opinion I form of anyone ut tlrst slxht In usually oorieol. Yes, nia'ain, what I think when I tlrst seo anyone Is nearly always what I think later." Little Mai-Joile was interested In this last stnlcmcntr and took a hand In the conversiitlon. "O'', nfamnin," shu exclaimed, "what did you think of me when "you tlrst aw luuf's-KiuisiiH flit Star wwuliiiii jj.liu. -j -nrm-mrMsrmxxar-.-mrrn-jn r?P S -5 -S - -5 -5 ts' rf r. -1 w:-a W -t ' ShopDins (f? (t fj (t 1) (f Buying your Grocery needs here brings more than q momentary saving. It brings a saving in health and strength as well as addd values in energy. Purity is the watchword of this store. All the food-stuffs wc handle must be measured up to our high standard of quality or they do not reach ourshelves. P. A. WULLBRANDT Groceries and Queensware Ul vr s Ud PHONE YOUR COAL I ORDER TO FARMERS' Bell Phone 29 in How Aftout Harness! 1 will meet any catalogue price on hiiytbing In the hainess Hue Don't lot someone tell you that you can snvu money by tending away come in and look my f-tck rire.r. I can mveyou fomo money. Ilrlng In your old ones and get them fixed up mid oiled before Spring LEE R. WALKER Harness and Saddlery JUST RECEIVED Car Load of EARLY aJ? Ma MaJSLsar kW!it PA t &3 tZt kSm rttll'TTT.lS The E. P. UdE ;wa5wytts rqmmm mwfi AWAfAV.'.V.V.V.V.V.V.V.' Phone Ind. 3 on 90, Bel 1 74. Mrs. Ed Amack UNDERTAKING BOTH PHONES r , X - ArtAo.rvwrtu.JVJvAwvuvuvusvy V, Sft.V. V'WV - -t r5 r r S -? -4 -5 . - i .xi'iJxn OUR PRICES MEAN (!1 9 Economies (?y ( (t m m .M & DIP ELEVATOR Ind. Phone 12 " '!' un OI IP taiatMda Weesner "V. I 1 n 10. wv. Residence, Bell 241 i f Den n rw in mi?d (XIL Vl-VUWi "HH' ! rr A w-.wm--t-- t j? v ,jn. . WVsPAVK - nV 'JtA'xr;." Ufft !; : A