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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 1, 1923)
& M u RED CLOUD. NEBRASKA, CHIEF U r i It f Which Is Larger the Suai or a Cent The sun is the largest but you can hold the cent so close to your eye that you'll lose sight of the sun. Don't let a cheap price or a.big can baking powder make you lose sight of quality. eMWMET The Economy BAKIIVG POWDER Is the quality leav ener for real econ omy in the kitchen, alwaysuseCalumet, one trial will con vince you. The sale of Calu met is over 150 greater than that of Lw wlF , anv other baking feas 5-gg 1 powaer. best by test mizr NO WHE WORLD'S GREATEST BAKING POWDER Experts. Iiown In Iennivnnln 11 ninn decld oil to pull Ills own teeth. They bury him "IoaI from blood poisoning. Ever ruin tin article or botch n job by trying to do It yourself Instead of summoning un expert? If you huven't you arc nn exceptionally wise or extraordinarily lucky person. This Is nn hbp of speelalNts. An old locksmith, asked to Itemize a bill, did It In this way: "To opening safe, .".'. To knowing how to open It, .flCi." Success 1ms a hard time dodging the man who becomes nn expert In any line. Iltiffulo Times. Why Bee Favors Blue. It Is believed that the lice's taste for blue (lowers arises from the fact that blue Is the color of the most advanced (lowers. Some stralght-laced men have gono crooked. f. o. b. Flint, Mich, mmFayr $525 Lowest Priced Quality Automobile Every Chevrolet is fully equipped when sold. It has electric lights and starter, gasoline tank in the rear, demountable rims and extra rim and tire carrier, 3-speed transmission and reverse, speedometer and all , necessary indicators on the instrument board, curtains open with doors of open models. All closed models have high grado Fisher Bodies with plate glass win dows. There is nothing more to buy but the license. Costs least per mile for gasoline and oil. There are more than 10,000 dealers and service sta tions throughout the country. Repairs are made on low-cost fiat rate system. for Economical Transportation htM.fl J Prices F. O. D. Flint, Michigan SUPERIOR Two Pauengcr Roadtter . . $510 SUPERIOR Five Pauenger Touring . . 525 SUPERIOR Two Pauenger Utility Coupe 680 SUPERIOR Four Pauenger Sedanette . 850 SUPERIOR Five Pauenger Sedan . . . 860 SUPERIOR Light Delivery 510 Chevrolet Motor Company Detroit, Michigan At the International Live Stock Show at Chicago, December. 1922, exhibits from CANADA were awarded the following prizes: Grand Championship and First Prize for Hard Red Spring Wheat In this class Canadian exhibits won 19 prizes out of a total of 25 awarded. Grand Championship and First prize for Oats, winning 24 out of 35 prizes awarded. First, 2nd, 3rd and 4th prizes for Peas, winning 4 out of 5 prizes awarded. Grand Championship and First Prize for Rye; first prize-for two-rowed Barley. Grand Championship and Sweepstakes for Clydesdale Senior Stallion; 1st prize for Clydesdale 4 and 6 horse team.; 1st prize for Clydesdale Mares 3 years and under. Championship for Galloway Steers; twelve 1st and 2nd prizes for Sheep. Many other prizes for Grains, Fod ders and Live-stock. Cheap Land in Canada Which produces bttttr grains, fodder and live stock than high priced landa elsewhere, and products thtm mort abundantly, may be the solution of mw (arm problem. Get the facts, with free books, maps, etc., and an order for reduced railway rates, direct from the Canadian Government by writing W. V. Bennett, Desk W, 300 Peter's Trust Bldg.,Omaha,Neb. Canadian Government Agent 10c Makes Old Waists Like New Putnam Fadeless Dyes dyes or tints as you wish jjiiiiimiiiiiiiiimiiiiiimiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiu Indian Lodge Tales s By Ford C. Frick niiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiw THE LEGEND OF CHEYENNE IT SO happened that among tho ' Chosen People there lived one niiiii nnd one -woman who remained true to thu Mitnituu, nnd who were given warning of the punishment tlmt was to come upon the evil spirits who dwelt In the valley of the holy niouiv tain. And so this ninn ami this woman, warm In the Manltou's smile, liullt a canoe from the stalk of the niulze, which In those days grew to great size and thickness. When the storms came and the Hoods and tho winds swept the earth, they floated for many days In this canoe; and with them on other stalks Honied beasts and fowls. Finally, when the Hoods suhslded mid the winds ceased and the rains no longer fell, they Honied to the summit of the mountains, and there their canoe rested. When they had rested, they ate freely of the wrinkled kernels of the yellow maize and then they prayed the Mnnltoii for their deliverance from the waters and the storm. When the Manltou looked down from heaven and saw this man and this woman, and the beasts and the fowls, he hecame snd, and his heart was lllled with pity for those who lied the hen and reached the holy moun tain. So he loosed the dragon thirst, a monstrous heust, which plunged Into the tide of waters and drank and drank until the earth was dry to walk upon, and only the rivers and tho. lakes were left as before the Hoods came. When the Manltou saw the earth rapidly drying up ho became afraid mid bade the dragon cease, lest not a drop of water be left. And then he commnnded the dragon to arise nnd return to his cave In the dark recesses of heaven. Hut when the dragon tried to arise In answer to the Manltou's command, he was too full, and as he attempted to get to his feet ho fell forward on his face, a crushed and shapeless mass. And he was unable to rise and go on, and so the greedy monster died, for (he weight of the water was too great. There he lies to this day with his wrinkled sides and his horny back exposed to tho sun, nnd his stony face looking southward nnd to the cast, where comes the- mist thnt savors of the sea. And as he lay there the sun parched his skin until It wrinkled Into great crevices nnd his horned back became more rugged than ever, and his horns, pointing toward tho sky, stand forever us n monument to Manl tou nod his might. There he Is todny, lying with his face toward tho sen and his tall toward the peak that leads the way to heaven, Just as he fell and died nt tfee Manltou's. command. When the Ctioisen l'eoplc returned again and saw the wonder that the Manltou had wrought, they called It Cheyenne, and the mountain they culled Cheyenne mountain, for It was of tremendous size and resembled the rocks and the earth. Those who do not belly vo can go ami see, for there the dragon lies to this day with his face toward the seu and his tall toward the great peak, nnd the two horns of his head stretch ing clear above tho body and Into the nlr, like the horns of somo evil spirit. Scatter Apple Seeds. From Maine to California you can see where forests once grew how these forests have been destroyed. Mighty stumps and smoldering trunks still at test to tho magnificence of the trees thnt are goue. Whole trncts of coun try nro barren, where these forests were destroyed, nnd nothing put In their place so thnt the rnln and the winter frost broke and washed away the very sol, nnd rocks nnd desert lie where onco splendid trees stood In their noble beauty. If the men who killed them root and branch had had something of Johnny Appleseed In their hearts, they would hnvo used these forests wisely and with love, nnd today trees would stand whero trees stood, nnd the wounded land bo whole. Carry wIUi you as jou go on through life n pocketful of apple seeds, or their equivalent. Perhaps you will not see the fruit of tho tree you planted, but fruit thcr? y111 be. What you do for Amerlcn will bo done for her, not for yourselves. Yet tUe doing will wonderfully enrich your gwjs lives, for such Is tho Inw. IHldegsnte llnw. thorno. In St. Nicholas. Five sf a At curious vnrlnaeo with Ihe prnc tlco of parents wlw delight In marking their offspring by out-oMhe-wny npel latlons was the custom of the dukes of lleaufort and tho earls of .Shaftes bury. The eighth duko of Henufort named 'till his llvo bods Henry after himself and his predecessors In tho dukedom with ono exception, while tho tlvo sons of tho seventh earl of Shaftesbury wero christened Anthony, a nnmo borne by tho present earl's two sons. If You Need a Medicine You Should Have the M ITnvc you ever stopped to rrnon why it is that so mnny products that are ex tensively mhertNed, all nt once drop out of sight nutl are soon forgotten? Tho reason ii plain-the nrticli? did not fulfill tho promises of the manufacturer. Tln'i applies more particularly to a medicine. A medicinal preparation that li.u real eumtire value almost sells itself, as like nn endless chain system the remedy U lceomniendcd by tnoe who have been benefited to those who arc in need of it. A prominent druggist says, "Take for example Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, a preparation I have sold for many yeais and never hesitate to leconuncnd, for in almost every case it shows excellent re sults, as many of my customers tctify. No other kidney remedy has so largo a sale." According to sworn statements nnd verified testimony of thousands who have used the preparation, the rucccm of Dr. Kilmer's Swnnip-llonti is due to the fact, so many people claim, that it fulfills al most cveiy wih in overcoming kidney, liver nnd bladder ailments, corrects uri nnry troubles and neutralizes the uric ncid which causes rheumatism. You may receive a sample bottle of Swamp-Hoot by parcel post, Address Dr. Kilmer & Co., llinghamton, N Y., nnd enclose ten cents; nlso mention this paper. Large nnd medium size bottles for sale at nil drug stores. Advertisement. The Honest Teacher. Sevcn-year-old Johnny's mother hntl given him n handkerchief to give to his teacher as a Christmas present, but when Johnny was told about It he curled his lips In scorn and said: "Aw, mother, I don't want to give It to her. Sbo won't let me do nothln'. It's always Walter and William that get to do ever'thlng. Let them get her n handkerchief. I'll give It to Miss (his last year's teacher). She's honest." Important to Mothers Examine carefully every bottlo of CASTOUIA, that famous old remedy for Infants and children, nnd see that It Bears the Signature In Use for Over JIO Years. Children Cry for Fletcher's Castoriu cm83& Wild With Excitement. At a football game I had a place In the bleachers one sent below an ath letic classmate. The invading team took the lend early In tho Hrst quarter, with tho re sult that the crowd stood to cheer the home fighters on a little stronger. I was wild with excitement. At lust we forced over for six points. "A touchdown!" I shouted, und, swinging around, drove a gloved list Into my friend's coat front. What was my horror to discover that my friend had exchanged scats with n pretty co-ed. "I'm down, nil right 1" she gasped, struggling back out of the nrnis of u portly man above her. Exchange. The Way Out. Ho was n keen business man, but a painfully poor golfer, and, despite con stant calls upon the expert advice of his cnddle, the greater part of the round had been badly foozled. With tho ball lying In one of the course's worst hunkers, ho sat down and tried to cover his despair by n pretenso nt consulting his dlnry he foro repeating tho old question, "What would you advise, James?" This time the caddie deliberately misunderstood. "If yo cut straight frae here, sir," ho snld, "ye'll manage the 4:15 express." A man can dress In half tho time It tnkes n woman, but then ho looks only half ns nice. A few men tmderstnnd tho currency problem, nnd the rest have to take their word for It. Why do disinfectants hnvo to Bmell so frightful? Arc there none agreeable? SAY "BAYER" when you buy. Insist I Unless you see the "Bayer Cross" on tablets, you are not getting the genuine Bayer product prescribed by physicians over 23 years and proved safe by millions for nR. tVTTO Colds Toothache Neuritis Neuralgia Headache Rheumatism Lumbago Pain. Pairi Accept only "Payer" package which contains proper directions. Handy "Haycr" botes of 12 tablets Also bottles of 24 and 100 Druggists. Aspirin Ii tho trodo mark of llajer Manufacture) ot Muuoscotlcacliloitar of Hallcrllcncld. CONSTIPATION Take a Rood dose of Carter's Little Liver Pills ICARTER'S IITTLE IVER PILLJS then take 2 or 3 for a few nights af ter.They cleanse your system of all wa"ste matter and Regulate Your Bowels. Mild as easy to take as SUgar. Genuine bear tlgnaiure &OZp&vC Small Pill. Small Dose. Small Price. MINISTERS MEN OF MEDICINE Both In England and America Clergy man Acted as Doctors In the " Seventeenth Century. Somo of the medicines dispensed In tho .Seventeenth century were fearful and wonderful concoctions. Human skulls, bones, human fat, mummies, etc., were freely proscribed. At the deathbed of Charles 11 a preparation from it human skull was administered. The education of the pharmuclst at this time was largely based on bis trade experience, nlthough some knowl edge of Latin was required. The ap prenticeship lasted from live to six years, and nt tho end of that time he became n "Journeyman." On nssumlng control of a pharmacy as a proprietor, he was required to pass n supplemen tary examination. Pharmacy In Amerlcn during the Sev enteen century was largely based on English usages modified by practiced derived from tho Indians. In Massa chusetts, a great many clergymen prac ticed pharmacy for a means pf liveli hood, whllo preaching. Indians and old women nlso practiced It. Tho witchcraft epidemic brought the prac titioners of pharmacy into suspicion ns selling poison for spells. Shrewd Woman Candidate. A candidate who thought he could pull a few votes by kissing tho babies was left at the post by n woman op ponent who began kissing tho fathers. When the unexpected hnppens n mnn's truo iinluru begins to show on the surface. We all seem to prefer tho fruit that has paid n thousand miles freight to thnt grown nearer home. SURELY WOULD HAVE TO GO Matter of Dismissal of Stenographer Simplified by "Insult" Conveyed In Unqualified Statement. Mrs. Carter dropped In nt tho olhco for a few minutes' chat with her hus band. "John," she remarked, "I think you bad better discharge that stenographer you have now. I am sure she Is try lug to llirt with jou ever slnco sho has been here." Mrs. Carter, when sho said this, thought tho stenographer was safely out of hearing but sho wasn't I Sho stepped to the door of the private ollice and vented her Indignation: "Madam, I'll have you know that I wouldn't flirt with your old husband for a million dollars!" Mrs. Carter was aghast. "Now, John," she exclaimed, "you simply must discharge that girl I Sho hns insulted you!" Kansas City Star. Japanese Poetry Contest. "Mountain Cloud at Dawn" Is tho subject chosen this year by the em peror of Japan for the annual poetry contest. In tho. days of the Kyoto court, only court nobles nnd poets participated, but now anyone can con tribute. The best poems are read to the emperor. Verso making has nl ways been one of the national pas times of the Japanese people. Em peror MelJI uscd'to compose n poem every day, ami his consort also left a collection of verses. When a girl begs n man to begin to save his money ho Is going to need If. Luxury Is apt to transform pleas ures Into burdens. '& Nerves of Steel The successful man of today Is clear-headed, self-reliant. His keen eye and steady hand result from abundant, self-controlled nergy, and steady nerves. Such a man can overcome difficulties because he Is physically fit. Foolish habits of food and drink have no place in his scheme of things. When he finds that coffee disagrees he promptly changes to healthful POSTUM. This pure cereal beverage is not only free from the health disturbing drug element in coffee, but there's comfort and satisfaction in its delicious, full-bodied flavor. You'll find Postum a factor for Health. (( There's a Reason' Tour grocer sells Postum In two forms: Instant Postum (In tins) prepared instantly In the cup by the addition of bolting water. Postum Cereal (In packages) for those who prefer to make the drink while the meal la being prepared toad by boiling fully 20 minutes. Made by Postum Cereal Company, Inc. Battle Creek, Michigan. A) rSBiWUUoT