The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, January 25, 1923, Image 7

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Freshness of
HERE'S a new
package of Sun
Maid Raisins that you
will want to try
dainty, tender, juicy,
seeded fruit-meats
packed in tins.
The tin keeps all the
flavor in. No matter
when or where you buy
them, these raisins have
Sim-Maid Raisins
Sun-Maid Raisin Growers
Membership 13,CC0 Dejit. N 553 29, Fretno, Calif.
Sun-Maid Seeded Rai- j"
sins in blue-labeled tins j
snouui cost you no more i
than the following prices:
12 oz. tin, 20c; S at. tin
cupful size), 15c.
Sun-Maid Raisins in
packages Miould cost you
no more than the follow-
oz. blue pkg.), 20c; Seed-
less in 15 oz. red ;.), i
18c; Seeded or Seedless I
11 oz.), 15c. j
It Is easier to Ik good, alter one
Kns tried ex clothing.
Important to Mothers
Examine carefully every bottle of i
VASTOHIA, that famous old remedy
tor infants and children, ami set; that It i
Hpnr lln of C2LrM&&l
In Uso for Over J 10 Wars.
Children Cry for Fletcher's Castona
Womiiii needs no eulogist ; she
speaks for herself.
Alfalfa SS; sweet clover. .". Farms
I r sale and rent on crop paym'ts. J.
.VjIIiuII, Soo City, la. Advertisement.
l n rolling stone likes to roll, It
doesn't euro for mos.
Sure Relief
6 Bellans
Hot water
Sure Relief
lata Mtirtrcak77znt Chid and met I
l?S Make You FttTomamm ajjl
... -"---- in
WtNinihki -f uTnwn
RtmoTroPuarulI HtPrtlUlrFalllni
Itettorei Color and
Beauty to Cray nmJ Fallot! HaU
wc.anavi ixjauirucffuii.
niiwox Thfin. WU l'tiof iif.H.T
HINDERCORNS ItrmoTM Corn.. ci.
loBirs. etc, stupi all pain. miurta comfort to tti
frrt, uukrt wnlklnr rirr, Uj. I r mall or at Urur
tlit UUeox Chemical Worl,rtctuiru.N. Y.
heavleat racln, boxei. etc.. from ground onto
wueon and off. v. Loverlnc, I'remunt, Neb.
If you art) mulcted to TOWNS ItKMKUV
COMl'ANV, 1 XWrd tit., UtUaukM, WU
1 W Ji9ltMfiBvV
, .-iffvyZ
KrFim "
in Tins
Fresh Fruit
the freshness of fresh
Especially delicious
in a cake or p.c and
all ready, too.
Try them next time
you buy raisins. Sec
how good they arc.
Mail coupon for free
book of tested Sun
Maid recipes.
Sun-Maid Raisin Gr
I Dejit. N-553-29, Fresno, California.
I Please send me copy of your free book,
"Recipes with Raisins."
It Depends.
Doctor Copchintl Hiys that people
are hi better health when they arc
well drowsed, because they hold their
heads High and Inhale more freely.
Nevertheless we've seen well-dressed
men scrongo down Into their collars
most unhyglenleully when they met the
tailor they still owetl for the glut! rags,
Huston Transcript.
Important to All Women
Readers of This Paper
Thousands upon thousands of women
have kidney or bladder trouble and never
bupcct it.
Women's complaints often prove to he
nothing else hut kidney trouble, or the
result of kidney or bladder disease.
If the kidneys aic not in a healthy con
dition they may cause the other organs
to become dicased.
You may buffer pain in the back, head
ache and loss of ambition.
Poor health makes you nervous, irri
table (nd maybe despondent; it makes
any one o.
Hut hundreds of women claim that Dr.
Kilmer's Swamp-Root, by restoring health
to the kidneys, proved to be just the
remedy needed to overcome such condi
tions. Mnnr fend for a sample bottle to cee
what Swamp-Root, the Kieat kidney, liver
and bladder medicine, will do for them. By
enclonr.R ten cents to Dr. Kilmer &. Co.,
Hinphainton, N. Y., you may receive nam
pic ebo bottle by parcel post. You can
purchase medium and large sire bottles at
all drug stores. Advertisement.
Not Choice, but Stimulating.
"Laughter, someone nays, Is tho
wine of life." "Vin ordlnnlrc, most
of It." Huston Transcript.
Each package of "Diamond Dyes" con
tains directions so simple any woman can
dye or tint her worn, shabby dresses,
skirts, waists, coats, stockings, sweaters,
coverings, draperies, hangings, everything,
even if she has never djed before. JJuy
"Diamond Dyes" no other kind then
perfect home dyeing is sure because Dia
mond Dyes are guaranteed not 'to spot,
fade, streak, or run. Tell your druggist
whether the material you wish to dye is
wool or silk, or whether it is linen, cotton
or mixed goods. Advertisement.
.Sometimes a wife can tend her hus
band like a bank hook.
Cutlcura Soothes Itching 8calp.
On retiring gently rub spots of dan
druff and Itching with Cutlcura Oint
ment. "ext morning shampoo with
Cutlcura Soap and hot water. Make
them your everyday toilet preparations
mid have a clear skin and soft, white
i hands. Advertisement.
Every tlmo a man borrows trouble
ho gets tho worst of tho transaction.
.! ml m
J Mori
KeepVbur Eyfes
Clean -Clear Healthy
Vlrlte for free CW Car Boelt Murta Co,ChlcaaUXA
p vyyr W
Lodge Tales
Ford C. Frick
AT THE otitliern extremity of tho
Sangre Do Crlsto range, nntl Just
across the New Mexico border, Is a
pecullnr rock format ton. Half wny up
the slope between two giant peaks Is
ti ennoe of rock, nntl Jn the canoe nro
two persons one ho'ldlng n patldlo
poised In midair as If about to tukn a
stroke. The formation Is so llfellko
that It has attracted the attention of
hundreds of scientists who havo vis
ited tho place. And about this rock
canoe, with Its two passengers, tho
Indians lme woven n beautiful Uttlo
legend which follows:
Long ages ago before our fathers'
fathers or our fathers' fathers',
fathers were horn, In tho undent days
when the chosen people lived In hap-,
plness and peace In the shadow of tho,
great mountain which points the wnyj
to Heaven, thu world was young and
lKMiutlful. Hero tho chosen people
played and the sun shonu nntl thero
wero no shadows upon the earth and
no sorrow In the hearts of mankind.
The Mnnltou, In his gnclotis goodness,
gnve heed to the wishes of his chil
dren nntl from his home In Heaven sent
to them joy and happiness and blood
shed was unknown and death was
only u passing journey between caith
anil Heaven.
Hut evil spirits came out of tho sen
and visited the beautiful valley at the
shadow of the great white mountain,
and they tilled the hearts of the chosen
people with envy and hate, ami mur
der nntl bloodshed nod the chosen
people turned their faces from Heaven
and cursed the Mnnltou ami wicked
ness reigned throughout the valley.
And of all the chosen people there
wero only two, one mnn nntl one wom
an, who hold their fnlth.
And so the nil-wise Mnnltou sent the
floods to visit tho valley, nud tho
waters came and nil the evil spirits
wero swallowed up and the chosen
people wore lost and the earth was
covered with wnter and no iinc might
live. Hut flr.xt tho Mturltnii warned
these two, this mnn nntl woman, nntl
they fashioned themselves n ennoo of
mnlzo and In It they tlnated on the top
of tho floods until they landed on tho
very summit of the Holy mount, which
points the wny to Hcnvcn, nntl thero
they thanked the Mnnltou for their de
livery. And when the floods wero gone tho
sun shone and nil tho worltl was bright
and beautiful and new. And the man
and womnn looked down from tho
dizzy heights nntl snw the fertile pining
below. They saw the green llehls.
nntl the lakes and streams, nntl tho
trees and they were unhnppy nnd asked
the Mnnltou to nsslst them down the
mountain nnd bnck Into tho beautiful
valley where they might play and ho
happy as of old.
Tho Mnnltou was good nntl kind
nnd heard their call. So ho fashioned
for them a magic ennoe, filled with thcV
light of Hcnvcn, nnd this tho two;
the mnn nnd the womnn, glided gently
down tin mountain sldo from the very
gates of Henen to the plains of enrth.
In order thnt tho chosen peoplo
might hnvc new fnlth, the Mnnltou
cnii80d tho ennoo to mnko n trnck over
the rock ndnwn tho eastern slope lnto
tho plain. And there It remains to this
tiny n brond trnck where shadows hldo
and where tho sunlight glows forever,
more. ,
So tho two returned to tho henu
tlful valley, where they lived to won
ship long the glory of tho Mnnltou, whn
saved them from the floods. And when
filially they died, the Mnnltou lifted
them with the mnglc ennoe to a placo
midway between Heaven and enrth on
the great mnuntnln, beside tho sent of
wisdom. Thero It stood as n guide,
to the chosen people nnd as n. monu
ment to tho mercy of the Mnnltou.
Those who do not hcllevo have hut
! to go and see. For tho canoe, with
two who ply tho paddle, seems to rldo
the tossing waves thnt roll, from tho
Holy mountain to the south nnd cast'
townrd St. Peter's dome. And thero,
shall It stand so long as mnn endures.
The Prophet's Mission.
A prophet, however much he mny,
nppenr to be in opposition to his nge,
yet in n peculnr way represents thati
particular time. Ho is the antidote,!
the balance, the complement, nnd his
Is tho voice which awakens all thoso
who nro ready to be like minded. If
ho is wholly successful, nnd his teach
ing Is nbsorhed, It mnynftcrwnrd hard
ly be understood how nny ono might
ever hnvo believed otherwise. Tho
flashing Inspiration becomes n com
monplace. V. R. I.cthnby, In "Form
in Civilization."
I Date Is Valuable Fruit
' Tho date gives a particularly health-
ful form of sugar for two reasons. It
1 Is the only fruit that Is dried right on
the tree. Also, most sugnr must go
through n chemical change, in the body
before It can be digested, hut this Is
not necessary In tho enso of tho sugar
In dates.
I From tho earliest tlmo of which .wu
dates have been cnten by young nntl
old and today, with ' tho improve
ments In growing and packing, they
are better than ever. ,
In Nursing Sick, Mrs. Patten
States, She Often Recom
mends TanlacThinks
It Wonderful.
"I firmly believe Tanlac Is what
keeps me so well and strong," Is the
high tribute paid the tiiedlclnt'. re
cently, by Mrs. Edith .T. Patten, widely
known nnd esteemed resilient of fitK)
Cumberland Au, Portland, Me.
"When I began the use of Tanlac
I had not felt light for u long time
nnd wns all run down. After persist
ently taking the treatment considered
best for such n condition I got no
better. In fact I seemed to he
growing worse until n lady friend In
sisted on me trying Tanlac.
"At that time I took two or throe
bottles nnd was perfectly well again.
Since then I have taken a bottle two
or three times n year and no one could
feel better. I hne done lo; of nurs
ing of the sick, nud since Tanlac did
so much for me I have been tho cause
of ninny others tnklnc It always
with splendid results. It Is with this
knowledge nntl experience that I rec
oninieutl Tnnlnc as a wonderful med
icine." Tnnlno Is for sale by all good drug
gists. Ovrr .15 million bottles sold.
Longer Skirts.
"Will silk stockings bo worn?"
"Yes," replied Miss Cayenne, "but
they will not, ns heretofore, constitute
most of the costume."
Every department of housekeeping
needs Hod Uross llnll Hluo. Kqunlly
good for kitchen towels, table linen,
sheets nnd pillowcases, etc. Adver
tisement. Kven when work Is scarce u wl
llnd It everywhere.
It takes more than hot air to kill
the germ of suspicion.
10 Ceils
Rath Husband Jumped to Conclusion
as to the Meaning of His Wife's
Gov. Ephnilm Morgan of West Vlr
glnln wus talking at u dinner about
certain coal-mine complications.
"Well," ho said, "let us hope nobody
docs anything rash. Itnslincss but
perhaps you haye not heard the Mory
of Roland.
"A certain mnn got married, and
one night on the honeymoon ho was
awakened by the voice of his young
bride talking In her sleep.
"'Roland,' she sighed, 'Kolnnd
Itolund.' Over ontl over, you know,
like. thnt. It wus terrible.
"The man grew wild with Jealousy,
for his name was Hank, not Kolnnd,
nntl seizing the poor girl by the throat,
he put an end to her then nnd there.
"A rash deetl, bcllovc me, for Hank
learned afterward from her fnnily
thnt his wife had worked for several
years In n cafeteria, and the 'Itnland'
he had heard of her dreaming lips
was really 'Itoll and,' meaning, of
course, nu order for 'Itoll and butter.' "
In a Manner of Speaking.
"How would you describe W. L.
George and D. II. Lawrence?"
"I'd sny they were heroine addicts."
"I sny, Hint's my umbrellnl"
"I don't deny It. I bought It nt n
pawn shop." Lampoon.
Off to school
on a winter morning
fresh nnd rosy or pinched and chilly?
That' a matter for Mother to decide.
Children, as well as grown-ups, need
a hot mealtime beverage that is whole
some, invigorating, and free from harm
ful after-effects.
Coffee is known to be harmful especially to children.
That is why so many thoughtful mothers give their children
delicious Postum. This pure cereal beverage gives needed
warmth and comfort, has delightful flavor and aroma, and
is free from anything that can injure the health of children
or adults.
Your grocer stlls Postum in two forms: Instant Postum
(In tins) prepared Instantly In the cup by the addition of
boiling water. Postum Ceretl (In packages) for these who
prefer to make the drink while tho meal is being propared;
mad by boiling fully 20 minutes.
"There's a Reason
' Made by Postum Cereal Company, Inc., Battle Creek, Michigan
Discovery by Scientists Has Replaced
Pills and salts glvo temporary re
lief from constipation only at tho ex
pense of permanent Injury, says an
eminent medical authority.
Science has found a newer, better
way a means, an simple as Nuturc
Itself. v
in perfect health n natural lubricant
keeps the footl wastr soft ami moving.
Hut when constipation exists this nat
ural lubricant Is not siilllclent. Modi-
, cal authorities have found that the
gentle luhiifiitlng.ntilon of Nujol most
closely resembles that of Nature's own
1 lubricant. As Nujol Is not it laxative
It cannot gripe. It Is In no sense n
' medicine. And like pure water It Is
hucwloss and pleasant.
Nujol Is prescribed by p'l.vslclnns;
user In lending hospltnln. (.let n bottle
from your druggist today. Advertise
m en t.
I A Dangerous Variety.
' Alice may be n goislp, but 1 be
lleu she tells the truth."
i "Wy dear, the truth Is frequently
the worst I'm in of gossip Imaginable."
boon ipp.1 Hticcesafully In tho treatment
of Ci nrrli.
nlfts of an Ointment which Quickly
HoilPVn by Incnl application, nntl the
Intel nut MpiIIcIiip. n Tonic, which nets
throiiRti the lllnncl rtn the Miu'oun Sur
fncrn. tnun rcdiirlnp tho Inlliumnutlon.
Hold ly nil driiKBlstn
V. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, Ohio.
It Wasn't for an Ice Palace.
"If yoi've got oiir building permit
wiuii an. oti waiting for?"
"A wt r.ther penult."
Disordered Stomach
Take a good dose
Gives Charming New Shade to Old Lingerie
PUTNAM FADELESS DYES dyes or tints as you wish
Bctt.ii- Than Mother.
I havo two aoiih of high school ago
who have nlivujy made our limine a
gathering place for their chums. I
luit. become more or less interested
In all boys, their problems and per
plexities. Last sunui r n stranger came
mining them. After he had been com
ing to t.ur house n few weeks, he sat
tlown In the porch swing with me one
night and poured tint his troubles. I
advised him as well as I could Just
as I would tunc done to ono of my
own sons.
lie said: "I rvlsh my mother under
stood things as you do!"
That compliment went straight to
my heart. Chicago Tribune.
Gra3shopptis' Favorite Diet.
When various spring grnlim nro
imillnhlo the grasshoppers prefer oats
to any of tho others, reports n United
States Department of Agriculture In
vestigator In .Montana. However,
when food Is schrce the hippe"s will
not go far out of the way to seaich
for thu plautii that their palates
most. Agricultural Department Bul
letin. Wall-O-O-Graf.
Tilly How tlo you like tho tune
on my phonograph?
Phllly Phonograph? I thought by
the sound of It flint It was a lunano
graph. Feminine Intuition Is the mother of
Chaa. E. Backtu
rCfj!- 9IK
Health is the Most Valu
able Asset You Have
Ncwago, Mich. "Some years ago I
was troubled with dizziness, palpita
tion, loss of appetite nntl sore and pain
ful stomach. I tried the best physiciani
I coiiltl hear of, ami also several put-up
medicines, but nothing diil me nny
good. Same physicians said it was my
heart; some said it was my stomach t
while others said it was my nerves. I
got so bail I could not work very stead
ily, when a friend came to see mcand
insisted upon my trying Dr. Pierce's)
Golden Medical Discovery. I was dis
couraged, but tried it anywny, ontl
after taking the second bottle I felt
much better. 1 UiAiJxMight six bottles
ami 1 believe the 'Discovery saved my
life. It wns riRlitfully named 'Golden
Medical Discovery.' I would recom
mend it to all who need such a medi
cine. Chas. K. Backus.
All tlruRKistB, tablets or liquid: of
fcihI 10c to Dr. Pierce's Invalids' Hotel
i i Buffalo, N. Y., for a trial pkg.
rolor your balr
tfttlljr, quickly
and aatl by
Mains Q-Dan
Hair Color Ilr-
tarr. Ha re to me aa water. Makei jrou look jouna
agalo. Al all gixx) OrtlKKl ., 75 rrnta, or illrfcl
from HKbSKl ELL1H, Cbemlsla, llcupbla, Tn
W. N. U LINCOLN, NO. 3-1923.
of Carter's Little Liver Pills
then take z or 6 for a lew nights atter.
You will relish your meals without fear of trouble to
follow. Millions of all ages take them for Biliousness,
Dizzinesa.SIck Headache, Upset Stomach and forSallow,
Pimply, Blotchy Skin. Then end the znhery of Comllpallon.
"stfPteZcC Small Pill; Smttl Dots; Small Price'
Out Po&slbly Schoolmaster Had Soma
Idea of Conveying a Delicate
Hint to Dad.
.Secretary Mellon said ut n tllnnct
In Pittsburgh:
".Soiuo of the hints that our for
mer allies drop about their debts to
us remind me of u story.
"A Hoofder schoolmaster wns giv
ing a gawky country lad a lesson la
mental arithmetic.
'"Now Peleg,' he said, 'suppose your
father had eight hams hanging In his
smoke-house, mid In lay cellar thcrs
were none. Got that?'
"'Yes, sir.' suitl Peleg.
"'Xow suppose your father gnve mo
one-eighth of his entire Mock of hums
how many would there then bo la
my cellar, and how many would re
main In your father's smoke-hou?e?'
" 'One and seven," bald Peleg quick
us a (lash.
"'Marvelous! Kxcellentl cried tho
schoolmaster. 'Vim arc entitled to
ten gootl murks for that answer. Tell
your father so when you get home,
Repeat the problem to blin, word for
word, so that he may sou what n tine,
blight boy he has In bis little Peleg.' -
When the Wife la Away.
Tim How nre you getting along nt
home while your wife Iu away?
Jim Kino I've reached the height
of ellkiency. I can put on my socks
now from either end. American Mt
tunl Magazine.
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