The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, January 18, 1923, Image 7

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.JLMEsflBBBTI ?BKHsv'S -'lrVyJlv'tJgWF raarainMEPl
2 or 3 Cans
of Baking Powder
Are Not Worth the Price of One
If they are the "big can and
cheap" kind because they
may mean baking failures.
or a very low price
mislead you.
tjMjfc no foypyft
T ii till ill
Experimenting with an
uncertain brand is ex
pensive because it
Wastes time and
The sales of Calumet
arc over 150 greater
than that of any other
baking powder.
11 " I
9 9 ,1
Her Preference.
.lane overheard her mother cIIhoubs
lug Christinas Khunplng, and she In
ferred that Micks and mittens and a
few oilier Immediate necessities of
clotjilng woro to he Included uiuoni; her
BlflH, so she Interrupted:
"Oh, mother, I wish you'd buy mo
what I want and let me get along
without what I have to have."
Many a mnri who wouldn't sell his
vote hns found a $'! hill that was
lost ly tho wise candidate.
Awful Plight of u Tramp.
Tramp (at the hack door) Kind
lady, I ain't one or them what' seen
hotter days. I ain't 'ad no better days.
I've bin neKlocjed rljtht from tho
start heln' born In a little attic In
Lunnon wiuie me parents was down
at South Knil enjo.vln' thelrselvcs.
London Punch.
Can't Be Drlbed.
North "Writers of Jazz music nro
paid thousands of dollars." West
"Hut they keep rlpht on writing It!"
b. Flint, Mich.
OT lonp ngo the news, of, doctor-
iW. Til lloctor on land set us all ngnsp
IL I I I at the wonders about us, almost
I 1 I I unnuturnl In their Infinite pos-
JL M I slbilltles and successes. It oil
arrested my (mention so hhuiij
that with Intense curiosity I went
to tho Seamen's Church Instl-
MB - rgM tuto In New York city from
i V"i w,wro l 1,eanl tl119 won,lcr
I - I sprang.
I "3" I Dimly I had heard of this
I J place, this enormous building
' which meant homo to thousands
mid thousands of seamen from all over tho world,
and I had beard of Its tower and Its great green
light which was the flrat Uglit to bo BMBMatot
aiuo within view of New York. Iho Instl ute
is situated on tho very edge, as It were, of Manual
tan Island-'J5 South street, along the water front.
Captain Robert Huntington, principal of tho
Navigation, Marino Engineering and Itndlo school
of tho Institute, and Dr. Manslield, superintendent,
have been the ones to accomplish this medical serv
ice by wireless.
For tho past year KDKF, which Is the distress
signal sent to the Institute radio station, has re
sulted In treatment of the man sick at sea by a
doctor at one of the public health stations on land.
The Institute has put through this work In ti very
fompleto way. It has finally won out In tho In
t,lstence of the law which makes all ships carry a
first aid equipment, a first aid manual (the work
of tho institute) and a medicine chest. And now,
In order to receive his certificate, n ship's officer
must have had a course In first aid training.
So that now a man who Is sick can be treated
t sea by these officers who understand medicine
sufficiently to bo able to proficiently follow out tho
directions of the doctors who send their advice
and treatment by wireless following tho Bending
of tho mun's symptoms to them. Ships outsldo the
radius can havo messages relayed by tho ships
within tho radius.
All kinds of Illnesses have been treated and now
tho final arrungemont as td the different coastal
stations is to bo made so that nil over tho world
tbcre will be medical service by wireless. And all
this has been put through by tho Seamen's Church
Institute Tho rndlo corporation pays nil the wire
less expenses of sending messages with tho excep
tion of some of the telephone toll charges and a
prlvute individual pays these.
Tho accomplishment, of this as a world service
1ms Just been completed. And the plnce I had
known of as that with tho green light, which la not
only the first to bo seen upon npprouchlng land,
but tho last light to be seen us men sail out to sea
again, has been responsible 1
Then, too, I hud heard of the time ball which
dropped down tho polo on top of the tower ovory
day exactly as Washington sent word that It was
iroon, and of tho hundreds of glasses turned to
ward this tower around noon, a simple enough
tnlo but one that had always appealed! For all
bouts In the harbor tako their time from tho Sen
men's Chinch Institute time ball.
Of these I had heard, and sometimes of serv
ices, sometimes of entertainments and up to tho
tlmo of the long distance medical treatment of the
transference of a ferry house along tho water front
Into n comfortablo, heated, lighted relief station
for tho great number of unemployed seamen this
yenr. This they too had put through with tho co-
operation of the civic and naval authorities.
It was very dllllcult, I found, to discover who was
-the Inspiration back of each enormous accomplish
ment. Archibald It. Manslield, D. D., tho super
intendent, wub tho one who everyone else -told
-''me, had put through everything. But Dr. Mansfield
treated that with scorn, and went on to explain
Just who were tho individuals responsible for tho
ninny and devious splendid things accomplished
there. In fact there was this spirit everywhere.
There Is absolutely no deslro for self-glory In any
one I met a rare thing to bo found In a lnrge or
ganization. Over seventy years ago n pious gentlcmnn from
Boston found his boat stranded on the New Eng
land cooast. Ho found shelter, however, In the Inn
of a small coast town. It was Sunday. The pious
gentleman sent out word to tho various ships which
had sought shelter In tho storm thnt there would
bo a service that Sunday morning In the parlor of
tho Inn, and there was such tremendous response
thnt soon nfterward a floating church was to bo
seen In New York harbor. For It showed seamen
enjoyed n service.
Next some men from Trinity parish went down
every Sunday to tho wharves and nsked tho men
to come to services. Ajjd the Seamen's Church
instltuto had grown out of these beginnings and
tho Protestant Eplscopnl Church Missionary So
ciety for Seamen In tho city and port of New York.
SInco 1000 It hns been known ns the Seamen's
Church Institute of New York.
It wua Reverend Dr. Mansfield who made the
Church Instltuto what It Is who struggled his way
through tho almost Insurmountable difficulties
which loomednnd Intruded nnd threatened. Tlmo
and again hls'llfe has been threatened. Time and
again hns he been watched and followed by men
carrying flrenrms waiting for an opportunity to get
even with him, for ho has been tho bitter enemy of
these vultures who have fed for years off sailors.
Vultures who have not waited for death they
huvo been moro remunerative living but for the
Incapability on the part of tho sailors which they
hnvo produced through tho liquor they have sold.
Tho life around tho wharves of a great city Is
not ono well known In other pnrts of a city's life".
Vaguely ono Imagines that sailors are apt to get
drunk when they como to port. Vaguely one Im
agines that a good many of them nro enticed
by women nnd pretty generally left broke somo
good tlmo beforo their ship sets sail again. But
few know tho combine which existed for years and
years und which It seemed would never bo broken.
It was a system against seamen, by masters of
ships and kecpora of "boarding houses." The mas
ters of the ships, directed their men upon going to
shore to these various boarding houses nlong tho
wntor front. There tho men found drink nnd wom
en. They were thoroughly fleeced, they were thor
oughly tilled with liquor, nnd then they were put
out ns worthless "bums" to eke out the rest of
their tlmo ashore penniless, usually contlcss, hun
gry nnd lacking In any self-respect.
The money which thoy had been robbed of by
theso "boarding houses" wns divided between tho
boarding houso owners nnd the masters of the
ships. Hero was Dr. Mansfield's greatest difficulty.
Tho musters of tho various ships would not glvo
men Jobs who went to the Seamen's Church Insti
tute. They would not tako them buck on their
But Dr. Mansfield went to various shipping com
panies which agreed to co-operate and so tho ter
rible combine was nt last broken up. Everything
and everyone nlong tho water front fought n hard
nnd angry battle against Dr. Mansfield. Barber
shops, boot-blacking establishments, lunch rooms,
nil were ready to work In with tho "boarding
houses" and tho masters of tho ships. There was
where the money wns. Why bother nhout n man's
body when there wns money to think about?
Fearlessly, courageously Dr. Mansfield worked
against the cruel and soulless greed of tho water
front. Is It any wonder thnt thousands and thorn
snnds of Bninen tho world over look upon the
Seamen's Church Instltuto as their home?
There Is everything at tho Institute bnrber
Bhops, tnllor shops, lunch rooms, outllts for snle
everything thnt there might bo nlong the wnter
front's exterior with none of Its demon-like In
terior. Hero is n place like nn enormous hotel with
comforts such ns even hotels cannot nfford, nnd
yet nt prices such ns aro charged by lodging
houses, so that there Is not the feeling of clmrlty.
There are grent reading rooms, lounging rooms,
there Is nothing stiff here, there nro entertain
ments, dances, movies, magazines, books, smokes,
there Is companionship, there nro beds with cool,
fresh linen, shower bnths, plnccs where a man
mav wash and dry his clothes. Over eight
hundred men sleep thcro every night, though sev
eral hundred have to be nightly turned uway until
tho new building next door Is erected.
There Is n chaplain always on duty, talking to
tho men, helping them, bringing families and men
together nguln through the Institute's wonderful
"missing men department." This chaplain hns
studied law feufllclently so that he may help
tho men In various legal difficulties thnt nrlse
nnd ho Is a chaplain with a very keen sense of
humor. It keeps everyone "smoothed out." "And
he gives everything he owns uway," tho houso
mother told me.
Mrs. Jnnet Roper, the house mother, Is n quiet
person whose skill and enormous success nt her
work la realized as one goes about with her. She
Is very for from being aggressively executive. She
doesn't talk about "systems" or "theories"-, or
"executive ability." She talks nhout the men.
Sho showed me about. There Is not u wash
bowl In tho building thnt Is not n mcmorlnl. Every
room hns a memorial plnte upon Its door. A
favorite form of memorial has been to donnto a
room. And In tho new building which Is to bo
started In the spring already many of the rooms
hnvo been donutcd. Sometimes I enmo ncross n
Chinese name n Chlnnmun who wanted to show
his affiliation with, nnd his affection for, tho
building with tho green light which had meant
home for him In a foreign city.
But typical of a seaman, according to Mrs.
Roper, nnd typical of what a seaman should bo
Is Illustrated In tho mcmorlnl plaje on n room
donnted In memory of tho cnptaln of tho Titanic.
"In memory of Captain Edward J. Smith,
R. N. It,, who lost his Ufo while In command of
S. S. Tltnnlc, April 15, 1012. Ho snlled the sea
for forty years, faithful In duty, friendly In spirit,
firm In commund, fearless In disaster; ho saved
tho women and children nnd went down with
his ship."
The link which thousands feel with the Insti
tute Is Its greatest stronghold against the sordid
ness of tho water front. Men nrrjvlng In Brooklyn
telephone, to sec If thcro Is room for them. Men
from nil over tho world come here nnd go forth
to tell of tho green light In tho tower which stands
In the building where there Is everything to help
them. There Is the bunk, the post olllce, tho place
where their baggage can be sare.
In a park nearby there are open air moving
picture shows In the summer and various enter
tainments. Tho Seamen's Church Instltuto U under the
Protestnnt Eplscopnl church. Its chaplains aro
Episcopalian, though Its .employees aro of all
faiths. It serves till tho chaplain who visits tho
men In the hospitals brings rabbis to tho Jews,
priests to the Roman Catholics, and ministers In
whatever faiths these men have been brought up.
SbWbbBT $525
Lowest Priced Quality
Evory Chevrolet is fully equipped when sold.
It has electric lights and starter, gasoline tank in the
roar, demountable rims nnd extra rim and tire carrier,
3-spocd transmission and reverse, speedometer and all
necessary indicators on tho instrument board, curtains
open with doors of open models. All closed models
havo high grado Fisher Bodies with plate glass win
dows. Thoro is nothing more to buy but, the license.
Costs least per milo for gasoline and oil.
There are moro than 10,000 dealers and service sta
tions throughout the country. Repairs are made on
lojv-cost flat rate system.
for Economical Transportation
Prices F. O. B. Flint, Michigan
SUPERIOR Two Puaenger Roadster . .$510
SUPERIOR Five Pauenger Touring . . 5ZS
SUPERIOR Two Pauenger Utility Coup 680
SUPERIOR Four Paiaciuter SecUnetto . 850
SUPERIOR Five Pauenger Sedan . . . 860
SUPERIOll Light Delivery 510
Chevrolet Motor Company
Detroit, Michigan
ii. - -
usrovt wneanjups n
Canada Is the world's greatest
nroduecr of wheat second onlv to
th ITnltMl States vetonlv about 12 of
the tillable area has been worked. Yields of 40 bushels of wheat
per acre are not uncommon, uais nave given as mgn niw
bushels per acre, while 40 to M bushels per acre are ordinary
yields; birtey and rye In like, proportion. .Cattle and horses
thrive on the native grasses which grow abiflidacUy and corn
and sunflower culture are highly successful.
Stock Raising, Dairying and
Mixed Farming
secure for the Industrious settler ample returns for Mi energr.
Hearing tne cost oi one wim ji vwMi 5.
appeal, ana nas Deen uono ur uunuicm w " rr'jr'rj
farmeis. Taxesonlyupon landtnoton Improvements). Perfect
climate, attractive social conditions, good neighbors, f nurches.
schools, telephones, excellent markets and shipping faclUUes)
make me nappy as wen us yruapciuua.
For Illustrated literature, maps, description of farm opportunj
ties in Manitoba. Saskatchewan. Alberta and Uritlih Columbia,
reduced railway rates, etc, write
300 Peter's Trust Bldg. Omaha, Neb.
Authorised Agtnt, Dst.ot Immigration
nd Colonisation, Dominion ol Canada
j-y-;3gav B
' fc. ibTiflUvIi vBB
BBK!BB1sBBbVbBB9b9H 'bbi
Gives Old Capes Glow of New
Putnam Fadeless Dyes dyes or tints as you wish