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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 18, 1923)
RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA, CHIEF NEWS OF NEBRASKA IN CONDENSED FORMJ Recent Happenings in Nebraska Given in Brief Items For Busy Readers. Nebrnskn City It to hold n corn, poultry anil pet stock show Jtinuury 17, 18 mill III. Tin! Stiih- Tuiihors Association at OiiiiiIiii .luniiiii'v IS ti-'l. will roach an iittcndnnco ("dimmed at nearly ",(XH). Tho new JjURWMKi high Kilinol build lug Iiiik been dedicated at Valentine. It Is tlioroly modern In design and equip ment. A 750 gallon n nilnulo pump Iiiik been ordered purchased for the nmny water station hy the Coluinbun city council for $li!,fiX). Fremont .shattered all building hoom reeordH In 11)21! with Improvements totaling $l,1.r7,riH), completed during the past 11! montliH. CharleH M. Keefer was unanimously elected President of the Stale Hlfo Un derwriters' ns.-oiatlon ut the annual meeting held at Lincoln. A. K. Ovemlon, potiunster, for eight years at Pawnee City has resinned effective April 1 to resume the editor ship of the Pawnee Chief. Mmmmj?' .- i J. S. KROH. Publisher of tho Onallala News, and Newly Elected Senator from the Thlrty.first District. Itecclpts of hogs at the Omiihu mar ket for the llrst eight da of the year, are nearly double those ncelved during tho same period of time lust year. The State Diocesan Council of the Fplscopal Church will hold Itti sessions at Omaha this week. The Women's Auxiliary will meet n't tho same time. Five million dollars more of bonds of governmental subdivisions In Neb raska were Issued In 1022 than In the preceding year. Total for tho year was'j10,2r1,080, the largest amount of bonds ever Issued In one year In Neb- raska. Figures available at the South Omaha Livestock Exchange received from the local brand Inspector's olllces show Hint nearly double the number of wes tern range cattle were Inspected dur ing the month of December, 1022, than In December, 1021. Fntallty tolls from nutomoblllsts nt Nebraska grade crossings were less In 1022 than In the three previous years. Statistics gutberoti from newspaper reports In the stntu during the year Bhow that 21 persons were killed and 51 wore. Injured. Columbus people spent more than twice the amount In building Improve ments tho past year that they spent during 1021, the record In the city clerk's olllce and other sources in dicating that expenditures In this line exceeded i?17r,(R)0. Nelson TIioimiu of Omaha, vice pres ident of the Auditorium show recently held In that City nidle tho largest Indi vidual win nlngs ever lecorded at a poultry and faucy fowl exposition. He won fi firsts out of (10 birds, a :i5 silver cup, $25 cash, three specials, and best award for ten different pheasant displays. Secretaries of Nebraska chambers of commerce and commciicn! organ'za tions will hold their nuuual convention In Omai.a February 2 and II, the pub. llclty bureau of the commercial organ ization announces. Topics relating to conduct of commercial organizations, community advertising, business and Industrial conditions will be up for discussion. The two small children of Harry I.nng, near Brunswick, were burned to death In u lire that completely des troyed the home while the mother was doing the chores at tho bnrn, but few yards away. .Tesse Lyon n seenteen year old 1ml of Unadllla won the grand sweepstakes which i mimics both Junior and senior entries In the State corn show at Lin coin, which was the largest In several years, competition was keener, and the total member of entries much bigger. The boy has won first prizes and sweep, stakes nt the Nebraska stato fair for t)ie last twin years. Tho Presbyterian and, Methodist churches, at Fairmont huvo morgod anil tho membership will hereafter worship ns one. Hoy Mauler of Taylor, 0 years old, who regained his eyesight recently nfter having been blind from baby hood, for the first time saw a Christ mas tree and Santa Claus on Christ mas duy, Dick Beswlck, 80, Nebraska homo steader and hero of tho civil war and for 20 years ncrobat with tho big circus organizations, ouco world's champion Icaper, is dead at his home at Norfolk State Teachers at Omaha With a program calling for three days of lectures, discussions and business, tho Nebraska state touchers' association will hold Its annual convention ut Omnlm on January IH, 11) and 20. Kniollmont will begin nt (5:(K) p. in., Wednesday, January 17, and will con tlnue until Saturday morning, .litnuitry 20. The assembly of delegate.'! will take place on Thursday morning at 0:00 a. in., In the ball room of the hotel Horn? presided over by President W. II. Mor ton of Heat rice. The general sessions will liffflti on Thursday evening ut 8:00 o'clock In the auditorium, with Supt. A. II. WatcrhoiiM', of Fremont presid ing. A program Including addresses, music and discissions has been ar ranged. A distinctive feature of tho conven tion will be the "Solre," a roilal event to be staged on Friday night at the city auditorium by the Oinaha chamber of commerce In honor of the state teachers' association. Fred M. DeWItt, for over a Minuter of n century connected with the print ing Industry at Lincoln, died in Chi cago recently. Superintendent L. W. AVclsel of the (ienevn city schools, has filed his resig nation with the board of education to take effect .Tune 1. Mrs. Louis Young suffered a broken leg when she stepped on n corn cob which had dropped on the back porch of her home nt (Initio Itock. The Kustorn District DontcV. Society will meet at Omaha .lanuary 21. The National American Dental Teacher's iietlttite will he held on the 22d to the 21th. Mrs. drover PUn died at a Falls City hospital from burns received when a gasoline heated Iron she was using exploded in her hand, and Ignited her clothing. A naturalization ehiii br.s been started nt (ienevn, by Miss Margaret Ilaiighawout, former county superlntou dent, with .'10 In iitlemlMice a' the llrst , meeting. i Payment of certain Issues of llbertj bonds and war savings stamps linvi added $10,000,000 to the cash In clr dilution In Nebraska, according to ban kers estimates. W. II. Sduilberg, assistant general manager of the I'ntou Stockyards com puny of Omaha, was promoted to the position of general manager at a recent meeting of stockholders. Injuries suffered when he fell from a tree while hunting cnused the death ol Walter Strawther, of Nebraska City Slrawiher had climbed the tree to get a squirrel which lie had shot. The cornerstone or the new Presby terian church, to cost 00,000, has been Inld at ScotlsblulT. The church, tin first organized In that city, had Its beginnings In 1807. Thieves broke Into tho F-irniers 1'nlon store, at Hardy carrying away more than $700 worth of silks and wealing apparel. The safe was tain, pored with but no money taken. Federal reserve hank notes which were stolen by bandits who held up messengers In front of the United States mint at Denver are said to be In circulation in north Nebraska. Dr. O. O. Smith, pastor of the Fre mont Congregational church, has re ceived a call from Pueblo, Colo., asking him to take the pastorate of the first Congregational church of that place. Portions of the skeleton of a "Stone" turtle, a prehistoric amphibian, were recently found In a room near Fort Calhoun In Washington county. The skeleton was three feet around and eight Inches thick. A daring attempt on the part of twe prisoners to escape from the Nebraska state penitentiary by scaling a prisor wall under a barrage of steam from tin prison heating plant was thwarted by Warden Fenton who fired two charge. of buckshot at the men. The delegates of the 102.'t convention of tho Nebraska farm bureau assoclu. Hon, held at Lincoln, elected II. I. Keefe of Waltblll and Mrs. Malt l Graham of Dakota City as president and vice president of the state organ 'sttlin for the coming year, Good breeding 'lock, piMper mating and careful feeding of the brood sow are all Important, but a point In hop raising that should receive more atten tion, because it is often neglected, Is the necessity of keeping the young pigs growing continuously from the moment of birth to maturity, say the anlnutl husbandmen of the U. of N. Agricultural College. At weaning tluio and afterward the pigs should have access to corn ami proper protein supplements In self-feeders. c'nllowlng out the wishes of Charles Woostor, who died at Silver Creek last yeek, his body was cremated nnd the ashes will be scattered from the bridge into IMattc river near his home. Alleging that the farm bureau and county agent In Keith county have been a burden to the taxpayers, 000 farmers have signed petitions demand ing abolition of the'bureau nnd olllce. Thousands of mallard ducks have been staying on the Loup liver, neat Dannebrog for several weeks. The river Is open for many miles and the waters are at times covered with ducks. Chnrles Heed, for four years an as sistant In the office of the nttnrno general, nt Lincoln, has resigned tine gone to Miami, Kla., to practice law. Mrs. Margaret Hess, believed to be the oldest woman In Gage county, U dead nt the age of ninety-three. Slu has resided In I leu trice over fort) years. Directors of the farmers' elevator al Union are contemplating taking oui n state storage license and ucccptlii; grain for storage at n charge of one. fourth of a cent a bushel per month deferring settlement with the growei until the grain ruu ho shipped. Chicago Has ,5 mY y Wt I X ftri. ' 'vsf t ,KMrM9vMtflMMMr9faSSf- wv y'iE m BimBF3 Nv VMaB ' BTBjhf Ittflftf BBBB ' 0T? Bff . a BBI BB vH 9m y .BlBH1jjirBBBXBBBJBBiBft'nrBs"V ?fTV - f jBJBbsmB fr ivQJBB'jMbMm MBBm Be Miin lrPf23i mhszSji BLJ Hl Btrk4iftMBBVJ IsbVj BvBBbHB bBBhBVmbBI tVnH mmm BJBBm,v' ''"" - nsra3iPBrM mTBBJ BM . New Hebrew Theological college, 3448 Douglas boulevurd, Chicago, which celebrated its opening the other duy. The building, which cost $150,000, Is one of tho finest of Its kind in the United States. It Is given over to tho education and training of Hebrew young men for the church. KING WILL SEE THIS Miss Evelyn Law of the Follies Is soon to snll for England, where she s to give a prlvato performance of her Terpslchorean artistry for hlu majesty (King George and members of the royal fumlly. Miss Law Is able to swing one extremely litho limb a good 24 inches above her charming little head. MOST ACCURATE TYPIST Win. t Oswnld of New York, holder of world's typewriting accuracy cham pionship 128 words a minute for one hour continually with only one error and former International speed cham pion, who nttended the meeting of the Nntlonnl Commercial Teacher's fed eration In session In Chicago, WINS BEAUTY AWARD Itadlnnt girlhood won a prize for Miss Alice Appenhelmer of Far Rock- f' wsy, Judged nearest physically per ect among 000 In her high school, I1 bbMbH mm ii i i J && bbYbW'bbyb! m-? ( ,?V iJ I Hi VflBBi f:J s;Ii&&$k I m Ii .mmmmmmK F$mmmmm ri. VAb ra .BvAvAvAvAwAvAvAvAvJPbbVBbbVj bVBv bv28bbbbbFvBbbVBbbb faffJ k fl BBBffBffBffHBBffBffBffBffflHlBffBffBffM aPtA JmvBmnmmmmmmmil ' n R BBYflffBYflfflffflffMHI e KaBaBrfll vxK ' - 1 11 pBHlTBTBTBTBTBffBHnH IS JOhbTbTI' i V - - 11 pmmMmmmmmmmESm&mmmm&BKmmm: Vnam a - fmmmmmWmnXBiM;mW&6M$BBmWnmmt: X BBBBBBbuflBB . .... BBl 13 r-- BBBBBBBBBBBBHBBBBnBBBBaBBBBBBJIBBBBKVvraBB BBB9BP flSpSaBBBHEBBBBBBB9JBBBl .& "pMMi J"" FBBBBBBnBBBBBBBBBBJgSlByBMaHBBBBBBBll i HPViai4PfafKHBnEssBrBf&B Mk BBBJ ' ' MM 1 J4 " BFBbIkIBBAHIPbHBbTbb 1 xv. J? ,;bVJ hb.T';-xv' x'- bkbbVkbIbbbBbSbbVbVb.' 1 fs mmmik&9?l bbJ Bic'X. -x - bAkbbbbvabbvAbbbbbbBbbI m hi t BiMr'''' BBJ BBk. ; T'jC "'s.' ,'BJH''?''''BJBBBBBHBBHBBBBmj3 0 bbIbW H IPV ' 4(BBHbbbbII I M BBfBBWfJBll V . S IBn3XZB&!La7lJBMBJUHBBJBB T: " n,SWP k vr - ,-, 4wmi 1 -?.. V"iiSSSSS& ' rM$l$ mm -4W BBsBBIBIBIBB BBBBJBJBBBB Imiiii inning BflBBBBBPBM f "i! ""l II I New Hebrew Theological College Employees Are Given His Business Helleving that his en ployees huc the first right to a business they havt helped to build up, Henry A. Dlx turned over his $1,000,000 concern to them and will spend the rest of his life, without salary, aiding them to continue Its success. The corporation lstho Henry A. Dlx & Sons company, manufacturers of women's cotton dressci nnd nurses' uniforms, In New York city and open ntlng factories at Mlllvllle, Somervllle, and Brldgeton, N. J. Token of Gratitude to Skipper Isb 1 ?tti MBi ' BBBBBw m I'BBBBsV.. jf?'- ' Bl ' - --'-- tir-'iSfi rtfBBBBBlW. t fi 'BmBmBmBmAiTi2mB ''' ''''" s?'f ntA-BBHBMBMBMBI P I nlHiiUBBr ' N Pi Wh Jj2'rwM ::r BBBBbIIIIKj I I B BBVBVBpBW msMMwmiZ.d m & .BBBBBBBBB J-rre5,'Bi&i S I I BSaSBBmmmfS1 i Miss Thclmu Kdwards presenting the commnndant of tho French liner I.n Savole, Captain Henri Bolsson, with n bronze clock nnd candlesticks for the mantle of his stateroom, the gift of tho passengers on a recent Havre-New York trip of tho Savole. This wns a token of gratitude for the captain's cour age and seamanship In bringing his vessel snfely through the terrible storuu of that week. Dr. McKoin and If' itfBBBW I2vVVJHk I IIh I fill I IL biVbtJv Bsi bIiiiL """m A'wBrnjEfy'' J VA vzMMxfWkJmi, .mm - .bbVAb.i E "Mtyj(mWmmmw M Wm Here Is Dr. It. M. McKoin, artested In Ilafllmore for alleged connection with the murder of two citizens of Mer ltouge, La., which Is laid at tho doors of members of the Ku Klux KInn; nnd the little jail at Ilastrop where Jeff liurnett, another of the nccused, Is locked up. I the Bastrop Jail I Thousands Have Kidney Trouble and Never Suspect It Applicants for Insurance Often , Rcj'ccted. Judging from reports from druggists who are constantly in direct touch with tho public, there is one preparation that has been very fiucccssful In overcoming those conditions. The mild and healing influence of Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Hoot is toon realized. It stands the highest for its remarkable record of puccess. An examining physician for one of ths prominent Life Insurance Companies, in sn interview on the subject, made the as tonishing statement that one reason why so many applicants for insurance are re jected is because .kidney trouble is so common to the American people, and the large majority of those whose applications arc declined do not even suspect that they have the disease. Dr. Kilmer's Swamp Root is on sale at all drug stores In bottles of two sizes, medium and large. However, if you wiidi first to test this great preparation send ten cents to Dr. Kilmer & Co., Dinghomton, N. Y., for a ample bottle. When writing be sure and mention this paper. Advertisement. No Comeback. A local youth who expressed a desire for adventure wns usked: "Why dont you Join Captain X'b ex pedition? lie's looking for recruits for his revolutionary operations In Guate mnln." "I haven't got the price of a passage to Guatemala." "Tho cnptnln furnlbhcs your passage and equipment free." "Then I'm on. Itut how about his furnishing my passage back?" "Don't worry about that. One doesn't come back." Charleston News and Courier. DYED HER DRAPERIES, SKIRT AND A SWEATER WITH "DIAMOND DYES" 1 Each package of "Diamond Dyes" con tains directions so simple that any woman can dye or tint faded, shabby skirts, dresses, waists, coats, sweaters, stock ings, hangings, draperies, everything like ( new. Duy "Diamond Dyes" no other Kinu then perfect borne dyeing is guaran teed, even if you have never dyed before. Tell your druggist whether tho material you wish to dye is wool or silk, or whether it is linen, cotton, or mixed goods. Dia mond Dyes never streak, snot, fade, or run. So cosy to use. Advertisement. Can't Be Told. "There Is no use telling It to the ma rines nny more." "Why not, silly?" "Hccnuse they go everywhere and see everything." New York Sun. Cutlcura Comforts Baby's Skin When red, rough nnd Itching, by hot baths of Cutlcurn Soap und touches of Cutlcura Ointment. Also make use pow and then of that exquisitely scented dusting powder, Cutlcurn Talcum, one of the Indispensable Cutlcura Toilet Trio. Advertisement. Some men acquire n reputation for laziness, while others get the credit for being diplomats. The charm of a bathroom Is Its spot lessness. By tho use of Red Cross Ball Blue, all cloths and towels retain their whiteness until worn out Advertise ment. An old bachelor says that marriage quickly sobers a man who Is Intoxi cated with love. Large hopes from smnll foundations grow. The door of hope, swings both ways. Sure Relief FOR INDIGESTION 6 Bell-ans Hot water Sure Relief ELLANS 25 AND 75i PACKAGES EVERYWHERE Hair l mn ; v. Sail IitIUIIm th root and ttopi balr falling- out All ball pot rai-ldly. Try Itl At all Rood druggUu, Ho, M direct from HIUIC.UU5, timUfc. UmtUt. Tim. MA8TK11 THH TVI'KWKITKH UV MAIL. Ths touch typing aatem taught In itx lea aona only 116. Why pay more? Typewrit tng School. 718 Ualtlmora llldg., Chicago. TOBACCO B U1H. CII1SWINO, $10 1 BUOIUNO, 10 L1IS., 93.40. Medium, It lb. 1, 30. I'ay for tobaoco and postaga on arrival. J. I'ULLIAM, PATEaVfLLE. KT. W. N. U., LINCOLN, NO. 2-1923. IWlllll BnipPliPlI TURKISH J H.rsiUic3! VIRGINIA H HQjilH BURLEY 1 S m V W Mm a Hlu ...i H-jfinimmijHnuinJii. jm .