The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, January 18, 1923, Image 5

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rxnnn3m.ranmuMmu wrv
Jeff ..haplin wjb down from Cowles,
.:'. '. W. C'orbett has ''jcen seriously
'ill the pa;t few da vs.
-il -.'-'
i ' . ' , fi
.John liaubsr hrs moved into the
jjloats property cast of town.
j i-Ved Walker and C-.irl Oglcv'e wore
S'n Hlue Hill Sunday afternoon.
Miss Minnie Christian went to Su
hcricr Sunday morning on. train 1G.
W. J. Jim was a passenger to Su
per or niuay tmrmng on tram lo.
' Phil Traut went to Ik-stings Wed
ne day mor ling to spend the day.
Miss Dlanchc McCartney was a pass
icugor to Ht'stings Friday morning.
The ladies of the Congicgathnul
church will hold their market at
Wccsncr's store, Saturday, January
i tnt arj;i. ,my
, ., Mr.. Ch; 3. Gilham t, yas . called
Lebanon, Kansas, Saturday on
count of the serious illness of a id
To Oii-an.L'p on all Wiiilff Coats
will discount tlu'in lj li.uhsrn I'luiius
Char. GJIibw was a passenger to
Li icoln Monday mora'ng on train 4.
: w nk Hugi'. spent the 1 st of the
.. 'c ':-, I ; i Vd at Clay Center.
..:. v7" j uiui i.s a piftetiCi'
"i'FC.H'p MmSuy g m tw-i!
tieoic Sc!i af turivcti he e Wed
nextlay evening on train 11 from Harvard.
Mi-' nnd Mrs. J. K. KIliMin were
passengers t) (Juide Kock Sunday
Mirs Edna Henderson wrs a passen
ger to Kansa.- City Friday morning
on train 1G.
Ernest Hayes, Revenue Collector,
vf Superior was in the city the last
bf the week.
'. Jack (Julie-way of Kansas City was
'visiting the cattle feeders in this com
fnunity Tuesday.
., Ourt Ewns went to Ai-hlaml Mon
day morning to spend a few days vis
iting with lelatives.
'Ihe Annual of the Fann
er ' Union Co-operative A sociation,
wnj. held in the 1. 0. 0. F. hull to
Lloyd L. Fitzgerald and Mis Alctha
N. Hunsicker, both of Hed Cloud,
were g Tinted a marr'age license Friday.
11. F. M'zer lctumed home Satur
day evening fnm Hastings whore he
had been attending to business mat
I)r Warrick, tho SpeelaINt, will
111001 put louts and thosu tieoclitiK glass
es tit Dr. Da mere II 'a Satin iliiy, .Inn, 'Jo
Hours '2 to (i
M. and Mr;. Dick Lewis went to
Hastings Tuesday imrning to spend
il c dsw rclurn'ng homo on No. ' 1 1
that -veiling.
Mr,. Kalji'.i 55h .-.erdson of cC.ok
uvr'jred'hQtQ an twin 11 S trdy
r v i ,iv tf pend a short time vi it
v . .h r em's.
n-und1 ouc Foreman J. Y Maucit
went to Mi W.k Thurs !ay morning.
. spend the d y "U nd'no; to bufi-C5-.
matter .
Mrs. A. 15. (Jelwick and baby weni
to Lincoln last Wednesday morning
where i-hc will spend a few days vis
iting with friend?'.
Ed. Winebar and several of the clay
pigeon shooters of Superior were In
the city Sunday afternoon shooting
with the Iocnl club.
Mihs Dorothy Newhouse went to
(Juide Rock Saturday morning to
spend the day visiting at the home
of her brother, Paul Newhouse.
i ill i
Lee Johnson arrived here on train U
Saturday I'vcning to spend the week-end
with his family.
Howard Hunt departed Saturday
evening for Nevada where it is .stated
that he will bo married.
:- Omar Wolfe arrived hero Sunday
-morning fioni McOook to .spend the
'.Ttay visiting with friends.
,? ,
"1 Al Huffman went to Blue Hill
Tuesday ,0i ning to spend the day at
te .ding t iiusiness matter.-i.
' Virgil Huff returned home Sunday
.evening from Ha tings and Kencsaw
'frhere he sjient a few days.
j ,
2, Fred Fcarn has purchased the re?i
Vicnce of the late Mrs. Fox, from the
tieiis, and will move into the same.
J, Edgar Harrington went to Wymore
Friday morning oa train 1G to spend
ihc dav attending ti business matters
V ; '
T Win. Harris went to Hastings lues
'day morning to spend the day re
turning lume on No. 11 that evening.
V Mrs. Alice Smith went to ILutings
Saturday morning to spend the day
leturnh'g home on No. 11 that evening.
Thrift vvittn.tttrylnu , ,
K'noiiut do tiitr teort ullt en4
Anil iit our fhrgt nrt qii(Hlr.
TliAT popular wi-INdratsed girl
known as Dainty Dorothy has
,A'iconvlnced a lot of well drcs
d Colics that it was to their (&
r,obo ailvan age to make use of our
oleifilng at d dyeing facilities.
lilh are; leglnnlng to reallM that
Judge L. H. Blackledge arrived
hero Saturday evening on train 11 to
spend 'fcouplc days here with his
daughter, Mr?. Floyd Turnurc.
' .
H. li. Childress came down on No.
14 SuTraay morning from Republican
City to spend the day with his fain'ly
'returning to his work Monday.
('cr.nt.1 Agent Henry H. Fausch
went lo De ver, Colo. ado, Saturday
owning on train 17 to attend the Den
ver L'-.c Stock Show being held there
this week.
riM ianu.rri i'iim , tMmMnnmumniagianAni
11. A R erg, Rurlington Claim
Agent from Denver, Colorado, arriv
ed here Friday morning to spend the
day attending to matters in conncc
t'on with his work.
Mrs. Everett Strouji returned home
Tnur.dny evening on train 11 from
Lawrence where she has been spend
ing the past wce'.j visiting with her
parents and with friends.
George Amack returned home Sat-
un)Li i?!11111" m"1';j wWi mv'P "9
hasTicen spcuding'inc'pasC few days
altond'ng the Farmers' Union Con
vention held in that city.
Will Mcl'hcrson icturncd home
Thursday evening from Omaha where
ho lies been r pending the past few
days attending the Farmers' Union
vbnventioii held there last week.
Mr. iind Mi. Si'o. H. Ovi'iU-e-c who
have bcuii playing at Ihc Lk'iii'tt
tbou'ie, Ur.suli i, Kans is. Ii-ft M..i,liy
Ynv Ii"iig llmlt, Cnlifiirnlii, mIh n thuj
wi:l In .Hi nnt m.i: I- t In i . futuu li)iiit;)
Mh. C. F. Uilb. af;ti J0n, Mr C
C i ."-. ii ri'l hora Wetinos,.a
evemig fi .a lwcnener, wuieHot,
-;) -re thry t-nt o "few days Rgo to
ceurc mcilical id i. e from Mnyo
Mr s.
C. McConkoy returned t (.Jrar.l
I land Monday mouiing after sp6nI-:-ig
the past few weeks bore visiting
1 the home of his daughter, Mrs.
Rich L'ppinvolt and with other rel
ative .
Mrs. Gus Nyberg returned home
Tuesday morning on train 1G from
McCook where she ha been spending
the past few days visiting her hus
and, who is work'ng in tho Hurling
to.i roundhouse.
Thorval Jenson arrived here Wed
nesday inoi ning on train 1G to take
train -1 and 11 between here and
Hastings. Fireman Ferd Walker who
has been on this job for the pnst ?ev
eral month goes to McCook.
John Schmitt, special agent for the
Burlington from Wymore, spent Sat
urday here attending to business mat
ters in connection w!th his work.
'Clyde llowen, G. E Griffcth. Rich
aid Bowcn, and A. G. Goth went to
Kansas City Sunday morning in
charge of the stock shipped from here.
W. E. Brunei- arrived home. Fri
day evening on train 17 from Norman,
Oklahoma, he being called by the sud
den death of his father, W. S. Brunei-.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Sutton returned
home Sunday from Oxford where they
have been spending the past few days
vi- Ring with his mother and sister.
Ph'l Traut returned home Friday
morning on train 16 from McCook
where he spent yesterday attending
to matters in connection with his
Ralph Newhouse arrived here Sat
urday evening from Hastings to
spend a few days visiting with his
parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. H. New-house.
the ray tojgvt real worth aua wear
clonied and pressed from time to
outlif a ault lHurtlaAr! ',!' "Fowrly
-Ml'J l'VBlaL"l
. M An-af i-ata
Farm Loans. Read This.
I am in thu farm loan business and
am making quite n success of It for
various reasons. I have the very low.
est rate, of interest going mid by all
odds the be6t option offered. There is
no dolay in closing a loan, as it is
practically (dosed the moment the
application is ma'de, I have certain
advantage that .enables, nie to save
nny-of you from $20 toilblu nrgoti
Htlng tlio'loan Voii gct'liie entire
face of the loan, as no portion of it
Is neld out in advance.
s The County Board of (JoiuonlHlonera
of Webatar County will rccelvf sealed
bids up to noon of the itli day of
February 102-t for the position of
manager or tke Webster County Poor
Farm from Muroh 1st, llrFtb Maroh
tt, 1024.
. 8ald,bias,awr.fllpitrfili tio County.
Clerk, who will TiifoVm applicants as
to tho Co,iuitys mutliojl or eniployiup
Cornier inairnger.
Tlio County Board reserve the right
to reject any and all bids.
Vebter County Hoard
t, of Cummihsiouera.
By 11. F. Perry, County Clerk.
'Kinnuv'-i'nd Bernice James and Hui-
ple and Cla'r Nels n of- McCook
spent Sunday here with their uncle,
nay iciso:i aim aamny driving io
Bladen Monthly for u ?hort visit be
fore returning to their home in Mc-Cock.
Mr. and Mrs E. A. .Mitchell of Ak
.on, C dor-do, came in on No. 1G Mon
day mm ning to spend the day attend
ing to busines i mntters a-nd visiting
at the home of Mr. nnd Mrs. J. W.
Hauck. They returned homo on No.
17 that evenintr.
Five carloads of cattle and two of
hogs were shipped from here to the
Kansas City mar'iet Sunday morning
A total of one hundred and eighty
seven cars including that loaded hem
passed through Sunday enroute to the
Missouri river markets.
Mrs. Gellatly went to Lincoln Tues
day mowing where she will spend a
short time visiting with friends be
fore returning to her home in Indian
npolis. She has been here for the
past few weeks visiting nt the home
of her son, Clial Gellatly.
Two carloads of hogs wore shipped
from here Tuesday morning to the
Kansas City market. From Lester,
B. E. Harrington shipped one cai
load of cattle and hogs mixed to Kan
sas City and H. G. Hulscbusch one
carload of cattle to St. Jon Tuesday
morning. They went in charge or
their shipments.
Player Plana at a iarftaigj-Wo
hare a player piano in good condition
that one of our custoinors was unable
to finish paying for, that we will pluce
free of charge in tho home of any BatU
factory customer in tho vicinity of Red
Cloud who will pay tho balutioein cash
or cany payments. Write GASTON
I'm. ir nl to u ic.s lul'on passed b.
the Lut.v Council of the Oity of Red
Otc ml, Xebr.s , on the :ird o"
January, l!)2:t, and Section 313 of the
Compiled Statutes of Nebra ka for
19iJ2, notice is hereby g'ven that said
city council considers it advisable a m
to the best interest of mid city thai
new bonds in lieu of the delinquent
and outstanding paving bonds aim
coupons of the following paving dis
tricts of said c'ty as follows:
'Paving District No. 2. Amount of
bonds $1,000.00; Coupons and inter
est, $150.00. Ordered issued on June
I, 1020.
Paving District No. 3 Amount of
bonds, $8,000:00" ttnfvjoito Vnd 'inter-d't,-
ifl,-150."Uo. 'issued on Ju ;c
II, 1020.
Paving District No. 4 Amount of
bonds ?G,000 00j Coupons and inter
est, $1,100.00. Ordered issued on June
11, 1020.
All of said bonds bear interest at
the rale of six per cent per a mum,
payable cm! annually. It is propos
ed to take nnd pay the alnvc delin
quent, bonds, coupons and interest by
the i s'lanco ol City of Red Cloud Re
I'undi g bonds in the sum of $1,-
000.00, bi-.-i ing inteiv t v.l ?i per cut
oc. luiiiu-", !: ted .1 ii'iar ir, P '
KHrturing Sfl.OQOOO mel yrir 11 to Xi
yetfr s . f'c- c at? inu.'s o.'rt,'(,n n' i
t,i be filed .t Uio ofc of the ( ilj
Clerk at Red Cloud.
Any t. p..'yer Df the nty of I(o
Cloiid, NT br: skn, mov fie o,je,t;o-i-b
aueh . (..polled, f t'o i in tl1 off'
9i the t'tyClork at Red ft "d or
; liei'uve tho 5th daj of Fobiu i.v
(SEAL) (Jity Clerk
Good roads, like prophet.', arc often
without honor in their own country.
Nebraska people who travel over our
excellent dirt roads all the time ic
gard them lightly, as a part of the
natural order of things. It is not un
til he attempts to travel over the
roads of le;s fortunate states that the
Ncbraskan appreciates the highways
W his own state and realizes what an
asset they arc to the commonwealth.
To drive across Nebraska on the
"smooth, level roadbed of our state
road?, with the beautiful pastoral
"scenery of Nebraska's prairie lands
spread out for miles on either side is
like a Sabbath day's rest to the driver
who is wearied with hilly or rough
Nebraska borders thii-e favoi'itc
tourist points Colorado, Wyoming
and thu Black Hills of South Dakota.
It naturally enjoy much tourist
traffic between eastern ttates und
these points. During one week last
summer the interstate traff'c through
eighteen different itations on Neb a-
ka state rouds was 13,1)12 cais. If
this count be used as a basis of e ti-
matc, we may conclude that, during
the twelve weeks of summer, 107,301
out-of-state cars pass through the
same eighteen stations. If each car
carried four persons, GG9,21G people
were guests of the state for about two
days. -More than half a million people
testifying to the excellence of Nehras
ka roads, the courtesy of Nebraska
people, the prosperity of Nebraska
farms and the enterprise of the towns
passed through should be worth a
great deel to the state.
State ai'd local auto clubj, co-operating
with other organizations, might
well make advertisement of Nebraska
as v project and attract more of this
traffic. Some of our neighboring
states have already seen the wisdom
of such a course and are making hand
some bids for tourist trade.
a iiufrrfAMsass&g;
mi f'iMmigi'Witrtiina;iNnnBn."an!c;imimr;iginnmngnnnxoniiniumniiaimju'iiitTiiiiiBHuaia
Cheerful, acceptance of orders
over the phone or in person and
Prompt Delivery are two of the
- reasons that our, storq.fias. such a ,
big clientele.
Another is that our Groceries arc always fresh,
pure and wholesome and our prices most reas
onable. May we have the pleasure of a visit
or call from you to-day?
kVJ aSkL
1C1.I ' :, i.
Groceries and Qucensware
i" ii i tan
I I" ffllu'ill. ,l
? r JHSL JLj
Bell Phone 29
Ind. Phone 12
The little two weeks old baby of Mr.
and Mrs. W. A. Banbury, of Trenton,
Neb , died last weeUs and the little
body was brought to Republican City
last Thursday and Utd to rest in tbe
cemetery here. Mrs, Hunbury is a
daughter of Mr. end Mrs J. E. Me.
Quiaten of this oity and she is reported
quite ill, and her mother, Mrs. Mo.
QalsUn, has been at lVenton sereral
days oaring for Uei Ktopublleitn City
J. W. Hamilton and Ctrl and Ilenrv
Paused shipped seven Shortlftlrn cattle
and twenty-five PoUnu?ChtUaShoga to
the Western Stock Show "aT Denvar,
Tuesday night. Two thitprprrs grown
by Allen O. Vaughnu, one" of the pig
club boys, aud bred by .1. H.' Hnmiltnn
& Son are In the (honing, We hope to
report next woulc tUnt the boys curried
off nil the big premiums at the show.
Oitid Kock Signal.
How About Harness!
fjwlll meet any cnliiloue piieo on anything in the harness line
Don't let soincouo toll you that you enn save inoni-y by fcondlng away
eorue in and look my stock over. 1 enn Mivoyou tome money.
Hrlnp in your old ones and get them llxcd up nnd oiled before Spring
Hnrncss and Saddlery
In the District CourC
Of the United States
Fer The District of Nebraska
In I he Matter of ) J.'Sfc1."
Cor,. W.mll ?r a,nd JJot,,ce n
Uanurupt. ) Pe''"i r Dnehtige.
On this 10th day of JumiHry, A. D
102.'!, on tiling and reading tho petition
of the above named bankrupt for his
discharge herein, it is
ORDEUED, That the 01st day of
February, A. D 1023, be and the same U
hereby fixed as tbe date on or before
which alt creditors of and all other
persons interested in said estate and In
the matter of the discharge in bank
ruptcy of tho said bankrupt .hall, if
they desire to oppose the same, file In
my said offloe at Uoldrege, NelnabUs,
in said district, their appearanoe, iu
writing, lu opposition to tbe granting
of said discharge, and also, within ten
days thereafter, rile In my said' ofllce
Bptciflektlbns of 'the grounds of said
WITNESS mv bund hereto, at my
Ofllco in-IIoldregei'Nebrabka, the day
and dattf herein first above written,
' ' Ue force, In Uanhruptoy
Tlili llluilrttrt the Umlnnud
cunilrucliun of the New 1'ro
ccia ColumbU IUcotdi.
plalnn Mirfuvm which are
which Ihc needle travels l
tnoit lliaudibly.
lllutlratr the much harder
centre cure which rcilatt
The Joy of a Record
That is Virtually
Tonight put on your
phonograph any of the
records you enjoy most
Docs the surface noise
intrude and prevent you
from completely enjoy
ing the mutiic? Tomor
row come in. to see us
and ict us play for you
a few of the new
Instantly you will notice
that the dUconcertlng ur
face noltei which have
always annoyed you are
Columbia New Proccis Rec
ord will make your phono
graph what it thould be, a
muilcal instrument of the
hlfheit, purest type.
Optometrist & Jeweler
Red Cloud .777- - .
Phone Ind. 3 on 90, Bcfi 74.
A. U. Pierce i-eturned home Sat
urday evening nfler spending the past
few days in Omaha attending the
Farmers Uinon Convention held there
last week.
JVlrsI dc6sck
-. "ft. :, ' 1 'V
n,nwmnm hs iwiiiiw B
Residence, Bel) 241 5
t :
9 "f
" a