The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, January 18, 1923, Image 2
RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA, CHIEF :ilk7!4Z2Gei'Cil'Gi!2Si$ .M Beasley's Christmas Party $ By V BOOTH TARKINGTON VI Continued. "From tho Despatch, hoy?" Mr. rock gave mo greeting, ns ho wound a k,nlt comforter about his neck. ."That's Rood.- We'd most glvo you up. Tils here's Mr. Grist, and Mr. Henry ,1'. Cullop, nnd Mr. Gus Schulmeycr--three men flint feel tho same way 'about Dnvo Uensley tlint I do. Thnt other yotuiR follor," ho waved a mlt toned hnnd to tho fourth mnn--"ho,B from the Journnl. Likely you're ac quainted." The young man from tho Journnl was unknown to me; moreover, I wus fur from overjoyed at his presence In the group. "I'vo got you newspaper men here," continued Mr. Pock, "because I'm jpoln' to show you somep'n' about Dnvo llenslcy tltat'll open a good many folk's eyes when It's In print." "Well, what Is It?" I asked, rather sharply. "Jest hold your horses a little bit," lie returned. "Grist and mo knows, anil so do Mr. Cullop and Mr. Schul meyer. And I'm goln' to take them and you two reporters to look at It. fll ready? Then come on." IIo threw open tho door, stooped io Uve gust thnt took him by tho throat, and led the way out Into the atorni. "What Is ho up to?" I gasped to the bournat uinn as wo followed In a Istruggllng line. "I don't know any more than you ,do," ho returned. "Ho thinks no's got something that'll queer ncaslcy. L'eck's an old fool, but It's Just pos sible he's got hold of something. Near 'ly everybody has one thing, at least, 'that they don't want found out. It may bo u good story. Lord, what a night I" I pushed ahead to the leader's sldo. "See here, Mr. Peck " I began, but lio cut me off. , "You listen to mo, young man! I'm (glvln' you some news for your paper, ,nud I'm glttln' nt It my own way, but III git at It, don't you worry I I'm goln' to lot somo folks around here know what kind of a feller Dave llleasley really Is; yes, and I'm IkoIh' to show George Dowden he can't laugh at mo I" ' "You're going to show Mr. Dowden?" I said. "You menu you're going to tnko him along with us ou this expe dition, too?" ' "Tnko him!" Mr. Peek emitted an ucrld. hark of laughter. "I guess he's at IJcTiiBley's, all right." "No, he Isn't ; bo's at home at Mrs. Apporthwalte's playing cards." "What 1" "I happen to know that he'll be there all evening." Mr. Peck smote his palms together. "Grist I" bo called, over his shoulder, and his collenguo struggled forward. '"Listen lo this: even Dowden ain't at lleusley's. Ain't tho Lord workln' for us tonight?" "Why don't you take Dowden with you," I urged, "if there's anything you want to show him?" "By George, I will I" shouted Pecte "I've got him whero tho hair's Bhort now !" "Tlint's right." suld Grist "Gentlemen" Peck turned to tho others "when we git to Mrs, Appcrth walte's, Jest stop outsldo along the fence a minute. I reckon we'll pick up a recruit." Shivering, we took up our way ngaln In single tile, stumbling through drifts thnt hnd deepened Incredibly within tho hour. Tho wind was straight ngnlnst uk, and so stlnglngly nhnrp nnd so laden with the driving wiow thnt when we reached Mrs. Ap- perlhwalto's gato (which wo ap proached from the north, not passing Beasloy's) my eyes wero so full of smarting tears I could see only blurred planes of light dancing vague ly In the darkness, Instead of brightly lighted windows. "Now," said Peck, panting nnd turning his buck to tho wind; "the rest of you gentlemen wait out here. You, two newspaper men, you come with me." IIo opened the gates nnd went In, tho Journal reporter and I follow ingall three of us wiping our half hllndcd eyes. When wo reached the shelter of the front porch, I took' the hoy from my pocket and opened the door. "I live here," I explained to Mr. Peck. "All right," he said. "Jest step In nnd tell Georgo Dowden that Sim Peck's out hero and wants to see him at the door u minute. Be quick." I went Into the library, and there sat Dowden contemplatively playing bridge with two of tho elderly lndlew nnd Miss Apporthwalte. The last mentioned person quite took my lircnth away. In honor of the Christmas eve (I supposed) she wore an evening dress of black lace, and tho only word for what she looked has suffered such mlsuHo that one hesitates over It: yet that Is what she was regal and no llcasl There was a sort of splendor nbout her. It detracted nothing from (his that her expression was n little sad: something not uncommon with her lately; a certnln melnncholy, fnlnt hut detectuble, like brenth on a mir ror. I had attributed It to Jcnn Vnl Jcnn, though perhaps tonight It might hnvo been duo merely to bridge. "What Is It?" nsked Dowden, when, after an apology foi disturbing the grtme, I had drawn him out In the hull. I motioned toward tho front door. "Simeon Peck. He thlnkB he's got something on Mr. Bcasley. He's wait ing to see you." Dowden uttered a sharp, half-coherent exclamation and stepped quick ly to tho door. "Peck 1" ho said, as he Jerked It open. "Oh, I'm herct" declared that gen tleman, stepping Into view. "I'vo come around, to let you know thnt you couldn't Inugh like a horse at mo no more, Georgo Dowden! So you weren't Invited, olthor." "Invited?" said Dowden. "Invited whero?" "Over to tho ball your friend Is glvln'." "Wlut friend?" "Davo Bensley. So you nln't quite good enough to dance with his high society friends I" "What aro you talking nbout?" Dowden demanded, Impatiently. "I reckon you won't bo quite no strong fer Bensley," responded Peck, with u vindictive little giggle, "when you dnd he enn use you In his business, hut when It comes to entertnlnln' oh no, you nln't quite tho boy I" "I'd appreciate your cxplnlnlng," suld Dowden. "It's kind of cold standing hero." Peck laughed shrilly. "Then I reckon you better git your hat and coat and come along. Can't do us no harm, and might bo an eye-opening fer you. Grist nnd Gus Schulmeycr and Hank Cullop's wnltln' out yonder at tho gate. We bo'n havln' kind of a consultation at my house over Komep'n' Grist Been at Beasloy's a little earlier In tho evening. "What did Grist see?" "Cuhsl Cabs drlvln' up to Beas loy's house a whole lot of 'em. Grist wus down the street a piece, and It was pretty dark, but ho could seo the lumpy nnd hear tho doors slam as tho peoplo got out. Besides, the whole placo Is lit up from cellar to attic. Grist come on to my house nnd told mo nbout It, nnd I begun usln' the telephone; called up all tho men that count In the party found most of 'em nt home, too. I ast 'em If they was Invited to this ball tonight; and "Gentlemen" Peck Turned to the Others "When We Git to Mrs. Ap perthwalte's, Just Stop Outside Along the Fence a Minute." not n one of 'em wus. They're only In politics; they ain't high society enough to bo ast to Mr. Beasloy's dancin'-purtlosl But I would 'a' thought he'd lot you In anywnys fer the second table!" Air. Peck shrilled out his acrid and exultant laugh again. "I got theso fellers from the newspapers, and nil I want Is to git this here hall In print tomorrow, and see what tho boys thnt do the work at the primaries huve to say nbout It and whnt their wlves'll say about tho man that's too high-toned to have 'cm In his house. I'll bet Bcasley thought ho was goln' to keep these doln's quiet ; afraid the farmers might not believe he's Jest the plain mnn ho sets up to be nfrnld thnt folks llku you thnt ain't Invited might turn ngnlnst him. I'll fool him! We're goln' to seo whnt there Is to see, nnd I'm goln' to hnve these hoys from the nrnvspupora write a full necount of It. If you want to come nlong, I expect It'll do you a power o' good." "I'll go," biild Dowdeu, quickly. Ho got his coat and hat from n table In tho hall, and we rejoined tho huddled and shivering group nt tho gate. "Got my recruit, gents I" shrilled Peck, slnpplng Dowden boisterously on the shoulders. "I reckon he'll git a chnnge of heart tonight I" And now, sheltering my eyes from tho stinging wind, 1 snw what I lind been too blind to seo ns wo approached Mrs. Apperthwalte's. Beasloy's liouso wus Illuminated; every window, up stairs and down, was aglow with rosy light, Thnt wns luminously evident, nlthough the shades, or most, of them, were lowered. HBIiffl MUM iliHiHw "Look nt thntr reefc turned Dowden, giggling triumphantly. "Whn'd I tell you ! How do you feel about It now?" "But whero nre the cabs?" asked Dowden, gravely. "Folks all come," answered Mr. Peck, with complete assurance. "Won't bo no more cabs till thoy be gin to go home." We plunged ahead as far ns tho corner of Beasloy's fence, wheru Peck stopped us again, nnd wo drew to gether, slnpplng our hands and stamp ing our foot. Peck was delighted n thoroughly happy mnn ; his sour giggle of exultation hnd become continuous, nnd the same Jovial break waa audi ble In Grist's voice ns he said to the Journal reporter nnd mo: "Go ahead, boys. Git your story. Wo'll wait hero fer you." The Journal reporter Blurted to ward the gate; ho hud gone, perhaps twenty feet when Simeon Peck whist led In slinrp warning. The reporter stopped short In his trucks. Bcnsloy's front door wns thrown open, nnd there stood Bensley himself In evening dress, bowing nnd smiling, but not nt us, for he did not see us. The bright linll behind him was beau tiful with evergreen streamers and wreaths, nnd great flowering plunts In Jnrs. A strain of dnnce-muslc wandered out to tis as the door opened, but there was nobody except Dcvld Bcasley In sight, which certainly occmed peculiar for a bnll 1 "Best of 'em Inside, dnncln'," ex plained Mr. Peck, crouching behind the picket-fence. "It'll be the house Is morc'n half full o' low-necked wlm mlnl" "Shi" said Grist "Listen-to Davo Bcasley." Bensley had begun 'to speak, nnd his voice, loud and clear, sounded over the wind. "Come right In, Colonel 1" ho said. "I'd have sent n tat for you If you hadn't telephoned me this afternoon that your rheumatism was so bnd you didn't expect to b able to come. I'm glnd you're well nguln. Yes, they're nil here, and tin ladles are getting up a dunce In the sitting-room." (It was at this moment that I re ceived upon tho cnlf of the right leg a kick, tho ecstatic violence of which led mo to attribute It and rightly, to Mr. Dowden.) "Gentlemen's dressing-room up stairs to the right, Colonel," called Bcasley, ns he closed the door. There wns a pnuso of awed sllcnco nmong us. (I Improved It by returning the kick to Mr. Dowden. He made no acknowledgment of Its reception other than to sink his chin a little deeper Into the collar of his ulster.) "By tho Almighty I" snld Simeon Peck, hoarsely. "Who what was Davo Bcasley talkln' to? There wasn't nobody) there 1" T "Git out," Grist bade him; but his tono was perturbed. "He scon that reporter. He was glvln' us tho laugh." "He's crazy!" exclaimed Peck, ve hemently. Immediately all four members of his party began to talk at the same timet Mr. Schulmeycr agreeing with Grist nnd Mr. Cullop holding with Peck thnt Bensley had surely become In sane; while the Journal man, re turning, was certain thut ho hud not been seen. Argument beenme n wrangle; excitement over the rcmark nblo scene we hnd witnessed, nnd, pcrhnps, n certnln shnrpness partially engendered by the risk of freezing, led to some bitterness, nigh words wero Hung upon the wind. Evcntunlly, Simeon Peek got tho floor to himself for n moment. ''See here, boys, there's no pbo glttln' mad amongs' ourselves," he voclfernted. "One thing we're all agreed on : nobody hore never seen no such a dam pecullnr performnnco ns we Jest Keen In their wholo lives be fore. Thurfore, bnll or no ball, there's somep'n' mighty wrong about this business. Ain't thnt so?" They snld It wns. "Well, then, there's only one thing ,to do let's find out what It Is." "You bet we will." "I wouldn't send no one In thero alone?' Peck went on, excitedly, "with a crazy man. Besides, I want to see what's goln' on, myself." "And so do we I" This declaration was unanimous. "Then let's seo-If there ain't some way to do It. Perhaps ho nln't pulled all the shades down on the other sldo the house. Lots o' people fcrglt to do that." There was but one mind In the party regurding this proposal. The next minute saw us all cautiously sneak ing into the side ynrd, a rugged line of bent and flapping figures, black against tho snow. Simeon Peck's expectations wcr ful filledmore than fulfilled. Not 7ily wero all tho shades of the big thro faced bay-window of the "sitting room" lifted, but (evidently on account or the too great generosity of a huge log lire that blazed In the old-fashioned chimney-place) one of the windows was half-raised us well. Here, In tho shndow Just beyond the rosy oblongs of light thnt fell upon the Know, we gnthered nnd looked freely within. (TO HE CONTINUED.) Cat an Important Perionano. In Holland n wet wedding day menus thut the bride bus forgotten to feed the cut. In Germany, wo aro told, the peasants who desire lluo weather for their washlug day, must pny special Live Ones Only Need Apply. Ad In a New York Paper Book keeper for fnctory of Christian son corn; good opportunity for advance ment far conscious worksr. Boston Transcript. X3ie AMERICAN I.KK)N (Copy (or Thli Department Supplied by the American Legion News Service.) TO HELP COMBAT ILLITERACY American Legion Auxiliary Called Upon by National Chairman to Aid ( In Educational Work. Under tho leadership of Mrs. J. D. Bnlrd of Lincoln, Neb., thousands of members of tho AiAricnn Legion Auxiliary assisted the Legion In Us American Educa tion week pro gram, December ;t to 0, Inclusive. Mrs. Bnlrd Is chairman of tho nuxlllnry's nation ul Americanism commission. Appealing to t li i niiYHInrv'it Mrs. J. E. Balra. 200,000 members, Mrs. Bnlrd mude the following state nient: "We, who gave our sons, brothers nnd husbands to bnttle for tho enlight enment of the world, nre deeply Inter ested In the 1 eglon's efforts to com bat Illiteracy and Ignorance which hnve been revon'ed ns one of our prin cipal sources of untlonnl danger. "The wnr draft tests, showing thnt our men from twenty-one to thirty years of nge were six per cent Illiter ate and the subsequent discovery thut the United States stands eleventh nmong the great nations in point of literacy have alarmed the good wom en of this country nnd they are engcr to remedy this deplorable state of alTulrs." Mrs. Bnlrd nlso pointed out thnt 22.4 per cent of those exnmlned for the draft were found to be physically unlit nnd urged thut the relatives of vet erans n-slst the Legion In Its program to Install playgrounds and to estab lish faculties for physical .exercise nmong school children. Among the principal nctlvltles of the auxiliary women during American Kd ucutlon week wus u cnmpnlgn urging the linportnnce of regulur visits to the schools. LEGION MAN TRAINS PIGEONS Stuart Cohen of St. Paul, Minn., an Expert in TeachWg the Favath- . ered Messengers. Training homing pigeons Is the hobby of Stuart W. Cohen, a member of tho American Legion In St. Paul, Minn. A pigeon lover since childhood, Cohen has been training tho birds since 1010. Ills pupils have flown successfully nt' all distunccs up to 1,-100 miles. A number of pig eons trained by Cohen nre now nsslstlng forest ft ?& -i . v.- Cl'.- 'Ask "'s Stuart W. Cohen. lire prevention work nt a post estab lished at Tower, Minn. Cohen sent n carrier pigeon to Vir ginia, Minn., recently, whero n mes sage wns attached to It to return to St. Paul. Worn out, Its tall drooping and Its big fenlhers singed, the pigeon came bnck to St. Paul. Tho message wns gone. In plnce of the little packet was a severe scratch nnd wound. The feathers were singed una milled, Indi cating It ImiiI encountered forest fires In the northern part of tho state. Cohen estimated that tho pigeon must have gone two or three hundred miles out of Its course when the smoko of the forest fires confused Its sense of direction. Cohen spent most of hla army serv ice at Camp Forest, Go. MACNIDER AS BUCK PRIVATE Former National Commander Prom ises to Tell Buddies How It Feels to Do Back In Ranlo. Hunford MucNIder, past national cominnniler of- tho American Legion, has promised to write an article In the near future for his Iowa huddles telling how It feels to bo n buck private In tho Legion ranks again. "Iteports thnt MncNlder might lo cato In the East after his term us notlonnl commander expired were Ab solutely without foundation," tho Iowa I.eglonnulre stntes. "Ho bus returned to his old Job at Muson City, Iowa, nnd taken his place us u buck In the ranks of Clnusen-Worden post. That ho will show up at Legion meetings hero and thero over tho stoto from tlmo to tlmo Is 'certain. IIo will be the snme old 'Jack' MncNlder, for Iowu Is his home and his heart Is hero with his gnng. "MucNIder inny think he will con tlnuo to bo n buck, but tho service he bus given this country Is fur too dis tinguished nnd he tins Impressed too many people with his caliber to long remain us n buck or prlvnto citizen. There nre too muny big Jobs ho cnu do better than any other mnn for him to long remain down here with us o: dlnury mortals." Bv t 1. : V3B f ,. 4m L -WOT V j TO CARE FOR MENTAL CASES Government Is Seeking Young Phy sicians to Undergo Special Training for Veterans' Bureau Service. Dr. Frank F. Hutchlns, cllnlcnl di rector of the United States Veterans' bureau, In Wash ington, D. C, to cenl ly lslted na tional lu'-idqunr-tors of the Amer ican Legion upon request to explain the new step tak en by the Voter nns' bureau to provide bettor trained doctors and nurses In the care of n euro psychlntrlc World aliVKtm-j Dr. Frank F. Hutchlns. wnr veterans. The government Is looking for r0 young doctors of medicine to compose tin Initial class for special training In the treatment of mentnl cases, Doctor JItitchlnH said. "Neuro-psychlutry Is perhaps the most dllllcult of all tho totcmus' ail ments," ho snld. "Almost anyone knows that tuberculosis Is caused by a definite germ. Almost everyono knows whnt kind of treatment and cure should bo given n tubercular pa tient. This mental disease, liowcwer. mny be the combination of ninny other physical ailments. Hardly two of them nro exnetly alike, it Is a dllllcult prob lem, und doctors handling these cases need special training. They must have all the patience in tin world." Doctor Hutchlns said it is Impossible to obtain the required number of sie clallsts In nervous and nicntel dis eases, und thut It litis become neces sary for the government to Instruct u stun of Its own for this line of work. "Tho policy of the bureau Is to pro vide medical attention for the disabled veterans so that everything possible, may be done to restore them to health nnd proper status in civilian life," ho jald. A systematic and comprehensive course In neuro-psychlutry lias been outlined. It consists of 17(1 lectures nnd demonstrations nnd some 440 hours of clinical nnd laboratory work Three courses are to be given. The, first, which will last four months. If the academic. Thu next Is u post graduate course of six weeks and the third consists of one or two confer ences a year lnstlng three or four days, where Ideas and experiences are ex changed. Tho nccepted candidates will receive, 100 n month during the school work, nnd nfter grnduntlon will be passed assistant surgeons In the reserve corps of the United States public health service, or eligible for employment in class "B" physicians under the United States clvH service co-jnmlsslon nnd us signed to duty with United Stntes Vet erans' bureau. Theso sulnrles range from ?:i,000 n your upwnril. Tho first class started work .Tnnu ary 4, and at the sumo time schools for graduate nurses, social service, oc-eupatlonul-therapeutlst and physio therapeutist work began. BONDY GETS RED CROSS CALL Member of Peers-Wllllams Post of St Louis Is Appointed Director of War Service. Robert K. Bondy, n member o' Peers Williams post of the American Legion lit St Louis, bus recently been ap pointed to the Im portant office of director of wnr service of the A m eric u ii Bed Cross. Mr. Bondy hns hnd n wide range of experience with tho Red Cross since April, 11)10, when he enmo to tho or gnnlzution from K Robert E. Bondy. the social service bureau of tho cham ber of commerce of Columbus, 0 where he organized one of thu first Inrge wnr chests of the curly war days, raising $a,2.r0,000 In that city In ono drive. IIo served ns secretnry-U'eiiBiirer of the public welfare section of tho Ohio conference of public welfare In 1017 and during tho war wns an enlisted num. Mr. Boudy is u native of Minnesota, and received his education fit Chlcugo university. For a tlmo he wus a re porter on tho Chicago Tribune. HI; ninny duties huve thrown him In con tact with the work for ex-service men. This, combined with his enmp experi ence und his training ns n social serv ice executive, peculiarly fits him for bis new duties. Representing the Red Cross, Mr. Bondy spoke ut the recent nutlonul gathering of Legion statu adjutants held in Indlunapulls. Chance to Profit. Rnfferty of the Old Sod, and Mac Pherson, n Scot, were miners together. Onu dny RnlTorty accidentally emptied his pipe on a keg of powder und when ho came down it wus on (ho Install nient plnn. Mac's grief wns genuine, but finally he dried his tears and went off to notify Mrs. Itufforty. "Is this the Widow Rufferty?" ho asked when u woman appeared at tho door. "'TIs Mrs. Rafferty I anj, but no Widow RatTerty," she snapped. A buslnessltko glcum came Into Mac Pherson's eye. "An' how much will ye bet?" ho de manded. American Legion Weekly, Wa if. J is OIK. DOCTORS WANTED TO OPERATE i Mrs. Qolllon Tells How Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Componod Saved Her from an Operation Muskccon, Michigan. "After doctor ing for eightor nine yenrswith different pnysicians wttnouc anyrcheiataii,tnev aid atlast that med icine would not roach my case and 1 should have an operation. I had hoard of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege" Utbio Compound and often saw it adver tised in different pa pers where non women had Buffered iust as I did and trot well and strong ogam by taking tho Veg etable Compound. I decided to seo' what it would do for me, and beforo I had finished tho fourth bottlo I was much better, tho weakness stopped and tho Govcre pains in my sides left mo. I am now much stronger and do my own work and work in the factory besides. I am still taking the Vegetable Compound and gi vo it all tho praise. ' ' Mrs. Nellie QuiLLON,17MorrisSt,Mu8kcgon, Mich. Women should heed such warning symptoms as bearing-down pains ana weakness, for they indicate some fomaio trouble, and a persistent and faithful uso of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound will seldom fail to help. MAN'S BEST AGE A man is as old as his organs ; he can be as vigorous and healthy at 70 as at 35 if he aids his organs in performing their functions. Keep your vital organs healthy with LATHROP'S A-flKDM HAARLEM OIL IS The world's standard remedy for kidney; liver, bladder nnd uric add troubles since 1696;correctsdisorders;stimulate9 vital organs. All druggists, three sizes. Look for tho nam Gold Medal on Tr box and accept no Imitation rryPISO'S Attonithinglr auick relief. A COUGH lyrup different from U other pleasant no up Ml stomach no opiate. 3 So and 60c verrwber GOOD CIGARETTES GENUINE BULL" DURHAM TOBACCO Nothing to Eat. My most embarrassing moment came .when I hnd dinner with u friend wno put out n most beautifully serced and appointed meal, with xdi'kcoii!) service and artistic settiiiKS, but with little food. I was duly Impressed with tho beauty of the mciil, but equally de pressed by the lack of food, and with both these feelings In mind I blurted out to the hostess on leaving: "You must come nnd dine with us soon. I can't promise you a more nrtlstlc din ner than yours was, my dear, but you may be sure It will be more substan tial." Chicago Tribune. Relative Rewards. "Do you know," snld the earnest per son, "that there are men renowned In literature, art and science whoso an nual Incomes aro not large enough to give them the ordinary comforts of life?" "I don't doubt It," said Mr. Gawkcr, "but If nature gave them sound bodies: to start wltli and they've enjoyed rea sonably good health, It seems toc ma that It's their own fault If they huveu't gone In for athletics and acquired pro ficiency with n pair of eight-ounce gloves." Illrmlnghiim Age-lleruld. Children's handkerchiefs often look hopeless when they come to tho laun dry. Wash with good soap, rinse In water blued with lied Cross Ball Blue. Advertisement. A nch bachelor uncle has matters made as pleasant for him as a rich grandpa. Nature has Its sprees and pays for them a good deal as human nature docs. Refreshes Weary Eyes When Your Eyes feel Dull nd Heavy, uie Murine. It In untlrlUlteveithttTlrcdFtctlng Make them Ctetr, Blight and SpaiUlng. lUrmleM. Sold and Recommended by Alt Drulit. X MtteviEVES MBHMMHMHM aM SO IP ;JMi5fisr KrXFtWM " JDBL c l I J ..