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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 18, 1923)
h I ' V I iduuulu bi.,j(tj. AjIuuiIu iil - '.. rzzMii m& ' -"- - - --1 . " - tktj . aut-j mii w -2 urn w i i .avs. -&.-WS4 ih. - - jB'aariuriHi -jcrs jki: r, . tt;. - -.7. ... -7t;s.l j. fcw lKs'4 r",r .jIM saV! SjMfcjn,lfKTMLt""'' 'i" tfBKvJusDcvFBltiBTL! Jr ' !3yHimLarBasafcaBanaaJaMaB 4 Newspaper That 81m The News Fifty-tut Weeks Each Year Br 11,50 VOLUME 51 RED CLOUD. NEBRASKA. JANUARY 18. 11)23 NUMBER 3. ripe:- JANUARY CLEARANCE PR tanravzmraun CES Here is the Opportutiity for Men to save money on the things that are nceejsary at all times oS the year. MENS SUITS and OVERCOATS $15 to $34.50 Including Hart Schoifer & Marx High Grade Makes. and other BRADLEY SWEATERS Vz price WOOL SHIRTS 33fc OFF O'SHOES 1 BUCKLE c 2 " " 3 " Sepecial All Rubber 4 B. 1.75 RUBBER BOOTS $3.50 , Specie! Reduction ,on Winter Ibderwear l? Special on Outing Night Gowns, Pajamas rajuniors. Killed His Father During Family Quarrel 1 ii intf u finnll.v (. iirri'l M . Kurlh Mm m Ii, Kano , 'hi' .mhhIiu i' which tune it is staled Hi n I'.iitinu r lliiuin Kol Ii lib UllS Clfkl III', wile, the f tiiit't rcdf ni! s ii. rilini shot ami killnl M father tn (Ttcii-c of his tnniiifi. Ii Is Mated Hint Mr, anil Mil. I!"lliltis Inui tki'cit divoiced but weie n immiIIv lonuifiii il. 'ri.i- funeral was lu'lil Wedne il h v Buys' Oil Truck ( Last Fiidiiy, smith Bros .v. Copley piiicliiied thy oil trunk, business ami iKooil will of Die Shall.-!- Oil Co., of UNC-I.K DUD TEIKGUAIMIIC SHOOT, JANUARY 1 1-! Twelve of the boys were out to help us try and win over Louisville, Cclorado. Hall unit Kailcy were the only( one that could come any wheic oat guessing the clay birds: cuunanaEciriiini which .lay Kldy was local auent The j new local company will bu known us tho I)fT Hock Oil Co of Ke,l Cloud I inui they will keep Mr Kddy iii sales-, 1 mint. They will he hotter prepared tliiiti over to rurnish Ihelr customers with yus and oil. $1.7S 2.50 2.75 YOU CAN DO NO BETTER ANYWHERE ELSE' Will Drill for Oil here Again i. W. G. Hamilton Clo. Co. -sar m Wolf Hunt WI3DNKSDAY, JAN. Hint South I.Iiih IJ miles north of Inavalc; West Line, I mile in Kraiiklin county; North Line, 3 miles sou h ofCitmpbull, and 0 miles south of lilnden; Kast Line 1 mile tn Batlu aud lied Oloiii) Townships. Corner'iitniitU,rlO nVlrU. Trunk -i xr; -i -. - -r - .awa.-" - . -.- . H., . , J . .T " r-.y - f- , svtn stHit lines. Klllcs unrred. Ulue RoiiU Shoot at Hound Up in Con VJ1. suit's pasture. . ILili. Hall 18 DO Geo.' Kailcy .17 CO K.I Peters n .HI HO G.'W. Damon .1550 Jay 'Check , 1IJ 50 .Miller , -11 GO I Wincbar 2750 'CJe'o Trine - HB BO illust :n 50 ' Satnmc !I0 B0 l-Tchl -'II B0 Mountfo.-d 1525 HIGH KIVK II. E. Hall 1850 Geo; Ki Hey -1750 G.' VV. Damon 4550 1-V reterson .11150 Jay Cheek .1150 Total 22 1-250 UNCLE DUD SCHEDULE Jmuary 21 Fcrt Collins, Colorado. SjiLISSjJAiii G ROCERY ITEMS That Are Appetizing At This Season Of The Year SPINACH WEBSTERS BEST NO. 2 CANS rl it . GOOD .....PER QUALI- CAN 20c STRING BEANS PALLAS BRAND OUT WAX A VERY GOOD QUALITY AND A BARGAIN AT THE PRICE PER CAN....18c PALLAS BRAND GRBEN STRING BEANS-SOLID PACK AND A GOOD QUALITY PER CAN 20c CURTICE BRAND CUT REFUGEE BEANS A VERY FINE QUALITY BEAN PER CAN 25o CURTICE BRAND WHOLE ROUND WAX BEANS. THE VERY BEST QUALITY ABSOLUTELY STRINGLESS 1 PER CAN 35e PUMPKIN PALLAS BRAND A NIOE GOLDEN YELLOW PUMPKIN-SOLID PACK LARGE CANS , 18e PUMPKIN PUNCH BRAND A BRAND WE ARE SURE YOU WILL LIKE LARGE CAN 1 20c PUMPKIN CURTICE BRAND STRIOTLY A NEW JERSEY PUMPKIN THE VERY BEST PACKED NO. 2 CANS 20c KROUT PUNCH BRAND PACKED FROM WISCONSIN HOL- T.ANn nAHTlAGE NO. 3 CANS 20o KROUT PUNCH BRAND NO. 2 OANS 1 16c WE GUARANTEE THAT YOU WILL BE SATISFIED WITH '. ANY OF THE ABOVE ITEMS. The R. P. Weesner Ca Wednesday afternoon a meeting whs hold by those Interested in the drilling of another oil well here at the Coin meiciul Club rooms A largo number from here and heveral from out of town were present, Dr. 0 II Halin, of Hastings, presiding. Another co n pany will be organized and they expect to commence drilling by Juno 1st. They will secure a geologist to make a sur vey of the laud surrounding tills city and also make the location for the well. The books were opened and consider able stcclc was subscribed. The pull, ing of the casing at thd Hlg Chief Oil well shows that there is oil nudgus here and we hope this company will bring in a producing well. ANNOUNCEMENT ' Webster County Bank WE WISH to announco that we have opened up a sav ings department in our bank for the use of the child ren, adults and every one. Thrift and saving is something that has been neglected. We kindly invite you to take advantage of this sav ings idea and make this your banking home with your savings no matter how small, you are alwas welcome. A saver is a hustler and we arc for both. Bank with us and you can bank on us. We welcome every child in the community to become a customer of this new department. THE WEBSTER COUNTY BANK eiMCM!miiiMmn Jwiuary 28 Wray, Colorado. February -1th Colorado Springs, Colo rado. Februu y 11th Pueblo, Colorado. February 18th Denver, Colorado. February 25th North Platte, Nebms U Mlrch 4th Trinidad. Colorado, f' A the next issue .we." hope to 'have the Louisville, Colorado, .scoics tell ing the winners of the first shoot for Red Cloud. (By R. Yes, Garber's Is The Place! To Buy Wall Paper. Paints. And Electrical Supplies. The best place for Picture Framing. Dr.W.H.Mc Bride Installs Officers Monday evening the Rcbckah and I. O. O. F. lodges of this city held a joint Installation of ofltcen. at which event there were over one uuudred and fifty present. Jim Murnahan, D. D. G, M. and his suite wero present aud installed the ollicors Messrs F. E. Maurer, Sherni Ship man nnd E. J. Overlng encli gBve splendid talks for the good of the order, also the Noble Grands elect. At the close of the meeting an oyster supper was served to which all present did justice. Soreral visitors from the surrounding towns were present The committee in charge of the affair are to be congratulated In making the event n most successful and pleasnnt one to bo remembered for the years to come. The 1 O. O. F. lodge has secured several now candidates to start thru the initiation for the next few weeks. FARM BUREAU NOTES County'Extension Agent, H. Fuujch.) Federal Farm Loans Stockholder of the Webster County Federal Farm Loan Association held their Annual meeting Friday, Janu ary 12th, with c dinner at the Royal hotel. This was followed by the An nual Business meeting. John Zimmerman of Guide Rock was elected president, Chas. Cowley of Bladen, vice-president aud Henry R. Fausch, Red Cloud, secretary- treasurer. Vet WIddershetm, 'Klaucn, Joe Gurney, Inavale, Carl Fausch, Guide Rock were elected directors. Report for Pat year Ninteen applications were received asking for $131,900.00. Twelve loans wero closed for $56,400.00. This made a total of 34 Federal Farm loans in Webster county for $202,400.00. Dividend checks at the rate of 10 were passed out to stockholders. This is the ninth dividend. A letter from, the Federal Land Bank was received stating that an extra dividend of 39r per annum lias been declared. This extra dividend will be figured by the month and paid each share of stock for the full length of time that the stock has been held during the past 5 years. . The interest rates on Federal Form Loans has dropped to 5 and will probably drop again before long ac cording to reports. "AT ONCE" Plumbing Service When you lave trouble o any kind with your Plumbing send us a Hurry-up call and we will respond "at once." . We realize the importance o! giving quick service at such times and we hold ourselves ready to do so. And if you have any Plumbing Supplies to buy be sure to get our prices. We believe they will save you money. ' Art Nelson At'Trine's Hardware 33833?3g m Hess Stock and Poultry Remedies Are the Best in the market and are Fully Guaranteed HESS PANACEA r will keep your liens in health and make them lay HESS LICE POWDER Kills Lice on Fowls and Animals HESS STOCK TONIC j for all kinds of animals. Also Roup Remedy, Heavs Powders, Dislem- per Remedy, Colic Remedy, Worm Powder and Hog Worm Remedy Try Them and be Convinced CHAS. L. COTTING, The " ' Grace Church Notes Third Sunday after Epiphany Sunday School at 10 a. m, Morning Service with Sermon Rev. J. M. Battfi at II a. in. No Evening or Vesper Service. Garfield Community Church DENTIST OVER STATE BANK Sunday Sorvices as follows: 10am Sunday School. Subject: "The Prodigal Son". Text is in Luke IB. 11 u. m Sermon, "Is Religion a Life or n Profession'.'' 7 p. in. Service of Song, Questions and Public Discussion. by 7:1") p. m. Sermon. The Recital which was to bo given Sunday evening has been postponed to Jan. 28 bocauM) of sloUness in the preliminary survey is beinir made familv of one of the singers. through this pait of the country by The Chorus will meet Saturday even the Sinclair Oil Company for a pipe ing at the church at 7:30 to begin work line from Teapot Dome, Wyoming, to on tlio Story nnd Honir service rntltlcd Frcoman, Mo., a distance of 800 miles. "The Pink Ros". All members of the At Frcoman tlio lino is to connect with Chorus are requested to bo present, tlio lino now operating from the j oii noiiib. Tim survey win probably Congregational Church Notes I1I1VH I III nilfrll .llWI'nill mill Volenti In I DO this county thetico 'east to Moshler. Sunday School 10 a. tn. osmmmMmsemxtmi WISE PARENTS WILL HAVE THEIR CHILDREN'S EYES EXAMINED AND TESTED BEFORE SCHOOL BEGINS. BY SO DOING THEY KNOW THE CHILDREN BEGIN THE SCHOOL YEAR PROPERLY PREPARED TO MAKE THE BEST USE OF THEIR SCHOOL HOURS. BRING THE CHILDREN IN BEFORE SCHOOL STARTS. WE MAKE NO CHARGE FOR EXAMINATION AND FIT NO GLASSES UNLESS NEEDED. ' . .is FOUNTAIN PENS WITH CLIP $1.50 BLOTTERS FREE ASK FOR THEM "RITE-RITE" MECHANICAL PENCILS 10c LEADS FOR AUTOPOINT, EVERSHARP AND OTHER PENCILS 10c PER DOZEN Pocket Ber Watches $1.50 Glo Ben Watches $2.50 Alarm Clocks $1.25 to $4.75 Red Cloud Nebraska Theio will be a pumping station about every fui ty miles It ii understood. Nelson ftiotio, Morning service 11 n. m livening bfrvk'o 7:30 p. m Everyone wolcouio to those services -- E. H. Newhouse RED CLOUD NEDR. & "H