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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 11, 1923)
flKD CLOUD NEBRASKA OtUJSl aowwatwwwniwwmiwioiii mmiatmwrmm MUVBS l-'KOM MY LIKE Hy F. L. BROWNE I i mot Editor of Kerf Cloud Chief IV. The SaiMcsI Word l luL.L in agony rrled "My 'cl, My . 1, why hast Thou forsaken nu ?" All through the sleepless, awful i tht of my return home 1 folt in n degree the despair Ho felt. hid I had anticipated io happy a t inion. even nlanninir woil: that JnU he started on the root row. , Thcio wan no home. Instead, !, ftund nn empty home, its thousands uf hommroa Monitored. Its inmntcs' tone, their whereabouts unknown. I found the wheels that turned ho hi sily before- I left were standing Idle behind locked doors, the property tinned over to n strnnfjer's hands, the business dead, and only a residue of pennies left in the bank. I cannot pay who was to blame. I ii not know all of the facts and I y.ould not do injustice to any innocent P vpon, not even in my thoughts. I k jow thnic was no need of bringing Urrible disaster upon an old mans i d. Thi.J tnip.cil;, was broitgh' to l-- iuiid mm iiajii oi my ..vture, and not a whisper came to to no in all the weeks that followed. J e fmit. of twenty years of love and ' ibov thrown to the winds in a week. - il.l-t this wreck I ktoocl blind, holp ' and alone. 'ihtough all this blackness shone a light like that of stars softly gleam .ntr from the skies the light of riendahip. From near at hand came -i.,..i to., .. i.. oi.i., r.... ...,. i.nt nicssagcH of hope and faith, tmughleis, from their homes, give oul of cheer. And later many friends; ed and tendered aid ami sym-j it':. In all this woeful waste the i il w Inu'u rP imhii 1 ii Hnf ItuMit ..i iricesed, Tlio moral laws The ' .'. 'i love and trust and fajlh bad ' c uiOicd a.i oftni is the w 'wllund ' Vt, beneath the pasfcing foot of. wild beast. T'is haid, intlot-d, .;i looking back and writting bitter ly of other days. My heart is bruised : it bleeds yet deep tliorcin the love fido ebbs and (lows as it did in days i f yore when honeymoon so brightly hone down on us. I can not call my wife or gill untrue, I can not say my Moid was false. I must touch briefly a few of many known facts, writing partly in metaphor to make the task moie easy and leaving you to read be tween the lines and draw your conclu sion. It was now going on since our Ottle craft started on its voyage. It was sailing smoothly down the coast far enough away to bo fairly safe though not entirely out of danger. We observed that by working close in wo could make a turn that would take us into wider waters. Some what dan gerous but steady hand could make it. It was decided to try tlio turn. All going as planned when just as the crucial hour arrived, blindness came "pon me. W'Uc sprang to the wheel weary and partly ill her strength .id not suffice to control it. l'eihaps, r.lso. the was badly frightened. She l(t go and fled. There was a strong band close be side hers which might have reached forwmd and .steadied the wheel. There was a voice which could have .aid'Tourage, Do not fear." Had this been done the little ship would have steadied until my return and then, bandicapped as I was, I could have aided sulliciently to make the turn. However, this was not to be. One more item was added to tho long list of "might have been," Our little baik i ashed onto the rocks, a mess of wreckage beyond nil possible salvage. There is much more. I might write rf a strange hnnd thnt came constant ly beckoning to my Beloved, of a s-trange voice thnt spoke for her tolof Inavale Charter No. 70S In the Stole near ami not for me, of winsome smile fading away.of soulful eyes that grew fold and turned aside. But why dwell on these intimate personal matters. There is so much risk of plncingblame where it does not belong. There is so much risk of having blame construed where it is not intended. Perhaps some of this blame should rest upon my shoulders, ret haps I misunder stood or failed to comprehend. Warm blooded loving husbands do that some times. And this, maybe had vexed her. A financial lariat choked mo to silence. I could utter no protest. tiniF. in .Mime cicspcu ot jicr own she was trying to help me tiying to Iack that ropo so I culd slip the noose from my neck. I know not. I Ril alono in my noonday twilight without a companion just when I most need one. Although comfortable and most oaiefuljy envod for I dwell ' under a Granger's roof without n homo when I most need one. Whether I remain thus to the cml. ;In rr,c or 1ol'. ,f Wrr.t in th!, hZiMiir, ,)lm,or. i.iinus oi jny mnirei I have faith, and hope for both. It maybe that some bright morning III walk proudly about amono: men, I may bo that only it. lieiivcn T shall see ami ho happy again. My story begins with smiles mid tjoya, tears and legrsts are the end. "iUvcrlon, 2bnwk. IC S. A. Fiwi-er Laid io Rel 01', wlin hit I lh'8l 1 I i 'hapnit year, pitted nit In Hie Flist waul Iii4 Mi. Flni'lier wi I r I." lili i a vy n. 'iN I SitlUlfi nun lnri ! (own. jiH1 I, IM7. and w d '" "-. iiiyiiths mid II .li - " ' Mde. n tlii-i uity for uiiu.v V" ""'""" I"" ' which nmu ... worked foi H.i- llurlliiu'toii On Niivumii r :i, I S77 ho wui unlti-d in iiiniiiHUt' tn With, Mury Shoop at.rij Io tills union u. i' ro Ihii u rour sons nu I 11 VO llrtllglltcls. two uliililati lllllill. d I'd lii Infancy Hcslili" tin- wile. throe Inotheis and thro sUter-i, mi i seven children me left to mourn Inn demise. TllC fllllUIIll -I'lviUL'S WITH belli a1 llio Cliiihtiiin ohm oh Mniiilny urtci iiooii, Itev 0 (!, NcKun in cliin 1 1, after which interment whs in iilii In the clly cemetery. rAnnWBn nna lllrPh Nnfps ""b4-&M " .,-. Siitiitay School 10 ii. in. Mo'iiit.g service 11 m in. Hv i lug ii rvitv 7. .HI ,. in Enclish Lutheran Church Hi'Kiibit oi vlcos t'vi'iy Urfet iiiitl third Siiiiiliiv'in i lin iiimitli In tlio A 'hi ii 1st ,,,,l,,h '" ll "' Annum L-eiiit'iitS) ice- iml bofou hc ism ten. Preuehi I t'-iind. at 1 1 a. in You are el () It I. nil?., P.isim- Lopti6t Church Sir , r V nli-. I'l't V ' x ' lllllll tl III It 111. -fnic" II ii ill. Siibjtfct:- ..f t! v iv m.I l'.lll." u' je " . lie inavt d Life llvu' "'"(.r.fttr Rcnort of the Condition -or 'in i:- Webster County Bank 1EI CLOUD. NEBKASHA. ClKirUr Nu. 10 Hi. iiiciii pin and In llio.Muti'oi NolirasUii, at the i'Iiim ol IiiisImcns Ilcc. K), III-.'.!. IIKiOIMK'Ks: I.OlUlHllllll lllhl'OlllltH .... M'U.U.W." Uvvriirnlts - IHI.38 t'uriiUiiroiiitill'lxuirt's l.ijOO.00 Current ox ponsm, taxes nail Inter. chl paid i!,ii.i.:ll duo Ironi nulliinnl ami Mate lmnkH Si3,:ui.7tt ('licckminil lleniNnl ... (.'XClinUKU 257 7 Chi rency . :i,5Ii.ihi (fold coin 1.000.00 sum r. nli'U( Isaud ci nis i.ins.r,t M.I'hiI.OI I'Ollll .. . Jll,Wll..-fl t 'r,,uoo.oo . lll.(MH).IK) ll.VI.VW i.i vici.irn.s: (.'upltiil Ktnel; paid la ' MnrpltiK (nnd Undivided prolltH Individual deposits Mitijfuliorliri'h. I2J.HIVJH licinaiid coitlllcnteK ol deposit l.tfjT.HS I hue ceitllleates uf depuslt IS,0tl.'JI NnUNiilid IiIIIn ie-illli'oilllted Hills payiitilu IH'poilliirh' cuaiaut.' Iiind ... . 'lolal .sru;ot'Ni:ni:sK., i t'uiiiiiy ol limn-. ( s JPJ.tiOJ.WI hH I, M. II. I'l.iil! nii:, enstilcr ol lint mIkiw nit mill b.iaU, do liLiehy hucur that thealniw slati'iiii'iit Is annuel and tutu enpy ol the repoit made to IheMate llanklin; llnard. S. It. l'l.OltANCi:. c.isliiir. S. II. I'l.OIIAMI , IHrcetiil. C. I. I'ni'K, IMrtctnr. Suhscrllu'd anil himmii to In ore me th's IIHIidii) ol .1 miliary mi. jsi:l Urn, W. Hulehhiiii Notary I'ubllc. Report of the Condition oi' Tin: Bank of Inavale of Nehraskn at the close of business uec ;iu, iu. IllWOlllltKS J.ouiisaiiil Disi'utmtB s,,ioi,wj Overdraft -2,;m ll lloiuls, heciiiltlfk.JiultjiiieiitH, elnlniK ote., InciudliiK all Kovci'iiiiieui IWlldB .-1,111.1)11 Hanking house, furniture A fixtures II.O-I.OO Uuo IromuiMluiiM nnd state lmiikn VJ.8IV.IJ Uurreney... 4f!8.00 (lolil coin 70.00 Sllser nickels and ecnts .. I,0J7.HJ tl,:t8l.2l 'iiiiiii i.i vim.irirs v apllal Muck paid in ,.. Surplus fund rudlvldcd prollts Individual deposits btihjict J lKI,DK).0fl 10.000.00 10,000.00 lOlUtt t" cheek 79,0I'J.I! UuiucenillciiHoldcposlt ua.WOi HWJUCi Hills payable. 'JO.OOO.OO liepoHltdr'sKiiar.ility (mid. . . iJKLU Total ... ... HMIIVJ.OO SrATHUPNUIKASKA, i ku County of Wehstcr fhs I, U. K. Mefrary CahhlcroftlioalHiNonain (d hank do lierehy bwcnr that tliu nlmo Htateiiuiit Ih a cornet and truo copy of the .-i pnu niiiiiu io ma tiito ii.uikliiB Hoard, O. It, MfCltAUY, C'abHIer, Atifi.t: Allnd Mi fall, HiueU.i, tSubscrllied and honi to huforo mu tills lOtli day of January IDJ.1. C. M.MIierwoml, ISenl). Notary l'ublle. iti,mi.:w IIIIIIC lllllll1 I.SPAil I l V' 4 fhe vision cry By AQflES G. UHOCAM l'.ac. '...& ti : - ?s-.i.fiSrtsa' , Wit. nohiorn NinrBiio.-iii Union.) LlniK'lio sat nnd lookr.l over (lie rippling rlxcr. Mimettc was grmill, dark nnd liowltcMng. I'nr ncross tlio blue i n lilon .'lly. She was Hiiro Unit ll wns but n vision oily for wbeii purple uilsls cov ereil tlio bllls'llic city was not there at nil. l!ut wlicn I be sun shorn1 ami "the fJilpH Were white IK foani, the vlnloli clly bcciinie n real place of glcamlnc tuirets, towers nnd lull litilhllnpR. white nnd shining. At these limes lnnetlc loved to pic ture to herself beautiful women who might lle their lives of pleasure In such a world. The people who catiie to buy wore friends, most of them had watched the French Klrl grow from babyhood In her 1:1ml griiutlmntlicr'i cure. The folic of l.n Merc vlllnge traveled sel dom mid knew hut one place of abode. As their great giiiiulpnronts lived be fore Ilium, they lived today. And out across the blue the towers of the vision city beckoned to I.lnnettP. .Sometimes Cone nunc, liene was an amusing lad, who peislsted In court ing her. Itepentei1l, she told Gene of her dream. How oiu day people should come to the III lie shop and find If deserted. Por in mine unexpected manner, slic, Upnctii', would answer the beel.i iilntr lowers mid go to live heiieafli fin in. "And iii'oi nocr, will I oouio hack," Vie would tell (Jene. liliuieilc caiTli'.l tiny dolls down t" the Hbore mid l.uiite for thein Ihefc dainty dre-scH i.-oni scraps of silk or rail I'd. It was not for plensiire alone that she eiireftillv studied the fnshloii eatnloKs. And ns she -owed one nffer noon a touring err I timed In from the roml mid n you .: ii.nii ullgliled. "t'otild you i II nn," he linked, "where lay mother and lny-i'lf illicit he abb' In priii'iiie luiii heon. We have traveled it Ion; ay mid are tired and hungry 7 "You may not llnd a pension for miles. Hut I." added MmiPtte eager ly, "will he find to "-cno you In my shop." Stranger.', to Munette, strangers from some foreign clly otVJieiuttil'iil homes, weie ever an adventure. The iiinii's mother addressed I.lnnelte as "Dear child." It was all very delightful. Happily toward her III tie shop thu girl led the way. "How uniipie," exclaimed Mr. James Uusspll Gordon, as she walked about, admiring Llnuette's tiny dolls of fn-hliin. "Why, Itussell, this French girl Is a genius, a designer-to-be. Could Lucille create a frock more orlglnallj charnilngV" Tho big son laughed. ".Vow mot her," he remonstrated, "don't allow your usual sympathy ami Impulsiveness to prompt you to adopt this French girl and take her home. Itcinciitlior past experience, plense." What that experience might have been IEtisM'11 Gordon did not say, hut HtirirMiij:l, hi mothei answered. "You lune lilt upon my very thought nu usual, dear, of what use Is our nioni'A II n u to spiead happiness and lead olheis to sucesftil living? The past inls(nln-s must not discourage the pieMiit. I llt.e i Ids wistful llttlo crea lure. I sua I .!t disposed to give her her el. nine." And after an arteimion In l.lnuelte's company, while H son spent his time with tho car. Mis. Gordon became wholl.v dlspiiM' I. .lid told Ktist. g(, upon h' return. Knowing well his inollier. the ,i iii"j Plan iiiaib' no do nuir to her pi in but (pilctly and tv slgiiedl.v s i .iilmiit tho arraiigeiiientn for l.lniU'tleV ileiartiiie. The girl agreed to the wopeui's suggestion. , "Ai.d .nii think." she asked breath-. 1es1,, "l bnl (ier i lien wheie build ings stand tall and lovolj women come fo bii.v that I shall learn to design drc-ses and to sew pearls upon satin for l hem to wear' "We shall (e" replied Hllbsell Goi don's mother, smilingly, The Mii. -balled woman stooped to kbs the girl's glowing face. In new deference the young man assisted her Into the ear. "Good-by," called Gene. Llnnette regarded her old home cheerfully. "It Is not," she explained to bet benefactress, "as though I had not all my life longed to go to a vision city. Kllse will keep the shop and Ellse will never know what It means to send a hearliieho with every white ship that snlR" Months passed ami the girl, happy In her new environment, learned noth ing of it drcssninl;ors nrt. Constantly she was nt the elder woman's side, contentedly they walked and talked and studied together. And thu son, so far, had refrained from reminding Ids mother of her purpose. "Llnnette," he began one day. "It was your purpose, mother, to educate her for a business profession " "Jtussell," his mother Interrupted, "I cannot part with her. She Is so exactly the daughter I havo long de sired. I must keep her so, Hussell." Then Itussell Girdon laughed hap pily. "Our own," ho corrected," foi this day, mother, I have asked Llnnette to iiitury me." And tho girl, with wistful eyes no longer, looked up Inter to where the tnweiu ni .i nt l. Miami In the moon light. "It Ibc'Iiij i, n illy," she told her loter, "u vision--of d.-ctms -como true." ?. WHERE WOMEN ARE SUPREME Thoce Belonging to Sternor Sex Hnvt th- So-Called Vary Little to Bay. hi Tilpoli. Apropiif oT current' dlsctins'onn re gHiillug tb coiiipiiriitlvo status of women v rtg'ils In tlte Fulled SUte8 and oilier niiiutrien, the frr4lownM bul letin of the .Notional Gewi'mplile so elety is unoted, not an iii'Kiinient, but im liiiWtni,t evldonte on Ihln inilnt: "Anioiijr the Tunregi, found In the villi) ot tfi1 Tripoli, It Is niaii the brute who by all Hie laws of tho country hail to oboj the women, ljoscciit Is traced through the mollier; woman shows her ptoud I'mv to all'tlie world, while the nttiti goes e!led. In the preseme of a woman of noble birth, men cover their fates and heads al together. The women give thu chil dren what Utile Instruction they have, and train them to tespect and obey them. "P.ullled and worried by his women folk, the Tuareg has no liberty at all. All the goods, tents, cainels and clothes are the women's property. 'I he stick he carries and the great wooden box Into which he puts what his wife suf fers him to have are all the man pos sesses ami nil he retains If tor some reason IiIh wife chooses to divorce him. "In Ghat, when n man goes out af ter sunset he Is usually followed by a , negro koiwmiI sent by his wife to dog his steps, and woe to him if he forgets. , himself or eomen home too, late! He j will fliu'i tb" door i Uul and must fount , himself luelcv If be is not put onto the j street altogether. "The yoitn;. t.. who. In splto of I all this, wanth t marry must pay a I heavy mum Ur t ie bride, to obtain which ho U nhllivt to look for other means than his it al work of rearing eaniols or enrrylii-. good i for Hie Arab trailer. T'ms lie l forced Into taking part In oiif of the annual rliav.zlns. "The Indlj's dcerilo when the right j nioim m b ii cue n tinil the men sally ' forth :"ini I m luckless mrnvan or to the rich : I hlniuls of TPiostJ. ( riieje eenelcsK :i Ids bap destroyed nmnv a fertile mi s nnd have acceler ated tl litml (li'i'ipearrnee of trans SnbaraM trade." . Gotham Goe? Hack to Corset. The day of the cdlsetless tlguie Is sstng. and ocivi In the ease of very , Pain and yoiuhful ll'jnrcs some kind of suppiii Is th ,-nlo, according to a Xew York I Mvv In the Pittsburgh Dis patch. For several seasons It has , been the fad to dispense with corsets and the lesult has In many Instnnces j been rather disastrous. So this winter the coruetiers are I busy and the corset department of the shops are crowded with women who desire to repair the ihunago done by nn era of absolutely no support to the figure, and befoiv It Is too late gel hack the slender grace brought about by a specially designed corset. In no article of women's wearing ap parel hns there been a greater ad vance than In the corset. Once an object of dlscomfoit and almost tor ture, In Its present version It meets with the approval of doctors from the standpoint of health and from design ers of clothes from the standpoint of beauty. Fntalictic Notion of Kismet. The fatallstle notion of kismet in culcated by the doctrine of predestina tion, import ant I v Iniltienees Turkish thought and action -or Inaction as It assumes that all events atVeeling man kind are absolutely preordained by Allah, who hns written them down In the "Preserved Tablets." delivered to the angels on Hie "Night of Des tiny." i Neglect of all -anltary precautions not to say hostllltj to them Is one important re-iilt of kismet, notwith standing that Moslem are enjoined by the Sacred Law to regular and careful ablutions. Quarantine regula tions are otlielally observed at Con stantinople and the other large sea ports, but In towns of the- Interior the .Moslem population manifests the greatest dislike to such sanllar.v regu lations, which it regards a-, profane Interference with the will of Allah. Manslaughter. That popular picture "Manslaugh ter" had at last reached tho little mo tion picture houses which the girl put ionize. She found .standing room only. As she waited for half an hour, squeezed behind a rope, unable to see any of the screen, she was thankful that It was a refined and gentle crowd, quite unlike that which one meets In "rush" hours. She was to he disillusioned. The music changed, the lights went up and some people went oul. As the ushers took away the ropes someone near the girl asked "Is this the end of Mum slaughter?' " Frantically the crowd pushed and fought down the aisle. "No," some one answered with feel ing, "It's the beginning." Kxchange. Wlfey'c Little Secret. Once 011 a time In the United States a youngster ran Into the house to Ids mother carr,vlng 11 beaded hag. The child said he had found the hag In the automobile which his papa had been driving tho night before. It was n strange ling, It contained a sum of iin-ov. Tho w'f lock the money, called a woman irlend and the two had a (healer party, dinner, candy and n good time generally with plenl of money, and oh, such fun, To this day the ni.itd In tho household carries a beautiful beaded big given to her hy her mistress. The hush- -id dnos not know there ver "was smh 11 ln-ud-ed bag, and wl,ovor lest II but, then, that Is something ilso again! Indian npolls News. WEBSTER COUNTY FA KM lUJHI'AU NOTI'S (11 County Kxlennion Agent, Henry K. Haunch) I EXTRA0r PKOM THE ANNUAL IMPORT JMAl-OFJfrAOKIJfifJB VAfUNATION DKMON3tRATJtXKf31!rz WNPHirH NUMBER jv e t( ium -i rrtofiy ' env.'tcd tin ' i.d 'lc fid Walnut Cjifeelc ne Clarfiold , 'ifananl Hill lm CreV: I'oUtlain v'ak Croik . 1 11 water '.'' vi Crwk 'luido Uock TOTAL SUMA11Y TOWNSHII' Gu'i'e Kock Ucaver Cieek Line Red Cloud Walnut Creek J mi vale Stillwater iKlm Creek Hat in t wlonwood .thcitou TOTAL 4 .6 I 4 5 l It 4 1 J) 4 - .1 ,1 ' 'P i is i in OK IrOUITKY OULLING nK.MONriTicATIONS mii2 FLOCKS 13 ,'i .". t a . 2 , t a i 24 HINDS 458 8fi 41)0 G87 180 :ui8 18(1 200 fJiU 100 3403 MIC!- SAYS WZS TOUV3,US:.EW VtA oor OA- fe?. twoiiuM , o i - v e amv ViE'-OMaiW TO US , vtEfift's IZUVAJ v vak. V4E roiT s;e.s.R. ftp, fj -:.,., uc'-i "STurr- buv vme gotD T VA'S VT (" KEEP VUtS CEAu rw.W'.N JOURMM. W. JC)A VjN.M AvV PLEASE? r.t,.ws.'-a KSNf.Ms i 6. 'JiMi ,jM V AX'S xK MEN YOU MAY MARRY By ETHEL R. PEYSER Hat a Man Like This Proposed to You? Symptoms: Uully chap, good heart, good looking, dark, well set up. blue eyes und reliable purse. Always notices every scenic effect everywhere, thea tre, our clothes, .sunsets, girls' faces In carmine decked, always rearranges our furniture and ornaments. Always wears odd color, always a quaint Utile bank.v sticks out of his breast pocket, purple snl, green silk sldit, of crepe de chine, silken collnis. soft hats, and always advises you to change the thlfgs .von have for other things re gardless of your hard-earned cash. He likes you beeiiuse jou listen to his coloratura ravings and he thinks (hat he can make a scene out of you. IN FACT lie ina.v ! Prescription to His Bride: Learn jour colors so that joii, too, can talk. Talking colora tura Is in this case wiser than singing 1,000 trills. Absorb This: It Takes Two to Combine Life's Color Chart, (by McClure Ni'wiuier Sj mllcnte.) Dr.W.H.McBride DENTIST OVKK STATE BANK Red Cloud Nebraska Dr.R. V. Nicholson DENTIST f.Vrf Cloud, Neb rusk Yes, Garber's Is The Place! To Puy Wall Paper. Paintu, And Electrical Supplies. Tho best place for Picture Framing. U' .. U FARMS NUMBER cVi ai3 ins '15 i 2t r'i 1(1 lrtl .8. ' II 14 131 - 402 1$14 CULLS " 24!) 18 150 1D0 GO 111 105 GH 100 81 00 1!!88 ATTKNDANCB J.5 0 :u 40 no no 49 18 8 nu 4 28 1 J Commissioners i'occedinjjs (I'liiiiiiiutil from ingel) lion'- .-... - . 2 500.00 Shcr f W. licr appeared before the U.ard ml state l that for the pre en: at le l.o did not intend to appoint it tegular Deputy Sheriff, but ti ked ...a:, he be a lowed to hire one i.s r eeded ITi : request was ranted bv the H id. I . !i' matter of the tnxoa due Yj -ster cf.vnty from l'vmil: Starr, e ;cvnv t s, or. -'"-'!' v"" ni o ;r.,l vni ric 'N.l' ; Cuun Attorney 'e,i s meted to i"j : n.l e'f e. 1 so: . Ccpient of these taxes by ..ttruary 2 J 02:i. . iid if rnHiicce'cful bv that da'e o C '" 'li Stair an ience leinl tilion again t Mr. md his h.-ndsntdn. 1" . 'oiitity Her1: was intni-tci to 'e t'.'-o i hi . for pt. ajfe" of the V'"' -tor Ceunv lor Farm f r the jo:m' commencing1 March, 102 1 Sn!e 1 bid? !o be filed with the Coun ty Cleik by o n of the Gth day of Febreary, IH.1'1. Tlio follow iiif official bond; were approved by the Hoard: I ihrel Powell, county treasurer; jUoad Overseers Harry Hansen, Dist. 11 H; Kmil Sack, V, It; Harm Hopper, 4; D. H. Stunkard, I); Gej. A. Hen, 10 C; L. E. Feis, 1G A; H. B. Geong, 8; Ed. Gerlach, 7 D; Harold Doyle, 6; Wm. Dane, Justice of I'ca?e, Oak Creek; II. W Stewart, Justice of Peace, Ied Cloud City; Geo. H. Over ing' Oj. Highway Commissioner; An dy Guy, Constable, Guide Kock Pre cinct. The following Itoad Overseers re port books were audited and approv ed: V. J. Oberbeide, Dist. No. 2; E. H. Vance, 2 B; Henry Jolin, 12; Henry Margarin, V I); li. B. Georig, 8; Jolin Haa-.son, 11 B; J. D. Buckles, 11; L. A. Meyer, 12 B; Waren L. Thomas, fi; W. E. Toap, 1 GC; Peer Knehans, !!; Jolin Iluinmelberg, 4 15; II. Hoppen, 4; Emil Sack, 15 B; Wm. Hlobaum, 7 B; J. N. Hutchins. 'lie following cia'ms were audited and allowed and County Clerk in structed t div.w warrants on the proper fund in payment of same. GENHUAL FUND 11. It. Fausch Anna Stumpenhoivt . ... School Dist. No. 8'J . .. School Dist. No .00 ...... A. D. Kanney Howe's Cafe . E. W. Steven- Frank Huffer Fidelity Deposit C?. C. A. Waldo Stella Ducko' . .. .. O. C. Tcel Oscar Mattison $210.00 GO 00 10.00 10.00 22 85 . 15.13 31.90 , G2L21 92.r).00 121.81 728.J19 G0.G8 5.00 . 2IJ.00 . 1 1.80 W. D. Edson .- - A. B. McArthur . Bladen Enterprise ... Geo. II. Overing POOlt FARM FUND Farmers' Union Cowles Lee It. Walker ...... Monie Brown 18.25 -15.G8 76.30 27.85 35.00 No further business appearing tho Board adjourned to meet February G, 1923.., n. F. PEItRY, Ou'jnty Clerk. The Margin of Safety Is represented by the amount of Insurance you carry. Don't lull yourself Into a funded K'uiulty. Because lire has never touched you it doosn't follow that you'ro immune Tomorrow -no today, if you have time and yon better llnd time oiiinu to the otlloo and we'll write n policy on your lionso, furniture, store, or merchandise, LATElt MAY HE TOO LATE- O. C. TEEL R.eiloJ:le O s