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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 11, 1923)
RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA, CHIEF I ; O? J 7 f I , i - HOW THE WORLD FARED IN 1922 Prosperity, Discontent and Two Big Strikes Among Notable Developments in America. REVERSE FOR REPUBLICANS Europe Ctlll Is In Economic and Flnan. clal Turmoil Downfall of Lloyd Geornc Turks Defeat Greeks and Recover Lost Territory Fasclstl Gain Control of Italy. Uy EDWARD W. PICKARD Momentous events uml developments mnrked the year 111--, ltli at home niul abroad. In America these Includ ed the great strikes of coal miners nnd railroad shopmen; I lies passage by eon Kress of n new tniilT hill, and the gen eral defei.t of the Republican party In the November elections. Among the most noteworthy events elsewhere were the establishment of the Irish Tree State; the election of n new pope; the rout of the Greeks In Asjn Minor and the regeneration of the Turkish state, followed by the Near East iKinco conference at Launniic; the downfall of Prime Minister I.loyd George, and the triumph of the Fas clstl in Italy. Although the people of the United States enjoyed a fnlr amount of pros perity throughout the year, they were discontented nnd dissatisfied, and showed It when they went to the polls In November. Seemingly they did not like the new tnriff law, and the big strikes and the matter of prohibition enforcement nlso had tljelr effect then. Economic and financial conditions In some of the European countries showed little or no Improvement, due in part to the continued state of un settlement concerning the German rep aratlons and to the renewed turmoil In tho Nenr Kast. Other countries, nota lily Italy and Czechoslovakia, moved definitely toward stabilization and prosperity. Communism and socialism Buffered n tremendous setback In Italy when tho Fasclstl rebelled against thoso doctrines and took over the con trol of the government. As In 1021, December was mnrked by nn intcrnntlonnl conference In "Washington, for President Harding hnd Invited the Central American re publics to send delegates there to dls cuss limitation of armaments and other questions. They met on Decem ber 4. INTERNATIONAL AFFAIRS January found the great powers still engaged In formulating treaties and agreements in the Washington confer ence on nrmnments and Pacific ocean problems, and on Februnry 1 the dele Kates, in plenary session, ndopted the five-power naval limitation trenty with nn agreement on Pacific fortifications; passed resolutions declaring the open door In China, and approved a treaty for the restriction of the use of poison gaa nnd submarines In warfare. At tho same time. Mr. Bnlfour announced that Orent Rtltaln would restore Wei-Hal-Wei to China. Three days later tho conference approved a number of treaties designed to restore to Chlnn somo of ber lost liberties and passed a resolution for the creation of an In ternational commission to revise the Titles of war rare. On February 0 tho delegates signed all the treaties nnd tho conrerenco adjourned sine die, nnd In four days President Ilnrdlng sub mitted tho trentles to the senate. By the end of March tho senate had ratified all these treaties, as well as one with Japan, by which the trou blesome question of American rights on the Island of Yap was settled. Great Britain and Japan also, In tho course of time, ratified tho conference pacts, and, like tho United States, took steps toward putting Into effect tho terms of the trenty on nnval limitation, nut France, more Interested In her own troubles connected with tho German reparations nnd with tho developments In tho Near East, delayed action, nnd Iter cxnmplo was followed by several smaller nntlons. Thus the full efTect of somo of the trentles was lost for the time being. Rehabilitation of Europe, economic nnd tlnnnclnl, wnB tho grent problem that confronted the world and, of course, Its solution depended to a con siderable extent on a settlement of the German reparations matter. This had not been reached when the year came to n closo. Tho allied commission, nn International bankers' committee and vnrlous Individuals btruggled with the question throughout the twelve months, but It would bo tedious to tell In detail of their efforts. Tho Germnns Btondlly maintained Hint complete en forcement of the treaty of Versailles would ruin Germany and he disastrous for tho rest of Europe, nlthough Doc tor Wlrth, tho chancellor, held thnt Gcrmauy must nnd would ultimately pay tho reparations bill. Berlin Insist ed that a long moratorium be granted on all the payments and thnt an Inter national lonn to Germnny be arranged. France, depending on the reparations money for reconstruction nnd continu ally on the verge of bankruptcy, would not listen to propositions for the re duction of tho war bill, and from time lo tlmo made preparations to put Into effect sanctions against Germany, such ns occupying tho Ituhr district and the national forests In tho rthlnclnnd. Al ways Great Britain objected to this un til late In tho jear, when Bonar Law hnd succeeded Lloyrt George as prime minister. Then, nt a conferenco of the allied premiers In London, Bonar Law gave the French to understand thnt, though Brltntn could not approve of military measures against Germany, alio would not actively oppose them If tho Germans defaulted In tho repara tions payments due In January. The conference adjourned to meet In Paris on January 2 and Premier Polncare Intimated that he might be satisfied with milder measures. About this tlmo it wns stated In Washington that the United States was looking for a way to help out Europe without en tangling herself In alliances, but noth ing dellnltu was Miggested and Eu rope was skeptical. On April 10 an economic and llnan clal conference, called by the allied su preme council, opened In Genoa. Ger many and Russia were Invited to par ticipate, under M-rtaln restrictions, but soon nfter the sessions began the dele gates of those two nations concluded a treaty canceling their war debts ami thtr treaty of BreM-LItovsk and estab lishing full diplomatic relations. Sur prised and angered, the great powers, despite the protests of the neutrals, barred the Germans from further par ticipation In the discussion of Russian affairs; which was the most important subject before the conference then. The allied nation ottered to give finan cial aid to Russia under certain condi tions, hut Belgium refused to agiee to this and a day or two later the French withdrew their assent, charging that Lloyd George was practicing trickery lo gain control of tho Russian oil Ileitis. Meanwhile the soviet delegates were making such excessive demands Hint the usolessnoss of further negotia tions became evident and the confer ence adjourned after adopting an right months' truce with Russia. Mustapha Kcmnl Pasha ind the Turkish nationalists, who had disa vowed all the doings of the Turkish government at Constantinople, spent the summer In secretly preparing for a great offensive against the Greeks In Anatolln. They opened the attack on August 123 and took the enemy com pletely by surprise. Within one week the Greek armies had been routed anil driven back to Smyrna and other coast positions and Athens was asking for an armistice and agreeing to get out of Asia Minor. Kemal occupied Smyrna on September O'nnil five days later a largo part of tho city was de stroyed by flames. At first the Turk ish troops were blamed for this, but la ter developments Indicated the confla gration was started by tho fleeing Greeks nnd by looters. Great Britain, which had been sponsor for the Greek venture in Asia Minor, wns alarmed by the expressed Intention of the na tionalists to take possession of Constan tinople nnd tho rest of the old Turk ish empire, nnd she called on her do minions and France, Italy, Serbia, Ru mania and Greece to Join her In the defense of tho Dardanelles. France, which had been giving aid and comfort to the Turks, and Italy objected to military operations ngalnst the Kemal Ists, and some of the British domin ions were noticeably cool. However, Britain hurried reinforcements to her land and naval forces In the Near-TClsT and let the Turk and the world know that she would act alone If necessary. The allies on September 23 Invited tho nationalists to a peaco conference, agreeing to return to them Constanti nople, 'Adrlnnople and eastern Thrace In return for the guaranteed freedom of the straits. Kcmnl Insisted that Russia must he Included, nnd tho allies agreed that the, soviet government should participate In settlement of the question of the Dardanelles. After sev eral trying days, when war seemed al most unavoidable, the allies nnd na tionalists met at Mudania on October 3 to arrange an armistice. A week la ter a protocol was signed providing for Hie evacuation of enstern Thrace by Greece within 15 days and Its delivery to Turkey within -ir days, and, yield ing to tho Kemallsts the civil control of Constantinople pending n pence con ference. This conferenco opened In Lausanne, Switzerland, November 20, with tho prospect of being long In ses sion. The United States declined full participation, but sent Ambassador Child, Minister Grew and Admiral Bris tol to guard the Interests of America and Americans, these being especially in connection with tho oil fields of Mosul. Tho conference had to denl with tho frontiers of tho Turkish stnte, ooth in Europe nnd In Mesopotnmln, where tho oil fields nre located, and with the control of tho straits nnd the safeguarding 'tho Christian minori ties In Turkey. By the middle of De cember tho conferees were well on the wny to agreement, Turkey hnd prom ised to join the Leaguo of Nntlons us soon ns pence wns signed, nnd the trenty was In process of being drafted. On May lf tho conference to settle the old Tacna-Arlca dispute between Chile and Peru opened In Washington, nnd In duo time enme to n successful conclusion, adopting n compromise plan suggested by Secrctnry Hughes. Colombia and Venezuela settled their boundary dispute on April 0. Esthonln, Latvia, Lithuania and Albania wore recognized by the United States as sov ereign stntes on July 27. FOREIGN AFFAIRS With Michael Collins ns Its head, tho provisional government of the Irish Frco Stnto was established In Janu ary, after Dall Elreann had ncceptod tho trenty with England and Do Valera had refused to accede. Immediately the republicans, now rebels, started a warfare that lasted throughout tho year and was marked by Innumerable assassinations and other outrages, The Free State forces gradually gained possession of most of the territory whero tho rebels were strong and the lighting degenerated Into bushwhack ing. On August 22 President Collins was killed In an ambusendo and Wil liam Cosgrove was elected to succeed him. Ho offered amnesty to the rebels, but they decided to "fight to tho dentil." Krsklno Chllders, chief nld of Do Valera, was captured and executed, as were other republican leaders, Tho Irish Free State formnlly came Into be ing on December 0, with Timothy Ilealy as governor general. Prime Minister Lloyd George held power through all the vicissitudes of the year until October ID. On that day the conservatives In parliament decid ed to abandon the coalition and act in future as a separate party. The pre mier was thus deprived of his majority and promptly resigned, with his cabi net. A. Bonar Law, chosen leader of the conservatives, succeeded him, formed a new ministry and called an election for November 15. At the polls he won control of parliament. The Inborltbs made great gains and be came the "opposition party." Under the leadership of Benito Mus solini, the Fasclstl of Italy, organized primarily to protect the country against the communists, fought a long and successful battle. Gaining stead ily In strength, notably by the acces sion of many thousands of working men, .they Mixed the industries of Italy from tho Reds, and finally, dissatisfied with the weal: policies of Premier Fac ta, compelled his icslgnallon on Octo ber 2(1. Mussolini was made premier and nt once set to work to restore the prosperity of the country. The king and chamber of deputies gave him full power to put into effect his contem plated reforms and economic meas ure!:, and as lie had tho support of most of the people, tho prospects for Italy were bright. Greece's disaster in Asia Minor re sulted In tho second abdication of King Constantino on September 20, In tho face of a revolt by the returning troops. Next day tho crown prince, George, was sworn In as king and n new government Installed. The revo lutionists In control caused the arrest of various former cabinet ofllcers and generals on the charge of high treason In connection with the debacle In Ann tolla, and six of them, Including three former premiers, were" condemned to death. Great Britain tried vainly to prevent the execution and then broke off relations with Greece, probably glad to get rid of an embarrassing nlllance. Prince Andrew, uncle of the king, nlso was tried and condemned, but escaped with exile. M. Brland resigned as premier of France on January 12 because his pol icies at the Cannes conference were opposed. He was succeeded by M. Polncare, whoso policies Included strict enforcement of the trenty of Ver sailles. Pope Benedict XV died on Jnnunry 22, and on Februnry 2 tho Sacred Col lego met In Rome to choose his succes sor. Four days later Cardinal Acblllo Rattl, archbishop of Milan, was elect ed, and on February 12 ho was crowned pope ns Plus XL To the account of affairs In Turkey related above Is to be added the down fall of the sultan. Considered by tho Angora government to be n tool of the British, and consequently n traitor, he wns deposed on November 1. The sov ereignty of the nation wns declared to be in the hands of the people and the name changed from Ottoman empire to State of Turkey. The dethroned ruler took refuge on Malta. On November 18 his nephew, Abdul Medjid Effendi, wns elected caliph of the Moslem church. Germany devoted herself through tho year largely to efforts to evade the payment of reparations, to determined work to regain her foreign trade, and to the printing of innumerable billions of paper marks. Tho value of the mark fluctuated widely, reaching n low level of more than eight thousand for a dollar. On June 21 Dr. Walter Rath ennu, foreign minister, was assassl anted In Berlin by reactionaries. Chan cellor Wlrth nnd his cabinet were forced out of olllco November 1-1 and Wllhelm Cuno became chnncellor with n ministry in which the socialists and communists wcro not included. On December 0 Gabriel Namtowicz was elected president of Polnnd to succeed General Pllsudskl. Ho was duly inaugurated, mnld scenes of great disorder and on December 10 was assnsslnnted by an nrtlst. DOMESTIC AFFAIRS As 1ms been said above, the people of the United Stntes, despite the fact that they were relatively prosperous, were not contented. Taxes, rentals nnd the prices of the necessities of life remained too high, and the fanner es pecially complained because ho did not receive enough for tho products of his toll. As usual, the unrest expressed It self nt the polls. Whnt ninny consid ered tho conservatism of the Ilnrdlng administration wns blamed, with or without reason. As the primary elec tions In vnrlous stntes enme nlong, tho voters saxr nnd seized their ehunce, and frequently the moro conservative candidates were beaten by so-called progressives. Albert J. Beverldgo de feated Senator New in Indiana; Lynn J. Frnzler defeated Senator McCumber in North Dakota ; Senators Johnson of California and La Follctto of Wiscon sin were triumphantly renominated and thoro were many other such In stances. It wus generally predicted that the Democrats would win big vic tories In tho election on November 7, and the results Justified tho forecast. In both house and senate the Republic an majority was tremendously re duced. Such well known figures ns DuPont, Kellogg, Townsend, Calder, Pomereno and Polndoxter were r.cilred. A featuro of the election was 'tho Im mense majority rolled up for Al Smith, Democratic candidate for tho gover norship of New YurJ;, Efforts to enforce the prohibition law and violations of It absorbed a vnst amount of tlmo nnd money, nnd It mny bo tho difficulties encountered by tho government In this strengthened tho cause of tho organizations formed to bring about tho "liberalization" of the enforcement net so ns to permit the manufacture and usb of beers nnd light wines, nnd ultimately the repeal of the Eighteenth amendment Itself. On October 0 Attorney General Daugh erty ruled liquor off nil Amciienn ships throughout the world nnd declared for eign snips could not enter American ports If they carried liquor, sealed or unsealed. Great commotion ensued, but the ruling was upheld by Federal Judge Hand In New York. The cases Initiated In behalf of various steam ship companies were carried to higher courts, anil enforcement of the ruling against foreign vessels wns temporarily held up. The Supremo court on February 27 ruled that tho woman's Riiffrnge amendment to tho Constitution was constitutional, and on May 1 It upheld tho packers' control act. June f It handed down nn Important opinion to tho effect thnt labor organizations can be sued for loIntIons of tho Sherman anti-trust law. By a decision an nounced on November 13 Japaneso are not eligible to naturalization. Associ ate Justice John A. Clarke resigned September -I, to devote himself to pro motion of United States membership In tho League of Nations, and former Senator George If. Sutherland of Utnh was appointed to succeed blni. On October 21 Associate Justice Day also resigned, having been made umpire on tho American-German claims commis sion. President Harding selected Plerco Butler, an eminent lawyer of St. Paul, Minn., to 1111 tho vacancy. Associate Justice Pitney resigned December 10 on account of 111 health. Kcnesaw M. Landis, the ablo nnd spectacular federal district Judge of Chicago, left tho bench on March 1 to take the position of high commissioner of organized baseball. His place was not filled until July 11, when James II. Wllkerson was appointed. One man left the President's cnbl net Postmaster Will Hays, who quit to become supremo bend of the moving picture Industry. Dr. Hubert Work succeeded him. Gen. Charles M. Dawes retired from the position of di rector of the budgot July 1, General Lord tnklng the post. One of tho most shocking events of the yenr took plnco In Illinois on Juno 22. Strlkebrenkcrs and guards at a conl mine nt Herrln, Williamson coun ty, nfter being nttacked by striking miners, surrendered nnd 19 of them wcro nt once brulnlly massacred. The community and some of Its officials seemed largely In sympathy with tho murderers nnd for n long time It wns doubtful whether they would be brought to Justice. Tho stnto lnw ofll cers took chnrgo nnd In September ninny of the members of tho mob wcro Indicted. Truman II. Newberry of Michigan, whoso right to a seat In tho senate was upheld by that body on January 12, grew wenry of the continual light made to unseat lilm and resigned on Novem ber 18. Governor Groesbcck appoint ed Mayor James Couzens of Detroit to fill out the term. For tho first time in history the United States scnato had a woman senator. When Tom Watson of Geor gia died Governor Ilnrdwiclc nppolntod Mrs. W. II. Felton, a veteran suffragist, to the vacancy, pending an election. W. F. George wns elected to the place, but when congress mot In extra ses sion be withheld his credentials long enough for Mrs. Felton to be sworn In uml servo pno day. NATIONAL LEGISLATION One of tho first nets of congress In tho year was the passage of the foreign debt refunding bill, with a limit for payment set nt 25 years. The houso in January also passed tho Dyer antl lynching bill, hut It got no further until December, when tho Democrats In tho senate filibustered It to death. Tho co-operative marketing bill wns enact ed In Februnry. On Mnrcli 23 tho house pnssed tho soldiers' bonus bill and, after n long and bitter fight, It went through the senate on August 31. President Harding hnd wanted con gress the measure was entirely unac ceptable to him, chiefly becnuse it pro vided no means of raising the money to pay the bonus, and on September 10 ho vetoed It. The house overrode tho veto, but tho senntc sustained It. The agitation for such legislation wns In cessnnt, however, and new bills were Introduced before, the yenr closed. Appropriation Dllts for the army and nnvy, providing for 133,000 nnd 80,000 enlisted men, respectively, were passed; and $17,000,000 wns appropri ated for soldiers' hospitals. Tho tariff revision bill of course took a long time in the tanking. It finally was completed and was signed by tho President on September 2t. One notable feature Is n provision giv ing the Presjdent power to lower or raise certnln rntes when he thinks con ditions of foreign trade warrant. Congress u'djourncd on September 22, nnd ns It hnd failed to take any ac tion on a ship subsidy measure, the President called an extra session to meet on November 20, mainly to con sider such n bill. Tho house passed It on November 20. The extra session merged Into tho regulnr session on De cember 4. In his message to congress Presi dent Harding called for strict enforce ment of the prohibition law, a thor oughgoing agricultural credit system, Improvement of transportation and outlawing of rnllrond Bttikos and pro vIbIou for drafting in war ill national resources. Tho ship subsidy bill ran up against n determined opposition in tho sennto, Tho house- ou December 18 passed tho nnval appropriation bill carrying $820,000,000. LABOR AND INDUSTRIAL Bulking Inrgo In the nffnlrs of Amer ica wero tho two big strikes, of the railway shopmen nnd tho coal miners. In effect at tho same time, they seri ously threatened the national well being by disrupting truffle and causing a country-wide shortage of fuel. Unable to reach an agreement with (lie mine operators on the wage scale, tho miners, both anthracite nnd bitu minous, went on strlko April 1. In June nnd July President Harding con ferred with representatives of both sides, and proposed that tho men re turn to work at the old wages and thnt the new scale be arbitrated. His plan being rejected, he told tho operators to reopen their mines under protection of federal troops and the flag. In only a few cases was this done. There wero numerous local conflicts and somo killings, and tho prlco of conl threat ened to become extortionate. To pre vent profiteering tho government ndopted u plan for the supervision of production nnd distribution of conl on July 21. Operators and miners of the bituminous fields met at Cincinnati nnd on August IB signed an agreement ending tho strike, the men winning vir tually all their demands. A similar settlement of the anthracite strlko was made on September 2. It was admit ted that the root of tho trouble bad not been reached and that another strlko In the spring of 1023 wns almost a cer tainty. Since there was still a great shortage of coal, Conrad E. Spons was appointed federal fuel director on Sep tember 22. Tho railway strlko followed an order of tho federal railway labor board, Is sued Juno 0, reducing the wages of tho shopmen about SliO.OOO.OOfT a year. Other rail employees bad their pay cut proportionately, but the shopmen wero chosen to make tho fight. They quit work on July 1, nnd two dnys later were "outlawed" by tho board. On July 14 they wero reinforced by the stationary engineers, llremcn nnd oil ers. From tho beginning tho adminis tration strove to bring about a settle ment, but both sides were stubborn, tho restoration of seniority rights be ing the main stumbling block. Presi dent Harding warned tho strikers ngalnst Interference with mnlls or hi terstate transportation, and the agen cies of the government wero uctlvo In enforcing' his orders. Finding they could not tie un traffic, the strikers In many regions resorted to extreme vio lence, and even to murder. In the Far Wost some of tho Brotherhood of Trainmen members co-operated with them until called oft by their chiefs. Several trains loaded with pnssengers were abandoned In the deserts. Final ly the government struck a vital blow at tho strike. Attorney General Daugh erty, on September 1, obtained from Judge Wllkerson In Chicago a sweep Ing order restraining tlio shop' crafts from Interfering In any wny with the operation of the railways. Two weeks later the strlko was broken when ninny railroads negotiated separate agreements with the shopmen. L' DISASTERS Many thousands of lives wcro lost In disasters In 1022, and vnst property losses sustulned. In Jnnunry n Greek destroyer was blown up, no men per ishing; and In Washington 07 persons wero killed and 133 Injured when u theater roof collapsed under weight of snow. In February 25 men died In a mine explosion nt Gates, Pa., and 31 wero killed by the fall and explosion of the army dirigible Roma, which hud been bought In Italy. On March 15 n great lire In tho Chicago business dis trict did damage amounting to ?8,000, 000; on March 23 a British submarine sank with 22 men, nnd on Mnrcli 20 the famous Church of St. Anne dc Benupre, near Quebec, was burned. April wns mnrked by fatal nnd de structive floods and tornndocs In the Mississippi river valley and In Texas, and by a severe enrtbquako in Japan. On April 18 400 carloads of war muni tions exploded in Monastlr, Serbia, killing hundreds nnd destroying the center of tho city. On May 10 tho P. & O. liner Egypt was sunk in collision, 03 lives being lost; and on Juno 4 07 perished when n Paraguayan excur sion steamer blew up. New York city bad ono of tho worst storms of recent years on June 11, about 50 persons being killed. Forty lives wero lost In the wreck of n pilgrims' train near Lourdes, France, on August 1; 50,000 Chinese perished in n typhoon at Swn tow August 2 ; 37 were killed In n rail wny wreck nt Sulphur Springs, Mo., on Aug. 5. Great forest fires In Minne sota In August destroyed several small towns. Tho Japanese cruiser Nltnka went down during n typhoon August 20, with n loss of 300 lives, nnd three dnys later 310 perished when a Chilean ship sank near Coquimbo. On August 28, 48 men were entombed In a burn ing gold mlno shaft at Jackson, Cal., and 22 days-Inter nil were found deud. Fnlconnra fort, Italy, was destroyed on September 28 by exploding ammunition stores, 174 soldiers being killed. On November (I n gas explosion In a mine near Spongier, Pa., killed 80 minors, and on November 22 n dust explosion In a mine neur Birmingham, Ala,, killed 81. On December 8 n conflagration de stroyed the center and much of the residence section of Astoria, Ore., the loss being $15,000,000. NECROLOGY Every month of the year has its list of notablo persons taken by death. In January theso Included: Sir Ernest Shackleton, British explorer, In tho Antarctic; Murquls Okuuiu, Japanese statesman; Prince Kalnnlnanolo, Ha waiian delegate In congress; Joseph Oliver, grand sire of Odd Fellows; for mor United Stntes Honator J. II. Mil lard of Nebraska; John T. Kelly, vot cran comedian; George B. Selden, in ventor of gnsollnc-drlvon vehlclosi Arlchblshop Gnuthler of Ottnwn, Can.; Popo Benedict XV; John Kcndrlck Bangs, author; Viscount Jnmes Bryco; Arthur Nlklsch, orchestral conductor; Mrs. Elizabeth C. Seaman (Nelllo Bly), nnd Richard Westacott, United States vice consul In London. In Februnry: Prince Vamagata, Jap nnesc statesman; E. II. Shaughnessy, second assistant postmaster general; Gen. Christian Do Wet, Boer com mander lit 1800; duko of Lelnstcr; Joint S. Miller, lending Chicago law yer; former Senator J. F. Shafroth of Colorado; Viscount Harcourt. In March: Henry Batallle, French dramatist; Col. John Lambert, steel magnnte; Sir John Eaton, Cnnndlan merchnnt prince; Charles Popo, "glu coso king." In April: Chnrles, cx-cmperoi. of Austria; Dr. Cyrus Nortbrup, presi dent emeritus of University of Minne sota; Frederick Vllllers, famous war correspondent; Gen. von Fnlkenhnyn, former chief of stuff of German army; Henry M. Shrady, American sculptor; Sir Ross Smith, Australian aviator; Adrian C. Anson, veteran of baseball; Henry V. Esmond, English playwright; John Foord, editor Asia magazine; K. S. Mujlcn, Chilean statesman; Lord Leopolo Mounthntteu, cousin of King George; Frederick Van Rensselaer Dey, writer of Nick Carter stories; Paul Deschanel, former president of France; Richard Croker, former chief of Tammany Hall. In May: John Vance Cheney, poet and essayist ; Ada Jones, musical com edy stnr; former Senator A. J. Grpnno of North Dakota; Henry P. Davison, New York financier; J. II. Patterson, head of National Cash Register com puny; Federal Judge Beverly Evans of Georgia; A. C. Bartlett, prominent Chlcngoan. In Juno: Mrs. Mary V. Tcrhuno (Morion Hnrland) ; W. T. Abbott, Chi cago finnncler; Lillian Russell (Mrs. A. P. Moore), famous stago beauty; R. A. Bnlllngcr, former secretary of the Interior; George Carmack, discov erer of Klondike gold fields; Henry T. Oxnnrd, BUgar magnnte;- Horace E. Hooper, publisher of Eucyclopcdln Brltannlcn; G. W. Aldrcdgo, collector of tho port of New York; F. O. Pen field, former nmbassndor to Austria; Tako Joncscu, Rumanian statesman; Wu Tlng-Fang, Chinese diplomat ; Wil liam Rockefeller, capitalist; S. O. Qoss, Inventor of printing presses. In July: K. W. Bnrrett. editor Blr mlngbnm Age-Herald; Dr. E. J. Wheel cr, editor Current Opinion; Rev, Dr. J. F. Gouchcr, educntor; Alice Miriam, grand opera star; Col. R. W. Guthrie, oil magnate; Miss Mary N. Murfrco (Charles Egbert Crnddock). , In August: Glenn E. Plumb, noted Jnbor attorney; Alexander Graham Bell, Inventor of tho telephone; United States Senator W. E. Crow of Pennsyl vania; former Congressman Lemuel Padgett of Tennessee; Enver Pushn. cx-wnr minister of Turkey; Ronr Ad miral Uriel Sebree, U. S. N.; Arthur Grimth, president of Dnll Elrennn; John G. Woolley, noted prohibitionist; Lord Northcllffe, English publisher; Levy Mnyer, prominent Clilcngo InxvV yer; Rollln D. Snllsbury, geologist; Genevlevo Ward, Amerlcnn tragedi enne; Rev. Dr. Henry Couden, chnp lain of house of representatives for 25 years; Delavan Smith, publisher In dlannpolls News; Dr. Stephen Smith, founder of Amerlcnn Public Hcnlth as sociation; F. S. Peabody, Chicago mil. llonnlrc; Arthur Dawson, American nrtlst; Mrs. Nelllo Grant Jones, daugh ter of Gen. U. S. Orant ; W. K. Hudson, British naturalist nnd author. , In September: Theodore A. Bell, prominent Inwyer nnd polltlclnn of Snn Francisco; Bishop Samuel Fal lows of Reformed Eptacopal church; Emmet O'Neal, former governor of Alnbamn ; Leon BonnnL French artist ; Enos Mlljs. Amerlcnn naturalist and author; United Stntes Senator Thomas Watson of Goorgia. In October: Reap Admiral Chnrles E. Clark, U. S. N.t Wnlker Hill, bank er of St. Louis; Mnrle Lloyd, English comedienne ; Jorge Montt, former pres ident of Chile; Isaac Guggenheim, cop per magnate; Dr. Lyman Abbott, edi tor of Outlook; Father Bernard Vnughnn, famous Jesuit preacher of London. In November; Thomas Nolson Page, author nnd former nmbassador to It aly; Alfred Capus, French Journalist; T. DeWItt Cuyler, prominent rnllrond' man; Jacob Glmbel, merchant prince of Now York, Phllndclphla nnd Mil waukee; J. A. L. Gutierrez, Hondurnn minister to Washington ; Mrs. Mary S. LocUwood, founder of D. A. It.; Bel lamy Storcr, former diplomat ; Richard K. Fox, publisher of Pollco Gnzetto; Gen. Luko E. Wright, former secretary of war and governor general of tho Philippines; W. G. Sharp, former am bassador to France; Frank Bacon, American actor; George Bronson How ard, playwright and author; Bnron Sidney Sonnlno, Italian Btntesmnn; Henry N. Cnry, prominent newspaper man of Chicago; F. C. Nedrlnghuus, former congressman from Missouri ; O. II. Scldmore, United States consul gen eral at Tokyo ; Congressman James It. Mann of Illinois. - In December: Dr. W. E. Qulne, lend ing Chicago physlclnn; Cardinal Igle slas of Spain; L. B. Prince, former governor of New Mexico; John Wann maker, famous merchant of Philadel phia and Now York ; Alexander Rob ertson, Clilcngo bnnkcr; Jesse M. Overton, capitalist, of Nashville, Twin. ; Jnmes O. Davidson, former governor of Wisconsin; Lord Murcus Beresford, British horseman; Col. A E. Bradley, former chief surgeon of tho A. E. F,