The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, January 11, 1923, Image 5

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jmij iwiMiJiiartmwv
i 1 1 mmntm iimhiiu.imiwjjm
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To on all Win 'or Coals
will ilUcotinlthein , lUibnra I'hareH
Aitlipv KmilMon of (Juide Hock
wr s in the city'nv ufterii on.
rVd Temple of Kansas. City win in
Iho city S .tunlay.
.Mr. ami Mrrf. Die:; Vipond have mov
cJ into the Fred Kuehn lesidcncc.
M xs (lorlnttle Osborne was a pus
sengcr to Hastings Friday morning.
'"' iunnie nriftian was a pas
senger to Super'or S. tunlay morning
on train 16.
.Mrs H ort Tjiomns returned
ho'ie Friday cveni ljr from Lincoln
wlipj" a' c h s been fcr the pest few
da; s ."Uom'ing the i nnunl meeting
of Organized Agrtcultiiic.
K y Ku t went to Supeiior Sunday
morning on train 1G to spend the day.
Mrs,. Fbra Bthcrton went to Ihust
ings Tuesday morning to .vpend the
Court Reporter I.ce Johnson was a
pas -eager to Minden Tuesday even
ing on train 17.
John Neuiborg left Tue day mom
ing for Hot Springs, Aikansas, whore
lie will s,cndr. few weeks.
Wm. Harris went to HuiVing Tues
day morning to ipeml the duy, return
ing home oh Nd. 11 that evening.
M r hi ) M -. Aiiiiiif iiitHij, nf
(ia.i o Rue , .i'.i ii ii it Di" of
the I'e-uii oiliec'E- hu-t W lnc liv
1 ... J H. JJ .iley went to Suferioi
Tuwd i mem $ on train 10 t pen '
the day vitlng at the home of her
htr Ralph Drrln retumod hom
Friday evening from Lincoln where
be has bean visiting for the pas!
O; .'aja flih friend.
i R Fiuiseh retn.p-d hone Fii j.v
e'r;rg from Line. In w'-eV -ho hr-
I' fen for the past fe d jv : t en
i"- l- bu ines- tor .
Dr. Wnriick, th Sptfolullut, will
meet patients and needing glais
UN at Dr DainercU'n iiLiiiility, Jan. '20
Hours 2 tofi
.Mr. and Mrs. Kd. Sutton went to
Ox foul Wcdnc duy on tra'n lfi to
spend a few days visiting witli his
sisters and mother.
Mrs. Johnson and Iny went .to
Hentriee Tuesday morning on train 10
to spend a few days visit'ng with hoi
mother and with friends.
John Yost returned home Tuesday
evening 'i tram 17 from Kansas
City where he has been spending the
past few ihys attending lo busiuc a
matte a.
Miss Frnicia C'orroll went to hot
home in Br'ghton, Colorado, Tuesday
evening on tnln 17, after spending
the past few days he o at the homa
of Mr. nu! Mrs. A. Jernberg.
County Surveyor Geo. Ovoring left
thi. morning for Califoinia. he.o ho
will spend jcveral weeks visiting with
relatives and friends. Knroute he in
lends visit'ng for a week or so in
Kan as City.
Engineer Nick Carter arrived lieie
the first of the week to take No. -I
j'nd 11 between here and Hasting'.
Engineer Tramblie, who has been
on this run for the past few weeks
went to McCok.
FinnkStnrr we it to Hastings Mon
day morning U spend the day. attend
ing to busbies , matters.
Ora Starr leturned to Ws home in
Oxford Friday morning nftcr a short
visit here with relatives.
Judge L. H. Mncklcdge went to
Minden Monday morning nter spend
i ig a couplo of days hero visiting.
Rev. J. I). Lanib of E bon, Kan as,
was a passenger to Cedar Hluffs
Kansas, Saturday moni'ng on tr. in
A. H. P.'crcc went to Omaha Mon
day morning on train 4 to attend the
Fa-mera' Unini C nvonl'on opening
'hen this week.
V. A. Kwnju" ret. rued home Thur
dy evening frm K.nsa- City where
'ie ha been for the past few davs at
tendlnjr to huWio a mattoifi.
James Peterson returned h-nne Sat
urday aflcnioon from Omaha where
he has been for the past few days at
tending to bu iness matter-.
Fied I render, on went lo 0 borne,
Kansas Wednesday afternoon whoie
ho will nsMst the Legion P st theic
in nutting on an indoor carnival
Wo have lately sent out .statements
to our Kubsciihers, several have come
in and paid ahead and we are expect
ing you t- call if you aie in airesrs.
Kail Hall returned home Thurs
day cven'ngon train 11 from Hastings
wnevc he has been spending' a short
time attending to business matters
Miss Dora Carle.- of Illuir, Nebr.,
vi rived here Tuesday evening en
irain 11 for a few days visit with he
sister, Mrs. Wm. Luppincott nnd fam
Tom Swartz letuned home Fndaji
morning on ti in 15 from Kansas
City where he has been for the past
few d. j.s a'tending t business mailer-.
J. K. Yost, 0. Kivett, E. C. Hender
son, Tracy Hays and Howard K. Hunf
went to Kansas City Sunday morning
in charge of the stock shipped from
Clias. Richardson left for Omaha
Tuesday morning via auto whcie he
will spend a few day visiting. IPs
mother, Mr.-. Ida Richardson, ac
convpunied him as far as Lincoln, she
intending to vi it for a few days with
her .daughter, Miss Fay, who is at
tending school there.
V. L WnMiiiis. who lni- recently nn
ccptPil a pnsitinii '.villi this nflloc, ntid
and his wife, bad as Suntl.iv visitors,
bur pircnts Mr. and Mrs. .Tell" lJfau
elinmp and Fun Howard, Mr and Mis.
Jim Simpson, anil Mildred Ora well all
ol (Julde Rock, and sister Mr and Mrs.
Ivor Murrell of Faiibuiy.
"TofalHn your iluly toivattlyuur icardioht
lilofaitlnyo'ir iluly tomirJ ynur family,
Atcpt your clathti tttponnllilll'i," iigjtii
Dainty Poioity,
THKSK folks -a ill freshen up jour
clothes and allow you to
freshen up your bank account.
Their dye ai e like the American
soldk-i' boj-h-tliey stand pat and
won't run They clean uud pioss
oloiho In n suuitury inimrior. Tbuie
tiro no stains ou their business con-
t n v
. i
' B'F-H 6 6 t-' J-"
rJIH it
'WW '-.
Jack Fincher arrived liome Satur
day evening on train 17 from Ilur
bank, Oklahoma, he being called by
the serious illness of his father S.
Go rge Am ck, Ira Wolfe and Win.
McPherson wcio passengers t6 Omaha
Monday moni'ng they going to at
tend the Farmers' Union Convention
be'ng held there during the week.
Mr. and Mrs. Clus. Rcigle and fam
ily returned to their home at Garden
City, Kansas, the latter part of the
week after spending the pa t couple
rf week hero vis"t'ng with eld friends
Mis. Ed Hi Palmer tctunied to Kan
sas City Satuulay morning after
ponding the past couple of weeks
hero visiting with her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. ('has. derrick and with
M's-' Wil'a (lather left for her home
in New Yoik City Fridii" morning
en train lo alter spanning the past
s'- vnel hero visiting with her par
ruts M and Mn. d. F. CnHier aid
wi h other lelative-.
Ralph Ncwhouse returned to Hast
i igs Monday morning after spend
ing the pa t few days here visiting
with hi i patent, Mr. and Mis. E.
II. New-house.
Mi s Gladys Ren fro went to Ciaw
roid Saturday morning on train 1
after spending the Christina holi
day with her mother, Mrs.
Muidc Renfri.
Thee cailoads of hogs and one car
load of cattle, were shipped from here
to Kansas City Sunday morning nnd
one carload of hogs and one of cat
tle to St, Joseph. ,x
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Saladen ar
lived here Sunday morning on train
16 from Alma to spend the day visit
ing with relatives returning to Alma
on No. 17 that evening.
a piano in good condition that ouo of
our custovir8 was unable to llnlsb
paying for, that we will place free of
charge in the home of any Hatisfiiutory
customer in the vicinity of Red Cloud
who will pnv the balance In cash or
easy payments Write GASTON
Cafe For Sale Cheap
A good Cafe for sale cheap If taken
soon. Only one In to vn. Doing a fine
busines, books for proof. Ilubboll,
Nebr, Uox20. I 51.
Farm Loans
Call nail sm me if yuu want a faun
lomi at h icdmvd i'Rt if Intel eat ami
I st option. C ia is '' ifccil linnii" 1
.lK 1 V W itl l i i i b ; i i i j it m- fi i f
am it. '. ii
"Stand SliJV Fundamental idea
of the Game.
And Frank Ward O'MnPey, Writing In H
Eastern Magazine, 6. y "Stand
Otill" (s flight. -
An IntruilMctory chapter M the Of
llcinl iiilcs of cricket, written by the
noted Ea-l Indian cricketer, Prince
RnnJItslnliJI. caught my Interest hi
the opening sentence. Prince lluujl's
first winds gifte me lu a Hash an In
t.ght of the dig fuudauieiital f the
'".Stand -.1 III I- the nrnM luipoi-laiit
direction to glvi to tlic cik-Uet begin
ner," ran RiinJIN opening words.
"Stand still or .von will never make a
cricket pla.vor. It Is a good plan for
the young Imt-iiuin to have his right
leg pegged down, if he naturally can
not Mitnil -till."
There nu arc! Someone said some
thing when lie "aid that Wuteiloo was
won m the pln.vlnt,' Ileitis of I'ton and
Harrow. When the French hinged,
Wellington' former cileketer,-. played
the g.imc -tood still. And dinltles
(li Cinii'ii-iil .! biitstutin epindlrg the
siiiiinier ui on the t'.cl'l liad H'h 1jgg
on leah. It Is -Ignitl ant -t conic
hack t.i Aine.-li-.i for a uuiuui.t that
the only American clt.v wherf crlclce
lias oljtiilix'i a foothold is Philadel
phia. Foothold Is right.
The' wide dlffcrcncm between the
rules of cricket and hiiKchnll rules
.verc nifin.v, I mivv a I studied the
cricket code. The lht. i ickct rule
I read, for inMiiueo, s-al( Hint when
the howler, or pltfhcr, shoots Ids fast
one towaiil the plate anil the thrown
ball llrsf "lodges in the Imlmunn'i
clothing, the ball shall become dead."
In baM'hall, on the other hand, when
the same thing happens the hatter be
comes dead.
There Is a variation of this Idea In
rt following rule which says that If the
wicket kecpcr--catcher reaches out
In front of the wicket home plate
to catch the pitched bull while the
bntMiian Irf taking a smash at It, "the
player shall not be out." In baseball,
however, If the catcher were to reach
far out In front of the home plate ami
roguishly try to 'natch the hall out
of the air, especially at Hie precise
moment that Italic Ruth's pet wagon
tongue came rushing' thiough the air
to give (he ball a little kls, somebody
would be out. Tor days and days he
would be out.
One more rule and tho American
reader will have as clear an under
standing of the Intricacies of cricket
as even I have. The tlual rule In the
nfllelal laws of cricket runs:
"The Interval for luncheon shall he
forty mluutes on each day of the
match. The game then shall be re
sinned each day at the usual hour, no
allowance being made for the ten
minutes between Innings."
No mention Is made m' aflcnioon
tea. Tea Is understood. Frank Ward
O'Malley In the Saturday Evening
I'tllUl) AKNi'Mi IWCI.l !lI)
The Red Cloud Gun Cub has en
tered the Uncle Dud ,hoot conducted !
under the auspices of the Denver
Times and The Rocky Mountain
Nine Gun CJubs have c itcred the
League: Colorado Springs, Colo-v-do
Denver, Colorado, North Platte
Nebraska, Pueblo, Colorado, Wray
Colorado, Trindnd, Colorado, Wray,
inn, Colorado, Louisville, Colorado, and
Red Cloud, Nebraki.
Five men at least must shoot on 1
Sunday. As many as des're may
contc t. The five highest with their
indivdual scores, are reported by
'olograph to the Denver Times.
League Rules by A. T. A.:
Fiist All tngcts must be thrown
at regulation distance and tingles ac
cording to the rules of the American
Trap hooting a.sociation.
Sci'on' Fifty consecutive targets
must be shot at in each match. Pine
tiro hits befo:o seining arc not per
'.l.ttfd. Tlui-tl Taiget to be scored as brok
' ' t Imve a piece of distinctly V
'' c broken from them. "Dusted"
t ! ' ' . must ' c scored as lo l.
F ,ti- Referee an 1 orcr mils'
' ' '"hind tho shof-te s.
1 itV -Scores sent In to The fKn-
r '! noi and Tl e R cM'v Mount iln
Women Are Enthuslastlo Athletes,
Owing to the rapid movement of
women's athletics In France where
there are !K organizations of women
athletes all with large memberships,
the fear bus been expressed among the
medical fraternity that zeal may out
run their discretion and the subject
has been given some considerable at
tention by the mouthers of the .Medical
Congress of Physical Education. This
body hns made a number of Important
suggestions for the guidance of wom
en whodesliv lo take part !n athletics.
One of them is that all such persons
desiring to enter organized contests
.Jiould be made lo secure the consent
of some competent ph.vslclan, to be
given only after u thorough umiiiiIiiii
Hon of (lie tnndldate. Tho" members
also adopted ccituln restrictions for all
women's events and suggested that the
long Jump bo suppieSKod entirely,
Cruel Fooling.'
A Connecticut woman played an
April fool (rlek m h r Unsl and by
telling him alio v-m imlug d ' .
dlvoiie. when 'he b ' no ln. n' , nl
di ' ' -' , p (' i 't U in '
u . ' i i i .- ' .
01 J J ,'l I.T
I .
, hi r
d '
st b" 't leH
t! ' refe;T
' Each tc' i v dl .ii,.i). vverv
le-i i in tl c c .n'e I , 1k luU
drc p'.-'i' c of weather corc'-i-
d . eit li. ? v
nd the team wt-nsng the g e-
Cheerful acceptance of orders
over the phone or in person and
Prompt Delivery are two of the
reasons that our store has such a
big clientele.
Another is that our Groceries are always fresh,
pure and wholesome and our prices most reas
onable. May wc have the pleasure of a visit
or call from you to-day?
w, o
I WiiSJlbra
Groceries and Qucenswarc
kiMM! JltC ".T'i.IiJPI. ICT '. i t. ti I "'I " ,kI , i 'V il nl. ,'!! ' fffil'TJ .'
i fprnp3) (E
?' "j'uvr of emteit will be declar
ed V o v.!nr.(r. Tie will be decided
by edal matches of fifty eonsecu
tivo t.rgels arranged by tho commit -t"e
In charge.
Foit Tollins, Colorailo, were the win
'cr of 1922 and hot ."ga'nsl Wiviy.
'Moiado, Januaiy 7th, ID'JJl. Denver,
"loiado, against, Noith Platte, Ne
b aska, Colorado S.'iing', Coloia-'o,
giiiis4, Pueblo, Colorado, and the new
clubs, who make their first appear
i.nce this year, Louisville and Trini
dad, Colorado, will fight it out in the
opening contest to get a good start.
Red f 4oii(l will shoot their f'rst
shoot January 11 at 2:."0 sharp, their
ip"o ient not known yet, but will
know hi- Friday, January 12tb.
f Jtm, out and hoot with u i as
your iii'lividuul score may bo one of
tho ' 'e' five. Mvery one is allowed
o shi ot v.helher a member of this
"lub or not. If your homo is Rcr"
lo'id. ' S?cy. R. C. CLUB
An tpen of the MuBin'c
and 11 .n era St r orgamzntlo it ua.
eld in tlieir lodge lOiMua on l'Ma..j
evening, v.bich wis of s..ih .. nature
as to attract members from both so
luetics wn , 'tis said, tor inontiu past
have been conspicuous by their ab
sence, as well a visiting brethren and
sisters from far and near points.
The dinner, a most sumptuous affair
was prepared and served by the ladies
of the Eastern Star.
Mrs. Kmma McOellan of Reaver
City, grand matron of the KlhIui'Ii
Star, for the state of Nebraska, was
the pr'neipal speaker of the evening,
her subject, of cure, pertaini 'g to
matter connected with his society
llishop Reecher of Hastings, who was
likewise scheduled to appear, owing
lo illness, wa- unable to be present
Resides the abovo the program c in
sisted of n violin solo by Rev. Samuel
llardman, whose talent is too well
known to requite further comment; a
reading by Mi's. Go. Kailey, likevv An
in the p.'ofes wnal cla-s; a solo by
Mrs. Laird Potter, who never fails
lo charm and please; a duct by Mrs.
Laird Potter and N. II. Rush, a ical
pair of urt'sts and last, but not leat,
.selections by the new Masonic male
quartet which comprises Ttlesm. H.
S. Foe, N. 11. Rush, A. R. Crabill and
S Hardmnn. Tho render will note the
nbove is listed as the "new" qunitct
and It was probably due to this fca
ture that the diplomacy displayed In
placing it last on the program wub
promulgated. However, tho.o fortu
nate enough to be present and in a
position to judge, pronounce it a little
bit the best of anything heretofore
emanating from tho vocal cords of
the male sex, two legged aperies,
roaming at will a'ound these p'.tits.
Commercial Advcitbcr.
Household Goods at Auction
On Hatuiday afternoon at 2 n clock
tho hciiseho'd gooiihof the late Mis
Caldwell, will be sold at the residence,
1 block not tli of com t house. Tonus
Lcllntid Caldwell, Adm
Miv. C. F. Gather and her
son," J. I). Gather, left for Rochester,
MimioHota, Friday morning where she
will receive medical trcatmont in the
Mayo Rro. . hospital.
Cecil G.owell ret" rued homo Fridu
'cenlng from Lincoln where he hat
' e -a"nj the a muni mc-ct m.
r "! a' cd ' d 'w '1 ib
' 1.1 there la-t .e U
Lt j A JLe
Bell Phone 29 -:- Ind. Phone 12
- nriirn ii nrn ' i ' i ' " n tii I r i rmrnmnL
.Mow About Harness!
I will im ct in y (a'alij-ue pilce en invtling n the bniniss Hie
Dnii'l U-t somrniic tell joii that joo can sum- iiioi i j Ij u-t ding away
come tit and look my t ikmci I um -I've j( u mi m ncy.
. Uring in your old ones siul get tin m ll d up ami oiled beforo Spring
Harness and Saddlery
I1iltilli.i.irnlcllir liint'nulcil
ciui :ru .ii'ii t.f thw NVs Pro
ccj I '.mlu I', -jrili.
j'l. itiilii iiiihtnipii'lu r
I1 4t.rl.tLl 4 will Jl ri'
ii 1 1, i liuifw l .' moo. cr
v.liiili il.o ni.t. ii. trattit t'
mint Iniuit.l !-. '
it In t He il a linnii lior.l.r
ccni.? o-'l vhl'-li rcsltt)
v a'plnc
The Joy of a Record
That is Virtually
Tonight put on your
phonograph aiiy cf the
rccordti yon enjoy most.
Does the surface noise
intrude and prevent you
from completely enjoy
ing the music? . Tomor
row conic in to see us
and let U3 play for you
a few of the new
Initantly you will notice
that the dlsconccrling sur
face noises which have
always annoyed you arc
Columbia New Proccai Rec
ords will make your phono
graph what it should be, a
musical instrument of the
highest, purest type.
nnt-nmainiof ft. .Taiualan
WIVUlllitlOI. VH. UU4TV4V1 r-j
Red Cloud - - Nebr.
I mxamwBissi mmmmxmmmmmamwiwm EHMsm
Phone Ind. 3 on 90, Bell 1 74. Residence, Bell 241 '
Mrs. Ed Amack A