The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, January 04, 1923, Image 5
OLOUO, NEJ5KABKA. OHBEF , .HMD : r flv . . w ', : i .'. '"l ' - k : 1 I t ( i AS TOLD TO US ? Carl McArthur and Fred Sluby went to Lincoln Tuesday. Mr.?. Al Slaby was a passenger to Cowlcs Thursday morning. Win. Harris was a passenger to .Hastings Thursday morning on tiain 4. The 1. 0. 'o. K. and Kebekah lodge., will hold a joint in. talhition of uiPiccrs January loth. Frank Starr ar.ived in the e!ty Saturday to attend to some busine -a matters and visit friends. Mr. and Mr.,. 0. J. Palmer .spent last week here with her mother, Mr. . Hassingcr, and brother, Uoy. Ralph Da Mctz, of Harlan, Kits., rnd Miss Ucha Yor'.; of Atliol, Ksh., were mr.r.iod by Hev. Fisher last Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Meredith IJuller of Hastings spent tho first of the wool: hero with his parent--, Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Ilutlor. Ed Carbsr rcttrnd hfim te last of the week from Omaha r rcl coin where ho had b"r"i ottcn'Ur.r to some business matter . Isadore Johns; n spent the first of the week In Hastings with hin par ents, It's mother having fallen down and seriously injuring herself. Joe Hewitt received word Monday stating that his mother pa-sed away at Portland, Oregon. Her remains will bo brought to Nelson for inter ment. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Abol and chil dren from Campbell spent a few days here last week v!siting with his sister, Mrs. A. 15. Crabill and with other rel atives. Edgar Harrington third trick op erator at the depot, left for Denvo Colorado, Friday morning wheie lie will spend a few days visiting with friends. Harry Thompson returned home Thursday morningon No. 11 from Bellefontainc, Ohio, where he went to spend Christmas with his ion, William. ' A large number attended the wolf hunts held last Thursday south west of this city and Monday ndrth of town. Last Thursday seven wolves were killed and it is reported that three were killed Monday. Mrs. Emma Hickson, aged 45 year.-, d'ed at he: home in Tennc see, Dec. 25, 1022 and the rem:-in, ac compaircd by her husbnnd were brought to this city Tuesday morn ing. The deceased was a sister of Mrs. Harry Stroup and Newt nnd Frank Scibert. The funeral ser vices were held this afternoon anil interment was made in tho city cemetery. PIAXO Al' A lAI?fSlX:-We Iimvp a pliino In good eotxlitinn tint otn of our rnstnmpr wns unable to finish paying for, thnt wn will place free of ehnrpe in tho home of any satisfactorr customer in tho vloinity of Red Cloud who will pay the balance in cash or easy payments. Write GASTON MUSIC & FURNITURRCO , Hastings, Nebraska. TTtivitiv4UraipribvMvttlt , vrmf t h tir, wf k Uiimrlv ttquUUt. ' ' .1 ,s ' .-falnty Dtrtthy 'THEft folks have floma to the Vyoonoluslon thnt ours Is a real exquisite serio. They are treated politoly, tholr woik is wpII done and our chargeH'8iinply give u a fair return for e.xpertness and labor. Your soiled gown will be better otl' for a visit to thib shop. Your bus band'-, elutlus slll re'aln their tailorel iine if you hai" us look after them Xn I von Uouw a mtm's ojiitlies lc ii-t'il mpuli at toiitiou. m VVi 'X PHONE'-BB 5 PH0NE:193M vWtSJmmmmm ,1 Excursion to Denver .. To accomudntM patron! deMrlng to visit till Western Live Stock. Show the IiiirliiitMi.n will Hi'li round trip tielfis nt nttf of fare nnd one.thlnl (iiiiii.iniitn tare $'' (n January il to IT). ImdiKivc, lliml U'tuiii llinir, Jntiuuiy -A. N. B. BUSH, Ticket Agent. Miss Midrcd Uoren was a passon ger tj Cowle, Monday morning. C. 0. Saunders was a p.ssengci to Uluo 11:11 SuUiiday moniing on Aai.'i 4. Gone White wp.s r paaaenge.. Guide Ivoe1: Tuesday morning tfa'n 1G. L on Mi s Yola Swarts went Alma Sun day morning on train 1C to spend the thy vi itintr with friend-. T. C. Swartz is in Kansas Oity for a few days attending to bus'nes matters, returning home the first of the week. Mrs. Halbert Thomas went to Lin coln Monday morning on train 4 to attend the Annual Meeting of No braska Organized Agriculture. Mrs. C B. Crone was a passenger to Hastings Tuesday morning after a short visit here at the home of her daughtc:, Mrs. Frank Peterson. Miss Mary Christian left on Sun day for Hartington, where she has accepted a responsible position in the office of the Cedar County News. Jame.i Peterson went to Omaha Monday morning on train 4 to at tend the Implement Dealers' Con vention being held there this week. A. T. Walker returned home Sun day evening from Kansas City where he went the first of the week to attend to some business matters. Fdgar Harrington returned to work Monday morning on train 1G after spending the past few days in Denver, Colorado, visiting friend . Mr. and Mrs. Arnold arrived here Sunday morning from their home in Franklin fjr a short visit at the home of their daughter, Mrs. A. K. Roles. Dean Dickson returned to Lincoln, where he is attending the Univort-ity the first of the week after visiting with his father, Ed Dickson and with friend--. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Oatman retmn ed home Saturday evening from Omaha where they went the first of the week for a few days visit with friends. Miss Pauline Gellatly of Indianap olis, Indiana, is here visiting for a few days at the home of her brother, H. C. Gellatly and fa-mily and with friends. J. H, BRinger, J. M. Mclntoah, J. W. Robertson and G. A. Merrill went to Kansas Oity Sunday morn ing in charge of the stock shipped front here. . MMU4ta2 Mr. and Mrs. Hrneat NewUous went to Guide Rock Monday morn ing to apend the day visiting at'the home of his brother, Paul Newhouse and family. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Hincs arrived here S mday evening on train 17 for a few d'tys visit with her parents, Mr. and Mr . Frank Aile and with, other relatives. Farm Loans Call and see me if you uant a farm loan at iv roJnceJ rate of Interest and best option, Loatw closed limnoili utuly with no delay or expense forix amination. J. 1. BAILftY. iMiijiiiicnivD is to ToOleiiii.flp on nil Winter Coats will dUeomilthcm M. -HarbaraPharoa Smttti llro'M. or Superior , will hold their Annual Urod Sow Sato on Feb utarv (I Wntcli thlbjiaper. Hiss Helen Albright (returned to Lincjln Tuesday morning after spending the pat few days here visiting w'th her parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Albright. MisT 'ella Taylor returned to Veago Monday morning after stiending the past week here visiting with her sisler, Mrs. C. M. Sherwood and with other relatives. Fprrcsl Mountford returned to Jmahu Monday morning to resume his studies after spending tho past wee'; hc.e visiting with his parents and with ether relatives. . Mis Milded Polnicky rctur'.ed to her stud'es at the University at Lincoln Tuesday morning aftc: spcnd'i'g the Chri tmas holidays here vi King with relatives. Mrs. Georgia Walker cturiind home Saturday evening oi Ir.iln 11 from Lincoln wi.e:e she spent Christ mas .isit'ng at the of her I'aughtor Mrs. (lm--. Rherer. il; s J'.iy Richard oi returned t) Lincoln Titc.dty moinirg after upending ( hristmas here v's'ting her mother, Mr-. Ida Richan'son. She is attending the State Unher.ity. l''ivc ears of cattle were loaded out of hero Sunday morning to Kan sas City and two cars of hogs to Kansas Ciiy. Tuesday nnr.iing there were two cars of Hogs 'hipped to St. Joe. Merlyn Doner and Miss Blanche Honor returned to their studies in tho University at Lincoln Sunday morning after spending the week here visiting with their paicnts. Mr. and Mrs. V. II. Boner. M"s. W'll Hincs and children went to Wymorc Saturday morning on train 16 to spend a couple of days visiting with his parent:'. Mr. Ilino went down on No. 14 Sunday morn ing, returning with them Monday. Mrs. Alice Hosmer,' after a toJDurn of some duration with relatives in Illinois and other eastern states, re turned home the first of the week. While not having completely recov ered from her recent misfortune, the sustaining, of a fractured liirfb, when run over by an automob'lc in Clin ton, Illinois, some few montlis ago, yet is making sufficient progress a to enable her to make tho datempnt that it was only the question of a short time until .she anticipated '"P ing back to normal. Commercial Ad vertiser. On Friday evening a social event of feme importance is to take place at the , Masonic hall when the Ma- oius and tucir it.uics anu me East ern Star members and their husbands or escorts will enjoy a O.O dinner and a program. The committee have arranged to have Emma McCIel land, Grand Matron of the Ea tern Star in Nebraska, ta':e part in the program. The new Masonic male quartet, which has just been organized, is to appear in public for the first time on that occasion. There will be other numbers of especial interest. Following the program the evening will be spent in a social yf&y. All Masons and Star members of Red Cloud and vicinity are invited. Garfield Cojunuiity Church Begin the ?w Year right by going to Charoh and Sunday School oli Sunday. . ; . f Sunday Sahool, id a. m. Theme for atudy la ''Right Uses of the Lords Day". Sermon, 11 a. m , subject: "flow to Suecaed." Youug Peoples Prosraw of Song, Readings, Stories etc , 7 p. in. Sermon, 7:15 p. m., "A Runaway Slave Who was Caught". Wo know you will find all of these meotluus or leal hi'mom rlau t oomo If it K 'bl, firing a biielc t along ami drain ymir car. If it i snowing or inudily, put on the nhalis Chuteh I-. lil;o tho time, it goson rain or shlno. Tlio chorus met ts Saturday evcr.lug this woolc at the ehiireh. Homo spec, ial work ts ahuad of us, Lut all biisof tha Olinrns be thuru. You will ijjj y tba Hiusiu aiid tho good time. . E. M. Kthalnau, Pastor. It Is rtiimfrbd tffftt this city htirc nnothetvcjotliing stores Tho county commissi mors "Will meet next Tueadny. , 1 Hude Robert, on of Uluo Hill wis in the city Wednesday. Mrs. Al'co Clauson was a passenger to Littleton, Colorado, Monday even ing on train 17. The county treasurer's . oflkc is very busy handing out the now auto license tags for this year. Miss Gertrude Coon is here vb it ing for a couple of weeks with her parent-, Mr. and Mrs. John Coon. Mr. and Mrs. J. O. ilutlor leturncl home Thursday after spending tho past month in Oklahoma visiting rcl nitves Lyle Harris of Wheeler 'a here vis iting for a few days with his pi-ienls, Mr. r.nd Mrs. A. K. Harris and w'th friend-. Mrs. Dave Kaley returned homo Wednosihy- evening on tr.-'in II aflov spending the past few dnys in L'ncoln visiting. M;s. Ivln.i Hinderson returned hnmp Wedncday evening on train 1 1 after a short time tpont in Hus(irr wit',) f tends. Mr:. Tom Lain ro'umod tho fir t of t1e week from Omaha where sh Tn- hr,!i for the past coupje of week vih't'n" with her daughter. Pan Ga'ber wont to Lincoln Y t V,pdno''py evening to 'lake up hi duMes ns Uepresentnlivo at the con vening of the leg! laluro this week. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Wagoner and family auloed down from I In tines S-mday to spend the week visiting' with his parents, Mr. t.nd Mrs. N. B Wpgonor nnd with other relat'vp-. C. F. Davis Passes Away. i Charles F. Davie, for many years i resident of Lokhii prnclnet, Smith I county, Kansas, died at his home Wed-. nesday afternoon after an illni".s of' snvnral months duration. He was born j In Illinois, July 2.J, 1S2 utid was aped) A tt- Ellison went to Guide Rock (50 years b months ami 11 days. A wifo.Thur day morning to spend the day and fniiilly aro loft to mourn his ilc. misti Tim funeral services will be hld ft the Mt. Hope uhureli Friday afternoon. Card of Thanks. Wc wish to thank the many fiitnds and neighbors for their assistance dur lug tho illnesa and burial of our bo loved sou, Luwis. also tho sinci-M and thoso who eontilbiiied the licantlfiil (lowers. May Gud bless you is our wish. Mr. and Mr-J. W. II. Walter and family. ;i I Clean Starts Friday, Jan. 5, Ends Jan. 2 On the Following Different Lines Gloves, Mittens All Winter Weight Gloves and Mit tens in yarn, fleece, leather lined 20 per cent discount Sweaters & Caps To clean up on Childrens Sweaters and Caps will make a Discount of Twenty Per Gent Outing Gowns. ChildrensSleeping Garments 20 per cent Discount These goods but at this special H Hoods are goznff up 9 BARBARA FHARES j iiffliirawiffMWBiwwwprii GROCERIES Cheerful acceptance of orders over the phone or in person and Prompt Delivery are two of the reasons that our store has such -a big clientele. Another is that our Groceries arc always fresh, pure and wholesome and our prices'most reas onable. May wo have the pleasure of a visit or call from you to-day? . A. Wullbrandt Groceries nnd Qucenswarc P imraBitiriraiMTOMtw HO PHONE ttfcas-Esxsass V J JSTSl JLi ORDER TO D FARMERS' Bell Phone 29 DO attending to business matters, Fred Gordon returned to Chilli cothc, Missouri, where he is attend ing school Sunday morning on train M, after spending the past couple of weeks here visiting with his par ents. Mrs. Lester Amack of Scldcn, Kan- ses, is here visiting for a few days with relatives and friends. Mr. Amack is expected Saturday for a hort visit with his parents, Mr. and Mr.'. G. 0. Amack. PRE.INVENTORY JP "H3 ma Childrens Ready Made Gingham Dresses Ready to Wear Gingham Dresses in sizes from 2 to 14 years. All good style but lines are broken and in order; to make room for New Spring goods will close them out at ' 25 per cent Discount a . ' '. : ,. ,.. v .. FurS- ;; You will get more good' out "of' fur' neck piece when, you wear JCwiih, suit ttian any other time. y?me in and let us fit you out at discount of Twenty-five per cent were all marked very close vhen bought discount you will be saving money as all in price. (F YOUR ssGjiarraur ELEVATOR D! Ind. Phone 12 0. C. Tcel returned home Wednes day evening from Lincoln where he s.cnt Christmas day visiting at the homo of his daughter, Mrs. Frederick Wells. V. B. Watkins, of Helena, Okie.., printer of some fifteen years ex perience has accepted a position with this office. He and his vvife havs moved into the Harwood property north of the Auld Library. j Mrs. Robert Breakcy and baby ro turned to their home at Grand island Thursday morninir after spending the past couple of weeks here visiting with her mother and at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lew Breakey. i i :i I i i