The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, January 04, 1923, Image 3

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T '
tti r
v,ta invy jlu
a Hundred Calories
'in About 9f
Vogue for Tailored Clothes;
Knitted Coats Please Tots
AT a box of little raisins when
' you feci hungry, lazy, 'tired or
In about 9 seconds a hundred
calorics or more of energizing nutri
ment will put you on your toes again.
For Little Sun-Maids are 75
fruit sugar in practically predigestcd
form lcvulosc, the scientists call it.
And lcvulosc is real body fuel.
Needing practically no digestion, it
Ccts to work and revives you quick.
Full of energy and iron both good
and good for you. Just try a box.
RUMOHS from Purls nrc lloatlng
about us, tolling us that tailored
clothes In new Interpretations arc
tanking long strides toward taking first
place la t'.io wardrobe. In a measure
they aopear to be supplanting after
lUHin (Ismw sad may divide popularity
with MjMrta cioths at winter resorts.
Kroui lhou they sown to have taken
tliolr eue; for the new suits and tail
ored dresses nro youthful, trim, even
tioylsh, Mini fonniil suits collect some
thing of this buoyancy of the mode.
n dresses, bodices of one material
vvt IS
n yi
which we pleaso to term "stjlo" so as
serted Itself as In knitted outerwear.
Tim style element has especially en
tered Into chlhlreiis' knitted outer
garments. Those served In childhood's
ways, agree that tiny tots are uston
Ishly sensitive to the niceties' of at
(i active i-olor and eleer detail In the
clothes they' In the charming
Inltted conts brought out this season
little girls' Ideals or all that Is loveliest
In winter wraps are realized.
It Is safe to say that mother or big
sister experience no mote rapturous
Little Sun-Maids
"Beiween-Meai" Raisins
5c Everywhere
I-?ad Your
Iron Today?
Granges Last Year's Frock to New
Putnam Fadeless Dyes dyes or tints as you wish
Old Riley Rezzidew's Remarks Not Al
together Complimentary to the
Petunia Fire Fighters.
"The II ro alarm system of Constan
tinople has certain peculiarities," stat
ed a citizen of Petunia. "A watch
man stands In a tower and warns of
any lire that may happen to attract
his attention, calling the quarter of
town In which It Is. A lire company
forthwith comes trotting to 'the con
narration, dniuititi a little engine be
hind them. They then bargain 'with
the owner of the building about the
fee for putting It out. in addition
ilmtexer they can carry off Is theirs."
"H'm! That's the way In Constan
tinople, yi MiyV" returned old Klley
Jlcz;:Idew. ".Sounds a good Val as If
you were tolling of the capers of the
Torrent File. Fighters, right here In
Petunia." KaiiMis City Star.
A Narrow Escape.
A rejected suitor wants to recover
the money he spent on llowers, candy,
. heater tickets and other Incidentals
of the chase.' The young woman ought
lo he glad to him and thank
her lucky stars that he failed to win
her. A young inan who Is cold-blooded
enough to keep an expense account
while he's wooing Is- apt to make a
haid-bolled l.aslmnd. ISIrminghnm
All the use some folks are Is to tell
us how much better things were tlfty
years ago.
Tibetans Hava Simple Methods of Get.
ting Rid of "Demons" That DIs-
turb Their Happiness.
The Tibetan lama, living on the
"roof of the world," has presumably
dlscoered a nuigle for appeasing and
expelling the demons who disturb his
happiness, and deny him pleasures.
To the lama, the nomad, and the mer
chant the high, barren Asiatic plateau
Is peopled with ghosts, goblins,
gnomes, imps, demons and evil spirits.
The panacea for all troubles Is u
devil dance. The Tibetans' dance Is
as weird an incantation as one could
Hud In any part of the world. Tlio
lamas wear hideous masks represent
ing every known and unknown demon,
ghost, spirit and goblin that frequents,
inhabits and resides In Tibet. These
are carefully enticed, decoyed and
gathered up and, on the last day of
the three-day. festival, escorted by the
lamas outside the south gate and safe
ly blown to nowhere.
The Modern Youth.
Two dappers were looking at tho
window display. They paused beforo
the llgure of a woman, dressed In a
gown that dated back half a century.
After Inspecting It closely one of them
was moved to speech. Said she:
".Say, kid, it's no wonder girls was
reserved In them days. Why, If a fel
low "would rough-house a girl In them
klnda clothes she'd bust!"
Carelessness with parlor nintches Is
the cause of few tires and many
Most women aro as modest as tho
styles will permit.
An overcautious general seldom
wins a battle.
f for Wheat Growing, Cattle Raising i
l md a nappy nome oj Your own "
Prosnerous Farms and Hanny Homes await those who are
ifocirmm of cnlarcinc their oresent resources and securing for
fhrmcoivpR homes in a country that, while vet in Its infancy, has
made itself famous by the quality of the grain it produces and by the
excellence of its live stock.
There aee Millions oS Acres
of the highest class of boII available for the man whose object In life is to become his
own landlord, and who wishes lo share in the rpnortunity which has Riven wealth to
the thousands ot Americans wno.navinK tiaueu on wcfciciiiv.jiiiaud ianiiiiuui
small means, aro now wntlnR home to their friends, tellina of what they have done.
innHmnrhunnnil linmi-sti'.'iH fnrther from lines of railway are free to settlers.
Upon these lands can be Brown the best of wheat, oats, barley, flax, grass, hay, fodder
lull, utiu
Cattle winter In most olaces without
shelter; dairying is highly successful.
Taxes only upon land (not on im
provements). Perfect climate, attrac
tive social conditions, pood neighbors,
churches, schools, telephones, excel
lent markets and shipping facilities.
For lllo'trited llterMure.niapa.deaerlp
(Ion of firm opnortunitlea In Manitoba,
Haatiatsnowxn, Albert and IlriU.u Colum
bia, redoesd railway rites, (to., writ U
330 Peter's Trait BIdi., Omaha, Neb.
Authorlj At tnt, Dpt, of
Immigration and clonistUn
Dominion or Canada.
I M"Ii. ifc.N -?MtaBU . ".-1
wis,. 9tVk3ig3ifl v .-
vsi'. v '". . . jhi :.' iAsewsu .
R.F.D. R, f.8oi44t
Aiil MlaneeulA
wai wmiittvie
Keeps ttiB Medicine with Her for Safety
Mrs. Carl Limlcr, It. F. D. No. 2, Box 41,
Dassol, Minnusotn, wrltcB : "I wnnt to thnnk
you for your kindness mid tho good your
remedy did mo yonrB ago. I am perfectly
woll and visiting In SimknnoVnKh. Wcro it
nob for Fo-ru-nn I would not havo boon able
to innko this trip. InlwnyB ttikoyourmedi
clnowlth mo for safety uhould ltakooold.
l'rnlso to ro-ru-na."
As an emergency remedy for everyday ills,
Pe-ru-im has been in uso tlfty yoars.
3v ,.,., -jy
Chopin's Aohes.
The reinoMil of the ashes of Chopin
from Pore I.uchnlse cemetery to the
church In Warsaw where his heart Is
.preserved, which has recently been pro
posed, will not ho itceoniplMied with
out protest from the I'rench admirers
of the compiler, Chopin, who was
born of a e'renrh fathur and a Polish
mother, pr.ssed the groat or part of his
life In Paris, where he composed his
greatest works. When he left Poland
after the rewilutlon In lSHO his com
patriots presented him with a silver
vase tilled with Polish soil, and this
was scattered on tho eollln when ho
wns burled In 1810.- -Paris correspond
enco London Times.
You naturally fed socuro when you
know that the medicine you nrc ubout to
tako is absolutely puro and contnins no
harmful or habit producing 'dnigo.
finch a medicine is Dr. Kilmer's Swnmp-
Root, kidney, liver nnd bhduer remedy.
Tho same ntnmlnrd of purity, BtrcnRth
and excelli'ncc is maintained in every bot
tle of Swampltoot.
It is sciuntifically compounded from
rentable herbs.
It is not " stimulant nnd is token in
tenspoonful doses.
It is not recommended for everything.
It is nature's nrcat helper in rclicvinu
nnd overcoming kidney, liver nnd bladder
A sworn statement of purity is with
every bottlo of Dr. Kilmer's Swamp
Root. If you need a medicine, you should
have the best. On sale nt nil dni(j stores
in bottles of two sizes, medium nnd large.
However, if you wish first to try this
(rreat preparation send ten cents to Dr.
Kilmer & Co., llinRhamton, N. Y., for a
ample bottle. When writing bo eure
and mention this paper. Advertisement.
Ct'&tom Ordnins Thai Mrs. Newlywcd
Must Weep for Eight Days,
Without Cecoation.
The llahiima tribesmen In Ugnnda,
Central Africa literally In tliu very
heart of Africa are tho wildest and
most uncivilized people of the world.
They have unusually pecullnr customB.
Perhaps the most Interesting of these
Is the manner In which a bride Is sup
posed to conduct hoi self after her mar
riage. To begin with, a bride Is literally
dragged awny from her home by her
husband. Her family tie a rope around
her leg ami hold fast to her. Then
the bridegroom pulls as hard us he can.
If ho cannot succeed In overpowering
the strength of his bride's family they
weaken their hold on the fetter and
maku It appear that the hiibbiind has
won his tiig-of-war.
Then the victorious bridegroom
takes his bride to the home of hti
mother. Tho most pnsslonate weep
ing Is done by the bride. She erica
for eight days without stopping.
Matter of Finance.
Osslp (labrllowltsch once related a
fctory about a well-known pianist's pu
pil, who was said to have always
chosen compositions In rapid style for
her study numbers.
"Mndatn," said the artist ono day In
exasperation, "why do you not try
an umlunto? It would disclose your
phrasing to much better advantage.
"Oh," said the protege, "it's becauso
your lessons are so expensive. I can't
afford to piny slow music."
Heart Like a Stone.
Jean .Maud says sho puts her very
heart Into her cooking.
Joan She must havo been vory
cake. London Answers.
Handcomo Example of Tailored Coctume.
nnd skirts of another nrc among the
Ideas thnt are destined to hold over
tho transition from winter to spring
and In suits there are handsome models
In which coat's are of different fabric
from the skirt or dress worn under
them. One such model Is shown In tho
picture. It Is a handsome example
having a full, short coat of a soft
nlio innrie worn over a dress of heavy
ciepe, matching It In color. Fine mar- sleeves, with a fancy wlde-welt stitch
ten fur, In the collar, cuffs and nnd for the skirt, plaited In broad border,
trimming, make the coat a very rich Of course the buttons with knitted
thrills over their luxurious Bcnl or
chinchilla fur conts than does Uttlo
Miss Two-to-Seven (perhaps older, per
haps younger) over her knitted conr,
especially when It has brushed wool
collar and cuffs such as nro shown on
the coat to the right In the picture.
The attractiveness of the garment Is
greatly enhanced by contrasting a
close even Mitch In tin-, waist nnd
Not What He Thourjnt.
(111 utiAtt. .,, nti nlil tilil (ttitvnn flf
the family." said she' coyly, leading M'evy ''' W,,W1 H,1C nmuo tn,n
me Into the living room. "Ah,"
thought I, "a sweet, old-fashioned
maldl Lovely echo from tho romantic
'past. Hers should be a background
of hollyhocks, sweet Williams, and li
lacs, with sweet music of the minuet
Bounding faintly In the distance." Sho
led mo to tho window. "There's tho
d n wreck," and she pointed to a
lllvver at the curb. Stanford Chaparral.
Sure Relief
yr&f aiMMPRii gp ivrtife, Tjpifl
Watch Cutlcura Improve Your Skin.
On rising nnd retiring gently smear
tho face with Cutlcura Ointment.
Wash off Ointment In flvc minutes
with Cutlcura Sonp and hot water. It
Is wonderful whnt Cutlcura will do
for poor complexions, dandruff, Itching
nnd red rough hands. Advertisement.
Wasn't an Easter Rabbit.
Four-yenr-obl Mario of Francisco,
Ind.. had often been told stories of
the Faster rabbits and had heard of I
egg hunting parties where children
would hunt for nests of eggs, supposed .
to have been hidden by rabbits. I
One day her father was telling her,
or his hunt. lie told of looking llirouuli
the fence Into a bunch of tall grass
and seeing a rabbit In Its nest. Ho
took a stick and punched It out.
Mario listened with wlde-ejed atten
tion, then said: "Did you break any
of Its eggs, daddy?" Indianapolis
iW"' jWWMESO ?T TfTT -y
6 Bellans
Hot water
Sure Relief
Two Charming Models for Little Ones.
affair and an elehorato girdle, of silk
and metal braid, undertakes to bear
out the richness of the fur, Tho long
est of flat tassels is suspended from
silk ornaments and cords; It reaches
the bottom of the skirt and Is a splen
did and telling garnishment.
The season has presented handsome
1 suits of this kind In which rich fur
fabrics are used to the best advantage.
They make the coats and tho lower
i part of dresses of eiepo or other suit
able material worn under them,
For her id kindergarten age, what
could be prettier than n knitted coat,
such as the little girls In the pic
ture are wearing? In no class of ap
parel has that Intunglblo something
loops are exactly tho right tlnlshlnfl
It Is the fashion to wear hats to
match thu knitted coat. A brushed
wool snug cap tops tho cuffs und collui
of siime, on tho taller girl.
The fact that the knitted coat Is nn
all-year-around garment should also be
taken Into consideration. Wraps as
herewith portrayed servo admirably
In mldsonson, and they nro ever ready
when cool summer breezes stir or
nutumn's chill comes on.
Important to Mothora
Examine caiefully every bottlo of
OASTOUIA, thnt famous old remedy
for Infants und children, und sec that It
Bears the
Signature of
In Uso for Over 510 Years.
Children Cry for Flotcher's Castona
All In Mother's Day.
The fullback of the losing tenm, who
takes a severe pummcltng while trying
to stem the tide, Is acclaimed a hero.
But for the mother who has to spend
a rainy day Indoors with half u dozen
healthy and boisterous youngsters, nnd
who takes twice aa much punishment
as would bo required to kill u football
atar, it Is accounted only a part of tho
day's work, says Holla Clymer In the
Eldorado Times.
Not a Laxative
Nujol 13 a lubricant not a
medicine or laxatire BO
caanot gripe.
When you aro coastipatcd,
not caough of Nature's
lubricating liquid ifl pro
duced in the bowel to keep
tho food waste soft and
moving. Doctors prescribe
Nujol because
It nctH llko
t h i h natural
lubricant and
UiuM replaces
it. Try.
aay. .
Girls! Girls!!
Clear Your Skin
With Cuticura
Soap ZSc. Oiataxnt 25 aad 50c, Talcu 25c
To Insuro gllstenlng-whlto table
linens, uso Ited Cross Ball Blue In your
laundry. It never disappoints. At all
good grocers. Advertisement.
No Meddler.
"Mr. Wndlelgh Is a man of affairs."
"Yes of his own affairs."
"Ho says ho wouldn't give ten cents
to tho uplift." Birmingham Age-Herald.
Many n girl's Ideal Is shattered when
he goes broke.
took to Your Eyes
Beautiful Eyes, like fine
Teeth, iio the remttof Conttint
Cre. The dally use of Murine
mtkei Ejei Cletr and RadliM.
ColOTible. HarmlcM. Sold and
Recommended by All Druegl'U.
lahlnftlv ciutck re.
lief. Aeyrup unlike
II omm- Die-
tnt doe not up-
act itomicb- no
onUtea. 35c tand
00c avarTwbart).
Standard cold remedy vcrld over. Demand
box bearing Mr. I IUl'e portrait and denature.
... At All Drujtfsfs 30 Centt
Krnturky Hoine-hiiiiii Tobacco, ace J In built,
mlli! ami mellow, Uilra line mnoklnr, 10 lb,
t2.SU, 20 lbs, MtcliewlnK. 10 Iba , 1,6. Satla.
buht Tobucco rtrowrra' I'nlon, I.ynnvllle, Ky,
ursy, tnlD, atrardy
hlr mnkes people!
look very old, II
lao't neceaury a,
boltleof o-nn ni
Color Kealorer will brlnir back orlsinal rolo
quickly atop dodru(I. At all gooS drairglaU.
TStf, or direct trom Hmb-EaW, CWtakta, M.Lli, Tna.
W. N. U., LINCOLN, NO. 52-1922.