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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 28, 1922)
OL0UD, XBBkJLMUk, CBttV 5E fi jf3PmgaBpamwimag' ttJ.m Ji,inmu.r i .mmjiwimEmii jiii 1 nnwin, er Plffiv 5TL ? &Z .rJyi-., iu.i ii.'jTTi t r 1 r '"pv .r. n MJI'SKn ? ft F. -ftfc Kal & tf r?i iv? r w Fi .. v.wu w 7V1 FJI fl i Hi 4 JH'J Ptl 1 W7-I. tr 1 ,. '-H.!? BW 1 ? ttoKHSi '. i ij rv.k rti..r S & b WKa&El 4 i egins Satoi;. -day, Dec. 30th, ai?.d Closes "Tuesday,- Jan, 9th .. i. I -J' i ...-. . . i. . man ' iinnwwwuai,- "wummwm k n -- -wii feihis annoiuicen)'ti; vy; be ood news for the Clothii:ig Butlrs 61 Red djud and surrounding country, as Iv'$i sale by TSIS C(i W:i)EN-KA3,EY CLOTIIII'Ml W;.,u!way ftcfc;is a real saving as pur sales" are 'CLlwiivs bona fide, n'dtiction sales. i "i ii". PHI KWfc fflMHJ era F5S KSa & K3 SKv. Dv MR iw Ba MS? 8? &i P Mi " ?l fflRfii fflR& ffitl RS i E4SJ mr sarra h 91 k rat . t t- T ww tflvs Hh nr cj & M ...51 .dldl i m fl .th-to sa ti a t" :-'v.:n n ,ft' XIsi' tew vi- , Jl IfS MJ flCJ M'.uJ -M & EMfc t MrfMPJ I ft f U: ii, A !,Mfc t ;.N- BOYS' AND CHILDREN'S SUITS .r.-w"" ' w m. A bpecial January Reductions Kuppenhcimcr World Famous Hand Tailored Suits. Our $42.50, 845.00, $47.50 range, all put in one big lot at $37.50. Youwill appreciate flu's price this spring as all High Grade Clothing will be sold at an ad vance over . present prices. BLOCKS and CLOTH CRAFT SUITS at Spec ial Prices during this sale. Buy your suits dur ing this ten days sale and credit yftiftsjelves with a substantial "saving. .r-K rs. fc n.r XMB. a L ?:jflfflnJ. u r- " fit CtOTIKRAT viin J. v i rW i H EMS r'j y rVfl ' ; ; MOt'S A Big Shoe Speitftfl! ', A counter of Mens Hlglr 'Girede SHOESataReductfoKof 20 to 33 1-3 per ct. EDMONDS-SELZ Sixes 6 io o Ul. mm ii i i ! ilfw .!!! i.iaiiBBi. 4 i .1 fci.ifa mtmm fc Fur Coats at SPECIAL SALS 3PBICBS Ovenrlts 10 dozen blue DcnLn Mciis Over alls at a Special ,f rice of $1.38 We want to impress pcn ycu the im portance of this sale ag' a real Money Saving propositionas all lines of mer chandise are advancing. A 2V PER CENT REDUCTION JOn all Men's and . Boys' overcoata Sheep-lined Clothing, Mackinaws. Heavy Sweaters" Fiannel Shirts, ' Leather i - -: 1 ' M'oleskin, and Corduroy vests. - v f i wit h W 'IT OOTHTSAI I 3- ' ,J TIES Special Tie Sale. Fine line of Holiday Neck wear. Regular $1.50 to $2.00 ties, all gp in this saleat "98c A Bnef oppor- ' sub rf tunity. Hit H HiKBPEr UTS See our biff counter of Wilson Bros., Ides and E. & W. Dress Shirts at a big reduction of i 20 to J3 1-3 i ; ' xjP t . . .. i UNDERWE'R Coopers High Grade Union suits. Wool and cotton ribbed. 10 per cent reduction. A de cided concession as this Well Known Underwear rarely sold at reduction. .s. Tir' THE COWDEN KALEY CLOTHING COMPANY Reniember the Date and Come JJarly. THIS SAIE IS FOR CASH. , 1st Door North of Post Office y'' ayers Held Second Meeting Last Thursday On the afternoon of lost Thursday llie tax payers of WobslerUonnty held i'wlr second mcetltw in the Court ouae In pursuance to the call Issued hy the committee of tire farmers ap. volnted at the prerious meeting. This ymlttee of & bad previously met vd threshed oot amonp themselves, sflth the suRirestlons of a few iuterest. d "tuxpayera, a. set of resolutions ifrlch waa considered by them as offer. the proper method or proceednre in tad uctfon of local taiex This com. slU6n presented to the meeting the jfellawUft resolutions, esoh was die rtosoi aaore or less, and noma quite qfthaustlvelr, and adopted by the meet. J. That a majority vote of theuoun y mnst be had to o ntlnue the County Affent 2. That domestic science, manual irniutaitt normal training and business courses be abolished from the accredit ed courses of our public hohools. H. That the County Assessor be Abolished 4. Thnt the County Ollicers must yay depntles out of their own poolteto. 5 Tlmt the hiifhwny commissioner be nbollsliod. (i Tlmt, the truunt olllcors be nbol. Ished. 7. Tlmt the .County Coiumlssloncfs Rlont the federal census of !'.l20 a tlu "bftl5 of fixing rhi) wilnrle of the 0'mtty kUoinev nud xheriff. X"' tw aiJiliorl reautUif n w ImA ti"' Utv il-r, Hsoe-d ti i urnuud the fact that tt minority of H00 coiiltl, under the luw, forcnthe County A((ent upon the tax pavers. The nicr ritb of the Hgeut were little discussed, J, he prevnllli) opinion of the meeting being tlmt the uounty agent Ih un uti necessrtry expense unfairly established, I'hc sfcoud resolution brought out the greatest variety of opinion on both Hides of the question. A motion to reject the resolution waslo'st by a decisive vote. Hut a motion to ttdopt the resolution wmh restated by a mi nority of about one. fourth of the meet Ull This was the only resolution perceptibly opposed In the voting. Next the County Assessor was aboU Utlfd with little discussion. It was also strongly voted that the comity of. fleers dlir un their clerk hire. The highway commission was dlsonsced at some length relative to, how thu nfiice was created, the ofllcer appointed and paid, It was developed in the discus-.. Ion that the highway commUsiouer is a part of the dolUr matching bchutue with the government and that the commissioner is paid $1200 pjr year, $400 by tho state and 5900 by the county. When the vote wae taken tho highway commissioner was abolished by nearly ununiinons voto. Thu lesolution lelittive to tho truant oillrur afforded infor nation to many In Hie meeting. A number were Mir prlhi'd to learn that such an otllcer ex isted und wer still tooie hin prised to learn that In- hid dtaun Muee or four liiindred ilui ,us of tliu t.ix fmuh for or vo'ir ii d half. Thin resolutlon,p',ic, and If tiiese tnxp.iyers have stood Vy t StHt n.v jc i l Tf i ubn'ur wo,a)i Vijj iy ai ttaj' .V1IV)lnn pf'fKV tbe ((aUtvit'6 loiym1 In er pj4 f " V,u ";" '" i any lnw or measure tod fprifHh StRlO Ugltilittui.' uiirie. pen atOf forfitilie of bt!i tlnii job uud TMtlary 10.' Thut tl i tax pint r "f Webster oonnty go on n-twd us bcnig opposed n the dollar matching scheme with ttfiover;iiHejit n all departments and ue"B,6i uctlvHlt 4l'sf I in I . I 'Jul if, N'l Vli . i fH,v v. piv iuvm. d f iC1 I e 1$ ie .v ' ,1 ...Mil 1j I ' I I hill .tit . fil '. i ,ilvtrt. ' ' The srfjn' the tH20 oioui- i " the lilh h' i ' nut tlit ht.ii. me: of WciiMer count meaMtl In th J)ts 100 of tho salary Die opinion nu is Mint tyie dnlis Ul'-'i'COuM tiv j i-,l i. t mneh e'.n"i,'6 , i'UnHb of to. i i Uh) votlinf, Hi'. ' h! villltHlt i i 4 1.iin upon fchW'h llVf.l, hionj'lil il (lie p'liniilitnH) t f Ullil l-llllv ill i -iiik io lop nil tlio County At torney npd $100 fioin thu sheriffs al ury, No uxplutiiitiun was '''re'ljujjuo went tliroiiirh without objection. IIciiihi'U on varioiiM subjects were eni;nL'') id veial fx payers, such as the ioeiMH-il -i lories of county of fleers by tn wr legislation, tho cIihiiko if ili p iif the Hli-rllf'H olllee from h fi'n in Hsu'iiry luiln also schools were iijuiii lirniiL'lit nefore the meeting it wis iijf,ste't ilmt nil he vurlous servunth of iln iMxpo'rs were thor oughly and cln-elv rtfnlzl in Contiiy ClerkV tfKoeiiitiou-, Sherlffn as-ocla. tlons, srhonl teHcli"is' Hmi.rlHtlniiH, etc each orKHiilzHtiou wlib h. drllnitn pur pose In vinw of prising anch legisla tion hn would rnfir I herally blprd the taxpnyeiH for 111 personal profit of their members. The ninth resolution was adopted hoping to head off this association graft at the source. The meeting appeared further dls &ati(I"d with thu dollar matching schemes with the government. There was something unexplained, but in creasingly distasteful as more of the dollar matching propositions were brought to light. Why should the government reach out iuto local affairs for administration and control? Tho tenth resolution wan adopted placing tho meeting against the whole dollar matching business. Alva Stoner, President of the Web ster County dinners Union, called the meeting to order tit about. 1:!H) with a fm enf ul statement as to ihe history and oliji-el of the meeting and '.io pre sided very credibly W. K I'.iUoison of Cimpbell was elms ii m, tt.'n e'a' The ilv wa ideal, t ti eani',t room wu. lHiitO ofrfl 'wiiijf ami all yeMoiilbirf lle youiitv vvro hi!) l'P(r oiit-d. si' heh r ih niiHtlwg eiiii be eftlJ.-lV uflu tit u nf 'ihoinHjontjf, i.ritnaf iil !b" t rnyer of Wttlwtu'' Ourinty i5v 'tie a d .iU'de uue-iiou Tola wtli l.u to th readt r fit JudiJineUfc llifr Mm th'trt ea-i t no donbt but tiit iKi'ij'ei of WeO'ti'ii'inliil.vari' am ivaiii un 1 iv i1 Hug tin' it l-tb vtht pr.iniiei.', and iieichituue wntiovcr p .s h.blo The fuel that taxes havo homi.1 denly doubled and trebled has now, In tliosn times of deflation and diouth hii.lleieuily maUed iuto tho trix payors as to muko many ofjrJthem doubt ,lf for many of the added modern expens e of goveruiueiir. when they had the money to piy, or were too deeply in tereste.i in their own affairs to object. they now appear ready to step, or to sidestep, in in cheaper conditions of government and they inaulfeNtid little desire to inquire into the merrlta of any of the new departments. It ia argued by many eduuatois that our sohooln hive advanced, developed, lirogreospd with the times because of the demands of the tax payers them selves for this new and expansive ay's-. tarn of publlcdncatlon, and not be cause of the overhead Influence of the educational trust Here' Is one of the rrost algnifloent facta abont Thursday's meeting This meeting has gone on record as being otie well attended pub lie raeettug of taxpayers which haa protested much of tHe alleged 1m provement In cur public school system, far In advauce of any similar public tueotlui of Impnrtauce In this locality that he. idorsed the costly changes that lin teen c-ist iuto our school system in v,.ie overworked name of re. form. At the conclusion of the meeting Clms. Gilliam offered u comprehensive remedy for nil of our financial Ills In the shape of government debentures based on the products of thu soil Thesudebenturus would automatically ccpaud and contract, and lluuucu all public and private enterprise!. At the conclusion of his statement, Mr. Gil. limn ilivlt il qtietlons out fW M-emed to ( lmeru-.ted in Jii propohitioif Vv'li.l tiioti mri5"' dwl not nppoul to ttii miuiun,',1i'fl his proiMiattlmi t'n nviv-it, Mci liUhtm 101 ulc might i ,vt K-i i, .i i Btvdi)(i 1 ' w. , ("tin u o S t0i)', ' t 'sifui'ti'd to hjvj ,.fti,o iv.y V'H "o taiiyt. era vnit img at llu iugi Ucoiubii. UTvh and li th..rup.)ii nrtiiiod W, H, l4tur wm "f' Cinioll ajld (i S Stnmpeu , ... 1 1 . I'n in tut ' id. juii l widi th tiiiileist null g that to oiiiirmm shoul I again c ill fie ta I'iivers toget i'f if occasion Aiuiants. MICK1E SAYS OOWT SO GVtTVVJ PEENJeO Vr NA ViEVER NE VWvB vi "twia'pRiEMO op- nV pueue?H evyr stAW TEtuu' oor VXEPOKttR W UCM4S UMGM MUERC IS AMM V TVV SM9CM OWfe POUCS Grft MifMAOMCO MORe.l CrTHCRw tUKT fWM AUXt nEU U& AVU 1VV KitMJ '. . vsv vtf3s JtiXV Walter Mar hall of Oklahoma City, OUn., is spending tlie holidays hero with his mother, Mrs. Ida Marshall. Mr. and Mrs. Earl McKimmcy of Holdrege spent Cliristinas here wiUi hi3 parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Me-Krmmey. Fonrest Mountford, who is at tending a medical college at Omaha is spending the holidays here with his parents. Miles Wihnot returned home Thursday TenJni after spending (he past three weelcB in the vicinity f Grand Island working. nj4kti& atxHt&cC Half City, HJlf Desert, (.in i no (lulf of Alien is a spot of barren sand where a eltj- .springs up every winter ami clinost disappears In the suiiumM', Tli'i plaeo Is culled Her lieui. A i it'ei Is lu Id ihe.v eery winter Hind dur!'' tho In 'Jit f 1t.i.- rj oV n,d" 1 tits itnl "iK- Mr. and Mre. O. C. Teal went, to Lincoln Friday morning whore they " will spend a few days visiting it the home of their daughter, Mrs. Fred rick Wells md family. 1 i Cricket. The curliest mention of the game of ctlckct Is. in the writing of one John Derrick, who In 1503 wrote thnt "he and his fellowcs did runno and piny . at cricket." Hut In the Bodlclun library at Oxford there is an old pic ture of a monk howling a hall to tin other monk, who Is about .to strike It, and tho date of that la "00 years earlier. .' tt. ..l.lfin liutrit nnt hann fiarliinctl I wnv vHimniwigi' ml" MV""-'"iii,'yy'''i " . .f'l i - .. r.: !mpu' umti liJt&W'ot u,!..i;!unWIri5lr.e Misa l-'ay, Richardson arrived hero from Lfncoln'. Fridny ''evcnijig ,vto tmend theVholfdAys with her tnothor. in-; !t Iwemys t is "! 'i WU in ill -en ' t- r.nrre'o Buffalo wuol. ivf . col eel i d from t'i' Arr t dm' iIk i TllU peiif ll'o atirorn w is tli it i I'OI ' )W l'"1 hum i'n . 'Uii"t pronii' it". sprlil-, ".a! f tllttii '" ' ed 1i;iiv tiu unit la.'v Jl'l'pMlH T ' 1i'J ft'u'd It e o e ih' . -ul. . " ro t-l,0t . ."Mo Yfes, Garber'i ... j T- ZC T1 C.-Ti'-jfln' ! A ptoi'lnent flu " 'i of nn Ohl" town Is so sensitive about wearing a wig . that lie carofuMy powders his cdp-t. lapcl9wltkoAlt'to glvo tho 1m- L, To Buy Wall Taper, Paints, And Electrical Supplies. Thebest place for Picture m tW9 "'Hkttak -r .i 7-. ir: vniuuui T't '. f-.;v' . , -! :5 Tl'.'.; f . (Vtt . i . -i. i -j. 'ii -. 1.1 .I'nr wm . .itrtr) a i .-J wi ,m k.-u. mm - kj ". Lfc.-aiv ' t wh - j a . i niir nir t . r i i n .1 u .'inftfeW M "WTJWPfclfHil.. a . rrSffisiA ffPViSWW- "ifW IWKW"" W7